PAGE SIX HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 10, 1929. MISS BF.XGE AT MILLS. I Miss Glndys Benge of Hcppner Is among ihe graduate students at ! Mills college. California, recently entertained by Dr. Anrelia Henry Reinhardt at the President's House. They were invited to meet Dr. V E. Pettus of Peopir.g, China. MORROW GENERAL HOSPITAL Mrs. Ollie Ferguson and baby daughter have returned to their home in Heppner. Mrs. Eldon Gentry underwent an opetation Sunday morning for acute appendicitis and is getting along nicely. Mrs. Charles Cox, who recently underwent a major operation, has returned to her home. Walter Scott received a fractured finger Wednesday in cranking a truck at the road camp. METHODIST CHl'RCH. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Gospel message. 11 a. m. Topic, "Standing on the Promises of God." Young People's meeting at 6:30. Evening message 7:30. Subject, "Keeping Thy Heart" This mes sage is especially for young people. Special music morning and evening. GLEN P. WHITE, Pastor. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Rev. Stanley Moore, Missionary-in-Charge Church school at 9:45 a. m. There will be no church services this coming Sunday, Oct 13th, due to the fact that Rev. Moore will be in attendance at the Laymen's Conference. AUXILIARY XOTICE. Regular meeting American Le gion Auxiliary in Legion hall Tues day evening is announced by the secretary. All members urged to be present ELKS MEET TONIGHT. The regular meeting of Heppner Lorlge No. 358, B. P. O. E., at the temple tonight All members are urged to attend. Earl W. Gordon, Exalted Ruler. Lost Keys on oval-shaped piece of leather, containing three rings and about 15 keys. Finder please leave at this oflice and receive re ward. 30p. NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of the county court of the Smile With Ferguson It's Hard to Get Over the fact that this young poet knew his iruit. The stork has brought a little PEACH, The nurse said with an air; "How glad I am," poor dad replied, "Be didn't bring aFEAR." We believe we know our onions when we suggest that every set of U. S. Royal Cord Tires you liny will prove how economical it i to buy the fcest Consistent performance and dependable serv ice are features of V. S. ROYAL COED tires that mean so much in cutting- usual tire expenses. state of Oregon for Morrow county made and entered on the 7th day of Oc tober, 1H29, I will on and after the Eighth day of November. 1299. at the otlke of C. L. Sweek in Heppner. Mor row county, state of Oregon, offer for s.-i)e fit nrivate sale and sell to the high est bidder for cash in hand or for $1000 down and the balance at Eight per cent per annum, payable in one year and secured by a first mortgage on the property sold, and such other security a msv bp nirreed unnn. all of the fol lowing described real property in Hepp ner. Morrow county, state 01 uregon, to-wil: Lots One. Two. Three and Four in Block Three of Nelson Jones Addi tion to Heppner. Oregon. ALBERT ADKINS, Administrator de bonis non of the Estate of Martha B. Scrivner, de ceased. . NOTICE OF SALE OF ANIMALS. S'otice is hereby given that by virtue of the laws of the State of Oregon, the undersigned has taken up the herein after described animals found running at large upon hsi premises in Morrow Oounlv, State of Oregon. : and that he will 0:1 Saturday, the 19th dav of Oc tober. 1928. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. at the Har ry Jones place, 12 miles east of Hepp- '28 Buick Standard Sedan Looks like new. Finest mechan ical condition. Unquestionably a wonderful buy at $850.00 1928 Durant Sedan Just broken in s oi trims good looks fine brnad new tires. Go in? soon at $485.00 1925 Dodge Coupe Leather upholstery looks good run only 20,000 miles two spare tires. $385.00 1920 Buick Touring A good knockabout car and priced low $75.00 TRADE IJf YOCB CAB TERMS I OX THE BALANCE. Heppner Garage ner. offer (or sale and sell the said an imals at public auction, unless the same shall have been redeemed by the own er or owners thereof. Said animals are described as follows: One Brown mare, branded E on right shoulder: weight about 900 pounds. One Roan yearling, not branded. One Roan gelding, branded 2 on left shoulder, weight 950. One Sorrel, baldfaced gelding, no brand; stocking legs. One Bav mare, indistinct brand nn left shoulder and left neck ; weight 1125. WM. INSTONE. Lena, Ore. 29-31. NOTICE OF LANS SALE. By virtue of an Order of the County Court 1 am authorized and directed to sell at public auction as provided by law the following described tracts or parcels of land, at not leas than the minimum prices herein set forth, to-wit: Norm 3U feet, lot 4. Block B. Hard man, Oregon, minimum price of $36.00 Lot 20, Block B, Boardman, Oregon, minimum price of 27.36. Lots 11 and 12. Block 41, Irrigon, min imum price of (50.00. Therefore. I will, on the 26th day of Octboer. 1929, at hte front door of the Court House at 1:30 o'clock P. M sell at public auction the above described tracts or parcels of land. , 29-32 C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff. ICrescent 1 BAKING i POWDER : -full pound lit never fails II Try our complete anto repair service. If we can't fix it Junk it. Ferguson Motor Co. Oysters NOW IN SEASON We serve them fresh, temptingly appetizing --or you may get them in bulk. Shell Fish of all kinds on our menu DELICIOUS FOUNTAIN SPECIALS ELKHORN RESTAURANT ED CHINN, Prop. See the Autona Circulating Heater BEFORE BUYING Will heat 3 to 4 rooms BALDWIN'S BLUE & YELLOW FRONT Next Door to the Creamery Candy Week To make you acquainted with our candy depart ment which features such leading lines as Whit mn's, one of the outstanding boxed chocolate sell ers the country over, we are offering two excep tional candy specialy this week. Remember, the amount of any merchandise purchased may be punched on your "Pearl" card. SPICED GUM DROPS Regular 40c Pound SPECIAL AT 29c Lb. COLONIALS A wonderful new line of choc olate covered nuts, assorted. $1 A POUND JORDAN ALMONDS Regular 75c Pound SPECIAL AT 40c Lb. ALMOND TOFFEE Delicious toffee all the but ter it will hold containing crisp toasted almonds. Ifs delicious $1 A POUND Fresh new stock of bulk chocolates 75c thelb. AS POPULAR IN HEPPNER AS IN HOLLYWOOD MAX FACTOR'S COSMETICS The man who dresses up the leading cinema stars In Holly wood is now doing the same for leading Heppner people.' Max Factor will give you a free personal analyssl and make up chart for the mailing of a postal. Ask for your card.' 4- $7.50 Lady Lorraine Pearls for 99c with $5 in mer chandise. Ask about them. TheexaQJL Store M. D. Clark : Hiatt & Dix Special 53c Sale Here again, a store full of bargains at a remarkbly popular price Wonderful value in every item. Phone and Delivery Service Charge Accounts The Owner Serves The Buyer Saves! Saturday and Monday (October 12 and 14) Red & White Super-Specials 53c 1 fffll c At John Her place, 6 miles west of Heppner, commencing at 1:30 p.m. TUESDAY , OCT. 15 MACHINERY n WE KESEBVE THE BIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES 1 -Large Pkg. Quick Quaker Oats and 1 Pkg. Qj Cream of Wheat .... Oi Palmolive Soap 7 Bars ..! 53c Servus Kraut 3 Cans (2 l-2s) 53c Servus Minced Clams Qj 2 Cans (Is) wOt R. & W. Yellow Cling ffQi Peaches, 2 Cans .... R. & W. Solid Pack ffO Tomatoes, 3 Cans .. S .0. S., 2 large pkgs. fZOg Free Aluminum Pan. t90s THE OWNER SERVES Thompson's Malted Milk Citrus Powder 2 Large Pkgs 53c Wesson Oil Quarts .... 53c Fancy Smoked Sar dines, 4 Cans 53c R. & W. Golden Sweet or Ser vus Fancy Crosby ff Q Corn, 3 Cans (2s) I Large Pkg. Pancake Flour, 1 Pint Jug Servus CQ Cane-Maple Syrup uO THE BUYER SAVES 2 3 1-2-inch Mandt Wa gons. 1 3-inch Studebaker Wagon. 3 Wheat Racks. 2 Header Boxes. 1 lift. McCormick Header. I Deering Combine. 1 John Deere, 2-bottom, 14 inch plow. 1 John Deere, 3-bottom, 14- inch plow. 2 Plow hitches, 8 arid 1 1 horse 6 Sections Wood Harrow. 2 Blade Weeders. 1 Grain Drill. 1 2 Sets Harness. 10 Head Work Horses TERMS: Cash in Hand ROY JOHNSON, Owner G. L BENNETT, Auctioneer CHAS. SWINDIG, Clerk If you should lift the, body of every car i in Buick's field -and compare the chassis -then you too would choose C-4 tun (gag U3QE1E) grvftmm 1 you were to lift the body from the chassis f any one of a hundred cars and compare the vitallv important details of chassis de sign and construction you would find Buick so outstandingly superior in all phases of fine car engineering that you would almost inevitably make Buick your choice. Here is what you would see in this famous chassis: Buick's great new Valre-in-Head engine developing 99 horsepower in the 124- and 132-inch models, and 80V4 horsepower in the 118-inch models. Unapproached in sturdiness, all-round performance ability, reliability and economy as well. Buick's new Controlled Servo Enclosed Mechanical Brakes providing smooth, positive, silent braking, with minimum pedal pressure. And because fully protected against dust, dirt and water operating at maximum efficiency in any weather. Buick's new frictionless steering gear and new Road Shock Eliminator twin advancements intro duced by Iluick. The Buick wheel offering effortless control throughout its entire turning range and the new Road Shock Eliminator assuring complete freedom from annoying jolts and jars. Buick's new, longer rear springs, and new Lorejoy Duojnmlie Shock Absorbers front and rear. Combining to check both bound and rebound, and providing a degree of riding ease without parallel anywhere. And, finally, such established Buick superiorities as the famous double-drop frame of toughest teel . . . the massive side and cross members reinforced at points of stress to insure greatest long life ... the celebrated torque tube drive, Buick multiple-disc clutch, self-lubricating differential, add numerous other features. When the list of Buick's. chassis features entirely aside from the irresistible appeal of Buick's new Fisher Bodies reads like a roll-call of all that is soundest and best in fine car engineering ... and when, in addition, you can buy a Buick for as little as $1225, f. o. b. factory . . . what wonder that all comparisons lead to Buick! What wonder that more than 2,000,000 people have invested their money in Buicks and that from two to five times as many are purchasing this new Buick as any other automobile priced above $1200! BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, FLINT, MICH. Division si Gtnsrtl Milan Corporal ion Ctnidlan Fictori.s: McUmhlin-Bulck. Oshiwi, Ont. Builders of Buick and Marquette Motor Can 118 Wheelbase Models, 1225 ,o 1 1295 , 124' Models, 1465 to M9S 132" Wheelbase Models, 1525 to 1995 T lew price, f. o. b. factory. Special fquij convenient tertnf can be arrincei when comDariiia utotnnbil mIiim. , HEPPNER GARAGE Vaughn & Goodman Heppner, Oregon WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT . . . fBUICK WILL BUILD THEM