Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 20, 1930, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MRS. A. T. HEREIM. Correspondent
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gryder have
come from Condon and have leased
the Lee Mead ranch.
This has been a busy week from
a social standpoint with several
children's parties, a pre-social card
party, Valentine parties and the
dance given Saturday night by the
Home Economics club.
One of the most delightful events
of the week was the large card
party given Wednesday evening by
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Packard at
their lovely suburban home. High
honors went to Mrs. Martha Titus
and Royal Rands, with low going
to Mrs. F. A. Fortier and L. G.
Smith. Lovely refreshments were
served by the hostess, Mr. and Mrs.
Spagle assisting. Guests were the
Messrs. and Mesdames Kennedy,
Hadley, Macomber, Hereim, L. G.
Smith, Ransier, Faler, Strobel, For
tier, Coats, Dillabough, Bates, Spa
gle, Rands, R. Brown, Packard, Mr.
D. W. Miller, Mrs. Titus. W. A.
Price, J. C. Ballenger. R. Wasmer,
Howard Packard, Katharine Brown
and Norma Gibbons.
The Home Economics club gave
one of the nicest dances of the sea
son Saturday night at the school
house. The local orchestra played.
At ten o'clock dancing stopped
while little Maxine Cooney drew
ten numbers to see who was the
winner of the cedar chest filled
with lovely linens by the ladies of
the club, an auxiliary of the grange.
The tenth number was held by the
Columbia creamery of Portland.
Andy Anderson, owner, is well
known here so friends were glad
he was the winner. Mrs. I. Skoubo
secretary of the club, had sent him
a bunch of twenty tickets and a
check came back for $2, and it was
one of these 20 that brought him
the luck. Dancing ceased at mid
night when lunch was served.
Geo. Wicklander has been ill with
high blood pressure. H. V. Tyler
who was quite ill is up and about
Dr. Gregson was called from Ar
lington on Wednesday to see him
as pneumonia was feared.
On Tuesday evening a pie social
was enjoyed at the church. At
tendance was not very large since
it was a school night, but all who
came had a very pleasant evening.
The pies brought good prices and
were indeed delectable looking con
fections. Proceeds will be used as
a nucleus for a fund with which to
finish the basement.
Miss Ada Wilbanks was hostess
at a party Thursday evening, hav
ing a group of her former school
mates at her home for the evening.
Games were played and later danc
ing was enjoyed, followed by re
freshments. Present were George
Wicklander, George Graves, John
Chaffee, Dave Rose, Glen Berger,
Warren Dillon, Warren Brice, Mar
vin Ransier, Sybil Macomber, Selma
Ayers, Lena Rose, Mary Chaffee,
Gloria Wicklander, Myrtle Wether
ell, Margaret Smith and the hos
Boardman's fast little basketball
team met their first defeat Friday
night when they played Lexington
over there. This defeat was not
unexpected. Boardman had the
short end of a 20-4 score. The last
game of the season will be a return
game with Heppner, Friday, Feb. 21
at Boardman.
Bobby Morgan of Portland who
has not been well is with his grand
mother, Mrs. H. H. Weston, for a
Mrs. H. V. Tyler was to entertain
the Home Economics club on Wed
nesday but as Mr. Tyler was ill
they met at the Hereim home.
Twenty-one ladies were present and
partook of the covered dish lunch
eon. A business meeting followed.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wilkins and
Mrs. Tom Hendrick were Portland
visitors last week.
Bobby King was four years old
Saturday, Feb. 15, so his sisters,
Francine and Ruth gave a Velen
tine party for him. The table was
prettily decorated with red hearts,
the taper-lighted cake and Valen
tine trimmed candle sticks. Each
small guest received a clever little
marshmallow man, a Valentine head
band and a clever Valentine. Pre
sent were Maxene Cooney, Asta, El
nora. Dngmar and Erma Skobo, Er
nest Tyler, Elizabeth Kristensen,
Bobby and Stanley King and Harry
Humphrey. The mothers enjoyed
the party fully as well as the small
folk. Ruth and Francine King wait
ed table, wearing heart-shaped ap
rons and caps.
On Thursday Asta and Elnora
Skobo, the twins of Mr. and Mrs. A.
Skobo, were six years old, and a
lovely party was given for them by
their mother. Twin cakes were used
for the centerpiece, with red and
blue streamers reaching from the
ceiling to the table. Little booklets
were given the guests. Present were
Bobby King, Elizabeth Kristensen,
Harry Humphrey, Stanton Hadley,
Maxine and Francine Cooney, Asta,
Elnora, Dagmar and Erma Skobo
and Caroline Hubbel. After school
Lena and Dorothy Rose came. Mo
thers present were Mesdames King,
Humphrey, Hadley, Cooney, Hubbel
and Rose. Mrs. Kristensen was un
able to attend as she had to spend
her time in the dentist's chair.
Mrs. J. R. Johnson was hostess
Wednesday at a charming Valen
tine party. Sixteen were present
including the hostess, and after an
afternoon of games and stunts a
lovely two-course luncheon was
served. Attending were Mesdames
L. G. Smith, Porter, Blayden, Waite,
FHckinger, Miller, Warner, J. F.
Barlow, Ayers, Lottie Attebury, Al
len, Messenger, Chas. Wicklander,
Faler and Hereim. Clever little Val
entines were used as place cards.
Mr. and Mrs. Marschat, Mrs. Ti
tus and Miss Spike were Pendleton
visitors Saturday, returning early
to attend the club dance.
Officers of the I. O. O. F. lodge
recently installed were Z. J. Gilles
pie N. G., Jack Rainville V. G., Geo.
Wicklander secretary, Claude My
ers treasurer, Nels Krisetnsen war
den, C. G. Blayden, R. S. N. G., Tom
Hendrick L. S. N. G., Jack Gorham
R. S. V. G., James Howell L. S. V.
G., F. F. Klitz sentinel, John Brice
and O. H. Warner guardians.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Waite motor
ed to Pendleton on Sunday and
spent the day with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen and
children were week-end guests at
the Allen home, coming from La
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stewart of
The Dalles attended the dance here
Saturday night. They were Board-
man residents in the early days.
The Grange club will give a card
party Thursday night at the Rain
ville home. Mesdames Duggan,
Mead, Coats and Rainville are the
committee in charge.
W. A. Price motored to Yakima
on Saturday for the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Graves and
Mrs. Raymond Shane were initia
ted into the grange at the meeting
Thursday evening. Chili was served
at the close of the meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Messenger and
family, Rev. and Mrs. W. O. Miller
and Rev. Boudinot Seely were
guests Sunday at a fine turkey din
ner at the M. K. Flickinger home.
Chas. Parish and daughter Anne
and Mrs. Mabel M. Miller were
down Saturday from Pendleton and
were guests at the Ransier home.
Rev. Boudinot Seely opened a
series of revival meetings Sunday
morning at the church. He is an
able and interesting speaker. Mrs.
Claude Coats has charge of the mu
sic and special music will be given
at each service. The meetings open
at 7:30 and close early. They will
continue the rest of this month.
Billy, the youngest son of Mr. and
Mrs. D. F. Ransier, was quite ill
with flu this week.
The Macombers, Miss Henry and
Alvin McCarty motored to Pendle
ton Sunday and saw the talkie.
"Sunny Side Up."
Hanclines were down Sunday
from Hermiston and were guests at
the Royal Rands home.
The date for the second character
education P. T. A. meeting has been
set for February 28. The program
will include song by male trio, se
lection by the rhythm orchestra,
(the little orchestra is always pop
ular and they will appear in their
white uniforms. They would have
played before this but there has
been so much illness.), continuation
of the review of "Character Train
ing" by Mrs. Hereim. discussion of
We serve them fresh,
temptingly appetizing
-or you may get them
in bulk.
Shell Fish of
all kinds on our menu
Satisfying! Delicious!
Just the Right Blend
To Satisfy the Most Exacting!
If you want to cause considerable comment about
the excellent coffee you serve In your home try our
MAX-I-MUM brand. Try it once and you will always
serve it.
It is blended of the finest coffee berries, and Its
exceptional flavor is due to a special uniform process
of roasting.
For extra satisfaction every time you drink coffee,
use MAX-I-MUM. Packed bo that every bit of the
zestful aroma and rich flavor Is sealed in for you
to enjoy.
Phelps Grocery Co.
The Home of Good Eats.
character education by all members,
presentation of a practical plan ad
opted by the school, Mrs. Marschat.
Refreshments will be served. The
chairman of the program commit
tee is Mrs. King. The committee
is endeavoring to get two non-en
tertainment features, un tne re
freshment committee are Mrs. My
ers, Royal Rands and Mrs. Tyler.
Boardman will play in the district
basketball tournament Feb. 28- and
March 1 at Heppner.
The Senior Frolic, always looked
forward to with keen anticipation,
will be held March 15. Committees
have been appointed as follows: re
freshment. Norma Gibbons, Mildred
Allen, Gladys Graves, Celia Partlow;
decoration, G. Berger, E. Mingus,
W. Dillon; entetainment, C. and
Geo. Wicklander; carnival, R. Neth-
ercott, K. Duggan and V. Root
John Graves and family who have
been living on the Ray Brown place
the past year, left this week for
Lexington where they will make
their home with Mrs. Graves' parents.
Earl Cramer went to Heppner
Sunday where he will tag sheep for
a time.
Ed Kunze came home Monday
evening from Burns where he has
been since last summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Royal Rands gave
a pleasant card party Monday eve
ning with "500" as the evening's di
version. Playing were Messrs. and
Mesdames Packard, R. Brown,
Mead, Macomber, Spagle, Rainville,
l. Skoubo and Rands. Mrs. Mead
and Ray Brown received the hon
ors, and Mrs. Packard and I. Skobo
1928 Durant 2-door
1926 Chevrolet Coupe
Auto Co.
consolation. A lovely lunch was
served late in the evening.
Residents of Heppner, who like to
boost their home community can
do so at nominal cost now, for metal
plates bearing the wording "Hepp
ner," to be attached above the au
tomobile license plate, are available.
The plates are enameled red with
lettering in white. They can be
obtained for 50 cents per pair from
D. E. Hudson at the Cohn Auto
company, who is handling the sale
for the American Legion post The
pltues were purchased by the post
several years ago and were lost or
misplaced after only a few had been
Frank Gilliam returned from
Portland Sunday with W. P. Ma
honey, after attending the annual
meeting of the Retail Hardware
and Iplement Dealers association.
j Day and Night Phone 1332 j
Whelps Funeral Home
j Cut Flowers for All Occasions j
FOR SALE Combination daven
port and bed, leather upholstered,
at a bargain. Inquire Gazette Times.
For Sale 40 head work horses;
harness fo 30 head; 3 3-bottom
plows; doubletrees and 3 12-horse
hitches. Four miles north of Lex
ington. Chas. A. Marquardt 42tf.
For Sale 50 tons alfalfa hay. See
Art Parker, Heppner, Ore. 45tf.
Is your hot water HOT? If not
call Gibb the plumber, Peoples
Hardware Co., phone 702, residence
phone 1412. No job too big or too
small. Prompt attention to all calls.
Published In the interests of the people of Heppner and vicinity by
Volume 30
Heppner, Oregon February 20, 1930.
No. 8
The world could not
do without men. With
only women here, the
destinies of the world
might be altered by
the appearance of a
Manager, Editor.
Lum Ber, the phil
osopher, says that
kids can raise them
selves but you got to
stay home with a
cow or she ain't con
tented. Garnet Barratt was
in town Monday after
cement. He is going
to build a concrete
Lime for white
washing the outbuild
More sunshine in
the homes. Build a
sun porch and it will
be used 365 days a
year. With screens in
summer it gives a
cool place free from
flies and insects.
Father: What did
you and Joe talk
about last night?
Daughter: Oh, we
talked about our kith
and kin.
Small Brother :Yeth
pop, I heard them.
He said, 'Kin I have
a kith,' and she said,
'Yeth you kin.'
Spring time is
clean-up time. Re
pair and repaint those
odds and ends around
the place. Fix the
place up and give it
a fresh start for the
year. Our supplies do
the work.
John Kilkenny was
hauling out lumber
for sheep panels on
The little snow we
had can't make a
winter 'cause one
swallow don't make a
summer. Some folks
after three swallows
can't tell a thing
about the weather.
All these added improvements
yet prices (jreutly redneed!
The new Chevrolet Six Is enjoying the
greatest public reception ever given a
Chevrolet car. For it offers scores of
new improvements and refinements
that make it a finer car in every way.
Yet it sells at greatly reduced prices!
Consider a few of the extra-value
features that Chevrolet has incorpo
rated in this greatest of all Chevrolets
a smoother, flashier six-cylinder
valve-in-head motor, with its capacity
increased to 50 horsepower!
a stronger, more durable rear axle,
with Increased gear ratio!
four Lovejoy hydraulic shock
absorbers assuring a smooth, even,
comfortable ride over any road!
weather-proof internal-expanding
four-wheel brakes, with front and rear
drums tightly enclosed !
larger full-balloon tires, a new clutch
and a stronger transmission !
quieter, stronger, more beautiful
Fisher bodies wlthrlchcrupholsteries,
more distinctive colors, and wider,
deeper seats!
Every factor has been considered that
would add to the safety, comfort and
convenience of the Chevrolet owner.
Come in today. See this greatest of all
Chevrolets ! Check over its new features.
Drive It. You'll find quality you never
thought possible at such greatly
reduced prices!
77m Roaditer
77m Phaeton
The Sport Roadster fo33
Hi Coach 5G5
77m Coupe
The Sport Coupe .
77w Club Sedan....
77m Sedan
The Sedan Delivery '595
Lltht Delivery ChaMla 365
tyi Ton Chaaaie '520
IX Ton Chaula with Cab. . .625
All pricet f. o. b.Soctof). flint. Michigan
Ferguson Chevrolet Co.
Heppner, Oregon
E. R. LUNDELL, lone, Oregon
Butter Fat
is worth real money these days
Cream in the cream can is just like money
in sour txxket. Re&lace the old cream-
waster with a new McCormick-Deering.
The McCormick'Deering Ball-Bearing
Cream Separator will save it all!
IN many cases, the money
lost during a year's time
through butter fat going
out the skimmilk spout of
a cream-wasting separator
would go a long way toward
paying for one of the new
McCormick-Deering Separa
tors we have on our floor.
Come in and see these new
easy-turning, close-skimming,
easy-to-wash machines. We
handle all six sizes for one
cow or a hundred in hand,
belt, or electric drive.
Sold on deferred payment
plan if desired. Ask for a
We Have It, Will Get It, or It Is Not Made
I mm i
It All Depends
"It is impossible for me to save any
money on my present income." No
doubt you have often heard such a
remark. Is it true?
Well, it all depends. Most people
could save SOMETHING, be it ever
so small, if they would give up some
of the things they lead themselves to
think necessary. The trouble is, they
often refuse to deny themselves. They
are not willing to pay the price NOW.
But most of them pay LATER, when
they can ill afford to pay.
Fir& National Bank