Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 03, 1929, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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6t Aancu Hart
You are planning a special lunch
eonand have no maid? Then
choose recipes that can be partly
prepared In advance, and a menu
that permits easy service the main
course on one plate, let us say. If
attractively arranged this Is per
missible for informal service.
Usually the unruly member of
"plate service" is the salad, which,
if it is to be appetizing, muBt not
spread or allow its dressing to
wander to other parts of the plate.
Good recipes for this purpose are
the Jellied salads: Asparagus tips,
egg and pimiento garnished with
a puff of mayonnaise; pineapple,
shredded cabbage and cucumber In
gelatin; fruit salad, and almost any
combination of cooked vegetables
can be molded In Jelly.
These can always be made the
evening before and set away In the
ice box until wanted relieving the
cook of one trouble some course
to prepare on the day of entertain
ment. A very good plate service menu
is the following:
Persian Melon
Breaded veal cutlet
Shoestring potatoes
Creamed peas and mushrooms in
green pepper cases
Jellied vegetable salad
Mocha Mousse
Virginia Soup
Soak a cup of dried lima beans
overnight Drain next day and put
them in a kettle with two quarts of
cold water. Add a ham bone and a
cup of ham cut In tiny pieces, and
simmer until almost tender. Peel
two sweet potatoes, add to the beans
and boil until soft; rub through a
strainer, season with salt and pep
per and serve very hot.
How to Fry Raw Potatoes
Peel potatoes and slice them in
thin rounds; put into frying pan 1
tbl. each butter and sweet lard.
When this Is hot enough to fry, add
potatoes, sprinkling with salt and
pepper. Cover with a tight-fitting
lid so the steam will partly cook
them. Then remove lid and fry
until potatoes are a golden brown,
turning them carefully so they will
brown equally. Serve at once.
Russian Salad
1 cup cooked diced beets; 1 cup
cooked peas; 1-2 cup diced celery.
Blend with Russian dressing; serve
on crisp shredded lettuce and gar
nish with hard-cooked egg.
I'lnoapple Caramel Pudding
Caramelize 1 cup sugar and put In
buttered shallow, square pan. Cut
slices of pineapple Into quarters and
arrange on bottom of pan. Over this
pour your favorite sweet muffin bat
ter and bake. Turn on a large plate
so the pineapple will be on top, and
serve with whipped cream.
Cleans White Enamel Quickly
When washing your white enam
eled cooking utensils, stains will
come off readily If you dip the wet
cloth in baking soda and rub over
the enamel. Use plenty of soda.
When Busting Meat
It is always better to use fat, or
butter mixed with water when bast
ing meats. Plain water or Juice
that contains little fat dissolves the
outside coat of the meat, releasing
both Juice and flavor.
Attorney F. H. Robinson of lone
was in the city for a short while
on Wednesday while looking after
business of a legal nature. He ac
companied Frank Engelman, mer
chant, to the city.
FOR SALE A few good Short
horn bulls, 6 months to one year
old; 25 head crossbred yearling
ewes. W. B. BARRATT & SON.
iiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Folki, meet Bill Dar, th lnmbar man,
The fellow with the hard-wood pan;
He's due to give yon lots of Joy,
This friendly, tmlUng builder boy I
And now that you've met Bill,
why' don't you drop In and
meet us? We'd like to shake
hands with you even though
you may not be a prospective
customer. But If you need
lubber say! We can supply
you with anything from a
2x4 to a carload! We handle
other building materials, as
well. Give us a buzz!
Heppner Planing Mill
and Lumber Yard
The Home of Friendly Service
mm -.m m
I liar D33
n w r
fty Helena Rubinstein
Preening and bra thing and combing;
her hair
It wonders mm not aha remains very
fair! Warandolph.
Your hair probably has not profit
ed by the summer vacation unless
you are unusually fortunate and
requires special attention at this
season of the year. The sun, salt
water and careless, hasty shampoo
ing as well as complete neglect in
the matter of massage and brush
ing, are likely to have robbed the
hair of its smooth sheen and lustre.
Let us begin at the beginning.
Good circulation is the prime essen
tial for a healthy scalp and healthy,
lustrous hair. The blood supply In
the scalp must be kept active in
order to nourish the hair roots and
to keep the tiny glands in good
working condition. This means that
the scalp must be stimulated. Hair
tonics should fulfill two functions,
First, they should be stimulating to
bring up the circulation. Second
they should be corrective In their
effects upon the oil glands. For
the dry scalp a tonic should be oily.
For an oily scalp the proper tonic
should have astringent, drying qual
ities. Simple massage when used In
connection with an efflclnt hair ton
ic will frequently correct the com
mon scalp troubles of dandruff and
falling hair. Massage brings up the
blood to the scalp, and tones up the
tiny muscles at the root of each
hair, thus permitting the nutrition
and general good health of the hair.
Regular, vigorous brushing is an
other important beauty aid in devel
oping healthy, lustrous hair. It is
an excellent thing to remember at
this time of the year that If you
massage your scalp and brush your
hair regularly and frequently as you
eat your meals or brush your teeth
you will not have to spend time and
money later In curing unhealthy
scalp and hair conditions.
Shampoos are important, too, but
as I have recently gone Into this
matter so thoroughly and complete
ly, I shall not take it up again.
I shall mention one caution, how
ever. When it is possible, avoid the
drying machine for your hair. After
it has received its final rinsing,
wring it out thoroughly and wrap
a warm towel around your head,
rubbing the hair until most of the
moisture is absorbed. Then divide
the hair into sections and rub each
section with a second warm towel.
This Is a good time to use your
hair tonic, If you need one. Massage
it well into the sections of the
scalp. Shake your hair well, and,
if convenient, finish the drying pro
cess with a sunbath.
The Camp Fire Girls had a meet
ing on Tuesday at which time it
was decided to take a hike next
Saturday. It was arranged to give
a food sale at the F. W. Turner &
Co. office on Saturday, the 5th, be
ginning at 9 o'clock a. m. The sell
ing committee is Jennie Swlndlg,
Marie Scrivner and Anabel Turner.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Everson
were lone people in this city on
Monday. Mr. Everson reports that
he was about finished with his fall
seeding, not awaiting for rain to
arrive. The summerfallow was in
excellent condition and he looks for
the wheat to come along all right
Stomach Test Free
If poor digestion makes you suf
fer from gas, bloating, heartburn,
acidity, or sick stomach, try the
Dlotox 15 Minute Test Absolutely
harmless. Works fast. Five posi
tive digestive aids, in pleasant tab
let form. No soda, dopes or laxative.
Get Dlotox from your druggist
today for only 60c. Absolutely free
under the money-back guarantee, If
It doesn't give stomach comfort In
15 minutes, and soon help restore
good digestion.
Why take a chance,
when you can get the
We Have It,
Will Get It,
Or It Is Not Made
Yours for service and fair
mm be
Uniform Accounting
for Cities is Adopted
Salem, Oregon, Sept. 24. A meet
ing of all persons Interested in the
accounting procedure of municipal
corporations of the state has been
called by Hal E. Hoss, secretary
of state, for Thursday afternoon,
October 24, in the hall of represent
atives in the state capitol building
at Salem.
Establsihment of a uniform sys
tem of accounting for all municl
pal corporations was provided by
John Day Valley Freight Line
Operating between Heppner and Portland and
John Day Highway Points.
Prompt delivery, rates reasonable
plus personal and courteous service.
$10,000 cargo insurance.
CITY GARAGE, Local Agent, Phone 172
Read what
Will Rogers
writes about
Pair rrvrLH Rip
Aak your dealer for LEVI'
Reliable Merchandise finer 1853
New York Life Insurance Co.
W. V. Crawford, Agent
Heppner, Ore.
No-Lut tre Finish
Brush not Included In this of f r
The price quoted is on walls in average condition for a
living room 12' x 16'. No-Lustre Finish is a sanitary,
washable flat finish for all interior surfaces. Easy to
apply and available in fine colors.
For a 12' x 16' Living Room - 1 gallon No
Lustre Finish 250
For a 10' x 12' Bedroom-3 quarts of No- 3.00
Lustre Finish
Peoples Hardware Co.
the 1929 legislature, and the secre
tary of state was designated as
state auditor to formulate a system
to be followed. Counties, cities,
school districts, special road dis
tricts, highway Improvment dis
tricts, irrigation and drainage dis
tricts are Included In the group af
fected by the new law. Those in
counties having a population of
more than 100,000 are excepted.
The date of October 24 has been
selected, as the regular meeting of
the League of Oregon Cities is to
be held the following day in Salem
and many attending the accounting
session will remain for the follow
ing day's program.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Blahm,
daughter and two grandchildren
were visitors at Heppner over the
Rodeo, being guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Blahm, below
town. They returned to their home
at Walla Walla on Monday.
Frank Young, who farms quite
extensively in the lower Gooseberry
country, was a visitor here on Tues
Bad Year for City
Slickert, Says Rogen
NEW YORK, Nor. .-8y.
our champion New York uni
versity team looked like Man
C War till that bunch of Ore
gon apple knockers got a hold
of em this afternoon. It was
no place for a raccoon coat
athlete, up against an old
bunch of wheat shockers whose
college emblem is a pair of
Levi overalls.
from the mouth of the Colum
bia had the city slickers
strewn from goal to goal.
With Yale, Harvard, Prince,
ton, Columbia and Al Bmlth
goln down all in succession.
It Just looks like It's the old
country boys' year.
for your
Living Room
Acme Quality
Granite Floor
Is just the thing to brighten up your
kitchen floor and reduce the labor of
keeping It clean. Granite Floor En
amel dries hard and is proof against
heel and water tnarki.
Acme Quality Granite Floor Enamel
Is also recommended - (f par
for basement floors. IvU quart
Woodland. Calif., Democrat
"I Am," the Ramboulllet ram
lamb raised by A. R. Cox of Wood
land, and sold at the National Ram
sale In 1927 when eight months old
for $2000, showed his value when he
sired the yearling ram, "Utah's
Choice," which topped the Ram-
boulllets at the National Ram sale,
held recently at Salt Lake City, for
a price of $1525.
"I Am" was, also, sire of three
yearling rams sold in Texas for
$50, $640, and $300, making a total
of $3025 for four head. He also has
to his credit two yearling ewes
which won. first and second prizes
as lambs every place shown In 1928
and will be on this year's show cir
cuit as yearlings. They are as out
standing in their class as the year
ling which sold for $1525.
Last year the University of Illin
ois purchased Sensation," a lamb
ram, from A. R. Cox which proved
Wise old Mother Nature made milk
for children. Into it she put every
thing needed for sustenance, and in
the most easily assimilated form.
So, Drink More Milk. Let the
children have plenty. It Is the
cheapest food you can bay.
Alfalfa Lawn Dairy
Phons SOFS
EK i
,fU (A monta.
jfoH'V : 1
All the advantages of a coast-wide organization of more than 1100 food
stores are brought to you at your convenient local MAC MARR STORE.
Fresher stocks, greater variety, lowered prices, satisfaction or money
back guarantee and courteous service from professional food merchants.
These advantages are yours here and NOW. Use them to the fullest !
CELERY - Urge, Grisp White Bunches -
Green Peppers Large Fancy Bell Peppers 2 lbs. 1 9C
White oimr,
MJW CimiD ASperry
in tin an iluuiv
Product '
Money Back Guarantee.
Phone 1082
to be another outstanding breeder.
The University of Illinois has lambs
sired by this ram lamb which will
be shown at the International Stock
show at Chicago this fall.
A ram lamb from the Cox flock
sold at the National Ram sale the
last week of August for $325 to J.
M. Owens of Ozona, Texas.
Cox has just returned after suc
cessfully exhibiting at the State
Wanted: Work on ranch, man
and wife or man alone. Man ex
perienced with stock or cat Can
give reference. Address or phone
N. M. Carr, lone, Ore. 29-32.
Tum-A-Lum Tickler
Vohuns 1
Heppner, Oregon
Published in to interests of ths people
of Heppner and vicinity by
Phons 913.
Local Mnaager, Editor.
Here we are. Back again and
after the rains we start celebrating
an open deer season.
It seems that warship builders
didn't realize they were paying
money to wreck peace and disarm
ament treaties. Perhaps they
thought the propagandist went to
Geneva to shoot craps.
LDftOT the
Pink Beans,
6RBE0auLVCR0EnWliypaymore?Ctn. 19C
No. 10 Tins, in Syrup - Can 65C
Large Size Oregon Soft Shell
OA i Orr
L3 oarsouu
John A. Williams was a west side
farmer in the city on Monday for a
few hours while looking after busi
ness. In his part of the county
seeding has been the order, not
many farmers waiting for the usual
fall rain before beginning this
work. It is the opinion of Mr. Wil
liams, who has farmed In the coun
ty for many years, that the grain
will come along in good shape if
it rains any time this month,
and he would be greatly pleased if
this would be a soaker.
FOR SALE Purebred Holstein
bull, 3 years old, high producing
strain. Chas. Beneflel, Irrigon, Ore.
October 3, 1929
Number 4
If the Farm Relief Plan works
well enough, the farmers will lose
in the end because of having to pay
an Income tax.
There once was a farmer named
Who didn't care very much wether
His machinery and stock
Were protected or not
From the wind and snow of the
His cows were so thin
They were just bone and skin ;
His machinery was rusty and worn.
He couldn't make money
But it wasn't funny,
And Wether was always forlorn.
The moral? See our plans and
get a price on barns and machine
sheds to care for your stock and
equipment this winter.
"Wheah you all bin?"
"Lookin' foah work."
"Man! Man! Yoah cu'osity's gon
na git yo' into trouble yet"
10 lbs. 9SC
2 Bunches 23C
3 LBS.
Hotel Ileppner Bldg.