IIEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 21, 1929. PAGE EIGHT IRRIGON Mr. and Mrs. Jess Oliver return ed home Thursday from Freewater where they have been working in the fruit Mrs. C. Stewart is staying In Pen dleton taking treatments from Dr. Brundage. Mrs. Fred Markham enjoyed a short visit with her brother from Bend one day last week Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brace are home from Yakima where they have been packing apples the past six weeks. Mr. Brace reports very smal' ap ples being packed this year. Mrs. Grieves and daughter Norma arrived here Wednesday of last week and Mrs. Grieves took charge of the Intermediate gTades at the noon session the same day. The new fire escape at the school has been installed and a number of pupils are wishing for a fire drill to enable them to take a real fast slide. Mrs. Fagerston and Mrs. Frank Leicht were Hermiston visitors Monday. Mr. Leicht is installing a new Delco light system in his store and residence. Mrs. W. C. Isom and son were Hermiston callers Saturday and al so visited a short time at the Ed Beusel home The Home Economics club held an all day session at the home of Mrs. George Haskell Wednesday. As it was Mrs. Haskell's birthday, tne day was spent socially. A delicious luncheon was served at 1 o'clock and was enjoyed by the 13 members present Mrs. Haskell received many nice gifts. J. Berry and family visited in the Emmett McCoy home Sunday. Mr. McCoy returned from a visit in his former home in Kentucky recently and reports a very pleasant time during his stay. Mrs. Haskell, Mrs. F. Markham, Mrs. Harry Smith and Mrs. Alquist visited with Mrs. W C. Isom Friday afternoon. The election held last Friday for one new man on the West Exten sion Irrigation Project resulted in the re-election of C. Glasgow. James Adkins and wife have been visiting this week at the home of Mr. Adkins' mother, Mrs Mattie Adkins. Their home is in Portland, James Hams and wife of Hard- man were visitors at Heppner for a short time on Tuesday. LEXIXGTO.V P. T. A. MEETS. The Lexington branch of the Par ent Teacher association has started work under the presidency of Mrs. Harry Schriever with plans and programs for the coming year well outlined and divided among various committees. It has been planned to divide each meeting into three divi sions, a business meeting, an open discussion on some topic related to the work of organization, and a program sponsored by the school. Work has already begun on the pro curing of a traveling library for Lexington and the serving of hot lunches during the cold weather. On Tuesday, Nov. 26, at 2 p. m. the next meeting will be held. At this time the topic for open discussion will be "How I can develop a love of good reading in the home." The third and fourth grades will offer an en tertainment Everyone is invited and all members are urged to be present AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY The American Legion Auxiliary met in regular session on Nov. 19 at Legion hall. The Child Welfare chairman reported having sent two large boxes of clothing to the De partment chairman since the last meeting. It was decided at this meeting not to have our next reg ular meeting on December 3, as there is to be a district conference in Pendleton on that date. The pres ident is desirous of having as many members as possible attend the con ference. Thre is to be a mass meet ing of the American Legion and Auxiliary on December 13, in Hepp ner with department officers pre sent The public is invited to at tend this meeting. The Sewing club met at the home of Mrs. D. A. Wil son on November 20. They report having finished seven pneumonia jackets to be sent to the veterans hospital. Secretary. D. OF II NOTICE. The Degree of Honor lodge meets Tuesday, Nov. 26 at 8 o'clock in Odd Fellows hall. All members are urged to be present The Junior class of Juveniles meet at 4 o'clock on Tuesday; the Senior Juveniles at 7 o'clock. Please be there to make arrangements for Christmas party. Clara Beamer, secretary. THE LOST SHEEP. The series of gospel meetings un der the lead of Bro. Lester Jones is rapidly coming to a close. Tonight there will be another of the series of popular "Living Pictures " It will be "The Lost Sheep, in Living Picture, Song and Sermon." Friday night is the closing ser vice and there will be a children s program under the lead of Brother Jones. The sermon topic will be, Five Minutes After Death." On Sunday there will be all usual services. Kememoer tne Dig tsiDie school with a place for all. Preaching at Pine City on Tues day evenings. MILTON W. BOWER, Minister. EPISCOPAL CHl'RCH. Rev. Stanley Moore, missionary- in-charge. Holy Communion at 8 a. m. Church school at 9:45 Morning prayer and sermon at 10 o'clock. "On Thee, O Lord, do I put my trust; let me never be put to con fusion." Ps. 71:1. Thanksgiving Service. The union Thanksgiving service of the churches of Heppner will be held in the Episcopal church at 10:30 next Thursday, Rev. Stanley Moore being preacher for the occa sion. There will be special music. We all like our Thanksgiving din ner but if some of us can find time to give thanks for the year's bless ings, we all can if we care enough. Everybody cordially welcome. "O come, let us sing unto the Lord. Let us come before his pres ence with Thanksgiving." The Episcopal church is holding its annual Parish Dinner this Thursday evening, Nov. 21, at the Parish House at 6:30. All members and friends of the church are cor dially invited to bring their pot of luck and enjoy a pleasant evening with us. A party of men from Pen dleton, consisting of Judge Charles Marsh, Wilson Brock, Mr. Tallman and Rev. Ralph Hinkle will be our guests for the evening BEDS WANTED. Bids will be received by the Coun ty Court of Morrow County, at the office of the County Judge, up to 2 o'clock p. m.. Wednesday, Novem ber 27, 1929, for furnishing the coun ty with 15,000 pounds of Glidden cat tle wire, also three kegs ot wire staples Court reserves the right to reject any or all bids. - R. L. BENGE, County Judge. PARTY OF HEPPNER BUSINESS MEN VISIT GRANT COUNTY A party of about 25 business men from Heppner made a trip Into Grant county last Friday and met with the county court which was in session at Canyon City, In regard to the Heppner-Ritter road. The party had lunch at Canyon City. After dinner some of the men drove out to Seneca to look over the timber operations, others struck out for home while the following mem bers of the group drove up to Prai rie to let the people in this end of the county know that they were here: Dean Goodman, Buick dealer and garage owner; M. L. Case, fur niture dealer; W. O. Dix, grocery man and S. E. Notson, district at torney. Prairie City Journal. THE CONVALESCENT HOME. I have called It the Convalescent Home because there la something sort of cheery about convalescents, getting well We have tried to eli minate all hospital regulations and intend to make it a home where the inmates can be cared for by exper ienced trained nurses without the restraints and regulations necessary in regular hospital life. We have secured a large, well heated house, with plenty of shade and grounds, far enough away from city life to insure quiet yet near enough to be in touch with the physicians at all times. Located on Water street, just east of the laundry. Mrs. L. G. Herren, G. N., Supt Carl Troedson of lone, who was in the city Tuesday, was consulting a physician. He was suffering with an infected finger. A number of people in this vicin ity sold turkeys during the past week. Prices this year are not so satisfactory as growers hoped they would be. The average price paid for toms over 12 pounds was 32c while the average for hens over nine pounds was about 30c. Echo News. For Sale or Lease 480 acres, 300 plow land balance pasture; fenced in four fields; plenty water, springs and well; 6-room house; barn and other buildings; good garden spot 1V4 mile from town. Address Box 43, Heppner. tf. LIVE LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. Homer Hager, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hager, was tendered a delight ful surprise party at the home of his parents on Monday evening, honoring his 18th birthday. The evening was pleasantly spent in playing games, and refreshments were served. The young people present were Virginia Cleveland, Mary McDuffee, Margaret Harris, Earl Bryant, Paul Franzen, Wayne and Nelson Bailey, Nolan Turner, Eddie Kenny, James and Homer Hager. Mr. and Mrs. George Hayden were visitors here on Tuesday from their home in the mountains. Besides be ing very dry in that part of the county, the weather has turned quite cold and there has been no snowfall of any consequence yet Mr. Hayden is engaged in the mill business on the Heppner-Spray road and he Is naturally strongly In favor of the early completion of this highway. For Sale Giant Bronze turkeys. Young toms $12f weight now 20 to 24 lbs. Young hens $7. All April and May hatched. See them before buying your breeders. Cora Bur roughs, lone, Oregon. 33tf. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Barlow, In the dairy business on Rhea creek, were visitors in Heppner on Friday. ' For Sale Second hand heating stove, wood burner, good condition. Inquire at Patterson & Son. 36tf. For Sale Hudson sedan, good condition. Price $900. Terms. See Dr. A. H. Johnston. 36tf. Light Said Imperative in the Care of Measles (State Board of Health.) One of the earliest signs of an oncoming attack of meaBles la the reddened condition of the eyes. Tears may be noticed as excessive and almost ready to overflow the lashes during the stage of sneezing and coughing that precedes the skin eruption. These early Inflammatory warnings ln the eyes require no treatment They are usually ac companied by some fear of light and this fear of light has prompted the vicious care that is responsible not only for Jobs of eyesight but also for the loss of life of many children. Probably more harm has been done by the old-fashioned notion that the child with measles must be kept In a dark room than by any other nursing fault The fact that the tears are flowing and the eyes are a little congested is not suffi cient reason for putting the child In a dark room. In no other dis ease of childhood are fresh air and good light so imperative in treat ment Fresh air Is necessary to avert and counteract lung infection, the thing that kills these babies and children later from pneumonia; and good light, to help kill the germs of pneumonia and other germs often responsible for the serious eye con ditions developing In later compli cations In measles. Too early use of the eyes at close range and for too long a period of time after any illness when the eye muscles are relatively weak and flabby, has been responsible for muscle faults. This fact becomes noticeable during convalescence. Cold Weather Needs As the mercury drops, there are many things you will be needing. We are prepared to serve you with a number of these. Don't fail to notice these bargains. The Convalescent Home For the care of convalescents, invalids or aged. Mrs. L. G. Herren Graduate Nurse 1 MI ILLS 11 V AT ANY DDICE Scbben-Gkid WITH POWER DEJECTION. ofcoursQ. Positively the qreatost set ever built by the worlds leading radio manufacturer You must sgg and hear it. UNEQUALED TONE. DEMAQKABLE PEPFODMANCE. YET REASONABLY PRICED. Note well: if you don't buy a SCQEEtt-QQIu type radio you are not getting tho iatsst Qndqreatest devoiopomeot in radio. Ask any competent authority. Phone 172 CITY GARAGE Heppner, Ore. Call for free demonstration in your home Smile With Ferguson LucKy- SOME LUCKY DOG One of our town's late bridegrooms I dropped In on Ui the other day and re marked that his honeymoon was over; we ventured that his whole married Ufa should be one oontlnnons honeymoon, to which he replied: "The honeymoon is over when friend wife glvse yon pork and beans for dinner, and gives the pork chops to the dog:." There's something lucky about grasp ing this opportunity to secure tires of certified merit at prices usually charged for inferior grades. Every U. S. Royal Cord Tire not only bears the manufacturer's guar antee but is also backed by our reputa tion for integrity. Try our complete auto repair service. If we oan't fix it junk it. Ferguson Motor Co. CLOSING OUT Odds and Ends In BOOKS An assortment of reprints by popular authors for the long winter evenings. While They Last 50c COLGATE'S SPECIAL COLGATE'S new 50c Tooth brush free to each purchaser of two 25c tubes of COLGATE'S RIBBON DENTAL CREAM Don't Forget to Have You Pearl Card Punched! - - - WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON YOUR Anti-Freezing Solutions for Automobiles You will find it much cheaper to fill with anti-freezing solution than to suffer one radiator freeze. We have anti freezing chart which we will be glad to explain. Glycerine, $4.00 per gal.; Denatured Alcohol, $1.25 per gal. About MAKE-UP ... Screen Stars Say: "You have solvtd the make-up question with cosmetic color harmom s . O If you arc t brunette with colorings like Bebc Daniels... very dark brown hair, black eyes and creamy skin... you will enthuse about the perfect beauty of this color harmony make-up. Max Factor's Rachelle Powder . $1.00 Max Factor's Raspberry Rouge . . 50c Max Factor's Medium Lipstick . . 50c If you are different type, permit Max Factor, Holly wtod's Make-Up King, to suggest i color harmony for you. Ask for free complexion analysis card. kMkx. FACTOR'S Society JVak.e-1p A Wonderful New Line of Cuticle Preparations! BEBE DANIELS R-K-0 STAR ThaeaSL store M. D. Clark : Hiatt & Dix We're Ready with your THANKSGIVING GROCERY NEEDS Everything to make your T hanksgiving dinner a wonderful success Low priced to m ake you thankful indeed for Red & White's buying power, with "Quality Always Higher than Price." PHONE YOUR ORDER WE DELIVER Accept our Best Wishes for Your Holiday Happiness Saturday & Monday (November 23 & 25) Red & White Super-Specials WE MSEBVE TUB BIQMT TO XiHUT QUANTITIES Wesson Oil Quarts ..... 49c Crisco 3-lb. Tin 73c 45c n Servus Coffee, 1-lb. Tin 52c; 1-lb Pkg. OLIVES, Special! One 10-oz. glass Queen Olives and one 6 oz. Glass Stuffed 01- fZOf ives, Both for VUv Servus String Beans 2 Cans (2s) 6 Cans $1.23 45c Servus Ginger Ale, 6 Bottles $1.15; 3 for R. & W. Jell Dessert 3 Packages THE OWNER SERVES 23c Servus Pineapple 2 Cans (2 l-2s) 57c Servus Grapefruit; 2 Cans (2s) 49c Servus Asparagus Tips, (Is sq.) 2 for.. 75c Cranberry Sauce 2 Cans 49c Servus Marshmallows 10-oz. Tins 25c Servus Pumpkin 2 cans (2 l-2s) '.. 35c Servus Peaches 2 Cans (2 l-2s) 57c R. & W. Sweet Peas MfZgi 2 Cans (2s) lut 6 Cans $1.23 HID) ffw THE BUYER SAVES II