Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 23, 1930, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Beauty, like morals, is a question
of latitude, there is no rule of uni
versal application.
Shakespeare is the only universal
author because he never descibes
his heroines. Juliet was fourteen
and beautiful; that is all he says
about her looks. The Scandinavian
can picture her as a majestic blonde,
the Kaffir as a coal-black Venus.
The Juliet of the Chinese has slant
ing eyes; to the Spaniard she must
have the long black lashes of the
cow-eyed Andalusian Moor.
It is a fortunate thing for human
ity that tastes in beauty differ. Even
the movies have not been able to
standardize the feminine ideal.
The U. S. Aircraft Carrier "Lex
ington" is tied up at a pier in Puget
Sound, while her engines are turn
ing the dynamos which generate
electric current for the cities of Ta
ccma and Seattle. This is a good
use for a ship of war. It suggests
a way of making out Navy earn its
It is also an illustration of what
happens, sometimes, to water-poW'
er. Tacoma and Seattle get their
normal municipal supply of current
from hydro-electric plants which
the cities own. The unusual drought
in the Northwest reduced the flow
of water and cut down the produc
tion of electricity. The great power
companies regard waterpower as
valuable only as an auxiliary to
steam plants, which are already
generating twice as much current in
America as all the waterpower put
together, in most cases more cheap-
The commonest of all metals,
more than twice as common as iron,
aluminum was a curiosity at the
Centennial of 1876 and only came
into general commercial use when
the harnessing of Niagara Falls
made the electric furnace economi
cal. Alloyed to give it strength, its
light weight makes it more useful
than steel in hundreds of applica
tions. The largest airplanes are
built of it
Now a project is on foot to cast
automobile bodies in one piece out
of aluminum. That will still fur
ther reduce the cost and weight of
motor cars. The lighter the car, the
less gas, the less wear on tires. The
time will come when a serviceable
automobile will sell for not more
than $250, and run 50 miles on a
gallon of gas.
The only independent persons are
those who own land. The only coun
tries whose people care enough
about them to fight for them are
those made up largely of Individual
landowners. When the common peo
ple were peasants only the land
owning nobles with their hired sol
diers went to war.
In many states corporations are
forbidden to own land except for
their own business purposes. The
Government is trying by every pos
sible means to get all of the public
lands into the hands of individual
owners. That is the only safeguard
for the nation's future. Land is the
one commodity which is limited to
supply and unlimited in demand.
Sooner or later some other nation
will try to take the land away from
us. If we own it as individuals we
will fight for it; if it mostly be
longs to a few persons of wealth
we will let them do the fighting and
pay taxes to the new owners if the
old ones are beaten.
The food faddists have been
preaching against the eating of
meat for many years. Except in
certain types of disease, intelligent
physicians tell their patients to eat
meat freely, as nature intended they
should. Even in cases of high blood
pressure, modern medical practice
is not to cut out meat but to coun
teract it by the liberal drinking of
the juice of oranges or grapefruit
Stefansson, the Arctic explorer,
lived for five years on an exclusive
diet of meat, as the Eskimos do,
without ill effects. The Smith Sound
Eskimos, so Donald MacMillan re
ports, eat only meat and eat that
raw, as they do not know how to
make a fire!
Sensible people will continue to
eat whatever they can digest and
as a rule will live longer and hap
pier lives than those who worry
about their diet
Former Heppner Boy
Advanced by Western
States Life Company
From The Westerner, house or
gan of Western States Life Insur
ance company, with head offices at
San Francisco, we have an interest
ing account of the advancement of
Marcus Gunn. a former Heppner
boy, who was the first of the year
elected to the vice presidency of
that company. We are sure many
people now residing in this city, who
knew Mr. Gunn well when he lived
here prior to going to Detroit, Mich.,
to live with relatives, when his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Gunn, were
taken away by the Heppner flood
of June 14, 1903, will be pleased to
learn of his continued success. We
quote The Westerner, the issue of
January 18th being furnished this
office by M. E. Smead, another
Heppner boy, now agency manager
with offices on the second floor of
the Stevens building, Portland:
"Marcus Gunn, who came to the
company as actuary in December,
1924, was born in Oregon in 1892.
Orphaned by a flood when he was
11, he grew up with relatives in De
troit In 1912, he entered the school
of engineering in University of
Michigan, transferring at the end
of the year to the actuarial depart
ment, then the only existing univer
sity school for actuaries.
"Writing insurance during vaca
tions brought him interesting
friends and valuable experience.
One of the first sold was an Italian
laborer who spoke no English. Mr.
Gunn recalls whimsically how he
led this prospect to the private office
of his chief, treated him to a fine
cigar and, seating himself in the
boss' chair, regaled the much im
pressed client with the entire his
tory of the insurance business till
the atmosphere of soothing afflu
ence accomplished whatever the
sales talk might have otherwise fail
ed to attain. Surviving the encoun
ters with family friends who assur
ed him he was 'in the wrong busi
ness,' and others who bade him
'keep a stiff upper lip,' having lav
ished many hours on wholly unin
surable prospects and encountered
those who maintained 'the Lord will
take care of my dependents,' he us
ed to return to his studies each
autumn with a million dollar list
of prospects.
"He was graduated from the Uni
versity of Michigan in 1914, having
supplemented his course with a
year of mathematical work at Har
vard. After graduation, he became
actuary for the Masonic Mutual,
later the Acacia of Washington, D.
C. Later he joined a consulting
actuarial organization which cover
ed many companies and state insur
ance departments In the Middle
"Having joined officers' training
camp in May of 1917, he was first
commissioned in the cavalry and
later in artillery. Most of his war
time experience was in the baloon
end of artillery observation. 'So, if
I occasionally go up in the air over
problems,' he comments, 'the situa
tion is not new.'
"Though he spent eight months of
the war in France, Mr. Gunn re
flects without regret, 'Just as I ap
proached the trouble at the front
they called it off.'
"After the war he returned to con
sulting actuarial work, eventually
locating his office in Chicago, where
he served a number of Middle Wes
tern life companies and the Illinois
insurance department Engaged as
an actuary, he travelled almost the
entire country making reinsurance
treaties with other life companies.
In the course of one of these trips
he became acquainted with the
home office of Western States Life
Insurance company, with which a
year later he was invited to join
Winter days
are here
And with them comes the need for greater
use of electric service.
Electricity has erased the gloom of dark,
winter days, brightened the long winter eve
nings and given you many comfortable hours
otherwise lost
These demands for longer service have
their effect on your bill for electricity but
the comfort and convenience this added ser
vice brings represents no more expense than
a visit of the family to the theatre !
"Electricity IS cheap The smallest
item in the family
Pacific Power and
Light Company
"Always at your Service"
Hynd, Heppner; Henry Rooper, The
Resolutions K. G. Warner, Pen
dleton; H. B. Duff, Crane; Mac
Hoke, Pendleton; James Hoskins,
Echo; R. G. Johnson, Canyon City.
Legislation Art Wheelhouse, Ar
lington; Walter M. Pierce, La
Grande; A. G. Butterfleld, Enter
prise; Pat Doherty, Vinson; R. J.
Carsner, Spray.
Livestock and finance Will Stei
wer, Fossil; R. A. Thompson, Hepp
ner; Mac Hoke, Pendleton; Charles
Smith, Heppner; Tom Connolly, The
Organization and membership
J. W. Hoech, The Dalles; Wayne
Phillips, Keating; Charles V. Bales,
Kimberley; H. C. Rooper, The Dal
les; Ralph Thompson, Heppner;
Mac Hoke, Pendleton.
Sheep diseases H. G. Avery, La
Grande; Harry Lindgren, Corvallis;
Lee Savely; Wayne Stevens, Day
ville; Dr. Lytle, Salem; R. N. El
liott, Powell Butte.
Predatory animal control J. G.
Barratt, Heppner; J. B. Huddleston,
Lone Rock; Ralph Thompson, T. J.
O'Brien, and W. H. Cleveland, Hepp
Public lands R. N. Stanfleld,
Baker; Charles V. Bales, Kimber
ley; Ernest Johnson, Wallowa; Da
vid T. Jones; G. K. Wilkshire, Lake
view; Blaine Devers, Bend.
Shearing committee Jack Hynd,
Cecil; Joe Kenny, Heppner; John
Monahan, Condon; F. V. Chapman,
Pilot Rock; L. C. Johnson, Wal
lowa; J. W. Fisher, Shaniko; John
Kilkenny, Heppner.
Taxation Frank Monahan, W. P.
Kilkenny, Heppner; D. T. Jones,
Suntex; G. K. Wilkshire, Lakeview;
J. W. Fisher, Shaniko; Joe Cunha,
Morrow county had the largest
attendance of any county at the
convention. Those attending from
this county being Jack Hynd, Her
bert Hynd, William Hynd, J. G. Bar
ratt, W. H. Cleveland, J. B. Hud
dleston, R. A. Thompson, Mr. and
Mrs. W. P. Mahoney, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles W. Smith, Roy Neill, Ed
Neill, Frank Wilkinson, John Kelly,
Frank Monahan, Barney Devlin, C.
L. Sweek, Thomas O'Brien, John
Kilkenny, Joe Kenny, William Kil
kenny, E. Groshens, Ralph Justus,
John Doherty, John Higgins and
Carl Cason.
(Continued from First Pas)
Mr. Dobbin has been in the sheep
business since the early seventies,
and is a man of sound judgment.
Falconer is one of the best known
and largest producers of sheep in
the state; Stanfleld has been the
biggest producer of sheep in the
United States and buyer and seller
of wool on a big scale. Mahoney si
experienced in growing, warehous
ing, selling and financing, and
Hoeck, vice president of the First
National Bank of The Dalles, has
had much experience in financing
many lines of stock production, ac
cording to President Mahoney.
Other committee appointments
made during the convention were:
Auditing Mac Hoke, Pendleton;
Herbert Hynd, Cecil; J. B. Huddles-
ton, Lone Rock.
Grazing and forest relations
Charles Burgess, Fossil; Blaine De
vers, Bend; James Murtha, Condon;
Ernest Johnson, Wallowa: W. G.
Fruits and Vegetables
Your Body Needs Them
Dieticians are agreed that fresh
fruits and vegetables are an absolute
essential. . . . We have the best on the
market at the lowest prices in town.
Just try us.
A profusion of our fruits and veget
ables makes a royal repast out of a meal.
You can leave an order with us by
telephone and be assured that the de
livery will be prompt.
Courteous service at all times.
Phelps Grocery Co.
The Home of Good Eats.
Yrigidaire gives you the
The Hydrator is a marvelous new
moist air compartment that makes
vegetables and salad materials
delightfully fresh and tender. See
it demonstrated today.
Now, with the development of the
Hydrator, Frigidaire offers a new service
to users ... a special compartment for
vegetables and foods that need added
You can put even wilted celery in the
Hydrator and make it crisp and fresh
again. You can make lettuce tender and
brittle. You can quickly restore the
firmness of radishes, tomatoes and other
Today every household Frigidaire is
equipped with the Hydrator. It is part of
the surplus value offered by Frigidaire.
So, too, is the famous "Cold Control"
which enables you to speed the freezing
of ice cubes and desserts. And to make
Frigidaire still more practical and more
strikingly beautiful, every household
cabinet is now rust-proof Porcelain-on-steel
inside and out. See a complete
demonstration at our showroom now.
Electric Refrigerators or Hornet, Stortl and Public Institution! , , ,
Electric Water Coolers or Homes, Stores, Offices and Factories , , .
Ice Cream Cabinets , , , Milk Cooling Equipment . , . Room Coolers
Peoples Hardware Company
Heppner, Oregon
Published In the Interests of the people of Heppner and vicinity by
Volume 30
Heppner, Oregon January S3, 1930
Ho. 4
We see by the pa
pers thut Will Rogers
and Joe Robinson are
over there trying to
fix up the world. It
will probably mean
that Europe will take
up the gum chewing
habit and carry lar
Manager, Editor.
The burning ques
tion of the hour. Do
you know the answer
to It? Tum-A-Lump
coal. The hottest min
ed and, Oh Boy, so
easy to start on a cold
morning. Do you want
that load Bent up to
day? Phone 912 for
quick service.
'The kitchen in some
houses is so small they
have to use condensed
milk. Our plans al
ways give plenty of
room for every room.
Both in new and re
modeling work our ar
chitects are the best
And, then you know
it is hard for the cows
to sit on those little
Our service is fast,
you get things you
want the same day
you want them.
We Just Unloaded
A Car of Big Lump
We have everything
to build anything.
Cowboys roll their cig
arettes, The flapper rolls her
The baker first rolls
up his sleeve,
And then he rolls in
Sailors always roll
their walk,
Scotchmen roll their
When a crap shooter
rolls a natural,
He rolls in a Rolls
Royce car.
Sign In church bul
letin: The ladies of the
church have cast-off
clothing of all kinds.
They may be seen In
the basement of the
church any afternoon
this week.
Girl: Have you any
green lipstick?
Druggist: What do
you want with green
Girl: Well, you see
a railroad man is call
ing on me tonight.
Aa the zeppelin mov
ed over the elephant
herd the oldest mem
ber said, "There is
that new trunk cover
I ordered two years
Be Prepared
For spring farming activities. Obtain
new plows and harrows, and replacement
parts for your old equipment from us
while stocks are complete. We handle
the well-known OLIVER line of plows
and implements.
If you need a tractor don't fail to learn
all the features of the
We Have It, Will Get It, or It Is Not Made
Find Out, Fir
Don't envy the man who is earn
ing more money than you are, at least
until you find out how much money
he is saving as he goes along.
Spending money will not make the
spender rich. We will venture the
guess that YOU have known people
who worked a lifetime at fairly good
wages, yet had nothing to show for
their labors. Keep your eye on the
man who is SAVING. Don't envy
him. Do as he does. SAVE, and
deposit the savings at ou Bank for
Fir National Bank