HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEB. 20, 1930. PAGE THREE Have You Seen a Miracle? Here is an important distinction that many people overlook. God made the world; but He does not make your world. He provides the raw materials, and out of them every man selects what he wants and builds an indiv idual world for himself. The fool looks over the wealth of material provided, and selects a few plates of ham and eggs, a few pairs of trousers, a few dollar bills and is satisfied. The wise man builds his world out of wonderful sunsets, and thrill ing experiences, and the song of the stars, and romances and miracles. Nothing wonderful ever happens in the life of the fool. An electric light is Bimply an elec tric light; a telephone is only a tele phone nothing unusal at all. But the wise man never ceases to wonder ho a tiny speck of seed, apparently dead and buried, can pro duce a beautiful yellow flower. He never lifts a telephone receiver or switches on an electric light without a certain feeling of awe. And think what a miracle it is, this harnessing of electricity to the service of man! Who, unless his sense of awe had grown blunt through constant fam iliarity, would believe it? The sun, the center of our uni verse, goes down behind the west ern horizon. I touch a button, and presto! I have called it back the room is flooded anew with light. The thunder that men once called the voice of God rolls out its mighty waves of sound, and the sound car rier only a few score miles. But I puny speck upon the face of the earth I lift a little Instrument: and, behold, my whisper is heard a thousand miles away. Do we want heat? We press a button: and lo, heat, invisible, sil ent, all per-vasive, flows into our homes over a copper wire. Do we need power? We have but to press another switch, and giants come to us over the same slender roadway. Clothed in invisible gar ments, they cleanse our homes, wash our clothes, crank our auto mobiles do everything that once taxed the strength of men and hur ried women into unlovley old age. Don't let your life become a pro saic affair: don't let familiarity with the marvels about you breed thoughtlessness and contempt. If you had stood with Moses on the shore of the Red Sea, and had seen it divide to let the Children of Israel pass over, you would have had no difficulty in recognizing that as a miracle. But every night when the sun goes down, a man stands in a power house in your city and throws a switch, and lnstnatly the city and the country for miles around are flooded with sunshine. And you say to yourself casually: "Oh, I see the lights are on." MC KELVI E SPEAKS 1 PLANS (Continued from Page One) for disposition. It will be the larg est grain cooperative in the world and its branches will reach into ev ery consuming or producing county that buys American grain or grows grain in competition to it. The na tional cooperative will deal with the regional, In this section the regional being the Pacific Northwest Grain growers. The regional will deal with the local cooperative and the grow er with the local. Wide Choice Given. The farmer is allowed a wide in dividual preference in the disposal of his grain. He can deliver It for Immediate sale, to be held on grain receipts, or placed In a pool. The farmer is not taking any chance by signing a contract with a local. Ar rangements are made in the con tracts for cancellation. Any method now used to successfully market grain can be embodied in the new cooperative organization. If the cooperatives are to be suc cessful they must receive a large volume of grain, and this requires that the farmers give the organiza tions undivided support. Formerly cooperatives were in competition with each other, and for that rea son were not so successful. Other competition has been faced at points of delivery and in like fashion all along the line. The new organiza tion will sell Its grain through one agency. Every sale will be for the benefit of the grower. Loan Provided For. The marketing act states the rate of Interest to be charged on loans. The money will pass down the line, national to regional, regional to lo cal, and local to producer. The rate of Interest to be charged on these loans Is expected to be low. The money loaned is received from all taxpayers. The loans are not a subsidy for agriculture. Credit is to be given the farmer wun me aim to eet him out of debt rather than In debt. The regional will never make a loan to the local cooperative if that organization is in poor con dition. Plenty of money, consistent with good business practice will be loaned. In making the loans every precaution will be taken so that the money will eventually be repaid. Next let us consider the preven tion and control of surpluses. Most of the surplus has been resultant from high prices the year before, but that is not so true here as it is in places where a variety of crops may be planted. It has not been the farmers' fault that surpluses occur red, for the farmers acted accord ing to the best information they had. The government will provide information before planting. It is believed that this will reduce the acreage planted, but of course it is not a certainty. If after this in formation is given by the govern ment to the farmers, and the farm ers do overplant, then no farm board can be of help in reducing surpluses. No aid can get around the question of supply and demand. Industries Swk Markets, Other industries do not control output but keep plants running and continually seek greater markets. Discovery of new uses for products and improvement of products is sought In the same way new uses should be sought for farm products. Improvement in selling forces must be perfected. Farm products are rarely as well sold as factory pro ducts. A greater use of farm pro ducts must be stimulated among the farmers themselves. In the last 20 years the per capita use of wheat has been greatly reduced. Butter surpluses are represented by the large amount of substitutes used In this country. Substitutes are made from cocoanuts knocked from trees by monkeys. People of this country just to save a few cents buy the substitutes. The dairyman is really competing with monkeys. The grain farmer should patronize the dairy farmer. If he does this the dairy man will have more money to buy grain from him, so it Is a case of the grain farmer putting more mon ey in his own pocket. Stabilization Sought Continuing his talk, Mr. McKelvie explained the features of the recent ly organized grain stabilization cor poration. In this the cooperatives only can hold memberships. Profits to the producers are returned through the locals. The purpose of this corporation is to maintain price levels according to natural laws. This corporation expects to be sub stantially helpful but its operations are not to be carried on every day of the year. The aim of the agricultural mar keting act is to place marketing in the hands of the farmer and to put him on his own feet. If this does not result it will not have succeeded in fulfilling the objective set. It is a case of evolution versus revolu tion, and the farmer alone will suf fer If revolution In marketing oc curs. Came to Present Facte. In concluding, Mr. McKelvie said, "I came here to get your viewpoints and to outline the plan of the board which was created to help you. I came not to urge that you join the movement, but to present you the facts. What results the board at tains is directly dependent on the farmer. It is the aim of the board to build something for all time for agriculture and to give the farmer secure control of his own business." E. M. Ehrhardt, president of the Federal Land bank and ex-offlcio Says Sargon Brought Back His Health 'J ii -JSl JOHN C. SPENCER "For the past year I have been in wretched health. Three bottles of Sargon put me In wonderful condi tion. My appetite is splendid now and my digestion Is sound. I have gained ten pounds and my strength has returned in proportion. "I wouldn't be without Sargon if it cost twenty-flve dollars a bottle." John C. Spencer, 498 Sixty-third St, West Allls, Milwaukee, Wis. Sargon's record of marvelous achievement is an open book to all, and only those who have used this famous treatment know Its real powers. Patterson & Son, Druggists, local agents. (Adv.) officer of the Intermediate Credit bank of Spokane, told of the provi sions made by the government for loans upon the farmers' crops. Roy Ritner, former president of the Eastern Oregon Wheat league, Prepare for Spring Plowing USE THE BATES CRAWLER TRACTOR 35, 45 and 80 H. P. Models PAUL G. BALSIGER, lone, Oregon Agent for Morrow County and a director of the board of di rectors of this section's regional co operative, the Pacific Northwest Grain growers,, said that the agri cultural marketing act may not be all that may be desired, but that it was the best law ever signed by the president of the United States. Invested in the Federal Farm board is more power than has even been extended any previous board. Mr. Ritner stated that he believed the farmers should join in the move ment with whole-hearted support, and then if this farm relief mea sure failed, the farmer would have DRINK MORE MILK Wise old Mother Nature made milk for children. Into it she put every thing needed for sustenance, and in the most easily assimilated form. So, Drink More Milk. Let the children have plenty. It It the cheapest food you can buy. Alfalfa Lawn Dairy WIGHTMAN BROS., Props. Phone 80F8 mothers, are you guarding your children's health with plenty of butter) Growing children need plenty of energy and vitamins. But ter furnishes both In abund ance. there is no substi tute for good butter Butter Is rich In growth-stimulating and disease-preventing vitamin A. It Is now selling at a low price. It Is one of the cheapest foods, nutrition al value considered. "There is No Substi tute for Good Butter" Morrow County Creamery Co. Thii tthtrtittment it tpontorfd by Oregon USED CARS in many makes and models some of them practic ally as good as new as far as service is concerned. Offered at Remarkable Savings to the discriminating buyer. Come to our show room while this sale is on and see the wonderful values we display. Drive away an exceptional bargain. 2-1928 Chevrolet Coupes 1927 Chevrolet Coach 1927 Chevrolet Sedan 1 928 Chevrolet Coach 1 927 Oldsmobile Sedan 1 928 Dodge Six Sedan 1927 Star Coupe 1 929 Chevrolet Truck - run only 500 miles All these have good rubber and paint, are thoroughly recon ditioned, and are guaranteed "With an O. K. That Counts." A Few More Bargains: 3-1926 Chevrolet Tourings 1926 Ford Touring 1925 Star Coach 1 925 Ford Coach FERGUSON MOTOR CO. some opportunity to have other re lief measures legislated for him. However, he said that he believed the cooperative marketing plan would be successful If a majority of the farmers support it William A. Schoenfeld, regional representative of the Federal Farm board, was a guest at the meeting and spoke at the banquet held by the Arlington Lions club. John Withycombe, president of the East ern Oregon Wheat league, presided at the meeting. A FINANCIAL GUIDE One of our checking ac counts will give you a per manent record of your income and outgo. It will help you control your ex penses. It will aid you in quickly realizing your am bitions. Talk with us about it TODAY. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Heppner Bank 0ren NOTHING BUT THE R J ABOUT OUR QUALITY FOODS AND SAVING PRICES . . . The TRUTH and nothing less, about our quality foods and saving prices! You will find our strict policy of truthfulness carried out in all our adver tising and in every representation of our salespeople. And back ot it ALWAYS stands our money-back guarantee! Features for Friday & Saturday, Feb. 21-22 MACMARR COFFEE Buy in Bags and Save the Cost of a Useless Tin 1 Lb. . 3 Lbs. 39c $1.15 MAC MARR FLOUR A High Grade Flour Hard Wheat A 8 perry Product 241 Lb. Sack $1.05 49 Lb. Sack $1.79 PEACHES, No. 1 0 Tins, per can 69c APRICOTS, No. 10 Tins, per can . . . 69c LOGANBERRIES, No. 1 0 Tins, per can 69C BLACKBERRIES, No. 10 Tins, per can 69c UIIIIIUMIIIIIIIlllllMllltlltllllllllMIIIKttllllllllllll White King I PEANUT Washing Powder BUTTER Always Gets the Dirt I ,. , . I IN BULK A I Par PU AZO I 2 LRS 40t 1 VI 1 tXL M. V S S " "MiiiiiimniM Syrup Stone's Cane & Maple A dandy syrup for hot cakes No. 5 Tin 89c No. 10 Tin.. $1.59 PINEAPPLE, Broken Slices, No. 21 Tins, 3 cans . . . 70c PINEAPPLE, Whole Slices, No. 21 Tins, 3 cans 85C PINEAPPLE, Sliced and Crushed, No. 2 Tins, 3 cans 70c Shrimp Gulf KUt Brand IVn 1 Tina 3 Cans 55c Pink Salmon Happy Vale Brand Tall Tins Oysters Dun Bar Brand No. 1 Tina 3 Cans 65C 3 Cans 55c RAISINS, Thompson Seedless, 4 Lb. Package 29c PRUNES, Fresh Oregon Product, 5 Lbs 55c V LM. Phone 1082 STONE'S DIVISION Hotel Ileppner Bldg. (Jrtamtry uperaion mywanvn