mtttt tmetf Volume 46, Number 19. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, July 25, 1929. Subscription $2.00 a Year BUSINESS SCHOOL STARTS MOW All Sessions to be Held in Christian Church; 40 to Attend. Heppner business men, as well as business men from lone and Lex ington, will become schoolboys again next Monday and Tuesday, when Professors H. T. Vance and E. E. Bosworth of Oregon State cot lege, and O. F. Tate, secretary of Oregon Retail Merchants associa tlon, will be In Heppner to conduct a business institute. Morning, after noon and evening sessions will be held with dinner Monday evening and luncheon Tuesday noon at the Christian church prepared and serv ed by ladles of the church. All sessions will be held in the basement of the Christian church, the Monday banquet to be from 6:30 to 9, and Tuesday luncheon from 12:15 to 1:15. Morning sessions will be from 9 to 10:30 and afternoon sessions from 1:30 to 3. Plate cnarge for Danquet Is 85 cents and for luncheon 60 cents. Tickets for the banquet and luncheon are now av ailable and reservations may be made at Hiatt and Dix. Aside from the regularly announc ed class periods, arrangements may be made by merchants for private conferences with the professors and Mr. Tate at any time outside of scheduled meetings. The men de sire to be of all possible service while in the city. At 9 o'clock Monday morning Pro fessor Vance will conduct a confer ence on advertising. Mr. Vance is head of the course In merchandis ing and his lecture will be followed by a discussion period. Beginning at 1:30 in the afternoon, Professor Bosworth will conduct a confer ence on the cost of doing busi ness, with lecture followed by dis cussion period, and at the evening banquet two lectures will be given, the first on credits and collections by Professor Bosworth and the sec ond on retail selling by Professor Vance. Tuesday morning at 9 Professor Bosworth will hold a class in retail budgeting. The noon luncheon will be addressed by Mr. Tate with a discussion of the Oregon Retail Merchants' association, and at 1:30 Professor Vance will have charge of a class In window trimming. More than forty business men of the county have signed up for the institute and are looking forward to the two-day instruction with much anticipation. Oregon History Depicted In Sunset Trail Pageant Eugene, Ore., July 23. (Special) The Sunset Trail pageant, to be staged on Hayward field July 25, 26 and 27, will be the most elaborate outdoor performance ever seen In Oregon, it is declared by those who have seen early rehearsals of the huge show. A cast of 1500 is now working nightly on the event, which will depict the development of the Oregon country from the early, al most pre-hlstoric Maya days, on through the present to a vision of the future. One of the outstanding features of the event will be the huge stage itself, which will be 240 feet long and 80 feet deep. It represents a scene In a forest in Oregon, with tall mountains in the background. It rears over 35 feet into the air, and will give the appearance of a whole mountainside covered with majestic fir trees. In one of the most Impressive scenes two large trees will be fallen, with real lum berjacks swinging axes and hand ling saws. The pageant will be offered each evening, and starting promptly at 8:20, will last for an even two hours without a break. Seating capacity of 10,000 each night has been ar ranged for, and indications are that almost capacity crowds will be pre sent each evening. The event Is to be fully covered by the press of the state, as a special "press box" to hold 80 newswriters each evening, has been constructed In the center of the huge stand. Outstanding dramatic and musi cal talent of the state has been drawn on for the pageant. Mrs. Doris Smith, of Portland Hosarla fame, will direct the performance; John Stark Evans, professor of mu sic at the University of Oregon, will have charge of the chorus; Mrs. Mildred LeComte Moore will direct dancing, while in the cast will be Marshall N. Dana, associate editor of the Oregon Journal, who will have the leading role of pioneer; Nancy Thiclsen, noted mezzo so prano, who will sing aa "Sacaja wea," and Sydney Dixon, popular radio tenor from station KJR of the National Broadcasting company of Seattle. Entries from all over the state are pouring In for the Pioneer and Industrial parades, the former to be held Friday and the latter Sat urday. The air circus Is already assured of at least 50 planes present to par ticipate In races, stunts and other features. This will be an event on Friday and Saturday afternoons. Mrs. W. P. Mahoncy departed for Portland on Saturdny for a visit with relatives In that city. HARDMAN. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson re turned Monday after a two weeks stay in Seattle, where they have been visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Saling ar rived In Hardman Tuesday from Montana where Mr. Saling has been engaged In shearing sheep. They returned home through Yellowstone National park, and report that they had a splendid outing. Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDaniel and daughter Maxlne visited at the home of Mr. McDaniel's parents Sunday. James Knlghten purchased a Chevrolet coupe from Ferguson Chevrolet company last week. Since then he has been busy giving the ladies pleasure rides. Mr. and Mrs. John Adams, Belva Adams and his daughter Margery, and Wilfred Ward were visiting near lone Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Prank Young. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rice, former residents of the Hardman vicinity, are visiting relatives and friends here. Mrs. Fred Ashbaugh visited her son Claire Ashbaugh and family Sunday. A number of Hardman ladies were calling at the home of Mrs. Chas. Hastings Tuesday. Neal Knighten has moved his combine harvester to the Chas. Fur long farm and will begin harvest there. Alma McConkey of Lone Rock was visiting friends here Sunday. Mrs. Ben Thomas who has been visiting at the home of Mrs. Joe Batty departed for Portland yes terday. Klnnard McDaniel returned from Montana last week, where he has been shearing sheep. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Farrens took their daughter Muryl to Pendleton Saturday to consult an eye special ist They drove on to La Grande to visit their other daughter, who is attending school there. Mrs. Ethel McDaniel spent the week end In Hardman visiting with her sister. Miss Muryl Farrens was the din ner guest of Elvira Bleakman Tues day. Beth Bleakman, Zoe Hadley, Bud Fish, Buch Waggoner and Everett Hadley were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mc Daniel Sunday. Hardman I. O. O. F. and Rebekah lodges held joint installation Satur day night, July 20. The following ofllcers were Installed for the Re bekahs; Pearl Steers, N. G.; Nellie Wright, V. O.; Shirley Roblson, Sec.; W. T. Reynolds, Treas. The Odd Fellows Installed John Hast ings, N. G.; Neal Knlghten, V. G.; Blaine Chapel, Sec; W. T. Rey nolds, Treas. After the installation ice cream and cake were served by the Rebekah ladies. Congratulations are being sent to Mr. and Mrs. James A. Howard of Newbcrg on the birth of a daugh ter July 18, at the maternity hos pital In McMinnvllle. The little girl has been named Virginia Lee. Body of Drowned Man Recovered at Messner Coroner M. L. Case was called to Messner Friday to view the body of a man washed ashore on the beach there. The body had been discovered a little earlier in the day and seemed to be floating near the edge of the stream. Deputy Sheriff Chaffee of Boardman drew it ashore and called for the coroner, who ar rived on the scene and made what Investigation he could, finding the body to be In a bad state of decom position. The man had apparently been dead for many days. On the body was found a pocket book In which the name of Roy Leader, Yakima, Wash., appeared on an automobile identification card. There was also an address given as White Swan, Wash. The remains proved to be those of Roy Leader of Yakima, who drowned In the Columbia river at Kennewick, Wash., on July 7, when a row boat containing himself, his wife and two sons filled and Bank, and the body had been In the river some 12 days when cast ashore. The corpse was taken to Yakima from Heppner for burial. Second Swim Day Set By Monument P. T. A. Mrs. Guy Boyer, president of the Monument Parent Teacher associa tion, writes this paper that the members of the association are making arrangements for their sec ond annual Swim Day, August 4. Mrs. Boyer states that Monument boasts of the best swimming hole In Oregon, and Invites everyone to come and frolic In the cool waters of the John Day. Lunch and re freshments will be served and some features are planned, but the most pleasure will be for everyone to come and enjoy a- good swim. T.B. TESTER DETAINED. Dr. Derfllnger, from the state vet erinarian's office who was to have been In Morrow county next week to Inspect cows for tuberculosis, was detained In Klamath county by an outbreak of contagious disease, ac cording to a telegram received Tu esday by C. W. Smith, county agent, from Dr. W. H. Lytlo, state veter inarian. He will, therefore, not be available next week, but may be ex pected later. His new Morrow coun ty dates will be announced as soon as received. A. M. Edwards, well driller and project farmer of Irrigon, was In the city Wednesday evening. SAFETY WIN Actress-Policewoman Will Head Instruction Work Among Autoists. A safety drive will be staged In Heppner on Saturday In connection with the police department Girls from the movie colony of Holly wood, dressed in police uniform, will work with the police. Evelyn Hunt, "Miss Personality" of Hollywood, will have charge of the safety campaign, Instructing motorists on safety driving. Miss Hunt is the holder of 34 personality cups and other trophies. She is also the winner of the Cecil B. De Mille Personality Cup, carrying the "Miss Personality of Hollywood" ti tle. Local movie fans will remem ber her as playing with Dolores Del Rio in "Ramona;" with Jackie Coo gan In "Buttons;" with Mary Pick- ford in "My Best Girl;" and with Ramon Navarro in "His Night" In speaking of the safety cam paigns, Miss Hunt said, "No, I am not in the movies now. I am In the 'Talkies.' I talk every week to those that are helping in the safety first drives, and lots of times talk with drivers that are careless about their driving and give them a copy of the state headlight and signal laws. This helps to prevent the large num ber of accidents that occur from failing to make proper signals when turning or stopping. In one town where I worked with the captain of the motor police, we stopped 585 cars after they came around the corner. Of that number 275 failed to make a proper signal and 73 had their windows up and could not signal at all. "I find most everyone ready to cooperate In our safety-first work. Every one should help the police departments when you stop to con sider how few traffic officers you have and how many automobile drivers. You know It Is not only the motorist but also the pedestrian that causes accidents, by not obey ing the traffic laws. When on the highways they would, If they walk on the left side, then the number of highway accidents would be de creased. Statistics show that one-fourth of the casualties of the United States are cauBed from automobile acci dents. They also point to the fact that 74 per cent of the automobile accidents happen at intersections and dangerous highway curves from wrong signals. PARTY HONORS VISITORS. A very pleasant afternoon was enjoyed at Mrs. Galey Johnson's Friday, July 19, when she enter tained in honor of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Marcus Hendrix and niece Bet ty Jo who were visiting her from Astoria. Mrs. Hendrix has made many friends among the Lexington people. After playing several lively and interesting games, the hostess and her assistants served a most delicious lunch of sherbert, cake and punch. Those who shared In the delight ful affair are Mesdames Sarah White, Laura Scott, Cectle Jackson, Myrtle Schriever, Fannie McMillan, Addle Copenhaver, Emma Peck, Loto Callaway, Eva Lane, Mary Hunt, Amanda Duvall, Cora Allyn, Mavie Clarke, Sadie Lewis, Sarah Booher, A. Reaney, Edith Miller, Bertha Dinges, Mae Burchell, Irene Hendrix (honor guest) Warren Blakely, Wm. Thornburg, Tempa Johnson, hostess, and the misses Ernia Duvall, Ruth Dinges, Naomi McMillan Mildred Sanford, Grace Burchell, Rose Thornburg, Jean Blakely, Betty Jo Hendrix, Marella Jackson, Gene Marie Schriever, Louise Hunt and Masters Lyle Al len, Kenneth Jackson, Bobby Clark, Buddy Blakely and Billy Burchell. Judge Sinnott's Funeral At The Dalles Tomorrow Funeral arrangements have been completed for the late Judge Nich olas J. Slnnott, whose body arrived at The Dalles today from Washing ton, D. C. Judge Sinnott, who died suddenly at his home in Washing ton on Saturday last of heart fail ure, had recently been 111, but was thought to be In his usual health when he was suddenly attacked by heart trouble while lying down af ter dinner. Nick Sinnott as he was always known to his large circle of friends in eastern Oregon, represented the second district in congress for 15 years, and proved a valuable man to Oregon. He was last year apalnt ed to a judgeship on the board of claims by President Coolldge. It Is expected that his funeral will draw a very large number of nota ble men from over the state. The services will be held In St Patrick's Catholic church at 10 a. m., with Father P. J. O'Rourke officiating. These services will follow a public service at the city auditorium, at which R. R. Butler, his successor In congress, will deliver the eulogy. Interment will be In the Catholic cemetery at The Dalles, the native city of Judge Sinnott. Cloth that has been worn shiny can be restored by sponging the gar ment with hot vinegar or ammonia (1 tbls. ammonia to 1 quart of wa ter). Cover with damp cloth and press on right side. Remove cloth and brush. To Head Safety Drive Here Saturday Evelyn Hunt, Miss Personality of Joint Installation of Odd Fellows, Rebekahs Held At I. O. O. F. hall on Friday eve ning there was joint installation of new elected officers. Officers of San Souci Rebekah lodge, and of Willow lodge No. 66 were duly inducted into their respective stations. Anna Brown, district deputy, was install ing officer, being assisted by Olive Frye, grand marshall, and the offi cers Installed were Alice Rasmus, N. G.; Ella Benge, V. G.; Lillian Turner, Sec.; Rita Neel, Treas.; An na Brown, conductor; Olive Frye, warden; Bessie Campbell, chaplain; Rose Howell, I. G.; Mabel Chaffee, O. G.; Etta Parker, R. S. N. G.; Florence Paul, L. S. N. G.; Emma Jones, R. S. V. G.; Daisy Shively, L. S. V. G.; Verna Hayes, musician. Willow lodge Installed as follows: F. R. Brown, N. G.; E. L. Ayers, V. G.; A. J. Chaffee, Sec; Albert Adklns, Treas.; Sherman Shaw, warden; A. J. Knoblock, conductor; J. L. Yeager, I. G.; W. P. Prophet, O. G.; J. J. Wightman, R. S. N. G.; W. E. Mikesell, L. S. N. G.; D. O. Justus, chaplain; Geo McDuffee, R. S. V. G.; R. R. Justus, L. S. V. G. Following the ceremonies refresh ments of ice cream, cake and coffee were served. Certified Wheat Seed Available in County D. C. Smith, assistant specialist in farm crops of the Oregon State Agricultural college recently spent several days in the county with Chas. W. Smith, county agent In specting grain for certification. A total of 2781 acres of grain was inspected for' certification in order that better seed could be obtained for the farmers of this section as well as supplying farmers from neighboring states and counties with pure seed. The following is a list of those having certified wheat in Morrow county for 1929 and the variety: R. A. Thompson, Heppner, 6 acres Meloy Barley. R. L. Benge, Heppner, 125 acres Fortyfold. Floyd Adams, Hardman, 330 acres Fortyfold. Joe Batty, Hardman, 130 acres Fortyfold. VanMarter and Turner, Heppner, 240 acres Hybrid. Hugh Shaw, Lexington, 200 acres Turkey. Geo. Peck, Lexington, 300 acres Turkey. Mike Rowell, lone, 500 acres Tur key. John Hughes, Lexington, 240 acr es Hybrid 128. Many inquiries have been sent in to the county agent's office for cer tified wheat and most of the wheat passing the field inspection will be used by Morrow county farni3 for seed. To certify, wheat must be free from inseparable noxious weeds, contain less than one half of one per cent other wheat and grains and be free from smut ball when re cleaned. NEGRO SPIRITUALS. The opening exercises of the Bi ble school at the Church of Christ will be featured by negro spirituals. This is a part of the summer cam paign to maintain attendance. Be present at 9:45. The morning sermon will be, "The Authority of Jesus." Do we know the extent of his authority? Do we give It due regard? Do we practice and proclaim It enough? Does It have anything to do with faithful ness to his house In the summer time? Does his authority extend to you? The evening sermon will be one of the series on "Living the New Testament Life" and will be entitled "The Church aa Salt." The public is invited to all ser vices. MILTON W. BOVVER, Minister. SERVICES AT TINE CITY. There will be Sunday school, com munion service and preaching at Pine City on Sunday afternoon. This is likely to be the last service of the summer and a good attendance Is hoped for. MILTON W. BOWER. Born At their home In this city on Frldny, July 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Miller Huston, a son. Hollywood, Chief of Safety Girls LOCAL IK HEMS Oscar Keithley who was in the city Wednesday from his Eight Mile farm reports that he will start cut ting his wheat crop today. He has 600 acres to harvest and the grain promises to yield well. His daugh ter, Miss Alice Keithley, was brought to town the first of the week, suffering from what she thought was rheumatism. On ex amination by a physician it was found that her collar bone was bro ken, and when this heals Miss Keithley will be free from the "rheumatic" pains. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Barlow of Rhea creek returned home the end of the week from a trip to California where they spent some time visiting at the home of their daughter, Vir ginia. Mr. and Mrs. Barlow found some pretty hot weather in parts of Cal ifornia visited. They went as far as Auburn and returned by way of Redwood and Roosevelt highways, this part of the journey being great ly enjoyed. Harold W. Dobyns, district super visor of government trappers with office at Portland, was in Heppner the first of the week, going out with Adam Knoblock to assist in field work. Mr. Dobyns announces that H. G. Adams, trapper with head quarters here for a year or more, has been transferred to Lone Rock. Mr. Dobyns visited him just before coming over to Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Reavis vis ited at Mr. Reavis' home in Sunny side, Wash., over the week end, go ing over Friday and returning Mon day morning. Mr. Reavis had re ceived word that his father was ill, and the leave from the P. P. & L. was granted by Manager Thorn as a birthday present, Saturday being. Mr. Reavis birthday. Wheat is now coming into Hepp ner quite lively form the nearby fields and harvest will be quite gen eral in this vicinity by the coming week. Delivery is being made by trucks and just as fast as the grain is in the sack it is picked up out of the fields and transported to the warehouses and elevator. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corley and daughter, Mrs. Bergena Rambell of Oakland, Cal., are visiting relatives and friends in lone. The Corleys are former residents of the county and have residence property in lone which they are seeking to dispose of. They were visiting In Heppner the end of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Thorn de parted yesterday for a two weeks' vacation which they will spend Oceanside beach resort near Tilla mook. They were accompanied by Mrs. Thorn's mother, Mrs. Pearl Wooley, who has been visiting at the Thorn home from Gerrard, Kan. Miss Bernice Sigsbee who has a position in San Francisco, Cal., is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Sigsbee. Mr. and Mrs. Sigsbee drove to Portland the end of the week where they met their daughter and the three returned Sunday. George Gorger of lone was look ing after business here yesterday. The Gorger brothers are now com bining and their grain is making a yield of around 18 bushels per acre. They have a large acreage to har vest A fine big truck with body for hauling bulk grain Is being used to transport the wheat crop from the Albert Bowker farm on Heppner flat to Heppner, Mr. Bowker being now equipped for the bulk handling of his grain throughout Mrs. B. R. Patterson came up from Portland on Sunday and Is spending the week at Heppner with her husband, manager of Patterson & Son drug store. Mrs. Jeff Jones has been quite ill and confined to her bed at her home in this city for the past week, suf fering an attack of stomach trouble. Wm. Kummerland, Heppner flat farmer, was a busy man In this city today, making ready for the wheat harvest. See LATOURELL for Used Fords. We have some good ones. I0NE. MRS. JENNIE McMURRAY, Corres pondent Bunch Grass Rebekah lodge No. 91, and lone lodge No. 135, L O. O. F. held joint installation Friday evening, July 19. Between forty and fifty were in attendance. Re freshments of Ice cream and cake were served and all report an en joyable time. The affairs of the two lodges will be in the hands of the following members for the ensuing six months. For Bunch Grass Re- bekhas, Norma Swanson, N. G, Ruth Swanson, Lundell V. G.; Ver- da Ritchie, Sec; Etta Brlstow, Treas.; Amy Sperry, warden; Leona Ritchie, conductor; Clara Howk, chaplain; Mary Swanson, R. S. N. G.; Vida Heliker, L. S. N. G.; Helen Farrens, I. G.; Etta Howell, O. G Gladys Drake, musician; Lena Lun dell, R. S. V. G.; Ada Brown, L. S. V. G. For the Odd Fellows: Charley Shaver, N. G.; Frank Lundell, V. G.; Lee Howell, Sec; E. J. Bristow, Treas.; Richard Lundell, warden Lowell Clark, conductor; W. W. Head, chaplain; Ture Peterson, R, S. N. G.; George Ritchie, L. S. N. G.; T. C. Troge, I. G.; Ernest Lun dell, O. G.; Chas. O'Conner, R. S. V. G.; Orrln Grabll, L. S. V. G. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Conner of Yakima are here for the harvest They have rooms at Mrs. Louy's apartment Mrs. Delia Mobley is cooking for the Johnson brothers during the harvest season. Mrs. Wiles is harvest cook on one of the Rietmann ranches north of town. On Wednesday of last week wheat sold in lone at $1.24 a bushel. Mrs. Frank Young's sister-in-law, Mrs. Meyers and children of Elgin have arrived to help Mrs. Young during the rush of harvest work. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright and children of Baker are guests in the home of Mrs. Wright's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Grabil. Mrs. Edmond Bristow and little daughter of Walla Walla are here visiting home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Troge and daughter and Mrs. Maude Ferris were The Dalles visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. L. Kauffman were looking up old friends in lone last Friday. Mr. Kauffman was principal of our school about nine teen years ago and he and his wife have many friends here. They were on their way home from a trip to the Yellowstone National park and from here went to visit their oldest daughter, Alice, who is married and living in Silverton. Their daughter Louise is a teacher in the Seattle schools and their son Walter sings over KGW, Portland. Mr. Kauff man Is still in the teaching profes sion, being now principal of a school about fifty miles from Seattle. Cole Smith is driving a new Ford. A. A. McCabe reports that on his ranch the thermometer registered only six degrees above freezing last Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Brose Ford and son Eldon of Pendleton were week end visitors with relatives in lone. Francis Ely returned home Sun day morning after a pleasant visit with relatives in Salem. Mrs. Victor Rietmann and Mrs. Ruby Roberts motored to Portland Tuesday. During Mrs. Roberts' ab sence Mrs. Margaret Blake will be postmistress. , Mrs. Delia Corson, our Pacific Telephone operator, departed last Wednesday for Chicago which is the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Corson. From there she will accompany Mr. and Mrs. Corson on a motor trip to Missouri and will visit among oth er places, the old home in that state. Mrs. Corson expects to be away about a month. Mrs. F. M. Weth erell of Arlington will act as tele phone operator during her absence. Last week there were some fine potatoes on display at the Bristow and Johnson store. They were dry land potatoes raised by Earl Mur ray on his ranch near lope. The largest one weighed a little over two pounds. Chas. McElligott has purchased a 60 h.p. Best tractor which was de livered Saturday. An effort Is being made this month in lone to raise money for the Waverly Baby home In Port land. The various ladies' aid soci eties will take up the subject at their meetings this week. Contri butions of any size will be gladly received. This institution is sup ported by the state, the community chest and voluntary contributions. The state-wide drive is for $100,000 to erect a modern building for the home. The present building, a wood en structure, was erected 28 years ago and it is entirely Inadequate for present needs. At a quiet home wedding, Wed nesday evening, July 17, at 8:30 o'clock, Miss Ruth Swanson became the bride of Frank Lundell. Only the bride's parents, her sister, Miss Norma Swanson, and Mr. Clell Ray were present to witness the mar riage vows. Rev. W. W. Head, pas tor of the Congregational church, was the officiating clergyman. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Swanson and the groom is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lundell. The young people will make their home in lone. The best wishes of the com munity are extended to them. James Cossman who is a teacher in the schools of Woodland, Calif., has joined his family, spending the summer with Mrs. Cossman's moth er, Mrs. Katie Petteys. Mrs. Zelma Kennedy has resigned her position as teacher of the first and second grades in our school and has accepted a position in the schools at Aberdeen, Wash. (Continued on Page Eight) L Buckers in Good Shape; Irrigon Club Band Assured. Miss Reita Neel of Heppner will be queen of the 1929 Heppner Ro deo, according to announcement made today by C. W. McNamer, president of the rodeo association. Mr. McNamer considers the man agement very fortunate In receiv ing the official acceptance of Miss Neel, signifying that this year's show will be headed by one of Mor row county's most popular young ladies and a capable horsewoman. Miss Neel is a Morrow county product, being the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson. Born on a Morrow county farm, she has spent much of her life In the great out-of-doors and is thoroughly fa miliar with the life typified by Heppner's annual fall rodeo. She is at home in the saddle, and has all the requirements to fill the queenly throne with charm and per sonality. September 26-27-28, the days of her reign, should attract one of the largest crowds ever com ing to the rodeo, Mr. McNamer be lieves. The exhibition given by the local rodeo buckers at Ukiah the Fourth is evidence enough to all who at tended that all are In prime condi tion to put on their part of the show, Mr. McNamer declares. Tea pot Dome, Colored Boy and Black Diamond, who bucked in the finals were all plenty tough for their riders, and but one cowboy was able to retain his seat and that only with the assistance of the saddle horn. The entire srting Is intact twenty- odd in number, to challenge the rid ing ability of all comers. Prize money, totalling more than $1500, is offered again this year In the numerous events including the Morrow County Derby, three-quar ter mile race on Saturday, for which $200 in prizes alone is given. Calf roping, bulldogging, relay and pony express races, bareback riding, with the bucking contest running thru the three days, are other events that make the Heppner Rodeo one of the most attractive small shows of its kind in the country. Assurance was received by Mr. McNamer this morning from Irri gon that the Irrigon school band will be on hand for the last two days. This band, composed entirely of school children all of whom are members of 4H clubs, is one of the very best school bands in the state as evidenced by their taking second place In a statewide contest at Port land this spring. Fine Picture Secured For Legion at the Star "The Legion of the Condemned," a wondrous flying spectacle of the World war, will be shown at the Star theater next Thursday and Fri day nights under the auspices of Heppner post American Legion. Given a place even above "Wings," the movie sensation of the year, "The Legion of the Condemned" is said to be the acme in thrills. "Flying by day flying by night always flying always fighting these men of the Legion of the Con demned laughed at death even wel comed it Thrills, action, suspense in a setting of true-color World war scenes, this picture brings to Heppner one of the greatest dra matic productions of the year. Leading roles are taken by Fay Wray and Gary Cooper, two Para mount stars. MORROW GENERAL HOSPITAL Delbert Hiatt has returned to his home after a recent attack of In testinal flu. Lavon Hiatt who cut his foot with an axe about a week ago is able to hobble around on crutches. Mrs. Fay Bucknum underwent a minor operation Saturday and will soon be able to go home. Mr. and Mrs. John Lawther are being congratulated upon the arri val of a 9-pound girl. Both mother and child are doing nicely. Walter Rowell of Rhea creek un derwent a minor operation Sunday for removal of a piece of steel im bedded In his right eye while grind ing on a piece of machinery on the combine. Tom Fraters received a badly cut knee and arm Sunday when he fell off a motorcycle. He was attended at the hospital. A. M. Breeding was In town Wed nesday from Kimberly for medical treatment. Herbert Olden had the cast re moved from his leg which was bro ken some eight weeks ago and is able to be around again. Howard Magnuson received a broken finger Wednesday when driving some mules. The lines around his hands were jerked by uie mules sufficiently hard to break one of his fingers. HARVEST CREW EXPOSED. The harvest crew from the Sam Turner farm was in Heppner this morning, visiting Dr. McMurdo's office to be vaccinated against scar let fever. Alonzo Edmondson, son of Mrs. Mattie B. Huston of this city and a member of the crew, took down with the fever the first of the week and all the crew were exposed. air. j-.cimonuson was brought to town sintering quite a high fever MISS REITA NEE 29 RODEO QUEEN and very ill.