HflPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 24, 1929, PAGE FIVE Locall Hupp' Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cox departed on Sunday on their journey to the old home at Galax, Virginia. They will make the trip by auto, going by way of Lincoln highway to Oma ha, and then turning south On the way they contemplate making some stopa to visit relatives, and expect to return home In March, traveling the southern route and north thru California. Mr. Cox had finished with the fall seeding on the farm, so he and Mrs. Cox are taking ad vantage of the season intervening until spring work for a good visit with the home folks in "Or Vir ginia." Rev. and Mrs. E. V. Stivers of Eugene were visitors in this city over Monday night, leaving on Tu esday morning for Pendleton. At the Christian church on Monday evening, Mr. Stivers presented to the official board the proposed pen sion plan of the church, which Is Intended to provide funds for car ing for aged and disabled ministers, and widows and children of minis ters. Mr. Stivers represents the gen eral convention of the church In this work. At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Dlx on Friday afternoon Miss Harriet Case entertained the Past Matrons club, at which time there were book reviews by Mrs. W. P. Mahoney who presented "Henry the Eighth," and Mrs. Harry Tamblyn an essay on "Hunky." Other mem bers of the club present were Mes dames W. E. Pruyn, Frank Gilliam, C. C. Patterson, C. L. Sweek, Re becca Patterson and W. O. Dlx. Dainty refreshments were served. Wm. Kummerland, pioneer resi dent of Heppner flat, was looking after business here on Saturday. He reports this one of the longest drawn out dry seasons that he has experienced In many long years of residence in Morrow county, but ex pects everything to come out okeh, as it Is a long time before another crop season rolls around, and any thing might happen between now and then. J. C. Hosklns, brother of Fred Hosklns of this county, and a one time Heppner boy, now engaged in breeding purebred Rambouillet sheep near Stanfield, was a Heppner business visitor Tuesday in com pany with M. E. Hotchkiss also of Stanfleld. Mr. Hosklns reports the ram market not too good this sea son. Mrs. Richard Wells arrived home on Friday evening after spending the week in Portland visiting with relatives. She is this week visiting her sister, Mrs Knotts at Pilot Rock and with the family of D. C. Wells at Pendleton. Harlan McCurdy, sheepman re siding on Willow creek below lone, was looking after affairs of business at Heppner on Monday. Otto Lindstrom, extensive wheat- raiser of the Morgan section, was a business visitor In Heppner on Sat urday. He had been postponing the rail seeding, owing to the continued dry weather, but stated that he could not put off the job longer and expected to start his drills this week. Earl and Leonard Gilliam, Jim Cowins and Art Berry, the latter an insurance man from Vancouver, Wash., composed a hunting party returning from the Uklah district the first of the week. Earl Gilliam, Mr. Cowins and Mr. Berry each bag ged a nne buck. Hugh Sproat, ex-secretary of Ore gon Woolgrowers association, now with the Federal Land bank at Spo kane, was here on Sunday confer ring with Presdient Mahoney of the woolgrowers, and looking after bus iness In connection with the land bank. Al Bergstrom, of the firm of Berg- strom and Kane, made a business trip to Pendleton on Tuesday after truck tires and rims. Al Bays that he made the round trip in 3 hours and 20 minutes, which may be con sidered pretty fair time. Mrs. Hessle Kinny, while at work at the J. D. Cash residence on Mon day, had the mUfortune to receive a badly sprained ankle when she stepped on a loose board, the injury compelling her to return home while being cared for. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kllcup were Monday visitors In Heppner from their home this side of Lena. The range conditions, because of the continued dry weather, are none too good this fall. Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Cash are the proud parents of a baby daughter, born at their home in this city on Sunday, October 20. Mother and child are reported to be getting along well. Mrs. Mahala Minor and Bon Stan ley Minor returned on Sunday from Ritter hot springs where they spent a couple of weeks enjoying the ad vantages of this popular health re sort Mrs. J. G. Clauston and baby daughter came over from their Pen dleton home Tuesday and are guests this week at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Devln. Attorney C. L. Sweek arrived home the first of the week from a business visit to Canyon City and Portland which occupied several days of the past week. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Clark spent a short time In the city Wednesday from their home at Eight Mile. Mrs. Clark is quite fully recovered from her recent illness. Earl Murray who is Interested In farming north of lone was looking after business here on Saturday afternoon. Special Prices on three of Morrow County's best farms for 30 days only. F. W. Turner & Co. NOW 20 Reductions of famous ALLEN-A Underwear for Men and Boys during our "NEW CUSTOMER" SALE Newest Fall and Winter styles included Sale ends Monday night MANS STORE FOR MEN" Among Heppnerltes attending the Oregon-Idaho grid classic in Port land Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Poulson, Mr. and Mrs. Gay M. Anderson and Gay Jr., David A. Wilson, Dean T. Goodman, Paul M. Gemmell and C. L. Sweek. Mrs. J. W. Stephens and Mrs. Hattle Bleakman were Hardman ladies visiting Heppner on Tuesday, spending a short time here while shopping. Gus Wilcox, engaged in farming on the ranch formerly owned by Louts Padberg west of Lexington, spent a few hours at Heppner Mon day. Martin Lovgren was In town for a few hours on Monday from his farm home in the Eight Mile country. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Peterson of Uklah were Heppner visitors Saturday. WANTS Lost A new Waterman's pencil . Owner and Identification given at G.-T. office. 32tf. For Sale Giant Bronze turkeys. Fine large stock. See them before buying your breeders; tomi $12, hens $7. Cora Burroughs, lone. 32-5. private irrigating ditch: 30 acres set to alfalfa; few fruit trees; good barn, 4-room dwelling with running water in house, out buildings; situ ated on Rhea creek, on good road, IS miles from town. Address Box 43, Heppner. 28tf. Buy Winter Pears Now Have BeaJy Turuess Mattress, formerly fresh pears in January. Better fla- !WU0. now 139.50. A small payment vored than Bartlets. 3c per lb. at wm ,nBUre your comfort Case Fleck Orchards, Rufua. 32. Furniture Company. 31 For Sale Youne Bronze turkev coma zor Breeding purposes, welch now from 18 to 22 pounds. Price $15 to $20; hens $6. Orders received to Dec. 15. Jay Hlatt, Heppner. ' 32-39p. FOR SALE Practically new Mis sion heater, large size, at a sacrifice. Inquire this office. Rams for Sale 100 purebred Ram bouillet yearling rams at my place near stanfleld. Will deliver to pur chaser at ranch. Phone 28F3, Stan fleld. J. C. Hoskins. 32-34n. For Sale Milk cows and bred heifers. R. B. Wilcox, Lexington, Oregon. 31tf. For Sale 1 thoroughbred Jersey heifer which will bring a calf In March. A bargain. Mrs. W. F. Mahrt, Hardman. For Sale Creek ranch of 810 res. fine for dairvlnff or ahan Ann acres fenced sheep-tight, balance rainy well fenced with sheep wire; Orders for flowers direct from the growers at figures less than you can buy direct Case Furniture Com pany, growers agent 5tf. WiW Mill I 'II l U.ilL. HI.: onivri Akin :REG0N Oct.2G-r:ov2 iz snows 10 une ivotoog rremium a, 19th Annual Exposition combine Pur Bred Livestock Show; Fat Stock mA onowj vry. Manufacturer ana utna rroaucca onowi; sneep csnowi Amen WJt can National Fox Show, National Wool Show; Industrial Exposition; Bora wft and Girls' Club Work Exhir u; Oregon Poultry and Pet Stock Show and W world-renowned Horse show Millions of dollars worth of Beef and Dairy WA Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Hogs, Goats and Foxes exhibited under one root 1 Portland. OrcwM, Oct. 26- Nor. 2 Reduced Fares ail TranaDOrtaoon Line. 7s i 1 1 i 1 1 in 1 1 in iMif 4ii GOOD USED CARS We have several used Fords, some of them late models and some good ones as low aa $40.00. If you are In need of good, dependable transportation at a bar gain, come in and look them over. Chas. H. Latourell STAR THEATER THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24-25: HOOT GIBSON in "POINTS WEST" WITH ALBERTA VAUGHN Hoot in the saddle agani, and how! Be sure to see this one. Also Charley Chase two reel comedy, IS EV ERYBODY HAPPY?, and News Reel. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26: BEN LYON in "THE QUITTER" A plot that Is refreshingly new and original and of universal appeal. Also HELTER SKELTER, two reel comedy. SUNDAY AND MONDAY, OCTOBER 27-28: Hobart Bosworth, Johnny Mack Brown and Lila Hyams in "Hurricane" AN ALL-TALKING PICTURE The greatest sea drama of all times. You HEAR and SEE every thing that takes place during one of the greatest gales In history. It will hold you spellbound. This will be a try-out for our talking equplment and to test the acoustics of the theater. Also Comedy and News Reel( silent). Children 25c Adults 50c "DRIFTWOOD" TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29-30: Don Alvarado and Marceline Day in A romantic drama of passionate love and hate that unfolds it self against civilized and tropical backgrounds Adapted from Richard Harding Davis' South Sea Island story. Also EARLY TO BED, two reel comedy. COMING NEXT WEEK: Jack Holt and Dorothy Revier In SUBMARINE, Oct 81-Nov. L Tim McCoy In THE BUSHRANGER, November I. THE FALL OF EVE, with Patsy Ruth MlUcr and Arthur Rankin, ALL-TALKING. Nnvsmho. A l k ' - ' " " u, V, WIU Ben Lyon In THE FLYING MARINE, with Shirley Mason, AIX- PHONE or leave orders at Phelps Grocery Co. Home Phone 1102 HEPPNER TRANS FER COMPANY Phelps Grocery Co. The Home of Good Eats J.C.PENNEYC0. Store Phone 592 HEPPNER, OREGON Manager's Phone 1382 Right Dress for Men for Fall At Prices that Spell Thrift Men's and Young Men's Overcoats are style-right and thrift priced 75 $24- You'd better step in to see us, Men, before you begin to step out Old Man Winter" is just around the corner and he's heading right this way. A good, heavy overcoat is now "in order." Thru and thru, plaid back, fleece and twist effects await your early selection. Choose now for a maximum of style plus a world of durability. . Other Overcoats at 19.75 S w u Fall Styles For Young Men Our ample selection of styles, shades, patterns and fabrics as sure you exactly the suit you want Every tuit cut and tailored to our own exactinf specifications. Two-tattoo, lingl. bnaited modclt with Pk or notch Ipl Udtta, Tho extrcmo iy stylbh plratml vert, too, if yen prefer h. Hoveltv weaves and striped patterns In the season's favored shades. $24.75 Patra Pub at f53t THE "TIMES" This "Marathon" hat is made of fine smooth felt The welt edge is gracefully curved and the crown is a trifle higher. Kew shades. $3.98