HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEB. 13, 1930. PAGE SEVEN Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Duran, who have been on their Blackhorse farm for the past three years, are grad ually bringing things up to date again. They have Just finished In stalling an electric light plant for the house and barn and other out buildings, and this will be followed by the placing of modern water con veniences In both residence and barn, the pressure being supplied by a reservoir elevated sufficiently to give the force needed, both elec tric and water plants being power ed from the same engine. Mr. Du ran has in 500 acres of wheat that is now coming along fine. Getting to Heppner from the ranch is not easy yet, as the roads are soft and slippery, but a few more days and the ground will be fully settled. Their part of the county had nearly 20 inches of snow and the ground got the benefit of the most of It when it melted. Mr. and Mrs. Dur an were visitors here Tuesday af ternoon. A cablegram received on the 6th of February by Mrs. Alex Warren of Kinzua, Ore., announced the death at Collie Hospital, Western Australia, of her daughter, Nellie Ann (Robison) Cull, which occur red on January 28th. Death result ed from pneumonia. Mrs. Cull leaves six children and her husband to mourn her loss, at the Australia home, besides three brothers, Clyde, Roy and Henry Robinson, and one sister, Mrs. Grace Harrison, and her mother, Mrs. Alex Warren of Ore gon. Nellie was born at Hardman, Oregon, December 7, 1902, and was well known there. J. W. Becket, who registers as a voter In Multnomah county, main taining a residence in one of the Portland wards, came up from that citv the end of the week. He was in Heppner Saturday with his son, Charles Becket, from the old home on Eight Mile, where J. W. has enjoyed spending a lot of his time during the past few years. In fact, he admitted to the G. T. man and a few other friends, just on the quiet, Saturday, that he wished he was living in Morrow county he likes it here and cannot get weaned away. Mr. and Mrs. Edison Morgan and Mr. Morgan's father, M. R. Morgan, were lone people in the city on Saturday. M. R., pioneer wheatrais er of the lone country, who retired a number of years ago from active participation in the game, states that the present Indications point to a splendid yield for the 1930 season. So far as he has been able to learn, there has been no damage because of the cold weather, and the ground contains the best sup ply of moisture it has had for many seasons past. Roy Nelll, who was in Heppner on Saturday from his home near Pine City, reports everything look ing fine on Butter creek since the warmer weather set in. Alfalfa fields are putting on their coat of green as a result of growing con ditions. Stock along the creek win tered in fine shape and the hills will soon furnish green feed, providing the present warm weather con tinues. Alonzo Edmundson, who has been In Portland for some time receiving medical attention for his jaw, which was seriously injured In an auto mobile accident, returned home Sunday night, expecting to be here for a week. The condition of his jaws is somewhat Improved, but it will be some time before complete recovery from the accident. Herman Neilson was in town from his Rood canyon farm Tues day. He found the roads leading to the highway a little slick, but travel not so bad. Up Hardman way everything points to an early spring, and grain seems to have come through the cold snap devoid of Injury. Tindal Robison states that roads out his way are almost impassable, owing to the soaking they got when the big snow departed. He fully satisfied himself of this fact when he undertook to make a journey from his Eight Mile farm to Con don, where he was called to see his sister who had suffered Injuries by falling. He left home at 2 p. m. and was able to make it into Con don, a distance of 35 miles, after 1 a. m., just having all kinds of trouble in getting over portions of the road. It would have required his making a journey of about 110 miles through Heppner and around to Condon by the highway, but at that he would have saved a lot of time, and the Journey would have been much more pleasant. Mr. Rob ison was looking after business here on Friday, having just returned from Condon. E. W. Bergstrom, young farmer of the Gooseberry section, was at tending to business affairs in Hepp ner on Friday, it being his first trip to town for a number of weeks, owing to the big snow in January. It was his opinion that the ground received the great bulk of the mois ture when the snow melted, and from what he could tell at this ear ly date, the wheat had received no injury from the sub-zero weather, the heavy fall of snow having pre vented that. Peter Brenner, a pioneer resident of Morrow county, and for many years a farmer in the Eight Mile country, passed away at the home of a brother residing at Scio, Ore gon, the past week, being 83 years of age. Mr. Brenner left this coun ty a number of years ago and since that time had been making his home at Portland and Scio. He was the son of Oregon pioneers. John McMillan informs this office that at his place northwest of Lex ington, the moisture has reached down to a depth of 24 inches, as he discovered when doing some dig ging a few days ago. This is two inches below what it was at this season last year. His grain is look ing up well. He and his neighbor, E. J. Evans, were looking after bus iness in Heppner Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stevenson, who have been in Heppner during the illness of Mrs. Stevenson's fath er, Henry Howard, departed for their home In Washington Friday. Mr. Stevenson will bs remembered by many Heppner residents as the operator of the old flour mill located here. Rev. Glen White of the Methodist church was confined to his bed Tu esday with a bad cold. Mr. White declares he has been fortunate in health this being the first time he has been sick in bed for nearly four years. W. P. Mahoney, president of the Oregon Wool Growers association, went to Portland Monday night to attend a special meeting of the or ganization's wool marketing com mittee. Oscar Peterson and family were visitors at Heppner Saturday from their home south of lone, where they were kept in during the month of January by the deep snow. Miss Opal Brlggs, manager of the telephone exchange, departed Sun day for Portland and is spending the week In the city on business and pleasure. Frank Gilliam made a trip to Portland Sunday to look after busi ness interests in the city, also to take In the hardware dealers' con- Ivention. Charles Latourell motored to Portland Monday to attend to bus iness matters. Dr. J. P. Stewart, Pendleton opti cian, was a business visitor In Hepp ner Monday. Mrs. Charles W. Smith and chil dren Patricia and Robert have been confined to their home with illness which has laBted for more than a week. Oscar Keithley of Eight Mile was in Heppner on business Friday. While here he obtained a license at the court house for his automo bile. Frank A. McMenamin, Portland attorney, was In Heppner Friday conferring with S. E. Notson, dis trict attorney. LaVerne Van Marter was suffer ing from an attack of tonsllitis Tuesday. Walter LaDusire drove to Pendle ton Monday to make delivery on a car. David Wilson was vsiitor on Tuesday. a Pendleton Tmfete for th9 bu Nanu fart Make Baby Covers From old blankets you can make the most desirable sort of covers for the new baby. These may be made from pieces of the blanket of con venient size, simply hemmed around or finished with blanket stitch or bound. They have the advantage over new blankets of being very soft and pliable and are better to us than knitted coverlets, because they can be washed frequently There is an excellent sort of car riage or crib cover that calls for pieces of old blanket. Make a cover of any desired wash material. Line it with the same material or with thin muslin. Leave a slit in the back of this lining, through which a double layer of the old blanket, cut lust the right size, may be inserted Put the hands into the cover and push out the blanket at the corners. You may then keep it secure oy fastening at each corner through with a tiny safety pin, or you may have little tapes at the corners of the blanket and run these through small button-holes at the corners of the cover, tying the ends secure. The advantage of this sort of cover is that it may be washed easily and yet be warm. The or dinary knitted carriage robe, of course, becomes thickened witn many washes and never looks so attractive after it has been submit ted to frequent washings. Keep Children Comfortable When the children divide their time between a comfortable home and the cold out-of-doors It is some times difficult to decjdd on the SHE WANTS FACTS ITJ CASE PUBLISHED 'Sargon did so much for me I want my statement publsihed so other sufferers may benefit by my experience with this wonderful med icine. light-weight garments are warmer than a heavy one. A practical selec- toin is a woolen coat that is loose enough for a sweater to be worn underneath on especially cold days. Leggings will also come in handy in frigid weather. Orange Sherbet Grate the rind of four oranges on two and one-half cups of sugar. Add to it one quart of water; put it in a double boiler and cook to a clear syrup, being very careful to remove all the scum. Remove from the fire and strain through a fine muslin cloth. When cold, add the strained juice of twelve oranges and two lemons and one pint of cold water. If not sweet enough, add more sugar. Strain it and freeze. Minor Details Are Important Wanted To buy from trappers, coyote and badger furs; what have you? Address W. R. Home, 120 W. 15th St., Los Angeles, Calif. 48-51. MRS. M. SETJESTAD "A year ago rheumatic pains de veloped in my left leg from my hip down and the pains were so intense at times I'd have to stay in bed four and five days at a time. Then, acid stomach, indigestion and constipa tion came on and in spite of all the medicines and treatments I took nothing gave me lasting relief until I started Sargon. Two bottles of this medicine along with Sargon Pills absolutely overcame the pains in my leg and I am up and about and feel as well as anybody! I don't have acid stomach and indigestion like I did and my whole system is toned up, strengthened and invig orated! Sargon Pills overcame my constipation and regulated me fine!" Mrs. M. Setjestad, 8515 30th Ave., Seattle. Patterson & Son, Druggists, Ag ents. Adv. proper clothings for them. Thick woolen garments are suitable for skating or a romp through the snow but they are too warm for a steam heated apartment Light-weight underwear and cot ton suits or dresses are a wise choice for children who live In a well-heated house. These are desir able because they are most comfort able Indoors and because of the ease with which they can be kept clean. In choosing the outer wraps it should be remembered that two PACK YOUR PLOWING WITH THE CAMPBELL TYPE PACKER Packs deep down, removes air cells, conserves moisture. Leaves surface cloddy and slightly ridged to prevent crusting or blowing. Place orders at once as stock on hand is going fast. KARL L. BEACH Lexington, Oregon Thomson Bros. BUYERS' GUIDE SATURDAY AND MONDAY February 15 and 17 IOWANA CORN A Good Sweet Tender Iowa Corn No. 2 Cans OTfe 2 Cans for Tomatoes ALTA VILLA California Pack Rich, Ripe and Red 2'4's Can GOLD BAR SALMON Fancy Red Alaska Sockeye Behrlng Sea Catch l's Tall Can... 30c SAUER KRAUT Silver Thread Fancy Bleached GOLD BAR Vt's Can CALUMET STARCH Corn or Gloss 1-lb. Packages 2 for 15c SNIDER'S CATSUP Large Bottle Bottle 22c John Day Valley Freight Line (Incorporated) Operating between Heppner and Portland and John Day Highway Points. DAILY SERVICE GET OUR RATES ON TURKEYS and other produce before shipping $10,00 Cargo Insurance Omoo Cm GARAGE, Phone 17 M. VENABLE, Mgr. LIGHT GLOBES Genuine Mazda Electric Inside Frosted 25 Watt Each 20c 40 Watt ! Each 20c 50 Watt - .Each 20c 60 Watt Each 20c 75 Watt Each S5c 100 Watt .Each 85c WASHING POWDER RINSO Large Size AA. Package hu CAMPBELL'S SOUP Your Choice Tomato, Vegetable Veg. Beef, Chicken, Celery, Mill tigatany, Boef, Bean, Asparagus, Bouillon, Mutton, Pepper Pot, Mock Turtle, Pea 6 Cans for .... 59c 13c 15c ROLLED OATS QUAKER Quick Large 55-oz. CIAa ackage mux TOILET PAPER Finest Tissue Rolls WALDORF for 18c GINGER SNAPS A TRUNK FULL Snowflake Bakers 1-Pound Net Package 21c BLACK PEPPER SCHILLINGS or FOLGERS 2-oz. Tin Can 9c MARSHMALLOWS Campllre In Sanitary Package 1-Pound Net 07 Packaire mmK P & G SOAP White Naptha I "f 10 Bars for tiJLi Florsheim Shoes Just the shoes you want for now . . . also styles for spring . . . offered at a reduced price that warrants your immediate selection In a funeral ceremony. That's why we take so much care and interest in every detail of the services and arrangements. Every comfort and ease that can be afforded you is included In our complete service. Cut Flowers for All Occasions Phelps Funeral Home Night and Day Phone 1332 $8 .85 A few styles $9.85 Wilson's A Man's Store for Men New Dress Fashions for Spring and they cost only $9 90 Gay plain colon end sprightly prints . . . charming stylet for a diversity of needs. Here they rl New dresses . , . straight from New York . . . every one as imirt and different as t new dress should be . . . and all of them priced with our usual attention to more style and better quality at a lower price. The smartest features of the new silhouette have , been used In their styling . . . skirts are definitely longer, hiplines moulded and hemlines practically even. The colors are as fresh and alluring as a spring day . . . with black to emphasize the high shades. Be sure to see them . and soon. Sizes for women, misses and juniors. J.C. PENNEY GO. An Attractive Group of Porch Dresses You Will Want a Number Of These Spring Models At So Low a Price! I-79 Silk Dresses Silk pongee dresses are promi nent in the group I Natural pon gee piped in attractive contrasts , . . good-looking and easy to tub I Typical values I Gay cotton frocks for the warmer days ahead . . . bringing with them many new styles and fresk patterns I Prints . . . polka dots . . . new checks all fast color! Since cottons are so smart this season, you can wear them for every occasion . . . street . . . afternoon . . . and informal tea on the porch 1 Some have elbow sleeves . . . some have cap sleeves . . . and some have no sleeves at all (and how cleverly you can make a jacket to match I). J.C.PENNEYC0. Store Phone 592 HEPPNER, OREGON Manager's Phone 1382