nn Historic Society. a&ette mm Volume 46, Number 21. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUG. 8, 1929 Subscription $2.00 a Year OF WATER RIGHTS Ranchers Visit Council; State Says Safe Supply Should be Had. SEEK FLOWING WELL Mayor and Councilman Make Trip of Inspection; McCaleb Leads Willow Creek Road Talk. Averring that diversion of water from Willow creek for the use of the city of Heppner water depart ment had coat them several thous and dollars since the installation of the pipe line from the mountains, and that the city had failed to make good its contract with some of the ranchers that it would put as much water back into the creek as it took out, a delegation of upper Wil low creek ranchers appeared be fore the council Monday evening to ask that the city protect their rights another year. They declared that at no time since the installa tion of the pipe line have they had water to sufficiently irrigate the second crop of alfalfa. In the group appearing before the council were Frank Wilkinson, R. I. Thompson, W. H. Cleveland and Frank Monahan. The ranchers ask ed that the city leave the water in the creek for a period of some fifty days during the driest part of the season, and offered the suggestion that the city water supply be pump ed from wells during the period. No definite agreement was reached with the council though it was promised that the city would do what it could to comply with the request. In answering the ranchers as to what the city has done toward re placing water now taken from the creek W. E. Pruyn, city water sup ervisor, advised that the entire flow of Ditch creek has been diverted Into Willow creek, and a check that he had made Monday revealed It to then have been flowing a stream of 75,000 gallons in 24 hours, or about one-fourth of the total city water supply. 1 An information from Frederick D. Strieker, state health officer, that the city should take Immediate steps to secure a safe, potable water supply was read. The Information was given following the recent ex amination of the local water supply by an engineer from Mr. Strieker's office. Acting on this advice, as well as the request of the ranchers, the council In a body, accompanied by a well driller, made a trip of inves tigation to the forks of Willow creek yesterday in an attempt to determine the feasibility of drilling for artesian water. The council was given the opinion of one well driller last fall that it was quite probable artesian? water could be obtained in this vicinity, as the topographical situation Is quite favorable. W. L. McCaleb, county roadmas ter, appeared before the council to find out its will in proceeding with Improvement of the Willow creek road. He Bald the county road crew had now proceeded as far In both directions from its present camp as was possible, and before moving he wished to find out which way the city would rather have the crew move. The advice was asked be cause of the $4000 of city money which was matched with a like amount from the county for the Im provement of the road. The road is now graded from the Cleveland ranch to what is known as the "Butcher Bill" ranch. Mr. McCaleb suggested that it was more feasible to proceed with the work on to wards the forks of Willow creek as the ground there Is in better shape to work at the present time. The lower end next to the city Is rockier and can better be worked in wet weather. The council on motion gave Mr. McCaleb authority to pro ceed as he thought best, though the money Is to be expended this side of the forks of Willow creek. In the discussion of the Willow creek road situation it developed . that a very dangerous place exists in the county road on the Coal Mine hill. Mr. McCaleb explained that the work was not completed at this point when the crew was there last year as snow caused the work to be abandoned. As it now stands this place is very narrow and when It rains It Is very difficult to hold a car or truck on the grade. Ranch ers at the meeting who must travel this road declared their intention of presenting a petition to the county court at Its meeting yesterday to have an emergency declared to exist at this point that it may be fixed before wet weather Bets In, when they say a real emergency will exist. Mr. McCalob expressed the opinion that the present is the time to do the work, for after wet weather comes it would be far more difficult and expensive. Twenty thousand dollars was pro vided in the county market road bond Issue for the Willow creek road and the $8000 of county and city money was to be expended In addition. The $4000 of city money to be expended was money due the city from the county on account of the city's apportionment of the gen eral road levy. v In a communication to the coun cil L. R. Stockman of Baker, engin eer In charge of the recent city water works improvement, quoted figures on Installation of water met- Mr. Burgess Describes Fine New Fox Theater "One of the greatest experiences of my life was had at the opening of the new Fox theater In San Francisoa," declared James M. Bur gess, superintendent of schools, who returned to Heppner the first of the week after taking summer school work at Stanford university. The trip north as far as Portland was made on the S. S. Admiral Benson. The theater as described by Mr. Burgess is the very latest word In show houses. When attending the theater. If one arrives by car, he is met by an attendant who hands him a check, takes the car and parks it; if the car needs service this Is cared for while one is en- Joying the Bhow. Just Inside the entrance another attendant takes any articles one wishes checked, hands out a check and takes them out of the way. On leaving the theater another attendant takes the checks as one starts out and the checked articles are In waiting on arrival at the main entrance, there being a large, richly adorned lounge through which one passes in reaching the exit, making it possi ble for the attendants to arrange the latter unexcellable service. Su perb pieces of art are hung along the walls, which one cannot help but stop to admire. If one arrives in the middle of the feature and does not wish to be seated immediately, if a man, he may retire to the third floor under the ground by means of elevator or gradually sloping ramp, where richly decorated lounge rooms are provided, some of the tables and chairs in which came from the pal ace of the late Czar of Russia. Fa cilities for playing bridge are here provided, smoking is permitted, and many other provisions made for the extreme comfort of patrons. Separ ate lounge rooms are provided for the ladies. Ramps or elevators again convey one to the balconies in the theater proper, these being triple-decked. One of the outstand ing features of the theater Is the very large orchestra augmented by a 100-voice chorus. A disappearing platform is used to drop the orhes- tra out of sight at Intervals and replace It with the chorus in a most unique and almost magical manner. All of this may. be taken in at the popular prices of 50 cents for loges and 35 cents for main floor or balcony seats. All service given Is free with the exception of the car service charges which are paid the attendant when he arrives with the car as you leave. The theater is magnificent almost beyond descrip tion, and leaves the impression of having visited a fairyland. The big feature of the opening was the ap pearance of all Fox movie stars. Mr. Burgess went to Pendleton Tuesday to meet Mrs. Burgess who had just returned from an extended visit at Gothamburg, Neb., and Sioux City, Iowa, in company with her sister, Mrs. M. T. Wire of Pen dleton. At Sioux City the ladies at tended the marriage of a niece. Mr. and Mrs. Burgess leave today for Elk lake, Deschutes county, where they will spend two weeks of vaca tion before returning to Heppner when Mr. Burgess will complete preparations for the opening of school. Ask Missing Books be Returned to Library The following books have been noted as missing from the shelves of the Heppner Public library. Bor rowers kindly return as soon as possible. Books may be left at F. W. Turner's office or at the library in the council chambers Wednes days or Saturdays, 3 to 5 p. m. Lawrence: Revolt in the Desert. Drinkwater: Mr. Charles, King of England. Porter: Our Young Aeroplane Scouts on the Marne. : Beth Anne Goes to School. Stokes: Motor Maids in Fair Jap an. Pumphreys: Pilgrim Stories. Webster: American Family. Johnston: To Have and to Hold. Evarts: Spanish Acres. Wharton: False Dawn. Sedgwick: The Old Countess. : Ben Com re. Dennett: Prisoners of the Last War. : The Jungle. Ostenso: Wild Geese. For Sale Two purebred male German shepherd pups, $25 each. Mrs. Werner Rietmann, lone. 21-22p. era as well as figures on modern chlorlnatlon plants. His letter was filed for future reference. S. P. Devin, chief of police, called attention to the fact that several barbed wire fences exist In the city In violation of an ordinance pro hibiting the same and asked wheth er the ordinance should be enforc ed. It waB the opinion of the mayor and councllmen that as long as such an ordinance was on the stat ute books It should be enforced, and that if the people do not desire the ordinance enforced they should have It repealed. The council authorized Jos. J. Nys, city attorney, to proceed with actions to vacate two city streets, petition for which has been made by property holders. Both streets are little used and by vacating them the city relinquishes the re sponsibility of keeping them up One street lies between the court house and the M. D. Clark ' resi dence, while the other is between the Bauman and Hagcr properties in south Heppner, Paymeut of bills and other rou tine business was regularly disposed of. v Mrs. Joseph Burgoyne Buried at Lexington Funeral services were held at Lexington on Friday for Mrs. Anna Burgoyne who passed away at Portland on Wednesday, July 31, following a protracted Illness. Mrs. Burgoyne was long a resident of the Lexington community where she lived with her husband and family and was highly respected. With her husband, Joseph Bur goyne, she removed to Portland some two years ago. She was born in Indiana in 1850. She Is survived by her husband and two children, a son and daughter. CARD OF THANKS. We extend to the friends and neighbors at Lexington our sincere thanks for their assistance, and ex pressions of sympathy In our be reavement; also for the beautiful floral offerings. Joseph Burgoyne and family. ALPINE. Miss Peggy Thompson was a bus iness visitor in Echo on Monday. Melville brothers were business visitors in Pendleton on Saturday. F. H. Hlggins who has been em poyed on the West Camp ranch left with his wife and family on Satur day for Spokane where they will visit with Mrs. Higglns' sister. Wllford Gelger and Gilbert White accompanied by Misses Margaret Melville and Gertrude Tichenor mo tored to Heppner on Thursday eve ning. A number of our young people attended the dance at Heppner on Saturday evening. Mrs. Merle Bennett underwent a minor operation Tuesday of last week when she had her tonsils re moved. Dr. Alfred Christopherson of Hermlston performed the oper ation. Mike Sepanek and daughter Ber tha were business visitors In Hepp ner on Monday. Chas. Meville and Gilbert White motored to Echo on a business mis sion last Sunday afternoon. Willard Hawley was a Sunday evening guest of Mr. and Mrs. Irl Clary. Mrs. Merle Bennett accompanied by Mrs. Irl Clary motored to Her mlston on a business mission Mon day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moorehead and son of Pine City were recent guests of Mrs. Moorehead's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bowman of Echo. Mrs. Anna Schmidt and son Al fred were Echo visitors on Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Neill of Pine City were business visitors in Hepp ner quite recently. Miss Margaret Melville spent Sunday with friends in Heppner. Rudolph Geiger was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Thomp son. W. F. Matlock, agent of Rawlelgh products, was through this vicinity on Monday. He reports traveling very hard because of the rough con dition of the country roads. Appar ently the roads are not going to get any better either so long as the wheat trucks are In action. Several sacks of wheat have been stolen from the ranches along the market road between Lexington and Sand Hollow. It has become necessary for Sheriff Bauman to visit this part of the county occa sionally. The ranchers are in hopes he will get his man. Miss Bertha Sepanek was a bus iness visitor In Lexington on Thurs day. Claud Flnley and Irl Clary were business visitors in Lexington Sun day. G. L. Bennett was a business vis itor In Hermiston on Friday. The Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Lambirth were the latter's sister and brother-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Bennett and grand daughter, Juanita Nirschel, of Pendleton, also Willard Hawley and Urover Sibley. Miss Peggy Thompson was a Monday evening guest of Miss Ger trude Tichenor. Merle Bennett and Willard Haw ley spent Thursday and Friday In Pendleton. Miss Celathea Lambirth was a week-end guest of her cousin, Mrs. A. Hlatt of Echo. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Llndsey and children Bruce and Annie Ree were Wednesday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Flnley. Mrs. John Nirschel and sister, Miss Ruth Bennett returned to the former's home in Pendleton follow ing a three weeks' visit with rela tives and friends in Portland. Olin Ritchy of Lexington was a Sunday guest of Miss Peggy Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Bennett and niece, Juanita Nirschel, were Sun day guests of Mrs. Bennett's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McDanlol of Rhea creek. Mrs. McDanlel's and Mrs. Bennett's bro ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Marion Hayes of Portland were also guests at the Rhea creek home. Thoy are on their vacation and stopped to call on Mr. Hayes' sisters while en route to Yellowstone and Glacier National parks. Earle Williams left the employ of G. L. Bennett on Saturday and is visiting in Pendleton. Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, county school superintendent, is in Salem this week, attending the superintend ents' convention. Frances Doherty, clerk at the First National bank, departed Sat urday on his vacation, being spent at the coast Glenn Robison, Miss Eva Stange of Longview, Die in Columbia. (lone Correspondent) lone, Ore. This community was shocked late Sunday evening when word reached here that Glenn Rob ison 15 and Eva Stange 17 were drowned about 4 o'clock in the Col umbia river near Alderdale ferry. Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Robison and Glenn and Miss Eva Stange, who has been spending the summer at the Robison home, drove to the river in the afternoon and Mr. Rob ison and his son were swimming a short distance away from where the others were In the water. Glenn evidently became exhausted and called for help. His father hasten ed to help him and In trying to save him almost lost his own life. When Glenn called Miss Stange also went to his assistance. She took time to remove her dress but failed to take off her shoes, which made swim ming harder for her. When Mr. Robison first noticed her In the water she was drowning. In his ex hausted state he tried to save her but could not. From the shore, Mrs. Robison, helpless and fright ened, witnessed the tragedy. Miss Stange's" body was recovered in about twenty minutes, but the efforts of the friends failed to re suscitate her. Glenn's body was not found until early the next morning. Both bodies were taken to Heppner where they were prepared for bur ial. Funeral services for Glenn Robi son were held in lone Baptist church at 10 o'clock Tuesday morn ing. Interment was made at Mary hill, Wash., cemetery Tuesday af ternoon. Rev. Mr. Jordan, pastor of the Maryhill church, had charge of the services. He was assisted by Rev. W. W. Head, pastor of the Congregational church at lone. Glenn was an only child. Miss Eva Stange's body was shipped to Longview, Wash., Tues day night where funeral services were held today. Eva was the eld est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hal lick Stange. The family lived for years near lone and only three years ago moved to Lrgview. She leaves to mourn her loss besides her mother and father, two sisters and a brother. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of the entire community. 5 Mrs. T. J. Humphreys departed Monday evening for Portland to join her husband and spend a few days in the city for Buyers' week. After a visit to Seattle to take in a portion of the convention of the Christian church, Mr. and Mrs. Humphreys will return home, being accompanied by their daughter, Miss Evelyn, and niece, Miss Mar garet Rood, who will spend their vacation here. Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson of Oakland, Cal., and Mrs. Wilson's mother, Mrs. Anna Allen of Van couver, Wash., arrived In the city Tuesday evening for a visit of a few days at the home of Mr. Wil son's father, Wm. Wilson, and other relatives residing here. They made the trip by motor. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Misner of Bronxville, N. Y., arrived Monday at the home of Mrs. Misner's bro ther, C. W. Smith, county agent They departed today for Palouse and Spokane accompanied by Mrs. Smith and the children who will vis it relatives in Washington for a time. The Misses Mary and Marjorie Clark have as their house guest this week, Miss Nancy Peterson of Spokane, a sorority sister. Miss Peterson was a teacher at Tonas kct, Wash., during the past year un der Edward Notson, principal. Sam Carmack, who long years ago was a prominent resident of Heppner, is in the city this week, renewing old acquaintances. Mr. Carmack Is remembered by only a few of the old timers, as ho left here more than 35 years ago. County Clerk Gay Anderson and family returned on Tuesday after spending their vacation at Vancou ver, Wash., and Portland, visiting with relatives. They spent a few days at the coast while away. The big Legion convention is on at Salem this week. Harold Cohn is representing Heppner post while the Auxiliary is represented by Mes- dames P. M. Gemmell, J. G. Barratt and D. A. Wilson. C. A. Minor and son Ellis were visitors here on Tuesday from Her miston. The elder Mr. Minor is slowly recovering from a recent spell of sickness. John Kenny who was In town Wednesday from his farm home up Hinton creek expected to start the combine on his place today. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Wilcox, resid ing below Lexington, were visitors In this city for a short time on Wednesday afternoon. Miss Rosetta Deos of Lyle, Wash Is visiting for two weeks at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Alva W. Jones. IONE. MRS. JENNIE McMURRAY, Corres pondent Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hale and daughter Miriam were called home from Hidaway springs on Monday by the death of Mrs. Hale's nephew, Glenn Robison. I. R. Robison's brother and wife, and his two sisters, Miss Florence Robison and Mrs. Goss, all from Washington, were here Tuesday to attend the funeral services for Glenn Robison. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes Gabbert and daughter and Wilfred Reynolds of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gabbert of Berkeley, Cal., visited recently at the Fred Mankin home. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day of last week were record breakers for heat in lone. The thermometer registered 100 each day. Mrs. Ida Fletcher spent Friday and Saturday in The Dalles visiting her two daughters, Mrs. C. J. Cal andra and Miss Rosa Fletcher who is taking nurses training at The Dalles hospital. Mrs. Walter Roberts, Mrs. Fred Nichoson and Mrs. Victor Rietmann returned home last Thursday after a pleasant visit in Portland. On the way home the Rietmann car in which they were making the trip was forced off the road by another car. No one was injured but the Rietmann's car was so badly dam aged that It had to be repaired be fore the ladies could continue their Journey. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hale and daughter Miriam left early Satur day morning for an outing at Hid away springs. Saturday L. P. Davidson received word of the death of his sister, Mrs. Frank Lynch. Mrs. Lynch's home was in Spokane but she died at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Todd, in Yakima. She was 59 years old and left to mourn her loss her husband, two daughters and two sons. Fun eral services were Monday at Spo kane. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson left here Sunday, making the trip to Spokane by auto. A little daughter was born Sat urday, August 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ahalt The mother and baby, named Evelyn Joyce, are be ing cared fdV at Mrs. M. Jordan's home. Cole Smith and family made a business trip to Portland last week. Charley Allinger made a business trip to Portland last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bullard and three children left Monday for Portland. As soon as possible after their arrival Wallace the youngest child will undergo an operation for the removal of adenoids and tonsils and the last of the week Mrs. Bul lard will have a major operation. Their surgeon is Dr. W. Donald Nickelsen who Is a nephew of Mrs. Bullard. Elsworth and Eleanor Bullard will remain with their aunt, Mrs. Frohn, in Hood River. Saturday Fred McMurray install ed a two-unit Surge milking ma chine on his dairy farm above town. This machine is manufactured by the Pine Tree Milking Machine company of Chicago. C. R. Swaney of Seattle superintended the instal lation of the machinery and remain ed for several days to see that all was In good working order. Mr. McMurray Is now milking 18 cows but plans on increasing his herd. Besides his electric milking mach ine, he is using an electric De Laval cream separator and has an electric stove and lights in his home. Mrs. George Ritchie has as her guests the first of the week, Mr. and Mrs. Hoech of The Dalles, and her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Casebolt, who re side in Missouri. At a meeting of the district boun dary board held in Heppner on Saturday the petition of lone dis trict to have a certain portion of district fourteen transferred to this district was denied. On Sunday afternoon the swim ming pupils of Miss Eva Balsiger gave a demonstration which was both entertaining and instructive. She has thirteen children under in struction and the work they have accomplished in two weeks time was a surprise to all. Miss Balsiger leaves the last of this week for the Y. W. C. A. camp near Baker to take up her work as life guard. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bristow and son Walter and F. H. Robinson spent Sunday in the mountains. A serious accident was narrowly averted on Wednesday evening of last week when L. P. Davidson, driving onto Main street at the Congregational church, collided with the R. M. Akers car driven by Mr. Akers. No one was hurt but both cars were badly damaged. On Tuesday morning of last week our mall and express was delivered by truck because of the wreck of train No. 129 at 11 o'clock the night before. Part of the train left the track six miles west of lone. The trouble was caused by a sun-kinked rail. No one was injured. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rankin were Portland visitors last week where they went to see Mr. Rankin's fath er who has been 111 for many weeks. They found the sick man slightly improved but the attending physi cians gave them no hopes for his recovery. When Mr. and Mrs. Ran kin returned they were accompan ied by Mr. Rankin's mother who came up for a few days of much needed rest The Women's Relief Corps will hold its regular meeting on Wednes day, August 14, at 2:30, at the Le gion hall. Mrs. John Lawther and baby have returned to their home In the city from Morrow General hospital. Heppner-Spray Route on Way to Reality With surfacing now under way of six miles of the Heppner-Spray road from the Junction with the John Day highway four miles above Spray, this route into the interior is beginning to take on the form of actuality, says Jasper Crawford, who made the trip last week end on the way home from Bend. The grade has been broken from the end of the macadamized section above Hardman clear to the John Day, and even in its present rough state is being traveled by some peo ple who find it more convenient to take this route. Senator R. J. Carsner who was interviewed at Spray made the trip across from Heppner over this road the end of last week, and encoun tered no difficulty getting through, while J. B. Huddleston and Miss Bess Huddleston were met near the end of the road on the other side of the mountains, having traversed the worst part of it successfully. Coming toward Heppner the new grade affords a heavy pull, for aside from being quite steep the freshly graded dirt has been drug to the center of the road with hard ly enough room on either side for a car to travel without getting two wheels Into the dirt. A car should be in good condition before trying to make it across. Going the other way, however, all the new construc tion is on the down slope and can be traveled more easily. Mr. Carsner is authority for the statement that with the completion of the six mile stretch now being surfaced, 28 miles all told of the 52 will have been completed. A pass able road now exists from the Rhea creek market road to the macadam ized stretch some six miles above Hardman, and with the settling of the new grade and the travel that will go over it before snow flies, the entire route should be in fair trav eling condition by next summer. At the present time the road Is good from Mitchell across to Ser vice creek, a large portion of It hav ing been surfaced by Wheeler coun ty as a part of the county's market road program, and much time can be saved in coming to Heppner from Bend by taking this route to the John Day highway then by way of Condon or Monument, the latter road to Heppner now being In good condition though unsurfaced. Popular lone Couple Wed; Leave for Cleveland, Ohio Clone Correspondent) At a quiet home wedding on Wed nesday evening, July 31, Miss Thel ma Morgan became the bride of Mr. Thomas Davidson. The marriage was solemnized at 9 o clock in the evening at the home of the bride groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Davidson. The simple but impres sive ring service of the Cogrega tional church was read by Rev. W. W. Head. The bride wore a beau tiful gown of pale gold georgette. She was unattended and carried no flowers. Only immediate relatives of the bride and groom were present to witness the ceremony. Mrs. Davidson Is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mor gan. She has attended high school in lone and is very popular with the younger set Mr. Davidson is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Davidson. He is a graduate of Oregon State col lege. He taught two years in the high shool at Madras and last year was a successful teacher of math ematics and athletics In the lone high school. The young people left on Thurs day by auto for Cleveland, Ohio, where Mr. Davdison has a position in tne research laboratory of the American Gas association. The best wishes of the whole community go with them. Those witnessing the marriage ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morgan and children, Mildred, Lloyd, Bobby and Billy, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. McCurdy and children Maxlne and Harlan, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ries and children, Delvena, Edla, Tina and John Arthur of Toppen ish, Wash., and Mrs. Ray Beezeley and two sons, Lewis and Jess Ray of Ellensburg, Wash. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. Rev. Thomas J. Brady, Pastor. Next Sunday, August 11, there will be mass in the Catholic church of Heppner at 8:30 o'clock, and also confessions and distribution of Holy Communion and giving of Benedic tion of the Blessed Sacrament There will be no mass in lone next Sunday as far as the pastor can at this writing determine, as arrangements for another priest have not been completed. Should the pastor be alone next Sunday there will be but one mass and that in Heppner at the aforemen tioned hour. Rev. Father Leo Walsh, O. S. B., who has replaced the pastor for the last three Sun days left for Mount Angel last Sat urday, and It Is probable that an other Bencdlctlone priest will be here for next Sunday, In which event there will be mass In lone at the home of Mr. P. J. O'Meara at 10:30. Rev. Father Thomas J. Brady has made all arrangements for a pro tracted stay in a hospital and he will leave the parish to his succes sor to manage and administer. Friday, August 9, will be the feast of St. John Baptist Marie Vianney, and there will be a high mass in the church on that day at 8 o'clock, preceded by confessions and the distribution of Holy Communion. L Harvesting Half Through But Hauling Peak Not Reached Here. The peak of the wheat hauling season has not yet been reached at Heppner, and so far it Is Impos sible to get an exact check on yields. Reports are that the north part of the county is quite generally through harvest while the south Eight Mile and Hardman sections are Just getting well under way. The Blackhorse and Heppner flat districts are now well along and will be finishing Inside of two weeks. Estimates only are available at this time as to the outcome of the 1929 crop, but reports seem to Indi cate that the total yield will exceed 1928 though will be far under the bumper 1927 crop. Heppner ware houses have already received some 200,000 bushels of the new crop which is something more than a third of the total expected receipts for the season. Checking against receipts up to a like period in pre vious years it Is probable that slightly more than 500,000 bushels of the new crop will be handled through the Heppner houses. Lex ington, it is certain, will handle anyway as much, while other points on the branch combined will take care of a like amount from yield reports of the different sections, making the total estimated county yield something In excess of a mil lion and a half bushels, though It is not probable it will reach the 2,000,000 bushel mark. It has been extremely difficult to estimate yields this season, declares C. W. Smith, county agent as there has been a wide discrepancy in the production of lands that ordinarily yield much the same. Some excep tionally good crops are being har vested in places but the average Is not holding up as well as was ex pected early in the season. A few hot days in May cut the yield ma terially in some of the earlier de veloping sections in the north end of the county. It is noted that the grain is grad ing very light on the whole. Chas. Swindig, manager of the Heppner Farmer's Elevator company, states that so far the wheat has probably not averaged above number two grade. One favorable condition he notes, however, is the much smaller percentage of smut than ordinary in the grain handled by them. It is estimated that locally about 50 per cent of the new crop is sold while reports from lone and Lex ington indicate that this Is true there also. A small percentage of the wheat so far sold brought the high price of the season, and the average price received is indicated to be very little more than a dollar. Bearish market reports have been the order for the last week with drops of from one to five cents re corded. Selling has been at a stand still during this period, though it Is expected by buyers that new inter est will be shown as soon as the market takes a turn for the better. The saving feature of the 1929 growing season seems to have been the good rains along about the mid dle of June, though these were not general over all the wheat sections. Disappointment was experienced In the amount of moisture contained in what appeared to have been the big snow of last winter, this leav ing only a fraction of the moisture that was anticipated from the depth of the snow. What drawbacks there may have been earlier in the season are now being partly compensated for by exceptionally fine harvesting weather. MORROW GENERAL HOSPITAL. Mrs. Walter Jepson and baby have returned to their home on Rhea creek. John Kirk received numerous cuts and bruises Monday when he fell off a truck load of wheat on the Heppner grade. He has found It necessary to carry his arm in a sling for a while. Mrs. Pearl Howell has returned to her home In town following her recent operation. Mrs. Clarence Moore and baby have returned to their home In Heppner. Alvin McCabe of lone received a sprained ankle Sunday in an auto accident near Condon, when the auto beame unmanageable and ran into a telephone pole. Mildred Keene was injured in the same ac cident by glass from the broken windshield. HAYDEN-DEVLV. A quiet wedding was solemnized at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Devin, on Wed nesday morning, when their daugh ter, Leora, was united in marriage to Mr. Adolph Hayden, Rev. F. R. Spaulding, pastor of the Methodist church, performing the ceremony. Immediate relatives of the family, only, were present. Following a wedding breakfast the young peo ple departed by auto on a honey moon trip to Bend, Crater Lake and other points of Interest. Their fu ture home will be at Stanfleid, near which place Mr. Hayden Is engaged In farming on an irrigated tract. The bride has been a teacher In the Stanfleid schools for the past two years, is a graduate of Heppner high school and a native daughter of Heppner, having a host of friends here who extend hearty congratulations.