Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 13, 1930, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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'Open Door' in Marketing
Commodities Aim for
Last 30 Years.
their own leadership, and standing
unflinchingl for the good of agriculture.
"The Grange stands second to r.o
organization in America, in support
of the Federal Marketing Act, and
of every movement that will make
for orderly marketing and sounder
business methods in the distribu
tion of farm products," declares the
current issue of The National
Grange Monthly under the heading,
"The Open Door." The article con
tinues: History reveals the fact that
a committee was appointed by the
National Master, following the
Pittsburg session of the National
Grange in 1923, to propose a mar
keting bill. Final plans which had
the approval of the then Secretary
of Agriculture Henry C. Wallace,
and Secretary of Commerce Herbert
Hoover were presented to Congress.
During the years, and the delay that
followed, the Grange has consist
ently supported this type of legisla
tion; at the same time, we have
been asking for other steps to bring
economic parity to agriculture.
The final passage of the market
ing act and the appointment of the
Federal Farm board, bring to the
front questions of tremendous im
portance, but no problem connected
with the policies of the board, in
the creation of nation-wide cooper
atives, is of greater importance
than the principle of equal oppor
tunity to every tiller of the soil, to
participate in the advantages which
the Marketing Act can offer. We
might term this policy "The Open
Door" in marketing, which simply
means that any agency using the
machinery of the Federal Farm
board, or borrowing federal money,
must be open on equal terms to
every agricultural producer of a
given -commodity, regardless of re
ligion, politics, or farm organiza
tion membership.
The Grange has no quarrel with
any other farm organization. We
desire to cooperate with all, and we
concede to any organization the
right to build any agency that its
judgment and experience may dic
tate to be wise: but when these
marketing agencies become an in
tegral part of a great nation-wide
farm cooperative, and they accept
federal funds and the advantages
of nation-wide control, they must
of necessity open the door to all
producers of the given commodity,
on equal terms.
The Grange policy on this ques
tion is of almost 60 years standing,
and it is the result of experience in
building cooperative associations in
practically every state in the nation.
We insist that in every case where
volume and control of the product
are concerned, the Grange, or any
other organization, can best serve
its membership by building on the
broad foundation of American agri
culture, rather than upon its own
membership. Experience teaches
that the best way to build the
Grange or any other organization is
to render outstanding service to ag
riculture and the community. When
this is done, the membership ques
tion takes care of itself.
The Grange has supported every
sound commodity cooperative that
has sought to benefit its producing
members, and will continue to do
so. For example the Dairymen's
league had Grange support and
many local units were organized in
Grange halls. The success of the
movement depended upon interest
ing the largest possible number of
dairymen, regardless of whether
they were members of the Grange
or not. What is true in this case,
is true in every other case of mar
keting. Successful cooperatives
must be based on commodity pro
ducers, and has nothing to do with
color, creed or political faith.
It is true that in such matters
as Grange insurance, whether fire
or automobile, where the selective
risk and not volume is the control
ling factor, the Grange does rightly
apply the membership test. Home-
owning American citizens are bet
ter fire insurance risks; consequent
ly there is saving and value in
keeping these agencies confined to
a selected membership. But it does
not make a particle of difference
when a bushel of wheat, a hog, or
a bale of cotton reaches the market
whether it was grown by a Grang
member, a Farm Bureau member
a Farmers' Union supporter;
whether the producer was a Demo
crat, a Republican, a Quaker or
Catholic. The problem involved Is
the quality of the product, the larg
est possible control of its volume
and its intelligent merchandising.
Consequently the Grange offers
no apology for insisting emphatic
ally that in all machinery that is
being set up under the Marketing
Act, the American farmer shall be
considered as a farmer and a pro
ducer, regardlses of any affiliations
he may have. It will be intolerabl
If under the new National Grai
corporation for example, we have
Grange elevators, Farm Bureau ele
vators, Farmers' Union elevators,
Equity Union elevators, and other
groups, all competing for the far
mer's grain. The success of this
great movement is dependent, not
upon how much grain the Union,
the Farm Bureau or the Grange can
deliver, but upon the volume of
grain controlled and the loyalty of
the producer to the national mar
keting agency.
The Grange most whole-heartedly
endorses the efforts of the Federal
Farm board In Its program to bring
the largest amount of benefit, with
the least delay, to all of our farm
producers. In endorsing the atti
tude of the Farm Board, we at the
annie time insist that the future of
agriculture Is dependent upon main
taining Btrong, virile, Independent
farm organizations, capable of do
ing their own thinking, supplying
J. L. ("Joe"' Wilkins. former res
ident of Heppner and one-time pro
prietor of the old Palace hotel, is
in the hospital at Samoa, Calif., his
present home, recovering from in
juries received in a recent automo
bile accident, according to a letter
received by S. E. Notson. Details
of the accident were not given, but
Mr. Wilkins stilted he would proba
bly be in the hospital for two weeks.
He reported a pleasant visit recent
ly with Dave McAfee and Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Rood, who stopped over
on their way from Heppner to sou
thern California. Always anxious
o see old Heppner friends, Mr. Wil
kins sent his best regards to old-
timers here.
rrriLS to spell.
Two pupils from each school of
the county will be eligible to com
pete in the Morrow county spelling
contest in Heppner, April 5. Elim
inations in the contests which are
for sixth, seventh and eighth grade
pupils, will be held in each school,
the two best spellers being eligible
to operate here. The county con
test is to be written and will be
held the same day as the county
speaking contests of the Morrow
County Declamatory league.
Whereas, following the immutable
laws of transition, God has seen fit
transpose our beloved sister,
Addie A. Roberts, to a higher and
better world, and
Whereas, our hearts are therefore
saddened, and a great void left in
the circles wherein she moved, and
in the lives of the dear ones she
left behind,
Therefore, be it resolved, that San
Souci Rebekah Lodge No. 33 herein
express its deep grief at having
lost a valued member of our order.
Be it further resolved, that we
tender to the bereaved family our
sincere sympathy in its affliction;
Present to them these resolutions
for their comfort; publish the same
in the Gazette Times, and spread
them upon our records.
Fraternally submitted,
This past week was the anniver
sary week of the founding of the
institution of the Boy Scouts of
America back in 1910. Over four
million boys have been scouts in
America since February 8, twenty
yeirs ago.
Sunday the 9th the Boy Scouts
attended the Episcopal church in a
body to listen to a Scout sermon by
Rev. Stanley Moore. It is a Scout
custom during anniversary week to
attend some church in a body to
hear a sermon. The custom ought
to be continued here in Heppner
year after year.
At the last Scout meeting a com
mittee of boys consisting of Earl
Thomson, Gay Anderson and Curtis
Thomson was appointed to receive
calls for any work that Scouts can
get to do about town. The boys
are anxious to earn money for uni
forms, and some one suggested this
method to help them as they are
supposed to buy their uniforms with
money they have earned themselv
es Any one of the boys on the
committee can be reached by phone
and they will in turn inform the
Scouts of work to be done. Scoutmaster.
There are a number of advant
ages which organized Catholicism
has over unorganized Protestant
ism. Without undue criticism of
either we wish to discuss some
things which can be made to more
than overcome this disadvantage.
This will be the theme of the eve
ning sermon at the Church of
Christ. The morning subject will be
Jesus and an Anxious Father." Bi
ble school at 9:45, Christian Endea-
or 6:30. A cordial welcome to all
MILTON W. BOWER, Minister.
The increasing interest in the an
nual agricultural outlook statements
made it advisable to print them this
year instead of mimeographing
them. The printed circulars will
be distributed direct to persons on
the mailing list for this bulletin
and to other interested persons
through the offices of the county ag
ricultural agents. In addition to tne
complete report, reprints have been
made for poultry, dairy, livestock,
field crops and horticulture. County
agricultural agents will also be sup
plied with copies of the Federal out
look circular, for distribution to
persons who apply for them.
George E. Richards, assessor and
J. A. Branson, deputy tax collector
of Wallowa county, arrived In
Heppner from Enterprise Monday
to study the system used In hand
ling tax records in the Morrow
county sheriff's and assessor's offi
ces. Wallowa county has Installed
a system similar to the one used
(Continued from Page One)
caught the spirit of serving In peace
as In war. Only two questions are
necessary to determine a man eligi
bility did you serve with honor the
allied forces of the World warT
were you an American citizen at
the time of your enlistment?
The meeting was opened by C. L.
Sweek, president of the Lions club.
The qhair was turned over to Chas.
W. Smith, commander of the Hepp
ner Legion post Those present
joined in singing "America." They
sang the "Star Spangled Banner"
just before the meeting closed.
Miss A a god t Frigaard sang
"Sweet Margarita" and "Wake Up."
She was accompanied by Mrs. Wil
liam Poulson at the piano. Mrs.
Poulson also played for the patri
otic songs. Carl Moser, state ad
jutant of the American Legion, gave
a brief talk before the address giv
en by Mr. George.
Rev. B. Stanley Moore, Mission-
Church school at 9:45 o'clock.
Morning prayer and sermon at 11.
Young People's Fellowship at 6:00
p. m. at the rectory.
"Who shall ascend into the hill of
the Lord? Or who shall stand in
His holy place? He that hath clean
hands and a pure heart; Who hath
not lifted up his soul unto vanity,
Nor sworn deceitfully." Ps. 24:3-4.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson
conveyed to C. W. McNamer 240
acres of land in sections 23 and 26,
and an undivided one-half interest
in 160 acres in section 25, according
to a deed filed in the Morrow county
court house February 5. These
tracts are all located within a two-
mile radius of Heppner, being loca
ted north and east of the city.
A clam feed will be included in
the program of the Rhea creek
grange at its regular meeting next
Saturday evening. The organiza
tion held a radio dance at its hall
last Saturday night, the music for
dancing being received on a RCA
radio provided by Charles Barlow.
Those attending reported enjoying
a good time dancing to the music
corning over the air.
The Women's Foreign Missionary
society of the Methodist commun
ity church will meet in the church
parlors Tuesday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock. A special musical program
for the occasion has been announced.
The audience at an American Le
gion mass meeting in which Sidney
George, commander of the Legion
for the department of Oregon, gave
the principal address, was swelled
by a group of American Legion and
Auxiliary members from Heppner.
This meeting, held at Arlington,
was attended by Charles W. Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gemmell, Mr.
and Mrs. Spencer Crawford, D. E.
Hudson, Kenneth Ackley, Mrs. Wil
liam Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Alva
Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Marlin
Gramse from Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Padberg visit
ed Heppner on Tuesday from the
ranch on Heppner flat. Johnnie
states that he can see the wheat
coming along every day now "ev
ery day in every way it is growing
better." All of which convinces him
that no damage was done by the
cold spell of weather.
Kenneth Oviatt, who has been
employed in the Heppner store of
the MacMarr chain, has been pro
moted, and began his new duties in
the Pendleton store last Thursday.
His former place in the local store
is being taken by Clarence Hayes.
Sidney George, state commander
and Carl R. Moser, state adjutant,
of the American Legion, were in
Heppner Wednesday to take part in
the luncheon sponsored by the Lions
club and local Legion post at the
Christian church.
The little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Noah Clark, who has been In
Heppner for more than a week re
ceiving mastoid treatment Is much
improved, according to her physi
Jason Biddle, farmer of Rhea
creek, gave the county seat a call on
Tuesday, spending a few hours here
while attending to business affairs,
Wanted To buy from trappers,
coyote and badger furs. What have
you? Address W. R. Home, 120 W.
15th St., Los Angeles, Cal. 48-51
Robert Mays, radio trouble shoot
er for the Pacific Power and Light
company, was here Wednesday and
today handling his work.
Henry Howard, who has been ill
at his home for several weeks is
reported much improved.
Walter Eubanks, lone turkey
raiser, was a business visitor in
Heppner on Tuesday.
For Sale Tamarack and fir fence
posts at a bargain. G. W. Thomp
son, Heppner. 48-50p
For Sale Rhode Island Red cock
erels. Mrs. Harvey Bauman, Hepp
ner. 48-49,
Second-Hand Washer for Sale
cheap. Pacific Power & Light Co,
great to be assimilated so that they
readily become good citizens. In
1918 many living under the laws
and protection of this country
claimed exemption from military
service because of allegiance to
some other flag.
Mr. George pointed out the Im
portance of exercising the right of
suffrage. Less than 50 per cent of
the people In the United States ex
ercise their right to vote. However,
the Legion has no part in partisan
politics, nor partisan politics any
place in the Legion.
The organization urges national
defense for preparedness only. Lim
itations on reduction of armaments
should be made only with limits of
safety to this country. Universal
service in war time to all with
special privilege to none Is being
worked for by the national organi
zation. The Legion believes that
man power, money and property all
should share an equal part of the
responsibility of war. Bills have
been put before the last three ses
sions of congress to gain this end
but so far they have been without
success. The Legion plans to work
toward this legislation until its goal
is attained. It is pointed out that
if there were no profits from war
that there would be no wars.
Lasting Benefits Sought
Caesar's military conquests are
little known today, but the roads
that his armies built are still being
used, and he is better remembered
by this constructive work. It is the
aim of the American Legion to be
of such service that the constructive
work that It leaves behind will
make reason for the organization
to be remembered.
Community service asked of each
post is an added reason for the Le
gion's existence. Not all ex-service
men are members of the American
Legion, but just those who have
Members of the staff of the local
MacMarr store are now wearing
red and yellow smocks while serv
ing their customers. These smocks
have been adopted as a uniform
dress by the MacMarr chain of gro
cery stores.
"We enjoy your afternoon chats
very much," is a frequent compli
ment received by Aunt Sammy from
many housewives of Oregon and of
other states as well. Aunt Sammy
is heard over KOAC every after
noon with the exception of Satur
days, Sundays and holidays, at 2:45
in the homemaker's hour. She an
swers the twin questions "what
shall I cook" and "how shall I cook
It" and In addition supplies her
friends with a wide variety of time
ly items on the various phases of
Golden Sundae.
Put in a saucepan one-half cup
orange juice, one tablespoon lemon
juice, three-fourths cup sugar and
few grains salt and boil five min
utes. Cool and add pulp of one
orange cut In small pieces, one
tablespoon maraschino cherries cut
in small pieces and one tablespoon
maraschino Byrup. Serve over van
ilia Ice cream;
Bv virtue of an order of the County
Court I am authorized and directed to
pell at public auction as provided by
law tne ionowing aescnoeu real prop
erty, at not less than the minimum
price herein set forth, to-wit:
Lot 4, Block 6 of Ayres' Fourth
Addition to the town (now city)
of Heppner, Morrow County, Ore
tron. Minimum nrice S450.00.
Therefore, I wilC on Friday, the 7th
day of March, 1930, at 1:30 P. M at
the front door of the court house In
Heppner, Oregon, sell said property to
Ihe highest bidder lor caan in nana.
C. J. D. BAUMAN. Sheriff.
A Beauty Spee,lal!nt Gives Home-
Made Rwlpo to Darken Gray Hair,
Mrs. M. D. Gillespie, a well-known
beauty specialist of Kansas City, re
cently gave out the following state
ment regarding gray hair:
"Anyone can prepare a mixture at
home that will darken gray hair,
and make It glossy. To a half-pint
of water add 1 ounce of bay rum
a small box of Barbo Compound and
one-quarter ounce of glycerine.
These Ingredients can be purchas
ed nt any drug store at very little
cost. Apply to the hair twice
week until the desired shade Is ob
tained. This will make a gray-hair
I'd person look twenty years young
er. It does not color the scalp, is
not sticky or greasy and will not
rub off." Adv.
This is to announce that I will be
a candidate for the office of County
Treasurer, subject to the will of the
voters of Morrow County, at the
Primary elections, May 16th, 1930,
I wish to thank my friends, Dotn
republican and democratic, for their
generous support in the past, ana
hope I have proved worthy of their
(Paid Adv.) present Incumbent.
To the Voters of Morrow County:
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate at the coming primaries
for the office of County Judge of
Morrow County on the Republican
ticket If nominated and elected, I
pledge the same faithful and sincere
service that has characterized my
long term with the County Uourt as
(Paid Ad.)
At the next primary election I
will be a candidate for the office
of Countv Judee for Morrow Coun
ty on the Republican ticket, and
if nominated and elected I will
carry out the duties of such office
to the best of my ability.
"ThU lumber bill to not so bad,"
Avera Bill Der. the canny ladi
"It's smaller than I thought 'twonld
You'U be lurortoed, the lame aa he.
One of the things upon which
we pride ourselves Is that we
never overcharged a customer.
We always feel it is better to
surprise a man by billing him
for less than he expected than
to shock him by presenting him
a statement larger than he hop
ed to pay.
Heppner Planing Mill
and Lumber Yard
Phone 1123
The Home of Friendly Service
i nun iiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiin
AT THE OTTO WAGEMAN FARM (Known as Dutch Brown Ranch)
Saturday, Feb. 15
22 Head of work horses, ages from
5 to 16 years; weigh 1450 to 1700
2 4-horse Thomas Drills.
2 20-ft. Steel Harrows.
1 McCormick Binder, 6-ft. cut.
1 McCormick Hay Rake.
1 McCormick Mower.
2 16-bottom Oliver Plows.
2 Bar Weeders, 16-ft.
1 Calkins Seed Treating Machine.
1 Fanning Mill.
General Blacksmith Outfit.
1 4-Section Spring Tooth Harrow.
1 Feed Rack.
1 4-horse Fresno. 1 Slip Scraper. EJ
1 Road Crowder. EE
1 Rendering Kettle, 30 gallon. es
1 De Laval Separator, No. 15. EE
1 Maytag Washing Machine. Ejj
General household goods and
canned fruit. E
2 9-horse plow hitches, 2-stick. EJ
1 Shannon-Donny Combine Hitch. E
8 Sets Butt Chain Harness. EE
28 Horse Collars. EE
Two Wheat Racks. EE
Two Iron-Wheeled Wagons,
One Winona Wagon, 3V4.
Other items too numerous to men- e
tion. EE
2 Jersey Cows coming 8 years old. EE
TERMS: CASH. Bring Your Cups for Coffee g
Otto Wageman, Owner
G. L. BENNETT, Auctioneer
W. 0. HILL, Clerk EE
f-Minii ih in
mm h
M. D. Clark : Hiatt & Dix
The RED & WHITE Chain of grocery stores is composed of
Independent mechants who live in the communities they serve,
and the proceeds of whose businesses are returned to local cir
culation. An unparalleled group buying power gives you super values
in groceries.
Saturday & Monday (February 15 & 17) Red & White Super-Specials
Citrus Powder, large
2 for
Serv-us Shaker Salt
2-lb. Ctn
R&W Tuna Fish
3 Cans C4s)
Serv-us Pinapple
2 Cans (2'2s)
Pineapple, broken
sliced, 2 Cans (2'2s)
Alpine Milk
3 Cans (Tall)
3-lb. Tin ...
Serv-us COFFEE Special
39c S 45c
Roman Meal
Large Pkg. ...
Pancake Flour
Large Pkg
Crosby Corn
3 Cans (2s) .
Serv-us Peaches
2 Cans (22s) ....
R&W Peaches
2 Cans (22s) .
R&W Fancy Hominy QQA
2 Cans (2'2s) iSOC