HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JAN. 30, 1930. PAGE SEVEN ...... ......... ----- i . . -. . . , L(bhH Hnppiakg j ... .---....... A. A. McCabe was a visitor in the city on Wednesday from his home at lone. The weather conditions were softening up and Lon was looking for a general thaw in the west and north ends of the county. He was accompanied to Heppner by Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Allinger, who were making a short visit with their daughter, Miss Lillle Allinger. Enjoying the tobogganing party at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben O. Anderson Sunday were the following Heppner people: Misses Aagodt Frigaard, Irene Riechel, Blanche Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Sperry, Alfred Bergstrom, Russell Pratt, Wm. Poulson and Jasper Crawford. Paul Marble, district manager of the Pacific Power and Light com pany, accompanied by Mrs. Marble, returned Sunday from Portland, where he attended the annual sales meeting of that organization. They drove between The Dalles and Heppner, finding the roads in good condition. Mrs. Mae McPherrin, formerly employed in the Morrow county as sessor's office, returned to her home In Athena after assisting with the extension of the tax roll. Because of her familiarity with the work she returns each year to help dur ing the busy period. Arthur Miller has returned to Heppner after a brief visit with friends in Arlington. He has not entirely recovered from acid burns received while fighting the recent fire in the Curran and Barr pool room. Editor W. W. Head of lone Inde pendent, spent a few hours in this city on Wednesday, reporting that his section had been struck by warmer weather conditions, and a genuine thaw was in progress. Victor McKenzie, hardware sales man and a prominent man in Am erican Legion activities in Oregon, was in Heppner on business Wed nesday and Thursday. Charles Marquardt, Lexington wheat farmer, who recently pur chased the Leach property below Lexington, was in Heppner Tuesday transacting business. J. W. Becket of Portland, brother-in-law of Stacy Roberts, returned to that city Tuesday, after attend ing the funeral services of Mrs. Roberts Monday. David E. Long of Portland, pres ident of the state board of chiro practic examiners, was in Heppner Friday in connection with his offi cial duties. Percy Cox of Lexington came to Heppner Wednesday, obtaining poi son at the county agricultural ag ent's office to kill off the rabbits on his farm. Miss Jean Hinkle, after a visit of a few days in Portland, returned to Heppner, opening her school near the R. A. Thompson ranch, Wed nesday. Ed Strevlow of lone, who has been suffering an attack of intestin al influenza, was admitted to the Heppner hospital for treatment, on Monday. Dillard French, who came to Heppner from Gurdane Thursday, reported that they were having plenty of wintry weather in that section. Fred Akers was in Heppner Thursday looking after business matters. Florsheim v Shoes Just the shoes you want for now . . . also styles for spring . . . offered at a reduced price that warrants your immediate selection $8 .85 i A few styles $9.85 Wilson's A Man's Store . for Men Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Turner drove up from their home at Salem on Saturday to attend the funeral of little Keith Turner. They returned to Salem on Monday, finding the highway open in good shape all the way, and the weather was not too cold to make travel in a closed car extremely uncomfortable. Mrs. M. L. Curran was called to White Salmon, Wash., Friday night to attend the funeral services of her brother-in-law, Odessor Oro- shong, who had suffered with dia betes for some time. During her absence. Miss Helen Curran and Miss Hildred Wright had charge of her store. Fred Tash of Arlington, a former Heppner resident, was in the city on business Monday. During his stay here he had an opportunity for brief visits with his many friends. Gene Doherty encountered rough going coming to Heppner from Blackhorse Thursday. He had to break trail until he reached Lex ington. Mrs. Guy Barlow of Boardman ar rived in Heppner Sunday to be pre sent at the funeral ceremonies for her grandmother, Mrs. Stacy Rob erts. Oraln Wright came in from his ranch on Rhea creek to do some shopping Thursday. Feeding stock has occupied most of their time of late. Alice Keithley, who ha3 closed the school on Blachorse because of unfavorable weather conditions, is visiting with her brothers at Eight Mile. Mrs. Elva Perry, daughter of Stacy B. Rberts, has come to Hepp ner to make her home with her father and keep the house. Emmett Smith entered the Hepp ner hospital Monday to receive treatment for a gathering in one of his ears. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McCabe of lone came to Heppner to take care of business matters Wednesday. Henry Krebs of Cecil was a caller at the office of the county agricul tural agent Tuesday. Joe Devine of Lexington came to Heppner Tuesday to market eggs from his farm. LOCAL FIRM GETS VALUABLE n Y Patterson & Son Druggists Secure Exclusive 5 Year Franchise for New and Celebrated Scienti fic Formula. Local citizens who have heard of the amazing results which have been accomplished by Sargon will be interested in the important an nouncement that this new and sci entific formula can now be obtained in this city. Manufacturers of this revolution ary medicine have followed out the policy of selecting outstanding firms as exclusive agents in every city where it has been Introduced. Lead ing druggists everywhere have ac claimed it as a triumph in the field of modern chemistry and have been eager to be among the first to sup ply it to their trade. Never before in the history of the world has the progress of Medical Science been so rapid. One import ant discovery after another has been made which will have a far reaching effect upon the health and well-being of mankind. Some of these discoveries are startling in the extreme and absolutely disprove many of the beliefs, practices and theories we have known for a life time. As scientific investigators learn more and more about the human anatomy, the practice of medicine changes the old is discarded for the new. As a result of this world-wide medical research, Science has learn ed that good health is largely gov erned and maintained by three vital organs and fluids of the body. What is more important, we have learned that these organs and fluids can often be aided and strengthened by certain basic elements. Having knowledge of these impor tant discoveries, one of America's leading bio-chemists succeeded, af ter two and one-half years of labor atory research, in combining many of these basic elements in one for mulawhich may well be consider ed one of the greatest health-sustaining remedies of the age. It is called Sargon. This formula and the formula for Sargon Soft Mass Pills, which are an essential and integral part of the treatment, Ferocious Monsters of the South Seas t - -mm 2nfA AP &n Al 1 1& r-w fas vWd?$?mm These sea-elephants weigh about 6,000 pounds each. They wer brought to Los Angeles from the Island of Guadelupe and will be kept in a tank ipr educational purposes They are common in the cold waters arQund thf South Pole. STAR THEATER THURSDAY, JANUARY 30 : Last chance to see Clara Bow and Jean Arthur in THE SATURDAY NIGHT KID Sparkling fun. Clara as a spunky, sparky, slangy shop-girl. Just hear her sling the slang. FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JAN. 31-FEB. 1: Joe E. Brown and Helen Foster in PAINTED FACES Drama of a clown who practiced the habit of happiness for others. Laughs, Thrills, Tears, Fun. All talking, with songs and dances. Also HE DID HIS BEST two reel talking comedy. are the property of the Sargon Lab oratories and can be obtained by no other firm or individual in the world. This new scientific treatment, which represents much of our lat est knowledge on modern therapy, has been acclaimed by druggists throughout America as a triumph in the field of pharmaceutical chem istry. With the needs of their customers uppermost in their minds, leading druggists everywhere have been ea ger to be among the first to supply it to their trade. The exclusive agency for Sargon and Sargon Soft Mass Pills for this city and section has been awarded to Patterson & Son, Druggists. (Paid Adv.) Miss Mae Kilkenny, who was at tending the University of Washing ton last term, came to town from the Hinton creek ranch Thursday. Mrs. Walter Evans and Mrs. Earl Evans, who came in from the ranch Friday, reported lambing keeping all hands busy. iiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiii LOOK IT OVER! Says old Bill Der, who's fall of fun: "Haw look what I Just went and don I I chatted with that little wren, Now Tve got my work to do again!" o-o-o You won't have any trouble keeping your mind on. what you're doing when you talk to us about lumber. Because when we mention price, you'll be so agreeably surprised that you'll think there's a Santa Claus after all. A 2x4 or a carload delivered in a jiffy that's our motto. THE Heppner Planing Mill and Lumber Yard Phone 1123 The Home of Friendly Service llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Emmett Hughes, son of Matt Hughes, returned to hia home in Sherwood, after visiting here sever al days during his father's illness. J. E. Musgrave, who farms on Rhea creek near Jordan siding, was a business visitor in Heppner Monday. W. L. Whitmarsh, employee of Dennis McNamee, has returned to Heppner after a business trip to Arlington. John Daly, in Heppner Friday from his ranch near Lena, said they would not lamb early in that section. FOUND Set Community plate salad forks. Owner may get same from Chester Wright by paying for this ad. 46. FOB SALE Combination daven port and bed, leather upholstered, at a bargain. Inquire Gazette Times. FOR SALE Pure bred Red Boar hog, $15. O. W. CuUforth, Lexing ton. 48-47p. Smile With Ferguson Greeting Lucky Stars We think that Thomas A. Edison should thank his lucky stars for being one of the smartest business men in the world. He Invented the phonograph and the radio, and now people sit up half of the night burn ing his electric light bulbs. You'll thank your lucky stars if you retire with U. S. Royal Cord Tires When you buy them you buy great er mileage and motoring satisfac tion without a parallel. U. S. ROY AL CORD TIRES not alone give greater mileage, but also new com fort, new safety and driving ease. Try our oompleU auto rtpair rrloe. If w can't fix It Jnnk It. Ferguson Motor Co. SUNDAY-MONDAY, FEB. 2-3: Gertrude Lawrence in THE BATTLE OF PARIS All-talking comedy-drama. Also LADIES' CHOICE two reel talking comedy. TUES., WEDS., THURS., FEB. 4-5-6: No picture booked but we will be open if the weather warms up. Thomson Bros. SPECIAL FEATURES SATURDAY AND MONDAY February 1st and 3rd SNOWDRIFT The Leading Shortening S-POUND SIZE Can 73c TOMATO SOUP CAMPBELL'S No. 1 Size 3 Cans for 25c CORN L1NDY A Fine Sweet Gold en Yellow Corn No. Size 2 Cans for 25c PALM OLIVE SOAP Unanimous Choice of Beauty Specialists SPFXIAL 3 Bars for BEANS McGrath's Champion, A Good Cut Strlngless Bean. No. 2 Size 2 Cans for 23c 25c SPINACH GOLD BAR Fancy Califor nia Broadleaf No. lYi Size Can 19c HERSIIEY BARS REG I L A K 5c BARS Nut or Milk CHEWING GUM ALL KINDS YOUR CHOK E 4 t 3 for 1UC FREE FREE Big Stick l'ure Sugar Candy With Koch 1-lb. Package Afllliuted Buyers Highest Quality Steel Cut COFFEE Package .. 39c RICE WATER MAID Fancy Louisiana 3-Pound Bag Bag 25c HOT SAUCE PEP Brand Can DC MALT BLUE RIBBON Hop Flavored Light or Dark Large Can Can 55c PANCAKE FLOUR SPERRY's For a Delicious Seasonable Breakfast Large Package .. 23c OYSTERS OTTER BRAND 18 In Season Can 2 for S5o 18c FIGS White Cooking Extra Fine New Crop 3-pound Bag Bag 43c PEACHES GOLD BAR Banquet Size Finest Peaches Packed 2H's Can 29c RAISINS GOLD BAR Fancy Seedless 16-oz. Package J A Package XUl ROLLED OATS CARNATION Chinaware Each rackago Large Size Package .... In 37c FOUND Pair of eye glasses In res, fins for dairying or sheep. 100 case. Owner can have same by acres fenced sheep-tight, balanos calling at Gazette Times office. 46 fairly well fenced with sheep wire; private Irrigating ditch; 30 seres For Sale 50 tons alfalfa hay. See let to alfalfa; few fruit trees; good Art Parker, Heppner, Ore. 45tf. barn, 4-room dwelling wltn running water in house, out buildings; sltu- Is your hot water HOT? If not ated on Rhea creek, on good road, call Gibb the plumber. Peoples 18 miies from town. Address Box Hardware Co., phone 702, residence 4j Heppner. 28tf. phone 1412. No Job too big or too ' ' small. Prompt attention to all calls. For Sale Milk cows and bred heifers. R, B. Wilcox, Lexington, For Sale Creek ranch of 810 so- Oregon. 81tf. PERSONAL SERVICE In every sense of the word at the time of bereavement is yours if you select our institution to handle the arrangements for funeral rites and commitment of your loved ones. Years of experience together with a modern funeral home and equipment permit us to handle quietly, with decorum and dependably, every detail. Every effort is made to provide satis fled service. Phelps Funeral Home Night and Day Phone 1332 X , .if J.OER1MEY e Heppner, Oregon Save! Now! And Every Day Thru Our Nation-Wide . Low Prices NOVELTY CRINKLE BEDSPREADS January White "Week finds a fresh assortment of these wonderful val ues at this store ! 98c Pretty crinkled cotton jpreadi, scalloped all around . . . how pretty they look on a bed . . . how at tractive they make the whole bedroom look! Cream ground with colored crinkled stripe in the shade to match your bedroom color scheme. Sixe 80x105 inches. DAINTY CRINKLE BEDSPREADS Now, during January Whlte Week, while stocks are new and fresh ... fill your needs! $ 149 How pretty these spreads are, with their white and colored crinkled stripes! And they are more than that, they are such serviceable spreads . . . they launder excellentlyl Size 80x10 inches. Several pretty colors for selection. Scalloped edges. EXTRA LONG RAYON SPREADS 108 inches long to cov er the pillows! Wide enough to hang giacc fully at the side. $ 2,49 How one of these lustrous, colorful rayon spreads will bring out the color harmony of your bedroom! You'll be delighted with the clear hues, the pretty styles . . . all-over Jacquard pattern or in the popular crinkle stripe style, Scalloped all aroun-4