Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 19, 1929, Image 1

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Volume 46, Number 40
Subscription $2.00 a Year
575,000 IS 611
Heppner Envoys Present
Matter to Highway
Men in Portland.
Appropriation Will be Spent on
Area in Forest Is Belief of
Good Roods Advocates.
Announcement was made that
$75,000 has been appropriated for
construction on the Heppner-Spray
road for the 1930 season, by S. E.
Notson in his report at the meeting
of the Heppner Lions club Monday
noon, about the trip of the good
roads committee of the organiza
tion to the joint meeting of the
Oregon State Highway commission,
the U. S. Forest service and the U.
8. Bureau of Public Roads, in Port
land on December 12 and 13. The
appropriation was secured through
the united action of the Lions club
and other persons in this section
of the state, who took a personal
interest In the road Improvement
Morrow county representatives at
the meeting were R. L. Benge, coun
ty judge; George Bleakman and L.
P. Davidson, county commissioners;
Gay Anderson, county clerk; S. E.
Notson, district attorney; Paul
Gemmell, chairman of the Lions
club good roads committee; C. L.
Sweek, president Lions club, and
Paul Marble.
On Wednesday evening the dele
gation conferred with C. E. Gates,
state highway commissioner,' who
asked the group to present its
wants at the meeting Thursday
morning at 11 o'clock.
Caraner Presents Matter.
R. J. Carsner of Spray, state sen
ator, presented the case of the
Heppner-Spray road at the request
of the Heppner delegation. From
time to time during his talk, added
details were given by members of
the delegation. That afternoon the
local group met with officials of the
Bureau of Public Roads to discuss
the matter. Proper consideration
of the request at the joint budget
meeting on Friday was promised.
On Friday the $7S,000 appropria
tion was made at the joint budget
meeting of the three organizations.
It is believed by the delegation that
the appropriated sum will be spent
In the Umatilla National forest In
all there are nine miles of road to
be improved In that area. Three
miles have been graded and the re
maining six are untouched. This
year's appropriation Is expected to
finish about one quarter of the nine
mile stretch, it being estimated that
to complete the entire distance
would require $300,000.
Sweek Named President
C. L. Sweek was elected president
at the Lions club meeting Monday.
Adoption of by-laws Is to be made
a special order of business at the
luncheon meeting next Monday.
C. W. Smith urged attendance at
the river barge meeting In Pendle
ton, scheduled for last Tuesday. The
committee on appreciation of ser
vices of James M. Burgess, past
president, reported the presentation
of a watch properly engraved. The
club heartily endorsed the action of
the committee.
Four Victims of Crash
At Lexington Improve
Alonzo Edmundson, who with
three companions was injured In an
automobile accident near Lexington
In November, was moved from the
hospital to his home last Thursday
afternoon. His condition is showing
much Improvement.
Wllur Flower, last of the Injured
quartet to leave the hospital, left
for his home at Monument on Mon
day. He Is able to be about on
Miss Eva Osborne, who received
serious injury to the left hand Is
making gradual but continual Im
provement In condition and Is be
coming quite adept In the use of her
right hand.
Miss Irene Yokum is In Lexing
ton, but Is still bothered some by
an Injured shoulder.
On leaving Heppner for Roches
ter, Minn., where Dr. Johnston will
continue special study In surgery,
we wish to thank our many Mor
row county friends for their valued
friendships and patronage. It Is
with a great deal of reluctance and
misgiving that we break the bonds
of association which have endeared
you to us during our residence In
Morrow county. The only consider
ation In making this move Is the
Doctor's advancement in his chosen
profession. Again we take this
means of expressing our sincere
thanks for the many courtesies
shown us, and to bid adieu to our
Dr, and Mrs. A. H. Johnston.
A bulletin entitled, "Cooperative
Marketing and Purchasing In Ore
gon In 1929," prepared by Geo. O.
Gatlln, extension economist at Ore
gon State college, Corvallts, has
come from the press, Copies may
be obtained by writing the exten
sion service of the college,
Installation Ceremony
Of Masons Is Saturday
Public installation of newly elec
ted officers of the Masonic blue
lodge, the Royal Arch and Eastern
Star will be held Saturday evening
at 7:30 o'clock. The Installation
will be preceded by a musical and
speaking program at 7 o'clock, also
open to the public. The nanual
Christmas dinner for Masons and
members of the Eastern Star will
be at 6 o'clock the same evening,
Members of the Eastern Star, who
are to take part in the installation
ceremonies are requested to meet at
the Masonic temple at 7:30 Friday
night for rehearsal.
Blue lodge elective officers to be
installed are Frank Parker, wor
shipful master; Earl Gordon, senior
warden; Earl Hallock, junior war
den; Frank Gilliam, treasurer, and
L. W. Briggs, secretary.
Elective officers of the Royal
Arch to e Installed are Hanson
Hughes, high priest; Spencer Craw
ford, king; R. C. Wlghtman, scribe;
Frank Gilliam, treasurer; J. J.
Wlghtman, principal sojourner, and
E. R. Huston, secretary.
Those elected to office in the East
ern Star and to be installed are Hat
tie Wlghtman, worthy matron;
Frank Parker, worthy patron; Sara
McNamer, associate matron; Spen
cer Crawford, associate patron ; Viv
ian Ball, secretary; Clothlld Lucas,
treasurer; Florence Hughes, con
ductress, and Gertrude Parker, as
sociate conductress.
Installation of the appointive of
ficers of the three chapters will also
take place at the Saturday evening
Elks Arrange Program
For Meeting Thursday
Musical and other entertaining
features will be included on the pro
gram which will follow the regular
meeting of the Elks lodge on next
Thursday evening. The program is
being arranged by the lodge enter
tainment committee who promise
an Interesting line of amusement
Following the program a bounte
ous supply of cider and doughnuts
will be served to those in attend
ance. Officers of the lodge urge that
all Elks in the city attend the meet
ing and the program which Is to
This Is the topic for the Sunday
evening Christinas service at the
Church of Christ. In addition to this
special sermon there will be special
.Christmas music by the choir.
The sermon will be, "If Every
Day Were Christmas." Bible School
and Christian Endeavor will meet
at their usual hours of 9:45 and
6:30 respectively.
The children's Christmas program
and treat will be given on Christ
mas Eve which falls on Tuesday
night The public Is specially in
vited to all these meetings.
MILTON W. BOWER, Minister.
Schedule for Christmas services
First mass at midnight, followed
by Benediction. The choir has ar
ranged for the rendition of a spe
cial mass for this occasion under
the supervision of Mrs. Walter
Moore, organist.
Second mass at 8 a. m.
Third mass will be celebrated at
Boardman at 10:30 a. m.
Everybody welcome.
REV. P. J. STACK, Pastor.
Possession of the merchandise of
the Fair store, owned by W. H. Kop
ple, was taken by C. J. D. Bauman,
Morrow county sheriff, on Wednes
day, to satisfy a delinquent personal
tax of $423.01, owed by Kopple. An
invoice of the goods has been taken
and the stock will be offered for
sale to the highest bidders by the
sheriff at the store on Saturday,
December 28, at 10 a. m. Merchan
dise to the amount of the delinquent
tax, only, will be sold.
A hand-operated mimeograph ma
chine has been received by Lucy E.
Rodgers, Morrow county school sup
erintendent, for use in her office.
The machine will be set up by a
company representative this week.
Addition of the equipment is expect
ed by Mrs. Rodgers to greatly facil
itate the preparation of bulletins
for teachers and school boards.
The Juvenile club of the Degree
of Honor will have a meeting and
Its Christmas tree program at 2:30
o'clock Saturday afternoon in the
Odd Fellows hall. The adult lodge
will meet at 7:30 Saturday evening
with Initiation of candidates on the
program, according to Clara Bca
mer, secretary.
The Heppner schools, and most
of those In Morrow county, will be
closed from December 21 until Jan
uary 6, for the Christmas-New Year
vacation. The lone schools are set
to open on January 2. The Lexing
ton schools will reopen on Decem
ber 30, but will close for New Year's
Because of the electric power
shut-off on Wednesday, the local
schools were closed, since no power
was available to operate the mech
anical stoker used in the school
heating system,
Work of Ex-Service Men
Fully Explained by
Sidney George.
State Officers of Auxiliary Cite
Activities of Their Organization
At Meeting Held Here.
More than 70 persons were In at
tendance at the mass meeting of
the American Legion and Auxiliary
at the Elks temple Friday evening
to hear the stirring addresses and
talks by officers of the department
of Oregon, both Legion and Auxll
Sidney George, state commander
of the American Legion, held his
audience spellbound with his enthu
siastic address which told about the
inception during the war of the
ideals on which the organization is
based, the obtaining of hospitaliza
tion for veterans who made many
sacrifices for love of country, the
passing of liberalized legislation for
veterans relief, furtherment of Am
ericanization work, and Legion ac
tivity in community service work.
Ideals from War.
The ideal of service on which the
American Legion Is based was born
in the World war, when veterans
were fighting in the interests of
their country. This great Ideal of
service is being carried out in peace
times and is aptly expressed in the
Legion's slogan, "In Peace as in
War, We Serve."
Immediately fololwing the war,
many countries were thrown into
chaos. Governments were over
turned. Conceived in the Ideals and
spirit of the war, the American
Legion was formed, pledging, "For
God and country, we associate our
selves for the following purposes:
To uphold and defend the constitu
tion of the United States of Amer
ica, to maintain law and order. . . ."
and no chaos resulted.
Veterans are Aided.
The Legion is America's foremost
patriotic organization and the larg
est order of its kind that the world
has ever known. Through Its efforts
of service, the Veterans' bureau
was formed and hospitals establish
ed to give veterans the hospitaliza
tion that they so justly deserved.
Much favorable legislation, both
state and national, for the relief of
ex-service men has been passed
through Legion pressure. The Vet
erans' bureau hopital in Portland,
with capacity of 300 beds, is open
to ex-service men needing hospital
ization.. The hospital has the finest
and most modern equipment obtain
able. The personnel of the staff Is
of the highest order of ability.
Thousands of dollars are spent
annually by the Oregon department
of the Legion and Auxiliary in ser
vice work in this hospital and oth
ers in the Btate. The Legion main
tains a service officer, who aids vet
erans in preparing and obtaining
their claims. The Auxiliary also has
a service committee woman to ren
der service to those veterans who
are confined to hospitals.
The Legion stands by to see that
the laws so passed for veteran aid
are carried out with sympathy for
the veteran and that in case of
doubt on claims that the veteran
be given the advantage. The organ
ization is standing by to see that a
too bureaucratic administration of
the law is not followed at any time.
Aids in Child Welfare.
Many children were left father
less by the frightful toll of the
World war. The Legion is looking
after the welfare of these children
for they are not to be considered
objects of charity, as their fathers
made the supreme sacrifice for their
Sponsoring of Boy Scout troops
by Legion posts is not favored for
militaristic reasons, but because
through the organization, character-building
results and citizenship
training is given.
Junior baseball Is not sponsored
because of athletics, but to improve
the physical welfare of the younger
generation and to develop a sense
of fairness and sportsmanship in
those who are to be at the helm In
civic affairs within a few years'
time. Safety first and accident pre
vention instruction is being given in
the public schools through the ef
forts of the Legion In Oregon. We
feel that If this work in the state
results in saving one life during the
year that our efforts will have been
Much work Is being done In this
state In Americanization on public
education, to prepare the future
generation for the duties of citizen
ship. Through education, efforts
are being made to prevent wars.
Full Allegiance Demanded.
The American Legion Is opposed
to Immigration to this country fast
er than the foreigners can be assim
ilated, and If immigrants are to re
main here that they give undivided
allegiance to the United States.
' Every citizen Is urged to exercise
his right of suffrage, the right to
vote, but the American Legion takes
no Interest in partisan politics.
Preparedness for defense to in
sure peace Is being urged. The fu-
(Contlnued on Page Eight)
Prospects Encouraging
Reports Miner Stalter
Prospects are very encouraging
at the properties t of the Heppner
Mining company, located in the
Greenhorn mountains about 16
miles from Austin in Grant county,
according to D. B. Stalter, majority
stockholder, who has been working
on the prospect in development for
nearly 30 years. All the work has
been done by hand, but he has had
the assistance of others at different
The ore contains gold, silver and
copper. Recent assays have shown
the ore to average pay to the value
of $22 per ton. Assay of a rich
streak on a surface ledge, assayed
$456.50 per ton, being mostly gold.
Stalter has a shaft down nearly
400 feet and has a drift from this
that goes back 840 feet. He is put
ting in a six-foot tunnel. The ledge
varies In width from 14 to 16 feet
He reports lots of water power
available to operate machinery, once
the mine goes on a producing basis,
The shaft can be made 500 feet
deeper and will require only a quar
ter-mile tunnel to bring the ore to
the surface of the mountain. Rich
ore is also located in a drift at the
100-foot level. This drift was work
ed on before Stalter began at the
400-foot level.
The lone town basketball team
defeated the local high school team
last Friday night The final count
was 39 to 13. The high school start
ed out as though they were going
to win, scoring the first basket The
game was played fast and clean.
Tuesday night lone will meet Lex
ington high on the local floor. It
will be a double header and prom
ises good close games.
The local high school girls' bas
ketball team met defeat at the
hands of the town team girls the
same evening, final score 10-12. This
was a practice game for the benefit
of the high school team. Girls' line
up: high school Gladys Brashears,
Veda Eubanks, f; Alice Nash, jc;
Margaret Crawford, sc; Geneva Pet
tyjohn, Helen Smouse, g. Town
team Rosa Fletcher, Fern Engel
man, f; Etta Howell, jc; Lucile
Rhoten, sc; Norma Swanson, Arleta
Farrens, g. Beulah Pettyjohn sub
stituted for Margaret Crawford in
the third quarter.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Brlstow drove
to Heppner Friday to attend the
funeral services for the late Robert
J. Rodgers.
Mrs. Edmond Bristow and little
daughter returned Sunday to their
home In Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Edi
son Morgan took them as far as
Pendleton by auto and from there
they continued their Journey by
lone people who attended the L O.
O. F. meeting In Heppner Wednes
day evening of last week were E. J.
Bristow, George Ely, E. R. Lundell,
Lee Howell, Earle A. Brown, Ted
Troge, F. M. Griffith, John Clark,
Richard Lundell and W. W. Head.
Mrs. Perry Bartlemay of Mays Is
visiting at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Morgan:
The mass meeting of veterans and
the public held at Heppner Friday
evening was attended by the follow
ing Ionltes: Mr. and Mrs. E. G.
Sperry, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corley,
Mr. and Mrs. John Ferris, Mr. and
Mrs. Blaln Blackwell, Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Beckner, Chas. Dane and Jack
Whitesides. All report a very en
joyable and very instructive meet
It is rumored that the American
Legion contemplate building a lodge
home on the lot just east of the lone
Market They plan on erecting a
building 30x60 feet
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McCabe an
nounce the marriage of their son,
J. Robert McCabe, and Louise G.
Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Miller. The young couple
are well known here, being popular
among the younger set Both are
former students of the lone school,
Mr. McCabe graduating with the
class of '29. They are making their
home in Cottage Grove where Mr.
McCabe has employment In a hard
ware store. They have the best
wishes of their many friends here.
Each of the grade rooms In our
school will have a Christmas tree
on Friday afternoon, with short ex
ercises appropriate to the season.
The services of the night man at
the depot have been discontinued.
Lloyd King has held this position
for more than three years. We un
derstand that Mr. King has meploy
ment at the I. R. Robison garage.
At the close of church services
Sunday morning, the Congregation
al people held their annual business
meeting. Reports were read and
accepted and officers for the year
1930 were elected. Church clerk,
Mrs. Louis Balsigcr; church treas
urer, Mrs. Paul Balsiger; benevol
ence treasurer, Mrs. Laxton McMur
ray; Sunday school superintendent,
Paul Balsiger; organist Mrs. W. E.
Bullard; assistant organist, Mrs.
Louts Balsiger; deacon for three
years, Alfred Troedson; trustee for
three years, R. E. Harbison; dea
conesses, Mrs. Laxton McMurray,
Mrs. W. E. Bullard and Mrs. Louis
The rainfall In this district which
continued throughout last week am
ounted to two Inches. A few farm
ers report their wheat coming up,
most of them think the wheat In a
safe condition, and a very few are
preparing to reseed. The welcome
(Continued on P( Sight)
Farmer Assisted in Many
Ways in Agriculturist's
Work Last Year.
Experiments Conducted to Find
Best Producing Varieties of
Grain and Grass.
Importance and diversity of a
county agent's work can better be
understood after their yearly re
ports have been carefully studied,
and that he has been profitably
and continuously busy as most, Is
indicated in the report of Charles
W. Smith, county agricultural agent
for Morrow county. The report
dates from December 1, 1928, to
November 30, 1929. Those desiring
more detail about the activity and
findings may find a copy of the re
port in his office or In the office of
the county court
Considerable work was done dur
ing this period on soil improvement
such as Irrigation, Individual ser
vice, fertilizer trials on alfalfa,
wheat and melons, and checks on
results of lime applications.
Phosphate Helps Alfalfa.
It was interesting to note that 300
pounds of super phosphate added to
alfalfa gave a 36 per cent Increase
in the yield in some cases, making
the value of the Increase $10.34 per
acre. Statistics in tabulated form
show that the limiting factor in al
falfa production in the Boardman
section is the lack of organic mat
ter, and that by Increasing the hu
mus in the soil by adding barnyard
manures that the yields can be in
Work in various phases of crop
improvement were carried on in the
county in the following manner:
2781 acres of grain was inspected
for certification and the results giv
en publicity for the benefit of far
mers; grain nurseries were sown
and the yields checked on various
wheat varieties. Arco, a new var
iety of wheat, was tested on eight
different farms in the county and
checks kept on its habits and yield
under the various weather and soil
conditions; three furrow seeding
demonstrations were put on In the
county and the results of the dem
onstrations compared to the results
of the standard method of seeding.
Show Control of Smut
Demonstrations were put on as to
the most successful method of con
trolling smut Varieties of crops
such as Meloy barley, Trebi barley,
Markton oats, crested wheat grass,
strawberry clover, sweet clover,
Lemmonei and Zawadke's alkali
grass, Ladlno clover, were sown and
tested. Some of the grasses and
demonstrations mentioned above
have proved very satisfactory un
der the conditions of this section,
according to the county agent
A grass nursery was continued at
Hardman in an effort to find more
palatable and productive grasses for
the livestock. Grass nurseries on
the mountain meadows will be es
tablished in the spring on Camas
and Ditch creek meadows and the
following grasses given a trial:
Ladlno clover, sweet clover, Smooth
brome, Canadian blue, Red tip, Sun
force clover, Alsike clover, red clo
ver, white clover, Reeds Canary, or
chard grasses, Hungarian brome,
chewing fesque, sheep fesque and
crested wheat grasses.
Pools are Formed.
Pools were made for forage crops
seeds along with pools for potatoes,
calcium carbonate, sodium chlorate,
super phosphate and blackleg ag-
Perennial noxious weed control
was probably the largest project
carried on this season In Morrow
county. Weeds were sprayed on
25 farms, the bulk of the weeds
being Morning Glory, Russian
Knapp weed, Canadian thistle and
quack grass. Different amounts of
the sprays were applied at different
times during the season to deter
mine the best time and amount of
application. The results of the ap
plication of sodium and calcium
chlorate cannot be determined un
til late next spring when the chem
icals have had ample time to work
on the roots as a great deal of tlx
kill Is believed to take place during
the winter months.
Demnstrations and meetings on
rodents and pest control were put
on throughout the year. For con
trol 2250 pounds of squirrel poison
were mixed and sold to the farm
ers and 1070 ounces of strychnine
was given out to be used In this
Insect pests and diseases on al
falfa, shrubbery, Btrawberries, shade
trees, farm crops, truck and garden
crops were given attention In season
(Continued on Page Four)
James Lumley of Olympla, Wash.,
a graduate of Washington State col
lege, has been employed as a math
ematics Instructor In Heppner high
school, and began his duties here
on Tuesday. Addition of Lumley to
the faculty Is expected to aid In
school musical work as he plays the
concert banjo and has taken active
part In orchestra work.
Legion to Decorate
City for Christmas
That the business district of
Heppner would be decorated with
Christmas trees by them, was the
decision made Monday night by the
local post of the American Legion.
The boys of the Heppner high
school are aiding in bringing the
trees in from the woods. The small
trees are being placed in the sockets
along the streets, that are used for
flags on patriotic occasions. .
A large tree was placed At the
intersection of Main and Willow
streets. This is to be decorated with
colored lights. The Pacific Power
and Light company will provide the
wiring and necessary lights and el
ectricity gratis. James Mollahan,
Paul Marble and D. E. Hudson were
appointed on a committee to handle
this work.
The post moved to cooperate with
the Elks lodge in providing for
needy families at Christmas time.
William Poulson and Walter Moore
were appointed to handle this work.
To facilitate hospitalization of any
of its members, should the need
arise, steps are being taken to make
a record of the discharges from
service of all Heppner post mem
bers. This will be handled either by
the post itself, or possibly by having
the documents recorded at the Mor
row county courthouse. Clarence
Bauman, Kenneth Ackley and Paul
Marble were named to handle this
Members making the trip to the
Legion conference in Pendleton told
of what they had learned in the
matters of hospitalization, adjust
ed compensation and insurance.
Mollahan told of his visit to the
Condon conference, held the night
before the mass meeting here.
Children Will Present
Program Tuesday Eve
A Christmas entertainment, enti
tled "Follow the Star" will be given
on Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock
at the Church of Christ by the chil
dren for the entertainment of the
public. After the program a Christ
mas treat will be given the children.
The program follows:
Song "Follow the Star" children
from third to eighth grades.
Scripture and prayer, prayer re
sponse sung by junior and inter
mediate girls.
Recitations by Virginia Swindle,
Francis McRoberts, Donald
Jones, Billie McCaleb, Ellen
Hughes, Barbara Bower, and a
musical reading by Evelyn
"We'll Never be Too Old" by six
small boys.
"Song of the Angels" a drill by
fourteen primary girls.
What Means This Christmas Day"
an exercise by intermediate
Led by the Star" an exercise by
junior girls.
Songs, "The Day We Love" and
"Christmas Carol" by primary
"Children's Song" by Virginia Pier-
cy, Margaret Doollttle, Ruth
Bower and Virginia Swindig.
Vocal solos "O Little Town of
Bethlehem," Jeanette Turner;
"Under the Star," Edith Barlow;
"Starlight of Glory," Adele Bow
er. Song, "Hark the Joy Bells," Inter
mediate and junior girls.
The Christmas story told in scrip
ture, song and living picture, pre
sented in three scenes: the shep
herds, the wise men and the manger
Boxing Card Scheduled
At lone Rink Saturday
Boxing fans in this district will
have an opportunity to see a card
at the lone rink Saturday evening,
December 21, beginning at 7 o'clock.
Ray Wise of Heppner and Harold
Ahalt of lone, fighting at 135 pounds,
will clash in the main event Red
Shipley of lone and Russ Wright
of Lexington will battle at 145
pounds in the semi-final event
Slated as preliminaries are match
es between Billy Logan of lone and
Gerald Swaggart of Heppner, 130
pounds, and Quell Ray of lone and
Billy Smith of The Dalles, fighting
at 150 pounds.
Following the smoker Cole Mad
sen will stage a dance with the
Black Cats dispensing the musical
entertainment. Announcement has
been made that the American Leg
ion auxiliary will present its lamp.
Rev. Stanley Moore, misslonary-in-charge.
Morning prayer and sermon at 11.
Church school at 9:45 o'clock.
Holy communion at 10 o'clock
Christmas morning.
"Be not afraid; for behold, I bring
you good tidings of great Joy which
shall be to all people; for there Is
born to you this day in the city of
David a saviour, who is Christ the
Lord." Luke 2:10.
9:45 a. m., Sunday school.
11:00 a. m preaching service, "A
Pilgrimage to Bethlehem."
6:30 p. m., Epworth league.
7:30 p. m., Christmas program by
Sunday school. The evening service
will be In complete charge of the
Sunday school. An Interesting pro
gram has been arranged by the
.scholars. All are cordially invited
to attend.
GLEN P. WHITE, Minister.
Business and Home Work
Disrupted by Lack of
Electrical Energy.
Crews Work Long Hours to Repair
Breaks Caused by Heavy Snow
ueuji uoifMimmreJX no
A snow storm, which began local
ly at an early hour Wednesday
morning, resulted in much tempor
ary incdnvenience by wrecking elec
tric light lines and telephone lines
serving Morrow county and extend
ing westward nearly to Hood River.
Most lines of business in Heppner
were at a standstill because of the
inability to get electricity for lights,
heat and power. The routine of
home life was also disrupted, fam
ilies reverting to the use of kero
sene lamps and candles. Homes de
pending on electric ranges for cook
ing, ate cold lunches or patronized
The six inches of snow which fell
in Heppner and vicinity, totalling
in precipitation more than 0.73 Inch
of water, was welcomed by farmers
as a help to the wheat crop and an
aid to the improvement of grazing
Heppner was without electricity.
because the two transmission lines
carrying the energy distributed by
Pacific Power & Light company had
neen broken by the weight of the
heavy, wet snow on the wires. Two
plants serve Heppner, one at Tygh
valley and another at Powerdale,
near Hood River. The lines leading
from each of these plants, were
broken between the plants and Du
fur, the connecting point Had ei
ther one of these lines remained un
broken energy could have still been
supplied Heppner. These breaks
shut off electrical energy from Con
don, Moro, Lexington, lone and part
ui xue jjaiies.
Telephone lines were hard hit
Wires were broken in many places,
ana in tnis district alone, 10 poles
had been broken. To repair the
power lines of the P. P. & L. Co,
four crews were at work, with some
of the men remaining on the lob for
30 hours. District Manaeer Corev
reports the storm one of the worst
in years. The "juice" was off In
Heppner from 4 o'clock Wednesday
morning until 9 o'clock Thursday
The storm brought Heonner ita
first snowfall of the season, and kid
dies took advantage of the discon
tinuance of school for a dav to en
joy riding their sleds.
Rodgers Funeral Rites
Conducted Here Friday
Funeral services fnr RnW T
Rodgers were conducted at the
memoaisi cnurcn JfTlday afternoon
by Rev. Glen White. Members of
the Odd Fellow and Rebekah lodges
attended In a body at the ceremony.
The Methodist choir sang, "The
Way of the Cross Leads Won
and "Old Rugged Cross." In the
latter number Dean T. Goodman
sang the solo part Mrs. Glen White
and Mrs. A. Glhh suns- tha rit
"Whispering Hope."
ine remains were shipped to
Prescott, Wash., where interment
was made on Sunday.
At 7:30 next Sunday eveninsr. Dec.
22, the beautiful sacred pageant,
"God in His Oarrtpn " win ha r. re
sented In All Saints Episcopal
church by the members of the
Church school assisted by the choir.
The pageant is one of unusual beau
ty ana nils uie heart with a deeper
devotion for the Christ who was
born in a manger so many years
'How silently, how silentlv.
The wondrous gift is glv'n;
So God imparts to human hearts
ine Diessings ol His heav'n.
No ear may hear His coming.
But in this world of sin.
Where meek soul will receive Him
The dear Christ enters In."
All those Who WOllUl likft ir frrt
caroling Christmas Eve, meet at the
Episcopal rectory at 9 o'clock that
That the health of Mnrmn miii.
ty residents is in good condition Is
Indicated by the report of Frederick
D. Strieker, M. D., collaborating epi
demiologist, U. S. public health ser
vice, in cooperation with the State
Board of Health. The report shows
not a single case of communicable
disease In the county for the week
ending December 14.
Morrow county teachers began
taking examinations for their state
certificates at the office of Lucy. E.
Rodgers, county school superinten
dent on Wednesday. The examina
tions will be continued throughout
this week. Examinations for one-,
three-, and five-year and life certi
ficates are available at this time,
but it Is believed that only those for
the one-year certificate will be