Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 21, 1929, Image 1

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    Subscription $2.00 a Year
Volume 46, Number 36.
Assistant State School
Superintendency Goes
v to Local Man.
James M. Burgess today made
public announcement of his resig
nation as superintendent of the
Heppner schools to accept the po
sition of assistant state school su
perintendent, his resignation to be
effective as soon as the board of di
rectors makes a choice of his suc
cessor from a number of prospects
now under consideration.
The assistant state superinten
dent's office was recently left vacant
by the resignation of W. M. Smith,
Incumbent for the last fifteen years.
The appointment of Mr. Burgess
came to him from a clear sky when
he was called to Salem two weeks
ago at State Superintendent How
ard's request, along with a number
of other high school heads of the
state, supposedly to discuss high
school problems and assist in rais
ing high school standards. Mr.
Burgess left for Salem Tuesday eve
ning on business in connection with
his new duties, expecting to return
to Heppner this evening.
Since coming to Heppner five
years ago, Mr. Burgess has gained
at least state-wide attention through
educational circles by being prom
inently active in the Oregon State
Teachers' association. Last year
he conducted a state-wide survey
of arithmetic in the grade schools,
having for its purpose the recom
mendation of a new course of study,
which brought him favorable recog
nition. His superintendency of the local
schools has been marked by distinc
tive accomplishment. He has not
only maintained the high standards
left by his predecessor, E. H. Hed-
rick, now superintendent of the
Medford schools, but has succeeded
in raising these until the Heppner
school system ranks with the best
in th state. Mr. Burgess was large
ly responsible for the building of
the auditorium - gymnasium by
means of which compliance witn
state requirements in physical edu-
cation was made possible
Last summer Mr. Burgess carried
on work at Stanford university
looking to the acquiring of the de
gree of doctor of education. He ob
tained his master's degree from that
Institution just before coming to
Heppner. He Is also a graduate of
the University of Oregon.
Aside from his school duties Mr.
Burgess has found time to take an
active part .In community enter
prises. He was elected president of
the Heppner Lions club at Its in
ception a few weeks ago, and his
efforts may e given a large part
of the credit for the rapid growth
and accomplishments of this organ
ization. He also has been promin
ently connected with the activities
of Heppner Post, American Legion,
during his residence here.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Burgess ex
press real regret on having to leave
Heppner, which Mr. Burgess de
clares to be one of the very best
communities in which his lot has
ever been cast They have made a
host of friends who will be sorry,
also, that they must leave, but who
will extend congratulations on the
mark of achievement implied by
Mr. Burgess' appointment to the
new position.
"My intention is not to leave
Heppner until the position of super
intendent is filled entirely satisfac
torily to the board of directors," Mr.
Burgess declared, "and it shall be
my endeavor to assist in doing this."
Mrs. F. L. Whitemarsh
Dies Following Illness
Death came to Mrs. Myrtle Esther
Whitemarsh, wife of F. L. White-
marsh, at Heppner hospital at 11:30
Saturday night. For the past three
years Mrs. Whitemarsh had suffer
ed with diabetes and this disease
was the cause of death, she having
taken seriously 111 but a few days
before going to the hospital,
Mrs. Whitemarsh was aged 31
years, and was the daughter of
Henry. O. Branstetter of Echo. She
was a graduate pharmacist from u.
A. C. with the class of 1917. With
her husband she came to Heppner
last May when Mr, Whitemarsh en
tered the employ of Dennis McNa-
mee. Besides her husband and fa
ther, Bhe is survived by one brother,
Brvan Branstetter of Pendleton,
The funeral was held at Pendleton
on Tuesday from Bomboy's Funeral
home and burial was in the family
lot In Olney cemetery.
Time Almost Up For
Service Certificates
W. E Moore, service officer of
Heppner Post No. 87, American Le
gion, calls to the attention or an ex-
service men the fact that the time
for filing applications for Adjusted
Service Certificates is almost up,
Undor the present law no applica
tions will be received after uecem
ber 31st, 1929, and It has been defi
nitely Indicated by congress that
the time will not again be extenaea.
Application blanks may be obtained
from Mr. Moore at the First nation
al bank. It is strongly urged that
all ex-service men who have not al
ready done so, make applications at
Sun Set Artists Coming
Attraction at School
Baldy Strang's Sun Set Artists
are billed to appear at the school
auditorium-gymnasium on Tuesday
evening, Dec. 3, under the auspices
of the associated students of Hepp
ner High school. The entertainment
will begin at 8 o'clock and admis
sion prices are announced at ou
cents for adults, 35 cents for high
school students and 25 cents for
children. Tickets will be on sale at
Gordon's next week-end.
The company is composed of two
artists, Baldy Strang and Miss Mol
lis McGahey. The Sun Set artists
are vocalists and Instrumentalists.
They Include in their program hu
morous character make-ups, comic
opera skit, exhibition bagpipe play
ing with Scotch, Irish and Ameri
can airs, Harry Lauder review, com
petition Highland Fling and sword
dances. Among other hits of the
evening in the musical line will be
Miserere scene from II Trovatore,
Swiss Home Duet-Tlrolean opera,
Werner's Parting song cornet solo,
Berceuse from Jocelyn melophone
Mr and Mrs. Oraln Wright and
Mr. Wright's mother, Mrs. Martha
Wright just recently returned from
a very enjoyable trip to Southern
California. They went as far south
as Los Angeles and San Pedro, and
at Torrance, a suburb of San Pedro
they visited with A. V. Wright and
family and on the return trip stop
ped at Redwood City to see Harry
Wright The trip south was by the
Redwood highway and the coast
route, which is a wonderful trip this
time of year. They were gone about
a month.
Evangelistic services in progress
at the Christian church for the past
three weeks, under the leadership
of Lester Jones of Nampa, Idaho,
will close tomorrow evening. The
interest has been fair In the meet
ings, and Mr. Jones has delivered
a series of very Interesting and
Instructive sermons. The program
for tomorrow evening will be large
ly in the hands of the children of
the Bible school
A big feed was served to the foot-
ball team of Heppner high school
at the school house on Friday eve
ning, by the sophomore class. The
guests Included the entire football
squad, their coach, W R. Poulson,
and Supt Burgess. Another feed
for the boys Is in prospect for this
week, to be given by the mothers
to the players and their dads. This
will be served at the Parish house.
Julian Rauch, in town today from
his farm north of Lexington, re
ports his sown grain all well sprout
ed, as he had his seeding all done
before the last rain. However, the
continued dry weather makes him
feel that It may be necessary to re-
THE LADY LIES, all talking ro
mantic drama, with two Broadway
favorites, Star theater Sunday-Mon
Frank Fraters of Eight Mile was
a visitor at Heppner on Saturday.
His grain is coming up rather rag
ged this season because of tne ex
tended dry spell. He is fearful that
reseeding may be necessary, and
freezing weather may prevent that
The ladles of the Methodist
church will have a Thanksgiving
cooked food sale on Tuesday after
noon at 2 o'clock, Nov. 26, in the
basement of the church. Come and
buy our good things for your
Thanksgiving dinner.
Mr and Mrs. J. H. Pearson ana
son George were visitors in mis
city for a short time on Wednesday
from their home near Lena. It be
gins to look like winter weather
was setting in out that way, and no
moisture yet
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fadberg were
In the city ort Saturday from the
farm in Clarks canyon. John states
that his crops are coming along
slowly, the grain growing up fairly
well in spots, and it is all badly in
need of rain.
The 12-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Art Gemmell, who reside south
of town a couple of miles, was quite
seriously injured on Monday when
thrown from a horse. The boys in
juries required the attention of a
A cooked food sale will be given
by the Willing Workers of the
Christian church from 10 to 12 o'
clock Saturday, at Humphreys drug
store Cookies, doughnuts, cakes,
pies and chicken pie.
Albert Conner and wife have re
turned to Heppner from Fossil,
where Mr. Conner has been working
during the summer and fall. He ex
pects to get work on the road here.
David Hynd returned from Port
land on Tuesday. He spent a short
time in Heppner Wednesday before
going out to the home place, Rose
Lawn ranch, Sand Hollow.
Mrs. Mildred Swaggart and son
Wilbur of Pendleton were in Hepp
ner Monday for a short time whlls
looking after their property Inter
ests here.
Claudette Colbert, the most fas
cinating woman the talking screen
has revealed, Star theater, Sunday
Monday. O. G. Haguewood, who is farming
near Lexington, was looking after
business in this city on Monday.
C, A. Minor was over from Her
mlston on Friday, looking after
matters of business here.
Oscar Kelthley was among Eight
Kile farmers looking after business
in the city on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Werner Rletmann of
lone were Tuesday visitors in .this
city, remaining for a few hours.
Proposed Blue Mountain
Half Completed, Figures Indicate
With the Hetfpner-Spray road, or
what may be known as the Blue
Mountain Cut-Off, nearly half com
pleted, local interests are expectant
that the project will receive support
at the joint-meeting of the state
highway commission and Bureau of
Public Roads In Portland, Decem
ber 13. This project, while not on
the state map and so far has not
received financial assistance from
the state, is an important link in
the state highway system, it has
been brought out in discussions be
fore the Heppner Lions club which
is endeavoring to help bring about
the early completion of the road.
The Heppner-Spray road connects
the Oregon-Washington highway at
Heppner with the John Day high
way at Spray, forming a portion of
a direct route from the Ochoco
highway at Mitchell to the Oregon
Trail and Columbia River highways
at Pendleton, thus making a cut-off
route from roads to the north and
east, to central Oregon and Califor
nia roads leading to points south
clear into Mexico.
That the outside world might be
given a clearer conception of what
is included in the project, R. L.
Bengo, county judge, at the Lions
meeting Monday proposed changing
its name to the Blue Mountain Cut-
Off and extending Its scope to in
clude the unfinished gap between
Mitchell on the Ochoco highway
and Service creek on the John Day.
This suggestion met with favor.
Monday the club discussed the or
ganization of delegations to meet
with the highway commission and
Bureau of Public Roads at their
December meeting, to help advertise
the project through parts of the ter
ritory which will be benefitted by its
completion. Those in attendance at
the luncheon meeting were favored
with two solos by Mies Aagodt Fri
gaard, teacher in the local schools,
Mrs. W. R. Poulson piano accom
panist Miss Frigaard was heartily
encored, indicating the extreme ap-
Everything Ready for
Carnival at Lexington
Everything is in readiness for the
big carnival and dance at Lexing
ton High school, Friday night No
vember 22. Plans have been com
pleted and the numerous booths and
side shows are under construction.
The doors open at 7 o'clock sharp.
All tickets for the carnival will be
sold at the booth at the main en
trance. The main show begins at
8 p. m. and an interesting surprise
program is assured. Music for the
free dance will be furnished by the
Heppner Black Cats.
An interesting feature of the car
nival is the popularity contest Each
cent's worth of carnival tickets en
titles the purchaser to one vote.
In this contest Helen Valentine is
the representative of the senior
class. Fay Gray will represent the
Juniors, .Naomi McMillan the soph
omores and Anabel Strodtman the
A carnival poster contest complet
ed last week resulted in the pro
duction of a splendid collection of
posters. Winners were Faye Lut-
trell first Earl Hawks second and
Claud Wilcux third.
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Paul M. Gemmell, chairman of the
Heppner-Spray m Road committee,
opened the discussion with the pre
sentation of construction figures
taken from a map received this
week from the state highway engi
neer by Geo. Bleakman, county
commissioner and one of the fath
ers of the road. These figures show
that a total of $364,787.97 has been
spent on the Heppner-Spray pro
ject to date, and an estimate given
to complete of $397,325.00. Of the
money spent so far Morrow county
has put up $240,203.77 and the Bu
reau of Public Roads, tlZ4,54.20.
To match county funds within the
county the bureau has expended
only $41,584.20. Not a cent of state
money has been expended on the
"Morrow county has expended
more money on this road than has
been expended by any one county In
the state on a forest road in propor
tion to the amount of forest road
money received, with the exception
of Multnomah county," Is an asser
tion made at the meeting, based on
available data. Multnomah county
comes first with its construction of
the Mount Hood Loop highway thru
the forest
The road is important to all cen
tral Oregon points, as well as points
touched immediately by It, and will
also affect points to the south on
the Pacific, Redwood and Roosevelt
highways, declared one member of
the club. It will provide an addi
tional artery of travel leading to
these districts, and will thus stim
ulate travel and development
As the road now stands It is grad
ed and surfaced 16 miles from
Heppner to Rhea creek. The next
four miles to Hardman is unim
proved with the exception of what
is known as Hardman hill, which
was graded to standard grade and
partly surfaced by the county. The
next six miles down Rock creek is
unimproved except for a short
stretch of grade put in by the coun
ty. Then comes 11.5 miles of fine
macadamized road through the for
est, completed to standard through
County Men Will Hear
Farm Board Members
At least five Morrow cetuity men
are in Portland today to hear what
the two members of the Federal
Farm Board, touring the northwest
have to say about agricultural re
lief. R. A. Thompson of Heppner
went to Portland the first of the
week while Chas Smith, county
agent Chas. Jones and Chas. Swln
dig of Heppner, and Roy Campbell
of Lexington left yesterday evening
for the city.
Just now interest is centering in
the organization of cooperative
marketing associations to take ad
vantage of the money available
from the farm board, and Mr. Smith
hopes that a definite line of action
will come from the meeting in Port
land. A larger delegation from this
county had been arranged for but
due to unavoidable circumstances
the number was cut down.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Barr, who
recently went to Portland, have de
cided to locate there for a time
while taking charge of the Shaw-
Bartholomew store. The store was
the property of Mr. Barr's sister.
cooperation of the county and Bu
reau of Public Roads. The road
is unimproved from here to Hay
stack creek where the road con
nects up with 6 miles of standard
macadam to the Junction with the
John Day highway 3 miles east of
Spray. It is 13 miles from Spray
to Service creek on the John Day
highway, and 24.5 miles from Ser
vice creek to the Ochoco highway at
Mitchell, part of the latter stretch
being macadamized market road.
The entire distance from Heppner
to Mitchell this way is approximate
ly 88 miles.
The state engineer's estimate
shows $97,325.00 necessary to com
plete the road to the Morrow coun
ty line, and $300,000.00 necessary to
complete outside the county to
Following are the state engineer's
figures for the money already ex
pended on the Heppner-Spray road
and the estimated amounts neces
sary to complete it:
. Money Expended
Total by county 4240,203.77
Rv RnreAii nf Public Roads in
county h 41,584.20
Total money spent in county, $281,787.97
By B. P. R. outside county .83,000.00
Total spent on project..
Sotimata to ComDlete
McKlnney creek, grade $ 16,775.00
Surface 18.400.00
Rock Creek, grade 36.550 00
Surface 26.600.00
To complete to county line i 97,325.00
Grade and surface between
mmnlpteri nortion In forest
and Hay creek stretch. 4300.000.00
Total to complete
How County Mont
ley was Spent
Hill. 1924 i 8,329.09
Grade and surface to Cl&rks
canyon, 1920-21
Grade and surface to Clarks
canyon,' 1924
Grade and Surface Clarks
canyon to Rhea creek, 1923-4
Grade and surface Clarke
canyon to Rhea creek...
Kama trptrh In 1927
McKlnney creek grade. 1920, $ 80,000.00
McKinney creek grade surface ...
1927 10,611.10
Rock creek grade, 1920 7,041.41
Right of way on, Chapin
creek 657.98
Cooperation with B. P. R. 75,000.00
Total J240.203.77
Local Turkey Market
Not Bad, County Agent
Those who received 32 cents a
pound for No. 1 toms, and 30 cents
for hens at the recent Oregon-Idaho
pool at Hermiston, got a fair price,
believes C. W. Smith, county agent
in comparing prices quoted in a
reprint of turkey-grams sent out by
L. R. Breithaupt, extension econo
mist of Oregon State college. On
the 19th the New York market was
reported as inactive with western
young toms quoted at 36 to 37 cents,
northwestern toms a cent higher,
and Texas 2 cents lower. Due to
necessary refrigeration, transporta
tion on dressed turkeys comes high,
and Mr. Smith believes the differen
tial might reach 8 cents a pound.
The turkey-grams from which the
reprint was taken are sent daily by
the extension service to the Associa
ted Press and the Roseburg News
Review. A factor which worked in
favor of the grower this year, Mr.
Smith says, was that at the Hermis
ton pool birds were not graded
down as much as last year, and
practically all plump young toms of
good color went at No. 1.
This map shows clearly the pro
posed Blue Mountain Cut-Oft , about
half of which Is already completed,
and the early completion of the re
mainder of which Is one of the pro
jects of the Heppner Lions club.
When completed It will be a fivst
route to Central Oregon highways
from the east, through the heart of
the scenic Blue mountains... A vast,
rich territory will be made more
accessible by the road, enhancing Ite
Dr. Johnston Expects
to Leave Soon for East
Dr. A. H. Johnston makes an
nouncement this week that he is
planning to leave Heppner, and Is
now negotiating with Dr. A. B.
Gray of San Diego, Cal., to take
over his property and practice here.
He expects that the arrangements
will all be completed thiB week and
in about two weeks he and Mrs.
Johnston will depart for the east
where Dr. Johnston is planning to
spend at least six months In post
graduate work. He will go first to
Mayo's at Rochester, Minn., spend
ing three months there in surgery,
and later to Chicago for work In
Rush medical college.
Dr. Johnston has been at Heppner
for the past six years, during which
time he has built up a fine practice,
and he and Mrs. Johnston have
been prominent in social and frater
nal circles. He feels that a pnys
ician should attend these medical
institutions for a period of at least
six months or a year every ten
years in order to keep up with the
progress of the profession, and it Is
for this reason he is leaving Hepp
ner at this time, much as he and
Mrs. Johnston regret to part with
the good people of this community
and the numerous friendships form
ed while here
W. T. Gerard and family spent a
short time in the city Friday from
the farm north of Lexington. While
seeding has been completed out that
way by most of the farmers, the
grain has not made progress be
cause of the lack of moisture ana
they are suffering from the prevail
ing dry and cold weather conditions.
Mr, Gerard is somewhat fearful of
the outcome, it being problematical
what the effect will be of the pres
ent near zero temperature.
Dr. H. T. Allison of Portland, and
his brother, A. C. AlliBon of Yakima,
accompanied the remains of their
mother, Mrs. Emma Allison, to
Heppner for the burial services on
Wednesday. Immediately following
the services, A. C. Allison was driv
en to Arlington by Henry Aiken
and there took the bus home to
Yakima. Dr. Allison returned to
Portland by last night's train.
Leo Gorger was in town from the
ranch of Gorger Bros, on Monday.
He Btates that they have finished
with about half of their seeding, ex
pecting to do the balance in the
spring. Conditions are not right
and the sown grain is making slow
Droeress. Just now there is too
much cold weather.
John Parker returned home Tues
day evening from Eugene where he
enjoyed several days on the campus
of the University of Oregon, while
visiting with his brother, Vawter
Parker John got a lot of thrill out
of the Homecoming program and
other activities of the week-end on
the campus.
Martin Lovgren, wheatraiser of
Eieht Mile, was spending a few
hours in town on Friday. The wea
ther conditions are not good for the
coming crop, being too dry In the
first place for the grain to get
started, and then turning too cold.
Reseeding may be necessary to
large extent
Legit" stars in all-talking play,
THE LADY LIES, Star theater
Supt Burgess departed Tuesday
evening for Salem to consult witn
State Superintendent Howard re
garding his appointment as assist
ant in that office. W Poulson, high
school principal, drove Mr. Burgess
to Arlington where he took tne
late night train Into Portland.
Miss Mollie Azculnaga, employed
for some time in the local telephone
exchange, has gone east to Vermont
for an extended visit with her rela
tives. She was taken to Pendleton
on Monday by Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Gemmell, and took the train from
Walter Wright of Hardman was
here on Saturday. He reports a lack
of green feed on the range for stock
and some feeding is necessary.
Around Hardman farming has been
progressing while the good weather
Dr. A. B. Gray, of San Diego, Cal
arrived at Heppner on Wednesday
to look over the field here. Dr. Gray
Is at present negotiating with Dr.
A. H. Johnston to take over his
practice in this city. H eis accom
panied by Mrs. Gray.
Mr and Mrs. R. J. Juday, who
were visitors at the home of Mrs.
Juday's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Hughes in this city for a few days,
have returned to their home in
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Poulson en
joyed a visit during the week from
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Shaver and
daughter Virginia of Portland. Mrs.
Shaver and Mrs. Poulson are sisters.
A. M. Markham, one of the trus
tees In the C. A. Rhea estate, spent
Friday and Saturday in Heppner
on matters of business connected
with his trust
Mr. and Mrs. John Krebs and Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Krebs of Cecil were
in the city on Monday, spending a
few hours here while looking after
Lee Beckner, wheat farmer resid
ing south of lone, was looking after
matters of business In Heppner on
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson,
Gooseberry residents, were business
visitors In the city Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bechdolt
were Hardman people in the city
for a short time on Wednesday.
A. A. Durand of Walla
Waila Has Low Bid;
Work Immediate.
A. A. Durand of Walla Walla was
awarded the contract for drilling a
well at the forks of Willow creek
for the city of Heppner, at the ad
vertised meeting of the city council
Monday evening Mr. Durand, who
has a large number of well drilling
outfits, reports that one of these is
available which he will move onto
the ground immeditaely.
Mr. Durand s bid was considered
by the council to be the best of a
number offered. His contract calls
for a price of $10 per foot for the
first 300 feet, with $1 a foot addi
tional on each hundred feet there
after, or $11 a foot between 300 and
400 feet $12 between 400 and 500,
and so on to whatever depth may
be required.
The council had previously re
ceived high recommendations of
Mr. Durand's work from Baker, La
Grande, Dayton, Wash., and other
towns for which he has done work.
He is a driller of long experience
and successful In the majority of
his undertakings, according to these
recommendations, and members 01
the council feel they have made a
good contract
The well will be drilled on land
obtained recently from Frank Wil
kinson, Just at the forks of Willow
creek. This site had previously
been picked by Mr. Durand and oth
er drillers who were consulted when
the cuoncil was deliberating on the
best plan to obtain more and bet
ter water last fall.
It is expected drilling operations
will be started not later than the
first of the coming month. The
council is hopeful that a sufficient
flow will be obtained without hav
ing to go too deep, and believes it
certain that water when obtained
will be of good quality.
Funeral of Mrs. Allison
Held Here Wednesday
Mrs. Emma Allison, who for a
period of five years, from 1912 to
1917 was a resident of Heppner,
died at her home at Seattle on Sun
day morning, November 17 at the
age of 78 years, 1 month and 13
days. Mrs. Allison had been in her
usual good health up until about an
hour before she passed away, fol
lowing a stroke of paralysis.
Funeral services were held at the
University Presbyterian church in
Seattle on Tuesday, Mrs. Allison be
ing a member of that congregation
since going to Seattle several years
ago. Following these services the
body was shipped to Heppner, arriv
ing here by train on Wednesday
morning. Burial services were held
here at 10, in charge of Ruth Chap
ter No. 32, Order of Eastern Star,
the membership of Mrs Allison be
ing in this chapter since she came
to Heppner. The beautiful burial
service of the order was held at the
grave, and the body was committed
to its final rest beside that of her
husband, William Allison, and her
daughter, Mildred Allison Peck,
amid a profusion of cut flowers and
floral pieces, the emblems of love
and esteem presented by friends
and the fraternal orders. Milton W.
Bower, Lester Jones, Frank Turner
and Vawter Crawford composed a
male quartette that sang two selec
tions, "Remember Me" and "That
Beautiful Land," the one at the be
ginning and the other following the
prayer of commitment
Kezia Emma Culbertson was mar
ried to William Allison, who was a
Civil War veteran, in 1869. Mr. AI
iison died at Heppner in January,
1913, following a short residence in
this city. One daughter, Mildred,
who upon her graduation from
Heppner high school became the
wife of George N. Peck of Lexing
ton, died in the summer of 1917.
One son, Prof. Wm. F. Allison, who
was for a number of years in the
faculty of the University of Wash
ington at Seattle, died in 1927. The
surviving members of the family
are Mrs. C. E. Winegar of Sequim,
Wash, A. C. Allison of Yakima,
Wash.', and Dr. H. T. Allison of
Portland, and seven grandchildren.
Mrs. Allison was a sister of Dr. A.
P. Culbertson of Vickeryville, Mich.,
who formerly resided in this city
for a number of years.
She had long been a faithful
member of the Presbyterian church,
and belonged to the Order of East
ern Star, the Degree of Honor and
Womens Relief Corps.
We wish to thank all the friends
who assisted us at the burial of our
beloved mother, Emma Allison; also
the various fraternal orders for
their kindly sympathy expressed In
the many beautiful floral offerings,
and Ruth Chapter for their beauti
ful burial service, and the male
quartette for its singing.
The Allison Family.
For the purpose of selecting a
president, the Parent Teacher asso
ciation will meet on Monday after
noon next at the high school audi
torium, at 3 o'clock. The electing
of a president of the association is
Important and It is hoped there will
be a large attendance of the pa
trons and friends of the school to
help in making the selection.