Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 23, 1930, Image 1

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Volume 46, Number 45.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Ceding of Public Lands
To State Also Has
Important Place.
Noted Men Give Talks on Problems
Confronting Growers, at Con
clave In The Dalles.
Cooperative marketing of wool
and the ceding of the unappropriat
ed portion of the public domain to
the Btates were subjects that took
a major position in the talks and
discussions at the 33rd annual con
vention of the Oregon Wool Grow
ers association which convened in
The Dalles, the birth place of the
association, last Thursday and Fri
day. W. P. Mahoney, president, In his
address Thursday morning, took up
many points of interest to the wool
grower, Including discussions on the
public domain, Packers Consent De
cree of 1920, predatory animal con
trol, cost accounting to determine
costs of raising sheep, wilderness
grazing areas, establishment of
feeding areas along trails used by
stock, national marketing plans snd
the tariff.
Charter Member Speaks.
Judge F. W. Wilson, charter mem
ber of the association and secretary
at its founding 33 years ago, gave
a talk on the history of the organ
ization, at the Kiwanis club lunch
eon Thursday. Other charter mem
bers attending the meeting were H.
C. Rooper, W. E. Hunt and A. S.
Roberts. These four attending
charter members and Dick Hinton
and William Odell, charter mem
bers who were unable to attend,
were all voted honorary life mem
berships in the association. -
H. E. Lounsbury, general freight
agent of the Union Pacific system,
speaking on "Railroads and the
Livestock Industry," Thursday af
ternoon, gave much information on
freight rates.
F. R. Marshall, secretary of the
National Wool Growers association,
explained the National Wool Mar
keting corporation, telling why it
was formed and how it would be
Wool Markets Discussed.
E. A. Cornack, president of the
Pacific Cooperative Wool Growers,
and Edgar L. Ludwlck, assistant
manager of the same organization,
spoke on national and local plans
for cooperative wool marketing. J.
H. Dobbin, chairman of the wool
marketing committee of the Ore
gon Wool growers, then led In a
discussion of marketing problems.
A special night session for grow
ers only was conducted Thursday
evening when a discussion of var
ious problems In the sheep industry
was had. Shearing and control of
predatory animals took a leading
place in the discussion. Charles
Smith spoke on the keeping of bus
iness records and cost accounting
by the sheep grower, using informa
tion procured by David Hynd.
Garnet Barratt, second vice pres
ident of the association, gave a talk
on coyote and predatory animal
Control. Warner M. Buck, assistant
specialist In wool marketing and
standardization, U. S. bureau of ag
ricultural economics, talked on
"Wool, Its Preparation, Handling,
Distribution and Manufacturing." A
display of wool, from the time It left
the sheep's back until in the manu
factured state, helped to carry the
his message.
Robert Stun field Speaks.
Robert N. Stanfleld of Baker, for
mer United States senator, talked
of the public domain and its rela
tion to the sheep Industry. Many
visitors at the convention were high
In praise of the Instructive talk
given by Mr. Stanfleld, James M.
Coon, contact man of the Federal
Farm board, spoke about the
board's relation with the farmer
and grower.
Following the meeting it was an
nounced that a meeting had been
called by Governor Norblad to be
held In Portland, January 23, to
take up the proposed cession of un
appropriated public lands to the
states by the federal government
Among those attending the con
vention who are well known In the
sheep industry in Oregon were
William Hanley, Robert N. Stan
fleld and Walter M. Pierce.
Officers Reelected.
All elective officers serving during
the last year were reelected. These
are W. P. Mahoney, president; Fred
Phillips of Baker, first vice presi
dent; Garnet Barratt, second vice
president; S. E. Miller of Union,
third vice president. The position
of secretary, which during the last
year was filled by Walter Holt of
Pendleton, Is appointive by the exe
cutive committee.
Because of the important work
to be done by the wool marketing
committee, President Mahoney re
appointed Jay Dobbin of Enter
prise, Fred Falconer of Pendleton,
R. N. Stanfleld of Baker, T. J. Ma
honey of Portland and J. W. Hoech
of The Dalles, on this committee.
(Continued on Page Four)
Large Number in Attendance at
Meeting, Some Coming From
Distant County Points.
Heppner lodge No. 358, B. P. O.
Elks, was paid an official visit by
Frank Lonergan of Portland, dis
trict deputy grand exalted ruler, at
a special meeting called for that
purpose Friday evening. After
learning of the good condition of
the lodge from a financial and mem
bership standpoint and of the
worthwhile activities being engaged
In, he complimented Earl Gordon,
exalted ruler, and his officers for
their fine work.
Mr. Lonergan was guest at the
lodge session, during which 10 can
didates were initiated by the lodge.
He gave a talk that was both Inter
esting and Informative, according
to many of the lodgemen In attend
ance. A lunch of steamed clams
was served by the entertainment
committee, following the lodge ses
sion. Despite unfavorable weather con
ditions, there was an attendance of
nearly 70 at the meeting, many of
those present having come from dis
tant points In Morrow county and
others from as far as Condon and
The visiting official, and present
officers and past exalted rulers of
the Heppner lodge were guests at
a chicken dinner at the Cottage
inn, before the beginning of the
lodge ceremonies.
Boardman High Winner
In Hoop Battle, 23-20
Outclassing Heppner high school
quintet in all departments of the
game, the Boardman high school
hoopsters defeated Heppner at the
high school auditorium, 23-20, Fri
day evening.
Wicklander of Boardman started
the scoring soon after the fray be
gan by looping a goal from the
field. The visiting hoopmen took the
lead from the start and were never
headed except for once in the first
Boardman led at half time with
the score 13-8. At the end of the
third quarter they still led, the
count being 19-15. Heppner staged
a rally in the final quarter, reducing
the lead to three points but were
unable to get further.
Poor passing and inability to con
nect with the basket led to Hepp
ner s defeat. Teamwork displayed
by the visitors enabled them to get
many unguarded shots at the loop.
Wicklander of Boardman and
Robertson of Heppner tied for high
point honors, each scoring 12 points.
Wilson of Boardman was second
high with 6 points. Boardman play
ed the entire game without a sub
stitution, while Heppner ran in
three substitutes at guard in an
attempt to halt the onslaught of the
Boardman (23) Heppner (20)
Wilson (6) F Thomson (4)
Mingus F.. Robertson (12)
Wicklander (12)..C Evans (4)
Root (2) G Gentry
Mefford (3) G Turner
Welfare Work Handled
By Local Legion Post
The rendering of assistance to
needy families of the Heppner com
munity and the handling of matters
concerning the local Boy Scout
troop, were the principal matters to
be taken up at the regular meeting
of the Hepnper American Legion
post Monday evening.
William Poulson urged that Le
gionnaires attend the Boy Scout
court of honor to be held January
30. Scouts of the local troop will
take tests at that time, five being
ready to undergo the examinations
required to become a first class
Kenneth Ackley was appointed
chaplain of the post. The name of
Clarence Bauman was drawn for
the attendance award, but he was
absent and the prize, increased in
amount, will be carried over to the
next meeting of the post.
Isaiah Smith, 93, father of Mrs.
Fred Ashbaugh, of Hardman, died
at the home of Mrs. Aahbaugh's sis
ter, Mrs. Rose Black, in Bliss, Idaho,
Monday morning. Mr. Smith had
never resided in Morrow county but
had visited the Ashbaughs at Hard
man on several, occasions. Besides
his two daughters he is survived by
two sons, Sam of Elliott, Iowa, and
Oharles Smith of Central City, Neb.
The remains will be shipped to Red
Oak, Iowa, to be Interred In the
family plot. Mrs. Ashbaugh was
prevented from attending the fun
eral by the Inclement weather.
Because of Inclement weather,
making transportation by automo
bile difficult, the basketball game
scheduled between Heppner high
school and Stanfleld high school to
have been played at Stanfleld last
Saturday, was cancelled.
A benefit tea, open to the public,
will be held at the home of Mrs.
Harry. Tamblyn, Valentine's day,
February 14, by the American Leg
ion Auxiliary.
'Paul Marble, district manager of
the Pacific Power and Light com
pany, went to Portland Wednesday
morning to attend a meeting of tho
officers and district managers of
that company.
Proceeds Raised Will be
Used for Buying of
Library Books.
Heppner High School Will Debate
Other Teams of District in
Tilts Starting Feb. 19.
To raise funds for the school li
brary, members of the faculty of
the Heppner schools will present
"Smile, Rodney, Smile," a comedy
with laughs galore, at the high
school auditorium Tuesday, Feb. 18.
Twelve characters are Included in
the cast, five of them being male
parts. As there are only three men
on the faculty it has been made
necessary that two men be "bor
rowed" from the community, these
being Crocket Sprouls and Earl
Gordon. The play Is being directed
by Miss Irene Riechel.
Others in the cast are the Misses
Bernita Lamson, Erma Dennis, Eli
zabeth Galloway, Blanche Hanson,
Beth Bleakman, Aagodt Frigaard
and Mrs. Adelyn O'Shea, William
Poulson, James Lumley and Ger
ald Brunson.
Hoopsters Play Lexington.
The Heppner high school boys
basketball team will journey to Lex
ington Friday to battle the high
school hoopsters of that commun
ity. Robertson of Heppner has
been attacked by tonsilitis, and will
probably be out for the season, for
he is to have his tonsils removed
as soon as his condition Improves
sufficiently. Loss of Robertson at
forward will be felt, for he usually
contributed his share of tallies to
the Heppner scores. Coach Poulson
Is grooming a number of players
to fill the vacancy, and hopes to
discover a winning combination be
fore the tilt with Lexington. A com
plete shift of players from one po
sition to another may be necessary
to get the desired result
A double-header will be on the
Lexington program, for the Hepp
ner nign scnool girls will also make
the trip to play the Lexington girls.
The team expected to start is Har
riet Morgan, Jumping center; Ellen
Morgan, side center; Katherine Bis
bee and Jane Allstott, forwards;
Evelyn Swindig and Erma Schultz,
guards. The Heppner sextet will
enter the fray with new uniforms,
middies and bloomers in the school
colors, purple and gold.
Debates in February. .
Heppner high school will compete
in its first debate of the season on
February 19, but as yet her oppon
ent is unselected. The local school
is in the Umatilla league with Mac
Laughlin high school of Mllton
Freewater, Pendleton, Hermiston
and Umatilla high schools. One
loss will eliminate a team from the
running. Each school will not com
pete directly with every other school
In the district, but Instead percent
ages will be used to determine the
district championship.
Subject for the debates Is "Re
solved, that the United States should
cease to protect by armed force
American capital invested in for
eign countries except after a form
al declaration of war." The Hepp
ner team is being coached by Miss
Attendance In the high school has
been good despite the Inclement
weather, and only two students
were not present to take semester
examinations, these being confined
to their homes by sickness, accord
ing to Superintendent Poulson. At
tendance in the grade school has
also been good considering the bad
Holdups are increasing at a rapid
rate In Chicago, since nearly 300
policemen were laid off January 1,
according to Laurel and Harold
Beach, who have written to their
father, K. L. Beach, of Lexington,
about a hold-up that they witnessed.
lhe two boys, returning home late
from a concert, were surprised to
see three men step out of a car and
hold up two others. To escape dan
ger of the same fate, the Beach bro
thers ran several blocks and up to
their apartments on the third floor,
quickly locking their door behind
The senior club of the Degree of
Honor juveniles will hold Its regu
lar meeting Friday evening at 7:30
o'clock In the Odd Fellows hall.
Officers for 1930 will be appointed.
A party, honoring those who have
been graduated during the past vear
will follow. The junior club will hold
its regular meeting Tuesday after
noon at 4 o'clock at the Odd Fellows
hall, planning appointment of offi
cers, according to Nora Moore, juve
nile director.
Explosion of a gasoline stove at
the home of Charles Swindig start
ed a fire there at 3:50 o'clock Friday
afternoon. It was extinguished by
Mrs. Swindig before the arrlvnl of
the fire department The accident
occurred when son Joe tried to light
the stove. No damage resulted to
the home.
Born in Salem In. 1856; Family
Connected With Famed Blue
Bucket Mine of Old Days.
Funeral services for Willard Hall
Herren, 73, who died at his home
in Heppner Saturday morning were
conducted Monday afternoon by the
Masonic lodge In the Masonic tern
pie, the obituary and closing prayer
being given by Rev. Stanley Moore
of the Episcopal church. Interment
was made in the Heppner cemetery.
Mr. Herren was born in Salem on
October 19, 1856, being a son of Mr.
and Mrs. William J. Herren. His
father and his father's sister cross
ed the plains by wagon train In 1847
to reach Oregon. After crossing the
uescnutes river near Bend, his fath
er and his father's sister claim to
have discovered the famed Blue
Bucket mine, while searching for
water. He made a return in later
years but was never able to relo
cate the mine. His father was also
the first sheriff of Marion county.
willard Herren organized the Ma
sonic lodge at Davenport, Wash. He
had. been a master Mason a long
time ana naa hem tne otnee of wor-
snipful master for a number of
The Herren family moved to Mor
row county In 1871, where Willard
engaged In cattle, and later In sheep
raising. Later he went to Alaska
and California gold mines and upon
returning to Heppner, discovered
coal on Willow creek, which re
sulted In the mining development
at what is known as the Coal Mines.
He had resided In Heppner for
more than 50 years, making many
friendships In the community. For
much of this time his home was in
the mountains on Willow creek
where he operated for a number of
years what is still known as Her
ren's mill, though the mill itself has
been dismantled and most of the
buildings demolished by fire. Al
ways a follower of the great out-of-
doors, -Mr. Herren was noted as a
woodsman and hunter throughout
large portion of the northwest
territory. He is survived by his
widow and a daughter, Dorothy,
who is in California training to be
a nurse.
Keith Turner Answers
Death Call Wednesday
Keith Turner, sorJ. of Mr, and
Mrs. W. H. Turner, died in Sacra
mento, Calif., at 9:05 o'clock Wed
nesday evening, from tubercular
trouble which had bothered him for
the past six months. Mr. and Mrs,
Turner left Heppner Monday night
to tane Keith to Los Angeles where
they hoped that climate and medi
cal treatment would combine to
bring about his recovery.
Keith was taken seriously ill at
5 o'clock yesterday and he was tak
en to a Sacramento hospital for
treatment, it being there that his
death occurred. Keith would have
been two years old in March.
Mr. and Mrs. Turner will return
immediately with the body of their
son, It being planned to have funer
al services and interment soon after
their arrival in Heppner.
Perhaps If you took a census of
the fruit tastes of your friends you
would find that the orange was
given first choice in something like
ninety per cent of the votes. Per
haps it would stand favorite at even
better odds. Perhaps not At any
rate, the orange Is almost univer
sally liked.
Orange Puffs.
Sift into mixing bowl one and
one-fourth cups pastry flour, one-;
half cup of sugar; add one-half cup
milk mixed with two egg yolks, one
tablespoon butter, melted, and one
half teaspoon grated orange rind.
Beat two minutes, pour into six
greased muffin tins and bake 25
minutes. Serve hot with orange puff
Steamed Orange Pudding
Make biscuit dough and roll it
into a long narrow sheet one-fourth
of an inch thick. Spread thickly
with peeled and sliced oranges,
sprinkle with sugar and grated or
ange peel and rol up, twisting the
ends together. Lay it In- a butter
ed pie tin or pudding dish placed
in a steamer over boiling water.
Steam for an hour and a half and
serve with any sauce.
Orange Cake Filling
Bring to the boll two cups of
water and the grated yellow rind
of two oranges. Thicken with three
tablespoons of cornstarch rubbed
smooth in a half cup of cold water,
and cook, stirring constantly. Take
from the fire and add a cup of
powdered sugar beaten with the
yolks of three egss. Stir until
nearly cool, then add a tablespoon
of butter, the juice of four oranges
and one lemon, and cool. Spread
between the layers and cover with
orange icing.
Because the snow was so deep
that the pupils could not reach
school, the school near tho R. A.
Thompson ranch, taught by Miss
Jean Hlnkle, has been closed. Miss
Hlnkle went to Portland Monday
to visit her sister, who Is ill.
B. P. Stone has returned to work
In his Bhop, following a slight Illness.
Conditions Thought Good
To Bring Wheat League
Meet to Heppner.
C. W. Smith Talks on Cooperative
Methods of Marketing Wool and
Wheat, at Luncheon.
The Eastern Oregon Wheat lea
gue will be tendered an Invitation to
have its next annual convention In
Heppner by the Heppner Lions club,
which passed a resolution to this
effect at Its Monday luncheon. The
motion was made after Charles W,
Smith, county agent and secretary-
treasurer of the league, had said
the board of directors were favor
able to coming to Heppner.
Lions whole-heartedly favored the
invitation and showed enthusiasm
over the prospects of getting the
convention, the dates for which will
be set by the executive committee
of the league. Smith has made a
survey of available hotel accommo
dations, and finds that Heppner is
well provided to take care of the
housing situation. Morrow county,
with 70 members, is one of the lead
ing counties in membership in the
league. It has been the policy of
the organization to rotate from one
city to another for holding of the
convention, and this with the large
membership in the county, is ex
pected to combine to bring the con
clave here.
Uniform Accounts Plan.
William Poulson was named
chairman and John Hiatt member,
of the public welfare committee to
give assistance to needy families In
the community. Paul Gemmell,
treasurer of the local chapter of the
American Red Cross, announced
two vacancies on the local board,
urging that the Lions lend assist
ance in filling them.
Gay Anderson, president of the
Oregon County Clerks and Record
ers' association, told of his attend
ance at the state meeting, pointing
out that a uniform system of ac
counting for all counties, cities and
school districts in the state, iM be
ing sought Laws may be passed
to bring this about Anderson urg
ed that people familiarize themselv
es with the problem so that they
will be prepared to act intelligently
when the matter is brought up.
S. E. Notson, who attended the
Oregon Sheriffs and District At
torneys' association meeting in
Portland, told of the talk by Hal E.
Hoss, secretary of state, on the pro
posed uniform accounting system.
Notson reported that those attend
ing the meeting were royally enter
tained. Heppner Lions Active.
Charles Smith told of visits to
meetings of the Lions clubs in The
Dalles and Corvallis, pointing out
that the Heppner club was just as
active. He also gave a brief talk on
cooperative marketing of both
wheat and wool. He stressed the
fact that It was not the purpose of
either the wheat league or wool
growers to attempt to "high-pressure"
anyone into joining the new
marketing associations, only those
completely sold on the idea be
ing asked to unite. It is expect
ed that not more than 30 per cent
of the wheat will be handled by the
cooperatives In 1930, and that there
will be no disrupting of existing
marketing agencies. Though it is
recognized that the wheat industry,
or the farming industry as a whole,
has not received just the legislation
it was working for, it is believed
that farmers will be brought Into
closer contact through the present
plan, that Imperfections will be
Ironed out, and that they will be
In a better position to get needed
legislation should the present plan
not be effective.
Cooperative marketing was of
leading interest at the meetings of
both the Eastern Oregon Wheat
league and the Oregon Wool Grow
ers association, attended by Smith.
President Sweek's plan of giving
the chair to various officers and
members of the organization was
started at this meeting, with Paul
Gemmell, first vice president pre
siding. D. A. Wilson, second vice
president, will fill the chair at next
Monday's luncheon.
W. F. Mahrt of Hardman, agent
for the Delco Light company, was
the winner of a contest sponsored
by the company embracing the
states of Oregon, Washington and
Idaho and the territory of Alaska.
Mahrt took first place in the sales
contest by making sales amounting
to 357.2 per cent of his quota. For
this accomplishment he was award
ed a fine volt-ammeter. Mahrt's
closest competitor was a Corvallis
distributor, who made a rating of
327.2 per cent.
The fire siren will be sounded at
noon every day as long as the cold
weather continues, according to
S. P. Devln, Are chief. This is
being done to keep In good run
ning condition and as a check to
see that it Is operating properly at
all times.
Wheat Growers Endorse Movement
To Use Columbia to Lower
Existing Freight Rates.
Starting of open river navigation
on the Columbia within a year or
two was predicted at the annual
meeting of the Eastern Oregon
Wheat league in Pendleton where
that subject was one of the two
major issues considered, the other
being the new plan of cooperative
wheat marketing which was given
full approval.
That Buch development will bring
substantial benefits to the entire
state and will result in practical
and immediate relief to inland em
pire agriculture, was freely express
ed by those sponsoring the move
ment and by leading farmers who
have been agitating the matter for
At present federal and state
agencies are cooperating in final
surveys of condition of the river
freight available and best types of
equipment needed for immediate
use of the river. Later it is hoped
that channel Improvement and even
canalization will follow.
The league indorsed the new co
operative marketing plan and ask
ed that formation of temporary lo
cal units be continued pending com
pletion of final contract forms.
Many other matters were acted up
on at the meeting which was con
ducted in the form of a conference
with the cooperation of the Oregon
State College Extension service.
Lodge Officers Take
Positions at Meeting
F. R. Bacon was instaled as noble
grand of Willow lodge No. 66, Odd
Fellows, and Ella Benge, as noble
grand of the Rebekahs, at Joint
installation ceremonies to which the
public was invited, Friday evening
at Odd Fellows hall. The Rebekahs
were hstesses to a group of more
than 75 members of the two lodges
at a banquet which followed the in
stallation ceremonies.
Others installed by the Odd Fel
lows were E. L. Ayers, V. G.; A. J.
Chaffee, secretary; J. A. Adkins,
treasurer; J. J. Wightman, R. S. N.
G.; W. E. Mikesell, L. S. N. G.; R.
A. Boyd, warden; A. J. Knoblock,
conductor; Ernest Hunt O. G.:
Sherman Shaw, I. G.; Albert Wil
liams, R. S. S ; Oscar Davis, L. S.
S.; D. O. Justus, chaplain; J. L.
Yeager, R. S. V. G.; George McDuf-
fee, L. S. V. G.
Others inducted Into offices of the
Rebekahs were Alice Rasmus, past
noble grand; Margaret Smith, V.
G.; Lillian Turner, secretary; Opal
Ayers, treasurer; Mabel Chaffee, R.
S. N. G.; Hilma Anderson, L. S. N.
G.; Ruby Corrigall, warden; Lucy
Rodgers, conductor; Sadie Sigsbee,
O. G.; Rose Howell, I. G.; Alice Mc-
Duffee, chaplain; Charlotte Gordon,
R. S. V. G.; Daisy Shively, L. S.
V. G.
John Wightman was installing
officer and D. O. Justus, marshall,
for the Odd Fellows ceremonies and
Anna Brown, Installing officer, and
Olive Frye, marshall, for the Re
bekah installation.
Roberts Home Damaged
By Fire on Wednesday
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Stacy
Roberts was damaged to the extent
of about $400 by fire at 3 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon, the blaze
starting from a defective flue. Im
proper construction around the
chimney was also partly responsi
ble. In building the dwelling, ship
lap had been laid next to the chim
ney and up close to the flue leading
to the heating stove in the living
The alarm was answered by the
Heppner Fire department, under
Chief S. P. Devin, the blaze being
put out with the use of chemicals.
Damage to the house is fully cover
ed by insurance. Carpenters were
at work repairing the damage this
morning. The siren failed to oper
ate at the time of the fire, and the
sound of the siren heard shortly
afterward was a test after repairs
had been made.
Pythians Elect, Install
Officers for New Year
Doric Lodge No. 20, Knights of
Pythias, at its meeting Tuesday
evening, elected and installed offi
cers for 1930 as follows: R. C.
Wightman, C. C; Harry Quacken
bush, V. C; Jasper V. Crawford, K.
R. S.; W. W. Smead. M. of F.; J.
W. Hiatt M. of E.; M. L. Case, M.
of W.; Emil Grotkopp, M. at A.;
Oscar Davis, I. G.; Carl Ulrich, O.
G.; Charles Thomson, prelate. The
next regular meeting will be Tues
day evening, February 4.
W. W. Smead of the local lodge
has received appointment as dis
trict deputy grand chancellor, with
jurisdiction covering Grant, Gilliam
and Morrow counties.
Mrs. M. L. Slaght of Vale came to
Heppner Monday to attend the fun
eral of her uncle, the late Willard
Herren. She returned to her home
Wednesday evening. Mrs. Slaght
will be remembered by many Hepp
ner people as Miss Mabel Herren,
daughter of D. A. Herren, and a res
ident of this community for many
Emmett Hughes, Sherwood drug
gist, arrived In Heppner today, to
be with his father, Matt Hughes,
during his Illness.
Total Snow in Heppner
Reaches 15 Inches
Thawing of Water Pipes Becomes
Part of Daily Schedule aa
Cold Snap Continues.
Heppner and Morrow county for
nearly two weeks have been hit
with wintry weather that has grip
ped the entire Pacific northwest In
Heppner the temperature has been
down to 18 below for a week, and
sub-zero has been the order nights.
Temperatures of more than 25 be
low have been reported at different
points In the county.
More snow began falling Satur
day evening, and continued to fall
nearly all day Sunday, bringing the
total depth in Heppner to 15 Inches.
Many local residents began remov
ing snow from their roofs and side
walks Sunday afternoon, although
In the business district removal was
not undertaken generally until Mon
day morning. State highway plows
cleared the highway of snow in the
city. Traffic has been continuous
on the main highways, but on the
roads getting less traffic, travel has
been difficult and in some cases en
tirely stopped.
The cold snap has greatly increas
ed the use of wood, coal and elec
tricity to make homes and places
of business comfortable and to pre
vent freezing of water pipes at
Plumbers have been kept busy
continuously thawing out the froz
en pipes. In many cases the men
of the household have done this
work each morning early, because
a plumber was not available or to
reduce the cost of fighting the win
try blasts. Motorists unprepared
for the sub-zero temperatures have
had the radiators of their automo
biles frozen, providing additional
work for garagemen.
The cold wave has brought with
it an epidemic of colds, coughs, ton
silitis, influenza and other maladies.
Children of the county have in
many instances foregone the plea
sures of skiing and coasting, be
cause of the extreme cold.
A brighter aspect is presented by
the enjoyment of many people who
are engaging In winter sports.
While the ice rink made by Messrs.
Poulson and Pratt at the rodeo
grounds has been almost hopelessly
buried by the snow, addicts of the
arctic pastime have not been dis
couraged, bringing out skiis to re
place skates, and sliding merrily
along just the same. One skii jump
has been made in north Heppner,
while the golf links has given itself
over to skii and toboggan slides.
Edmundson's Injuries
Show Slight Mending
Alonzo Edmundson's condition is
slightly improved, according to his
mother, Mrs. Mattie Huston, who
returned from Portland by train to
day. After Edmundson went to
Portland, the Infection around his
fractured jaw bones was cleaned up
and the bones scraped.
Specialists have been working
with him form six to eight hours
each day to mend his injuries. The
bones have been wired and the wir
es are tightened each day in an
attempt to bring the two jaws into
correct position, to permit full use
of his teeth, before the fractured
bones will be set and allowed to
Edmundson's physical condition
has improved since going to Port
land, although he has lost some In
weight He is on a liquid diet The
outcome of his injuries are still in
doubt but the results obtained by
the physicians in the last day or
two make the outlook for his re
gaining use of the jaws, somewhat
Edmundson was Injured in an au
tomobile accident more than a
month ago.
Kate J. Young lodge No. 29, De
gree of Honor, will meet at 7:30
o'cloc Tuesday venlng, January 28,
In Odd Fellows hall. There will be
Initiation, also Installation of new
officers. Refreshments will be serv
ed following the lodge session.
Clara Beamer, Secretary.
Mrs. P. M. Gemmell, historian of
the American Legion Auxiliary unit
of Heppner, was the principal
speaker on a program of the Lex
ington Parent-Teacher association
held in the Lexington school audi
torium Tuesday afternoon.
The Heppner Elks lodge will con
vene at its regular meeting at the
Elks temple tonight. The entertain
ment committee promises a tasty
lunch after the lodge session.
Several cases of smallpox are re
ported to have been contracted by
people living In the vicinity of Mon
ument All of the cases reported
are mild attacks.