Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 27, 1930, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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If you suspect that you may have
ulcer of the stomach or its imme
diate vicinity, there are certain us
ual symptoms which may confirm
or dismiss you conclusion, accord
ing to whether they are present or
If your distress, whatever it is,
comes on at least two hours after
taking food even later is the rule
this points to ulcer. Some are
nauseated, some have actual pain,
some become distressed by gas. The
point is, the distress comes on when
the stomach is empty, or nearly so;
and the'JeaSofl for this is, the ex
cess of acid in the stomach reaches
the surface of the ulcer, and sets
up anything from gastric spasm to
boring, burning pain, nausea, sour
stomach, as well as many minor
symptoms always with an empty
stomach, long after taking food.
This furnishes material for the
second diagnostic material for the
this: Eating something gives tem
porary relief in almost every case
of peptic ulcer. When a patient
comes to me with such evidence, I
am led to suspect ulceration. The
food relieves by absorbing the ex
cess acid which causes the pain
takes it up much as the blotter
takes up ink on paper. And a hyper
acid condition is present in simple
ulcer of the stomach. Taking "so
da" relieves so many acid condi
tions that it is of lesser value in
pointing to ulcer. Capable X-ray,
of course, clarifies the situation.
My first requirement in ulcer is
SOFT diet and my reason is plain:
if you had ulcer of the palm of the
hand, you wouldn't rub it with half
masticated radish, celery, fried
. meat or potato and expect it to
ever heal. No raw fruits, or acid
fruits, except possibly juice of sweet
orange, sparingly. Soft food always.
No overloading.
Never make a business of wash
ing out the stomach, once ulcer is
accurately diagnosed. Ulcers resent
I wish I knew how many millions
of dollars are being spent annually
on the teeth of Uncle Sam's men
and women; I imagine the sum
would be staggering!
Doubtless tons of human teeth are
extracted each year, regardless of
the age of the victims. That most
of these teeth are diseased, I do
not doubt; there may be excellent
reasons for the massacre of the mo
lars; but, it would seem to be high
time for a study of the conditions
underlying; the "why" of the dental
necrosis, the abscess, the caries, the
It is a fact that our progenitors
and racial neighbors long before us,
had better teeth than we have. Ex
plorers into darkest Africa have told
us of the beautiiul white teeth or
natives; in fact about the only beau
tiful thing about the Hottentot, the
Arab, the Zulu and others, seemed
to be the teeth. Why? They lived
on the coarsest food imaginable;
"tooth paste" was unheard of and
tooth brushes! Dentists! A Congo
maid would be crazy to even think
of such an utter absurdity!
No, it has been allotted to civil
ization to visit on its adherents the
tragedy of the teeth, not to mention
dozens of the more serious diseases,
How has the feat been accomplish
First, as to food. Rough, coarse
food is an excellent substitute for
the tooth-brush. A bag of whole
some pop-corn is a good dentrince;
eating apples the old-fashioned way
is a mighty good tonic for teeth
and gums. The mastication of the
right kind of substances was, doubt
less, intended by the Creator to be
all the "treatment" the teeth and
gums needed. It is generally when
man tries to improve on His meth
ods, that the traitor falls down.
There is no doubt in my mind
that the dirty tooth brush is re
sponsible for more cases of pyor
rhea than any other one thing. More
than this the incessant scrubbing
of the teeth is harmful to a most
pronounced degree; and a neglected
bowel is a prolific source of dis
ease that may extend to the remot
est part of the human structure.
(From tillage and production report
of Eastern Oregon Wheat conferince.)
Lait of terles of four artiolei.
Weeds are a constant menace to
the wheat grower and will continue
to become more troublesome. Farm
ers are strongly advised to use
every possible precaution to keep
summer fallow clean. The best time
to kill weeds Is when they are small.
Clean fence rows and roadways will
The use of chlorates in the form
of sprays for eradication of noxious
weeds like wild morning glory,
knapweed and Canada thistle offers
much promise for a practical meth
od of controlline these pests. Re
sults with sodium chlorate in east
em Oregon in 1928 were satisfac
tory. In 1929 calcium chlorates
were tested even more extensively
through . cooperation of growers
with county agents and state col
lege specialists. Results will not be
known until the summer of 1930.
The plan of the Umatilla county
court of assisting farmers in pro
viding sprav equipment for organiz
ed weed control is recommended for
consideration in other counties. Spe
cific recommendations on use of
chlorates can be obtained from the
countv aeents or state college.
General or extensive culture of
other crops on typical wheat lands
of eastern Oregon is not recom
mended. Under certain conditions
and in certain localities field peas
and corn, to a limited extent, may
be profitable to farmers who keep
In Union county and in some sec-
Peter Bauernfiend, former well
known resident of Cecil, has been
at Walla Walla for about a couple
of months, a patient in St Mary's
hospital. During this time he un
derwent two operations, one on Jan
uary first and the latter, a prostate
gland operation, on the 8th of Feb
ruary. Relatives here are Informed
that he is doing well, and should be
able to leave the hospital in about
two weeks. Mr. Bauernfiend is a
man 78 years of age, and his recov
ery from the ordeal he has been
through, in so short a time, i3 remarkable.
D. C. Wells, representing the firm
of Wells and Keithley, realtors of
Pendleton, was a visitor at Hepp
ner on Mnoday, bringing parties
with him whom he hoped to interest
in Morrow county farm lands.
30 Miles
When Traveling to
Yakima Valley
Alderdale Ferry
Landing located four miles
east of Heppner Junction.
Recent road improvements
make this the
Ideal Route
tions of Wasco and Umatilla coun
ties, alfalfa, sweet clover, corn and
peas are profitable crops. .On limit
ed areas In Union and Umatilla
counties, potatoes and beans are
profitable. It is recommended that
enough livestock and poultry be
kept on every wheat farm to utilize
all by-products and to make use of
land not suited to profitable wheat
Clover seed quotations from Chi
cago and Toledo, Ohio, are the latest
addition to the market news service
of KOAC. A leased government
wire carries market reports on such
farm commodities as are most like
ly to effect prices of Oregon pro
duce to the college campus through
out the day. Spot market quotations
of the morning are given at 12:45
o'clock and brief afternoon flashes
at 4 30 o'clock. The most complete
report of the day comes at 6:45
o'clock when reviews of different
farm commodities are given In ad
dition to the latest word from the
nation's markets.
Mr. and Mrs. Mefflin J. Devin
granted to W. E. Pruyn a mortgage
on 1851 acres of land located east
and north of Heppner, according to
an instrument filed February 13 at
the Morrow county clerk s office.
The mortgage was given in secur
ity for a promissory note for $6500
dated February 8, 1930, and payable
one year after date.
Heppner Boy Selected
To Aid College Dance
Oregon State College, Corvallls,
Feb. 26. Clair Cox of Heppner, a
freshman at Oregon State college,
has been appointed as a committee
member for the rook dance to be
held April 11.
Plans to make this dance one that
will be memorable in the annals of
rook classes are now under way.
This Is the first class to have more
than one rook dance. Arrange
ments are nw being made to make
this affair for freshmen only, which
excludes the bevy of upperclassmen
usually present at the traditional
first year men's hop.
With Oregon dairymen taking a
cut of a quarter million dollars a
month due to a violent drop in but-
terfat prices, men of the industry
are meeting in Marshfleld and Co
qullle February 25 and 26 for the
annual convention of the Oregon
Dairymen's association to consider
the crisis. The detailed program
just announced by P. M. Brandt,
secretary of the association and
chief in dairying at Oregon State
college, shows most of the two-day
session devoted to discussion of the
causes and cure of the present situation.
"Should a Student Be Excused
from Education?" is the title of a
lecture to be given from KOAC by
Ruth Glasgow, director of physical
education for women, Monday, Feb
ruary 24 at 3 o'clock. This is just
one of a long series of health and
physical education lectures to which
some faculty member of the school
of health and physical education
contributes each Monday afternoon
at 3 o'clock.
The federal farm board is deter
mined to assist farmers to gain
control of the marketing of their
own products, and does not Intend
to retreat In the face of growing
opposition, declared W F. Schilling,
dairy and poultry member of the
board, In a recent talk over KOAC,
the state college radio station. Schil
ling is a prominent Minnesota dairy
man himself who has had many
years of successful cooperative mar
keting experience.
For Sale Pure bred Barred Rock
eggs for setting, from selected hens,
$1 per setting. Mrs. Eph Eskelson,
Heppner. 50tf.
When you purchase new things for your
home, don't overlook the relation between
your purchases and your insurance cover
age. It's an easy matter to double or treble
the value of the contents of your home with
out noticing it.
Check up on your contents fire policy
F. W. Turner & Co.
Representing Reliable Companies.
nf rrtmi I'lHiMf'n "
TUESDAY, MAR. 4, '30
I will offer for sale to the highest bidder at the old KIMBERLEY
place, 15 miles northeast of Lexington, or 3 miles east of the Hueb
ner place in Sand Hollow, the following personal property:
23 Head of HORSES and MULES
Harness for 20 head; all butt chain
Two galvanized Water Troughs
One Monarch Range Stove
One Kitchen Cabinet
One Extension Dining Table
Two Dressers ,
Two Bedsteads and Springs
One Heating Stove
One Edison Phonograph, and
other articles too numerous to
Ages from 2 to 1 2 years
1 Wagon, 600-gal. Water Tank
Two 3-in. Wagons with wheat
Iron-wheel Wagon; half truck
Two old Wagons with wide axles
One McCormick Header-14-ft.
with header boxes on
Two 24-foot Steel Harrows
One new John Deere 3-horse gas
One Pump Jack
TERMS OF SALE: Sums of $20.00 and under, Cash; above that
amount, six months time on approved notes, at 8 per cent interest.
Bring your cups for coffee
G. L. BENNETT, Auctioneer W. 0. HILL, Clerk
fir Zootomies! Irmntportmtitm
tl -il
Here is a bargain event without parallel in the history of
this community! This great spring clearance sale brings to
bargain seekers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to secure
famous used cars "with an OK that counts" at savings that
will be long remembered.
Due to the tremendous popularity of the New Chevrolet
Six, we have an unusually large stock of fine used cars. To
clear our stock quickly, we offer these splendid cars at low
sale prices that are nothing less than sensational.
Buy a car during this sale at many dollars below its normal
price! Look to the red "OK that counts" tag as proof of its
quality and dependability. This tag signifies that the car
has been thoroughly checked and reconditioned. Be sure
to attend this sale early !
Wide choice of four and six cylinder cars
1929 Chevrolet
1 1-2 Ton Truck
This is the economical solu
tion to your hauling prob
lems. Here's a bargain that
won't last long, so hurry.
Going at a Good
1928 CHEVBOLET COUPES (3 of them) Both
of theae have been thoroughly reconditioned.
Good robber all aound and fine
paint. Be rare to lee these for
for economical transportation.
1938 DODGE BIX SEDAN Our mechanic
have reoondltloned thli oar and ,
pnt It In ftrit olaa condition.
Five food tlrea and uoenee.
1937 CHEVBOLET COACH Motor In fine oon.
dltlen. New eeat oovera. Good fl ft Ck
robber all around and a apare. T j
Lloenie Included. ttfMV
1927 CHEVBOLET SEDAN, 4-door Motor
completely overhauled. Faint O M f f
In good condition and good B, 1 1 1 1
tlrea. With licence. ( IWV
1937 CHEVBOLET COACH Motor haa been
reconditioned. Fine bumpera, apare tire and
full equipment. Faint and Ji A
rubber In good condition. With (Soil Vf
1927 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN Roomy, good
looking and aemceabie. Motor
rune perfectly. Good rubber
and full equipment. Only.
New 1929 Chev
rolet Sedan
Never been driv
en. We need the
floor space for
the display of the
new 1930 models
Going at a Worth
while Discount
Ferguson Chevrolet Co.
Heppner, Oregon