Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 30, 1930, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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I have been reading the story of
Cecil Rhodes.
His life was full of adventure: It
makes excellent reading.
But the passage that interested
me most was this:
Riding to the Matoppos one day
at the usual four miles an hour,
Rhodes had not said a word for
two hours, when he suddenly re
marked: "Well, le Sueur, there is
one thing I hope for you, and that
is that while still a young man you
may never have everything you
"Take myself, for instance: I am
not an old man, and yet there is
nothing I want. I have been Prime
Minister of the Cape, there is De
Beers (the diamond mines that
Rhodes controlled) and the rail
ways, and there Is a big country
called after me, and I have more
money than I can spend.
"You might ask, 'Wouldn't you
like to be Prime Minister again?'
Well, I answer you fairly I should
take It if it were offered to me, but
I certainly don't crave for it"
At twenty-five he was so rich that
ho did not want for any of the
things that money can buy; at thirty-five
he did not want anything at
all; at forty-nine he died.
I hope I may never be guilty of
writing anything intended to make
poor people contented with their
I would rather be known as one
who sought to Inspire his readers
with a divine discontent
To make men and women discon
tented with bad health, and to show
them how, by hard work, they can
have better health.
To make them discontented with
their intelligence, and to stimulate
them to continued study.
To urge them on to better jobs,
better homes, more money in the
bank. But it does no harm, in our
striving after these worthwhile
things, to pause once in a while
and count our blessings.
Prominent among my blessings I
count the Joys of anticipation the
delights of erecting Castles in Spain.
If you would discover the really
happy men of history, look for
those who have striven forward
from one achievement to another,
drawn by the power of their own
They have made every day yield
a double pleasure the joy of the
present, and the different but no
less satisfying joys provided by a
wise imagination.
I believe In day-dreams. I am
strong for CaBtles in Spain. I have
a whole group of them myself, and
am constantly building improve
ments and making alterations.
I do not let my work upon them
interfere with my regular Job. Ra
ther, it reinforces the job. My cas
tles are incentive to efficiency: they
give added reason and purpose to
the business of being alive.
Broadcasts From KOAC
(550 kilocycles)
A new series of lectures by Dr. J.
B. Horner, author of several books
on Oregon history and professor of
history at Oregon State college, has
been added to KOAC'S afternoon
program schedule. Dr. Horner will
give his subjects each Wednesday
at 3:00 o'clock. "Heroines of the
Oregon Country" is the title of his
first sketch.
The noon organ concert over
KOAC has been made a thrice-a-week
feature in response to many
requests. Hereafter Mrs. Lillian
McElroy Taylor will play for the
radio audience Monday, Wednesday
and Friday from 12 to 12:30 o'clock,
from the Whiteside theater at Cor
vallis. The Withycombe p8t '
the American Legion and the thea
ter are sponsoring these concerts.
"Social Relations of Business" is
the title of the first lecture in a ser
ies of three to be given from KOAC
by Dr. E. H. Moore, professor of
economics and sociology at Oregon
State college. These discussions,
beginning Friday, January 31, will
come weekly during the half hour
for business people each Friday eve
ning at 7:40.
A Radio Soil Improvement club
started recently among KOAC lis
teners has now reached a member
ship of 113 farmers. These soil en
thusiasts do not leave the comfort
of their homes to attend meetings,
but merely turn the dial each Wed
nesday evening at 7:00 o'clock to
the Oregon State college station. W.
L. Powers, chief in soils, opens the
meeting with a general discussion
of soil improvement work and then
answers questions sent in by mem
bers. Members enroll by merely
sending in their names and a question.
(From the School of Home Economics,
O. S. A. C.)
Cream will usually whip more
quickly if a little lemon juice is
A larger quantity of juice can us
ually be obtained from a lemon if
It Is heated thoroughly before being
Left-over mashed potatoes can be
used for potato soup by reheating,
adding hot milk, butter, salt and
A rubber thumb used on the right
hand thumb when paring vege
tables or slicing fruit will save many
a small cut from the sharp paring
Butter is one of the richest
sources of Vitamin A, the vitamin
that stimulates growth in children
and prevents certain deficiency dis
eases, such as inflammation of the
Although there are perhaps very
few children in the United States
who do not have enough food, there
are thousands of those who are un
dernourished, literally starving, be
cause they do not have the proper
kinds of food. The diet of these
children is usually lacking In one
or more of the vitamins, those es
sential food elements without which
a child cannot develop in a healthy
normal manner.
LOST Canvas-bound bag, some
where in town. Finder leave at
this office. 46-47.
rny LX M hi V
It is a beautiful thought that, ev
erything In, on, or about this old
earth we live in, Is good for us in
one way or another. It is one of the
most comforting facts imaginable,
when we appreciate it fully.
A certain article of food or drink
may be decidedly harmful under
conditions and positively beneficial
under others. If a man is in good
health, he does not need aconite,
strychnine, or mercury; but, when
the fever must be controlled, the
shattered nerves restored, the body
freed from infection then we ap
preciate these valuable agencies at
their true worth. We would not be
safe without them.
Everything we see, feel and ap
preciate, is good for something
some time, place, or for somebody
This is a thought worth keeping in
mind constantly. Tho family doc
tor is a trained thinker. He of all
people is besieged daily with anx
ious queries about human systems
that have been thrown out of gear,
presumably by something not good
for them when, in reality, there Is
Vocational Experts to
Assist Prep Students
Dr. Alfred Atkinson, president of
Montana State college, and Miss
Helen M. Bennett, head of a college
graduate placement bureau for wo
men In Chicago, have been an
nounced as the specialists on voca
tional guidance to be brought to
Oregon State college for the seventh
annual Educational exposition Feb
ruary 14 and 15.
Students from practically every
high school in the state will attend
the exposition again this year where
they will have opportunity to obtain
personal information on the various
vocational careers both from de
partmental exhibits, regular mem
bers of the college staff and from
the visiting specialists.
Placing of high school annuals in
the 1929 Sigma Delta Chi clinic con
test will be announced to annual
staff members who attend the expo
sition, for whom a special confer
ence is scheduled.
The schools at Boardman, Irrigon,
Pine City and in a number of other
districts in Morrow county are clos
ed because of the cold weather.
Deep snow handicapped transporta
tion in a number of the districts.
In some cases the school heating
plants were not capable of heating
the buildings to a comfortable tem
perature, according to Lucy E.
Rodgers, county school superintendent.
The banner awarded for winning
the football championship of the
Upper Columbia Athletic league,
was received during the week by
Heppner high - school, 1929 cham
pions. The banner is black with
orange letters, the official colors of
the league.
The executive committee of the
Morrow county schools' declama-
This Girl Can Shoot!
Nevada Talhelm, a student at
University of Kansas, made the
feet score of ten bullseyes in
Intercollegiate Girls' Rifle Match.
Even Wilted vegetables
crisp and
fresh in the
This new moist air compartment gives lettuce
and celery that "fresh from the garden" taste.
See it demonstrated at our showroom . . . NOW.
Peoples Hardware Company
Heppner, Oregon
no such thing!
The doctor knows that it is not
the article, but the excessive indul
gence of it that docs the wrecking.
He knows that, used to the exact
point of need, nothing makes one
sick. He knows, as every thinking
man knows, that nothing a man
may eat, drink, or smoke, can pos
sibly do harm, if not indulged to
excess; I wish you wbuld under
score that, please. Potatoes are as
capable of killing a man as coffee,
and have killed as many I have no
doubt, if the truth were known. .A
very eminent specialist told me re
cently, that to eat three baked pota
toes "the size of a goose egg" daily,
would harm as certainly as the
smoking of three cigars. It is the
excess, and not tho particular thing
that makes partaking deadly.
The wisest man, In my opinion, is
the one that knows precisely where
to draw the line in eating, drinking,
and smoking. I have not met him
up to this time. When I find him,
I shall congratulate a perfectly
healthy man. I am more afraid of
excess than I am of the orthodox
devil; that's not science it's truth.
Wins Air Safety Prize
John Day Valley Freight Line
Operating between Heppner and Portland and
John Day Hignway Points.
and other produce before shipping
$10,00 Cargo Insurance
Office CIT1 GARAGE, Phone 172 M. VENABLE, Mgr.
tory contest which i working on
the division of the county Into zones
for the coming contests, was sched
uled to meet last Saturday, but post
poned the meeting until Saturday,
February 8, because of inclement
The second and last semester of
the school year was started Monday
by Heppner high school. Lucile Hall
and Elmer Hake, who were out of
school last term because of illness,
returned to resume their scholastic
Wise old Mother Nature made milk
for children. Into it she put every
thing needed for sustenance, and in
the most easily assimilated form.
- So, Drink More Milk. Let the
children have plenty. It If the
cheapest food you can buy.
Alfalfa Lawn Dairy
Phone 30F3
LOST Rabbit fur-lined glove for
right hand, on Heppner flat Sunday.
$1 reward if left at this office.
For SaleFine overcoat, size 39,
at less than half price. Skuzeskl,
The Tailor. 44tf.
For Sale Second hand heating
stove, wood burner, good condition.
Inquire at Patterson & Son. 36tf.
WANTED Plowing, with tractor,
any time. Frank Stone, Hermlston,
Ore. 46-61 p.
.1 m mmrnwii TimTTT
Keep Your Money
Under Control
One of our checking accounts will control
your funds. You can regulate your expenses
so that you will get real value for every
dollar. You always have a record of where
your money goes. You are protected against
loss and theft. You always have your cash
with you.
Farmers & Stockgrowers National
Heppner Ballk Oregon
Prepare for Spring Plowing
30, 40 and 80 H. P. Models
PAUL G. BALSIGER, lone, Oregon
Agent for Morrow County
iru nnl t- - t I 11.- 7..w.aUa! t.'. .! n , i .n (a. aalAaf
rptana vm woa by lb dm Curtiw Tauager, itown bow ta flight jbom
Don't Freeze
During this cold weather, when you can
get good, dry pine wood. Give us an order
now, before our stock of 40 cords of 16-inch
wood is depleted.
F. W. Turner & Co.
Representing Reliable Companies.
Buy foods the modern way! Pay cash at the "West's favorite food
stores." Get away from those first-of-the-month food bills. (Don't have
any!) Each time you buy here you make a saving. That's modern food
buying it's good business and, best of all, it means substantial annual sav
ings for you !
Effective Friday & Saturday, Jan. 31-Feb. 1
Finest Table Quality No. 126's Nut Oleomargarine
21b 49C Per dozen 59c 2 pounds 35C
No. 1 Tins Medium Size No. 1 Tins
3 cans 27C 6 cans 59C 3 cans 27C
BAYO BEANS - - 10 lbs, for $1.05
BLUE ROSE RICE -10 lbs, for 79C
Jewell Shortening I LARD j CRISCO
Swift Product Swift Product 3 lb CcUl 83C
4 lb 83c 8 pounds . , . S1.45 6 lb. '. 1.59
4 lb. pail ...... 73C 8 lb. pail $1.39 lOoz.comb .20C
Puritan Brand American Brand Buckeye Brand
Per can 59C Per can 45c Per can . . 59c
1 Oregon Maid Flour V;:":",- 50 lbs. $1.69
MacMarr FlOUr, Sperry Product, 50 lbs. $ 1 .79
Bread - Butter Pickles! MINCE MEAT I PRESERVES
Best Food Brand Kerr Brand Strawberry Flavor
2 for 45c 2 lb 25c 3 lb. jar 69c
Washing Powder MILK Washing Powder
Citrus Brand Darigold Brand Peet's Brand
2 packages 45c 10 cans 1.00 2 packages 85C
Phone 1082
STONE'S DIVISION Hotel Heppner Bid.