PAGE FOUR HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1930 HALL DEDICATED TO HEPPNER MAN Municipal Building Memorial Rufus Burroughs Who Went From Heppner to War. to More detail, than was given in last week's issue of the Gazette Times, relative to the dedication of the Burroughs Memorial hall in Ga lax, Virginia, named in honor of the late Rufus Burroughs who enlisted from Heppner to enter the World war, has been received in the fol lowing news story which appeared in a Galax newspaper following the dedication: Entirely in keeping with the fine ness of character of the man to whom they did honor, were the ser vices held Thursday afternoon when the assembly hall of the American Legion and the Volunteer Fire De parmtent was dedicated to the mem ory of Rufus Burroughs. The hall, in itself, is a thing of beauty which reflects great credit on those who designed it and those who so ably superintended the execution of those plans. It is not large but has space enough to provide for local gather ings for several years. Opposite the entrance door is a nicely propor tioned stage with ample dressing rooms and toilets. At the left of the entrance door is a small but con venient kitchenette with hot and cold water and a beautiful electric stove. The latter is made possible by free will offerings of friends of the two organizations. From the beamed ceiling of the hall hang six beautiful lights in prismatic glass shades that give a delightfully subdued light The woodwork of the room is American walnut finish which further adds to the dignity and beauty. The stage was decorated with American flags. As guests entered the auditorium shortly after two o'clock, they were greeted by Mrs. Beverly F. Eckles, who was in charge of the reception committee, and several wives of Le gionaires and Firemen. From an artistically decorated table they dispensed punch and wafers to all. While the audience was gathering and being seated, Miss Pauline Phipps gave a delightful program of piano solos. The meeting was called to order by Heath Melton who gave Mayor Carrico the honor of extending a welcome to those present The op ening invocation was then given by Rev. Sidney Mccarty of the Presby- treian church. After him came R. E. Jones who is noted for his gift of oratory and who spoke feelingly of all the handsome new Municipal buildine means to the citizens of Galax. This was followed by a beautiful solo by Mrs. Sam Hampton accom panied by Miss Mamie Osborne. The chairman then read the joint resolution of the Galax Post No. 145, American Legion, and the Galax Volunteer Fire Department, naming the hall after their beloved comrade and fellow townsman, Rufus Bur roughs. At the command of Mr, Melton. Walter and Jim Anderson aDDroached the center of the flag- draDed stage while the two small sons of Rufus Burroughs pulled the cord which raised the flag and un veiled a large portrait of the hon ored man, the audience standing with Legion men at salute. After the guard of honor had re tired. Flovd Landreth, in whose or flee Mr. Burroughs was a well loved member at the time of his deatn, naid touching and glowing tribute to the man and the soldier as well as the friend. So keenly felt were his sentiments, there were but few drv eves in the audience. Rev. J. R. Johnson, whose privil ege it was to receive Rufus Bur roughs into fellowship in the Bap tist church and to go down into the pool with him, spoke of the beauty of his character and emphasized the value of keeping the room which was to do him honor as clean and undefiled as was the soul of the man himself. He referred to the resolu tion, passed several weeks ago by both organirations. to forbid en trance to anyone who was in any way under the intiuence of liquor and said he hoped that they might be strong enough to enforce their desire. He closed his remarks with a brief but pertinent word of prayer. Chairman Melton then called up on several out of town visitors who merely rose and acknowledged the introduction with a bow, and upon the "Mother of the Galax Post," Mrs. E. B. Crabill who did likewise. He then spoke of Rufus Burroughs and its great loss in his passing and his connection with the post and at the close of his remarks Mrs. Kate Kapp solemnly played "Taps" on the piano. On the second floor is the Mayor's court and back of that is the jail with accommodations for eight, sev eral small rooms and the Chief of Police's private quarters. (Inci dentally, the Chief of Police is be ing held up as an example to many the housekeepers of Galax be cause of the extreme neatness of his room and especially the orderly row of shoes under the bed." The first floor is given over to housing accommodations for the re fighting apparatus and street equipment. The City Manager s of fice will remain the same. A banquet was held at night in the dining room of the Methodis' church with two hundred and thirty persons attending. Arrangements were in charge of Garfield Childers, chairman of the invitation and ban quet committee, and the banquet was served by the Missionary bo- ciety of the Methodist church. Heath A. Melton was master of ceremonies and Mayor Carrico de livered a message of greeting. Town officials and numerous other guests were present. The Wytheville or chestra furnished music at the ban quet and at the dance in the hall following. I ! $r"r w2 r mm mm ma mm 'Ml iiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiMiiimiiiiiiiii Keep Things Up! lQnoth01d"BUl Derj 'VrSSdow? hack Denotes a moat appalling lack Of pride upon the owner's part And gives onlookers qnlte a start. o-o-o When you acquire a home, take care of it A few minor repairs from time to time will prolong the life of the building and keep its value at par. Of course we handle the materials for such work at prices you can afford. Our service is no further from you than your telephone. THE Heppner Planing Mill and Lumber Yard I'hone 1123 SS5 AIM NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS. According to the laws as passed at the last session of the Legisla ture the fees for dog licenses will be $2 for males and $3 for females if purchased before March 1st each year, or if purchased before the dog has been in possession for du days or before it is 8 months old. If pur chased after such time a penalty of $2 per dog is added to the license fee. GAY M. ANDERSON, Clerk. 423. Smile With Ferguson It Never Rains But It Pours We didn't intend to listen, really we didn t, but we neara a young lady who had lost her garter say to her sister: It isn t the cost of stock ings, but the upkeep that worries me." The thing that worries us mostly is to get you to come in and inspect our U. S. Royal Cord Tires If you will examine these tires carefully you will know why they represent the selection of wise mo torists. Sturdy vitality and long rubber life insure unfailing performance. Try our complete auto repair service. If we can't fix it Junk it. Ferguson Motor Co. i i LOW ROUND TPsI P FARES iJr3 TO- in m mi m mi ESS mm m ska Irfsl PS I 1 mm I 1 CUE- I KM Urrj J h fcsa Mi mm mm m aw mi AM m Hi mi mi m mi mi' m m m mi 35 mi Exchange winter for summer. Go to California. It's as eco nomical aa staying at home. CIRCLE TRIP One way via Salt Lake City the other via Portland and Pan Francisco. Fine fast trains. Stop overs going and re turning. MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW KM 833 isrvt 8 mi P 4J.-- The Spirit of Progress Calls for the Liberal Use of P n WL Take Inventory of your letter heads, envelopes, statements, in invoices and other printed forms now. Don't wait until you are down to the last sheet. Resolve now to take care of your printing in ad vance of its actual need. Our modern equipment enables us to 'do printing that is on a par with that done in the laVge cities. . Heppner Gazette Times it JUU M tun 1WI1 mil M mil 1WU IWU lWO 1WH m JI, WJL Wllb lULJUtli UUlLAMILlMlLJUL.miL AUU ALUiAUL -liliL AIL The Home of Friendly Service iiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Chester Darbee, Agent, Heppner, Oregon in