Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 24, 1929, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Miss Mabel Brown was elected
secretary-treasurer of the History
club at Washington State normal
at EUensburg for the coming term.
Mrs. Sylvester Attebury was call
ed to Spokane because of the Ill
ness of her daughter, Mrs. Johnson.
December 6 is the date set for
the annual bazaar which will be
held at the school house, A dinner
will be served and there will be sev
eral concessions and booths.
Rev. Mr. Wilbur of Hood River
will be in Boardman Sunday, Nov.
3, and conduct the evening services
at the church. Rev. Mr. Wilbur la
a good speaker.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bechdolt of
Hard man were Boardman visitors
Wednesday. They were guests at
the Rands home for dinner. They
were here only for the day.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gorham enter
tained at the second of a series of
parties on Tuesday evening, having
four tables of 500. When scores
were counted it was found that Miss
Helen Chaffee and Lyle Blayden
held the highest and Mr. and Mrs.
Guy Barlow lowest score. Lovely
refreshments were served. Present
were Messrs. and Mesdames F. A.
Fortier, Guy Barlow, L. E. Marsch
at, the Misses Ellen Henry, Francis
Spike, Helen Chaffee and Carrol
The Boardman grange received
the banner for attendance at Po
mona grange which was held
Thursday at Stanfleld, Morrow and
Umatilla counties having a joint
meeting. The Boardman team ex
emplified the fifth degree work
Thursday evening with 32 candi
dates. Officers: Master Chas. Wick-
lander, Overseer Geo. Wicklander,
Chaplain Mrs. Geo. Wicklander,
Lecturer Mrs. Ella Shell, Asst Stew
ard F. A. Fortier, Asst Steward
Mrs. Brice Dillabough, Gatekeeper
A. L. Ayers, Mesdames Miller, For
tier and Rands, three graces. Stan
field served a fine banquet for the
visitors. Mrs. H. W. Tyler of Board
man is Pomona secretary and Chas.
Wicklander of Boardman, Master
of Pomona.
Supt. and Mrs. L. E. Marschat mo
tored to Salem leaving Thursday
afternoon, where Mr. Marschat at
tended the meeting of the princi
pals and superintendents of the
state. Mrs. Z. J. Gillespie substi
tuted for Mrs. Marschat on Friday.
Mrs. S. H. Boardman has reached
her home in Salem after a delight
ful trip to Colorado, Wyoming and
Missouri. At Gallatin, Mo., she at
tended a family reunion. Helen
Boardman entered Willamette this
fall. Kenneth is employed by the
state highway department and will
work for a year before entering
school. Albert attends Salem high.
Lloyd Sherman arrived Friday
from Wallace, Idaho, where he has
been for some time.
The P. T. A. will sponsor a movie,
"Dress Parade," on Friday night,
Oct. 25. A "Gang" comedy which
always appeals to the youngsters as
well as the grown-ups wlil also be
shown. This film is supposed to be
very good. Ail proceeds above ex
penses go toward purchase of the
new Victrola for the school.
Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Blayden and
son came Saturday for a short visit
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
G. Blayden. The L. Blaydens have
recently moved from Cascade, Ida.,
to a ranch near Kennewick, Wash.
Mrs. W. A. Price who seemed to
be improving after a serious heart
attack was taken suddenly worse
on Friday and Mr. Price started
with her to Portland, but stopped
at The Dalles where she was left
at the hospital. Mrs. L. G. Smith
accompanied them and assisted in
caring for her. Mrs. Price has been
in poor health ever since an attack
of flu several years ago and recently
overtaxed her strength In caring for
her mother, Mrs. Beebee who came
here from Seattle several weeks
ago. Mrs Beebee has been ill with
diabetes for the past year. On Sat
urday night Frances Beebee, a
twin brother of Mrs. Price's, came
up from Portland and took his mo
ther to Portland with him. Mra
Lottie Attebury of Portland has
been caring for the two patients and
the ranch with Billy and will re
main for a time. Mr. Price re
mained at his wife's bedside for
several days the first of the week.
Mrs. Ella Shell is here from Uma
tilla where she has been for some
time. '
Chas. H. , Dillabough moved Sat
urday to the homestead belonging
to Brice Dillabough on the highway
a few miles west of Boardman. Mr.
Dillabough has been very success
ful in raising Chinchilla rabbits and
has quite a number of them. He
also raises the Black Giant chick
ens and has a number of turkeys.
He has lived on the ranch in the
west end since the earliest days of
the project, having been one of the
first to have a fine stand of alfalfa.
It was on his ranch that the "barbe
cue" was held years ago.
Adaline Wilanks is improving as
rapidly as can be expected, but is
still at St Vincent's in Portland.
Her father was pleased to receive a
letter written by her this week.
J. R. Johnsons motored to The
Dalles on Friday. While there Mrs.
Johnson called on Pearl Nickerson
who is a patient at The Dalles hos
pital. She found her a little better.
Stomach Trouble
If you suffer from gas, bloating,
heartburn, acid, or sick stomach,
because of dyspepsia, try the Dlotex
15 Minute Test Absolutely harm
less. Works fast Five positive
digestive aids in pleasant tablet
form. No soda, dopes or laxative.
Get Dlotex from your druggist for
only 60c. Try it See how fast it
works. Money back If it doesn't
give stomach comfort In 15 minutes,
and soon help restore good digestion.
We serve them fresh,
temptingly appetizing
-or you may get them
in bulk.
Shell Fish of
all kinds on our menu
Her mother, Mrs. Chas. Nickerson,
is with her constantly. The doctors
are doing everything possible fo$
Pearl whose case is an interesting
Mr. and Mrs. Berwick and Miss
Brown of Umatilla called Sunday
at the Wilson home.
George and Joe Gorger were here
Sunday from the wheat ranch. They
are brothers of Mrs. L. C. Cooney.
Pete Farley made a business trip
to Heppner Saturday. On Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Kenny of
Heppner were visitors at the Far
ley home.
I. Skoubo has purchased a Du
rant sedan from Guy Barlow.
A meeting of the general commit
tee for the bazaar was held Satur
day at the home of Mrs. Macomber
and plans were made for this event
which will be held December 6. The
general committee consists of Mrs.
J. R. Johnson, chairman, Mesdames
Macomber, Gorham, L. G. Smith,
Root Coats, D. W. Miller and Her
eim. Committees appointed were
Mrs. Gorham and Mrs. Coats for
the Fish Pond. The advisability
of having two separate fishing
places was discussed, for always the
children are crowded out by the
eager grown-ups. Mrs. Nate Ma
comber is chairman of the dinner,
Mrs. L. G. Smith of the fancy work,
Mrs. E. T. Messenger of the candy
and popcorn booth, Mrs. A. T. Her-
eim of the concessions. The always
popular fortune telling booth will
again be in evidence, as will the
"hit the nigger baby" concession.
There will be two or three new con
cessions this year so keep the date
In mind December 6. Each chair
man will appoint her own commit
The P. T. A. gave a pleasant
dance Friday evening at the school
house. While the crowd was not
very large It was a very successful
affair and everyone had a good
time. The local orchestra furnish
ed the music. After all expenses
were taken out only $10 remained
for the Victrola fund, but this sum
would cover the cost of one pay
ment and everyone had a nice time
so all was well.
Sid McReynolds was an overnight
guest at the home of his slater, Mrs.
Nate Macomber, Friday.
At the Ladies Aid meeting Wed
nesday at the home of Mrs. John
son it was voted unanimously to
start the "Capsule" stunt at the next
Silver Tea where the name of all
who wish to take part are placed
in an empty capsule and drawn out
each member drawing one name for
a period of three months. A kind
deed is to be done for the one whose
name was drawn, the names to be
kept an absolute sceret until the
end of the three months when they
are divulged.
Fred Pettyjohn of Willow creek
was over Friday getting his win
ter supply of potatoes.
J. D. Smith of Portland spent 3
days visiting his brother, L. G
Smith this week.
Rev. and Mrs. W. O. Miller were
gusts Sunday at the J. R. Johnson
home at a lovely dinner.
Mrs. L. V. Root has been under
the weather for several days this
E. A. Klippel, supt of telegraph
Dad Bailey and Frank Allen of
Portland and Ralph Davis came up
Saturday night and spent Sunday
hunting. Mr. Davis was operator
at Boardman for several years,
moving to Portland some time ago
where he is employed in the union
station as operator. They have pur
chased a lovely home out on Port
land boulevard.
D. R. Brownell of Umatilla who Is
known to a great many Boardman
people, received a great ovation re
cently at Bilber, Calif., when he pre
sided as Noble Grand at the 50th
anniversary of the organization of
the Odd Fellows lodge, having serv
ed in the same capacity when the
lodge was organized half a century
before. He is the only living char
ter member of the order at Bilber.
Among those planning to attend
the state grange meeting at La
Grande Saturday are Mesdames
Mead, Tyler, Dillabough, Faler, the
Skoubos, Browns, Geo. and Chas.
Wlcklanders, and possibly others.
Rev. P. J. Stack of Heppner held
srvices here Sunday in the new
Catholic church which was recent
ly completed. It was built on the
corner opposite the Ballenger house.
The church has not been dedicat
ed but dedication services will prob
ably be held in December.
Lee Mead and family were guests
Tuesday eveing at a pleasant din
ner at the Royal Rands home.
Gle Hadley purchased a new
Ford coupe. He sold his old Ford
to Adolf Skoubo.
Z aiinilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHHIIIMIIIHItlllllMlllllltllHIIIIIIHllllllllllIIHIHIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIlllllllllllllIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIMU
Qlnnouncing the opening
of the f
Phelps Funeral Home
Monday, October 28th
In Mahoney Residence I
Southeast Heppner j
Lady cAssiSant Licensed Embalmer oAmbviance I
Service Day or 'Night I
With sales breaking all previous
records with new Frigidaires offering
greater beauty, greater power and the
"Cold Control" at no increase in price
. .with values greater than ever before
Frigidaire Corporation
announces a
Thomson Bros.
October 26 and 28
PI Ha1' Ta"- The old Reliable
aCKage .... lit Since 1898.
Can 15C
The Favorite Western Brand. MINCE MEAT
r"an 52C N0NE SUCH Concentrated.
Regular size package,
Packa!f;v5c 18c
Fancy Seedless In 4-lb Pkgs. 6 lul ouc
Package 30c
SANTIAM Cut Kentucky
FIGS Wonder. New 1929 Fancy
H ad D BRAND New 1929 Pack- No- 2 Tln-
Crop. Try them for Breakfast 20C
Bag 44c
KARO Pure Corn Syrup. .Mb- TaU Tln- New P
Mb. Can. 7m 9(
Dark Syrup
Can 45C
Light Syrup COOKIES
Van 401 10-oz. Pkg... Made from pure
butter and eggs.
COCOA Package 21C
HERSHEY'S 1-2-lb. Tins.
Tin 13c RICE
NEW CROP Buy at this
SOAP price before the market ad
vances. FELS NAPTHA The Origin- 0 n , f rt
al Pure Naptha Soap. Jj rOUIldS FOr 21C
3 Bars for . . 18C
U 1VIV1 1 0 SWANSOOWN Use Swans-
OTTER BRAND New Crop. down with 'your favorite
Black Zante 11-oz. Package. cake recipe
Package 19c Large Package 33C
o n
puts any Frigidaire
in your home balance
to suit your convenience
The FrifkUra "Cold Control
On not confute the "Cold
Control" with Frffidoire'l auto,
marie temperature regulator.
The latter maintains an ideal
temperature in the food compart
merit without attention. The
"Cold Control" Bpeedi the freetf
Ine of ice cwoej and dcueriM.
A small cash payment puts any household model in your
home immediately. And we'll arrange the balance to
suit your convenience.
And remember that any Frigidaire you buy on these
liberal terms is a new Frigidaire the very latest model
-a model that gives you all the improvements that
have added immeasurably to Frigidaire values.
On any model you select you'll get the famous
Frigidaire "Cold Control." You'll get the surplus
power of the Frigidaire compressor. You'll get in
credibly quiet operation. You'll get striking beauty
with all mechanism completely concealed.
You have only to examine Frigidaire to realize the
value we are offering value made even more apparent
by our unusually liberal terms. Get all the details . .
' today ... or phone for our representative.
Peoples Hardware
Published In the Interests of the people of Heppner and vicinity by
Volume 1
Heppner, Oregon October 84, 1929
Number 7
"World Series
Bet "Texas
man bats flies
from Texas to
New York" I'll
bet you some
new Turn-A-
Lum screens will
save many a fly
Aiawsx jLsznrs,
Manager, Editor,
Michael Ken
ny is remodeling
one of his houses
on Center street.
Classified Ads.
For Rent Free
new plan books
just received
Many new ideas
for building and
Homes & Farm
Buildings. Ap
ply Tum-A-Lum
Lumber Co.
Mrs. Glen Hayes
is the winner of
last week's mis
spelled word
contest. The
word was "mis
Joke Section
The man who
says it's better
to rent a house
than own one
is,, no doubt, a
"We Like to
Folks Build"
Materially yours,
"That's all see
you next week."
Your Income
No matter how large or small your in
come it can be spent in such a way as to
make it buy more than it does now.
The simple secret of getting more out of
an income is found in the word "budget."
A budget shows you how to avoid many pet
ty expenses and gives you money for the
purchase of worth while things.
Come in and talk to one of our Officials
about the pleasing results which a budget
can achieve for moderate incomes. Then
plan to open and use one of our Savings Ac
counts. $1.00 is all you need, and we will
pay you liberal compound interest every
six months.
Farmers & Stockgrowers National
Heppner BcUlk
IDairymen consider breed
secondary to breeding
Only a small proportion of the dairy animals on the
nation's farms are pure bred or even good grades.
Therfore, the activities of Breed Associations in rais
ing livestock standards are a real service to the farm
ing industry. Each association seeks development of
the breed it afvors. Yet in those expositions when
ever the breeds are shown together the friendly spirit
of rivalry which exists evidences the realization that
Such is the atmosphere pervading the Dairy division
of the Pacific International Livestock Exposition, the
19th annual of which will be held in Portland, Oregon,
Oct. 26-Nov. 2. Here can be seen America's finest and
best dairy animals and knowledge obtained how pure
breds make possible increasing production and prof
its. Other exhibits include Beef Cattle, Horses, Hogs
Sheep, Goats, Foxes, and Poultry; also Dairy, Manu
facturers' and Land Products Shows; Boys' and Girls'
Club Work Exhibits; Industrial Exposition; and the
world-renowned Horse Show. $100,000 premiums are
offered of which amount $14,500 is for dairy cattle
exhiibts exclusively.
The First National Bank knows from previous exper
ience that information of immeasurable value can be
obtained at this great Livestock classic. For this rea
son we say to every farmer, "Make every effort to at
tend the Exposition."
First National Bank
Heppner. Oregon