Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 26, 1929, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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The Silver Tea which has been
oft postponed will be held at the
home of Mrs. L. G. Smith on Wed
nesday, October 2. Everyone is in
vited to attend.
Mrs. J. M. Allen entertained Wed
nesday at Ladies Aid. This was the
missionary meeting and the topic
was handled by Mrs. Leo Root
C. W. Johnson and family were
overnight guests Friday at the J. R.
Johnson home, going on to Pendle
ton Saturday to attend the Round
Up. They stopped again on Sunday,
leaving Sunday evening for their
home in Wasco.
Alton Klitz is home from Idaho
where he has been employed dur
ing the summer. He will resume
his college work at O. S. C.
Blaydens and Gorhams attended
the Round-Up on Thursday.
L. C. Cooney is making rapid re
covery from his recent experience
on Friday the 13th, when he fell
from the top of his silo. On Wed
nesday Pete Slevin took him to
Hermiston where Dr. Christopher
son made an x-ray examination and
found the ribs healing nicely. The
shoulder was still out of line and
Mr. Cooney was advised to carry it
in a sling. The shoulder was thrown
out of place 2 or 3 years ago, and
an operation is needed to make it
heal properly. Mrs. Cooney and
small son are getting along nicely
under Mrs. Hadley's care at the
Hadley home.
The P. T. A. is sponsoring an en
tertainment Monday evening, Sept
30, bringing the Lewis Players here.
The time set for the program is
7:00 o'clock so that school children
may attend without making it too
late on a school night The enter
tainment will consist of music, ven
triloquism, and magic. A share of
the proceeds will go to the P. T. A.
who are discussing the purchase of
a victrola for the school. 15 and 35
cents will be charged.
The Falers had a house full of
guests Friday and Saturday, friends
passing through on their way to the
Round-Up who stopped for an over
night visit With them were O. E.
Lent Cyril Fleming, John Lennord,
Emil Abbinlanalp and Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Schinkel. On Sunday the Fa
lers, R. Wasmer and Grandma Fa
ler drove to Willow creek where
they met Mr. and1 Mrs. W. J. Mc
Neil, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schriev
er and baby of Lexington. All pic
nicked together and Grandma Faler
returned to Portland with the Mc
Neils after visiting here for two
A number of Boardman people
attended the Round-Up this year
but not as many as usual.
The first meeting of the P. T. A.
will be held October 11 and a good
attendance is hoped for. The P. T.
A. can and should be a very active
organization in the community.
Grange met Saturday night Rou
tine business was transacted. A
car load of coal is to be ordered
for members.
Mrs. W. O. King, president of the
P. T. A. had a meeting of the exe
cutive board at her home Sunday
afternoon to make plans for the
coming meeting. After business
was transacted Mrs. King served
a dainty lunch.
Sunday is Rally Day and every
one is cordially invited to attend.
A special program will be given at
I Sunday school hour which now
j starts promptly at 10 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Faler, Grand
ma Faler and R. Wasmer were din
ner guests Saturday evening at the
D. F. Ransier home.
Mrs. Leo Root entertained at a
merry party Friday night for her
brother, Russell Mefford who leav
es soon for O. S. C. About 16 of
the younger set were present and
had a most exciting time playing
"Bug." Refreshments were served
at the close of the evening.
Miss Mabel Brown left Sunday
for Ellensburg to continue her work
at the Washington State Normal.
Russell Mefford and Alton Klitz
left Wednesday for Corvallis to con
tinue their studies at O. S. C.
Miss Edna Broyles was home a
few days from Eugene.
Miss Esther Nickerson went to
The Dalles Monday evening to be
with her sister Pearl who is at the
hospital there.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wethercott and
children came this week from Col
fax, Wash., and will be in Board
man this winter. Mr. Wethercott
had his hand badly hurt while
working during harvest and it was
feared for a time that he would
lose his fingers.
F. A. Fortier and wife are home
from a pleasant two weeks vacation
trip. Arthur Allen who had charge
of the local Standard Oil plant has
returned to Arlington.
Boardman has three representa
tives at the Eastern Oregon Norm
al school. They are Gladys Wilson,
Beth Miller and Lillian Brice. Glad
ys and Beth went over Sunday.
Howard Packard and Jim Howell
are two other Boardman boys who
will be at O. S. C. this year.
or leave orders at
Phelps Grocery Co.
Home Phone 1102
We serve them fresh,
temptingly appetizing
-or you may get them
in bulk.
Shell Fish of
all kinds on our menu
Mr. and Mrs. Murrell Bennett ac
companied by Faye Hayes of Port
land attended the Pendleton Round
Up Thursday.
Mrs. John Doherty visited school
Friday afternoon.
Mrs. George Lambirth and son
Lester made a business trip to Her
miston Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Murrell Bennett left
Friday morning for Portland where
they will make their home.
Mildred Clary, small daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Irl Clary, who has
been ill in the Heppner hospital for
some time returned home Friday
Celatha and Doris Lambirth ac
companied by Ruth Bennett went
to Stanfield Thursday afternoon.
Crockett Duvall and Alfred Schm
idt took a load of cattle to Hermis
ton Saturday.
Mrs. Ollie Neill of Pine City wsa
a business visitor in Hermiston Sat
urday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mtichell of
Grass Valley are here visiting Mrs.
Mitchell's brother, Willard Hawley.
Miss Gertrude Tichenor left Fri
day for La Grande where she will
attend normal school.
Alvin Duvall, son of Mr. and Mrs.
D. C. Duvall, is attending school In
Mrs. Dan Lindsay and children
attend the Round-Up Saturday.
Willard Hawley and Bert Mitchell
were business visitors at the Ben
nett ranch Friday.
The McDaids attended the Round
Up Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Bennett, Ruth
Bennett, Juanita Nirschel and Gro
ver Sibley motored to Pendleton
Sunday where they spent the day.
Mr. Melville went to Hermiston
Sunday where he purchased some
Chas. Schmidt and son Art were
visitors at the Clary home Monday.
Mrs. George Lambirth and chil
dren were visitors at the Melville
home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Finley and
son motored to Echo Sunday where
they visited Mrs. Finley's mother,
Mrs. Krause.
Mrs. G. L. Bennett as a visitor at
the Lambirth home Monday after
noon. Ruth Bennett is staying in Pen
dleton with her sister, Mrs. John
Mrs. Geo. Lambirth and children
Special Prices
on three of Morrow
County's best farms
for 30 days only.
F. W. Turner & Co.
Our New Fall Line of
$16.50 -:- $18.50
Children's Coats
$5.00 and up
Make this store your head
quarters for
We have everything you want
to doll up: Rodeo Handker
chiefs, Fancy Shirts, Big Hats,
Fancy Suspenders.
Thomson Bros.
accompanied by Mrs. G. L. Bennett
were visitors at the Schmidt home
Monday evening.
Crockett Duvall is the proud own
er of a new Hudson coach.
B. Duvall Is here visiting with
his son, Crockett Duvall.
Vaughn & Goodman, Goodyear
dealers here, today received a model
Zeppelin, their reward for the splen
did showing their service station
has made in a national sales con
test The Zeppelin model, measur
ing three feet in length and painted
silver, is mounted on a mast nearly
two feet high. They have placed
the prize on display at their garage.
Thousands o Goodyear dealers took
part n the Zeppelin Race contest
The dealers were grouped In four
divisions. "It was a real race," Mr.
Goodman stated. "We are greatly
pleased over the fine showing made
by our firm."
Mrs. Lana Padberg, who Is on a
visit with relatives at lone from
her home In Portland, was at Hepp
ner on Tuesday to attend to busi
ness affairs.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Farrens were
Hardman people In the city on Tu
esday for a few hours while doing
some shopping.
The Rodeo
The colors are prettier and the styles
more becoming than ever.
We have them for both the
young man and the more
conservative man. Priced
the same anywhere.
Many with extra pants
. . . . . u - . .
It's a different
Telephone today
The telephone instru
ment in your home may
have been put there
prior to 1920. It may be
the same instrument to
day in looks, in feel, in
weight, as it was on the
day it was installed. But
in usefulness to you, it
has grown to almost
twice the original.
This is because in con
duits underground, in
cables swung on poles,
in lines of wiring that
penetrate to new places,
in homes and business
houses here, there and
everywhere, we have
been implanting values
and adding equipment
that have directly bene
fited your instrument.
Almost twice as many
telephones are now con
nective with yours as
in 1920. Meanwhile, the
quality of service we
render has been advanc
ing. Transmission is
clearer. Thru technical
improvements, the mak
ing of connections has
been speeded up. More
long distance facilities
have been provided. The
telephone in your home
is like a window, look
ing out on the world,
that has gradually
turned to plate glass.
The outlay for tele
phone construction in
the Pacific System dur-
ing the next 5 years will
exceed an average of
$63,000,000 a year. We
are arranging now for
voice - communications
that you will wish to
hold years hence, with
people whom you do not
yet know.
The Pacific Telephone And Telecrapb Company
to the Rodeo
We nivite you to inspect our beautiful
display of
Hats, Shirts, Vests, Scarfs, Kerchiefs.
Brightly colored to convey the Rodeo
spirit. Priced right.
!M; D. Clark
The Prosperity Factory
A New Way to Think of Our Service
to You
This bank is more than a depository for money it is
a place where surplus cash may be kept in safety. In
reality it is a prosperity factory.
Our Officers and Directors are doing everything pos
sible to help each individual depositor become more
prosperous. We pay liberal compound interest in our
Savings Department, help you with investments, protect
your money, and provide you with every modern banking
We invite you to use our Savings Department as your
prosperity factory helping you make more money.
$1.00 opens your account.
Farmers & Stockgrowers National
Heppner Bank Oregon
The progressive dairyman
eliminates "boarders"
Feed, housing and labor costs in dairy farming are
practically the same for all grades of cows. Therefore,
by standardizing on pure-breds producing up to 4'2
times more milk than is given by the average cow, in
come is correspondingly increased with but little add
ed cost.
For example, compare the 3 gallons of milk per day
produced by the average cow with the 13 gallons
given by Idaho Piebe Priscilla, 3-year-old, pure bred
Holstein-Fresian owned by University of Idaho Col
lege of Agriculture. Recent tests credit Piebe with
3024 pounds of milk in 30 days, more than 100 pounds
(approximately 13'2 gallons) per day.
Demonstrating the profit of pure bred stock to the
dairy farmer will be one of the feaures of the forth
coming lyth Annual Facinc International Livestock
Exposition, at Portland, Oregon, Oct. 26-Nov. 2. And
because we here at the First National Bank believe
dairymen can learn much of value in their farming
activities, we recommend attendance at this year's
First National Bank
Heppner, Oregon