HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 28, 1929. PAGE THREE allowed under the law in his pres PLETEM POIMTE1S ent position, but he will hardlv un Mrs. Henry Ford's Model "Roadside Market" THE WAY OF LIFE dertake, while in his present ill health, another snirited camoiLlcm. which would be necessary if he snoum aspire to some other Dosi- tion. (By E. A. KOEN) ruruana, ure., nov. M. A ques tion frequently asked la, "Will Charles Hall of Marshfleld be a can didate for governor?" There Is ev ery indication that he will. It is conceded on all sides that If Hall does announce himself that at once the race for the republican nomina tion will be between him and I. L. Patterson of Polk county, the pres ent governor, who is expected to Been a second term. Hall was In Portland several davs recently and there was a constant stream of men vlsitine his room. Word came back to the lobby that Mr. Hall was going over the situa tion with his friends, gathered from ainerent sections of the state, and that after a survey it was practic ally agreed that he will seek the of flee. It will be remembered that Hall was a candidate eight years ago and missed out by Olcott get ting aDout ouu more votes in the en tire state. Four years ago there was talk of Hall getting ready to seek vindication, but just before the date expired for filing he announced that he would not run. The reason was that he found his private busi ness demanded his attention. Dur ing the four years that have fol lowed Hall sold his telephone busi ness, rormed a bancorporation that owned Beveral financial Institutions and sold that. Foot loose In a busi ness way, his friends insist that he will be in the race. As an organizer of men, either in business or poli tics, Hall has few peers in Oregon. If he decides to run for governor the mere announcement will carry with It notice that there will be a real campaign. Even more Interesting than all this is the claim of Hall supporters that his platform will be progress ive. It is of course known that he will be for the cabinet form of gov ernment for the state, for he Intro duced a bill in the legislature back In 1923 designed to do this very thing. His past connection with a public utility, so hla friends Bay, gave him an insight Into the possi bility of regulations. Just what this means may not develop until the campaign Is further along. All the Hall people insist that the program offreed the voters, when and If Hall decides to run, will be progressive enough for the most radical Their claim is that Hall sees an opportun ity to really serve the state, that he Is willing to give for the salary of governor and the honor that goes with it his wonderful organizing ability. Of course Hall opponents pooh pooh this and insist that he is no man for governor, already pointing to the issue that dominated his last campaign for governor the school book bill. To which the Hall peo ple are already throwing back by sticking up their noses and insist ing that the issue of this campaign be adhered to. If both Patterson and Hall file there will be a real campaign In Oregon for the first time in eight years. Patterson has the support of the republican machine, and if the Hall progressive program ma terializes Patterson will have the solid support of big business. He is formidable, personally popular and during his four years as governor has made few enemies. That Promise of Patterson A few days ago the writer was In the lobby of the Imperial hotel in Portland. He was approached by a big man with apparent blood in his eye. "Lookee here," said the big fel low, "you are the editor of the Polk County Observer? You boost for Patterson, eh? You like the big fellow from Eola, yes? You want to beaf something about Patter son?" The fellow was so much in earn est that all that could be gotten In was "no, yes, yes, yes," and then the big man proceeded to tell whnt he What strange power has Bruce Barton?" That question is asked, soon er or later, by everyone who falls under the spell of his won derful inspirational writings. More than fifteen million peoplfe read his writings every week. Beginning next week, we are going to give our own readers this marvelous oppor tunity to read the work of the man who is not only one of the two or three highest-paid writ ers in America but almost a prophet in the quality of his writings. Bruce Barton has the rare gift of making his readers feel themselves his personal friends. He never "preaches." . He never tries to be inspiring. Yet his is a pen of irresistible elo quence. Whatever he touches, gleams with interest. Little everyday happenings of life, familiar to us all, he makes fascinating with the rich stores of anecdote and philosophy he draws upon in illustrating them. He was born a poor country boy, the son of a country par son. Yet now, in his early for ties, he stands in the front rank among America's business lead ers as well as being one of the greatest writers. One if the highest-paid writers in America Born a poor country boy, he has become not only a great business leader but one of the ' most articulate editorial voices In the country. Watch for his weekly inspirational ar ticles in this paper. Bruce Barton is perhaps best known for his books on Christ and religion. He felt that peo ple were not getting enough out of religion. Against the advise of friends he determin ed to write a book on the Sa viour. When "The Man No body Knows" appeared, it promptly leaped into the ranks of the best sellers and stayed tnere. bo did his next two vol umes, "The Book Nobody Knows" and "What Can a Man Believe?" Yet Barton's wirings are not sermons, they are not preach ments. Thev are sound, prac tical, everyday philosophy which appeals to the hard-boil ed business man as well as to the idealist. Bruce Barton's weekly arti cle will appear in this paper beginning next week under die title "The Way of Life." Look for it. Read it. You will agree with us that it is the best we have ever offered our readers. BRUCE BARTON EVERY WEEK IN HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES imiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimimiimiiiiHii Thanksgiving- We're Thankful, Too! Bill Ser deolaresi "I'm glad Fffl living) I've lots of reaiona for Thanksgiving I have no massive fond of wealth, Bnt say I I've got a lot of With. 0-0-0 We're thankful for a lot of things. It's a joy to have so many good friends and a pleasure to have been In strumental In having brot happiness to owners of homes. And we're thankful to be in business In Hepp ner, and for many other . things too numerous to ' mention! TXB Heppner Planing Mill and Lumber Yard Phone 1123 The Home of Friendly Service iiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii wanted to get out, not paying any attention to the claim that the writ er was no longer the big guy of the folk County Observer: I can tell you about Patterson! I'll make him come to time. I'll tell just how he came to be governor. He ran against Charley Hall eight years ago and got some 20,000 less votes than did Hall. Four years ago It was generally understood that Hall was to run again. Patterson went to Marshfleld and in the pres ence of a witness shook hands with Hall and promised that he would seek but one term and support Hall in 1930 if Hall would withdraw from the 1926 race and support Patter son. The men shook hands on the contract If Patterson persists and runs for governor he will be com pelled to face the charge that he is a man whose word is worth nothing." No more Is know of this alleged agreement than here narrated, but all the Hall people smile knowingly when the subject is brought up. That Piorce-Haney Feud On the democratio side of the fence everybody is wondering if it will be possible to patch up the feud between Walter Pierce and Bert Haney. It is claimed that while Haney was a candidate for the Uni ted States senate he "high hatted" Pierce, and according to Pierce sup porters thereby lost the election. Since that the two democratic war horses have not spoken as they pass by.' Democrats not interested in either of these men or their ambi tions are trying to patch up a truce, and to put on the screws are talk ing H. B. Van Duzer for the demo cratic nomination for governor. This activity is due to the fact that the leading democrats figure that with a big fight between Hall and Patterson for the republican nomination, there is good chance to slip in a democrat This 1b held to be particularly true If Patterson should get the nomination, as the democrats could then endorse the Hall progressive platform and claim the Hall support The shrewd dem ocrats who are fathering this Idea figure that Van Duzer, a member of the state highway commission, is the man to turn the trick. McNary May Yet Have Opposition The very latest is that Senator McNary may have opposition In both the primary and general elec tions. McNary has for years been posing as a progressive, and has voted and acted in a manner to car ry out this contention. But he vot ed against Inserting the Grange de benture plan Into the tariff bill, and by this one stroke started an agi tation for his scalp. Those out to get McNary Insist that this proves that McNary has gone over to the conservatives. The hunt is on for a man who is of sufficient promin ence to give battle to the little but powerful man from Salem. There is a growing tendency on the part of the progressives to make every candidate show his colors and it is clamied in political circles that Mc Nary Is to be no exception to the rule. Want a Man to Wherever you go in the First con gressional district you hear the plaint, "We want a man to defeat Hawley." Never has the demand for a high grade man been so in sistent and the plaintive cry reaches high for some one who will run against the present congress man in the spring primaries and stand a good chance of election. During the ten years the writer has been in Oregon Hawley has enjoyed the good fortune of competing with men easy to beat Up to date no one has been mentioned who will stand even a good chance of beat ing him.' But thousands are pray erful and hopeful. They believe the time has come to retire the chair man of the ways and means com mittee upon the grounds that he has accomplished little for Oregon, is out of step with modern progress ives and has already served too long. Hal Hoss' Health Is Poor Practically ever since he has been in office, Ha! Hoss, the former Ore gon City newspaper man, has not found it possible to really enjoy his position of power and Influence as secretary of state. His health has been poor almost from the day he took office. Hal made a spectacular campaign for the position he now holds, and was blessed with the sup port of a great majrolty of the newspapers. It was figured by his friends that with such a start in politics Hal would go far, but those familiar with htm now admit that the state of his health is such that he may not for years be able to again engage in a strenuous cam paign. He will doubtless without ef fort secure the full number of years why smokers graduate to CAMELS- j I CI CAR FT Tsj The phrase "I've Graduated to Catneli" originated with Camel smoker. It expresses the experience of millions who through Cimeli have learned to know real smoking pleasure. As taste in smoking develops, it naturally leads toward better quality. New smokers may not be critical but when they once experience the true mildness and surpassing fragrance of the Camel blend, they realize that here is a real superiority. It is for smokers of such discernment that Camels are made . . . for them the choicest tobaccos are selected . . . and this qual ity is maintained for the millions who know genuine smoking pleasure. when they learn the difference they flock to jt 1 Camels D 1929, R. 1 Rrmoldi Toharao Company, Wioiton-Salem. N. C. FORMER ECHO SHEEPMAN OPERATING NEAR HEPPNER R. F. Wiglesworth, who now lives in the Blackhorse country near Heppner, was renewing old acquain tances in Echo Thursday. Mr. Wig lesworth was in the sheep business at Butter creek for several years out lor the past ten years has been in the Willamette valley. He has been operating near Heppner for about two months, being interested with Frank MeMenamin in diversi fied stock and grain farming. He says they will sow 40 acres in peas for their dairy cows and hogs. Many who are interested in this new farm ing idea have been inspecting his place recently. Echo News. Ray Wright McKinney creek ranchman, was looking after busi ness here on Monday. teWW at ii Mrs. Henry Ford, wife of Ae Detroit automobile manufacturer, and the model "Roadside Market of bar ova. design wUdi he exhibited m New York at the gathering of the Women's National Farm and Garden Association, of which she is president vThe minlttnr market presents a meant of direct contact between fanner apd eoniamer thy give promise of effecting savings for the eonMUMf s niAfJerJO(lJ of hit produce more quicky. A steaming, golden-brown turkey, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie and all the "fixin's" to go with them. These goodies surely sound like Thanks giving ! Now's the time to do your shopping. Glance down our list of ap petizing foods and then hurry to MacMarr's for your selection. Let us help you have a REAL Thanksgiving feast! Effective Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday NALLEY'S lT"" I CRANBERRIES MAY0NNAISE CELERY Kno Better Sweet and Tender 1 2 lbs. 39c fu Kt.. 32c 2bch.25c I Full Quart 58C 1 HEINZ RIPE OLIVES, 6-OZ. jar, 27c Knight's Stuffed Olives 6-oz.jar - 32c Knight's Stuffed Olives, -12 -oz. jar -52c I Knight's Queen Olives - 12-oz.jar - 40c aa mm aa mmm aMBMawM Stone's Supreme O LBS. S1.35 Stone's Special 3 , 81.00 DATES Fresh, Delicious 2 LBS. 25c SYRUP Stone's A dandy sy rup for Hot Cakes. St.10.. $1.59 &5. 89c COCOANUT Nice and fresh 2 for 25c WALNUTS No. 1 Grade-A Good Bargain 2lbS.65C BRAZIL NUTS - Just Try Them - 2 IDS. 35C WALNUTS No. 2, A Wonderful Boy 3 IDS. 73C PEANUTS, fresh roasted, 2 lbs. 35c MINCE MEAT Kerr's Brand 2 lbs. 35c Rath's Pickled Pigs Feet Quart Size 49C Pint Size.. 29c SWEET SPUDS Ditto Brand 5 lbs. 35c We also have a very fine assortment of Holiday Candies and Oranges. COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER etc:, Frc-ntirrara Phone 1082 STONE'S DIVISION Hotel Heppner Bldg.