Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 15, 1929, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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tor the
We have just returned from a
vacation spent at an old New Eng
land home on the sea-girt coast of
Maine, where electric lights and
push-buttons formed no part of
dully living. But the big, powerful
flashlight belonging to the man of
the house came to the rescue so
frequently that It left with us a
most emphatic Impression of Its
How many of you possess a trusty
flashlight to point the way over
dark roads and paths, or for use
at night about the house, for peer
ing into nooks and crannies where
the stationary light cannot pene
trate or strolling along the beach
after night when rocks and hum
mocks just lie in wait to stub un
wary toes?
Remembering the comfort and
convenience of such a light during
these past weeks, we are moved to
observe that this bit of equipment
contributes more genuine service
day by day than most household
appliances of our acquaintance.
Economical Menu
Cream of Salsify soup
Broiled little pig Bausages In potato
Puff nest
Grilled tomatoes
Cream slaw
Blueberry cobbler
Chicken Cutlets
(using leftovers)
2 cups chopped cooked chicken, 2
tbls. each chopped carrots and
green pepper, 1 tsp. salt, 1-2 tap.
pepper, 1 tsp. minced parsley, 1-2
tsp. onion Juice, 1 tbls. lemon juice.
To 1 cup white sauce add these In
gredients and cook 3 minutes. Add
2 eggs well beaten. Remove from
fire, cool and shape into cutlets;
dip in egg and crumbs and fry In
deep fat.
Pineapple Nut Sulad In Tomatoes
Mix 1 cup shredded pineapple
with 1 cup chopped nuts and blend
with French dressing. Put on Ice.
Peel and scoop out top of tomatoes;
fill with pineapple nut mixture; gar
nish with mayonnaise and serve
very cold.
Boston Bean Sandwiches
Press 1-2 cupful of beans through
potato ricer; season with 1 tbls.
horseradish, I tap. celery, 1 tsp. par
sley, both minced fine, 1-2 tsp. onion
juice, 1-2 tsp. mustard, dash of To
basco or Worcestershire sauce.
Spread between slices of whole
wheat bread; add crisp lettuce leaf.
Beauty Secrets
Give me a look, gin me a I aca
That makes simplicity a grace.
Ben Jonson.
This is the time of year when the
greatest charm of beauty lies in
personal daintiness the time when
perfect immaculacy and freshness
are hardest to achieve and most de
sirable. When the mercury begins to soar
and the heat and humidity combine
to make us uncomfortable the wo
man who can present an appear
ance of sweet, cool daintiness is the
one who is most envied and most
Several baths a day during the
warm season are not too many to
satisfy our Instincts for physical
comfort and personal daintiness
and well-being. But here an eco
nomic problem presents itself. Not
everyone can bathe when she choos
es during the summer working day.
The business girl, for example, can
not take a cool shower and change
her clothes at noon or during the
oppressive heat of the early after
noon, yet it Is quite as important
that she should look fresh and
dainty in the office as in the eve
ning across her dinner table.
The summer season has present
ed similar problems since the world
began. The Roman matrons, In an
cient days, took to the hills when
the warm weathef began. They
had not the advantages of their
lordly husbands who could spend
the oppressive hours of midday in
the cool Public Baths.
Several hundred years later, in
the name of personal daintiness,
Josephine Bonaparte ordered hun
dreds of undergarments made for
her so that, during the warm wea
ther, she could change each item
of clothing she wore three times a
Unfortunately for us In these en
lightened modern days it is not al
ways possible to follow her exam-
New York Life Insurance Co.
W. V. Crawford, Agent
Heppner, Ore. .
John Day Valley Freight line
Operating between Heppner and Portland and
John Day Highway Points.
Prompt delivery, rate's reasonable
plus personal and courteous service.
$10,000 cargo insurance.
CITY GARAGE, Local Agent, Phone 172
Heeney Trains For Big Mixup With Cam polo
KM! &i CAM WO -he'll J
s$3m (coo?? h9ts wi-rn I I'',,
Tom Heeney, Australian heavyweight fighter, getting all set for his scrap
with Vottorio Carnpolo, the Argentine, taking place August 14th in New
pie. The pressure of modern busi
ness life often makes it Impractical.
But there are some precautions of
summer daintiness which everyone
can take.
Everyone can bathe morning or
night, or both. Everyone can use
some type of deodorant and cooling
talcum powder. Fresh clothing can
be worn each day, and frequently
can be changed at the close of the
The business girl can keep a bot
tle of cool skin tonic and a box of
face powder In her office desk. The
skin tonic makes an excellent sum
mertime day cleanser and freshen
er as well. And it also acts as a
powder base. The housewife can
keep these same aids to daintiness
in her pantry or kitchen, so that
during the busy morning, or before
luncheon time, she, too, can hastily
freshen her appearance.
Dr. Clarke, of the Clarke Optical
Co., 221 Washington St, corner
16th, Portland, EYE SIGHT SPE
CIALISTS, will be in Heppner for
two days, Sunday and Monday,
August 25 and 26, at Hotel Heppner.
Always comes from a job well done. Good
materials are necessary for a good job. Our
materials are always good.
You'll be Plesed With Our Service
Heppner Planing Mill & Lumber Yard
A. R. REID, Prop.
Phones: Mill 9F25; Yard Majn 1123
Stamina and
Gripping power
are essential
The Trucks of today are taking the place
of the freight cars of yesterday. They must
go anywhere, haul heavy loads and do it all
without delay.
The Firestone Heavy Duty Pneumatic
leads them all in gripping power. Gum-Dipping
gives it the extra stamina needed in ex
acting service in extreme climates.
Use these tires and our service and reduce
your hauling costs.
Main Street Heppner, Ore.
rr. ' '" : '-"."i
More Home Comforts
and Conveniences
ODERNIZE your home now. It
can be done at a low cost and will
add many times the present value in com
fort, convenience and appearance.
Come in and let us show you pictures of
homes we have successfully modernized
let us make practical suggestions for the
improvement of YOUR home.
Our Plans department is at
your disposal. It will be
a pleasure to serve you.
We can quote you actual flfriires bivsod
I on our experience with many other home"
I to prove that enlarging and remodeling
I can be planned at moderate, cost.
Materially Your
Tum-A-Lum Lumber
Green feed for both the young
poultry stock and the layers Is es
sential during the warm summer
weather, says the Oregon experi
ment station. If sufficient green
feed is not available, 6 per cent of
a good grade of alfalfa may be
mixed in the mash as a substitute.
The time for culling the poultry
flock is at hand, says the Oregon
experiment station. Poor layers
will stop laying in July and August,
and it is advisable to remove them
from the flock and market them.
Close adherence to grades and
standards in marketing vegetables
establishes a reliability of dealing
between grower and buyer, says the
Oregon experiment station. Uni
formity of pack and grade of a
certain commodity as put up by the
grower establsihes confidence In
him by the buyer, and the buyer
can pass this confidence on to the
retailer, and finally on to the consumer.
A moist mash fed to the poultry
flock at noon during the warm wea
ther will stimulate the fowls' ap
petite and assist in maintaining
production, says the Oregon exper
iment station.
For Sale Good Hampshire rams.
Prices reasonable. H. D. Scudder,
Corvallis, Oregon. 22-24.
Naturally we don't like to see
anything good fall Into disuse; at
least I feel that way. And what
can be more delightful than a day
of peaceful rest? Doubters may
say that the seventh day was not
set apart by the Creator, but no one
can deny the wisdom of the plan,
whoever is responsible for it. Con
servation of our forces is absolutely
necessary to a long, healthful, hap
py life.
I arrived in the City of New
York on Saturday evening, a few
years ago. I had never been there
before. I was mighty glad when a
traffic policeman piloted me across
the street In safety; never before
had I been surrounded by such a
I concluded that my visit to the
great city would be anything but a
vacation and post-graduate study, I
would put in my time dodging for
my very life! And I never liked
The next morning was Sunday. I
ventured forth, armed with my
camera; the folks back home must
get an Idea of where I had been
they must see pictures of the vast
throngs that brush elbows In an
unending stream of humanity.
I went to "The Little Church
Around the Corner"; O, the hush
the quiet! After an hour, I went
to Broadway; I took a snapshot of
the "Flatiron Building"; Just one
man was crossing the street in
front of the camera! It was as
calm as a country village! Later,
I saw the great arteries the street
railways crowded people were go
ing to the parks . It was Sunday.
That fact had never been so em
phasized to me. I enjoyed it
Why, back in my home town of
six thousand, Sundays are the best
money-making days of the weeks!
Drug stores, garages, fruit shops,
restaurants all busy wide open
and noisy. How can my home town
prosper and grow, unless she works
seven days a week? And almost
day and night? Yet New York has
made a fair sized town, hasn't it?
Just one day of rest why not?
Term it God's way, or what you
will It is RIGHT.
at "The Wests Favorite Food Stores"
Not just a few "specials" not just lowered prices on a small number of
items but CONSISTENT, day-in-and-day-out, year-around savings on
every item THAT is the firm foundation upon which these stores bid for
your trade. So, make "EVERY DAY A SAVING DAY" at the MacMarr
Stores !
BANANAS Large, Fancy Yellow Fruit 3 lbs. 39C
Puritan Malt 2 cans $ 1 .39
1 Pkg. Peefs Washing
Powder, 5 Bars Crystal
White, 1 4-qt Aluminum
$1.45 val
ue for
8-lb. Pails-Grand
Ronde. Per Pail
Fancy Bulk. 2 Lbs.
Quick Quaker Oats
A Reliable
Pkg. loc
PRUNES Sun Maid Fancy Pack 4-lb. pkg. 39C
Large Size Package
Old Dutch Cleanser
3 Cans
I lb. Crescent Bak
ing Powder and 1
egg: beat- tQn
er, both ItL
SUGAR C.&H. Fine Cane, 25-Ib. Cloth Bag $1.79
COFFEE Stone's Supreme Blend 3 IDS. $1.35
Extra Fancy No. 1 QQf
Oregon Grown, Box ....Ocf
Tomatoes are at the bottom CAN NOW.
Local fancy Yellow Bantam or
White Cosby. A
Phone 1082
STONE'S DIVISION Hotel Heppner Bldg.