Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 22, 1929, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Turner and son
Don departed yesterday for their
Salem home, having been at Hepp
ner for several weeks during the
harvest period, enjoying a visit at
the parental homes of Mr. and Mrs.
R. W. Turner and Mr. and Mrs.
Vawter Crawford as well as assist
ing in the harvest at the Sam and
Harry Turner ranches. Shortly af
ter his arrival at Salem Mr. Turner
will leave for Chicago to attend the
national convention of Delta Theta
Phi, honorary law fraternity of
which he is tribune of the Wolver
ton senate at Willamette univer
sity. Convention headquarters will
be at the Edgewater Beach hotel
on the shores of Lake Michigan
and an elabroate program of en
tertainment has been outlined for
the delegates on August 27-8-9. Mr.
Turner enters his third year of law
at Willamette this fall.
Jared C. Aiken arrived In Hepp
ner Sunday evening to spend a
week visiting relatives and friends.
Mrs. Aiken has been here for two
weeks to take charge of the millin
ery store of her mother, Mrs. M. L.
Curran who is in Portland doing
her fall buying. "Spec," as Jared
Is known by his many Heppner
friends, has been located at Salt
Lake City for the past year as dis
trict manager for the Hartford Fire
Insurance company. He has now
signed up with the Metropolitan
Casualty company and on leaving
Heppner will go to San Francisco
where he will be located in the fu
ture. Dr. A. D. McMurdo and the boys
returned on Monday evening from
a sojourn of ten days at Blue Moun
tain springs in Grant county. Dr.
McMurdo says this Is a very pleas
ant place to be and the stay there
was much enjoyed by himself and
the young men of his family. Dr.
P. F. McMurdo, who has been In
charge of the office of Dr. A. D.
McMurdo during his brother's ab
sence, departed on Tuesday for his
home at San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wolfe were
visitors in the city Saturday when
Mrs. Wolfe, formerly Miss Josephs
Stampher, enjoyed greeting many
old-time friends made when she and
her sister, Miss Teresa Stampher,
operated a hospital In this city some
twenty years ago, it being Just 18
years since the sisters left here.
Mr. Wolfe is a lumberman, being
interested in a mill recently opened
near Eugene.
W. B. Tucker of Blackhorse has
completed his wheat harvest and
has the grain all delivered at the
warehouse. He reports that the
yield turned out rather better than
he had anticipated with his forty
fold, but the turkey red fell a little
short but was of very excellent
quality. Mr. Tucker was looking
after bupiness here on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schwarz mo
tored to Shippard Springs on Mon
day where Mrs. Schwarz will re
ceive treatment' and try to find re
lief for rheumatic trouble.
The David A. Wilson and Alva
Jones families departed Sunday
morning in their cars for a vacation
of a week or ten days to be spent
at Rockaway beach.
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Warner of
Boardman were visitors at Heppner
on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Warner
are the pioneer hotel people of
Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Blake of
lone spend a few hours in this city
on Monday while Mr. Blake was
looking after busineas matters.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Palmateer and
children of Morgan were business
visitors in the city Saturday, having
completed their harvest and deliv
ered their grain to the warehouse.
While here Mr. Palmateer left bis
order for a new Oldsmoblle at Fer
guson Motor company, the car being
delivered the first of the week.
The J. A. Troedson family of Mor
gan expect to leave shortly for a
year's visit in Pennsylvania, having
leased their farm for that period.
Mr. Troedson was a business visit
or in Heppner on Saturday. The
trip east will be made by car, and
they expect to take their time and
enjoy the sights on the way.
Orvllle Cutaforth, in town Friday
from his farm home north of Lex
ington, reports that he completed a
deal on Thursday last for- the Harry
Duvall farm which he will operate
in the future in connection with his
former holdings. Mr. Duvall has
moved to the former Ralph Benge
farm south of Lexington.
Chance Wilson, prominent Monu
ment ranchman, was in Heppner
Tuesday, being greeted by many
friends here. Mr. Wilson was one
of the Judges at the Heppner Rodeo
for several years, and gets over this
way only occasionally since the
John Day highway was completed
out Condon way.
Miss Ruby Corrigall, assistant
cashier of First National bank is
taking a short vacation and motor
trip, expecting to visit Spokane and
Prosser, Wash., and Wallowa lake
before returning. She Is accompan
ied by her mother, Mrs. M. S. Corri
gall, and sister, Miss Violet Corri
gall. Miss Anita Hughes and her
friend, Miss Dorothy Kelly of Uma
pine, are guests for the week at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eph Es
kelson, visiting with their sorority
sister, MIbs Gladys Benge. Miss
Hughes is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Percy Hughes of Umaplne.
W. O. Hill, Lexington insurance
agent in the city Tuesday, reports
the sale of his Lexnigton residence
property to Ralph Jackson, mana
ger of the Collins' warehouse at
that place. Mr. Hill states that the
family has no Intention of leaving
Lexington at the present time.
Clerk Anderson reports that Satr
urday and Monday were busy days
at his office in the releasing of
mortgages, some 28 instruments of
this nature being satisfied by the
two financial Institutions of Hepp
ner. Among Eight Mile farmers trans
acting business in the city on Sat
urday were J. W. Becket and sons
Walter and Charles Becket, Herb
Olden and R. K. Drake. Harvesting
is now nearing completion in their
W. L. Copenhaver, Sand Hollow
farmer In town Tuesday, reports his
wheat harvest completed for the
season with an average yield,
M. R. Morgan as a visitor here
on Monday from his home at lone.
Wanted House to rent Gene
Ferguson. 23tf.
For Sate Good Hampshire rams.
Prices reasonable. H. D. Scudder,
Corvallis, Oregon. 22-24.
Young woman to assist with cook
ing and housework on ranch wishes
position. Inquire Heppner hotel. 22p.
Ford dealers' selling prices
are low
Why not get a used car for the second car your family has
been needing? Most of the cars we have accepted for
trade-in on new Fords have a generous number of mile
left In them miles of unused transportation at a price
you can easily afford.
You'll And our used-car prices low because there is no
"prlce-paddlng" to make up for high trade-in allowances.
The price of the Model A Ford Is so low, and the value so
high, that excessive trade-in concessions are impossible.
That, and our reputation for fair-dealing which we value
so highly, protect you when you buy a used oar from us.
When we offer a Model T Ford for resale it haa been
thoroughly reconditioned. New parte wherever needed;
everything properly tightorfed and adjusted and with it
goes a guarantee. We have a numbe rof these recondition
ed Fords now. Also several cars of other makes, priced ac
cording to the unused transportation they offer. Let us
prove our prices. Step In today and look over these bar
gains: 3 Model T Coupes, Priced from $100 to $225
I Dodge Tourng $150
3 Model T Tudor Sedans $100 to $275
See them in our Used Car Show Room
across the street
Chas. H. Latourell
Heppner, Oregon
Lost Tan silk dress, dropped on
street or left in store. Return to
Mrs. Walter Rood. 22p.
For Sale 160 acres irrigated land,
good water right with plenty of
water, 120 acres in cultivation, blue
grass and hay crop; fenced and
cross fenced; house, barn, machine
shed 16x60, chicken house, corn
crib, hog house 30x20 with cement
floor, sheep shed and equipment for
800 ewes, 3 wells; plenty of outside
range by ranch with mountain al
lotment for 800 ewes and lambs.
Price $10,000, part payment and rest
in payments. Box 263, Hermlston,
Ore. 22-23p.
CIALIST, In Heppner, two days,
Sun. and Mon., Aug. 25-26, at Hotel
Heppner. 22-23.
Universal Electric Washing Ma
chine in A-l condition for sale
cheap. Mrs. D. T. Goodman, city.
Orders for flowers direct from the
growers at figures less than you can
buy direct Case Furniture Com
pany, growers agent Btf.
6-Year Lease Three-fourths rent
900 acres IVi miles from warehouse
and school, 425 acres in summerfal
low; stock and machinery to oper
ate; 100 acres free pasture; good
buildings; modern conveniences;
plenty of water. Inquire this office.
or leave orders at
Phelps Grocery Co.
Home Phone 1102
George Leis and Dorothy Gulliver in
From the Saturday Evening Post story by Earl Derr Biggers.
You will see a comedy of newly-weded bliss and get a slant on the
mother-in-law question.
Also Cartoon Comedy, Hodge Podge and News
A thrilling romantic comedy of love and the prize-ring. Denny
in his fastest
Also Honeymooniacs, two-reel comedy.
Greta Garbo and John Gilbert in
What a story! What a cast! Here's the picture the whole world
has been shouting about! The greatest triumph of the screen's
greatest lovers. With the principals are Lewis Stone, Douglas
Fairbanks, Jr., Dorothy Sebastion and John Mack Brown. A spec
ial if there ever was one.
Also Comedy and News Reel.
Children 20c Adults 40c
A romance of young blood, Its throbs and thrills. A champ of
the squared circle meets a winner among the girls he makes an
amazing decision and then the thing happens that you would
never guess. You'll cheer the fight scenes. You'll roar at the
pranks of college life. You'll say this is one piture in a hundred.
Also OSWALD and 14th episode of TARZAN THE MIGHTY.
Lily Damita, Ernest Torrence and Raquel Torres in THE BRIDGE
OF SAN LUIS REY, August 29 and 80.
Renee Adoree and Groege Duryea in TIDE OF EMPIRE, Aug. 81
Maurice Chevalier in INNOCENTS OF PARIS, September 1 and 8.
Clara Bow In DANGEROUS CURVES, September 8 and 4.
Store Phone 592 HEPPNER, ORE. Manager's Phone 1382
Styled in the
Smartest Fall
By their line you shall know
the new dresses this season . . .
for clipping hemlines, swathed
hiplines and fluttering drapes
and tiers are important high
lights of Fashion . . these de
tails appear on smart new dresses
for only
Women, Misses and Junior
Black satin and canton crepe
in black and colon fashions
most of the smartest dressw
among these early arrivals . . .
select from them for immediate
and Fall needs.
Saturday, Auncjnnstt 311 stt
. ff ttBnDs
Hundreds of women are now safeguard
ing their family's health with General
Electric refrigeration, are discovering
the economy of preserving foods until
they are entirely used, are winning many
compliments for frozen delicacies made
in the General Electric.
You, too, will continually pride yourself
on your good judgment in taking advan
tage of this marvelous offer! $10 down
and you have one in your kitchen. Quiet !
( Pin
Self oiling I Enclosed mecha
nism! Automatic ! Fingertip
temperature control! Durable,
all-etedl construction I Unquali
fied tiro-year guarantee. Model
illustrated, $10 monthly, $227
cash. Have it in your home today!
Pacific Power & Light (Company
"Always at your service!
Store Phone 592
HEPPNER, OREGON Manager's Phone 1382
An Early Season Display of
Why not select your fall suit NOW and be in style
right from the beginning of the season? Our ample
selection of the shades and patterns favored for fall
makes your choice an easy one . . . and the J. C
Penney label in every suit is your assurance that style,
quality and value are right.
Novelty Weaves
Fancy Stripes
Selected Fabrics
Two-button, single-breasted models with peak or
notch lapel jacket. Finely tailored of quality
cassimeres, twists, worsteds and unfinished wor
steds in medium and dark shades of tan, grey
and brown.
Blues, too, in norelty and striped
patterns. Also plain blue cheviots
and serges.
Extra Pants at 3.90
Other Young Men's Suits for FaH at
19.75 and 29.75. Extra Pants
at $4.98 and $6.90