History Sodt Volume 46, Number 20. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUG. 1, 1929 Subscription $2.00 a Year URGE CREDIT BODY FDR DUSINESS MEN Business Institute Monday and Tuesday Arouses Much Interest. Heppner and lone business men to the number of about 50 gathered at the banquet table at 6:30 on Mon day evening to partake of the good things prepared for them as a part of the entertainment of the repre sentatives of Oregon State college and the Oregon Retail Merchants' association. At this gathering the college was represented by Messrs. H. T. Vance, head of courses in merchandising of Oregon State College School of Commerce, and E. E. Bosworth, head of courses in Acounting and Auditing, and O. F. Tate, secretary of the merchants' association. These gentlemen ar rived In Heppner on Monday for the purpose of conducting a business institute, one of a series of eighteen being held over the state this sum mer. After the splendid feed had been disposed of, the assembly was addressed in the Endeavor room of the Christian church by the visitors, the meeting lasting about an hour and a half. Previous to this gathering, con ferences had been held during the day, and all business men who could attended. This was also the order on Tuesday morning, and at noon a luncheon was served in the dining room of the church. The business Institutes are a new departure of the state college, this being the second year, and have been brought about through the co operation l the state college and the Oregon Retail Merchants' asso ciation. The college has been, through its school of commerce, making surveys of business meth ods and gathering in a lot of Infor mation that has been put forth in the shape of printed bulletins. In recent years the annual meeting of the Oregon Retail Merchants' asso ciation has been held In Corvallis and this organization came to real ize that it would be a fine thing to carry the educational features of the work right to the merchants In the various communities over the state, hence the business Institutes. It was a little unfortunate that the lnstitue came o Heppner just at this,' our busiest season, other wise the attendance would no doubt have been much larger and the merchants could have been In bet ter position to receive the splendid Instruction offered. Another year an effort will be made to have the dates placed earlier in the season. However, the subjects discussed at this Institute by the able speakers and instructors, reached a sufficient number of our business people, and the representation of the various lines of merchandising was suffi cient that much good will no doubt result In consultation with some busi ness men since, we are led to make the statement that one result will be the organization of a local mer chants' association for the purpose of protecting credits. Prof. Bos worth just drove this home In his splendid talk on "Credits and Col lections" Monday evening, and when the merchants had listened further to Mr. Tate on "Business Barnacles" Tuesday noon, there could be little doubt left that our busnless men would take this step. Mr. Tate will return to Heppner a little later, and then the steps neces sary to organize the local associa tion will be taken. Not all the good work resulted from the public meetings, as the visitors were kept busy In various conferences and many phases of lo cal merchandising were discussed. We are glad this conference came to Heppner and feel that It has done much good. Those of our merchants who failed to attend any of the ses sions missed a lot of good Informa tion and this Is their loss. We hope the conference well be held again the coming year, and that at a time when there can be a better attend ance, and every retail merchant will be there. MORROW GENERAL HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Moore of this city are the proud parents of a 7-pound girl, born Monday. Both mother and baby are doing nicely. Mrs. John Lawther and baby daughter have returned to their home from the hospital. Cole Smith met with a painful ac cident Saturday at the Farmers' elevator in lone, when he fell off a truck and dislocated his elbow. Both bones of the lower right arm were displaced backward. He received treatment at the hospital and after being x-rayed and his arm put in a sling returned to his home. Arthur Davis underwent a minor operation Thursday for the removal of a piece of steel from his eye. Stephen Thompson had a minor operation Monday for Ingrowing toenail. Mrs. Perle Howell underwont an operation Tuesday and is getting along nicely. Mrs. Fay Bucknum has returned to her home from the hospital. Jon Conder, who was local repre sentative of the E. O, during the absence of Mrs.' Josephine Mahoney, departed Sunday In company with J. W, Beymcr for the John Day country. He will be located with Ried Buselck at John Day for the balance of the summer. IONE. MRS. JENNIE McMURRAY, Corres pondent The directors of the Farmers' El evator company of lone held a very important meeting Saturday after noon In Odd Fellows hall. Several matters of business were attended to, but of greatest Interest to the farmers was the leasing of the Col lins warehouses the one at lone and the other at McNabb Siding. J. E. Swanson, who for years has had charge of the Collins ware houses, will be manager, also, of the Farmers' elevator and warehouse. The transfer will be made August 1st With harvest now well under way those who are In a position to know state that the yield this year will be 80 per cent of last year's yield, that the price will about average last year's price, but that the wheat Is proving to be a better grade than it was last year. Mrs. Ray Beezely and two sons motored over from Ellensburg on Monday for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Davidson. The Standard Oil company is spending about seven hundred dol lars for Improvements at the plant in east lone. The old wooden fence is being replaced by a durable iron fence and the warehouse platform is being enlarged. Miss Elva Balslger who for some time has been giving the younger children Instruction In swimming, has found It necessary to make a small charge for her work. Hereaf ter she will expect each child under instruction to pay ten cents an hour. Eighteen children gathered at the Earl Blake home on Second street Monday afternoon to help Mary Katherine Blake celebrate her sev enth birthday. The time was spent In playing games with delicious re freshments served at the close. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Beckner had as their dinner guests Sunday .July 21, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beckner and two sons, Dale and Teddy, of Pilot Rock; Miss Anne Kopatcy of Stan field, Mr. Tllghman and Lake Beck ner of Athena, and Mrs. W. B. Young, daughter Elizabeth and son Billy, from Elkhorn, West Virginia. On Monday following Mr. and Mrs. Lee Beckner, accompanied by Mrs. Young and children drove to Port land, going by way of the Mt Hood Loop road and returning over the Columbia River highway. Mrs. Young and her two children left on last Thursday night from Ar lington for her home in the east They will make a sight-seeing stop at Yellowstone National park and also at Salt Lake City. Mrs. Young is Mr. Beckner s sister and she greatly enjoyed her visit in Oregon. A party of thirty-five ladles gath ered at the home of Mrs. Henry Krebs at Cecil on last onlday after noon for a miscellaneous shower In honor of Miss Myrtle Chandler. The young lady was the recipient of many beautiful gifts. At the close of the afternoon dainty refresh ments of ice cream, cake and punch were served. Ladles who attended from lone were Mrs. Bert Mason, Mrs. J. W. Howk and son, Mrs. S. E. Moore, Mrs. Fred Mankln, Mrs. W. E. Bullard and children, Mrs. A. A. McCabe and children, Mrs. C. F. Feldman and daughters, Misses Hazel and Katherine, and Mrs. El mer Griffith and children. Mrs. Harlan McCurdy entertained the Past Grand Club of the Rebek ah lodge last Friday afternoon at her pleasant home on Willow creek. Those In attendance were Mrs. Da vidson, Mrs. E. J. Bristow, Mrs. Lee Howell, Mrs. Alice McNabb, Mrs. Ernest Heliker, Mrs. George Rit chie, Mrs. J. E. Swanson, Mrs. C. W. Swanson, Mrs. Harold Rankin, Mrs. Charley Shaver, Mrs. Cleo Drake, Mrs. Ernest Lundell and Mrs. Edna Jewel from Pasco, Wash. The la dies greatly enjoyed the watermelon which was served by the hostess, Mrs. McCurdy, at the close of the social hour. A party was given In Legion hall Friday evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lundell. The time was spent in pleasant conversation and dancing. Ice cream and cake were served to the guests. The bride re ceived many beautiful gifts. Harvey Ring who lives below lone was remembering his friends In town Sunday by the gift of some very fine roasting ears. We believe this Is the first sweet corn in this locality to be ready for market Mr. nnd Mrs. C. W. Swanson mo tored to Joseph Sunday for a short visit with their son Carlton. They were met at Pendleton by Mrs. Zel ma Kennedy who made the trip with them. While working at the Farmers' Elevator Saturday Cole Smith fell from a truck In such a way as to dislocate his rglht arm at the el bow. He was taken at once to Heppner for medical attention. J. T. Helms and Anna Yocum, both of Lexington, were united in marriage at the Congregational par sonage In lone Friday afternoon, July 26, Pastor W. W. Head officiat ing. After the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Helms motored to Portland. The Congregational Sunday school picnic last Sunday was a very enjoyablo affair. Five car loads of the church people motored to the pleasant camping grounds on Ditch creek, They took with them well filled lunch baskets and plenty of ice cream. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Howk and son Alan, and Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Linn went "a-glpsylng" down the Co lumbia River highway Sunday. They had a happy picnic dinner at Hood River. Mrs. Shippy has received word that her sister, Mis. Delia Corson, reached Chicago safely Saturday morning and that she and her son and daughter-in-law started on their Enjoys Vacation Trip In Wallowa Mountains Earl Hallock, cashier of Farmers & Stockgrowers National bank, re turned Tuesday morning from ten days vacation, spent in the high mountains of Wallowa county. Mr. Hallock was a member of a rather distinguished party that made the trip Into the Wallowa Wonderland, and they kept all the while to the high places, making a circle of the peaks around the lake basin and coming down at no time to the level of Aneroid lake until they were ready to make their journey home. Other members of the party with Mr. Hallock were Roger W. Morse, county agent of Baker county; Wal- ter Holt, county agent of Umatilla county; F. L. Ballard, county agent leader, Corvallis; Stanley Jewett director U. S. Biological survey, Portland; J. D. Mickle, state dairy and food commissioner; Major John D. Guthrie, U. S. forest service, Portland; Elmer Wiliams, assistant to Mr. Jewett; John Kuns, super visor Whitman Forest; Mr. Haw kins, Oregontan representative. The party left Halfway Friday, July 19, and were out ten days. Mr. Hallock states that these gen tlemen are unanimous in their op position to creating a national park out of the Wallowa Wonderland district, but they would favor its be ing set aside by the government as a wilderness area, in which case Its natural beauty would be preserved. TRAFFIC INSTRUCTION GIVEN Miss Evelyn Hunt, police woman from Hollywood, stood in the mid dle of Main street for several hours on Saturday, stopping cars going and coming and giving their drivers instructions concerning proper ob servance of traffic rules. Whether It did any good or not we cannot say, but the majority of the drivers seemed rather to enjoy being held up by a pretty little girl In the uni form of a traffic officer. Miss Hunt was accompanied to Heppner by Mrs. H. Hudson of Portland, who is chaperoning the young lady on her journey through Eastern Oregon. Mrs. Hudson is a sister of S. E. Van Vactor of The Dalles, formerly a prominent attorney of this city. Sheriff Bauman returned Monday after attending the convention of sheriffs and police at Missoula, Montana, and then going on up in to Western Canada and British Co lumbia to look after some property he and his father have there. He reports a fine trip and went over a lot of territory. motor trip Sunday morning. They had visited the old home at War rensburg, Mo., and were headed for the Ozark mountains. Several of the farmers on the north side have finished harvest The cutting of the second crop of alfalfa was under way on some of the ranches below town last week, and this week will find those above town making hay. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Dewey and daughter Mary departed Monday for their home in Lucky Lake, Sask. Canada, after a pleasant four weeks visit in the Clarence Warren home at Dry Fork. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey are Mrs. Warren's grandparents. They are traveling by auto and vis ited here on their way home from a trip to California. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Warfleld left the first of the week for Peck, Ida ho, where Mr. Warfleld has work In a grain elevator. They will leave their small son here with his grand mother, Mrs. Oscar Cochran, until they get settled In the new home. They made the trip by auto. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Sperry, Mrs. Chas. Rit chie and Arthur Ritchie, all of Heppner, were Friday evening guests In the Fred Ritchie home. A little daughter, Joy Pauline, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rit chie Tuesday, July 23. The baby lived but an hour and a half. She was laid to rest In the I. O. O. F. cemetery at lone. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Brown and son Winnie arrived In lone early Saturday morning to spend the week end at their home here. Mr. Brown is attending summer school at Monmouth, but they are living In Salem. They were accompanied on the trip by Mrs. Elmo McMillan who came up for a visit with her little daughter, Beverly June, and with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Swanson. Last week Ralph Akers took Mrs. Akers to The Dalles where she en tered a hospital to receive medical treatment. Miss Nedra Agee left the first of last week for Lyle, Wash., where she visited for a week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thorn burg, before accompanying her aunt Mrs. Anne Gadman to her home at East Holywood, California. Floyd Barnett is here visiting his mother, Mrs. Chas. Nord. Albert Petteys received a broken arm last Friday when a ladder fell with him as he was at work at the Jordan elevator. The fracture is just above the wrist on the right arm. Mrs. Bert Mason was hostess at a little luncheon Thursday after noon of last week. Her guests were Mrs. Lieuallen, Mrs. Cotter and Mrs. Ernest Lundell. The ladies spent a pleasant afternoon playing bridge. Mrs. Guy Cason and two children of Arlington arrived last week. They are guests in the Bryson home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Blake and two children have taken rooms in the Harris apartment Mrs. Allen Learned left Saturday night for her home in Seattle after a pleasant six weeks visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Balslger. U. S. LAMB CROP REPORT FOR JULY From V. S. Department of Agriculture. The United States lamb crop of 1929 was about 1 per cent smaller than the crop of 1928, but over 7 per cent larger than the 1927 crop, ac cording to the lamb report Issued by the Department of Agriculture. The indicated lamb crops for the three years are 25,976,000 in 1929, 26,225,000 in 1928, and 24,153,000 in 1927. The number of lambs saved per hundred ewes one year old and over January 1, was 83.1 in 1929, 89.2 in 1928, and 87.2 in 1927. This decrease in the number of lambs saved per 100 ewes more than off set an increase of 6 per cent In the estimated number of breeding ewes on farms January 1 of this year. The smaller lamb crop this year was due to the decrease in the west ern lamb states. The crop In the na tive lamb states this year was about four per cent or over 300,000 head larger than that of 1928. This in crease was due to the increase In the number of breeding ewes since there was little difference In the number of lambs saved per hundred ewes in the two years. The native lamb crop was 8,331,000 In 1929, 8, 882,000 In 1928, and 8,875,000 In 1927. The western lamb crop of 1929 was over three per cent or more than 600,000 head smaller than that of 1928. While the 'estimated num ber of breeding ewes over one year old January 1 was 1 per cent larger in 1929 Uian in 1928, this was more than offset by the decrease in the number ,of lambs saved per hun dred ewes from 83.8 In 1928 to 75.5 in 1929. The decrease in the west ern region was due to decrease In the late lamb crop, the number of early lambs produced being as large as in 1928. Texas was the only state In this region where the number of lambs saved per 100 ewes was larg er in 1929 than in 1928 and the lamb crop in Texas was over 8 per cent larger than in 1928. The largest decreases were in Wyoming, Utah, Nevada and Oregon. The western lamb crop was 16,645,000 in 1929, 17,233,000 in 1928, and 15,278,000 in 1927. In the native sheep states the in formation as to lamb crop was ob tained from reports secured by ru ral mail carriers about June 1. The lamb crops for these states are based upon the ratios of lambs sav ed as shown by these reports. In the western sheep states the lamb crops are actual estimates of the number of lambs docked based up on reports from larre numbers of range sheep owners in addition to the rural carriers' Reports. Avail able Information Indicates that lamb losses after docking In some of the western states were considerably larger this year than last year and that the decrease in lambs raised will be more than the decrease In the lamb crop as estimated. RETURNS FROM VACATION. Mrs. Josephine Mahoney arrived home on Saturday evening from Portland, having competed her va cation trip which extended over a month of time In travel and includ ed many points of Interest in Cali fornia. A week was spent in San Francisco, where Mrs. Mahoney took In all the sights, then ten days were spent in the Journey to Los Angeles, taking in Monterey, Car mel, Del Monte and other points of Interest along the coast; visiting the first theater erected In Califor nia, built in the year 1847 at Mon terey, and where Jenny Llnd ap peared when she visited the Pacific coast; a visit was also made to all the old missions, all ot which was intctresting and educational. At Los Angeles Mrs. Mahoney attended the Elks convention, the really big event of the trip, and to make the vacation and sight seeing journey complete, visits were made to Cata lina, Tia Juana, Apua Caliente and San Diego, and here Mrs. Mahoney took to the air for a look on the city and the humble denizens below. The return home was greatly enjoyed, the sea route being taken from Los Angeles to Seattle on the magnifi cent passenger steamer, the H. F. Alexander. TRIANGLE SUNDAY. Next Sunday morning at the Church of Christ the opening ex ercises will be featured by the tri angle. This has nothing to do with Geometry. Come and see! The morning service Is centered about the Lord's Supper and begins at 10:50. The morning sermon will be, "God is Not Mocked." The evening service begins at 8 p. m. with a lively songfest and the sermon will follow. All are welcome at these services. The monthly board meeting will follow the morning service. MILTON W. BOWER, Minister. One cup of molasses in a recipe is equivalent to 1-3 cup of sugar, and one cup of liquid. One egg equals 1-2 teaspoon leavening agent. If one cup ground nuts is used 1-3 cup less butter is required. Three tablespoons cocoa equal one square of chocolate. Mrs. Henry Aiken has accepted a place In the drug store of Patter son & Son, beginning work there today. The position has been held by Mrs. Milton Spurlock. To Insure a flaky product In pas try have all the Ingredients cold, then cut the fat into the flour in particles about the size of small peas. The flavor of meats or cooked vegetables for salads Is greatly im proved by marinating them, that is soaking them In French dressing. 0. G. Crawford Goes to Klamath Falls Paper Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Crawford stopped over at Heppner on Sun day for a short visit with their rel atives here. They were on their way to Klamath Falls, where Mr. Crawford has accepted the position as city editor on the Herald with Bruce Dennis. They have been re siding at Walla Walla during the past year and Mr. Crawford was engaged in the printing business there. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford were joined here by their daughter Jean who has been visiting at Heppner for the past two weeks. Kamath Falls Is a growing com munity and classed as one of the beat business towns in the state. Mr. Dennis runs both the Herald and News at that point, one being a morning paper and the other pub lished In the evening. Mr. Craw ford considers that the position he has accepted opens up for him a fine opportunity to advance in the newspaper game. ALPINE. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Simonton and family were Echo visitors Wednes day. John Williams, who Is employed on the Omahunder ranch near Lex ington, called on Ed Ditty Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Thmopson were business visitors in Pendleton on Saturday. Olin Ritchy accompanied by the Misses Peggy Thompson and Aud rey Moore, were visitors In Stan Held and Pendleton on Saturday. Charles Melville and niece, Miss Gertrude Tichenor, motored to Pen dleton on business last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Adams and son, and the former's father, T. B. Adams, left West Camp on Satur day. They plan on motoring to Van couver, Wn., where the two men are engaged In the lumber business. Arthur Schmidt of California is at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schmidt to assist with the harvest Dr. J. P. Conder of Heppner was a Sunday guest at the home of C. Melville. He also visited at his ranch. Tom Boylen of Meacham was a guest Monday at his ranches in Pine City. P. J. Doherty was In this vicinity giving Maytag washing machine demonstrations. He is rather en couraged with the outlook of his business as he has had the promise of several sales in the near future. Sam Ritchy has purchased a new Whippet six truck for hauling his wheat to the warehouse. His son Olin is driving the truck and is be ing assisted by John Nelll. Billy Mischey, a former Sand Hollow boy, Is assisting with the harvest on the Harvey Miller place. The Misses Margaret Melville and Gertrude Tichenor, and Mrs. C. Melville, also Charles Melville and Gilbert White, motored to Heppner on Sunday evening. Rudoph Geiger was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Thomp son. During the course of the day Mr. Geiger and Mr. Thompson mo tored to Lexington. Claud Flnley and Kenneth Wade were Echo and Hermiston visitors on Monday. Willard Hawley was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Irl Clary. Charles Melville and Rudolph Geiger were business visitors in Echo on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Bennett ac companied William Doherty to Pen dleton on Sunday evening. While there the young folks took In a show. Alex Lindsey, who is employed on Butter creek, spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lindsey. Mrs. Geo. Lambirth and daughter Celathea called Saturday on friends at Pine City. Mrs. Merle Bennett accompanied by Mrs. Irl Clary and children Irl and Mildred motored to Hermiston on Saturday. Messrs. Merle Bennett, Grover Sibley and Willard Hawley motored to Hermiston Saturday evening. A number of our young people at tended the dance at Stanfleld on Saturday evening. Friends and relatives of Earl Wil liams, who is employed on the G. L. Bennett ranch, motored from Southern Idaho to visit with him on Saturday. BOYS FIND ALLIGATOR. Saranac Lake, N. Y. A ten-inch alligator was captured by boys in the Ausable River near here. It is supposed to be several years old and appears to be in perfect health. It is said It was sunning itself on a rock when captured. There is no explanation of how It came to be in the river, which is one of the coldest streams in the country and is Ice-bound during a large part of the winter. Ruth Missildine was tendered a birthday party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner In this city on Saturday afternoon, by Jeanette and Annabel TuAer and Marjorie Happold. The game of "travel" was the main feature of entertainment for the afternoon, Adele Nickerson making high score and Ruth Tur ner consolation. Many gifts were showered upon Miss Missildine and dainty refreshments were served. Those present were Ruth Missildine, Marjorie Happold, Betty Happold, Ruth Turner, Teresa Breslln, Adele Nickerson, Margaret Missildine, An nabel Turner, Dorothy Jean Craw ford, Jeanette Turner, Mary White, Francis White, Doris Hlatt, Zella McFerrin, Phyllis Jane Jones, Don na Brown, Alyce Cason. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schwarz and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Reavls drove to Minam on Saturday night and Sunday was spent on the river where the boys attempted to gather In some fish. Their success was very meager. Accompanying the party as far as Meacham was Miss Leora Devln, who remained there for a visit with her sister and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. John Clouston. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gardineer, who are on a months' vacation trip by auto from their home in Port land, remained in Heppner on Wed nesday night, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Gemmell. Mrs. Garineer will be remembered by Heppner folks as Miss Hazel Radabaugh, teacher of music in our schools in 1917-18. They continued on their journey today. Dr. Callaway, osteopathic physi cian, has established permanent of fices in the Gilman building. Dr. Callaway was formerly of Heppner and is a graduate of the Kirksville school of osteopathy. He comes to Heppner to assist all physicians in curing the ills of humanity. This paper is glad that Dr. Callaway has decided to permanently locate in our city. Mitchel Thorn, manager of Pa cific Power & Light company at Heppner, with Mrs. Thorn, is enjoy ing the vacation season at Ocean side, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Thorn certainly chose an opportune time to be absent from Eastern Oregon, a the heat is going strong here now. Mrs. Henry Schwarz, recently op erated on at Heppner hospital for the removal of tonsils, was able to return home on Monday. She was taken to The Dalles on Wednesday by Mr. Schwarz to consult a nerve specialist as she has been suffering a lot lately with one arm. Albert Adkins returned home on Monday from a visit of a couple of days with Mrs. Adkins in Portland. He reports his wife as about able to leave the hospital and go to the home of her mother at Gresham where she will remain until able to return to Heppner. Mrs. J. L. Callaway and son Carl arrived home from Mountain Home, Idaho, on Wednesday morning, af ter spending some time in that city, their former place of residence. Dr. and Mrs. Callaway are now peiv manently located in apartments in the Gilman building. Dr. A. B. Holden, specialist, was called in consultation with Dr. Mc Murdo on Friday to pass upon the case of Mrs. Jeff Jones, who has been seriously ill for some time. Mrs. Jones is now reported to be slightly improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Adams of Hardman are moving to Heppner to take advantage of the school facilities. They have rented the Lester Doolittle property on Court street, recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Orve Rasmus. Missildine Bros, of Blackhorse are getting well along with their wheat harvest and expect to finish up the coming week. Their wheat la mak ing a yield of 25 bushels to the acre, and the grain Is of excellent quality. Mrs. T. J. Humphreys returned on Monday from Eugene where she went to take in the Sunset Trail pageant. Mr. Humphreys remained for a more extended visit with rela tives in the Willamette valley. Mrs. Lillian Rogers of Corning, Calif., arrived at Heppner on Tues day and will spend a couple of months here, visiting with her daughter, Mrs. J. L. Callaway, and family. R. R. McHaley of Prairie City, recently appointed trustee of the J. H. McHaley estate, will make his home at Heppner in order to be near the McHaley property hold ings. Milard French, who has been spending a week at Heppner, visit nig with his sister, Mrs. Leon W. Brlggs and family, departed Tues day for his home at Chewelah, Wn. Glassware Special, Saturday, Aug. 3rd. See our window. Barrel tum blers, 25c a set Special offer from cheapest tumblers to fine cut glass. Case Furniture Company. 20 Mrs. Jared Aiken of Salt Lake City arrived the first of the week and will spend a couple of months in this city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Curian. Eph Eskelson and W. W. Smead returned on Thursday last from a fishing trip to Paulina and East lakes south of Bend. They bagged the limit of fish. E. A. Richards of the Ford Mo tor company, Portland, was a vis itor In Heppner on Monday, calling on the local dealers, Latourell Auto company. D. J. Butcher, district manager of Paclflo Telephone & Telegraph company, Btatloned at The Dalles, was a caller on the local exchange Friday. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Neill of Pine City were visitors In this city on Saturday. Mr. Nelll Is now busy putting up his second crop of al falfa. Arriving last Monday Three H o o s i e r Sisters the stepsavers, greet you In Case Furniture Co.'a Window. 20 By Arthur Lirisbaae Man Defeats Nature. Chain Store Growth. Up Goes Wheat. A Bird Bootlegger. Man consistently surpasses the performances of nature. Locomotives and automobiles out run the deer. Airplanes already outfly any bird, and will do better when they stop imitating birds and create an entirely new plane. Bulls of Basham bellowed and were heard afar. The microphone talks around the world. Man's latest defeat of nature is the crea tion of an artificial ear "a thousand times more sensitve than the hu man ear, that picks up the faintest danger signals coming through the fog and tells the direction whence they come." Anything that men can imagine they can do. Forty-five chain store organisa tions, in June, did $236,281,747 busi ness,' gaining 23 per cent in a year. Sears, Roebuck stands first with June sales of $25,747,979; Wool worth next $23,000,000; Montgom ery Ward third, $21,000,000. Newspaper publishers are Inter ested in the policy of General Wood, a West Pointer, now president of Sears, Roebuck. He is constantly building retail stores, promoting them with newspaper advertising. Sears, Roebuck, it is said, plan several retail stores in all big cities, one in each small city. While the Government thinks about it Mother Nature helps some farmrs by injuring the wheat crop here and in the Canadian North west The price of wheat went up ev erywhere, Chicago, Winnipeg, Lon don, Buenos Aires, touching $1.36 a bushel. The price was 96 cents a few weeks ago. It is not so pleasant for those farmers whose wheat is "irrepar ably ruined." . .. W. T. Logan, Christian mission ary returning to Buffalo, from the headwaters of the Zambesi, tells of a little bird that makes a hole in the river bank clay, fills It with fruit lets it ferment and develops alcohol. At the proper time the bird re turns to Its little clay vat takes a drink and will fight anything. What could our prohibition forces do about that? Satan, of course, educated that bird, far back in the Garden of Eden, very likelv. Hot weather is raising heck around these premises this week. First the editor was on the bum, because of the hot spell, no doubt then Wednesday's mail failed to reach us until the middle of the af ternoontrain off the track down the line, account of more heat and to make bad matters worse, the juice went off immediately after noon today, just when we needed it most Usually it Is all joy and bliss in a print shop, but these little things come along to remind us that we are afflicted much as ther mortals in this world. The break in the high power line occurred over near Moro, the result of an elec trical storm that hit Sherman coun ty along about noon today, so the report goes. This oanpr nnnniinrpd thp hpcrin. nine of a new serinl stnrv with thl week and some explanation is call- ea ror Decause or its non-appearance. The story comes to us by in stallments each week, and we had no chance to review It before mak ing the announcement otherwise it would not have been accepted. From the way It starts off, we are convinced that we do not have it appear through this paper, ana win try to nna someuiing more acceptable. We feel the story is of a class that should be suppressed, rather than placed before our read ers. Heppner has been eniovin? a spell of real summer heat for sev eral days past, and the end is not vet in siirht. though snmewhnt pnol. er today, with threatening clouds ana an electrical storm pending. Wednesday the thermometer stood the highest for the season. Frank Gilliam reports; the maximum was 99 decrees and the minimum rs making Wednesday night the warm est oi tne season so far. A cool spell right now would be appreciated. WTiile returning frnm limrh in the MacMarr store vestm-dnv nnnn Fred Painter was stung by a bee or some other Insect on the eyelid as he walked up the street The sting had a very instant and bad effect and in half an hour's time the pois on had so affected him that his life was despaired of. Quick work on the cart of a Dhvsiclnn hmutrht Mm out of it, but he is still suffering from the effect") end not able to re turn to his work. Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Bull rohirn...! on Wednesday from their summer vacation or a month.