PAGE EIGHT 0 HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1930 ower Is Here to Stay The trend of modern farming points positively toward increas ed production at lower costs. You can no longer compete on an equal footing, using the old-time methods, with the mod em farmer using modern farm power machinery. Is it profitable for two men and twenty-four head of stock to work twelve to thirteen hours a day when one man and a JOHN DEERE TRACTOR can do the same work in less hours and half the expense? Is it profitable for you, with the present high cost of feed, to keep twice the stock you need one year, for thirty days of plowing in the Spring? The New John Deere Tractor has answered these questions with a decided NO. It is sup plying a long felt want of the dry land wheat farmer by plow- This tractor is adapted especially to this country for the fol lowing reasons: 1, Fully enclosed, insuring long life by not having any wear ing surfaces exposed to the dust and dirt. 2 Built sturdy and simple. A tractor easy of operation that does not require a skilled mechanic to operate and keep up. Heavy bearings throughout insure long life and a minimum of attention, and oiled by a posi tive force feed lubrication system. We take pleasure in announcing that we have sold and de livered during the past twenty-four months, TWENTY-FOUR JOHN DEERE TRACTORS, and they have IN EVERY CASE more than satisfied the purchasers. These tractors during the past two years have done an unbelievable amount of all kinds of farm work, under all conditions and have per- ing, harrowing, weeding and seeding his lands at a minimum of expense and time. 3 Constructed so that it will operate on amazingly rough land. This is an important feature as nearly every farm has some portions that would mean trouble to a tractor less adapted to these conditions than is the JOHN DEERE. 4. Powerful enough to pull three sixteen-inch plows at four miles per hour, harrow 120 to 140 acres per day or drill 75 to 85 acres per day. 5. Economical. The cost of fuel for plowing per acre in Morrow county with a JOHN DEERE has run as low as 23 cents, with an average cost of 28 cents. formed it efficiently with a minimum of expense, and the most important test is that they are in good condition and have required no heavy costs of maintenance. A reasonable down payment will place a JOHN DEERE Tractor on your ranch with two years' terms for the balance. It Will More Than Pay For Itself Peoples Hardware Co The Home of Up-to-Date Farm Equipment