HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1930. PAGE THREE Whcn's the Time to Marry? I once did my very best to prevent a marriage. It was immediately after the war. The young man came out of the army without a job. He owed me some money, which was incidental. I would gladly have loaned him more to get a start In business, but when he asked for a loan to finance his marriage, I refused. "You're crazy to get married now," I said. "There are enough difficulties in keeping a marriage happy without adding worries about money. You have not yet demon strated that you can make a success of one life, yet you propose blithely to undertake the responsibility of two. Wait awhile till you. have more judgment and some savings. Then you can start right." Thus I spoke out of my aged wis dom; and he looked at me pityingly, and borrowed the money elsewhere, and was married at once. Recently I visited his home. He has three children. He owns his house. He has a responsible posi tion and money in the bank. All in all, it is as happy a family as one would want to know. I have also visited in the home of a successful man of fifty. He did not rush into matrimony. 'Far from it. He accumulated money, and, carefully on his guar!, he looked over the whola feminine sex for years. Thus insured with wealth and wisdom, he p:occc'Jcd r.t the age of forty-seven to pick him"olf a foolish and empty headed li til . girl. Al ready the marriage shows signs of strain; it surely cannot last. Earnest articles are written about the necessity for making marriage difficult. Youn people should be compelled to wait, they say, until they have funds and experience. It seems a sound argument, and yet such restrictions would have prevented the marriage of Thomas Lincoln and the birth of Abraham. They would have kept penniless Hawthorne from contracting one of the finest marriages of literary his tory. They would probably have postponed, if not prevented, most of the happiest unions that have taken place since the beginning of the world. So having been a watcher of wed dings for many years, I find myself less impressed with the judgment of maturity and more confident of the impulses of youth. For what is mature judgment, anyway, but the total of our disap pointments and worries, our buried fingers and our fears? Maturity has judgment which is the wisdom of age, but youth has instinct which is the wisdom of the ages. MISIpC FRANK PARKER S STOCKBRIPCB energy through a period many ycara longer than the average. Co far this is experimental, but the experiments have been success ful, end the time may be close at hand when old age and helplessness will no longer be synonymous. RUST TUNNEL The committee appointed by the British Government to investigate the feasibility of a tunnel under the English channel connecting Eng land with France, has reported in favor of the project. It seems to Americans such and simple and de sirable engineering job that we won der why it has not been done long ago, but there are plenty of "die hards" In England who fear that such a tunnel would make it easier for an enemy to invade the British Isles. They are deaf to the obvious answers that all that would be nec essary to stop a French army would be to let the water into the tunnel. The British Channel, from Dover to Calais Is about twenty miles across, measured directly north and south. The shallow waters of the channel are easily stirred up by winds and the crossing is one of the roughest in the world. Under the water is a bed of solid chalk, miles deep, through which a tunnel could easily be bored for electric trains. It would cost about $j.,,000, 000 the committee estimates, and take eight years. The French Gov ernment is friendly to the project. When done, England would no long er be in a position where an ene my's ships could cut off her food supply, unless that enemy happened to be France. It seems more likely now than ever before that the channel tunnel will be built in the next few years. POLICE One of the reasons why criminals are caught more speedily in Eng land than in America is that Eng land has a single poliee force for the entire country and in the United States we have as many different police departments as we have towns, each operating under a dif ferent system and with no coordin ation between them except in rare Instances. The commonwealth of Pennsyl vania has made a start toward re medying this. A network of tele phone wires cormcctlng every im portant town in the state with all the rest, and with four main cen ters of operation, operates a typewriter-telegraph system in every police headquarters. The moment a crime is discovered anywhere, all the facts and possible clues to the criminal are printed in the office of every chief of police and the whole criminal-catching machinery of the commonwealth is set in motion. We shall never get our criminal clement under control until such a tie-up Is In effect In every state and throughout the nation. Then we may have a chance of equalling England's record for the suppres sion of crime. AGE "A woman Is as old as she looks and a man is as old as ho feels," runs an ancient proverb. Many men of eighty or more are capable of doing as much work and with as much enthusiasm as most men of fortv: many more men are old and past their usefulness at sixty, The difference, recent sclnntlllc re search has discovered, lies In the secretions of certain glands of the bodv. When these diminish old age supervenes. Dr. Harry Benjamin of New York, working in association with Dr. Caslmir Funk, discoverer of vitamins, and Dr. Benjamin Har- row of the College of the City of Now York, has found a way of In troducing the hormones, or essen tial secretions of these glands, Into elderly men, with surprising re sults. The effect Is not to prolong life, In all probability, but to en able a man to retain his youthful One of the greatest enemies 'of progress b rust. For years the iron and steel industries have spent hun dreds of thousands a year in re search into means of preventing the rust that destroys bridges, factor ies, machinery, everything made of iron. Protecting metals against rust is an expensive part of all kinds of construction and manufacturing processes. So called "stainless" steel is pro viding one answer. Instead of pro tecting the surface, certain other metals are alloyed with the steel and the metal becomes rustless, ca pable of taking end keeping a bril liant polish. Cheaper than nickel plate, more durable than chromium plate, one automobile manufacturer is already turning out cars whose bright parts arc of stainless steel, and now other makers are consid ering entire bodies and chassis of the same mcttl. If this works out our roads may become as glittering as they were whni everybody rode nickel-plated bicycles. ' S or the gruel, made by boiling rice very soft In plenty of water. This soup may be varied by having a larger proportion of onion and allowing finely minced onion to remain in the soup. Cooked accrding to the first direction, it makes a delicate soup for invalids. Spanish Rice Prepare boiled rice being careful to hae kernels dry and mealy. Have ready a sauce composed of stewed, canned or fiesn tomatoes, chopped onions, and any other savory vegetable fancy. The basis of the sauce being stewed tomatoes, it is quite possible to vary this popular dish by changing the vegetables added to give flavor. For example, another addition that com bines desirably is vegetable oyster, or okra. Pearson Funeral Rites Observed Echo Church Funeral services for William H. Pearson of Echo, 75, who died at his home April 29, were held last Thursday at the Methodist church in Echo. Burial was in the family plot at Pleasant Point cemetery be tween Pine City and Lena. William Pearson was born in Iowa, March 31, 1855. His parents lived for many years on Butter creek and in 1884 Pearson was mar ried to Matilda Hiatt. He resided In Pendleton for some time but since 1906 he has lived at Echo. For sev eral years he has been employed as sexton of Echo cemetery. He is sur vived by his widow who lives at Heppner, two sons, Verne Pearson of Echo and James E. Pearson of Portland; a daughter, Mrs. Minnie Craig of Spokane, and one brother, George Pearson of Echo. MOTHER'S BANQUET ON AIR. The Mother's Day banquet pro gram at Oregon State college Sat urday evening, May 10, will be broadcast from KOAC beginning at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Bertha K. Landis, former mayor of Seattle, will be the principal speaker. Thirty-six hundred invitations have been sent out .to mothers and students. TRACK MEET SLATED. A running account of the annual Oregon State interscholastic track meet on Bell field Saturday, May 10, will go on the air from KOAC, be ginning at 1:30 o'clock. Thirty-1 eight high schools have entered the meet, equalling the final number of last year. Child Health Observed By Schools at Hardman Parnts, teachers and children joined in the observance of Child Health day at the Hardman school Friday by staging of an extensive program. The primary grades gave a health play, "Care of the Teeth." Neva Bleakman and Richard Robinson sang "Aunt Malissies' Beau.' The play, "House of Complaints," was written and staged by Hardman high school students. Beulah Batty teacher of the Rood canyon school, which joined with Hardman in ob serving the day, sang "The Little Red Schoolhouse." The Hardman fifth grade entertained with a play, "Health and the Home." Buddy Batty gave a recitation, "Eating for Health." A recitation, "The Milky Way," was given by Lester Ashbaugh. A class of Hard man grade school girls sang "The Little White Daisy." Arleta Ash baugh of Rood canyon school gave a recitation, "Proper Posture." The grade school staged a play, "Trouble in the Bath Room." Rood canyon pupils entertained with "The Merry Month of May." Charles Johnson sang "The Train Song." Ilene Inskeep, Norman Bleakman and Delvin McDaniel were heard in recitations. Richard Robins and Neva Bleakman of Rood canyon sang "Happy Days." Women of the Hardman commun ity entertained with the play, "The Tired Lady." The Hardman grade pupils staged "The Last Mqnth of School." Mrs. Stevens gave a read ing. Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, county school superintendent, gave a talk, "The Meaning of May Day." CO-ED POSITIONS DISCUSSED. Extension service wrok as a field for home economics trained women will be the subject of a talk over KOAC by Claribel Nye, state leader of the home economics department of the extension service Friday, May 9, at 3 o'clock. She will point out necessary qualifications and train ing, and probable compensation. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eubanks and son, were Friday visitors in Hepp ner from lone. ? I Political Announcements BASEBALL GAME BOOKED. The conference varsity baseball game between Washington State and Oregon State Friday afternoon, May 9, will be broadcast from KOAC, beginning at 3:30 o'clock. FOR COUNTY JUDGE. To the Republican Voters of Mor row County: I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of County Judge of Morrow County, subject to your JV Nzncv Hart Fruit Oauco Whip a cup cf cream solid and fold into it half n cup of fresh or preserved fruit rubbed through a sieve and sweetened to taste. Jam, marmalade, or jelly may be used instead of the fruit, and the stiffly beaten whites of three eggs may be used instead of the cream. Golden Sauce Rub to a cream half a cup of but ter and brown sugar, heat in a dou ble boiler, and add gradually the beaten yolk of one or 'two eggs. Cook slowly until thick, stirring con stantly, and season to taste with wine or lemon. Add a little spice if desired. Lemon Sauce Cream one-third cup of butter with one cup of sugar and a table spoon of flour. Add one and one half cups of boiling water, simmer until smooth, and add a lemon which has been chopped without peeling, removing the seeds. Foaming Sauco Cream half a cup of butter with a cup of ougar and add a teaspoon of cinnamon. Add one egg well beaten and, very graduully, one cup of boiling milk. Serve immediately. Pioneers' Play Lexington High School Friday, May 9 Benefit Annual Lexington Pioneers' Reunion in Fall SAVE THE DATE fcaa Hard Sauoe Soften a cup of butter with two tablespoons of boiling water and add gradually two cups of brown sugar. Add grated nutmeg to flav or, beat until light and creamy, and serve cold. Rico Rice has a large amount of Btarch In Its make-up. If you uso the coat ed sort, it has also valuable vita mine properties. It Is lacking In fat and in proteins. So rice should al ways bo served with food containing protein nad fat. It Is a good ac companiment of meat or eggs. Rice pudding Is a well-rounded dish. Boil ed rice served with butler and sug ar is good as a hearty dessert for children, and with plenty of milk to drink and boiuj fruit would make an excellent meal. Here are somo ways of cooking rice so that It tempts the appetite and satisfies It: Rico Soup -Prepare a whito sauce and while it Is ooklng let a slice of onion simmer in with the milk. Strain the sauce and combine with equal parts of nicely cooked rico JUST A FEW EXAMPLES Of what the Oregon Press thinks of Harry L. Corbett Republican Candidate for Covernor "Should Oregon entrust its gov ernorship to him (Corbett) it will be in mighty good hands." Sheridan Sun. fit- "H e (Corbett) says that the state will be ad vanced more by hard work than oratory."-- Crass Valley Journal. "The fact that Harry L Corbett was the only senator in the 1927 legislature who refused to accept the extra pay which the legislators voted themselves should not work to his disadvantage in his campaign to procure the repub lican gubernatorial nomination." Ashland Tidings. "Searching through all of the utterances made by candi dates we find in the Corbett platform a gem to consider." Klamath Falls Herald. "With Mr. Corbett Covernor there should be no pyramid ing of bond issues, but there would be ways and means devised for legitimate, safe development." Malheur Enterprise. "The sanest platform that has been issued by any candi date in this generation is the one put forward by Harry L. Corbett, republican candidate for Covernor. If there is any 'bushwah' in it we have not been able to locate it and that is a most unusual thing for a candidate." Corvallis Gazette Times. Vote for Harry L. Corbett Pnld Adv., Corbett for Oovornor Com., Flnyd J. Cook, Field Mgr. 608 Corbott lllilg., Portland, lire. will as expressed at the primaries on May 16, 1930. C. W. McNAMER, (Paid Adv.) Heppner, Ore. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. To the Democratic Voters of Mor row county: I will be a candidate for County Commissioner at the May Primary Nominating Election, May 16, 1930, subject to your will. (Paid Adv.) SAM J. TURNER. FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Justice of the Peace for the 6th district of Morrow County, subject to the will of the democratic voters of said district as expressed at the May primaries. (Paid Adv.) E. R. HUSTON. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. To the Republican Voters of Mor row County: I hereby announce yself as a can didate for the office of county com missioner at the May primaries; if nominated and elected, I promise to serve the people of Morrow county to the very best of my ability. (Paid Adv.) JOE DEVINE. FOR COUNTY JUDGE. At the coming May primary elec tion I will be a candidate for the office of County Judge of Morrow county on the Democratic ticket. If nominated and elected, I will, to the best of my ability, endeavor to carry out the program of the past five years. (Paid Adv.) R. L. BENGE. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. At the next Primary election I will be a candidate for the office of County Commissioner on the Re publican ticket If nominated and elected I will carry out the duties of such office to the best of my ability. (Paid Adv.) CREED OWEN. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Commission er for Morrow county, subject to the will of the Republican voters, ex pressed at the May primaries. (Paid Adv.) GEO. N. PECK. FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Assessor of Morrow County, subject to the will of the Democratic voters at the May primaries. (Paid Adv.) JESSE J. "WELLS. FOR COUNTY JUDGE. To the Voters of Morrow County: I hereby announce myself as a candidate at the coming primaries for the office of County Judge of Morrow County on the Republican ticket If nominated and elected, I pledge the same faithful and sincere service that has characterized my long term with the County Court as commissioner. G. A. BLEAKMAN. (Paid Ad.) FOR COUNTY TREASURER. This is to announce that I will b a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the will of the voters of Morrow County, at the Primary elections, May 16th. 1930. I wish to thank my friends, both republican and democratic, for their generous support In the past and hope I have proved worthy of their confidence. LEON W. BRIGGS, (Paid Adv.) present Incumbent FOR COUNTY JUDGE. To the voters of Morrow County, I wish to announce that I will De a candidate for the nomination of County Judge on the Democratio ticket at the next primary election, and if nominated and elected, I will perform the duties of such office to the best of my ability. (Paid Adv.) G. L. BENNETT. FOR COUNTY JUDGE. At the next primary election I will be a candidate for the office of County Judge for Morrow Coun ty on the Republican ticket, and if nominated and elected I will carry out the duties of such office to the best of my ability. (Adv.) WM. T. CAMPBELL. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself for the office of County Commissioner of Morrow County, subject to the will of the voters of the Republican party at the May Primaries. GEORGE W. DYKSTRA, (Paid Adv.) Heppner, Ore. Saturday and Monday Specials Matches 1 35c Soap 2 5S85c Powdered Sugar 5 lbs. 45c TEA TreeTea,anM.J.B.Product PINEAPPLE NTins 2 1 ll).blk.75C l lbgr.69C Broken Slices 2 for 45C BY WOMEN OF THE WEST To the Western mother and housewife, we feel we owe a debt of gratitude. It is due to her inspiration that we have built food stores where every ser vice is complete. They have prompted our methods of distribution in order that they might enjoy higher quality of fresh, appetizing foods at a more economical price. We pay sincere homage to these women, whose high standards of living and loyal patronage have made possible the progress of MacMarr Stores ! HAMS Armours Fancy Star brand, light wt. PerIb.32C FLOUR A MurMarr Product Hard Wheat. 49-Lb. Sack .... $1.74 SALAD OIL In bulk. Bring your container. TER QUART 40c FER GALLON $1.39 MACARONI IN BULK FRESH STOCK 6 Lbs 45c S0APLlG10b-38cFigBarsS21bs.33c BIG SOAP SALE EXTRA LARGE BARS of Fer fumed TOILET SOAP. Only" 720 bars to go at this price, and they are going fast Better hur ry and get yours. 121158c Marshmallows Whit and Fluffy, In bulk at 25c Lb. LARD PURE, FRESH STOCK 8-lb. Pail $1.33 BROOM SALE STILL GOING $1.25 Value 98c $1.00 Value 79c GRAPEFRUIT I COFFEE Radishes Medium Size 0ur Rest Mac Marr T3lcnd Green Onions 4 for 39C 3 DS. . $110 3Bu.lOC MPI1T CTHIIC FREE, with Each Coffee Purchase, a &y NfcW OrUUO MacMarr Measuring Spoon flCWl CSS Medium Size $3 Tender & Sweet 3 lbs. 25C IP" 3 lbs. 25C . -MM,-,-,, mg.Jj.- -......:wJt., .t,,.. ;,-;,, l mi 11 - iiiWimum a mLmii-i ,.7aK-wiiiiiiifT. i iXiuttrimmmm .. Phone 1082 STONE'S DIVISION Hotel Heppner Bldg.