Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 08, 1930, Image 1

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Volume 47, Number 8.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Under New System User
Will Pay Only For
Amount Used.
Council Authorizes Lions Club to
Proceed With Street Signing,
House Numbering Project
That all residents of the city may
have equal privileges of using the
water from Heppner's new artesian
well, and that none may longer be
handicapped by .qualms of con
science that prevented them from
detaching nozzles and letting the
water run from the open-mouthed
hose through the hours of darkness,
was assured by action of the city
council Monday night when that
body voted to meter the city water
service. The motion was put
through by unanimous ballot of the
full council without much discus
sion, it appearing all minds were
made up that this was the course to
H. T. Judson, representing a com
pany specializing in water meters,
demonstrated his company's prod
uct, and in a short sales talk reiter
ated arguments favoring installa
tion of the meter system, that many
times before had been talked at
council meetings. The arguments
summed up in a nutshell are that
the water user pays for exactly
what he uses, and Is given the priv
ilege of using all he pleases.
Estimated Cost $12.
Just how soon the meters may
be expected, or what the new rates
will be, was not made known. An
estimate of the cost of the meters
was given at approximately $12 each
installed. With 356 services In
Heppner at the present time, the
total estimated cost of installation
would be $4,272. The council did
not express Itself as to the method
of financing the project, but Mr.
Judson on being questioned as to
the policy generally followed, said
a majority of cities bought and
Installed the meters themselves, the
meters thus remaining1 city prop
erty. This method, he though, has
proved more satisfactory than hav
ing the users pay for the meters, as
in the latter case the meters be
come the property of the water us
ers and are not subject to the same
free city supervision.
That users will probably not pay
less for water Is Indicated, because
the new rate basis must be suffi
cient to insure revenue for cost of
operating the distribution system,
salaries of wator department em
ployees, and retirement of bonds
with Interest on outstanding bond
ed Indebtedness.
Connection Speeded.
Heppner may expect the new wa
ter as soon as it is humanly possi
ble to get It here, the council show
ing this to be its firm intention by
authorizing the watermaster to get
pipe on the ground at the earliest
possible date for connecting the ar
tesian flow with the present pipe
L. R. Stockman of Baker, hy
draulic engineer who has had
charge of former water works im
provement for the city, was present
at the meeting. He has been spend
ing several days in consultation
with the council and city watermas
ter in laying plans for taking care
of the flow at the well. He warned
the council that the present pipe
line down the creek would not stand
the pressure of the full flow from
the well, and that it would be nec
essary to regulate the flow. If this
is done, he believes there would be
no necessity of any major improve
ments on the line at the present
time. He recommended using 10
inch steel, or other durable metal
pipe, to connect up with the well,
thus assuring permanency of this
part of the construction.
Bounty Spot Considered.
Councilmen showed their real joy
and exultation over obtaining the
fine artesian water by expressing a
desire to have the site made Into a
beauty spot and to preserve to view,
if possible, the gushing silvery
stream as It comes from the ground.
To see If this desire may prove fea
sible, Mr. Stockman was authorized
to draw plans for a fountain, the
construction of which will be con
sidered more fully when the esti
mated cost is determined. There Is
a feeling that the advent of such
a boon to the city's prosperity is
worthy of a monument to indelibly
mark It for all time.
Street signs and house numbers
for the city are nearer to becoming
a reality through the council's en
dorsement of the plan presented by
the Lions club committee working
In conjunction with the streets and
public property committee of the
council. A check has been made on
the number of signs and numbers
needed, and the Lions club commit
tee was authorized to proceed with
the project. The system adopted
calls for numbering of houses east
and west from Main street and
north and south from May street,
making these streets dividing lines,
and the base from which numbers
will start. House numbers will be
put in place by the Lions club with
the help of the Boy Scouts, the num
bers being furnished by the city.
Wilbur McFall Arrested, Charged
With Passing Bogus Currency
At Heppner Hotel.
Wilbur McFall, alias F. A. deLong,
was arrested Saturday morning at
Arlington, by C. J. D. Bauman,
county sheriff, on a charge of pass
ing bogus currency. McFall spent
Friday night at Hotel Heppner and
when he checked out Saturday, paid
his bill with a counterfeit $20 bill.
That the money was counterfeit
was not discovered by Al Rankin,
manager, until McFall had taken
the stage for Arlington.
Sheriff Bauman was notified, and
after notifying O. E. Van Winkle,
Arlington marshal, to be on the
lookout for the wanted man, took
up the pursuit by automobile. While
in Heppner McFall had been wear
ing a blue blazer.
The stage was overtaken at the
edge of Arlington where it had
been stopped by Marshal Van Win
kle and E. R. Pyle, state traffic
officer. The officers inquired of the
driver, "Is deLong aboard?" and he
said that deLong had gotten off at
lone. McFall (deLong) reiterated
the assertion. The man that was
believed by the driver to have been
deLong was Charles McElligott of
lone. The fact that McFall had re
moved his blazer and substituted a
blue coat and a tan raincoat de
ceived the officers for a time.
The stage was allowed to proceed
to the Arlington terminal, where as
usual, it made a stop of 40 minutes.
During that time McFall was taken
to the Arlington jail where he was
searched. The officers found only
$18 in cash on his person. His suit
case, which had been left on the
stage was found, and in it his blue
blazer. A billfold containing seven
bogus $20 bills was found under
the seat in which he had been rid
ing. He was returned to Heppner and
lodged in the county jail. William
McSwain, U. S. secret service opera
tive of Portland was notified and
came here to get McFall Sunday.
Mr. McSwain and Tom Gurdane,
Umatilla county sheriff, took the
prisoner to Pendleton, where it was
believed that he had passed a spur
ious bill. It is thought that the
plant in which the bills were manu
factured is located in Eugene.
McFall has a penitentiary record
of having served three terms. He
served at McNeils Island, Wash.,
for robbing the postofflce at lone
about 15 years ago. For forging a
check, he received a term at the
Oregon state penitentiary at Salem.
His other term at McNeil's was on
a counterfeiting charge. On that
offense he raised bills from $1 de
nomination to $10.
Mrs. Anna Swick Weds
W. 0. Bayless Saturday
Mrs. Anna M. Swick of Manument
became the bride of Wilson O. Bay
less of Heppner in a marriage cer
emony performed at Monument by
Rev. J. F. Cookson, pastor of the
Presbyterian church, at 5:30 o'clock
Saturday afternoon. The nuptial
ceremonies were conducted in the
presence of Mrs. Bayless' mother,
Mrs. T. G. Cochran, her son, W. H.
Swick and Mrs. Swick and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Bayless have been
spending their honeymoon at Mt.
Vernon and John Day, visiting at
the home of Mrs. Bayless sister,
Mrs. Louis Morris, in the latter city.
The couple will take up residence
in Heppner, as Mr. Bayless has
property interests here. They will
live in the largest of the two houses
purchased from Clarence Scrivner.
Mr. Bayless has resided in Morrow
county for about 40 years and Mrs.
Bayless is well known here as she
has been here frequently on visits.
She is a sister of Mrs. Frank W.
Pupils Will be Heard
Piano Recital May 14
Mrs. William R. Poulson's plnno
students will be heard in public re
cital at the Heppner high school
auditorium Wednesday night, May
14, at 8 o'clock. No admission
charge will be made.
Children who will entertain at
that time are Helen Egan, Kather
ine Healy, Pauline Piercy, Howard
Cleveland, Vrlginla Cleveland, Nan
cy Jane Cox, Phyllis Jane Pollock,
Teresa Breslin, Violet Hinton, Win
ifred Case, and Margaret Brosnan.
Signing of streets contemplates la
beling every street on which there
is a residence. An official map of
the naming and numbering system
together with an ordinance outlln
Ing the plan and putting It in force
haye been authorized and will be
properly recorded when completed
Chas. B. Cox appeared before the
council to ask for improvement of
Morgan street where it connects
with the Heppner flat road. The
county Is doing some Improvement
work on this road at the present
time, and the council acting on Mr.
Cox' suggestion that now Is an op
portuno time to do Its part, author
ized such improvement as may be
necessary to put the street In good
condition. The council also moved
to see what could be done toward
getting a right of way for stock that
would come Into town below the
road, so that It would not be noccs
sary for stock to come In over the
road grade. This was said to bo
a big factor In tearing down the
grade, as well as proving a nuisance
to residents on Morgan street.
Window Performances of
Youngsters Are Used to
Point Out Facts.
County Nurse Works up Program
Staged Saturday With Aid of
City's Business Men.
Heppner merchants and business
men cooperated with Miss Edith
Stallard, county nurse, in observing
Child Health day Saturday after
noon. Show windows were docor
ated with displays appropriate to
the occasion and children of the
community gave their assistance in
putting on living demonstrations of
The program began at 2 o'clock
and continued for nearly two hours,
drawing a large gallery of interest
ed spectators. The commencement
of the program at each place was
announced by Kenneth Piercy and
Francis Nickerson, who took turns
in the role of bugler.
Breakfast Demonstrated.
Mary Lou Ferguson demonstra
ted "A Proper Breakfast," at the
Central Meat market. Peoples
Hardware company had a display
of sporting goods, golf clubs, base
ball equipment, tennis recquets,
guns and Ashing tackle, use of
which gives one healthful outdoor
exercise. Betty Happold and Nan
Crawford in "Wealth for Health"
at the Farmers and Stockgrowers
National bank, showed that wealth
and health go together.
Loa Painter had a part in the
healthful foods exhibit at Mac
Marr's store, where samples of pork
and beans were distributed to the
visitors. The style show at Cur
ran's Millinery store proved a pop
ular number with adult members
of the audience. The latest modes
in women's wear from pajamas to
evening gowns were displayed by
the Misses Aagodt Frigaard, Irene
Riechel, Blanche Hansen and Eliz
abeth Galloway and Mrs. Adelyn
O'Shea and Mrs. Harold Cohn.
Katherine Nys and Phyllis Marble
took part in "A Kid's Tea Party," at
the Pacific Power and Light com
pany, having milk, graham crack
ers, and jelly. "Making it Safe to
be Healthy" was illustrated by use
of mechanical refrigeration, which
will keep foods in perfect condition.
Bath Scene Staged.
"Health's Foundation" cleanliness,
was demonstrated by Jackson Gil
liam in the Gilliam and Bisbee win
dow, when he took his Saturday
night bath a few hours early. Larry
Moore and Billy Becket portrayed
the value of "Thrift," in the First
National bank's display. The ben
efit of thrift in youth to prepare
the way to rest and security in old
age was pointed out.
Sunshine, Cleanliness and Hap
piness" was aptly demonstrated by
Mary Moore, Mary Jeanne Clarke,
Phyllis Marble, Kathleen Nys, who
were washing and ironing doll clo
thes and playing in the sand at the
J. C. Penney company store. "Exer
cises for Growth" were exemplified
by Betty Happold and Mary Moore,
who staged a number of children's
dances in the M. D. Clark window.
Betty Ferguson demonstrated
milk shakes as a healthful drink at
Curran and Barr's. A free distri
bution of chocolate covered ice
(Continued on Page Eight)
Heppner Boys Injured
When Auto Hits Pole
Nolan Turner and Cornett Green
received numerous cuts, scratches
and bruises when the car owned by
Green and driven by Turner left
the Oregon-Washington highway
just north of the Heppner city lim
its near the Frank Parker resi
dence, going over an embankment
and colliding with a telephone pole.
The accident occured at about 9
o'clock Sunday night.
Turner was the more seriously In
jured of the two boys. Five of his
cuts required stitches to be closed.
A hole was torn in one arm to the
bone, apparently by a protruding
bolt. It is thought that he may
have received internal injuries. The
car was wrecked In the crash. The
vehicle was travelling at a rate of
speed between 30 and 35 miles per
hour when the accident occurred,
according to the report made at the
Morrow county sheriff's office.
Grain Operators Sign
For Grading Training
The grain grading school for op
erators and warehouse managers
that will be held in Arlington Fri
day and Saturday by the United
States department of agriculture
In cooperation with the Oregon
State Grain Inspection department
and the Oregon State Extension
service, Is attracting much atten
tion In Morrow county and in Gil
liam und other counties close to
S. Strodtman, Ralph Jackson and
Hollls Bull of Lexington, Charles
Swindig and James Funk of Hepp
ner and R. E. Harbison of Morgan
have signed up to attend the school.
Coming Events
Tonight Elks.
Friday Eastern Star; Willing
Saturday Elks Condon trip; O.
E. S. Social club.
Sunday Baseball, Condon at
Heppner, lone at Arlington; Bacca
laureate sermon, Lexington.
Monday Lions club, Neighbors of
Tuesday P. T. A. social meeting
(evening); Book Worms; Knights of
Wednesday Odd Fellows, Wo
men's Relief Corps; Piano Recital.
Thursday Royal Arch; Com
mencement, Lexington High School;
W. C. T. U.
National Banking Group Places
State First in Cooperative
Work in Farm Interest
Farmers of Oregon who have had
more direct cooperation from their
bankers in the form of banker-farmer
agricultural projects than those
of any other state during 1929. This
fact was revealed with the award
ing last week of first place to Ore
gon by the American Bankers' as
sociation in the annual grading of
the state associations for their
year's activities.
The 240 bankers of Oregon spent
close to $30,000 directly for banker
farmer projects, such as providing
prizes for fairs, financing seed dis
tribution to farmers or club mem
bers, hiring private agricultural
workers, and many other similar
Much of the work was carried on
in connection with the Oregon
State college extension service, the
director of which has been invited
to the national convention of the
American Bankers' association to
assist Oregon banker representativ
es in making an Oregon exhibit
there. Only the winning state is
accorded this privilege.
The record of the Oregon bankers
is the highest ever made, being ac
tually rated "perfection plus." Geor
gia was second and Kentucky third.
Banking officials who have been
leaders in the work are Eugene
Courtney, Woodburn, chairman of
the state bankers' association; Ted
Cramer, state secretary; and C. C.
Colt, Portland, Oregon representa
tive on the national agricultural
Local Library to Open
Before Close of Month
Since the meeting of the executive
committee of the Heppner Library
association last Thursday night, ar
rangements toward the actual oper
ation have been speeded, for quar
ters have been obtained, and a mem
bership drive will begin tomorrow
(Friday) lasting for two weeks.
That the library will be in actual
operation for book distribution be
fore the end of May is almost a cer
tainty. Committees named by Mrs. Lucy
E. Rodgers, president, are: finance,
Walter E. Moore, chairman, Mrs.
Richard Wells, Charles Smith;
maintenance, Mrs. Arthur McAtee,
chairman, Kenneth Ackley, W. G.
McCarty; membership, Mrs. Jeff
Beamer, Mrs. Earl Gordon, Paul
Marble, James Cash; book, Kenneth
Ackley, chairman, Mrs. Frank Tur
ner, Clarence Bauman, Miss Lulu
Hager, Mrs. Spencer Crawford.
The membership committee as
sisted by high school girls will be
gin work Friday. Individual mem
berships are $1 per year. Business
firms will be solicited for donations
to aid in starting the library. Adults
to make use of the library will be
required to be members. Children
may borrow books from the library
without charge. Girls assisting the
membership committee are Mary
McDuffee, Beatrice Thomson, Jean
ette Turner, Evelyn Swindig, Kath
erine Bisbee and Mary Beamer.
Suitable space for housing the li
brary has been obtained. The large
room to be used is located in the
southwest corner of the Humphreys
building on the second floor. En
trance Is from Willow street. Dur
ing the Thursday meeting the con
stitution and by-laws of the organ
ization were under discussion.
Child Health Observed
By Lexington Students
Child Health day was observed
last Thursday at the Lexington
school. Milton W. Bower, pastor of
the Heppner Church of Christ, gave
an address on "Health." A number
of grades of the school entertained
with programs. Pupils of Mrs. La
Villa Howell's fifth and sixth grades
entertained with a dramatized play,
which they had written in Oregon
G. E. Tucker, principal, announc
ed the winning of prizes In the
American Logion auxiliary poppy
poster contest by Fay Luttrell and
the winning of a prize in the butter
essay contest by Helen Brashears
Roth are pupils of Mrs. Frank W.
Hours for Irrigation are 6 a. m.
to 8 a. m. and 6 p. m. to 8 p. m.
7-8. City Water Dept.
3000 Crows, Magpies and
Other Pests Killed
In Campaign.
Gubernatorial Candidate Names
Three Planks of Platform
At Lions' Luncheon.
The results of the Lions club crow
and magpie contest which ended
Sunday, announced at the club lun
cheon Monday, showed 2338 crows,
magpies and other pest birds to
have been killed by the teams head
ed by C. W. Smith and C. L. Sweek.
Including the birds and eggs turned
in by boys of the county for bounty
the total number exceeds 3000.
Members of Smith's team will be
guests of their opponents at a din
ner, arrangements for which will be
announced later. The date has not
been set, pending reply from offi
cials of the state game commission
who have been invited to attend
and present educational slides de
picting work of the commission.
The bounty of two cents for eggs
and five cents for heads of crows,
magpies and hawks will continue to
be paid to boys and girls through
the summer, B. R. Patterson, chair
man of the campaign announced.
In addition the club will offer a gun
as a prize to the boy or girl bringing
in the largest number of eggs and
George Joseph Heard.
Displaying a keen sense of humor
and expert use of satire, rebuke and
ridicule, George W. Joseph of Port
land, republican candidate for gov
ernor, spoke before the meeting, his
main theme being hydro-electric de
velopment by the people. In Intro
ducing his address, the state sena
tor from Portland alluded to his
recent "mess" with the state su
preme court, declaring that two
months ago he would not have con
sidered accepting the certificate of
election to the office he now seeks
had it been offered him. He gave
as a reason for his becoming a can
didate, the demands of friends that
he make a campaign of vindication,
following the "shuttle-cock mess."
He recited a short autobiography
in which he established his nation
ality as a "native son" of California,
early life on the farm, and his 40
years' law practice in Portland,
frankly admitting his ability to
"keep next to the money" in the
latter period. His discussion of the
power situation included document
ary evdience of corruption in the
existing "power trust." He assert
ed that rates are continually mount
ing under private ownership of hydro-electric
utilities, and that this is
working against Oregon's progress.
Development Plead For.
"Not one horsepower of electri
city is generated on the Columbia
river in Oregon," he declared in his
plea for development of Oregon's
great river. Senator Joseph said
that development of the Columbia
had long been a hobby of his and
that much of his own time and mon
ey had been expended toward this
end. He quoted figures showing the
tremendous potential power possi
bilities of the river.
"The difference between private
and public ownership lies in the fact
that private companies do not in
stall a service until the demand al
ready exists, while the government
builds a power project and adver
tises cheap power to the world.
Industries follow cheap power, he
asserted, and thus the country is
built up.
Commission Opposed.
In advocating the abolishment of
the public service commission, the
senator accused this body of exist
ing for the benefit of the public
utility corporations. In substantia
ting this statement he said that un
der a law authorizing the public
service commission to give public
utility companies a fair return on
their investment, in the case of pow
er companies the commission had
allowed costs of merchandising elec
trical appliances to be listed as ex
pense, above which the companies
are allowed a fair income, and thus
competing merchants are forced to
pay part of this merchandising cost
through their power bills.
Another instance of laxity on the
part of the commission was said to
lie In the fact that a large power
company holding water rights did
not have to account for, as part of
Its Income, more than two million
dollars received from the sale of wa
ter to pulp mills. This on top of
alleged "watering" of capital stock
on which the power company's rate
basis is figured to give it a "fair re
turn" on Investment.
Mr. Joseph gave as the third
plank of his platform, "free speech,"
asserting it to be an Inherent right
of an American citizen, and neces
sary to the free interchange of
Ideas. Ho said he would continue
his policy of speaking what he be
lieved, "until I am gagged." He con
cluded with a plea for eternal vig
ilance on the pnrt of the people
His speech held the Lions club a full
hour past Its usual adjourning time,
An entertainment feature enjoy
ed by the Lions and guests was
the appearance of Miss Helen Fal-
Scholarships to Summer School
At Corvallis Given Members
For Winning Projects.
Six members of Morrow county
4-H clubs will attend the sixteenth
annual 4-H club summer school at
Oregon State college, Corvallis,
June 9-21 on scholarships received
as prizes for their exhibits in the
North Morrow County fair in Irri-
gon last fall.
Winners of scholarships provided
by the county are: Myrtle Green,
Eight Mile, poultry; Owen Bleak
man, Hardman, garden; Dorothy
Isom, Irrigon, sewing; Gwendolyn
Corey, Irrigon, cooking; George
Graves, Boardman, won the schol
arship offered by the First National
bank of Heppner to sheep club
members. Mable Cool, lone, re
ceives the scholarship provided by
the Farmers and Stockgrowers Na
tional bank of Heppner, for calf
club members.
Club members, other than those
winning scholarships, who are elec
ted as delegates, or who pay their
own expenses, may attend the sum
mer school. The cost of the 4-H
club summer school per member is
$15 for the two weeks. This amount
approximately covers the actual
cost of room and board. The Union
Pacific system is offering a special
railroad fare of $8.60 for round trip
transportation between any point
on its lines in Morrow county and
Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, county
school superintendent, will act as
chaperone for the Morrow county
delegation to the summer school.
The summer school is the out
standing 4-H club activity of the
year which enables club members
from all over the state to gather
for additional instruction in sub
jects relating to their club projects.
It differs from practically every
other camp for boys and girls in
that it has organized for instruction
in agriculture and home economics
besides affording opportunity for
recreation and organized play.
William Allison Rites
Conducted in Heppner
Commitment services were con
ducted for William O. Allison, 70,
who died in Portland, Tuesday,
April 29, by Milton W. Bower of
the Church of Christ at the Hepp
ner cemetery last Thursday after
noon. Funeral services were held
at the Miller and Tracy chapel in
Portland the day before.
Mr. Allison was a resident of
Heppner about 40 years ago, leav
ing here to settle at Ukiah, where
he lived continuously until a short
time before his death, when he went
to a Portland hospital for medical
treatment. He was born in Ohio.
He is survived by a daughter, Mrs.
H. W. Garland, Portland, and a son,
Walter Allison, Ukiah, and three
sisters, Mrs. Carrie Vaughn, Hepp
ner; Mrs. Emma Doolittle, Cottage
Grove, and Mrs. Cora Stanton, Sun
nyside, Wash.
Condon Wrests Victory
From Local Nine, 9-5
The Heppner baseball team lost
to Condon 5 to 9, in a game played
at Condon last Sunday. The con
test was close until after the fifth
Inning when Condon forged into
the lead, which was held until the
fray had drawn to a close. The ag
gregations meet here in a return
engagement Sunday, and the locals
plan on evening the count. Heppner
earned all the runs scored, while a
number of counters scored by Con
don were the result of errors made
by the local team.
Clow and LaMear formed the
Condon battery. The Heppner line
up was Sprouls 2, Robertson p, B.
Bleakman 3, Hake c, Burns 1, D.
Bleakman r, Hayes s, Thomson 1,
Turner m.
Leader Asks Payment
Chautauqua Pledges
Mrs. Frank W. Turner, president
of the local Chautauqua association,
urges that those who have made
pledges toward the support of the
chautauqua, to be held here June
13-16, pay the amounts they have
pledged, without waiting for solici
tation by committee members,
pointing out that it will be a big
aid to the committee if this matter
is attended to.
A worth-while program with both
Instructive and entertaining num
bers will be given during the Chau
tauqua's four-day stop In Heppner.
The Parent Teachers association
of Lexington met in the school aud
itorium Tuesday evening, April 29.
School children presented a pro
gram, which was followed by a bus
iness meeting, in charge of Mrs.
Shriever, president. A social hour
followed, during which sandwiches,
cake and punch were served. Miss
Pearl Vail's room won the $2.50
prize for the purchase of library
books, by having the largest num
ber of parents present. Nearly 100
were in attendance, Including sev
eral new members.
The meeting of the Eastern Star
Social club set for May 10, has been
postponed until May 17, because of
a conflicting event.
coner, Lexington high school in
structor, In two musical talking se
Establishment of Stock
Highway for Future
to be Undertaken.
Watering Improvements, Shearing
of Sheep Have Part During
Meeting of Permittees.
Completion of arrangements for
use of the driveway from the Uma
tilla forest boundary to the John
Day highway for the 1930 season
were announced at the meeting of
the Umatilla Permittees association
at the American Legion hall Mon
day evening The use of the drive
way for sheep and cattle has been
obtained through leases, purchases
and agreements with owners along
the 6 mile route which will per
mit entrance to and exit from the
grazing areas of the forest without
the owners being taxed by exhorbi
tant tolls. The association is work
ing towards the establishment of
the driveway as a permanent thing.
To defray the costs this year, a
charge of one cent per head on
sheep and cattle using the driveway
will be made No charge will be
made for lambs Last year nearly
41,000 head of sheep went over the
Driveway Worked For
Dillard French, Jack Hynd, L. P.
Davidson, and J. G. Barratt, serving
on the driveway committee of the
association have spent much time
in getting the driveway opened.
Valued assistance has been given
by the Umatilla county court and
the U. S. forest service, and both
organizations stand ready to aid in
effecting its permanence. By un
animous vote of the assembly the
four committee members were
named trustees for the driveway.
They in turn appointed Charles W.
Smith secretary-treasurer. To put
the plan on a sound financial basis
and to meet obligations incurred by
the committee, owners who use the
trail made advance payments for
the sheep that they plan to take
over the driveway this season. Let
ters are being sent to other owners
who have used It In the past In or
der that their cooperation and
crossing fees may be obtained.
James Good, wool appraiser for
Draper and company, Boston, which
is handling the wool clip of the Na
tional Wool Marketing corporation,
told of the arrangements made for
purchase and loans on the growers'
wool. Joe Sears, secretary of the
Washington Wool Grower asso
ciation, was scheduled to address
the meeting but was called to San
90 Per Cent Advanced
A 90 per cent advance on the ap
praised value of the wool is al
lowed this year. The appraiser fig
ures the shrinkage and value of the
wool. Scour limits are set, and it is
just a matter of figures the actual
amount received by the grower, for
no "trading" is allowed under the
federal farm board's plan. Descrip
tions of the wools appraised are
sent to both the National corpora
tion and to Draper and company.
After giving his talk, Mr Good an
swered questions asked by the
The committee working for the
establishment of cattle rest stations
along the driveways reported a
number of letters had been sent out,
and that no action had been taken,
as no replies had been received.
Satisfactory progress in the re
moval of stray horses from the
ranges is being made according to
the statement of the committee hav
ing control over the work. Fred
Gerkin is in charge of the round-up.
Forest Aaid Assured
John Irwin, supervisor of the
Umatilla National forest gave a
brief talk assuring the cooperation
of the forest service in matters of
interest to sheep and cattle men.
(Continued on Page Eight)
Commencement Address
At Lexington Set May 15
James T. Matthews, professor of
mathematics, Willamette university,
Salem, will deliver the commence
ment address for the Lexington
high school graduating class in the
school's auditorium, Thursday eve
ning, May 15, at 8 o'clock.
Edward Burchell will give the
salutatory address, and Miss Mae
Gentry the valedictory. The high
school glee club will present sever
al numbers. The graduating class
will present a useful and beautiful
gift to the school.
Other members of the graduating
class are Miss Helen Valentine, Miss
Mary Slocum, Wayne McMillan,
Freeman Hill and Vernon Warner.
The tuberculosis- or chest clinlo
that was scheduled to have been
held here Wednesday by Dr. Ralph
Matson of Portland, of the Oregon
Tuberculosis association, has been
postponed until Saturday, May 17,
according to Miss Edith Stallard,
county nurse. But little time Is left
for appointments, so Miss Stallard
advises those wishing examinations
to make appoitnments with her