Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 28, 1929, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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J. T. Thompson was in Hermis
ton Saturday.
Last week Claude Flnley assisted
Dan Lindsay in building a new
chicken house and garage. Mr.
Lindsay is expanding In the poultry
Lawrence Doherty was absent
from school last week, due to the
busy time at home. They were pick
ing: turkeys.
Miss Ruth Bennett and Grover
Sibley were visitors at the home of
Miss Peggy Thompson last Tuesday
Helen Bennett was a welc end
guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
G. L. Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Clary and children
Mildred and Irl were In Heppner
last Saturday and Mrs. Clary at
tended the meeting concerning the
Declamatory contest of 1930.
A number of the Alpine young
people attended the dance at Henry
Rouch's on Friday night. A. good
time was had by everyone there.
G. L. Bennett was in Stanfleld last
Miss Olatha Lambirth was a
guest of Miss Peggy Thompson on
Alfred Sibley was a visitor at the
Bennett home Sunday.
Folks, don't forget that on next
Farm Bureau night, December 7,
there is going to be a box supper.
A very good program and good time
so everyone come. At the Alpine
John A. Nirschl, a salesman from
the Pendleton Auto company, was
a visitor at the G. L. Bennett home
last Monday night
Misses Ruth Bennett and Juanita
Nirschl were both absent from
school Friday.
Bennetts shipped turkeys to Port
land Saturday.
Willard Hawley left for Portland
Monday night with a carload of tur
keys. On his way home he expects
to come through Grass Valley where
he will probably see lots of old
Most of the farmers of this vicin
ity are through seeding and no rain
has come yet Everyone is waiting
for the big rain which Is much need
ed. Leo Earnhart and Lester Carson
were Alpine visitors Monday eve
Alex Lindsay was in Heppner last
Monday night
G. L. Bennett was a Heppner vis
itor Monday.
Lester Lambirth was a visitor at
the Bennett home Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson were vis
itors of Mr. and Mrs. Moore Sun
day evening.
The regular meeting of the Irri-
gon Grange No. 641 was held Wed
nesday evening with the majority of
members present Officers for the
coming year were elected as fol
lows: Frank Brace, Master; Jess
Badger, Overseer; W. C. Isom .Stew
ard; Mra Jess Oliver, Lecturer;
Mrs. Frank Brace, Chaplain; Mrs.
Ge. Haskell, Secretary, Frank Fred
rickson, Treasurer, Geo. Haskell
Doorkeeper; Bob Smith, Assistant
Steward. Ten new members were
voted on favorably and ten were
given the obligation of the first de
gree. The ladies of the H. E. C.
served a nice supper at the close of
the meeting.
Mrs. Blanche Walk ins and son
Mack from Wren, Ore., are in town
for a few days visit
Wednesday afternoon the pupils
from the grade rooms are putting
on a Thanksgiving program.
There will be no more school this
week after Wednesday noon.
W. C. Isom is hauling lumber and
cement from Hermiston this week
and is putting in a new cement cellar.
A sister of Jess Badger arrived
here this week to spend the winter
with Mr. Badger and mother. 1
The dance given by the Grange
Saturday night was well attended
Music was furnished by the Board
man orchestra.
O. Coryell made a business trip to
Pendleton Monday.
Frank Leicht and wife were Her
miston callers Saturday.
Marshal Markham and family are
here for a few days visit with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. McCoy
and Mr. and Mra F. Markham.
Mrs. Reta Knighten was called
to La Grande to be with her sister
Mrs. Frank Glasscock, who is suf
fering from bloodpolsoning caused
from a felon on her finger.
Mr. and Mra. Marlon Sailing are
the proud parents of a son born
November 22nd. He has been nam
ed Jerry Arnold.
Mra Kinnard McDaniel and
daughter, Roxie Romona, returned
from Pendleton Saturday after an
absence of several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Johnson and
family returned from Dayton Sunday.
Miss Pearl Ball from Seattle is
viBiting her sister, Mrs. O. A. Far
rens, this week.
Ernest Cannon was transacting
business in Heppner Monday.
Miss Edith Stevens is quite ill
with the flu.
Hardman experienced some real
winter weather last week. Tuesday
night registered 4 above.
Mary Ellen Inskeep was absent
from her classes Monday on ac
count of illness.
The sewing club girls received
$8.20 from the quilt that was given
them by the ladies of Hardman.
Oran McDaniel and Miss Elma
McDaniel motored to Pendleton Fri
day. Reports gathered from farmers
from over the county would indi
cate that the rain of the first of the
week was only slight In many
places. At Eight Mile there were
some showers, but not enough to
do much good, states Tindal Robi
son, who was in the city on busi
ness Monday.
Local ads in the Gazette Times
bring results.
Beautiful warm and sunshiny
days prevail over this part of the
moral vineyard just splendid for
Thanksgiving. There would be no
complaint however, if it were less
pleasant providing some moisture
would come along in quantities suf
ficient to be of benefit to range and
grain fields.
Mrs. Earl Barton and Mrs. Clive
Huston are assisting with the work
at Cottage Inn this week, owing to
the serious illness of Mra Mattie
Huston, who has been confined to
her bed since the accident to her
son, Alonzo Edmundson, on Satur
day evening.
Miles Martin was among the far
mers from the north of Lexington
section in the city on Monday. As
yet there has been little rain in his
part of the county, Sunday's precip
itation being quite light out that
Residence for Sale See Mrs. Geo.
Thomson. S7.
For Sale Good saddle pony and
saddle; fast Box 144, Lexington. 37.
Is your hot water HOT? If not
call Gibb the plumber, Peoples
Hardware Co., phone 702, residence
phone 1412. No job too big or too
small. Prompt attention to all calls.
For Sale 1924 Ford Coupe, Rux-
steil axle, $85. See G. E. Jones at
Case Furniture Co. 37-40.
For Sale Young Bronze turkey
toms for breeding purposes, weigh
now from 18 to 22 pounds. Price
$12 to $15; hens $6. Orders received
to Dec 15. Jay Hiatt, Heppner.
xr i j i .
for the New Instant-Light
Mantle Lamps and
Supply Parts
Every home without Electricity should have and enjoy
this remarkable Aladdin: lights instantly. Burns kerosene
without danger, odor, noise, smoke or trouble. Furnishes
an abundance of highest quality Modern White Light at
the lowest cost of all. Come in and see this wonderful
New Instant-Light Aladdin demonstrated and learn how
it will save your money and your eyesight as well as
beautify your home.
Present Aladdin Users Will Find at this Store a
Cor.'cie Line of Supplies for Aladdins
of All Models
For Sale Creek ranch of 810 ac
res, fine for dairying or sheep. 300
acres fenced sheep-tight balance
fairly well fenced with sheep wire;
private irrigating ditch; 30 acres
set to alfalfa; few fruit trees; good
barn, 4-room dwelling with running
water in house, out buildings; situ
ated on Rhea creek, on good road,
13 miles from town. Address Box
43, Heppner. 28tf.
For Sale Milk cows and bred
heifers. R. B. Wilcox, Lexington,
Oregon. 31tf.
Orders for flowers direct from the
growsrs at figures less than you can
buy direct Case Furniture Com
pany, growers agent Btf.
For Sale Second hand heating
stove, wood burner, good condition.
Inquire at Patterson & Son. 36 tf.
For Sale Hudson sedan, good
condition. Price $900. Terms. See
Dr. A H. Johnston. 36tf.
For Sale or Lease 480 acres, 300
plow land balance pasture; fenced
in four fields; plenty water, springs
and well; 6-room house; barn and
other buildings; good garden spot;
1 mile from town. Address Box
43, Heppner. tf.
All General Fund Warrants of Mor
row County, Oregon, registered on or
before the present date, will be paid
on presentation at the office of the
County Treasurer on or after December
16th, 1929, at which date interest on
said warrants will cease.
Dated at Heppner, Oregon, Novem
ber 26, 1929.
37-9 County Treasurer.
We Thank You
Your generous patronage during the
months of September and October en
abled us to win second place in the
state contest in sales of
Many of these sales have been to new
customers many to old users. To
all we can assure complete satisfac
tion in this tihe, and again let this
firm extend its appreciation.
Bergstrom & Kane
Main Street
Phone 1142
Stewart Warner Radios Shell Products
For Sale Giant Bronze turkeys.
Young toms $12; weight now 20 to
24 lbs. Young hens S7. All April
and May hatched. See them before
buying your breeders. Cora Bur
roughs, lone, Oregon. 33tf.
Contractor and
Heppner, Oregon
Christinas is coming on apace and a little fore
thought now will save that disconcerting last min
ute rush. We are placing our Christmas goods
on the shelves now. You will be delighted with
the beautiful articles, just to see them.
Smile With Ferguson
Assrtod patterns In odds and
ends, such as mirrors, picture
frames, military brushes, buf
fers, combs, etc.
Guaranteed One Year.
AT HALF PRICE Ileg. $1.50, Special 98c
Just Unpacking
Including baotiful Portfolios (right
style) at $1.25 and $1.75.
Mesa (BOS & W
M. D. Clark : Hiatt & Dix
ANOTHER Thanksgiving brings furthe evidence of Red &
White's ability to Serve you at a Saving of Time and Money.
A Host of Specials! Below you will find many articles especially
chosen for Thanksgiving, but you will always find SUPER
BARGAINS at these stores.
The Owner Serves The Buyer Saves
Saturday & Monday (Nov. 30 & Dec. 2) Red & White Super-Specials
Servus Coffee
1-lb. Package
Servus Coffee
1-lb. Tin ....
Sperry Wheat Hearts
Large Size Package Alv
Thompson Chocolate fk Qs
Malted Milk, lib ttC
R-W Best Patent O f (M
Flour, 49 lbs tJl-.VT.
Mission Orange Dry or Mis
sion Grape Fruit ffQj
Dryeither tf Ol
Citrus Granulated Soap, Free
Airplane with each QQ
Package .... Otl
2 for 73c
Servus Fresh Prunes
....2 l-2s, 3 Cans for....
Schlitz Malt, hop tf-fl AQ
flavored, 2 for tjAMU
R. & W. Fancy Head i
Rice,2-lb. Pkg J.tJC
Lux Toilet Soap
3 bars for
Alpine Milk
....Large Size, 3 for ...
Servus Shaker Salt, -i Q
plain or iodized, 2 X t
R. & W. Oleoargarine J "1
2 Pounds for 1X1
2 for
Bringing Home
the Turkey
is a good thing tf you don't bring home
the wrong turkey; a yonng lady sten
ographer who bad written a letter to
her young man daring basinets hoars
ent the wrong lettter to a bailneas
firm which stated they were shipping
them a oar load of love and kitaes in
stead of the axle grease they ordered.
It's a ease of bringing home the tor-
key when yon eome to as for new tires.
Oar tires represent superiority in every
phus of satisfaction. They will give
something to be real thankful for, long
life and gratifying service. Why not
U. S. Royal Cord Tires?
Try oar complete auto repair sarrlo.
If w can't fix it Junk It.
Ferguson Motor Co.
Screen Stars Say:
"Ym have solved the make-up question with
cosmetic color harmony. " . rt . )
If you are l brunette with colorings like Bcbe
Daniels... very dark brown hair, black eyes
and creamy skin... you will enthuse about the
perfect beauty of this color harmony make-up.
Max Factor's Rachelle Powder . $1.00
Max Factor's Raspberry Rouge . . 50c
Max Factor's Medium Lipstick . . 50c
If you are i different type, permit Max Factor, Holly
wood's Make-Up King, to suggest l color harmony
lot you. Ask for free complexion analysis card.
OAkx Factor s Society JWAKE-tp
Tha XcdH Store
c dD m o (E i
An Evening of Superb Enjoyment
Baldy Strang's
Heppner School Gym-Auditorium
Tuesday, Dec. 3rd
Baldy Strang and Miss Mollie McGahey
Humorous Character Make-ups
Comic Opera Skit
Exhibition Bagpipe Playing with Scotch, Irish and
. American Airs
Competition Highland Fling and Sword Dances
Miserere Scene from II Travatore
Swiss Home Duet Tirolean Opera
Werner's Parting Song Cornet Solo
Berceuse from Jocelyn Melophone Solo
Curtain at 8 Tickets on Sale at Gordon
All Seats Reserved; No Advance in Prices
Adults 50c, H: S. 35c, Children 25c