PAGE FOUR HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1930. BOARDMAN MRS. A. T. HEREIM, Correspondent. The class of 1930 having com pleted its four years, held com mencement exercises May 14 at the auditorium Mrs.. Martha M. Titus played the processional, Rev VV. O. Miller gave the invocation, Miss Nellie Dillon gave the salutatory. A piano solo by Miss Henry follow ed. Miss Linda Hango having the highest average over the four years was valedictorian, and also received the scholarship given by several of the smaller colleges of the state, the equivalent of $50 in tuition at the college she selects. A pleasing vocal solo by Mrs. Marschat was enjoyed. The commencement address was given by Dr. Daniel V. Poling of Oregon State college. It was of an utterly different type than that of last year, and was especially good with his quick wit and deep thoughts making a fine impression with his audience. Alvie Mefford the third member of the graduating class made the presentation of the class gift, a bust of George Wash ington. Charles Wicklander, a member of the board of education presented the diplomas to the three graduates, Nellie Dillon, Linda Han go and Alvie Mefford. A vocal duet by Ray Barlow and Buster Rands completed the program. George Blayden returned home Wednesday after an extended stay at New Plymouth, Idaho. He was also at Vale and Burns since leaving here some time ago. Mrs. W. D. Lynch and daughter Francis of Portland stopped over night at the J. R. Johnson home on Wednesday and on Sunday continu ed on their way to Pullman, Wash, Tuesday was the first wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wicklander and the event was cel ebrated by a fine dinner at the Wicklander home with the Meads, Rands and Dillaboughs present Messrs. and Mesdames Mead, Rands and Dillaboughs attended the wed ding of the Wicklanders at Arling ton a year ago. Mrs. A. A. Agee came home Wed nesday from La Grande where she has been caring for Mrs. Walter Knauff and baby daughter. Mrs. Agee was an overnight guest on Tuesday at the Chas. Nizer home Both the Nizers and the Knauffs were former Boardman residents, moving to La Grande a year ago, J. L. Jenkins and Ed Kunze were visitors at the Nizer home also, They are shearing in that vicinity Mrs. Brice, another former Board man resident, stayed with Mrs, Knauff for several days after Mrs, Agee's departure. Mrs. Brice, who now makes her home in Ridgefield, Wash., was in La Grande visiting her daughter, Lillian, who attends normal school there. Mrs. A. W. Porter spent a few days in Portland, going down on Wednesday. Jess Lower, who was so badly hurt two weeks ago, is making miraculous recovery after lying un conscious for a period of ten days and is expected home this week. Macombers spent the week end at Pilot Rock with relatives. Mary Chaffee accompanied them on the trip. . Mrs. Leslie Packard had her ton sils removed on Thursday at Her- miston by Dr. Christopherson. She got along very nicely. Bert Rose has purchased a new sport model roadster. Mrs. H. V. Tyler was pleased to have her brother, Harry Hays of Hood River, here for a short visit Robert Nethercott and family left Sunday for Pendleton and will later go to Bend and Klamath Falls. Mr. Nethercott has been barbering here the past winter. The teachers left for their various homes on Thursday. The Marschats went to Berkeley to attend summer school. Miss Henry went to La Grande to visit for a time and will later go to Athena to visit her mother. Miss Spike went to her home in Echo. She may teach this fall again or attend school, her plans being still indefinite. Miss Brown and Mrs. Titus are still here, as is Mr. King. Mrs. Titus will at tend school at La Grande and Miss Brown at Ellensburg during the summer. Paul. Stanley and Harold Hatch were Boardman visitors on Sunday and were guests -at the Hango home. Paul is still negotaiting with the city council for the lease of the local light plant and a contract has been drawn up, but no decision has yet been made. Some members of the council are in favor of the step but others feel that if the Umatilla Rapids dam should ever be con structed that Boardman consumers would be tied up with a contract for power at present prices while other communities would be able to purchase cheap power. A 20-year contract is under advisement and many changes are possible in 20 ears. Boardman will never become city but would no doubt exper ience some benefits of the boom which always follows a large piece of construction work. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Blayden, Guy Barlow and Mrs. J. F. Barlow mo tored to Heppner Saturday to take the ballots to the county seat, and on other business. Boardman is gaining quite a rep utation this season with her snappy ball team, having yet to meet her Waterloo. On Sunday the team played Echo at the neighboring town, with disastrous results to the Echo team, the score being 15 to 1. When Boardman was making a ser ious attempt to play ball several years ago and was having a difficult time to raise funds for an imported battery she did not fare so well nor have so good a time as tnis year with a pick-up team of players rang ing in age from eighth graders to staid project farmers of mature years. This idea of a small town paying from $15 to $25 each Sunday for outside players is like driving a Lincoln car on a Ford income. Next Sunday's game promises to be in teresting. It will be held at Lexington. Mrs. John Pruter is pleased to have her sister, Mrs. J. Uher of Jollet, 111., with her for a stay of several months. Mr. Pruter has been having trouble with rheuma tism for a time. The Pruters have worked up a fine little business sell ins fruit and garden truck with their truck, driving to Condon, Kin- zua, Bend and other places. They always raise a large quantity of melons, having nine acres in this year. Because of the continued cold weather they, along with other far mers, have had difficulty with cut worms and have jbeen forced to do some replanting. The primary election was a very quiet affair here with a great many voters failing to take advantage of their franchise. Joseph and Norblad were the gubernatorial tavorites with the former receiving 18 votes and the latter 16. Bailey, who prov ed so popular elsewhere had only three supporters here and Corbett only 22. Other candidates received a few scattering votes. For county judge Campbell walked away with 25 votes and Bleakman 10. The vote for assessor was tied with each getting 21 ballots. Ray Shane has been quite ill with heart trouble and has been confined to his bed for the past week. George Wicklander, leader of the Poultry club, had a club meeting Saturday at his home. Mrs. Wick lander is leader of the Bachelor's Sewing club and she too had a meet ing that day. The Camp Cooking club will meet again on Saturday. Mrs. Ray Shane is leader of it. Jack Gorham was elected dele gate to the grand lodge of the I. O. O. F. and left Sunday for Portland to attend the sessions. Mrs. Peter Farley is still at Hepp ner where she has been under the doctor's care for some time. Glen and Richard Berger have gone to Portland with their father and will stay with Mr. and Mrs. Ira iierger during the summer. Robert at Gateway. Robert Wilson is looking after the ranch. Mr. Bates has had a telephone installed. They have been without phone since moving to the Brice ranch. Mr and Mrs. Ray Olson were here Sunday from Spokane. Sunday af ternoon they with Mrs. O. B. Olson were taken to Pendleton by Mr. Hango to visit Earl Olson. Bill Harrington was called to Portland Monday as his mother, Mrs. Homer Cason was very low with heart trouble. The Casons were former residents of the pro ject, moving to Portland several years ago. At an open meeting or tne urange Saturday night a resolution was passed urging the continuance or the road work on the Boardman- Ione road as long as funds permit ted without moving the crusher to this end of the road as was discuss ed It is quite an expense to move large outfit and it was thought advisable to continue work from the other end. This will make a good market road to a distance of ap proximately eight or 10 miles from Boardman. The balance of the road s sandy but is usually in fair con dition. Friends of Catherine Berger will be interested to know that she is making a success of her work as a teacher, having been reelected to a better position in the same district in which she taught last year, bne s teaching near Molalla. Catherine is a graauate or tne local nign school. ALPINE Ruth Bennett, Dorothy Doherty and Dan Lindsay, accompanied by Art Schmidt, Alex Lindsay, Mrs. John Nirschl and Mrs. Dan Lind say and children, Bruce and Annie Ree, motored to Heppner Saturday evening to attend the music recital directed by Mrs. Milton Bower. Ruth, Dorothy and Mr. Lindsay took part in the program. Dorothy gave "Friday Afternoon at Our School," and Ruth gave "Edna Tel ephones." Mr. Lindsay sang several Scotch selections. A large number of relatives and friends attended the funeral of G, L. Lambirth held at Echo at 2 o' clock, Wednesday afternoon. Baccalaureate services for the Pine City and Alpine high school graduating classes were held at the j Pine City schoolhouse on Sunday evening, May 16, Rev. R. V. Hinkle of Pendleton being the speaker of the evening. The graduates are Lawrence Doherty and Celatha Lambirth of Alpine, and Peggy Thompson, Naomi Moore and Earl Wattenberger of Pine City. A large number of friends attended. Dan Green, who has been employ ed at the Dan Doherty sheep ranch for the past winter, returned to Pendleton the middle of last week. Mrs. Chas. Schmidt and son Al fred were the guests of G. L. Ben nett Friday. Frank Lambirth of Home, Ore., is making a short visit with Mrs. G. L. Lambirth and family. Mr. Lambirth came here about a week ago to attend tne lunerai or nis brother, George Lambirth. Commencement exercises will be held at Alpine high school at 8:30 o'clock, Friday evening, May 23. Guy L. Drill of Pendleton will ad dress the graduates. Mrs. Milton Bower and Miss Jeanette Turner of Heppner will entertanl with pi ano selections. Other numbers will follow. No school was held at Alpine school house Friday, May 16, as the buidling was used as a polling sta tion for the election. Election Judge was Dan Lindsay, clerks were Claud Finley, Neil Melville, R. B. Rice and Ed Ditty. Sheep belonging to John Curran went through Alpine Tuesday on their way to the mountains. Mike Curran was in charge of them. Miss Gertrude Tichenor of the Eastern Oregon Normal school of La Grande, Is returning to the home of her uncle, Neil Melville, the latter part of this week. The sheep of B. P. Doherty are well on their way to the mountains now, leaving here the early part of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lindsay and family motored to Pendleton, trans acting business ther. Those of the young folks of this community who attended the show, "Young Eagle," in Heppner Monday were Grover Sibley, Walter Wiggles- worth and Ruth Bennett Guests of Mrs. G. L. Lambirth and family Sunday were J. T. Lam birth of Pendleton, Mrs. Alvin Par- rlsh of Salem, Valma, Viola, Leone and Charles Hiatt of Echo. John Nirschl of Pendelton was visitor at the G. L. Bennett home Monday. Miss Mildred Schmidt of Butter creek was a guest at the G. L. Ben nett home Wednesday of last week. Miss Helen Bennett who Is em ployed at the J. C. Penney store in Heppner spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Ben nett. pieces, showing in brilliant colors, the "Home in the West," The Cover ed Wagon, The Discovery of Gold, The Western Mother, The Pony Ex press, The Indian Attack, and oth ers. During the entire drama, the story, historically accurate, will be broadcast through a system of loud speakers to every corner of the field. Other major features of the con vention are drum corps competi tion, inter-post relay, distinguished guests program, aerial circus, night and day parades, dances, stunts and thousand and one Impromptu en tertainments. Around the entire program will be thrown an atmosphere of the Gold Rush, those romantic days of 49. All of Baker, it is said, will enter into the spirit of the occasion making the convention outstanding in the annals of Legion history. BAKER WILL HOLD LEGION CONCLAVE Special Sale On La Patricia Toi let Preparations for last two weeks in May. Mail orders promptly filled. We prepay postage. Boone Beauty Shop, Pendleton, Ore. 10. Wanted 400 or 500 head of dry sheep to pasture for the summer. C. D. Robinson, Lone Rock, Ore. 10-12. Delicious and Nutritious E That describes perfectly our ice E H cream, for it is made from rich H Morrow county cream. Ice cream is really a healthful food, and ours is so delicious that you always come EE back for more. EE PRIDE OF OREGON ; ice cream can be had at the best j fountains, in drinks or plain or fan- E j cy dishes. Or if you prefer, get it EE in brick form for that dinner party or picnic. Boys of Four Western States to Compete for Diamond Honors At State Convention. Baker, Ore., May 21 On the first day of the 1930 department conven tion of the American Legion, which will be held in Baker August 14, 15 and 16, four baseball teams repre senting the cream of the boyhood of the states of Montana, Washington, Idaiho and Oregon will respond to the umpire's call of "play ball" and go out on a beautifully prepared diamond to battle for 'the coveted championship of the western semi finals. No other feature of the convention is attracting more atten tion than this regional tournament, the Baker convention commission states. In addition to the baseball tour nament many other spectacular fea tures will be presented during the three days, including a drama in Are, depicting the "Days of '49." Along with the bombs and rockets the visitor will see the huge set MEMORIAL DAY ISA KG A IX S fiet Set fur a Trouble free Trip and a Summer of Enjoyable Driving Tire up for the season at low prices! Latest 1930 Good years! World's greatest values because Goodyear en joys lowest costs by building MILLIONS MORE tires than any other company. Get Special Offer on "new Good years all around." New Style ftithfindct; Lifetime Guaranteed FULL OVEKSIZE BALLOONS 29x4.40$ 6.30 30x4.50 7.00 30x5.00 9.15 31x5.25 10.95 6 PLY HEAVY DUTY 29x4.50$ 9.35 30x4.50 9.50 30x5.25 12.85 31x5.25 13.25 Insured- 'Inside and Out Fire-loss protection is not safe unless it cov ers all your possessions. Residence Contents Fire Insurance specifically indemnifies against loss through fire-damage to Furni ture, Clothing, Jewelry, Books, Art Objects, etc. Be sure your limits are adequate for all recent additions. We will be glad to quote rates without obligation. F. W. Turner & Co. The Minute you fw Years to See. Mark it 'with an ELGIN Think back. A cuddly baby. Yours ' and hers. First birthday. School days. Confirmation. Graduation. Romance. Marriage. No the minute's here. Your son or your daughter steps to the rostrum. Or the altar. Your love goes along. And your gift. The gift that tolls of your love. That gift must be worthy of the love it bears. True. Fine. Lasting as the sentiment it-bears. An ELGIN. PETERSON'S mrTY Guaranteed 1 Morrow County Creamery Company Good old fashioned, lure and sound 6 with TWO PAY CHECKS alwayt every year on our lump sum plan of $100 or more. $1 Starts a 5 investment. Add or withdraw when and as you please. Start at either 5 or 6 by sending check, money order or draft. UNDER STATE SUPERVISION WESTERN SAVINGS and Loan Association Y. M. C. A. Bldg., 6th nd Yamhill PORTLAND Resources Over $1,6000,000 Bank Credit and Bank Balances The key to ready bank credit lies in the size of your average balance. Build up your bank bal ance with us and you al ways have a bulwark for emergencies ready bank credit for all business opportunities. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Heppner Bank 0regon 0 o o STMKIIRKG (LiWDIMRKGr T 1 mmtm 1 fiavmiAm 0 moisture auit fafaWOto HRJ STEEL GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERATING UNIT THE convincing under-watar tMt Is proving to millions th facts hundreds of thousands of users already know that General Electric Refrigerators arc trouble-proof and servlce-fre. A flawless mechanism, bathed in oil, Is sealed in steel. Dust, dirt, molstura and rust cannot harm It or halt it quiet, efficient, dependable operation. Completely submerged In water this refrigerator has operated day after day, week after week. Only a General Elactric could do this. Dramatically convincingly General Electric has shown that efficiency is scaled in, and trouble sealed out. That's why not a single Gmeral Electric owner has ever spent a cent or service. All the mecnanlsm Is contained within the steel walls of the On Top Unit. Dependability is unfailing operation positive. Year after year it serves you with quiet, faithful efficiency. The General Electric RefH erator gives you everything that electric refrigeration offers plus value that far overshadow cost. Built of all steel and porcelain lined, far greater food storage capacity Is provided. It Is movable can be installed anywhere. General Electric serves faithfully the year round work Is saved expenses reduced. There's a model to fit your particular need. Prices are reasonable terms liberal. Ask us to prove it advan tages to your complete satisfaction. GENERAL ELECTRIC ALL-STEEL REFRIGERATOR Jmln us in Iht Central Electric Hour broadcast tetry Saturday tuning Km a nation-widt N. B. C. nttimrh,. , MODELS AND UP (Dclivmd) May bt purchased $1 A down LOW for only I J monthly pnymefi Pacific Power & light Company Vaughn & Goodman "Always at Your Service9 HEPPNER GARAGE HEPPNER, OREGON