PAGE FOUR HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 24, 1929. (&VLZ?ttt tmrs THU HEPPNER GAZETTE, Established March SO. 1888; THE KEPPNER TIKES. Established November 18, 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15, 1918. Published every Thursday morning by TAWTER ed SPENCER CUWTOES and entered at the Post Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second-class matter. AsvsRTnxora rates orvxar osr APPLICATION. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Tear Six Months Three Months Single Copies S2.00 , 1.00 , .7 , .06 OtnonU Paper (or Morrow Count. A GOOD HOST. THE Lexington community, though small, has been doing a big thing for the past two years in staging its pioneer reunion, and this coming Saturday will occur the third an nual event, when the good people of that little city will no doubt ex ceed all former efforts in entertain ing the pioneers of this county. Last season, at the table prepared espe cially for them, were seated about 75 of the pioneers whose ages ex ceeded 70 years. A number of these are still residents in the county, while others came from a distance to be present and enjoy the renew ing of old-time friendships. Perhaps there will be some missing from this circle this year, but it is con fidently expected that others who could not attend last fall will be there Saturday, and the number seated at the "pioneers' table" will be even larger than heretofore. Lex ington has so well succeeded in past years that there is no reason to feel that all who gather there on Satur day will not have the best time ever, and the recurrence of the pioneer reunion will now be looked forward to as an event of each fall. Join in with the Lexington folks on Sat urday, take your well filled basket for the big dinner that will be spread, and then enjoy the fine pro grams of the day that are in store for you. AN UNEXCITING PRIMARY CAMPAIGN. Baker Democrat-Herald FOR once it appears that Oregon will have a pretty unexciting pri mary campaign next May for want of serious opposition to the two chief officials whose terms are about to expire. All indications are that Senator McNary will be renomina ted either without opposition or failing in that without serious op position. His record in the senate has strengthened his position even over 1924 when he was an easy win ner. His few blunders seem to have been forgotten and he is "sitting pretty." Governor Patterson has had his ups and downs with the public fav or but he is admittedly enjoying the "ups" at this time. There is general confidence in the way the state's business is being run, and little unfavorable criticism. There are plenty of people who are not friendly to the present executive but they would have a hard time agree ing on one candidate and if they did it would be a forlorn hope at the best Senator Bennett of Port land will be a candidate and will get quite a few votes but will have no chance to win. Only some sur prising change in the setup not now to be anticipated could change the existing state of affairs. Congressman Butler may have a hard time staying in if former Sen ator Stanfleld is his opponent Oth erwise he is likely to be renomina ted without much difficulty. Most of the state offices were filled last year. There is no president to elect, so Oregon seems to be in for an un usually quiet primary campaign un less the democrats spill some trick plays on each other. THE BEST INVESTMENT ON EARTH HEALTH. THRIFT and economy are two of A the most commendable virtues of human kind. But when these lead to miserliness they become a stumb Jia Jkljofll &H0on International Sunday School Lesson for November 3 RESPECT FOR RIOHTPUL AUTHORITY Mark 12: 13-17; Romans 13:1-14; I Peter 2:13-17 Rev. Samuel D. Price, D.D. World's Temperance Sunday is the Sunday Just before Election Day and was fixed at that time In order that further Information on this moral issue might have an ef fect in casting votes. All reforms come after a long process of teach ing. The world became free from slavery by just such a process. The topics that are followed during the quarter show how practical is the Bible. Religion, to be effective, must deal with the everyday affairs in which we live. The setting for the selection from Mark la a thrilling one, and just the kind that a novelist can make much of. Jesus was teaching In Jerusalem and His work was almost over. He was probably the most hated man In the community. Itany also hated each other, but their feeling against Jesus was so great that they forgot their differences In order to make common cause against Him. Thus the Pharisees and Herodians- pooled their inter ests in trying to entrap the Teacher with catch questions. The one which they thought would "get" him was about paying tribute to the Roman government The answer was by means of an Illustration as He ask ed for a denarius. All eyes were ling block to progress. One of the most glaring examples of false economy is the "close-fisted" policy often times practiced in car ing for one's health. This in view of the fact that ill health is the greatest obstacle to prosperity. Where is there a thinking man who will give over a moment to calm introspection who will not find that a majority of his business re verses have been due to ill health? How often has one heard the re mark, "that wouldn't have happen ed if I had been at myself"? An accounting of such reverses, just one of innumerable tolls taken, does not have to progress far to present an astounding figure representing a dead loss due to ill health. Add to this the cost of treatment for sick ness, death's premature toll, loss of time from productive occupation, and the loss soon mounts into in comprehensible figures. Combatting this drain on prosper ity should be the ceaseless concern of everybody, and especially should it be foremost in the thoughts of those directly controlling the reins of government Thus does the ac quisition of a county health nurse present itself logically as one of the prime moves of local government; a step which has proved successful and profitable to at least 20 Oregon counties, and one which may well be taken by Morrow county. A deep study of the problem is not required for one to recognize that the place to start the cam paign to overcome ill health is among infants and children. Early correction of such physical defects as poor eyesight bad teeth and ton sils, adenoids, curvature .of the spine, and countless other child maladies, means enhancing the child's ability to take advantage of life's opportunities and a resultant profit from his increased produc tiveness, besides averting inevitable sickness that would result if such defects were not corrected. A real moral obligation and debt to poster ity presents itself in the issue. The place of the county health nurse in carrying on this work is shown in the following, who she is and what she does; The public health nurse Is a spe cially trained person. First hospital trained and grad uated. A registered nurse. Usually with several years of gen eral experience taking care of sick ness. Then back to school to be taught how to take care of health. So she is a HEALTH nurse. Her function is to guard every body s health. Not to stay for days at a time with one family. Never to be regarded as a charity nurse. But everybody's health nurse. She will consult and cooperate with physicians and parents in the supervision and health care of school children, and in the elimina tion of epidemics. She will be ready to give health talks in schools and before clubs and other groups. She will meet with community groups to help them work out their local health problems. She will visit expectant mothers and baby cases at the request of physician or patient She will visit in any home having sickness, and do enough bedside nursing to teach some member of the family to give nursing care that they may have been unfamiliar with, and will revisit such homes as necessary. She will visit at intervals and give nursing care to chronic invalids. She will assist in securing insti tutional care for crippled, deaf or blind children, or tuberculosis cases. and others needing institutional care. She will visit tuberculosis cases and assist the physician and the family In keeping up the necessary treatment of the patient and the important precautionary measures, and will try to find all unreported tuberculosis cases and secure med ical care for them. "If we could have a community with every member well and happy and energetic, what a tremendous boost it would give to prosperity. Such a degree of health may well be our ultimate goal, and It is al ways the goal toward which a pub lic health nurse conducts herself,' has been written concerning this work. on Him and the coin as He held it up and inquired "Whose image? the reply turned the laugh on the hecklers: "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's." The Bible stands for the full rec ognition of the authority of the government Since constant benefits come from Caesar it is in order to pay their share of the tax which makes these advantages possible, Paul and Peter give the same prin ciples in their writings. Paul's life was saved when he declared, appeal unto Caesar." No govern ment can be maintained when the citizens do as they please about obeying the laws of that land, or decide which ones they will accept Crime is a serious cost to tax payers. Even slight study will re veal that those who "render unto God the things that are God's" are the least expense to the state. Law breakers are the most expensive cit izens. Some day the community as a whole will refuse to pay the charges of those who deliberately break the law. Law does not make lawlessness, it merely reveals it The chemist labels alcohol as a poison. The public knows it as a producer of crime. It is very costly in dollars, morals and life Itself. The best way of reaching the solu tion, aside from maintaining and enforcing the existing laws, is to be more active In the teaching process that the growing youth in every generation may learn the facts ear ly and let alcohol alone, as they would avoid any other poison. A PLEA My portrait of Col. Charles Lind bergh, hanging on the wall, looks at me very earnestly this morning, I think, with a sort of urge in the calm features, to be careful what I say. The daily newspaper has grown to be my very dependable friend; I find that much is comforting, edi fying, even inspiring; but it calls Col. Lindbergh "Lindy." And, it keeps that up with a persistence that is benumbing! I wonder if newspapers in that day called President Washington "Washy?" Or Lincoln "Linky?" I believe they did not They ignored rag-pickers' lingo, bowery slush, cottonfleld ninnyisms. To apply Smitty" to a hero of the comic strip is permissible; but to refer to a great American hero as "Lindy" is unworthy of American journal ism. Maybe great western newspapers indulge this silly piece of business with the idea that it is an endear ing term. I can imagine Jones's wife calling him Jonsey," or Brown's partner saying "Browney, RJdDWe? Speeflall flaiiimiD)iins JJTJX' Radiola 33 in handsome walnut cabinet, complete with dynamic speaker and RCA Radiotrons $113Zi cash or DOWN Pacific IPowen & LM Comjpamiy but it hardly goes in refined society. "Lindy" is to me, a slap in the face of intelligent Americans; Lindbergh does not need this sort of mushing sentiment "Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh" is a name at once In spiring of which America Is proud. But "Lindy!!" Baby-talk is all right in its place for babiea It is perfectly all right and proper in the park, when the moon Is waning to one's own umpsy-dumpsy. But for the great American headline it is too cheap, shallow it's becoming idiotic! Am erican Journalism has outgrown alley-rat parlance; it should pause and take a good look at itself In the mirror of public opinion. There is always a possibility that I am wrong; it may be that, chop ping off three letters of a name, saves several thousand dollars an nually to the linotype I hadn't fig ured that printing "Lindy" a mil lion times! Malotte Separator for Sale 625 lb. capacity; good condition; nearly new. Walter Corley, lone, Ore. 31-2. The Johnson brothers, O. E. and Always at Nils, were among farmers of the Hardman vicinity doing business in the city Saturday. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF FIN AXi SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed her final account ax administratrix of the estate of P. B. Mc Swords, deceased, and the County Court oi ine state or Oregon lor Morrow County has appointed Monday, the 2nd day of December, 1929. at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, as the time, and the County Court room In the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as the place, of hearing and settlement of said tinal account. Objections to said final account must be filed on or before said date. SYBIL McSWORDS. Administratrix. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of an order of the county court of the state of Oregon for Morrow county made and entered on the 7th day of Oc tober, 1929, I will on and after the Eighth day of November, 1299, at the office of C. L. Sweek in Heppner, Mor row county, state of Oregon, offer for sale at private sale and sell to the high est bidder for cash in hand or for $1000 down and the balance at Eight per cent per annum, payable in one year and secured by a first mortgage on the property sold, and such other security as may be agreed upon, all of the fol lowing described real property in Hepp ner, Morrow county, state of Oregon, to-wit: Lots One, Two, Three and Four in Block Three of Nelson Jones Addi tion to Heppner, Oregon. ALBERT ADKINS. Administrator de bonis non of the Estate of Martha B. Scrivner, de ceased. tteiraons How proud you'll be of your new radio, this beautiful lowboy console RCA finished in richly rubbed walnut. Snap on the power, and a wealth of enter tainment pours in, entertainment from famous concert artists, master musicians, finished actors, noted comedians. How clear, rich and true this RCA brings in song and music. This studio-performance reception is accomplished through the perfected RCA tuned radio-frequency am plification, detector and two stages of audio-frequency amplification. Finely bal anced sensitivity and selectivity make tuning easy and speedy. See this model today ! Hear it! Then you'll realize how marvelous is the low price, $113.75 complete. Make the wonderfully low down payment now, $9, and have this RCA in your home. Hear HKCA screen-grid and superheterodyne models See and hear them today theae RCA radiolaa especially designed for powerful screen-grid tubes; models employing the exclusive RCA superhetero dyne circuit. Today, you may choose them in beautiful cabinets to harmonize with your home. Enjoy one at once on our extended payment plan. your service NOTICE OF LAND SALS. By virtue of an Order ot tiie County Court I am authorized and directed to sell at public auction as provided by law the following described tracts or parcels of land, at not less than the minimum prices herein set forth, to-wit : north so feet, lot 4, Block o. Hard man, Oregon, minimum price of $36.00. Lot 20, Block B. Boardman, Oregon, minimum price of $27.35., Lots 11 and 12, Block 41, Irrlgon, min imum price of $60.00. Theiefore, I will, on the 26th day of Octboer, 1929, at hte front door of the Court House at 1:30 o'clock P. M., sell at public auction the above described tracts or parcels of land. 29-32 C. J. D. BAUMAN. Sheriff. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of Archie B. Cochran, deceased, has filed his final account with the Clerk of the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for Morrow County, and that said Court has fixed Monday, the 4th day of November, 1929. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day as the time, and the County Court Room in the Court House at Heppner, Ore gon, as the place for hearing and set tlement of said account. Any objections to said final account must be filed on or before said date. 29-33 JOHN JL COCHRAN, Administrator of the estate of Ar chie B. Cochran, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed by the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, Administratrix of the Estate of J. S. Young, deceased, and has qualified as such administratrix. All persons having claims against said estate must present them to the undersigned, duly verified by law, at the office of C. L. Sweek in Heppner, Oregon, within six months from date of first publication of this notice. LILLIAN B. YOUNG, Administratrix of the Estate of J. S. Young, Deceased. Date of first publication October 3, 1929. 29-33. (Dim oDc& DR. J. L. CALLAWAY Osteopathic Physician Gilman Building Phone 93 Heppner, Oregon MATERNITY HOME I am prepared to take care of a limited number of maternity cases. Room and board reasonable. MKS. O. C. AIKEN Box 143 HEPPNER Phone B75 WM. BROOKHOUSER PAXBOTJia PAPEBHANOfNO INTERIOR DECOBATINQ Leave orders at Peoples Hardware Company DR. C. W. BARR DENTIST Cue Building, Entrance Center 8t Telephone Main 1011 Open Evenings and Sundays by Appointment. DR. A. H. JOHNSTON PHYSICIAN AUTO SURGEON Graduate Nurse Assistant L 0. O. P. BTH.DINO Phones Offloe, Main 933; Res. 491 Heppner, Oregon DR. J. H. McCRADY DENTIST X-Bay Diagnosis l o. o. p. BTnLDnsro Heppner, Oregon Frank A. McMenamin LAWYER , Phone BE aeon 4451 1014 Northwestern Bank Building, PORTLAND, OREGON Residence, GArfteld 1948 A. D. McMURDO, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUBQEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office In Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon C L. SWEEK ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW Offices In Pint National Bank Building Heppner, Oregon MORROW GENERAL HOSPITAL figSBS, Mrs. Elsie Mollahan, B. N., Snot. Wards and Private Rooms. Rates Reasonable. A. H. JOHNSTON, M. D., Pnjndoian-ln-Charge. Pbone Main 828 Hepnner. Ore. S. E. NOTSON ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW Office In Court House Heppner, Oregon AUCTIONEER Para and Personal Property Sales a Specialty "The Man Who Talks to Beat the Band" O. Im. BENNETT, Lexlngten, Oregon J. 0. PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches - Clocks - Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon F. W. TURNER & CO. FIRE, AUTO AND LIFE INSURANCE Old Line Companies. Real Estate. Heppner, Oregon JOS. J. NYS ATTONSY-AT-LAW Roberts Bnllding, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon J. Perry Conder, N. D. Both year in praotloe In Heppner and Morrow County. HEPPNER HOTEL BUILDING Office Phone 02, Residence Phone 03. Heppner Sanitarium TTnanitnl perry Conder HUSpiiai Physician in charge Oldest Institution, of Healing and Oldest Practicing Physician in Mor row County: with the least percent age of fatality and greatest percent' age of benefit. ALEX GIBB PLUMBING AND HEATING OBNBBAXi REPAIR WORK Estimates Free. WHEN DT TROUBLE CALL 709 PEOPLES HABDWABB 00.