Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 27, 1930, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Mrs. Ed Breslin and Miss Teresa
Breslin received lacerations and
bruises Sunday night when knock
ed down by an automobile driven
by B. P. Stone. The accident oc
curred at the Heppner Hotel inter
section on Main street shortly after
the show let out, Mr. Stone making
the turn in the intersection while
Mrs. Breslin and daughter were
making a diagonal short-cut on foot
Rain had made the pavement slip
pery and it was impossible for Mr.
Stone to bring his car to a short
Mrs. Emily Ridgeway of Prairie
City, sister of Mrs. Matt Hughes,
and aunt of Mrs. Ed Bennett, died
at her home Saturday night Funer
al services were held Monday af
ternoon in Canyon City. Attending
the funeral from Heppner were Mrs
Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. John Hiatt,
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Matteson, Mr.
and Mrs. John Gaunt, William Mc-
Ferrin, Mrs. Ida Cave, Lyle Matte
son, and Mr. and Mrs. Kemper
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Turner came
up from Salem on Friday, remain
ing over until Tuesday for a visit
with home folks, Mr. Turner being
called here at this time to look af
ter business matters. He expects to
take his law examination at Salem
the first of the coming July.
W. O. Staver and Mr. Casteel of
Pilot Rock were here on Tuesday.
Mr. Staver is an attorney over that
way and is preparing to get into the
race for joint representative on the
republican ticket His opponent in
the general election will be Joseph
N. Scott of Athena.
Mrs. J. P. Conder and son Claude
arrived home on Friday to spend
the Easter vacation season with
Dr. Conder. Claude is a student at
U. of O. along with his brother, Jon.
They will return to Eugene this
week end.
Creston R. Maddock, representing
a number of insurance companies as
special agent, with headquarters at
Portland, spent Tuesday and a part
of Wednesday at Heppner looking
after business.
"I dunnowhat day it is, but
know it's April." It's April fourth
at 8 p. m. "The Little Clodhopper,1
a play given at Rhea Creek Grange
hall. A dance follows the play.
Don't forget the date and place.
J. T. Ayers, pioneer resident of
Pine City, was a visitor in Heppner
for a few hours on Monday, while
looking after business. He reports
that spring has arrived out his way.
Among U. of O. students home for
the Easter vacation are Ellis Thom
son and Marjorie Clark. They will
return to Eugene to resume their
studies the first of the coming week.
For Sale Rhode Island Red eggs
for setting, high egg-producing
strain, 75c per setting. Ralph But
ler, Cecil, Ore. 51tf.
For Ssile Pure bred Barred Rock
eggs for setting, from selected hens,
$1 per setting. Mrs. Eph Eskelson,
Heppner. 50tf.
Jas. Carty, Tub Springs sheepman,
was looking after business here on
A. W. MacGregor, piano tuner,
will be in Heppner, Monday, Apr. 7.
Oregon's own movie at the Star
theater Friday-Saturday.
The Heppner unit of the Ameri
can Legion Auxiliary will meet in
regular session at the American Le
gion hall, Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock.
(Continued from First Pane)
plant on block 21. The matter will
be taken up at the next council
meeting, April 1.
Miss Elva Balsiger, a senior in
the University of Oregon, spent the
spring vacation with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Balsiger.
Mrs. Earl Blake and infant
daughter have returned to their
home on Second street
The work of putting crushed rock
on the Ione-Boardman road began
the first of this week.
The grading crew which has been
stationed at the Murry road camp
will move soon to Morgan where
six miles of grading is to be done.
The great prohibition motion pic
ture, "The Transgressor, will be
shown at the Christian church Sun
day evening. March 30, at 8 o'clock.
All are welcome. ro admission will
be charged but an offering will be
The small son of Mr. and Mrs.
Cleo Drake was taken suddenly ill
Sunday night. A physician was call
ed from Heppner. The baby is
much improved at this time.
Miss Rosa Fletcher expects to
leave lone about the first of April
for Hoquiam, Wash., where she goes
to complete her course in nurse s
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Montgomery
and two children moved back to
lone on last Friday. These people
are former residents of our city
and we are glad to have them
among us again. The son, Robert,
and the daughter, Lucy, enrolled in
our school Monday. At present Mrs.
Montgomery is quite ill.
W. F. Honey and son, John Hon
ey, of Portland were transacting
business here Saturday.
On Saturday John Cochran re
ceived word that his wife, who re
cently underwent an operation in a
Yakima hospital, was not quite so
well and he departed Sunday morn
ing by stage for the Washington
city. He crossed the river at Arling
ton and his son-in-law, Brenner
Reece, met him at Roosevelt.
A. A. McCabe and Laxton McMur
ray made a drive through the coun
try north of lone last Sunday for
the purpose of looking over the crop
prospect They report that fields
are noticeably free from weeds, and
that wheat is looking better than
they expected. Thus far the wheat
has not made much growth and is
in need of warmer weather. At
present it seems that the desired
warmer weather has come.
Mr. and Mrs. Truman Sethers of
Glendale were calling at the Elmer
Griffith home last Saturday. These
people are visiting at the home of
Mrs. Sether's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. H. Bartholomew at Pine City.
Mr. and Mrs. Del Ward were gen
ial hosts at a sumptuous turkey din
ner served at their ranch home Sat
urday evening. Those enjoying their
hospitality were Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
McNamer, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ma
son, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lieuallen,
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lucas, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Cox. The evening was
was spent in playing bridge. High
scores were made by Mr. and Mrs,
McNamer and low by Mrs. Lucas
and Mr. Cox.
An airplane party paid lone a vis
it on Friday. One of the passen
gers was Dick Logan who was for
merly a student in our high school.
Mr. Logan is now a licensed pilot,
and the object of the visit here was
to interview prospective pupils for
the school of aviation at Arlington.
Mrs. Minnie Forbes and daughter
Thelma and Mrs. Olstein and son,
John, all of Heppner were visiting
in lone Sunday.
Mrs. Kenneth Blake who was re
cently taken to the Portland sana
torium suffering from a nervous
breakdown is reported to be much
improved in health.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Brown are
now domiciled in the company res
idence on Main street. Mr. Brown
is the new manager of the Standard
Oil plant and up to this time he
and Mrs. Brown have been boarding
at the lone hotel.
That the tariff can become a mat
ter of real concern to many persons
is evidenced by the recent attempt
of southern senators, led by Senator
Ransdall of Louisiana, to put a pro
hibitive tariff on burlap and burlap
bags. R. E. Harbison received a
wire the first of the week from Sen
ator Steiwer stating that this item
had been defeated in the senate.
The purpose of the southerners was
to compel the use of cotton as con
tainers in the place of jute. This,
of course, would practically have
prohibited the use of all fabrics as
containers for grain, grain products
or anv other farm produce as a
cotton bag, in some instances, would
have been worth nearly as much as
the contents. It is probably not gen
erally known that New Orleans is
the largest manufacturing center
for burlap products in the United
I States.
Value of Advertising
Told by Creamerymen
Effectiveness of newspaper ad
vertising was testified to most heart
ily by creamery operators of Ore
gon in their annual meeting in Sal
em last week when several reported
sales increases ranging from 25 to
100 per cent as a result of the re
cent butter advertisements prepar
ed at Oregon State college and run
by creameries and stores through
out the state.
The creamerymen voted to con
tinue this type of advertising and
also pledged their backing to the
state campaign for increased con
sumption of dairy products to be
directed by Miss Claribel Nye, home
economics extension leader at the
Too much emphasis is being given
to poor quality of Oregon butter,
the creamervmen believe, as the
quality is being constantly improv
ed and is now far better than the
public realizes. The continuance of
the butter scoring and analysis ser
vice by the state college was approved.
Officers chosen are president, P.
M. Brandt, Corvallis; vice president,
E. L. Martindale, Portland; secre
tary, G. Wilster, Corvallis; treasur
er, F. G. Dechebach, Salem; direc
tors, W. E. Bohle, Lebanon; William
Oimond, Newberg; P. C. Jorgensen,
Toledo; Jens Pedersen, McMinn
ville, and G. Voget, Hubbard.
An orphan, and a boob,
A vampire, and a dude,
A matchmaker, mean,
The book-agent Green,
And Julietta Bean,
May all be seen at Rhea
Creek Grange hall, April 4, 8 p. m.
Dance following play.
Phyllis Pollock, secretary.
Degree of Hunor juveniles: Jun
ior club meets 4th Tuesday, Odd
Fellows hall, Mrs. Geroge Moore,
director; Senior club meets 4th Fri
day, Odd Fellows hall, Mrs. George
Moore, director.
Sportsmen's Clubs.
Heppner Country club, E. A. Ben
nett, president. Francis Doherty,
Heppner Rod and Gun club meets
every Sunday during season, club
grounds, Charles Latourell, presi
dent, Russell Piatt, secretary.
Governmental Groups.
Morrow County court meets as
probate court 1st Monday, as county
court 1st Wednesday, courthouse,
R. L. Benge, judge. Gay M. Ander
son, clerk.
Heppner city council meets 1st
Monday, council chambers, W. G.
McCarty, mayor, E. R. Huston, re
Found Two keys on string. Ow
ner call Gazette Times. 1.
For Sale Beardless rye, Baxter &
Osborne, Spray, Ore. 52-3.
(Continued from Page One)
Case, secretary.
Junior league meets every Satur
day, Methodist church, Mrs. Glen
White, superintendent.
Women's Foreign Missionary so
ciety meets 3rd Tuesday, Methodist
church, Mrs. S. E. Notson, presi
dent, Mrs. Sam Lininger, secretary.
Union Missionary society meets
three times yearly, Protestant
churches, Mrs. Jeff Beamer, presi
dent, Mrs. Harry Tamblyn, secre
tary. Women's Christian Temperance
union, meets 3rd Thursday, Church
of Christ, Mrs. F. S. Parker, presi
dent, Mrs. Jeff Beamer, secretary.
Educational Groups.
Parent Teachers association
meets 2nd Tuesday, high school as
sembly .com, Mrs. Harry Tamblyn,
president, Miss Harriet Case, secre
Book Worms meet 2nd and 4th
Tuesdays, members homes, Mrs. C.
W. Smith, president, Mrs. W. R.
Poulson, secretary.
Heppner Library association, Mrs
Lucy Rodgers, president, Mrs. Chas,
Swindig, secretary.
Women's Literary club meets 1st
Saturday, American Legion hall
rs. George Thomson, president,
rs. E. E. Clark, secretary.
Juvenile Organizations.
Boy Scouts meet every Tuesday,
Heppner high school, Stanley Moore
scoutmaster, Theodore McMurdo,
Campflre Girls meet every Tues
day, Heppner school, Mrs. Stanley
Moore, leader.
Girl Scouts meet every Saturday,
Mrs. Gerald Brunson, leader, Miss
Bv virtue of an order o the County
Court. I am authorized and directed to
sell at public auction as provided by
law the following described real prop
erty, at not less than the minimum
Driee herein set forth, to-wit:
All of Lots two, ten and eleven, and
all of Lot 3, except a strip nineteen
feet in width on the South side tnereor,
all in Block numbered two in Ayers'
Second Addition to the town or lienn
ner. Oregon, and Tract numbered
twelve of Irreeular Tracts of the City
of Heppner, for the minimum price of
Therefore. I will, on Saturday, the
nineteenth day of April, l'J30, at 1:30
p. m., at the front door of the Court
House in Heppner. Oregon, sell said
property to the highest bidder for cash
in nana.
2-5. C. J. D. BAUMAN. Sheriff,
"Ed's Co-Ed" at Star Friday and Saturday
,,Jrm - -mmxrmff &" WVWfi'"S 1 'll'IWW'''1'1'"'''1! '
; fk ' ?; m v Mir- f t A& , i
University of Oregon, Eugene.
(Special.) Those who think col
lege is a round of rah-rah, jazz and
football, with little time for studies,
will be In for a surprise when they
view "Ed's Co-ed," a campus movie
written, acted and produced by Uni
versity of Oregon students at Eu
gene last spring. The drama Is
feature length and fully up to pro
fessional standards. It teems with
"I was blindfolded and led
into a room with dozens of dif
ferent tires and I picked GOOD
YEAR right away. I felt of all
of them and it was the only one
that wasn't flat"
WHICH reminds us that millions
more people ride on GOODYEARS
than on any other kind.
DO YOU KNOW that only three
states in the union Florida, Geor
gia and Texas use the motorists'
tax money for purposes otter than
Reporter (dashing into city room)
"Here's a real piece of news! A
truck driver got stuck in the mud at
the side of the highway.
Editor "Well, what makes that
Reporter "Well, you see this guy
pulled over to let a car pass.
More and more people are patron
izing our new wash rack every day.
AND here as elsewhere 30 out
of each 100 motorists prefer GOOD
YEAR tires.
Jones: "Sorry, old man that
my hen scratched up your gar
den." Smith: "That's alright, my
dog ate your hen."
Jones! "Fine! My car just ran
over your dog."
Our greasing equipment is busy
nearly all the time but we can al
ways find time for one more.
'PaDa. what do you call a man
who drives a car?"
It all depends on how close he
comes to me."
In Great Britain, Hungary, Swe
den and Ireland, traffic must keep
to the left.
"Morning, Noah, is your old ark
"Nope, only one jackass so far,
Come on in.
AND then there was the girl who
liked to dance with her Scotch lad
die because he was so close,
If you want to test your memory
try to remember the things that
worried you yesterday or the cars
you saw that didn't have at least
one GOODYEAR tire.
"Grandpa, when are you go
ing to pluy football?"
"Football? I can't play foot
ball!" "But dad said we'd get a new
car as soon as you kicked off."
If you overlook our greasing and
washing service you are missing
AND also there was the lazy man
who married the pug-nosed girl be
cause she was easier to kiss,
Alice (to old maid aunt) : "Auntie
were you ever in a predicament
"No, dear, but heaven knows I've
Speaking of roads we have some
really wonderful bargains in good
used tires, as' well as a complete
fresh stock of new GOODYEARS.
"She's a nicely reared girl, don't
vou think?"
"Yeah. She don't look so bad in
front either." '
Spare lamps and extra fan belts
are mighty handy accessories in a
motorist's kit. We have a complete
stock of both.
"The Antiquity of Microbes'
Had 'em.
"The Country's Condition After
Several Volstead Years.
If vou are contemplating having
your car overhauled this spring
drive in and get our estimate. We
use the flat rate system and can tell
you in advance just what it will cost
you and our new mechanics are
courteous and efficient.
There are now more automobiles
in use In the United States than
Interest and suspense yet It does
not depend on tho usual cinema
mechanics for any of its appeal.
The picture will open March 28
for a two-day run at the Star the
ater. "Ed's Co-ed" tolls, in Blmple
fashion, the story of a frosh who
comes down from the woods to go
to the university. His reception,
which affords the sophomores a bit
of real fun, his struggleg to win the
there are telephones.
girl of his heart while seeking to
keep up his scholastic standing, the
many little instances of college life,
all blend to make an absorbing
story. With the beauty of the cam
pus as its background, the picture
has achieved a distinct success. The
historic mil! race where so many
college romances have started, plays
an important part In the benutlfully
portrayed and interesting student
Vaughn & Goodman
"Where Quality and Bervloe Meet"
30 Miles
When Traveling to
Yakima Valley
Alderdale Ferry
Landing located four miles
east of Heppner Junction.
Recent road improvements
make this the
Ideal Route
Send us Your
Have your cleaning clone at our fully
equipped Heppner plant, which will be in
stalled and ready for operation Monday.
Why send your clothes to other towns for
cleaning when you can have the work done
promptly and at a reasonable price at home.
We have added a cleaning operator to our
personnel who has had much experience,
especially with silk garments.
Our cleaning machine is especially adap
ted to turning out fine work on velvet and
plush coats.
Skuzeski, the Tailor
Heppner Gazette Times for Everything in Printing
We'll Keep You Dry!
A leaky roofs a mighty pain
Whenever it begins to rain,"
Declares BUI Ser: "The remedy
Is newer shingles, yes sir reel"
We've told you before that we
carry all types of shingles,
both wooden and compositin.
We're reminding you again,
because the season of heavy
spring rains soon will be at
hand. Remember, a pound of
prevention is better than a
ton of cure. Order that new
roof today before damage re
sults. THE
Heppner Planing Mill
and Lumber Yard
Fhone 1123
The Home of Friendly Service
Quality Coffee
The very fragrance of Max-I-Mum
coffee's delightful
blend as it rises from perco
lator or cup is tempting.
To drink it makes oward
the completeness of any
meal. Call or phone 53 for
a pound or more today.
M.D.Clark : Hiatt &Dix
This store, like all Red & White stores, is owned outright by the
men who operate it. No other person or firm has any interest
in it. We sell at low prices because we pool our buying with
thousands of other Red & White merchants to save you money.
Let the Following Specials Introduce You to Red & White Quality
and service
Saturday & Monday (March 29 and 31) Red & White Super-Specials
Wheat Hearts ,
Sperry's, Lg. Pkg
Wesson Oil LCkf
Malted Milk, Thomp- yjQf
son's Chocolate Ttt
2 Bottles OOC
Serv-us Pineapple
H Fancy Sliced, 3 Cans
R&W Pineapple
Stand. Sliced, 3 Cans
manufactured by International Har
vester Co. of America. 22-38 horse
power. Delivered price with three
bottom 16-Inch plow $1597.00. Two
yrar terms. Discount for cash. Ask
for a demonstration.
Nuli-s and Service
R&W Coffee Serv-us Coffee
14 00n 1-lb.
O&Ks Can
R&W Tomato Soup
3 Cans
R&W Mayonnaise
Pint Jars
Schlitz Malt, Hop (14
Flavored, 2 Cans 1
R&W Golden Sweet Jg
Corn, 3 Cans TC i 1
B&W Oysters QCf
2 5-oz. Tins tC?ls
R&W Sweet Peas AQn
2 Cans JUU
R&W Hot Sauce fl
3 Cans (Buffet) J.t7ls
49-lb. Sack tDJUOl
St serves (pmisrtm)
kmios (fiffiffi) giro