OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLIC AUDITORIUM PORTLAND, ORE. Volume 46, Number 37. HEPPNER, OREGON, TSDAY, NOV. 28, 1929. Subscription $2.00 a Year lappet mmtttt GUI TURNS TURTLE, Four Young People Rid ing in Coupe When It Leaves Road. Alonzo Edmundson, son of Mrs. Mattie Huston, Is lying at Heppner hospital under the care of three physicians who express grave doubt as to what the outcome will be of Injuries he received on Saturday evening when his coupe, In which he and three others were riding, left the highway and turned bottom side up at a point just this side of Lex ington, where the road makes a rather sharp turn Young Edmund son received serious Injuries about the head and since the accident has been In a semi-conscious condition, but apparently holding his own, the physicians stating that if he can keep up as well for a few more days there Is hope for his ultimate re covery. Edmundson had his lower jaw broken on the left side and in the middle, and the upper left jaw also, and the skull cracked at the base of the brain. He also received nu merous scalp cuts and minor in juries. Other members of the party es capd such serious Injuries, but were nevertheless badly hurt. Eva Os born, a niece of Mrs. Lorena Isom, who was driving the car at the time, lost three fingers of the left hand, the thumb and little finger being spared A goodly portion of the hand went along with the fingers, and that member was mangled In such manner as to suggest that It had been dragged over fine gravel along the road side. Miss Osborn also suffered some body cuts and bruises and suffered much from shock. She is being cared for at the Heppner hospital, as Is also Wil bur Flower, another member of the party, who had his leg badly in jured between the knee and ankle. The flesh is crushed and torn, but no bones were broken. Miss Irene Yokum, the fourth member of the party, was caught underneath the car, while all the others were thrown clear. She re ceived a cut toe on one foot and was thought not seriously hurt, but It later developed that she was suf fering from internal injuries, and Bite has been confined to her bed at the home of Mrs Huston since. The young people had gone out for just a short ride to Lexington or a little further In the coupe of Mr. Edmundson, Flower driving the car, and It is reported that just be fore the accident occurred, Miss Os born had taken the wheel, and the machine was evidently moving at a much faster rate than she antici pated, and going around the curve the machine swerved suddenly to the side of the highway, the front wheel acting as a pivot on which It turned bottom side up, with the car facing toward Heppner. The car was quite badly wrecked. Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Gray were re turning up the highway from Port land, and they were hailed by Miss Yocum, who had worked her way out from under the wreck, and the doctor brought the Injured young folks to the hospital at Heppner, where they received immediate at tention at the hands of Drs. A. D. McMurdo, A. H. Johnston and A. B. Gray. The two young ladles and young Flower were making their home with Mrs. Mattie Huston at Cottage Inn. The accident occurred about 8:30 Saturday evening. Upon receiv ing word, Mrs. Huston rushed to the hospital where she remained to help until the Injured were cared for. She was overcome by the shock, and has been in bed by request of her doc tor, much of the time since. 4-II Dairy Calf Club Formed at Gooseberry A 4-H dairy calf club was organiz ed at Gooseberry Sunday with 12 members and Mrs. Beulah Lundcll as leader. Chas, W. Smith, county agent, assisted. Gooseberry has a fine record In club work under Mrs. Lundell's leadership, having just completed its second year's work. The members presented Mrs. Lun dcll with a cake set in appreciation of her efforts. Composing the calf club are Char les and Raymond Lundell, Raymond and Donald Drake, Joyce Carlson, Donald McElllgott, Theodore and Erllng Thompsen, Arthur Berg strom, Clifford Carlson, Elaine Nel son. Money was provided for the Immediate purchase of Tillamook calves for each member. Parents of all the children were present at the meeting. MOTHER DIES IN SCOTLAND. Alex Glbb of this city has just received word of the death of his mother, Mary McDonald Glbb, at the family home, Kathlea Westburn Drive, Aberdeen, Scotland, on No vember 6. Mrs. Glbb had attained the age of 80 years. Surviving mem bers of the family, besides Mr. Glbb of this city, are her husband, George B. Glbb of Aberdeen, another son Robert Glbb of Aberdeen, and two daughters, Mary Gibb of Aberdeen and Margaret Glbb Clyne of Lon don, England. Dick Howard was a visitor in town on Tuesday. He has been at work for some time on the Frank Lleuallen place on Rhea creek, Rebekahs Hold District Convention at lone The ninth annual convention of the Rebekah lodges of District No. 20 was held in the Masonic hall at lone on Saturday, November 23. At 1:30 the meeting was called to order by Bunchgrass Lodge No. 91, fol lowing which the meeting was turn ed over to the convention officers, with Sister Mary Swanson as pre siding officer. After the regular business routine Sinter Hilda InirlA nreftlripnt nf T)n bekah assembly, was Introduced and welcomed. The address of welcome was given by Sister Vlda Heliker of lone lodge, and response by Sister Emma Peck of Holly No. 139 of Lexington. Reports of the various lodges show the following membership: HeDDner 136. Lexineton 59 Mnrran 9, Hardman 48, lone 119. Hardman ana Morgan were not represented at the convention. Following the report on membership, an interest ing talk was given by Sister Ingle on how to Increase interest and at tendance. Bunchgrass No. 91 of lone draped the charter in honor of Bro. George Sperry, of San Soucl No. 33. Brother Head rave a verv Inter esting talk on Friendship, Love and irutn. A much appreciated talk was giv en by Sister Florence Hnchen nf San Soucl 33 of Heppner on "The Value of a Good Degree Staff." An invitation was extended and accepted to meet at Heppner next year. The following officers were elert- ed for the comin? vear: chairman Sister Ella Benge; vice chairman! sister uia Ward; secretary and treasurer, Sister Sadie Sigsbee. A bounteous banauet was servwl by the lone lodge, and greatly en joyed Dy all, arter which the follow ing program was given: Vocal number bv Sinter T.niion Turner. Reading by Sister Delia Corson. At the evenln? neaRlnn Son 9rmM No. 33 gave a beautiful drill called streets or Memory," and then they conferred the Rebekah degree on two members of Bunche-rnim Nn 01 of lone. The "resident then Interesting talk, followed by the convention nresentinir hpr with on appropriate gift lone lodge also presentea Bister ingle with a beau tiful bouquet of carnations. The convention closed by the seat ing of the new officers. Fraternally, Florencj Hughis, Opal Ayers, Arvllla Swanson. AH Saints Church Has Visitors From Pendleton At the Parish House on Thursday evening last, the members of All Saints Episcopal church and friends gathered in large numbers to enjoy tne annual church dinner. It was a pot luck supper, with plenty of good things to eat, brought in by those attending. The evening was greatly enjoyed by all. Attending from Pendleton were Rev. Ralph V. Hinkle, rector of Church of the Redeemer, Judge Marsh, WllBon Brock and Mr. Lam bert. An address was given by Rev. Mr. Hinkle, and Miss Frlgaard and Rev, Stanley Moore offered vocal solos. Judge Marsh also gave a short talk. ENTERTAIN AT BRIDGE. Mrs. P. M. Gemmell and Mrs. J. G. Barratt were hostesses this week at the Gemmell home at two very pleasant bridge parties. The first on Monday evening was attended by fourteen couples, the prizes be ing won by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cohn and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cohn. On Tuesday afternoon seven tables were In play, the high scores being made by Mrs. A. D. McMurdo and Mrs. Earl Gordon, and low by Mrs. L. E. Bisbee. Delicious refresh ments were served by the hostesses. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Rev. Stanley Moore, missionary-In-charge. Holy communion at 8 a. m. Celebration of the Lord's Supper and sermon at 11. This Sunday has been sepecially set aside as a day of corporate communion for the men and boys of the church, The pastor would like to see as many men and boys at this service as can possibly attend. This Sunday, the first of the church year was also fixed by the late presiding bishop, John G. Mur ray as the day upon which all the churches of our land begin the use of the RevlBed Book of Common Prayer and that on that day we give special thanks to God for Its completion. Sunday school at 9:45 o'clock. Young Peoples Fellowship at 6 p. m. "Be still and know that I am God." Ps. 46:10. Attention Turkey Producers, We will have a representative of Swift & Co. at the lone Market December 5th to receive turkeys for eastern shipment Bring your tur keys dressed, see them graded, weighed and receive your check, One day only. Phone us for prices PETERSON BROS., lone, Ore. MEETING OF W. R. C. The Woman's Rollef Corps will hold a regular meeting on Wednes day, Dec. 11, in Legion hall at 2:30 p. m. Every member Is urged to be present as It will be the annual el ection of officers. President Oregon Co-Op Men Told How to Get Value From New Marketing Act. That Oregon farmers have much more to gain In benefits from the federal farm board than merely fin- nancial assistance to existing coop erative marketing agencies, was the concensus of opinion expressed fol lowing the first visit of farm board representatives to this state last week Charles S. Wilson, member of the board, and James R. Howard, new organization specialist for it spent a full day In Portland In conference with more than 135 officers nad lead ers of Oregon cooperative market ing associations called together by the Oregon Cooperative council. After hearing a report on the present general condition of the 152 cooperative associations doing busi ness In this state made by George O. Gatlin, O.S.C. extension market ing specialist, the board represen tatives expressed the opinion that Oregon growers have sound founda tions laid for consolidating: small units Into larger federations which will control a major proportion of the various commodities". The farm board, it was brought out is now in position to encourage just such consolidations and yet in sist that they are carried out along sound lines of local farmer control. Financial assistance from the farm board is being reserved, except in emergencies, to just such organiza tions. "The farm board is trying to be far more than a mere money-lend ing organization, however," said Mr. Wilson. "We hope that will prove to be one of the minor activities In the long run. We do hope to help organize the marketing machinery or the country bo soundly that it will be largely self-sustaining, back ed by the constant support of our body rendered through many chna nels other than financial." That the state college extension service will coordinate its work ful ly with the plans and policies of the farm board was announced by Paul V. Maris, director, who offered the services of his entire staff in aiding to carry more complete Information on marketing plans to the people of this state. LOCAL K HEMS Mr. and Mrs. William P. Mahoney arrived home Wednesday morning from their trip to San Angelo, Tex as, attending the meeting of the National Woolgrowers association. They report a fine trip and a good time, with weather conditions just about Ideal. Mr. Mahoney reports that they saw lots of country but none that looked any better to them than Morrow county. While they can raise sheep a little cheaper In I Texas than here, this country has many advantages over that The national convention was up to its usual standard and the little Texas city proved a splendid host We hope to give a more detailed ac count of the journey in our next Issue. Judge Wm. Duby of Baker was a visitor In Heppner the first of the week, In the Interests of the auto mobile livestock law passed by the last session of the legislature. It Is reported that Judge Duby finds this law is working quite effectively in preventing the stealing of live stock and poultry. Dr. Tyler, eyesight specialist of Bend, who has just taken post graduate course under a doctor who had spent the past year In Vienna and London eye clinics, will be at Hotel Heppner Sunday - Monday, Dec. 1-2. Comfortable glasses guar anteed. 36-37 John and Paul Franzen departed Monday for Pendleton where they were to be joined by their father from Baker who will take the. boys home for the Thanksgiving holi days. They "hoofed" it to Pendle ton from here. N. D. Bailey, carpenter and con tractor, Is just finishing a modern five-room house, with full basement on the Bell ranch In Blackhorse. This takes the place of the house that was burned on this place early in the season. W. B. Tucker, farmer of Black horse, was In the city Tuesday. His part of the county would be helped a lot by a heavy downpour of rain, although grain apparently Is com ing along very well. Ture Peterson of the lone Meat market. WAR lnnklncr nftnr mattara of business here on Wednesday fore noon, just light showers were the order at lone on Sunday, according to Mr. Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cox left for Portland on Monday, expecting to spend Thanksgiving holidays with their son Clair, a student at O. S. C. Mr and Mrs. Marlon Saline- nf Hardman are the proud parents of an a-pound son, born Sunday, Nov. 24th, at their home. Three snpnlnM In thin wo.ir. star theater ad, Simba, Woman and The our Feathers. Read the ad. IONE. MRS. JENNIE X. McMUKRAY, Correspondent The Morrow county convention of the Rebekah lodge was held in Ma sonic hall at lone Saturday, Nov. 23, Bunchgrass Lodge No. 91 acting as nostess. Mrs. Maine ingle of Al bany, state nresldent whs nrenent San Soucl Lodge No. 33 of Heppner exemplified the degree work. One nunarea ana twenty-nve were serv ed at the six o'clock banquet Mr. and Mm A. IE. T.lnrfalrun anA children, motored to Woodburn on Wednesday to spend the Thanks giving vacation with Mrs. Llnde- aens parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Grassman. City Marshal Franks reports that tne water Is getting low In the well which furnishes the supply for lone. It may be necessary for our people to conserve on water. On Tuesday evening the sopho more class gave a Thanksgiving party for the student body All re port a pleasant time Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hoech and two daughters of The Dalles and Ver non Thomas of Lewiston, Idaho, are Thanksgiving guests at the lone hotel. Mrs. Hoech Is Mrs. Cole Smith's sister. There will be no school Thursday and Friday. Several of our teach ers are taking advantage of the va cation time to visit friends else where. Miss Irene Anders will visit at her home in Seattle Miss Luclle Rhoten goes to Salem. Mrs. Har riet Brown plans on a visit with her sister, Mrs. Walter Kilcup who re sides on Butter creek. At this time Mrs. Brown will also have the pleas ure or a visit with another sister, Mrs. P. J. O'Riely who is here from San Francisco. Miss Hildegarde Williams will spend her vacation in Portland, the guest of Mrs. Verda Ritchie. Miss Maude Knight goes to Hood River for a visit with her brother. A minstrel play followed by a County Fair will be given by the lone grade school Friday evening, December 6. The proceeds are to furnish drums for the school band. Come! Bring your smile; park your grouch at home. At a special school meeting of District No. 35, held at the school house Monday afternoon, Nov. 25, a heavy vote was cast against the purchase of block No. 2, Sperry's 4th addition. A strong majority vote was cast for the budget as prepared by the levying board. L R. Rob i son transacted business In Portland last week.,. Mr. and Mrs. George Snyder drove to Portland last Friday. They delivered the Grant Olden turkeys to the city market thus combining business and pleasure on the trip. They were accompanied by Mrs. Carl Barlow who visited relatives in Portland. The party returned home this week. During the time Mrs. Barlow was away, her sister- in-law, Mrs. Lee Howell, cared for her young son, Jackie. Mrs. Warren Crutcher and three children of Brightwood, Oregon, are visiting Mrs. Crutchers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lindstrom. They arrived the first of last week and expect to remain until after Thanks giving. A. A. McCabe has returned from Hidaway Springs where he had been for the benefit of the baths. He Is feeling much better. On Wednesday of last week, Ralph Leadbetter moved his family onto the farm below lone recently rented by his brother, Hazel Lead better. W. E. Bullard has been named as chairman of the Red Cross drive for lone and vicinity. Give him your dollar and help the good work along. Clarence Nelson who has been in the Veterans' hospital In Portland, returned Friday to his home south of lone. James Hardesty has sold his prop erty in Morgan and he and his fam ily have moved to Camas, Wash. Following the Thanksgiving ser mon by Rev. W. W. Head, given on Thursday afternoon, the Congrega tional people are having dinner in the church dining room. "Baldy" Hayes left last week for Yakima. Here he will be joined by John Cochran and the two will spend the winter trapping In the state of Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Feldman mo tored to Grass Valley Saturday, Nov. 16, for a visit with their old friends, Mr. and Mrs. John Wilt They found the Wilt family In good health and wishing to be remem bered to their many friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Feldman returned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lleuallen re turned last week from a pleasant visit with relatives in Weston. The severe cold weather of last week was responsible for a goodly number of frozen and bursted wa ter pipes and frozen car radiators. The last of the week the weather moderated and on Sunday after noon a little rain fell The first dance under the man agement of Cole Madaen and his dance orchestra, the Black Cats of Heppner, was given in the old rink Saturday night Those who attend ed report a good attendance and a good time. The next dance will be held Thanksgiving night The dance closes at midnight Mrs. J. E. Grimes and Mrs. Helen Farrens are serving the lunches. Carlton and Norma Swanson de parted Tuesday for Seattle, where they will visit relatives and friends. They plan on being away a week. The Carnival which was given on Friday evening by the high school was well patronized. About $111.00 was taken In. Out or this amount the young folks hope to clear $75.00. SELECTION OF HEAD Successor to Mr. Burgess to be Chosen Later; Mr. Poulson Will Act. The city has been visited this week by several school men, and a number of applications have been received by the board of directors from others unable to meet with them at this particular time. The occasion for these visits and appli cations Is the resignation of Super intendent Burgess who goes to the state superintendent's office at Sa lem the first of the week to assume his duties as assistant in that office, in charge of the high school depart ment Educators visiting Heppner in person were H. M. Stiles of the University of Oregon at Eugene, Roy L. Skeen, at present superin tendent of the school at Umatilla and formerly at the head of the lone school, and E. L. Cherry, for many years superintendent at Her miston but at present out of school work. These gentlemen laid their claims before the Bchool board, and the matter was quite thoroughly gone over in the meeting held by the board Tuesday evening. No action was taken looking to the choosing of a superintendent at the present time, it being the desire of the board to give very careful consideration to the matter before coming to a decision. In the mean time, Wm R. Poulson, high school principal, will carry on, acting in the capacity of temporary superin tendent Mr. Poulson has been fill ing this place during the absence of Mr. Burgess and has the school well in hand, so the board of di rectors feel that he is capable of handling the situation. The resig nation of Mr. Burgess was formally accepted by the board who express ed extreme regret that he found It necessary to leave the Heppner school system at this time. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS On December 7th, at 8:00 o'clock p. m., three 20-mlnute plays will be presented by Rbea Creek Grange at their hall. These are entitled An Old Maid's Adventure," "The Henpeck Holler Gossip," and "Betty and Me." Between the plays musi cal numbers are to be given and Im mediately after there will be a jit ney dance. Keep this date in mind and come. 37-8 Rev. and Mrs. Glen P. White had as their guests for the Thnaksgiv- ing season their mothers, Mrs. Mary L. White of The Dalles and Mrs. Sarah E. Willard of Portland. Mrs. White's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Anspach and two children from Portland were also present Milton W. Bower and family de- paretd Wednesday morning for Cor- vallis to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with his parents residing in that city. Owing to a very severe cold, Mr. Bower was unable to fill his pulpit at the Christian church Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Vawter Crawford departed on Wednesday evening for Stanfield, there to join Mr. and Mrs. John M. Spencer and go on to Pendleton today where they will en joy Thanksgiving dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. B. Coo ley. Dr. Johnston this week disposed of his residence property in this city to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Linlnger, who will take up their residence there as soon as Dr. Johnston and wife vacate. Walter Luckman, Lena sheepman, was looking after business interests here on Friday. Because of. the dry fall It has been necessary to do feeding, the range being bare. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cowlns left Wednesday for Maupin to spend the Thanksgiving holidays visiting at the home of their daugter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Both well. Our old-time friend, Jake Pear son, pioneer of Butter creek, was in the city on Monday from his home near Lena. Some succulent feed such as kale, root crops, silage, etc., is always of value in the ration of dairy cows. Three specials in this week's Star theater ad, Simba, Woman and The Four Feathers. Read the ad. Peter Farley, sheepman of Board man, was looking after business af fairs In Heppner on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Miller, re siding northeast of Lexington, were Heppner visitors on Saturday. Three specials In this week's Star theater ad, Simba, Woman and The Four Feathers. Read the ad. Tom O'Brien, sheepman of Butter creek, and family, were visitors in Heppner on Saturday. Otto Lindstrom and family of Morgan were visitors at Heppner on Tuesday afternoon. Oral Scott Blackhorse wheatrals er, was a visitor here for a short time on Wednesday. NEW PHOTOGRAPHER HERE. Warde Johnson, photographer of Portland, has opened a studio for the holidays in Heppner hotel. He Is equipped to do high class portrait work. Elks Memorial Service To be Held Sunday The annual lodge of sorrow of the Benevolent and Protective Or der of Elks will be commemorated by Heppner lodge No. 358 at their temple Sunday afternoon at 2:30 with appropriate ceremonies. Earl W. Snell, state representa tive of Arlington, will deliver the address in honor of the departed members of the past year. Those to be remembered are George May- hew, J. T. Fagan, Chas. O. Ayers, George D. Anderson, J. W. Morrow and George Thomson. An invitation is extended the pub lic to share In these services each year, and the event is anticipated by the entire community. Mem bers composing the memorial com mittee are Frank Turner, C. L. Sweek, H. A. Duncan, Sam J. Tur ner and E. E. Edwards. The pro gram follows: Funeral march while members enter Mrs. W. R. Poulson Opening ceremonies of the lodge. Invocation Rev. B. Stanley Moore Girls' Glee Club, "Whispering Hope" Hawthorne. Roll call of departed brothers. Chorus, "Unfold Ye Portals" Gounod. Address Earl W. Snell Solo, "Crossing the Bar," Pontius Kate Francis Ede 'Auld Lang Syne" . -Lodge and audience Closing ceremonies. Benediction. State to Get $2,000,000 From Added Gas Tax Salem, Ore., Nov. 26. More than $2,000,000 In additional revenue will be collected by the state of Oregon in 1930 as a result of the one cent per gallon increase in the state tax on gasoline and distillate sales, bringing the total receipts from this source to $7,052,054, according to a tentative estimate made by Hal E. Hoss, secretary of state. After Jan uary 1, 1930, this tax will be four cents per gallon on gasoline and three and one-half cents on distil late, the new rate being the first change since the rise in 1923. During the present year, with col lections in for nine months and the revenue for the remainder of the year estimated, a total of $4,807,973 is anticipated for receipts during 1929. Based on the constantly In creasing number of gallons of mo tor vehicle fuel sold during the year, an estimate has been fixed for 1930 on a gain of 10 per cent in sales. This, taken in conjunction with the one cent additional tax, is expected to bring a total of $7,052,054 Into the state's coffers. Refunds made to purchasers who use gasoline or dis tillate for agricultural or industrial purposes .will run approximately $520,801 and administrative expens es will require $10,000, leaving a net revenue for the state highway fund of $6,521,253. To this may be added the projected receipts from motor vehicle fees and licenses of $5,605, 327, which will give the highway tuna more than $12,000,000 during 1930. All revenue accruing from the tax on motor vehicle fuel is turned over to the state highway fund to be allocated by the state highway commission in the construction and maintenance of roads throughout the state. No division is made di rect to the counties from this source as is the case in the receipts from motor vehicle fees, which will net the counties some $2,802,663 in 1930. Reduction in automobile license rates and a new appointment of one-third of the receipts from motor vehicle fees to counties would leave the state highway fund with less revenue proportionately than here tofore were it not for the added tax on gasoline, which was established by the 1929 legislative assembly. Pest Extermination Tests Reset Under Roy Fugate Owing to illness at the time he was In the county Ira N. Gabrielson was unable to conduct the pest dem onstrations as announced by Chas. W. Smith, county agent Mr. Smith announces that Roy Fugate, also of the biological survey, will be In the county for this purpose from De cember 4 to 9. Demonstrations in gopher, magpie, sparrow, rabbit rat and crow poisoning will be made. Demonstrations will be given any one desiring them, and word should be left at Mr. Smith's office In ad vance of Mr. Fugate's coming In order that his itinerary may be ar ranged. Twenty-four demonstra tions have already been spoken for. LEGION AUXIUARY. There will be no regular meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary no Tuesday, December 3rd, because of the district meeting at Pendle ton on that date. Attention Is also called to the mass meeting to be held by the American Legion and Auxiliary on December 13, in Hepp ner, at which time department of ficers will be present The public Is Invited to attend this meeting. Secretary. THE DEVIL IN THE RADIO. This will be the Sunday evening sermn topic at the Church of Christ The morning theme will be "Fatal Ism and Pessimism." The order of services follow: Bible school at 9:45. Morning worship at 10:50. Christian Endeavor, 6:30. Evening service, 7:30. A cordial welcome is extended to all. MILTON W. BOWER, Minister. T- Lions Club Junket Gets Encouragement; Scenic Road Found. "It first appeared to me that the road is of special benefit to Heppner and of general benefit to Bend, but after thinking it over, I believe It is of special benefit to Bend, too," declared H. H. DeArmond, county judge of Deschutes county, who was among Bend men who greeted the Heppner Lions club Heppner- Spray road delegation at a luncheon at the Pilot Butte inn In Bend Saturday evening. The purpose of the Heppner men was to try to "sell" Bend on this cut-off route from eastern to central Oregon. S. E. Notson, district attorney. acted as spokesman for the dele gation, being assisted in presenta tion of the proposal that Bend lend support to the project by R. J. Cara ner, state senator from Spray, and Geo. Bleakman, county commission er. Bend interests represented at the meeting, besides the court, were the chamber of commerce. Lions and Ki wauls clubs, and the press. The sentiment of the Bend men as expressed at the meeting, accord ing to the report brought home, was that they could see no reason why that city should not boost for the road. Individual promises of sup port were had from several of the men present Included in the junket organized by P. M. Gemmell, chairman of the Heppner-Spray road committee of the Lions club, were Mr. Gemmell, S. E. Notson, Geo. Bleakman, R. J. Carsner, D. A. Wilson, Frank Tur ner, Chas. Swindlg and Jasper Crawford. The two cars bearing the men stopped at Mitchell and Prinevllle on the way over, it being found at these places that people were al ready awake to the need of the road and ready to boost for it One of the cars stopped at Redmond on the way home Sunday morning, and It was found there, too, that interests were ready to pull for the project Both the Heppner cars went over the present Heppner-Spray road go ing to Bend and one returned this way, while the other returned over the Sherman highway. The Ser vice creek cut-off was followed Into Mitchell from the John Day high way. The entire raod was found to be in good condition, though on the return journey Sunday evening Mr. Gemmell's car, returning via the Spray road, was equipped with chains to make it up the dirt road to the top of the Blue mountains as the rain that afternoon had made this portion of the road quite slick. AH members of the party were particularly impressed with the magnificent scenery afforded by the route. Two belts of fine pine tim ber, one in the Blue mountains and one in the Ochocos, will be tapped by completion of the road. The rim rocks of the John Day are a type of beauty quite uncommon, seen between the Blue and Ochoco mountains while the immense Ocho co dam and the irrigated country below it Is of unusual interest The latter Is traversed for several miles before entering Prineville. On leaving the Ochocos the picturesque peaks of the Cascades form a mag nificent background for the rolling sage and juniper covered hinter land, formed, geologists say, by the breaking up of Mount Multnomah, an immense peak which once exist ed In the Cascades. Weather Moderates, and County Visited by Rain A marked chance In wenther mn. dltions prevails this week. After reacmng a point some eight or nine decrees above zero, tha thprmnma. ter began to raise quite rapidly auring Saturday night and then rain began falling shortly after noon Sundav. the lonsr drawn nut drought seeming to be broken at last rne rain continued quite steadilv throueh Sundnv nlcht at Heppner, and it was general over uie county. While there had been no critical survev made of the ernin flflrU th opinion seemed to prevail among tne majority oi wneat rarmers that the sown grain was not seriously injured, the weather not helns- nniH enough to freeze the grain that was up, ana mucn or tne seed was lying dormant In the dry ground. With sufficient molcture and warmer weather conditions this dormant seed will come forth and the crops will yet have a fair start for win ter. Many experienced Trainers In this county look for such conditions later in the season as will Insure a good yield of grain at harvest time. OFFICERS CLtTB ORGANIZED. The Officers Of Ruth Chanter Tin 32, O. E. S., have organized an offi cers club, the purpose of which is to raise iunas lor an electric signet On Wednesday evening, Dec. 4, they will serve a benefit tn In th ,lii room at Masonic hall, from 3 to 7 p. m. salad, wafers, tea and coffee, creamed chicken on toast will be served and a charge of 60 cents made. The fine large tea tables will be decorated In the Star colors with beautiful flowers and catnii.a ti,. officers Invite all Masons, Star mem- Ders ana iriends to come.