Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 19, 1929, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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He is Father Christmas
to English; Kriss Krin
gle to Germans.
All over the world on the 25th of
December Christmas of all creeds
and sects celebrate the birth of the
Messiah with the festival of Christ
mas the Mass of Christ But only
in countries whose traditions and
culture derive from Tsutonic sour
ces do folk celebrate the day by
giving presents.
In Italy, France, Spain, the na
tions of South America and other
countries where the Latin culture
prevails, Christmas is celebrated as
a great church festival but nobody
thinks of giving anybody a present
at Christmas time. New Year's Day
is their great gift time.
In Germany and in all the coun
thies having the Teutonic back
ground, which includes Norway,
Sweden and Denmark. Austria,
Switzerland, Holland, Belgium, Eng
land and the British Dominions and
the United States, Christmas has
become the great gift-making sea
son of the year, especially the time
for giving presents to children.
Santa Claus himself, however, is
an American!
The children of England have
never heard of Santa Claus, unless
they read American stories. The
jolly old chap with white whiskers
who fills the stockings secretly on
Christmas eve is known to the little
ones of the British Empire as
"Father Christmas."
German children call the stocking-filler
"Kriss Kringle," and by
that name he is known in some
parts of the United States and else
where. "Kriss Kringle" is a cor
ruption of the German "ChristKind
lein," the Christ Child. The peasant
folk of Germany have come to be
lieve that the giving of Christmas
presents is symbolic of the bringing
or girts to the manger at Bethlehem
by the Wise Men of the East But
that is not the source from which
Chrsitmas giving originated.
Secret gifts to children are a trib
ute to the memory of St. Nicholas,
just as the name "Santa Claus" is
an Americanization of the Dutch
name or that good old father of the
church. "San Niklaas" as the early
.Dutch settlers or New York called
the patron saint of the children,
scholars, merchants and sailors,
sounded like "Santa Claus" to the
ears fo the English children, who
learned of him from their Dutch
playmates.' And Santa Claus he has
been ever since to generations of
American children, though up to
fifty or sixty years ago it was not
considered dignified by the grown
ups to refer to him except by his
full name, St Nicholas.
The figure of St Nicholas as a
little fat man in a fur-trimmed coat,
riding in a sleigh drawn by reindeer,
and slipping down chimneys with a
pack on his back, to fill the stock
ings which hung from the mantel of
the open fireplace, was given its
present fixed form by Clement C.
Moore, whose poem beginning
" Twas the night before Christmas"
was written nearly a hundred years
ago. Mr. Moore did not call him
Santa Claus but entitled his poem,
"A Visit from St Nicholas."
Who was the real Saint Nicholas ?
Why is he associated with the giv
ing of presents to children?
Nobody knows very much about
him. Like some of the other leaders
of the early Christians, a mass of
legend and myth have grown up
about his name, but the records are
strangely silent
All that is known definitely is that
he was the Bishop of Myra, a town
in Asia Minor, about three hundred
years after Christ Nobody knows
how the legends about him started,
but he was held in such high esteem
that within a century or two after
his death thousands of churches
were named for him. In England
alone there were at one time a
We serve them fresh,
temptingly appetizing
-or you may get them
in bulk.
Shell Fish of
all kinds on our menu
Beef That Brought $ 8.2 5 a Pound!
8 C fit
Mrs. Josephine Johnson sold her
residence and real property, on
which it is located, just north of the
Case apartments on Main street to
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Breslin on Satur
day. The Breslins will make their
home there.
Mrs. Ed Engelman of lone is con
fined to the Heppner hospital be
cause of illness.
Mrs. Rebecca Baldwin has been
confined to her bed for several days
with an attack of influenza.
M. H. Kopple, who has been ni
business in Heppner for the past
several years, left the city on the
Tuesday evening traim.
Notice is hereby given that there will
be a meeting of the stockholders of the
Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank
of Heppr.ar, Oregon, on the second
Tuesday in January, 1930 (January 14,
1U3U), between the hours of 9:00 o'clock
a. m. and 4:00 o'clock p. m. of said day,
for the purpose of electing directors,
and for the transaction of such other
business as may legally come before
the meeting.
E. D. HALLOCK. Cashier.
Dated this 17th day of December. 11129.
iTjorU, strrtce." the fat black Aherdeen-Aneus caii that young Elliuh
Brown of Rose Hill, Iowa, raised was well named. At the International
livestock Exposition in Chicago, he earned $9,142.50 for the boy. Lucky
Strike won the Grand Championship steer award, two $500 cash prizes,
573 h, other prizes, and was auctioned oft for $7337.50 to J. C Penney.
Elliott w31 pay off the mortgage on his father's farm, send himself through
Agrictdtural College and raise more prize cattle.
thousand churches of St. Nicholas,
and he was established as the pa
tron saint of all Russia away back
in the Middle Ages.
Pictureg of St. Nicholas usually
show him standing in a tub with
three boys. The legend back of this
is that he miraculously restored to
life three youths who had been
killed by an innkeeper and their dis
membered bodies packed in a salt-tub-
But the story of St Nicholas
which associates his name with
secret gifts is that he learned of a
poor man with three daughters, who
were unable to get husbands be
cause they had no dowries. Their
father VaS planning to kill the
daughters and himself when St.
Nicholas slipped into their cottage
by night and filled the stockings of
the daughters with gold!
St- Nicholas Day is December 6th,
and for a thousand years the Eve of
St Nicholas, December 5, was the
date for filling the stockings. Christ-ma-8
Was not fixed on December 25
until the Christian church was
nearly sqq years old. In some parts
of the church it was celebrated on
January 6th, elsewhere on March
25th. There is, of course, no record
of the date of the birth of the Sav
ior. But the Angles, the ancient
German people whose blood and tra
ditions still rule the English-speaking
world as well as the German,
had a pagan festival on December
25, "Modranecht" or Mother's Night,
when their New Year began, and in
the courge of centuries that festival
came to be celebrated as the anni
versary 0f the greatest event in the
life of the greatest event in the life
of the greatest mother of all time,
Mary, the Mother of Jesus.
Christmsa was still, however, dis
tinctly a religious festival. St Nich
olas Day remained the day when
the children had their innings, until
the sixteenth century. On St. Nich
olas Day it was the custom to elect
a Boy Bsihop, who appointed other
boys to the offices of the church, and
the youngsters ruled their towns
(since in those days the church
dominated everything) until Holy
Innocents Day, December 28. In
some part of Germany the Boy
Bishop ceremony persisted until
1799. But in England Henry VIII
abolished it in 1542. Queen Mary
restored it in 1552 and Elizabeth
abolished it finally a few years later.
The festivities which had been a
part of St. Nicholas Day then began
to be transferred to Christmas,
though there was a time when even
Christmas celebrations were forbid
den in England. That was in 1644,
when Cromwell's Puritan Parlia
ment pass,ed an act forbidding any
religious services at Christmas on
the ground that it was a heathen
festival! This feeling against
Christmas persisted among the Pur
itan settlers of New England down
to the nineteenth century.
The exchanging of gifts by grown
up on Christmas Day is a very
modern idea indeed. And children
today know where their presents
come from: they no longer believe
in the good "San Niklaas" who Alls
their stocking3 secretly by night.
Perhaps the world was happier
when Chrsitmas giving was less of
an obligation and more of a joy
and the little ones still believed in
fairies and Santa Claus.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Becket were
in town from Eight Mile Tuesday to
do some shopping.
ttifo Ufa: iKttt
Are Easily Found in a Man's Store,
Hence, Visit Wilson's.
We are showing an unusual assortment of
beautiful merchandise for Christmas. Here
you can purchase gifts that are exclusive
and good, yet inexpensive.
in the new Christ-
i mas colors ana
5 patterns
50c, 75c $1
ft In new, beautiful and
attractive designs.
Sjf The Kind Men Want
I $2 to $7.50
In Christmas Packages
that is new and
t SI rn
Beautiful little sets for boys at 50c and $1.
Coat and Slipover styles,
o nrrinflaf-flll trlft
5, $7.50 fl
$8.50 I
zr M
New and fancy, the
kind desired by the
young man.
$1 - $1.50
Combination Sets
$1 - $1.50 - $2
The Lasting Gift.
The remarkable performance of the new
Stewart-Warner Screen-Grid Radio is the sen
sation of the country. Now, you can get it at
the lowest price ever placed on an 8-tube set of
like quality! See it hear it TODAY!
A GREAT $ 3500
n" .'.''n't!";1!, I'M J n " 1 ".' L llL''i!)LJ3Jll","'!U'"'"ii fi
less tubes
D7fvtff-d on Small
Domm Payment
New Model 23.
With the world's
champion Stew-
Radio and built
in Electro-Dynamic
ducer. Handsome
dull walnut finish.
Soothing Surroundings
Are porvided for you at time of bereavement
in pur reposing room which has been remodeled
and attractively furnished and decorated in a
restful and appropriate color motif.
Phelps Funeral Home, Phone 1332
Licensed Embalmer Lady Assistant
Cut Flowers for All Occasions
Present Practical Gifts
for Christmas S
Bergstrom & Kane
homson Bros.
December 21 and 23
for women : felt, satin,
leather, in all the new
75c to $2.85
Slippers for men, too.
for men and women;
the finest and most
complete stock in
Heppner to choose
G aloshes Rubbers
for women, and rub
bers and overshoes
for men, offer a gift
that can't be beat for
utility at this season.
in a wide range of
patterns, provide an
excellent gift for men
for women, all the
popular shades.
$1.00 to $2.25
E. N. Gonty Shoe Store p
Heppner, Oregon
Tandy Spcials Oh Boy! Oh Boy!
Broken Mixed, 18c Loads of Fun with This
Plain Mixed, 14c SPECIAL
, a lbs. 27c p T
French Mixed, 29c LOaSter W agOIl
2 lbs. 55o Regular Value $6.50
Ch On Special.$3.98
Currants CaM pmlts
11oz.Pkg....19c 31 oz.G1....20c
Ci. i t-j 1 CHERRIES
andiedPeel i .lb. Box . . . 39c
Citron, J lb. . . 24C pineapple
Lemon, 1 lb., 17C l-lb. Box r. . 39c
Qrange, j lb., 17C Gold Bar Raisins
t-j j D Fancy Seedless
Kodman reas i c pi n
Very Fancy Small, Tender r 1 A iT "
and sweet, 2,'s JJel Maiz Lorn
Can 2's .... 25C T016 lts delicious sweetness!
A n5w brand of Corn . . .
Not just another brand
ysters Can... r.... 18C
C 0n88 18C 8 for 35c '
- ' q, ' .' ' ' Marshmallows
ohrimp campfire
One'g In Sanitary Package
Can........ 18C Pkg 27C
2 for 35c
7. Peaches
UOOKieS Fancy Banquet
pancy 6 to 8 halves to can, 2!4's
10 oz. Pkg. vdll . UOVs
From the Recipe of the
Royal Kitchens of Denmark Free Free
Special Pkg. .20C A Big STICK of CANDY
With 1-lh. Pkg.
W , Adulated Buyers' Best
alniltS Highest Quality Coffee
California No. 1 Special 40C
2 lbs. for mo Xmas Suggestion
DfaZllS Green Enameled Rubber Step
Nleeer Toe Folding Step Ladder
nigger x Regular Value $3.00
Yibs." for 84c Special . . . $1.99
Open Evenings Until Christmas
A Definite Object
Do not save money just for the
sake of saving. That isn't the idea
at all. Have a definte object. Then
thrift will have a new meaning to
you. .
Save to pay for a home; to give
the children an education; to take that
vacation you long for. Save to even
tually have an income from your in
vestments. Save to be able to start ,
in business for yourself. Have some
definite object in view you can at
tain it. Let our bank help you.
Start Now.
Fir& National Bank