I' AGE TWO HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEB. 13, 1930. BOARDMAN and Ed Barlow low. Lovely re- divided into zones and each section MRS. A. T. HEREIM. Correspondent Boardman fans saw one of the most exciting games of the season Friday night when the local boys met Heppner here. Although the score would make it seem decidedly one-sided, the fame was most inter esting. The Heppner boys made the local team seem like Lillipu tians in comparison, but that size was a mere trifle was shown by the superior team work of Boardman high. Both sides were rough and a number of fouls were called. Eu gene Mingus was high point man for Boardman. Mrs. Mabel Miller of Seattle, who has been visiting at the Ransier home, went to Pendleton to assist in caring for some of her relatives who were ill with Influenza. W. H. Mefford, Mrs. W. O. King, Hazel Tyler and Mrs. Royal Rands have all been on the sick list the past week. Alvie Mefford and his sister, Mrs. Ed Barlow, spent several days in the Yakima valley, going over to see Alvie's friend who was ill. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Blayden were pleased to have their daughter, Mrs. Will Anderson and husband of New Plymouth, Ida., and son, Louie Blayden of Vale, with them over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ballenger of The Dalles spent the week end here. They make their home in The Dal les but still keep their former home here. On Saturday night the Bal lengers entertained at a card party, having five tables of "500." Every one had a most delightful evening. At the call of the game, Mrs. Pack ard had high for the ladies and Nate Macomber for the men. Low honors went to Mrs. Lee Mead and A. T. Hereim. Present were Ma combers, Spagles. Packards. Stro bels, L. G. Smiths, Ray Browns, Meads, Hereims, Mrs. Dillabaugh, W. A. Price and Mrs. Pat Siscell, and Mrs. Sybil McMillan of Wasco who came up for the party. They and the Ballengers returned on Sunday to Wasco and The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Barlow and Mrs. J. F. Barlow motored to Hepp ner Saturday. Revival meetings will be held here beginning Sunday morning, Feb. 16, in charge of Rev. Boudenot Seely. Rev. Seely has spoken here at var ious times and is a fluent and able speaker. Keep the date in mind and attend. The song service will start at 7:30 each evening. Margaret Myers was seven on February 11, and Orthun Hereim was seven the 7th, so they had a party together Friday afternoon at the school with the first and sec ond graders for guests After games cake and jello were served Little baskets filled with candy and ani mal crackers were given the small guests. R. B. Wilcox and family of Lex ington were guests at the home of their daughter, Mrs. John Graves on Sunday. The Home Economics club will give their cedar chest Saturday night, Feb. 15, at the dance. On Sunday as Mr. Dillon was re turning from Hermiston hn slop ped at the Graves ranch and as he started out the engine backfired and the truck caught fire. It was ex tinguished, however, before any damage was done. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Smith are home from an extended stay in Portland. They drove back in a fine new Chevrolet sedan. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Fortier gave the third of a series of card parties on Tuesday evening at their home There were four tables of "500" and when scores were counted it was found that Miss Katharine Brown and Glen Hadley were high and Mrs. Hadley and Mr. Rainville low. An elaborate luncheon was served by the hostess. Attending were the Roots, Spagles, Hadleys, Guy Bar lows, Ray Browns, Rainvilles, Mrs. Titus and Miss Brown. Another pleasant card party was that given Thursday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Claude Coats with four tables of "500" in play. Mrs. A. T. freshments were served. The guest list included the Rainvilles, Her eims. Meads. Fortiers, Hadleys. Guy Barlows. Ed Barlow and Z. J. Gil lespie. Harry Murchie has been at The Dalles hospital for the past nine weeks suffering with a badly in fected foot. He had his small toe and part of his foot removed sev eral weeks ago. The infection has spread and he may have to under go another operation. W. A. Mur chie continues about the same. He cannot see nor hear but is able to be up and about daily. One of the most pleasant meet ings of the Ladies Aid was that on Wednesday at which Mrs. Royal Rands and Mrs. Brice Dillabough entertained at the Rands home. At this meeting the tales were told of the "capsules" and some amusing incidents were related. Many who were certain they knew the identity of their capsules found themselves entirely wrong. Mrs. Flickinger read a clever original poem as did Mrs. Messenger. It was voted to continue the capsule stunt for an other three months. Names will be drawn at the March Silver Tea and everyone is urged to attend. Place will be announced later. Members were pleased to have Mrs. Wilkins and Mrs. Stout, to attend; in fact, all the ladies from the Spillway attended. Mrs. Stout, Mrs. Wilkins, Mrs. Weston, Mrs. Hendricks and Mrs. Geo. Wicklander and Mrs. Por ter. Mrs. Geo. Brown, a newcomer on the East End, was also present. Mrs. Dillabough and Mrs. Rands served a lovely lunch at the close of the meeting. The Porter house was destroyed bv fire some time Friday night. Origin of the fire is unknown but it followed a dance held mere tnai night. This house is on one of the abandoned farms of the project and belonged to the Campbell es tate. It had been used for dances this winter. Jack Hale who lives on the Calk ins place has been under the wea ther' for the past two or three weeks. A hen which apparently thought that spring had arrived hatched a brood of baby chicks during the bitter cold weather at the Ayers ranch. When found only three had survived as the mother hen lacked sufficient heat in her body to keep the chicks warm. The three sur vivors are lusty young birds and will make early fries. Mr. and Mrs. Lundstrom and two children left Friday for Cascade Locks. They have lived at Coyote since last summer. Gorhams motored to Pendleton Mondav. Mrs. W. A. Baer and three chil dren came Thursday from Long- view and will make their home on their ranch formerly the Eck War ren place. Mr. Baker is employed by the Long Bell company and will remain there. The Bakers have two children of school age, a baby of eight months. Mrs. Baker is a sis ter of Mrs. Bates. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hadley extend ed their hospitality Sunday evening when they gave a "nutty party" at their home. Everyone had an es pecially good time with various games, stunts and contests follow ed by a delicious lunch. The guest list included Messrs. and Mesdames Coats, Fortier, Humphrey, Spagle and the hosts. E. T. Messenger and family mo tored to Athena on Sunday and vis ited at the Truman Messenger home. W. R. Wlikins has the brooder house on his ranch completed and the family will occupy it until the ranch house is completed. A movie sponsored by the P. T. A. was given Saturday night. Attend ance was small. Arthur Porter came home last week from a pleasant sea voyage to various points of interest in South America and California. He had a severe cold on his return and pneumonia was threatened, but by dint of excellent care it was avert ed. Friends are sorry to learn that Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Smith are to leave the project and will make their home near Portland. A number of changes have been made in the plans for the declam- will hold a divisional contest, the winners to go to the county contest at Heppner, April 5. The high school division contests will be held Mnrch 29 at Lexington and at Boardman. Competing with the Boardman school will be Alpine, Pine City and Irrigon. The grade sectional contests will be held on March 2 at Alpine, Heppner and lone. At Alpine will be represented Boardman, Irrigon, Pine City and Alpine. Charges of 15 and 25 cents will be made for these contests. In stead of having word limits a time limit has been set. Division 1, 12 minutes; division 2, 8 minutes, ana division 3, 6 minutes. Prize winners at Heppner will meet Umatilla county in an inter-county contest, April 19. Ray Shane is lambing on the Crawford place and is having very good success. Mr. Andrews who has been work ing on the new coal chutes at Mess ner left Sunday for Portland. He has just finished painting there. Bill Harrington has had a tele phone installed. Rowells motored to lone Satur day. The Rowells live on the De lano place. Opple Waggoner was a visitor on the project Sunday. He has been at Condon for some time. Chas. Wicklander, deputy state grange organizer, made a trip to Baker this week in the interests of his work. Sid Seale of Condon who purchas ed the hay on the Delano place had it baled and shipped last week, rien- driks and Fortier had hay baled also. Ray Shane was sick this week and consulted a physician at Arling ton. Strobels have leased the Clarence Berger place and are oving shortly. The Carpenters who have been away for a year will return to their ranch which the Spagles are vacat ing. Audrey Ellen, the Wilson baby, was quite ill for two weeks but has recovered. Boardman was victorious Wed nesday night in their game with lone with a 28-9 score. W. H. Taylor was on the sick list the early part of the week. I. Skou- bo who has been ill is much im proved. His physician pronounced it heart trouble and advised taking life easier. Mrs. Lottie Attebury was quite ill for several days, but is now recov ering. Mrs. Sanders is getting over an illness also. Everyone seems to be having a siege of the flu. A fine turkey dinner was given Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Claude My ers to celebrate Margaret's seventh birthday which is Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. I. Skoubo and two children and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbanks and daughter Ada were guests. A birth day cake with lighted tapers was the centerpiece. Alfred Skoubo, Chas. Andregg and a friend were down Sunday from Hermiston to spend the eve ning at the I. Skoubo home. R. Wasmer, Paul M. Smith and family and Mrs. Ed Kunze and chil dren were guests Friday night at a fine chili supper given by Mr. and Mrs. Nick Faler. FOB SALE Combination daven port and bed, leather upholstered, at a bargain. Inquire Gazette Times. For Sale 40 head work horses; harness fo 30 head; 3 3-bottom plows; doubletrees and 3 12-horse hitches. Four miles north of Lex ington. Chas. A. Marquardt 42tf. For Rent Summer range for one or two bands of sheep, near Elgin and Palmer Junction, Ore. For particulars write Mike McEntire. SCHOOL PROGRAM HELD. S. E. Notson, district attorney, gave a Lincoln's birthday address and the children of the Lexington high and grade schools sang songs and gave readings at a program Wednesday morning at the school in commemoration of Abraham Lincoln's life. Used Cars 1928 Durant 2-door Sedan $300 1926 Chevrolet Coupe $200 CASH TALKS!! COHN Auto Co. Oysters NOW IN SEASON We serve them fresh, temptingly appetizing -or you may get them in bulk. Shell Fish of all kinds on our menu DELICIOUS FOUNTAIN SPECIALS ELKHORN RESTAURANT ED CHINN, Prop 835 Brooklyn St, Portland, Ore., Phone Sellwood 3091. 47-4. tur iue uu tuna oua" Art Parker, Heppner, Ore. 45tf. Is your hot water HOT? If not call Gibb the plumber, Peoples Hardware Co., phone 702, residence phone 1412. No Job too big or too small. Prompt attention to all calls. ITU am in BY ATTENDING THAT HILARIOUS CUMULI I JJKAiVlA Treat Yourself to Laughs Galore Uarairvi a n rl fllon T-TarllpV rPPPlvpH the high prize and Mrs. Rainville ' atory contest. The county has been fK 'zfv .-1' fv- ft tMi Satisfying! Delicious! Just the Right Blend To Satisfy the Most Exacting! If you want to cause considerable comment about the excellent coffee you serve in your home try our MAX-I-MUM brand. Try it once and you will always serve it. It is blended of the finest coffee berries, and its exceptional flavor is due to a special uniform process of roasting. For extra satisfaction every time you drink coffee, use MAX-I-MUM. Packed so that every bit of the zestful aroma and rich flavor Is sealed in for you to enjoy. Phelps Grocery Co. The Home of Good Eats. mi Ml m Rodney, SMILE A school benefit performance presented by the Heppner School Faculty TUES., Feb. 18 Curtain Rises : Matinee at 2 :30 p. m. ; Evening at 8 :00 p. m. High School Auditorium CAST OF CHARACTERS Virginia Roslyn, alias Miss Koogelheimer, The Princess Miss Aagodt Frigaard Mrs. Winslow, who lives next door to "The Castle," Miss Mary Patterson Betty Crowley, a pretty, independent little neighbor Miss Bernita Lamson Patty Nelson, another charming little neighbor Miss Elizabeth Galloway Mrs. Gilbert Vance, who is looking for her fourth husband.... Miss Blanch Hansen Gwendolyn Vance, her niece Miss Beth Bleakman Bedelia Dwiggins, an old maid who specializes in broadcast ing Miss Erma Dennis Bruce Bradley, the peppery owner of "The Castle" ................ !.... ....... James T. Lumley Rodney Bradley, his nephew William R. Poulson Egbert Marmont, a friend of Rod's, a young Englishman 6 - Crockett Sprouls Tubby Hays, another friend Earl Gordon Pickney Herring, who admits he's the town's leading citizen J & Gerald Brunson Prices: Matinee, Children 25c, Adults 50c. Evening, all seats 50c. NO SEATS RESERVED OLDSMOB1LE IMPROVEMENTS Include-' More beautiful bodies by Fisher Fully-enclosed, four-wheel brakes Longer wearing upholstery fabrics More comfortable seats Tilted non-glare windshield Improved car buret ion More responsive steering . . . but not one change in the fundamentals which made this car so popular in the hands of thousands of owners everywhere. Come in. Examine Oldsmobile'a improvements. Take a drive. TWO-DOOR $ SKDAN 895' o. h. twetarj Uo Spat Tlr and Bumptrt Kstnt XT' FERGUSON MOTOR CO. s I s, i It All Depends "It is impossible for me to save any money on my present income." No doubt you have often heard such a remark. Is it true? Well, it all depends. Most people could save SOMETHING, be it ever so small, if they would give up some of the things they lead themselves to think necessary." The trouble is, they often refuse to deny themselves. They are not willing to pay the price NOW. But most of them pay LATER, when they can ill afford to pay. Fir& National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON