HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1929. PAGE FIVE BY E.n HOWE 7fte ofPohtoHiir THE SAME OLD WORLD A WONDERFUL STORY OF PROGRESS RURAL EXTRAVAGANCE A recent magazine writer con tends that friendship is passing. . . It is the same old world so far as friendship Is concerned, and in nearly everything else, except that we have more tops to play with. . , . The modern man, when time hangs heavily, turns on the radio, to see what sort of devilment is go ing on in other parts of the world; in an older generation, a bored man Bhouldered his rifle, and went out to shoot an Indian. I have observed that Literature is unfriendly to men. Yet, in all fairness, and justice, the most mar velous thing is the progress men have made. Tell me, If you can, a tale as wonderful as the growth of man from barbarism or worse to his present state. A writer in a, farm publication says: "No century has ever seen such a thing as rural extravagance." . . . Extravagance is as common in the country as in the towns. When a farmer buys more machinery than he needs, and lets It stand out in the weather when not In use, what Is that but extravagance? When he over-borrows at the bank, that is extravagance. When he spends more time in town than is necessary or profitable that is another exhibition of it. Farmers live too economically so far as food and housing go, and are too extrav agant with agents, and In the use of their working hours. We sym pathize with farmers because their calling is not very profitable. This Is true of many others. Teachers and preachers are worse paid than farmers. There are millions of clerks not so well paid as farmers, and factory employes everywhere are appealing to the government and public for help. And in all the hullabaloo the fact remains that cit izens of all classes may do pretty well In this fat country if they ac cept generous opportunities, and handle them with reasonable Intel ligence and efficiency. And the-fact remains that those who choose to appeal for aid cannot be much help ed by public appropriations or tears. We can no more make everybody prosperous than we can make ev erybody healthy; there are elements entering into the problem going back to heredity, individualism: general preaching, general prayers, bulk sympathy will not do; life is a problem to each individual, and we can only treat him as well as he treats us. I lately heard a woman talk of a male relative who had been a drunkard all his adult life, and she made one statement that interested me. She said all the man's relatives, friends, and acquaintances were in league to keep him away from whis key but that he could go Into any strange community anywhere on earth without funds, and within a few hours secure all the whiskey he wanted, and be howling drunk. . . . Often the needful things may not be had for love or money, but whiskey and pistols seem to be within reach of anyone wishing to use them. I often hear of what mothers should "tell" young daughters. The first should be the agony and dan ger the best of wives suffer, the second, the inevitable disposition of men to be less thoughtful as hus bands than as lovers. Such infor mation is gross and material, but young girls are entitled to know what they are stepping into when they put on wedding dresses. Child Health Important , In Readiness for School (State Board of Health) A great many parents take ad vantage of determining accurately the physical condition of their chil dren before sending them to school. These parents are to be congratula ted for their foresight In having their children fit to enter school. If your child has not had a thor ough physical examination, you do not know the condition of your greatest asset the health of your child. The attention of parents is called to the youngsters who are to begin school in September. At one time a visit to the outfitters for new suits, shoes and hats was thought all that was necessary. Now, the first thought should be, is the child physically and mentally fit to at tend school? Pre-school child health examina tions are being held all over the United States. The purpose of these examinations is to discover condi tions that need attention, that would handicap the child, or would make him susceptible to disease if left unremedied. The physician pays particular attention to the general health as Indicated by weight, posture, heart and lungs, hearing and vision, throat and nose, and teeth. When corrections are needed, the parents are urged to go to their family physician for advice and treatment You want your child to enter school well and strong. The pro gress of his school program Is de pendent chiefly upon his health. Physical defects make mental pro gress difficult You doubtless know that diseased tonsils, decayed teeth, Impaired vision and hearing will handicap the child in school. Three out of four children who enter school have correctable physical de fects. It is important that your child have a good physical examin ation. Make an early appointment with your physician. Present a copy of his report when the child enters school. Now is the time to get ready for school. In order that your child may enter school physically fit he should have a health examination. Aesop Says: "THE LEAST OUTLAY IS NOT AL WAYS THE GREATEST GAIN" Had it not been for the recognition of this principle in the early days of the light and power industry, rates today would be much higher than they are and the quality of the serv ice about half as good. The industry has always built for the future. It has not tried to get along with the least possible outlay. That is why, when an industry is looking for a location, the power is always there. That is why the home-seeker al ways finds electricity waiting for him in his new home. Pacific Power & Light Co. Bigger Co-Op Keynote of Farm Relief Plans Oregon State College, Corvallis, Aug. 14. Believing that size and strength are the factors that make either buying or selling organiza tions effective on the market, th new Federal Farm Board has taken its stand in favor of larger, strong er and better coordinated market ing associations achieved through consolidations and affiliations am ong existing groups, as opposed to organization of new ones, reports Paul V. Marls, director of the ex tension service at Oregon State col lege, who has Just returned from the fifth annual meeting of the American Institute of Cooperation at Baton Rouge, La. As an instrument to aid the board in putting across Its program the National Cooperative council was brought into being at tnis meeting. This body, comparable to the American Federation of Labor, the U. S. Chamber of Commerce, and similar bodies, will cooperate with the farm board and the divi sion of cooperative marketing in the department of agriculture. It will deal with congress and other federal bodies in the interest of co operatives, and will seek to edu cate the American public to be cooperative-minded. Since more than 12,000 coopera tive associations have been formed in the United States and individual representation on the directing board of the national organization is impossible, each commodity group will be recognized with rep resentatives. Thus the fruit, wheat, cotton and wool growers and all the other various agricultural indus tries will take part in the council's activities. Through the efforts of George O. Gatlin, extension special- The doctors of this state are coop erating in a plan to see that every child Is in good physical condition. This summer the way can be smoothed a little by attending to some necessary matters. Every child should be vaccinated against smallpox before he is sent to school. The administration of toxin-antitox in is equally important and is be coming a routine in some counties. The physical handicaps of the child should be determined. All defects that can be remedied should be at tended to before school opens. No More Gas In Stomach and Bowels If vou wish to be Dermsnently re lieved of gas in stomach and bowels, take Baalmann's Gas Tablets, which are prepared especially for stomach Ras and all the bad effects resulting from gas pressure. That empty, gnawing feeling at the pit of the stomach will disappear; that anxious, nervous feeling with heart pal- Eitation will vanish, and you will again e able to take a deep breath without discomfort. That drowsy, sleepy feeling aftei dinner will be replaced by a desire for entertainment. Bloating will cease. Your limbs, arms and fingers will no longer feel cold and "go to sleep" be cause Baalmann's Gns Tablets prevent i from interfering with the circula tion. Get the genuine, in the yellow pack tge, at any good drug store. Price $1 Always on hand at HUMPHREY'S PATTERSON'S 1st in marketing at the college, state cooperative councils also will be represented, giving Oregon, one of the pioneers in this movement, position in the national organiza tion. "It is worthy of note that the moral of all existing cooperative associations should be strengthen ed by the passage of the marketing act and appointment of the Farm board," says Director Maris. "The official sanction given to coopera tive marketing should tend to bring it a larger degree of support than it has ever experienced." 1928 GOOD FARM YEAR. Washington, D. C. Owners of good-sized farms had the best year in 1928 since the big farm slump of 1921, according to a Department of Agriculture report They averaged $1,334 In cash returns against $917 for the low year of 1922. Food rais ed or the farm and consumed at home was estimated worth an av erage of $269. The cash returns included the re turn on the labor of the farmer and his family, estimated at an average of $768 at ordinary farm wages. Expenses were higher in 1928 than in 1927, averaging $1,518, the department found. Increases in in come were greatest in the Central States. Reports were received from 11,- 800 farms, averaging 284 acres and representing an average investment of $15,417. Try this Hot Weather Dinner prepared In a EILECTIIMC REFRIGERATOR In making oatmeal muffins the milk is heated, then poured over the oatmeal which Is added to the rest of the mixture. This method gives a finer texture to the product. Smile With Ferguson Announcing Plain Facts Uncle Joe Spiwins dropped in the other day and was telling- as that when he was a baby they used to keep him amused all day by putting molasses on bis finger tips and (riving- him a feather to play with. "Yet, I was a cuts baby at that," he aid. Here are a few plain facts also : U. S. Royal Cord tires won't talk back to yon bat they'll give the road an awful argument. Their dependa bility and live rubber resiliency ac count for the miles of smiles they guarantee. Try our complete auto repair service. If we can't fix it Junk it Good Used Buys, Too '27 CHEVROLET TRUCK 28 DODGE SIX SEDAN '37 CHEVROLET SEDAN '26 DODGE SEDAN Ferguson Motor Co. KILLS insects by o tne roomtui i -er"N i vy I 111. Oi. - 1 w At toomtu irvUlwtt. hard war, d epartmeat torei ud Standard Oil iWvioe Station. Packed U kit (with tmprov. prtyer). ptaCa, quart. II C -11 L. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA xiJZZ Look trhat $215 buys now! A New Frigidaire Porcelain - on - steel outside and iiaside equipped icith the famous "Cold Control" Come in and ice this new Frigidaire. A (mall deposit puis it or any other Frigidaire in your home. Then you can take care of the balance a little each month under liberal terms. Stop in at our display room today. IF DlMi ODD .UK IE MOBS THAN A SilLLlOX fJV VSB Peoples Hardware Co. Heppner, Ore. REST in the coolest place in the house until six. Then bring your dinner from your General Electric fruit cup, jellied chicken and ham, staffed tomato in aspic salad, fresh fruit sundae. All the work in the morning! Your General Electric does the rest, chills new flavor into every course. Own one today! Quiet! All moving parts enclosed! Automatic! Fingertip tempera tore control! Self oiling! Durable, all-steel construction! Two-year guarantee. Model illustrated, $10 down, small monthly payments. Pacific Power & Light Company "Always at your service!" I l MB Annouecin A Brand New Feature STT The wisest, wittiest, mellowest col vliumn of comment ever published illuminated by that greatest of all lights, commonsense-written by a master of the English language who has the rare power of peering into the heart of man and telling in a simple, homely way what he finds therein. Here's Howe ByE. W. Howe His clever, penetrating comments on human faults and foibles, virtues and habits, will amaze you. Don't fail to become a regular reader of this fa mous writer's column in the Heppner Gazette Times Every Week, Starting Today