PAGE FOUR HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1929. THE HEPPNER GAZETTE. Established March SO, 1883; THE HEPPNER TIMES, Established November 18. 1897: CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15, 1916. Published every Thursday morning by VAWTER and SFENCEE CBAWFOBD and entered at the Post Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, as aecond-class matter. ADVEBTISINO KATES GIVEN ON APPUCATION. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year Six Months Three Months Single Copies S2.00 LOO .74 .06 Official Paper for Morrow County. EMERGENCY CARED FOR. THE O.-W. R & N. company is to be congratulated for the dispatch in handling passengers and mail at the time of the wreck on the local branch last- week. Though the wreck occurred at the half-way point on the line some 23 miles from Heppner. passengers were de livered at their destination here in less than an hour after scheduled time, and the mail was but a few hours delayed. It is to be remem bered that In case of an accident of this kind the railroad company can only make use of the resources available to them, and the emer gency was handled commendably from all reports. The accident was of a kind not uncommon to rail roading in hot weather, though it is the first of the kind on the local branch in many years. It was un usual in that It was not more ser ious. A sun-kinked rail caused a spread of some 32 Inches in the track, over which every wheel of the engine passed with the excep tion of one, a rear wheel of the tender. Only one car was derailed, while the engine wheels sank through a number of the solid heavy ties on which the 90 pound rail was laid at the point The train was on its morning journey up the branch and repairs were completed in time to allow scheduled connec tions the following night CREDIT ASSOCIATION A GOOD THING. HEPPNER business men are ser iously cosidering the formation of a merchants' credit association, the ball having been started rolling at the business institute here last week. It is a wise move and one that should be welcomed by all con cerned. Merchants should protect each other against the extension of cred it to unsafe risks. When a man reaches the limit of his ability to pay one firm with whom he has been dealing, it is not right that he should be allowed to start an ac count with another firm which is certain to lose. It is not only in juring the other business, but it is lowering the tone of business gen erally within the town, and it is doing a distinct injustice to the man to whom such credit is given. When such a practice is followed, if the firms are to stay in business their losseB must be made up in some way and naturally the man who Is able to pay has to foot the bills. The man who is unable to pay becomes a parasite on the com munity. Whereas, if he were held strictly to his credit limitations, he would of necessity readjust himself to the condition and be a producing factor. We know of no better move that could be made by the business men of Heppner for the good of the whole community. Eugene produced something of which the entire state may well be proud in the "Sunset Trail." It was the effort of Eugene which produc ed it, but it was the colorful histor ical background of our state which was pictured. Out-of-state visitors could not help but have been im pressed with a broader and more beautiful conception of Oregon. Words fall us to describe the beauty and magnitude of the pageant It was not just a gaudy show, but aes thetically sublime. What of drab ness there was presented of pioneer life, was glorified by the ennobling influence on the civilization that followed. It was an immense pro duction, well written, well directed and well acted. Eugene was bene- IhtttJmg irl00l IGwBon International Sunday School Lesson for for August 11 DANIEL AMONG THE LIONS Daniel 6:10, lL 16-23 Rev. Samuel D. Price, D.D. Stories from Daniel's life have a fascination for children and con tinue to give great teaching lessons also to those of older years. As a book of romance the Bible reveals the truth that is stranger than Ac tion. Joseph became prime minister In Egypt because of his innate worth and the same is true of Daniel In Babylon. As he had been a marked man under the Chaldean rule, so he was preferred by Darius the Mede who became the conqueror. The governmental organization consist ed of 120 satraps with three pres idents. Daniel was the leading pres ident The fact that he was a Jew led to much jealousy by the other officials and they planned to do away with him if possible. Religion offered the one sure ground of attack, for these evil men were certain what Daniel would al ways do In his relationship with God. With Daniel's dependable habits in mind It was agreed at the caucus to appeal to the king's pride and propose that a decree be pro mulgated forbidding anyone to pray during thirty days except as fitted by the publicity, but no less than the entire state. More of this type of entertainment and educa tion is needed in Oregon. Every three years is none too often, Eu gene. Go to it! Juvenile Heppner may be found at the swimming tank any of these hot days along with many folks not so young. It is a great source of relief from the heat to plunge into the cool water, and a large number of the city's denizens are taking advantage of it Who knows how many Ederles are in the mak ing right here in Heppner. Jasper Crawford of the G.-T. force returned Friday afternoon from a week's vacation trip. Going first to Eugene he took in the "Sun set Trail" celebration on Saturday. From there he went south over the Pacific highway to Drain, taking the route along the Umpqua by way of Scottsburg and Reedsport to Co quille and Bandon, then south over the Roosevelt highway to Crescent City, back over the Redwood high way to Grants Pass, on to Medford and Ashland and across to Klamath Falls, taking in Crater lake on the way to Bend, and home via Prine ville, Mitchell, Service creek and the Heppner-Spray road. The trip covered a distance of some 1200 miles, and he reports enjoying greatly the variety of scenery offer ed on the route. Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald of Redlands, Calif., and Mrs. Frank Evans of Walla Walla, sister of Mrs. McDonald were visitors in Heppner and vicinity on Friday and Saturday. Both Mrs. Evans and Mrs. McDonald were formerly residents of this community, being the Misses Minnie and Clara Brown of Blackhorse. Frank Engelman, hardware and implement dealer of lone, was at tending to business here on Monday afternoon. Beauty Secrets By HELENA RUBINSTEIN. He that still may sea your cheeks, Where all rareness still reposes, Is a fool if e'er be seeks Other lilies, other rotes. Wm. Browne. In the winter your powder may be a cosmetic, nothing more. But in the summer it is the comfort of warm days, the freshness of humid ones, the one soothing, cooling touch all through the season that nothing else can furnish. Probably in the first month of summer more bath talcum is used than during all the rest of the year together. It should not be, of course. Talcum powder is a useful, dainty feminine accessory all through the year. But it is especially important In the summer. After a warm bath, or after a cool, refreshing shower, bath pow der applied generously with the big, soft puffs which come in the large, open-mouthed boxes will add im measurably to your sense of per sonal comfort and daintiness. And to your security, as well, for the most of these bath talcums have deodorizing properties that effec tively neutralize the odors of per spiration. Face powder is another import ant summertime consideration. A shiny nose is such an annoying fea ture it can do more to upset one's self confidence than any other de fect of good grooming. And shiny noses are so common in warm wea ther. Before I discuss the ways of se lecting a summertime face powder I am going to advise you to use a "shine" corrective during these warm, sultry months before you ap ply your makeup. A special lotion or a liquid astringent skin tonic which corrects "shine" will pre serve your makeup longer and also normalize the function of those over-active pores. In choosing your powder be sure to get one dark enough it should be at least as dark as your skin and to be fashionable, one or two shades darker. A powder with a cream base, specially created to "stay put is much to be preferred in warm weather. Such a powder in addition to being an attractive and convenient cosmetic, actually provides a certain desirable amount of protection for your skin against detrimental, weathering effects. Darius was the object of their ap proach. The penalty for disobed ience was to be cast into the den of lions. Spies were watching Daniel who had the known habit of praying to Jehovah at least three times a day. He would open the windows in the direction of Jerusalem, 600 miles away as the airplane now files, and kneel devoutly in his approach to the Throne of Jehovah. The decree did not change his heart attitude in any way, and when the next prayer time came, he just prayed "as he did aforetime." God was continuously gracious to him and he naturally "Gave thanks before his God." Praysr was an essential part of his life and not a spasm when in fear because of soma spe cial need. Then the plotters forced the king to order Daniel to the den of Hons. Daniel was the coolest In the crowd. He feared to dishonor God far more than to face the lions. Here was but another place for prayer. He entrusted himself to hill Father, then said, "Amen," and was ready for sleep. He may have used a lion's shaggy skin for a soft pil low. Meanwhile the angel watched through the night between these creatures of the Most High. Read chapter 8 In full for all the familiar details. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DIS TRICT OF OREGON. The United States of America, on the relation of Feenaughty Machinery Co., a corporation. Plaintiff, vs. M. D. Clark. Intervenor. vs. Globe Indemnity Company, a corpora tion. Defendant. NOTICE No. 1.-10688 To the creditors of L. B. Construction Company, a corporation: You and each of you are hereby noti fied that M. D. Clark, as intervenor in the above entitled action, has filed an intervening complaint in the District Court of the United States, for the Dis trict of Oregon, pursuant to the provis ions of Section 270, Title XL. U. S. C. A., to recover judgment against the above named defendant. Globe Indem nity Company, a corporation, for a sum of money alleged to be due and owing the said M. D. Clark and for labor and materials furnished to the said L. B. Construction Company, by the assignee of the said M. D. Clark, which materials were ordered furnished and used in the performance by the said L. B. Con struction Company, sub-contractors of Albert L. Smith, in that certain con tract made and entered into between Albert L. Smith as DrinciDal contractor and the United States of America, which said contract was dated July 10, 1926. and which said contract was designated as the Chapin Creek Sector of the Heppner-Spray National Forest Road Project, which said road was and is lo cated in the Umatilla National Forest in the Counties of Wheeler and Morrow in the State of Oregon, and further des ignated as Forest Road Project No. 32A, the defendant Globe Indemnity Company, a corporation, being the sur ety on said contract as required by the aforementioned Act of Congress. And you are further notified of your right to intervene and be made an ad ditional party plaintiff in this action so as to have the rights and claims of any and all existing creditors under said contract and under said bond adjudi cated in one and the same action. M. D. Clark. Intervenor. Feenaughty Machinery Co.. a corporation, Plaintiff. C. L. Sweek, Heppner. Oregon. Ralev. Raley & Warner. John F. Kilkenny, Pendleton, Oregon. 20-23 Attorneys for Plaintiff. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE .DIS TRICT OF OREGON. The United States of America, on the relation of Feenaughty Machinery Co., a corporation. Plaintiff, vs. M. D. Clark, Intervenor, vs. Globe Indemnity Company, a corpora tion, Defendant. NOTICE No. L-10688 To the creditors of J. G. Shotwell : You and each of you are hereby noti fied that M. D. Clark, as intervenor in the above entitled action, has filed an intervening complaint In the District Court of the United States, for the Dis trict of Oreeon. nursuant to the Drovis- ions of Section 270, Title XL, U. S. C. A., to recover ludgment against the above named defendant. Globe Indem nity Company, a corporation, for a sum of money alleged to be due and owing the said M. D. Clark and for labor and materials furnished to the said J. G. Shotwell. by the assignee of the said M. D. Ciark, which materials were or dered furnished and used in the per formance by the said J. G. Shotwell, sub-contractors of Albert L. Smith, in that certain contract made and entered into between Albert L. Smith as princi pal contractor and the United States of America, which said contract was dated July 10. 1926. and which said contract was designated as the Chapin Creek Sector of the Heppner-Spray National Forest Road Project which said road was and is located in the Umatilla Na tional Forest In the Counties of Wheel er and Morrow in the State of Oregon, and further designated as Forest Road troject rvo. sza. tne aeienaani uiooe Indemnity Company, a corporation, be ing the surety on said contract as re quired, oy tne aioremenuonea Act oi Congress. And vou are further notified of your right to intervene and be made an ad ditional party plaintiff in this action so as to have the rights and claims of any and all existing creditors under said contract and under said bond adjudi cated in one and the same action. M. D. Clark, Intervenor. Feenaughty Machinery Co.. a corporation. Plaintiff. C. L. Sweek. Heppner, Oregon. Kaiey. Kaiey a Warner, jonn r. Kilkenny, renaieton. uregon. 20-23 Attorneys for Plaintiff. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DIS TRICT OF OREGON. The United States of America, on the relation of Feenaughty Machinery Co., a corporation. Plaintiff, vs. M. D. Clark, Intervenor, vs. Globe Indemnity Company, a corpora tion, Defendant. NOTICE No. L-10688 To the creditors of Albert L. Smith You and each of you are hereby not! fled that M. D. Clark, as intervenor in the above entitled action, has filed an intervening complaint in the District Court of the United States, for the Dis trict of Oregon, pursuant to the provis ions ot section zii). Title XL, u. s. c A., to recover judgment against the above named defendant. Globe Indem nity Company, a corporation, for a sum of money alleged to be due and owing the Baid M. D. Clark and tor labor and materials furnished to the said Albert L. Smith, by the assignee of the said M. D. Clark, which materials were or' dered furnished and used in the per formance by the said Albert L. Smith In that certain contract made and en tered Into between Albert L. Smith as principal contractor and the United Biaieu oi America, wmen saia contract was dated July 10, 1926, and which said contract was deslgnaetd as the Chapin creek aector or tne Heppner-Spray Na tlonal forest Road Project, which said road was and is located In the Umatilla National Forest in the Counties of Wheeler and Morrow In the State of uregon, ano iuriner designated as For est Road Project No. 32A, the defend ant Globe Indemnity Company, a oor- f oration, being the surety on said con ract as required by the aforementioned Act of Congress. And you are further notified of your right to Intervene and be made an ad ditional party plaintiff In this action so as to nave tne rignts and claims of any and all existing creditors under said contract and under said bond adjudi cated In one and the same action. M. D. Clark. Intervenor. Feenaughty Machinery Co., a corporation, Plaintiff. C. L. gweek, Heppner, Oregon. Raley, Raley & Warner, John F. Kilkenny, Pendleton. Oregon. 20-23 Attorneys for Plaintiff NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALS. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an execution issued out of the Cir cuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for Morrow County, to me directed, and dated July Twenty-fourth, 1929, In that certain suit in he Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County wherein The First National Bank of Heppner, Oregon, a corporation, plain tiff; recovered a judgment and decree of foreclosure against Nell Doherty and Madge Doherty, his wife, defendants, which Judgment was for the sum of One thousand Two hundred Eighty-nine and 60-100 Dollars (12.60), with in terest at the rate of Eight (8) per cent per annum from May Twenty-eighth 1923; the further Bum of One hundred Seventy and No-100 Dollars ($170.00) attorney's fee and Twenty-four and 60-100 Dollars ($24.80) costs, I Win, on Saturday the Twenty-fourth day of August, 1BX). at the hour of Ten v v.un n. a, wid mini uuuf oi me county court house In Heppner, Oregon, ujier iur auie aim sell 10 me mghest bidder for cash all of the following described real property belonging to the defendants and located In M,,rr, County, State of Oregon, to-wt: no Bouineasi quarter (SEtt) of the Northeast quarter (NE'i) of Section Nineteen (19; the North half of the Northeast quarter (NV6 NEVi); Southwest quarter (SW'i) of the Northeast quarter (NE'4) of Section Thirty (30), all In Township TS? la,4JC;h' Raie Twenty-five (25). E. W. M.. or so much of said real property as may be necessary to satisfy the plain. tiff's judgment costs, attorney's fee and accruing costs of sale. D:ite of First Publication July Twenty-fifth. 1929. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, State of Oregon. NOTICE OP SALE OF ANIMAL. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of the laws of the State of Oregon, the undersigned has taken up the herein after described animal found running at large on his premises In Morrow County, State of Oregon, and that he will on Saturday, August 10. 1929, at the hour of 10:30 a. m. of said dav. at his place 22 miles southwest of Hepp ner, Oregon, offer for sale and sell the said animal to the highest bidder for cash in hand, unless the same shall have been redeemed by the owner or owners thereof. Said animal is describ ed as follows: One bay gelding, branded 71 over quarter circle on left shoulder. HARVEY HARSHMAN. 19-21 Eight Mile. Oregon. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MOR ROW COUNTY. Mat Halvorsen, Plaintiff, vs. H. J. Reed, Defendant. SUMMONS. To H. J. Reed. Defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATU! DIP OREGON: You are hereby notified to appear in the above entitled court with in four (4j weeks from the date of first publication of this summon anrt an swer the complaint Hied against you In mo auuve eiiuuea sou or otnerwise plead thereto, and if you fall to so ap pear and answer the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief Draved for in his complaint which is as follows, to wit: For a decree ne-ulnst vou and in fa vor of the plaintiff foreclosing against you that certain contract entered Into between the plaintiff and yourself on or about the Fifth day of September. 11125, which contract provided for sale, by the plaintiff to you. for the purchase price of Twenty-eit;ht thousand, Five Hundred and No-Ion Dollars (SSSRnnnm all of the following described real and personal property located In Morrow county, state of Oregon, to-wlt: me west half (W) of Section Fifteen (15); all of Section Sixteen (16). except NW diagonal H of Northwest quarter (NWVi) of Northwest quarter (NW'4); the West half (Wfe) of the West half (W) of the East half (E'-i) of Section Twenty-two (22) ; the North west quarter (NW1) of Section Twenty-seven (27); the North half (NVs) of Section Twenty-eight (28), all in Township One (1) South, Range Twenty-four (24), E. W. M.; One 3 inch Winona Wagon and water tank; One 3 inch Bain wagon and rack; Two old wagons: One header box and one rack; One three bottom gang plow, 18 inch; One three bottom gang plow, 14 inch; One six section Iron harrow; One eleven foot Campbell disk; One Disk drill; One Rotary Weeder; One Wilt blade Weeder; One six horse power Fairbanks Morse Engine; One set of blacksmith tools; One cook stove: One heating stove: One 14 foot header: One-half Interest in Holt Combine Harvester : Ten sets of harnesr; One milk cow; One gray mare named Daisey; One gray horse named Prince; One roan horse named Blutch: One brown mare named Puss; One gray mare named Kate; One sorrel mare named Lou; One black mare named Coly; One bay horse named Bennie; One bay more named Jessie; One black horse named King; One bay mare named Lucy; One bay mare named Queen: One black mare named Nettie: all branded thus: MH connected; One bay horse named Hock, brand ed O. W. un left stifle-: One black n:are named Mable. un branded ; Two three yoir old colts; One black mule and one gray mule, branded thus: ; Two bay mules, unbranded. and decreeing that the plaintiff is the owner of said real and personal prop erty free and clear of all Interest or claims of yourself and all persons clairn lig by. through or under you. and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem equitable. This summons Is published by virtue of an order of the Honorable R. L. Benge. Judge of the County Court of the state of Oregon for Morrow county, made and entered on the 9th day of July, 1929, wliich order provided that this summons be published once each week for Fur (4) weeks in the Hepp- GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR keeps food frcsli and wholesome In warmest weather Put your milk and cream in a General Electric. They will keep sweet for days. Keep your butter there. It will remain as frchli as the day it was churned. And also your meat days later, will be as fresh as when it left the butcher's, The General Electric maintains an even temperature well below 50 degrees. It will preserve the most perishable foods for daysr Think of the money saving this means. Think how it safeguards the health of your family. Now, when fresh food is imperative, $10 down puts a General Electric in your home. Quiet! All moving parts enclosed! Automatic! Fingertip temperature con trol! Self oiling! Durable, all-steel con struction! Unqualified two-year guaran tee! Model illustrated, $10 monthly, $227 cash. Pacific Power & Ugltt Company "Always at yoair service!" ner Gazette Times, a newspaper of gen eral circulation published in Heppner, Morrow county, state of Oregon. The date of first publication of this summons is July Eleventh, 1929. C. L. SWEEK, Attorney for the Plaintiff. Address : Heppner. Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby given, that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of Cliurles M. Davis, deceased, has filed his final account with the Clerk of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 3rd dny of Sep tember. 1929. nt the hour of 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon of said day as the time, and the County Court room In the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as the place for hearing and settlement of said account, and objections to said final account must be filed on or before said date. RICHARD McELLIGOTT, Administrator of the estate of Charles M. Davis, deceased. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MOR ROW COUNTY. Eliza Walbridge, Plaintiff, vs. Jane Doe Noyer, wife of John Noyer; T. W. Halley and Jane Doe Halley, his wife; George W. Ayers and Etta Avers, his wife; Mary E. Kirk, a . widow; William A. Ayers and Dora Ayers, his wife; Thomas W. Ayers and Laura Ayers, his wife: Ida M. Fell and George D. Fell, husband and wife; Elsie I. Lasater and James Las ater. her husband; Edgar B. Ayers and Danna Ayers, his wife; Josephine Forwood, a widow; Pauline Quaid, a widow; Ralph Swinburne and Mable Swinburne, his wife: Raymond Thorn ton and Jane Doe Thornton, his wife; Frances Rood, a widow; also all other parties or persons unknown who claim any title, estate, lien or Interest in the real property described In plaintiffs complain herein. Defendants. SUMMONS. To Jane Doe Noyer, wife of John Noy er: T. W. Halley and Jane Doe Hal ley. his wife: George W. Ayers and Etta Ayers. his wife; Edgar B. Ay ers and Danna Ayers. his wife; Ray mond Thornton and Jane Doe Thorn ton, his wife; also all other parties or persons unknown who claim any title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in plaintiff's complaint. Defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are hereby notified to appear and answer plaintiff's complaint filed in the above entitled suit within Four (4) weeks from the date of first publication of this summons, and for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for tlie relief prayed for in her complaint, which is as follows, to-wit: For a decree of the above entitled Court that the plaintiff is the owner in fee simple of Lots One (1) and Two (2) in Block Five (5) In the City of Hepp ner, Morrow County, State of Ore gon. and that her title to said real property be forever quieted against the claims of the above named defendants, and that said defendants be restrained and enjoined from asserting any claim or right to any interest in said real prop erty or any part thereof, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem equitable. This Summons is published by virtue of an Order of the Honorable R. L. fienge, County Judge for Morrow County. State of Oregon, made and en tered on the Tenth day of July, 1929, which order provides that this summons be published in the Heppner Gazette Times, a newspaper of general circula tion published in Heppner. Morrow County, State of Oregon, once each week for Four (4) weeks. Date of first publication, July Elev enth, 1929. C. L. SWEEK, Attorney for Plaintiff. Address: Heppner, Oregon. NOTICE TO CBEDFTOBS. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned was duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow Countv, administrator of the estate of Pardon Williamson, de ceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same properly verified, to the undersigned at his office at Heppner. Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 11th day of July, 1929. JOS J. NYS, Administrator. NOTICE OF BONO SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned will receive sealed bids un til 10:00 o'clock A. M the 7th day of August. 1929. and Immediately thereaf ter the bids received will be publicly opened by the County Court, at the Courthouse in Heppner, Oregon, for the purchase of an Issue of bonds of Mor row County for the construction of permanent roads therein in the sum of Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60 000), said lllTsfr B ' m K m W ' ijssi:: 3 m m 8 V -V bonds to be in denominations of One mousana Dollars ($1,000) each, num bered 1 to BO Inclusive to hear date ol August 1. 1929, and to mature serially In numerical order at the rate of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) on the first day- oi tugust of each of the years 1935 to 1954 Inclusive, said bonds to Dear interest at the rate of not to ex- rpff1 Avj. no a. IT.VJ nan ,...... veil voj ii annum, payable semiannually on the first days of February and August, principal and interest payable in United States gold ui uie omce oi me county t reas urer in Ilennner Oi-PErnn nr nt rliA ITIn. cal Agency of the State of Oregon in New York City. All bids must be unconditional and accompanied by a certified check for $2,000.00. The Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The approving legal opinion of Messrs. Teal, Wlnfree. McCulloch & onuier win De furnished the success- iui Diauer. GAY M. ANDERSON, County Clerk, Heppner, Oregon. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW y-ujTY. State of Oregon, a public corporation, nullum, J ohn B. Calmus and Martha Calmus, his wne; in. A. Clark; Imogene Isom; J. M. He teal ( and Waterhouse & Lester uj-, a corporation. Delendants. SUMMONS. To J. M. Metcalf and Waterhouse Les ter co., a corporation, Defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are hereby notified to appear and answer the plaintiff's complaint filed In the aoove em Hieci suit witnin Four (4) weeks from the date of first nubl leaf Inn of this summons, and for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for mo reuei prayea tor in us complaint, wiin 1EJ as lOUOWS, lO-Wll : For a iudirtnent nealnst thA Hefpn. ants John B. Calmus and Martha Pal. urns, nis wne, tor Two thousand One hundred Twenty-one and 14-100 Dollars ($2121.14), with Interest at the rate of Four (4) Der cent ner annum from Aug ust Fourth, 1928; the further sum of Twenty-eight and 80-100 Dollars ($28. 80), with interest thereon at the rate of Eight (8) per cent per annum from De cember Twentieth. 1928: the further sum oi l nree Hundred and No-100 Dol lars ($300.00) attorney's fn anrt nluin. tiff's costs and disbursements incurred in mis sun, and For a decree of the Court that tha pluintiff's mortgage on the following ucii'":u icai uiopeny in morrow Cmnt., a!.,. commencing at tne Nortnwest cor ner of Lot numbered One (1) in Block numbered Sixteen (16) In Stansbury's Addition to the town of Heppner, Morrow County. Ore gon, and running thence East on the North line of said lot Forty (40) feet; thence South parallel to the West line of said lot One (1) and the West line of Lot numbered Two (2) in said Block Sixteen (16) aforesaid, one hundred thirty-one ami eigiuy-eigm nunnreatiis (131. 88) feet to the South line of said lot numbered Two (2); thence West Forty (40) feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot numbered Two (2) ; thence North to the point of beginning, said property being the Westerly Forty (40) feet of Lots numbered One (1) and Two (2) In Block numbered Sixteen (16) In Stansbury s Addition to the towh of Heppner, Morrow County, state of Oregon. Commencing at the Northwest cor ner of Block numbered Sixteen (16) In Stansbury's Addition to the town of Heppner. Oregon, running thence West Thirty (30) feet; running thence South One hundred Thirty two (132) foet; running thence East Thirty (30) feet; thence North to the point of beginning, the same being a portion of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter (NENEi) of Section numbered Thirty-four (34) in Township Two (2) South, Range Twenty-six (26) East of the Willamette Meridian, in the county of Morrow and state of Oregon. be declared a valid first Hen on all of saia real property and that said mort gage be foreclosed and the real nrnnar. ty sold under mortgage foreclosure In the manner provided by law. and the proceeds received from such sale be ap plied First, to the payment of charges and expenses of such sale; Second, to payment of plaintiffs judgment. In cluding costs and attorney's fee and Third, the overplus, if any, be paid to the defendant, John B. Calmus. and that uie oeienuanis and all persons claiming by, through or under them or any of them be forever barred and foreclosed of and from all right, title and Interest In or to said real property and the whole thereof, save the statutory right of redemption, and For such other anil further relief as to the Court may seem equitable. This summons Is published by virtue of an Order of the Hon. R. L. Benge County Judge for Morrow county, state of Oregon, made and entered on the Ninth day of July. 1929, which order provides that this summons he M) published In the Heppner Gazette Times, a newspaper of general circula tion published in Heppner, Morrow county, state of Oregon, once each week for Four (4) weeks. Date of first publication of this sum mons la the Eleventh day of July. 1929. C. L. -SWEEK. Attorney for the Plaintiff. Address: Heppner. Oregon. MATERNITY HOME I am prepared to take care of a limited number of maternity cases. Room and board reasonable. MRS. O. C. AIKEN " Box 142 HEPPNEE Pbona 976 WM. BROOKHOUSER PAINTIHO PAPEBHANQINO XNTEBIOB SECOBATIlfQ Leave orders at Peoples Hardware Company DR. ARTHUR CRAIG DENTIST Case Building-, Entrants Oentar St Telephone Main 101s Open Evenings and Sundays by Appointment. DR. A. H. JOHNSTON PHY8ICIAH AND SCBGEON Graduate Nurse Assistant l o. o. p. BTnLsnra Phones: Office, Main 933; Res. 492. Heppner, Oregon DR. J. H. McCRADY DENTIST X-Bay Blafnosis x. o. o. r. BuTLDraa Heppner, Oregon Frank A. McMenamin I. A WYE E Phone BEaoon 4451 1014 Northwestern Bank Building, PORTLAND, OREGON Residence, GArfleld 1949 A. D. McMURDO, M. D. PHYSICIAN A27S BTOQEON Trained Nurse Assistant OfBce In Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon C L. SWEEK ATTOBNEY.AT-LAW Offices in First National Bank BaUdlng- Hcppner, Oregon MORROW GENERAL HOSPITAL sMa?.Cdl Mrs. Elsie MoUahan, B V., Snpt. Wards and Private Rooms. Rates Reasonable. A R. JOHNSTON, M. D., 1'hyslcian-ln-Charge. Phone Main 322 Heppner, Ore. S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-IW Office In Court House Heppner, Oregon AUCTIONEER Farm and Personal Property Sales a Specialty "The Man Who Talks to Beat the Band" 0. L. BENNETT, X.exlngten, Oregon J. 0. PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods ' Watches - Clocks - Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry ' Repairing ', Heppner, Oregon F. W. TURNER & CO. FEES, AUTO AND LIPJS IttSTTBANCE Old Line Cempanlea, Real Estate. Heppner, Oregon JOS. J. NYS ATTONEY-AT-LAW Eoberts Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon J. Perry Conder, N. D. 20th year In practice In Heppner and I Morrow County. HEPPNER HOTEL BUILDING Office Phone 02, Residence Phone 03. Heppner Sanitarium ITncnif il Dr- Fwry Conder UUfepildl i'hyslclan in charge Oldost Institution of Healing and Oldest Practicing Physician in Mor row County: with the least percent age of fatality and greatest percent age of benefit. ALEX GIBB PLTJMBINO AND HEATING. QENliBATj BEPAEE WOBZ Estimate! Free, VFnT.1t TW T rYTTJT W n.T T 702 - PEOPLES HABDWABB CO.