Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 08, 1930, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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MRS. A. T. HEREIM. Correspondent
A splendid exhibit of school work
in the various grades was given Fri
day, May 2, Child Health day and
Oregon day. All the patrons were
asked to attend and great interest
was shown. The following program
was given: shadowgraph by several
parents; pageant of Oregon in 1834,
7th and 8th grades; song, "Whoop
ing Cough Germs," 1st, 2nd, 3rd and
4th grades; song, "Father, Won't
You Buy a Cow," primary; flag drill,
7th and 8th; reading, "The Circuit
Rider," Norma Gibbons; reading,
"The Oregon Trail," Carl Wickland
er; song, "Too Many Green Apples,"
Helen Mead and Mary Smith; song,
7th and 8th grades. After the pro
gram lunch was served in the cafe
teria. In the afternoon a talk on
health was given by Mrs. Mead to
the primary room, Mrs. King to the
5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades and
Mrs. Miller to the 3rd and 4th
Truman Messenger and family of
Pilot Rock were guests Sunday of
relatives here.
Miss Mildred Messenger left Sun
day for Portland to be with her sis
ter, Mrs. Edwin Sharpe and baby.
Mr. Sharpe recently had an oper
ation for appendicitis.
A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Nickerson Jr. at American
Falls, Idaho, April 19, Mrs. Chas.
Nickerson of Boardman is with her
son and daughter-in-law.
Carl Wicklander has been having
a felon on his hand that is very
Royal Rands and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Lowell Spagle were guests
Sunday at the Hadley home at a
fine dinner. All attended the ball
game in the afternoon.
The married men versus the sin
gle men was the game that provid
ed amusement for Boardmanites
Sunday and needless to say the
married men were victors 6 to 4.
Playing for the benedicts were Gil
lespie, R. Rands, C. Berger, Owens
of the Western Union, Kennedy,
Macomber, Spagle, T. Messenger
and Russell. The young men who
were as yet unsnared by matrimon
ial ties, were Alec Ayers, Eldon Wil
son, Ray Barlow, Buster Rands,
Dallas Wilson, E. Mingus, C. Wick
lander, John Chaffee, Marvin Ran
sier and Harold Dobyns, govern
ment trapper.
Mrs. Lowell Spagle and baby were
guests Thursday at the Porter home.
Harold Dobyns, sasistant to Stan
ley Jewett, has had great success in
killing coyotes this spring, accord
ing to the East Oregonian. He and
Jim Carsner killed 163 coyotes and
pups during April from Butter
creek to Willow creek.
Pete Slevin was in Heppner last
week. He is storing his wool there.
Robert Berger drove to Gateway
Saturday to visit over Sunday.
Tom Alexander was a guest at
the Ves Attebury home, stopping on
his way to Idaho from his Kelso
home. Mr. Alexander was an old
friend of the Atteburys from Mon
tana. Eldon Wilson and Buster Rands
were Pendleton visitors Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor and.
family of Freewater and Milton
Shane and wife were guests Sunday
at the Raymond Shane home.
Shearing is about completed on
the project Johnny McNamee's
sheep were sheared Sunday.
Saturday, May 3, the Ves Atte
burys had ripe strawberries. Can
anyone beat this record?
Geo. Ransler and family were
here Sunday from Echo visiting at
the home of his brother, Dan.
Glen Machan was pleased to have
his brother and family here from
Enterprise for a short visit
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Price were vis
itors at the home of their son, W.
A., on Friday and Saturday.
Jake Embysk and family of Pen
dleton were visitors Sunday at the
G. A. Harju home.
Mrs. Glen Hadley received a ship
ment of 500 baby chicks last week,
They are very thrifty.
Ward Graves had a bit of hard
luck last week when he lost a young
heifer that had just freshened, from
alfalfa bloat, and three ewes that
became chilled after shearing.
Mrs. Brice has been a guest at
the Bates, Myers and Geo. Wick'
lander homes. She left on Tuesday
for La Grande to visit her daughter,
Miss Lillian, who is attending nor
mal school. She will remain there
for Mother's day.
A baby gril came recently to the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Knauff at La Grande. Mrs. A. A.
Agee is caring for her.
Mrs. Wm. Wilbanks and daugh
ter Adaline are expected home this
week from Portland where Adaline
has been having treatments, drain
ing the pus pockets that formed in
her face.
Frank Cramer has gone with his
son Earl to shear.
Willard Nickerson left for Sunny-
side, Wn, where he will be employ
Mrs. Lee Mead and daughter Hel
en spent the week end in The Dalles
visiting relatives.
A letter from Jack Hale who re
cently traded his property here foj
a ranch near Blaine, Ore., express
es his pleasure over his new home
Mrs. Hale had all of her teeth ex
The Portland despatcher called
Lee Mead Sunday morning, telling
of a man badly injured at the West
end yard limit of MesBner who had
been struck by a train. He was
thought to be Jess Lower and in
vestlgation proved it to be. He had
gone to The Dalles Saturday after
noon with Mr. Houston and was
returning on one of the night trains
and either fell or Jumped off. Train
No. 23 picked him up and he was
taken to Portland to a hospital
where he was unconscious at last
' Mrs. Guy Barlow and Mrs. Claude
Coats motored to Heppner Monday.
Tom Miller and family of Six
Prong, Wash., were visitors on the
Droiect Sunday.
Commencement exercises will be
held Wednesday evening, May 14,
.. Vii:'-;
4 ,
Chester Scott and his symphonic
band know how to give a real joy
day program. Each member of the
company plays several Instruments
and plays them well. Their equal
as entertaining musicians is sel
dom seen. The Chester Scott com
pany has been together for several
years, so that their ensemble num
bers have an unusual finish sel
dom found in similar musical
Chester R. Scott who heads the
company is recognized as one of
the greatest cornetists in the
United States, and -is Becond only
to Hubert Clark. His solo work
aL triple tonguing calls' forth en
thusiastic applause and admiration.
Mr. Scott is one of the most ex
perienced entertaining musicians
on the Chautauqua platform. He
studies his audience and gives to
them the type of music they like.
His company has a large repertoire
of music and adapt their program
to every type of audience.
Their program consists of a
great variety of solos, duets and
ensemble numbers, using both
brass and stringed instruments.
Many novelty selections are Intro
duced making their concert one of
the most pleasing of the week.
"Teach a b- to bl v a horn and
he is not apt to blow a safe," Is a
statement made by Otto Kahn,
noted patron and sponsor of music
in America. Chautauqua programs
of the Chester Scott type are an
inducement to boys to devote their
spare time to the mastering of a
musical instrument. The Chester
Scott Company are delightful peo
ple, wholesome and interesting.
One should expect a real feast of
understandable music in their pro
1930, in the Boardman auditorium
at 8 p. m. The speaker will be
Dr. D. V. Poling of Oregon State
college. Graduates are Nellie Dil
lon, Linda Hango and Alvie Mef-ford.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Aldrich of
Arlington visited Sunday at the J.
T. Healey home.
Orla L. Brown has been elected
teacher for the upper grades for
next year. He is a brother of Supt
Brown of lone and comes well rec
ommended. He is a violinist and
may organize a school orchestra
if time permtis. He has had two
years' teaching experience. He will
be graduated from Southern Ore
gon Normal school at Ashland.
Plans are being made to depart
mentalize the work in the four up
per grades with Mrs. Titus and Mr.
Brown in charge.
Baccalaureate services will be
held Sunday evening, May 11, with
Rev. W. O. Miller delivering the
sermon. A Mother's day program
will be given in the morning. Plan
to attend both services.
The silver tea was held Wednes
day at the home of Mrs. L. V. Root
who kindly opened her home for
the occasion. Mesdames Chaffee,
Barlow, Blayden, Mefford, Ransier
and W. Graves were the hostesses.
Delicious refreshments were served
and a social hour enjoyed. The
identity of the capsules will be dis
closed at the June meeting.
A musicale will be given Friday
night at the church, followed by a
box supper. There hasn't been a
box supper given here for a long
time and a good time is anticipated.
Ladies are asked to bring a box
and gentlemen their pocket books.
Everyone is invited.
Mr. and Mrs. McNamer ot iiepp-
ner were visitors on the project
Mr and Mrs. Irl Clary and chil
dren, accompanied by Rosella Doh
erty and Bernard Doherty and Mar
garet McDaid, motored to n,cno on
Fridav to see the exhibit shown by
the Echo school.
Oenree Lambirth and daughter
Celatha were transacting business
in Hermiston Thursday of last.
Mr and Mrs. Claude Finley were
visitors In Pendleton Friday.
Bernard Doherty, Mrs. f. J. ur-
ran, Mrs. B. P. Doherty, Bill Mc
Daid, W. T. Doherty, Mr. and Mrs.
Tv,r,' rallahan. P. J. Doherty and
Dan C. Doherty motored to La
Grande Wednesday to attend me
funeral of John Smart.
Tho ohonrlne crew lett tne Kil
kenny ranch in Sand Hollow Wed
nesday, where they sheared sheep
for G. L. Bennett.
Trt Clarv was transacting busi
ness in SUnflcld Friday.
n t . Ronnett who motored to
Arlington last week returned to Al
pine again Sunday.
Miss Catherine McDaid who has
been visiting with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Edward McUam, reiurneu
to Pendleton Thursday.
Lawrence and Katherine Doherty
motored to Pendleton Friday, re
turning Friday evening.
Karl Beach of Lexington was vis
iting folks in this community Fri
day. Willard Hawley visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Llnd-
aaxr nn ThlirsdaV.
Miss Margaret Melville who has
been working in fenaieion ior uie
past winter is visiting with her par
ents, Mr and Mrs. Nell Melville in
Quite a crowd attended the Farm
Bureau meeting held Saturday at
Alpine. A very entertaining pro
gram was given by four different
schools, Social Ridge, Strawberry,
Lone Tree and Alpine, followed by
Interesting talks given by Miss Ed
ith Stallard, county health nurse,
who spoke on "The Public Health
Nurse and the School." She stated
that the feeling of fear that chll-
on Tuesday and Wednesday of last
week. Thev were on their wnv in
visit Mrs. Doherty's brother, Charles
Mcuevitt or uurdane and her sis
ter, Mrs. James Daly of Lena.
Rudolph Klineer and Julian
Rauch of South Springs left for
the Willamette valley Monday
morning. Thev intend viaitino-
friends in The Dalles on their way
to the home of Mr. Klinger's mo
ther, who lives in Gresham.
The dance In Echo last Sarnrrinv
night was attended by a number of
Alpine young people. Those attend
ing were Art Schmidt Grover Sih-
ley, Ruth Bennett, Mildred Schmidt,
reggy Thomson, Walter Wiggles
worth and Alfred Schmidt
Doris Klinger, Edna Rauch and
Bill McDaid of this communitv are
all ill at their homes. These young
people, with hich hones nf
ing the measles, finally gave in and
admitted defeat. The disease has
been prevalent in Alpine for several
months but must soon subside as
nearly all who have not had them
previously, have already taken
them. We shall be clad when thev
have packed their bags and depart
Mrs. Anna Heiny, teacher of So
cial Ridge, was present at the Al
pine meeting May 3. Mrs. Heiny's
pupils took part in the program.
They gave three harmonica selec
tions wnicn were thoroughly enjoy
ed by everyone present.
Mrs. Leola Beavert was a Pendle
ton visitor Friday.
Miss Edith Kennison returned to
her home in Kennewick after sev
eral days here visiting friends.
Jack White made a business trip
to Portland Wednesday and a trip
to Milton Thursday returning with
a load of berry crates.
Fred Markham left for Lewiston,
Idaho, Saturday where he will be
busy shearing sheep for some time.
Jess Oliver went to Emery, Idaho,
to shear sheep the rest of the sea
The May Pole festival given Fri
day was a huge success In spite of
the inclement weather. Miss Jose
phine Frederickson was queen, win
ning in the voting contest by a large
majority. Her attendants were Flor
ence Brace and Nellie Leicht, with
Frankie Leicht as crown bearer.
Her subjects, consisting of 12 girls
and 12 boys, put on some wonderful
drills, the 12 girls winding the May
pole, an interesting feature of the
The rythmn band of the first to
third grades, 19 in all, did their
part by singing and playing accom
paniment to three pieces of music.
Good music was furnished by the
other band. The good health prod
ucts parade where the entire school
competed for prizes was a new and
interesting feature of the day. The
first prize was won by Donald
Houghton; second; Arthur Collins
and Clyde Barker, third. Frank
Leicht received honorable mention
as fourth place. A 12 o'clock lun
cheon was served by the high school
girls, assisted by the teachers.
Mrs. Wilson and daughter Bessie
were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Alquist Sunday.
Floyd Oliver and Kenneth Alquist
visited Donald Isom all day Sunday.
Earl Isom, Verdie Leach, Flor-
dren held for the health nurse in
earlier times is rapidly diminishing
since the nurses have taken up the
work in the school universally.
Mrs. Lucy Rodgers spoke on the
milestones of public health service
since and during the nineteenth
century. It was interesting to note
the rapid advancement in this line
during the last few years. Mr.
Smith, county agent, spoke to the
farmers and sheepmen .on wheat
and wool. Mrs. G. L. Bennett read
a paper on children's diet. A lunch
was served in the basement follow
ing the program and a social hour
was enjoyed. The senior class sold
chances on a cedar chest full of
home made candy. Irl Clary with
number 14, perilously close to the
unlucky 13, won the chest. Bags
and boxes of candy were also sold.
The bags sold at ten cents and the
boxes were auctioned off by Mr.
Bennett. The sum of $17.70 was
realized from the candy sale.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Doherty
and daughters Mary Edna and Car
ol were visiting friends in Alpine
Wise old Mother Nature made milk
for children. Into it she put every
thing needed for sustenance, and in
the most easily assimilated form.
So, Drink More Milk. Let the
children have plenty. It is the
cheapest food you can buy.
Alfalfa Lawn Dairy
Phone 30F3
For County Assessor
To the Republican Voters of
Morrow County:
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of County Assessor at the com
ing primaries. If nominated and elected I
promise to serve the people of Morrow
County to the best of my ability.
(Paid Adv.)
Mill' -"
National Coin mil iceman
For the first time in the history of the West a Western
man Ralph E. Williams of Oregon is Vice Chairman of
the Republican National Committee. During the past six
months he has served as anting Chairman of the National
Committee. He has given 22 years of unselfish service to
Oregon, its citizens and its worthy enterprises. His service
has been without salary or financial remuneration of any
kind. To re-elect him means that Oregon keeps its im
portant place in affairs of the Republican National Com
mittee and that citizens of the state will continue to have the
benefit of Mr. Williams' influence in Washington, D. C.
Vote 13X Williams, Ralph E.
Told Adv. Citizens Commlttr-p, Mary A. Tlorry Secretary
Porter lildg., 1'ortland, Ore.
ence Brace, Mae McCoy, Dorothy
Isom and George Kendler of Uma
tilla all spent Sunday in Pendle
ton. Mrs. John Graybeil who has been
quite 111 is able to be around again.
Mr. and Mrs. Kendler of Umatilla
visited In the Isom home Monday.
The first two crates of strawber
ries to be shipped out this season
were sent by Vern Jones Sunday
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Heppner, Oregon