Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 10, 1930, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Alva Shumway Addresses Meeting
At Irrigon; I'matilla, Gilliam
Omntios R'pr"snUMl.
(MRS. W. C. ISOM, Correspondent)
The Morrow county quarterly
Pomona Grange session was held at
Irrigon Saturday, April 5, with a
large crowd in attendance. The five
subordinate granges were all repre
sented as well as Gilliam and Uma
tilla county granges. A bounteous
dinner was served at the noon hour.
The afternoon program consisted
of three numbers by the school
band, reading by Floyd Oliver of
Irrigon grange, reading by Jose
phine Buschke of Willows grange
reading by Walter Bristow, and an
address by Alva R. Shumway of
Milton on the federal agricultural
marketing act which was apprecia
ted by all. This was followed by a
closed meeting for election of offi
cers, as follows: master, Orrain
Wright of Rhea Creek; overseer,
Oscar Lundell of Willows; lecturer,
Mrs. O. Lundell of Willows; chap
lain, Mrs. W. C. Isom of Irrigon;
steward, C. Peck of Willows; gate
keeper, Mr. Mitchell of Boardman;
assistant steward, S. J. Devine of
Lexington; Pomona, Mrs. Cool of
Lexington; secretary, Mrs. Grace
Tyler of Boardman. The degree
work was put on by the Irrigon
grange. This is a beautiful part of
the order and was enjoyed by all.
Luncheon was served at 6 o'clock
by the Home Economics club ladies.
The next meeting will be with Wil
lows grange in July.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kelly and fam
ily of Portland visited several days
this week with Mr. and Mrs. R. V.
Jones. Mrs. Kelly is a sister of
Mrs. Jones.
Mrs. Ed Bensel, Mrs. Fay Rogers
and Mrs. Fred Barker of Hermiston
were day guests Wednesday of Mrs.
W. C. Isom and daughter Dorothy.
Silas Barker has gone to his new
home at Toledo for a two weeks
Robert Smith has charge of the
school janitor work during Mr. Bar
ker's absence.
Fred Markham and Jess Oliver
spent several days last week shear
ing sheep in the lone country.
Mrs. Grieves and daughter Norma
motored to Heppner Saturday for
the spelling contest Ruth Leicht
and Rose Corey from the seventh
grade were contestants from here.
John Smith who is very ill with
inflamatory rheumatism was taken
to the Pendleton hospital Saturday.
A new Studebaker car was wreck
ed on the highway near the W. C.
Isom home Tuesday evening. It
was driven by a Pendleton man. No
one was seriously injured.
Charles Smith of Heppner, county
agent, called on a number of farm
ers Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Haskell en
joyed a short visit with their niece
and nephew last week who were
motoring through the country.
Mr. Suddarth received serious in
juries Wednesday when the car he
was driving was struck by a freight
train on the crossing near the Tum-A-Lum
building. He was taken to
the Hermiston hospital at once
where he is receiving treatment un
der Dr. Christopherson. Latest re
ports were not favorable.
The Sunday school is having a
gradual increase in attendance and
is planning a program for Easter.
It is hoped everyone in the com
munity will attend.
The people of the community are
giving a program and luncheon at
the church Friday evening after
which a free will offering will be
taken to help along in the improve
ments on the church. Everyone is
invited to attend.
George J. Kendler Sr. of Umatilla
visited at the Isom home Sunday
Lawrence Markham was home for
a short visit Saturday.
Tire Company Rewards Heppner Distributors
For Sale Registered Clydesdale
stallion, 5 years old. Will sell at a
bargain. A. H. Nelson, Lexington.
"I had given up hope of ever see
ing a well day again until I started
Sargon and then everything chang
ed for me.
"I was terribly nervous, couldn't
half sleep, suffered with bilious
spells, headaches and indigestion
and my appetite was so poor I'd
often leave the table without eating
a bite. I steadily lost weight and
strength. Four bottles of Sargon
restored my lost weight, my streng
th and energy are back and I walk
for miles without getting tired. My
appetite is so good I can hardly
wait from one meal to the next and
my digestion is perwect. Sargon
Pills stimulated my liver and regu
lated me perfectly." John R. Lowe,
1708 W. Vernon Ave., Los Angeles,
or St Regis Hotel, Spokane.
Patterson & Son, druggists, local
agents. (Adv.)
Or the
bu Nancu hart
"He must be feeling the heat just
"Where is he living?"
"He's not"
Goldfish as Pets
Have you a jar of goldfish? They
are in the vogue just now. And the
reason why isn't that the goldfish
are any different from goldfish of a
few years ago, but that the glass
jars for holding them are different.
They are more attractive tnan tney
ever were before. Therefore every
body wishes to have goldfish.
There was a time when ail pet
goldfish they are never pet goldfish
in one way, but all tame goiansn-
lived in globes just big or little or
medium sized globes of glass.
But that was a long time ago and
the methods of keeping goldfish
have developed largely since then
For now one has a truly lovely
thing wherein to keep one's goldfish
It may be any shape one desires,
and one chooses the shape to suit
one's taste and one's rooms.
One of the prettiest of the new
holders for fishes is a bowl that
swings from the ceiling or from a
bracket high up on the wall. This
globe looks like a big Japanese lan
tern, with a lacquered base of red or
green or black, and a colorful tassel
hanging from it, ana cora3 at tne
top swinging it from its hook or
bracket. This is a particularly dec
orative bit of furnishing.
There are also all the charming
fish bowls or holders that stand on
supports of metal. These are some
times just little frameworks that
are placed on the table. Sometimes
they are high ones standing on the
floor. The metal is finished usually
Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank
Loans and discounts $375,826.28
Overdrafts 5S.0
United States Government securities owned 7,800.00
Other bonds, stocks, and securities owned 3,569.71
Banking house, none; Furniture and fixtures, $2,919.27 2,919.27
Real estate owned other than banking house - 8,008.76
Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank 11,843.79
Cash and due from banks - 11,209.13
Outside checks and other cash items 2,477.09
TOTAL $424,612.83
...$ 50,000.00
. 5,000.00
... 3,805.21
Capital stock paid in
Undivided profits net
Due to banks, Including certified and cashiers' checks
outstanding - 1,260.25
Demand deposits - - - 187,693.59
Time deposits 88,873.73
Bills payable and rediscounts 87,980.05
To Frank Sallng. B. P. Doherty. T. M.
Keller ot Portland, Oregon, Oregon
Dakota Land Co. of Oregon. W. F.
Honey, agent Gresham, Oregon:
You and each of you will take notice
that on May 1st. 1930. 1 will officially
establish the south boundary of the
north half of the south half of Section
15, Tp. 1 N. Ft. 26. E. W. M.
H. TAMKLYN, County Surveyor.
Bated at Hepuner, Oregon. April 8,
Date of first notice April 10. 1930.
Date of third notice April 24. 1930.
. a-' .
v v4 &
Award of a beautiful bronze pla
que has been made to the Heppner
garage, by the Goodyear Tire and
Rubber company, of Akron, Ohio,
n recognition of the local business
firm's 10 years of friendly relations
with the company.
The plaque was accompanied by
a letter from P. W. Litchfield, pres
ident, expressing his appreciation
of their loyal representation of his
concern as one of its dealers.
The name of Heppner garage and
the Goodyear company both appear
in upraised letters upon the bottom
of the plaque. Various vehicles of
transportation, including the pri
vate automobile, bus, truck, railroad
train, steamboat, airplane and Zep
pelin, are portrayed in bas-relief.
In the background looms the main
plant of Goodyear's home factory
at Akron and the huge Zeppelin
factory and dock which was com
pleted recently on Akron's munici
pal airport.
In the center foreground appears
a Goodyear All-Weather Tread autc
tire which encircles the flag of the
Goodyear company.
The picture symbolizes hte ad
vancement of transportation facil
ities being stimulated by the coop
erative efforts of the vast Goodyear
organization and Heppner garage
its local representative.
Heppner garage plans to hang the
beautiful plaque in a conspicuous
place in their store so that their
many patrons and friends may in
spect it. It is now on display in one
of the show windows.
in an antique bronze finish.
Sometimes the fish bowl is irides
cent in color and this is particular
ly attractive. For it suggests all
the brilliancy of a soap bubble cap
tured and made tangible.
You know, don't you, that there
are supposedly narmless liquids
which you may dissolve in the wa
ter in a fish globe to tint the water?
You may have blue or green, red
or yellow tinted water.
And then there are colored mar
bles sold especially to pile in your
fish globe. These, too, are a pretty
trick as they make the fish globe
more interesting in color.
Veal Ramakins
Little left-over pieces of veal and
ham, one ounce of butter, one des
sertspoon of flour, one teaspoon of
beef extract, one small onion, little
lemon juice, pepper and salt. Mince
the scraps of veal and ham. Pour
a cup of boiling water on the ex
tract, put the butter in a small pan,
and when melted mix into it the
dessertspoon of flour, then stir in
the cup of broth. Continue to stir
until quite smooth. Remove from
heat, and when a little cool, stir
into it the minced meat, seasoning
of pepper and salt, the very finely
minced onion, and a squeeze of
lemon juice. Now heat all thorough
ly, and pile up in little ramakin
cases, sprinkling finely chopped
parsley over the top.
A candidate
who has won
signal success
by his own efforts
"Watch Your Step, Wilton,"
three-act comedy, will be presented
by the senior class of Lexington
high school, April 26. The cast o
characters is as follows: Wilton
Crossley, alias Thompson, the
Creighton's hired man, Freeman
Hill; Charlie Claxton, a young
Southern real estate agent, Edward
Burchell; Frank Creighton, scion of
one of the best and oldest families
of the South, Vernon Warner;
Douglas Lane, a friend of the
Creighton's, Wayne McMillan; Vir
ginia Creighton, Frank's autocratic
sister, Helen Valentine; Bess
Creighton, Virginia's democratic
16-year-old sister, Mae Gentry;
"Aunt Lou" Farness, aunt of the
Creightons, Mary Slocum; Peggy,
the cook of the Creighton family,
Ruth Dinges. Mistaken identity
offers amusing complications which
come to a climax when the wealthy
Creighton family decide to act as
servants for Crossley, their former
hired man. As this play is being
presented for the benefit of the sen
ior class, it is hoped that a large
crowd will be present.
.. $424,612.83
State of Oregon, County of Morrow, ss:
I, E. D. Hallock, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my know
ledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to be
fore me this 8th day of April,
JOS. J. NYS, Notary Public.
(My commission expires May
81, 1931.)
E. D. HALLOCK, Cashier.
For Salt! Beardless rye, Baxter &
Osborne, Spray, Ore. 52-3.
Jesse J. Wells, Morrow county
assessor, went to Boardman Mon
day expecting to be there several
days assessing property in that dis
Wuntwl -Man about 30 to call on
Morrow county farmers. Make $8-
$15 daily. Furst & Thomas, 426 3rd
St.. Oakland, Calif. R
you ever made
A high class tire you can't
equal for mileage and
looks at dollars more. A
lifetime guaranteed Good
year Pathfinder genuine
Come in, you'll say its
the best buy in years.
A Real Goodyear
29 x 4.40
30 x 4.50
Other $ixe$ equally low
Vaughn & Goodman
Heppner Garage Heppner, Ore.
Business man
A worthy leader
for the
new Oregon Spirit
Republican for Governor,
started with nothing and
carved his way to success
with his own hands. He it
the kind of man red-blooded
Oregonians admire and re
spect, and whom they will
be proud to see In the Gov
ernor's chair. He will be a
worthy champion and lead
er for the new Oregon Spirit
the spirit that Is going to
spell Progress for Oregon
A vote for Hall Is a vote
for "Forward Oregon."
"Industrialize Oregon"
Paid adv., Ttall-for-Govemor Club
L. D. Fplsheim. Manager
Portland, Ore.
xf Flowers everywhere.. .next to tne f
Q hedge under tne windows, in flower J
boxes, in beds, in yard corners, gJ
ryjhrJ along trie back fence. Inexpensive,
9$E3 eaSy to grow, colorful, fragrant. Jl
jJTjl There are no better seeds offered r
. than those obtainable in Northrup,
Sl King & Co.'s Seed Box at your
dealers. Make Selection Now.
jjMli Nortbiup.Kinf&.Ca-8 t
p Seeds I
Jbr Economical Truntporlaliom
itap dhiniDe sa
It Is wise to choose a six-cylinder
motor the only way to get six-cylin-der
smoothness. Six-cylinder
smoothness takes out vibration and
roughness. This saves motor, chassis,
body, passengers, and driver.
The Chevrolet is a six. Yet it sells at a
price that anyone can afford to pay.
And it lasts longer, because of fine
materials, oversize parts and a big,
smooth, 50-horsepower six-cylinder
engine that always "takes it easy."
With all its six-cylinder smoothness
and power the New Chevrolet Six
saves gasoline and oil, through
modern efficiency overhead valves
high compression power latest
carburetor long-wearing pistons
crankcase ventilation air cleaner.
Thus Chevrolet brings truly modern
transportation within reach of all
who can afford any car. Chevrolet
economy also means sincerity in
manufacture. To illustrate:
Chevrolet valves are adjustable to
save replacing. Chevrolet molded
brake lininggreatlyreducesbrakeup
keep. The rear axle Inspection plate
on the Chevrolet means accessibility.
The whole car Is full of
such evidence that true
economy comes from ad
vancement and refine
ment. There are four
extra -long, chrome -va
nadium springs controlled j.o. b. factory, flint, mich.
by hydraulic shock absorbers. They
are mounted lengthwise, in the direc
tion of car travel, with self-adjusting
spring shackles to maintain quiet.
Modern low suspension and extra
wheelbase give the Chevrolet Six
good proportions. The front view is
distinguished by the honeycomb
radiator. The gasoline tank is at the
rear for safety and finer appearance.
Chevrolet beauty instantly says
"Body by Fisher" style, quiet, safety
Fisher composite steel-and-wood
construction non-glare windshield
adjustable driver's seat deeper
cushions greater leg room clearer
vision finer fabrics and fitments.
There is just as much extra value
throughout. BY ANY STANDARD
the Chevrolet Six is the wisest choice
In the low-price field . . . with its six
cylinder valve-in-head motor . . .
with full scientific equipment . . .
with Body by Fisher . . . with four
long semi-elliptic springs, long
wheelbase, low suspension, rear
mounted gasoline tank, honeycomb
radiator and all the other features of
this day and age.
See your nearest Chev
rolet dealer today and
drive this six. Ten min
utes at the wheel will
show you what a differ
ence six cylinders make.
The Coupe $565
The Coach ; 565
The Sport Roadster. ; . . . . 555
The Sport Coupe ; 655
The Club Sedan.. 625
The Sedan ;.. 675
All prices, o. b. factory, Flint, Mich.
The Special Sedan
(6 wire wheels standard) $725
The Light Delivery Chassis ; 3(,5
The Sedan Delivery 595
The 1 12-Ton Chassis 520
li2-Ton Chassis with Cah 625
Roadster Delivery pick-up box extra). . 440
Ferguson Chevrolet Co.
Heppner, Oregon