Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 16, 1930, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Undismayed by the severe cold
weather, 80 members and friends of
the order gathered at Odd Fellows
hall in lone Saturday evening for
the county get-together meeting of
Odd Fellows and Rebekahs. Every
lodge In the county was represented
except Lexington. W. W. Head was
general announcer for the evening,
and the following interesting pro
gram was given: Music by lone
orchsetra; vocal solo, Miss Fern
Engelman; reading, Dorothy How
ell; instrumental duet, Lee Howell
and Earl Blae; vocal solo, Mike
Matthews; piano solo, Mildred
Smith; reading, Mrs. Delia Corson;
orchestra; piano solos, Sybil How
ell. Refreshments were served af
ter the program, and from then to
the wee small hours of the morning
the friends enjoyed games and
The thermometers have been
hovering near the zero mark, bring
ing the usual number of frozen
water pipes and radiators.
Tom Johnson and family, who
have been living in the Louy apart
ments, have moved to the Jim Agee
On January 6, Virginia Griffith
celebrated her eleventh birthday.
Four of her friends came in at the
supper hour and spent the evening
playing games. Those invited were
Margaret Lindeken, Miriam Hale,
Mildred Lundell and Mildred Kel-
On January 8, Katherine Griffith
celebrated her ninth birthday. Four
of her little friends also came for
supper and spent the evening with
her. Those present were Eleanor
Bullard, Wallace Bullard, Mary
Katherine Blake and Helen Blake.
The slippery highway was the
cause of three automobile wrecks
near lone on Thursday of last week.
A car went into the ditch and was
badly wrecked near the Frank Ma
son ranch on Rhea creek. The
wrecker was called from Heppner
to move the damaged car. We un
derstand the driver was unhurt. A
few miles below town the same day
a wheel was torn from Mike Row
ell's car, but no one was injured.
Near town a car driven by Robert
Marty of Pendleton collided with a
car driven by Al Henriksen of lone.
Both cars were badly damaged and
a wrecker came from Pendleton to
move them. It was reported that
Mr. Henriksen received some severe
A. A. McCabe attended the meet
ing of the Eastern Oregon Wheat
league which held its annual meet
ing in Pendleton, January 13 to 15
Local Girls Lose to Umatilla
Ione's second practice game of
the season was played at Umatilla
Tuesday night of last week. lone
met defeat by a score of 33-16. lone
scored the first basket, but Uma
tilla's baskets followed in rapid suc
cession. At the close of the first
half of the game the scorre was 21-6
in favor of Umatilla. The lone
girls played a good game but were
handicapped by having to play on a
small court They had also had
only one practice after the Christ
mas holidays. The line-up lone:
Gladys Brashears, Veda Eubanks, f,
Josephine Healy, jc, Margaret Craw
ford, sc, Helen Smouse, Geneva Pet
tyjohn, g; Umatilla: Larine Lash,
Agnes Thompson, f, Verna Burnes,
jc, Dorothy Lash, sc, Mignon Davis,
Margaret Foord, g. Substitutes for
lone, Beulah Pettyjohn; Umatilla,
Bernice Burnes, Gladys Connell.
Following the boys' game an ap
petizing lunch was served to the
members of the teams by the Uma
tilla girls. Thursday night Ione's
teams journeyed to Lexington to
play them a return practice game.
The lone girl's baskethall team has
received new suits. They are made
in the school colors, scarlet and
white. The girls are quite proud
of their suits, as they have needed
new ones for some time.
Girls Lose to Lexington
The Lexington girls were victor
ious by a score of 16-17 in the prac
tice game last Thursday night,
when lone met them on Lexington's
floor. Veda Eubanks made the most
baskets for lone, and Mae Gentry
was high scorer for Lexington. The
line-up lone: Gladys Brashears,
Veda Eubanks, f, Josephine Healy,
jc, Margaret Crawford, sc, Helen
Smouse, Geneva Pettyjohn, g; Lex
ington: La Verne White, Mae Gen
try, f, Ruth Lundell, jc, Nellie Dav
is, sc, Neva Warner, Fay Gray, g.
Substitutes: lone, Beulah Pettyjohn
for Margaret Crawford; Lexington,
Mary Slocum for Fay Gray and Nel
lie Davis, Veronica Brashears for
LaVerne White.
A lunch was served to the mem
bers to the teams after the boys'
game. The lone boys' team played
at Umatilla Tuesday, Jan. 7, and at
Lexington, Thursday, Jan. 9, losing
both games.
W. H. A. Smith returned last
week after spending the holiday va
cation with his daughter, Miss Mar
cia Smith, a teacher in the Tacoma
schools. While away Mr. Smith un
derwent an operation or the remov
al of a growth on his eyes. Sor e
time ago it was necessary for him
to have a similar operation. He is
recovering nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Christoph
erson returned Friday from an auto
trip to Merced, Calif., where they
visited Mr. Christopherson's par
ents. On the way home they visited
with friends and relatives at var
ious points. Mr. Christopherson
states that he found some bad roads
due to the deep snow.
The high school play, "Whose Lit
tle Bride Are You?" was given Fri
day night before a small audience
due, no doubt, to the severe cold
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Engelman
went to Portland on Thursday of
last week. They made the trip by
George Ritchie was in town a few
days last week. When he returned
to Portland he was accompanied by
his mother, Mrs. Barbara Ritchie.
Mrs. Ritchie has been boarding for
some time at the home of Mrs. Ida
The missionary society ' of the
Congregational church held an in
teresting meeting last Thursday af
ternoon. The newly elected presi
dent, Mrs. Martha Dick, led the
meeting, and plans were made for
the year's work. Refreshments con
sisting of fruit salad, cake and tea
were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heinbatch
and daughter Dorohty of Portland
were recent guests at the Louis Bal
siger home on Second street.
Mrs. J. W. Howk was agreeably
surprised Sunday when her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Linn, and her
brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Griffith and their fam
ily came to spend the day with her.
The self-invited guests brought a
roasted turkey and all the fixin's for
the dinner. The occasion was Mrs.
Howk's birthday.
Mrs. Wrex Hicock returned Fri
day to her home in Portland after
a pleasant visit with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Moore.
Mrs. Oscar Cochran returned
home Sunday after an extended vls-
it at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Sam Warfleld, at Peck, Idaho. She
was accompanied by Mrs. Warfleld
and little son, Charles Wayne, who
will remain here for a visit with
relatives and friends.
Work on the Ione-Boardman road
has stopped until the weather mod
erates. Norman Swanson has been quite
ill with flu.
Carl Troedson returned Saturday
from California, making the trip by
alto. Mr. Troedson had been away
several months, most of the time
doing warehouse work at Santa
A. E. Feller and Larry Londergan
were passengers to Portland last
week. Mr. Feller went on business.
Mr. Londergan went to visit his
mother and sister.
David Head, a former lone boy,
has purchased the Skamokawa Ea
gle, a weekly newspaper published
at Skamokawa, Wash. Mr. Head
is a son of W. W. Head, editor of
the lone Independent He was grad
uated from the lone school with the
class of '27. His many friends here
wish him success in his new busi
ness venture.
Combining of Events
Hurts Dairy Markets
The present disastrous slump in
dairy products markets has result
ed from a combination of overpro
duction and reduced consumption
of butter coupled with increased
production of butter substitutes, ac
cording to the current dairy situa
tion report issued by the Oregon
Extension service.
Production of creamery butter
for the first 11 months of 1929 ex
ceeded that of the same period in
1928 by some 25 million pounds.
Consumption decreased by 29 mil
lion pounds, while consumption of
butter substitutes mounted by a
similar amount. The federal out
look report a year ago said that a
national increase of one per cent
in dairy production would reach the
limit of present domestic consump
tion. Consumers can help the situation
by taking advantage of the abnor
mally low prices to increase their
use of wholesome dairy products,
says P. M. Brandt, head of the dairy
department at Oregon State college.
Is your hot water HOT? If not
call Gibb the plumber, Peoples
Hardware Co., phone 702, residence
phone 1412. No job too big or too
small. Prompt attention to all calls.
For Sale Creek ranch of 810 ac
res, fine for dairying or sheep. 800
acres fenced sheep-tight, balance
fairly well fenced with sheep wire;
private Irrigating ditch; 80 acre
set to alfalfa; few fruit trees; good
barn, 4-room dwelling with running
water in house, out buildings; situ
ated on Rhea creek, on good road,
13 miles from town.
43, Heppner.
Address Box
28 tf.
For Sale Milk cows and bred
heifers. R. B. Wilcox, Lexington,
Oregon. 31tf.
Orders for flowers direct from the
growers at figures less than you can
buy direet Case Furniture Com
pany, growers agent 5tf.
For Sale Winter feed for 50 head
of cattle. Floyd Worden, phone
13F13, Heppner. 44p.
For Sale Second hand heating
stove, wood burner, good condition.
Inquire at Patterson & Son. 36tf.
Fruits and Vegetables
Your Body Needs Them
Dieticians are agreed that fresh
fruits and vegetables are an absolute
essential. . . . We have the best on the
market at the lowest prices in town.
Just try us.
A profusion of our fruits and veget
ables makes a royal repast out of a meal.
You can leave an order with us by
telephone and be assured that the de
livery will be prompt.
. Courteous service at all times.
Phelps Grocery Co.
The Home of Good Eats.
Published in the Interests of the people of Heppner and vicinity by
Volume 30
Heppner, Oregon Jannary 16, 1930
Number 3
Don't laugh when
you see a man walk
ing down the street
talking to himself. He
may be in a confer
ence. If you think it is
alright to spank the
kids, why do you feel
ashamed when the
neighbors catch you?
Manager, Editor,
If the fisherman For every perfectly
catches you kissing simple girl there is a
his wife be nonchal- simply perfect one.
ant, smoke a herring. TAi
You insure your car
against a good many
things, but what about
deterioration insur
ance? Insurance com
panies don't sell it but
we do a good garage.
A $100 or $150 garage
should easily last 20
years an annual rate
of $5.00 or $7.50 per
annum. Come in and
let us explain this pol
icy to you.
We knew that Cali
fornia weather was
too good to last Now
that winter is really
here, are you keeping
the coal bin full? A
shortage now would
sure be uncomfortable.
Here are your winter
Wood and Coal,
So you don't freeze.
Cold feet,
It is perfectly si r
ple to buy good ma
terial from us. Drop
in and talk things
over with us any
Then there was the
Scotchman that offer
ed a thousand dollars
to the man that would
make him a millionaire.
Weather for Hepp
ner and vicinity:
Worse if no change
comes for the better.
We have that heat
and so hot
Why not spend the
evening by the Are
reading our new plan
books. We would be
glad to bring you one.
uwp.jumitM win ii
Ahou. MAKE-UP ,J
Screen Stars Say:
"I have been a consistent user of Max
Factor's Cosmetics... and they are best"
For her colorings, and jwirs, too, IF they are
similar . . . dark red hair, greenish-blue eyes, fair
skin . . . this color harmony make-up is perfect.
Max Factor's Rachelle Powder . $1.00
Max Factor's Raspberry Rouge . . 50c
Max Factor's Medium Lipstick . . 50c
Like the screen stars, have your make-up in color
harmony, too. If you are a different type, ask for
free complexion analysis card.
JMkX FACTOR'S Society JVake-Cp
Max Factor's manicure preparations have been added to his
Ask as for a Max Factor Make-up card and learn the best
make-up for your complexion.
Margaret Livingston
Indifcndcnt St ail
A table of odds and ends in ivory, picture frames, leather goods
and baskets at half price and even lower.
Sargon - $1.35
Sargon Soft Mass Pills - 60c
Our Store is agent for the new Sargon remedies
The New AWP Toilet Tissue
Rolls 15c - 2 for 25c
Tissue in colors to match the bathroom
Don't have cold feet get one of these hot water bottles for the
cold winter nights.
2-quart size guaranteed for one year
Regularly $1.60. Specially priced at 9 80
Pearls are still going strong. Get your club cards for the pearls.
Again in 1 929, as for fourteen consecutive years, Good
year's annual production of pneumatic tires for motor vehicles
was the largest in the world. Goodyear now builds annually
almost twice as many tires as any other rubber company.
Goodyear annual production of
motor vehicle pneumatic tires:
Year . Tires
1916 4,118,399
1917 5,880,544
1918 3,790,212
1919 8,137,353
1920 6,863,140
1921 5,152,503
1922 7,887,243
1923 9,119,335
1924 10,056,437
1925 12,458,144 ,
1926 13,781,714
1927 16,002,630
1928 : 21,577,491
xl929 23,045,000
Total 147,870,145
x December production of foreign plants estimated.
This statement is published in acknowledgment and ap
preciation of the great public preference which makes such a
record possible. We thank the millions of motorists who have
made it so emphatically a fact that
Be Prepared
For spring farming activities. Obtain
new plows and harrows, and replacement
parts for your old equipment from us
while stocks are complete. We handle
the well-known OLIVER line of plows
and implements.
If you need a tractor don't fail to learn
all the features of the
We Have It, Will Get It, or It Is Not Made
Find Out, Fir&
Don't envy the man who is earn
ing more money than you are, at least
until you find out how much money
he is saving as he goes along.
Spending money will not make the
spender rich. We will venture the
guess that YOU have known people
who worked a lifetime at fairly good
wages, yet had nothing to show for
their labors. Keep your eye on the
man who is SAVING. Don't envy
him. Do as he does. SAVE, and
deposit the savings at ou Bank for
Firl National Bank
Patterson & Son
(Heppner Garage)
Heppner, Oregon