Oregon UiMuiiciU Public Auuiionum Mitotic SocW. Jtaper Volume 46, Number 18 HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, July 18, 1929. Subscription $2.00 a Year T SCHOOL JULY 29-30 Experts to Lead Parley On Merchandising at Institute Here. Under the auspices of the Oregon Retail Merchants' association and the Oregon State college a two day session of merchants' institute will be held at Heppner July 29-30. The meetings will be in charge of O. F. Tate, executive secretary of the merchants' association; H. T. Vance, head of course In merchandising, Oregon State school of commerce, and E. E. Bosworth, head of course in accounting and auditing from the state college together with a local committee. These merchants' meetings are the result of a request from busi ness men over the state for infor mation regarding the latest meth ods and changes In the great field of merchandising. Seven such meet ings were held last year and for this year 18 will be held. More than fifty business people of Heppner, lone and Lexington have signed up to attend the course to be held here, denoting a large interest. Among the subjects to be discuss ed are advertising, retail selling, buying, window trimming, store lighting, office appliances, credits and collections, turnover of ac counts receivable, the sales dollar, cost of doing business, Income tax returns, retail budgeting, Oregon business, modern business and Ore gon Retail Merchants' association. Evening lectures and group confer ences on various of these subjects have been arranged, and special in dividual conferences may be ar ranged with any of the speakers who will be glad to render every service possible to the individual merchant while they are in the city. Every merchant in town should make It a point to be there and bring salespeople whenever possi ble. A general invitation is also issued to every business man in the county, with co-workers, to attend. Full announcement of the place and time of meetings and program will be given next week. The favorable impression made in the towns where the institutes were held last year is indicated by the following comments: "The quality of the meetings far exceeded our anticipation. We hope this Is only the beginning of the good work, which I am sure was greatly appreciated by all who at tended the meetings." John C. Mann, president of Medford Cham ber of Commerce. "A record crowd of business men and women turned out to hear Pro fessor H. T. Vance talk on adver tising. This proved to be one of the best attended and most enjoyable meetings in the history of the mer chants association." Medford Mail Tribune. "According to Baker business men, the value of the institute is beyond estimate." Editorial in the Oregon Journal. "Those of you who did not attend the meetings of the business insti tute In Baker on the 19th and 20th of March, and especially the lec ture and discussion on 'Credits and Collections' by Professor E. E. Bos worth, certainly missed a very great treat, and more Important, an op portunity to learn how this depart ment of your business can be made much more profitable and losses can be cut to a minimum." Semi monthly bulletin, Baker County Rating bureau. A trophy is offered the city hav ing the largest attendance In pro portion to its population, and the desire is expressed by the commit tee from the Heppner Business Men's Luncheon club handling the local end of the Institute, that Hepp ner make a strong bid for It MORROW GENERAL HOSPITAL. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griffin living west of lone are the proud parents of an eight pound boy, Deane Ed ward, born Wednesday. Both moth er and baby are doing nicely. Reuben Voile who recently had an acute attack of gall stones is much better and is able to be ar ound again. Carl Feldman of lone received a painful injury Sunday night A horse he was leading stepped on a board which flipped up and hit the boy In the face and mouth. His upper Hp was badly cut and torn and all his teeth were broken. Alex Green underwent a minor operation Monday for removal of a foreign body imbedded In his right eye. Dclbert Hiatt is confined to bed in the hospital with a slight attack of influenza. He will be up In a day or two. Mrs. Fay Bucknum is under med ical treatment at the hospital and will soon be able to go home. Lavon Hlatt received a badly cut foot and ankle Tuesday while cut ting brush up Willow creek on the county road. The axe cut down to the bones of the ankle and consid erable blood was lost before he re ceived attention, Roy Leach has a badly Infected foot and leg from an Infected blis ter on his heel which was neglected for a day or two and resulted In blood poisoning. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gentry are the parents of a 10-pound boy born Monday at Heppner hospital. Moth er and child are reported to be do ing nicely. 125 4-H Clubbers Meet for Picnic in Mountains One hundred and twenty five 4-H club members and parents of South Morrow county gathered at the W. H. French picnic grounds in the mountains south of Hardman on Sunday and enjoyed a picnic lunch and program specially prepared for the occasion. C. W. Smith, county agent, was present and took an ac tive part in the proceedings. The basket dinner at noon had the proportions of a banquet, after which the following program was given: Welcome by W. H. French. Song, lone Sheep club, Bertha Cool, leader. Stunt, Eight Mile Poultry club, Bertha Lovgren, leader. Song, Hardman Sewing and Gar den club, Delsle Chapel and Mrs. Mahrt, leaders. Demonstration meeting by Goose berry Progressive Livestock club, Beulah Lundell, leader. Group singing led by Allgott Lun dell. Motion picture show In the eve ning, a club picture, "For Herd and Home," shown by Mr. Smith. MOST OLD WHEAT SOLD. During the week the wheat mar ket on the Heppner branch has been quite active, and it is now un derstood that the most of last year's crop in the elevators and ware houses has been sold. When the market reached the dollar per bu shel, many let go, while others got a little better than this, and since the-prlce is now going around $1.15 some are lamenting that they let go so soon. However, the clean-up is making room for the new crop which will soon be reaching the railroad. A lot of contracting has been done, ranging from 95 cents to better than $1.05, but farmers are slowing up on this manner of dealing as the price advances. Wheat buyers have been quite busy talking contracts and we have no data so far as to just what per centage of the present season's crop has been disposed of in this manner. COUNTY GETS LAND. At sheriff's sale on Saturday at the Morrow county court house, various tracts of land upon which judgment and decree had been en tered In favor of the county upon foreclosing of tax liens, were dis posed of. Not many bidders ap peared, and the county was compell ed to bid in most of the tracts. No doubt much of this property will be gradually disposed of as time goes on, but just now the county is hold ing quite a parcel or real estate. GENTRY-MEDLOCK. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mock T. Gentry in this city on Sat urday evening occurred the mar riage of their son Eldon and Miss Gladys Medlock, Milton W. Bower officiating. The wedding was a quiet affair, only Immediate rela tives being present Mr. and Mrs. Gentry will make their home In this city. FIRE IN FOREST. The first fire In the forest report ed so far this season broke out on Lovelet creek, not far from Tupper ranger station as a result of the electrical storm out that way on Saturday evening. A crew of men was gathered at Pendleton and tak en to the scene of the fire on Mon day to fight the flames. SWIMMING CLASSES. Gordon Ridings, manager of the swimming pool and Instructor in swimming, announces classes In junior and senior life saving every Monday, Wednesday and Friday af ternoons. Beginners' classes every morning except Sunday and Mon day. MASONS ATTENTION. There will be a regular commun ication of Heppner Lodge No. 69, A. F. & A. M. on Saturday evening. Work in the F. C. degree. L. W. BRIGGS, Secretary. SATURDAY SPECIAL. With every dollar cash purchase of any article in our stock we will give a box of apples free. Begin ning at 9 a. m. Saturday, July 13, to last while the apples last. CASE FURNITURE CO. F. E. Everson brought Mrs. Ev erson to town this forenoon from their farm south of lone, that she might receive medical attention. Mrs. Everson had the misfortune to step on a rusty nail and run it into her foot, and prompt action was necessary to ward off lockjaw. She received treatment at the hands of Dr. McMurdo and was able to re turn home soon after. Mr. and Mrs. Will Dutton and youngest daughter came up from Portland Monday and are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wlghtman at Alfalfa Lawn Dairy. Their eldest daughter, Isabelle, has been visiting with Miss Happy Wightman for several weeks past Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Case motored to Fossil on Sunday and spent the day with their son Harold and fam ily. They were accompanied by John Franzen. Gilliam & Bisbee this week doliv ered new combines to John Pad berg and Bert Bowker, Heppner flat farmers, who will be In the midst of their wheat harvest Immediately. Robert Ames and Wlllard Mack will appear In THE VOICE OF THE CITY, Star Theater, Sunday and Monday. IONE. MRS. JENNIE McMURRAY, Corres pondent Several thousand bushels of old wheat was sold here last week. The Rietmann boys sold 15,000 bushels. About half of this was bought by W. M. Eubanks for Strauss and Co. and the rest was bought by Cole Smith for J. C. Sanford and Son. Laxton McMurray sold 4200 bushels to Mr. Bull of Lexington who buys for Kerr Gifford company. Charley Al llnger sold to Louis Balsiger who buys for Balfour Guthrie. Mr. War ren and son who farm south of lone also sold. Some of the Rietmann wheat was 1927 crop, the rest being 1928. All of the other sales were 1928 wheat. The price paid was a little better than a dollar a bushel. Saturday Louis Bergevin con tracted a car load of wheat at $1.11 a bushel. Harvest is gradually becoming general throughout our part of the country. Cutsforth, Nelson, Mankin and Murray were delivering wheat to Jordan elevator last week, and Michelbook and Holub were hauling to the Farmers' Elevator in lone. Several more farmers have started hauling this week, and the elevators and warehouses will soon be run ning full crews. Much of the wheat is making a better yield than the farmers had anticipated. Mrs. Bristow, Luclle and Walter returned Sunday from a pleasant visit In Walla Walla. Mrs. George Ritchie and daugh ter Ellen returned Saturday from a visit with Mrs. Ritchie's sisters-in-law, Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Cochran of Portland, and with- her sister, Mrs. Riser of Maupln. Carl Feldman met with a painful accident Monday when he was hit in the face by a board in such a way as to cut a great gash across his cheek. It required ten stitches to close the wound. Mrs. Mary Pieffer of Walla Walla came Saturday for a short visit with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Nord. Mrs. Pleffer was accompanied by her son, Gilbert Petteys, and while she returned Tuesday to her home Gilbert remained for a longer stay with relatives and friends. On Sun day Mrs. Pieffer and Mrs. Nord drove to Echo to attend religious services conducted by Rev. George Ellis, pastor of the Methodist church. The older residents here will remember Rev. Mr. Ellis, he having lived here when a young man. From Echo Mrs. Pieffer and Mrs. Nord, accompanied by Rev. and Mrs. Ellis, drove to Umatilla for a visit with the former's broth er, Ben Juday and family. On Mon day the two sisters went to Heppner for a visit with Mrs. Gertie Clark of Los Angeles who is an old friend and who is now a guest at the home of her father, Dick Lahew. There is a freak animal on the Hal Ely ranch near Morgan that is attracting a great deal of atten tion. It is one of a litter of sev eral kittens. The fore part of its body is like a cat, but the rear part resembles that of a rabbit It Is now about two and a half months old. Its hind legs are shorter than its front legs. It hops instead of walking. It has no tail and when it wants to climb, it pulls itself up as a rabbit does. It feeds on milk. Those who have seen it call It a "cat-rabbit" Mrs. Bert Mason and two sons, Dorr and Junior, and Mrs. Emily McMurray departey the middle of last week for Portland where they go to be the guests of Mrs. Mason's mother,i Mrs. Adelia Godfrey. Dorr Mason returned home Saturday, the rest of the party remaining for a longer visit Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Stone and small son returned Wednesday of last week to their rooms in the Har ris apartments after an absence of a month spent at Woodburn. The Clair Calkins family has mov ed into the McNamer house in west lone. Miss Freida McMillan has been hired as our fifth and sixth grade teacher for next year. Miss McMil lan's home is in Lexington. She is a normal school graduate and has had some experience in teaching. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Cotter depart ed the first of last week for a visit with Mrs. Cotter's brother, Joe Ma son and family at Prineville. Albert Shaver, a well driller from near Bend, came over last week to visit his father, E. A. Shaver of Fort Scott, Kans., then a guest at the Charley Shaver home. Albert returned Friday to his work, accom panied by his father. Mr. Shaver states that he is doing well in the well drilling business and that he has work ahead of him that will keep him busy for more than a year. Carl William Troedson and his mother returned last Thursday from a very pleasant motor trip to California. Dell Ward had the misfortune to lose his Ford truck by fire Saturday. They were using the truck to haul straw when the back fire from the engine set fire to a straw stack. Mr. Ward states that he could have saved the truck, but that Instead of saving the truck he devoted his time to extinguishing the fire be fore It spread to the wheat field There was no Insurance on the truck. Mr. and Mrs. Cole Smith and daughter Mildred, and Mr. and Mrs. Blaln Blackwell were week end vis itors in The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. John Cochran have returned from a pleasant visit with their two daughters in Yakima. Will sell at a sacrifice 7-room house on 3rd street in lone. Must be sold at once. Make me an offer. Sea J. F. Haynie at the Walter Cor- ley home, lone, Ore. 18-19, (Continued on Fag Six) Br Arthur Ei isban The Boon of Sleep. Egg Statistics. Wonderful Lands. Eight "Big Men." If you have sound sleep, don't envy any man his millions. An American, very rich, knighted by King George because of the Am erican money he spent in London, was taken to a hospital, suffering from insomnia. In the morning he was found dead, clutching a piece of paper on which he had written that, as sleep was impossible, he could endure life no longer. He had poisoned himself. A majority of us go through life, not appreciating our greatest bless ings, especially the "Sleep that knits up the ravell'd gleave of care. The death of each day's life, sore labour's bath, Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course, Chief nourlsher in life's feast" Until sleep goes, you do not know life's greatest physical misfortune. Every year two thousand million American eggs are confided to hens and incubators. Every year 800,- 000,000 of them don't hatch. Much lost possible wealth, at least $200,000,000, at 25 cents per chick. The Department of Agriculture owns one hen, laying eggs of which 90 per cent hatch, and she transmits her qualities to daughters and granddaughters. This interests millions of women in the United States. The government has thrown open to settlement government lands for merly covered by the Mississippi River. Wonderful lands these are, low, level, deep, heavy black loam. As the "wind bloweth where it listeth," so the Mississippi flows where It listeth, coveiing and un covering land, washing millions of cubic yards of fertile soil into the Gulf of Mexico. When will man's Intelligence con trol "Old Man River" and make him an obedient part of the national ma chine? President Hoover, whose business is engineering, will attend to that was cut out for that job. The President seeks eight "big men" to put on the Farm Board. The big eight and the Secretary of the Treasury will administer funds for farm relief, spending the people's money as intelligently as they know how. How can you tell "a big man" when you see him, and how can you be sure that your big man under stands farm problems? It would be interesting to put the eight big men, after they are chos en, in charge of some typical Amer ican farm to see what they could make of it. The President signs the Boulder Dam proclamation, thus making operative the Boulder Canyon Dam bill. And now, perhaps, the the able engineer elected President, will be able to do what he wants to do, some able engineering. IRRIGON Lawrence and Fred Markham re turned from Montana, where they have been working through shear ing. On Saturday they took their families to the mountains for an outing. R. V. Jones has purchased a new Ford car. He will take his family to the mountains where they hope to get huckleberries. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Barney Endice, a 7-pound daughter. Mrs. Haskal received the an nouncement of the marriage of her son, George Haskal, last week in California. As a result of the hot weather, Ir rlgon watermelons and muskmelons are developing rapidly, and the crop will be ready for market In about 10 days. The North Morrow County fair will be held at Irrigon again this year, and the board Is getting quite busy on arrangemnta, with the idea of making it bigger and better than ever before. They extend the invi tation to evrybody to attend their fair this fall. Tralilc on the Columbia highway is now gaining every day, and many are the tourists passing up and down the river by Irrigon. County Agent Smith was here during the past week In the interest of club work. A five-year-old boy overheard him talking with a man concerning this and was heard to make the remark, "I will have to tell Freddie to hurry and hatch his puppies so they will be ready for the county fair. SERVICES AT ALFINE. There will be Sunday school at 2 p. m. and preaching and commun ion at 3 o'clock to which all are Invited. MILTON W. BOWER. LOCAL ENS HEMS The croquet courts at the A. M. PhelpB and Stanley Minor homes were scenes of two lively battles on Tuesday evening. At the former the contestants were A. M. Phelps and V. Crawford opposed to W. O. Dix and E. R. Huston, and it required nearly 3 1-2 hours for the members of the "kindergarten class" to knock out the "professionals." Phelps and Crawford battled to the point of ut ter despair before getting Btarted, but had the satisfaction of putting it over" on their opponents in the end. The "professionals" at the Mi nor court are still In the A, B, C class. The teams playing were T. J. Humphreys and John Hiatt vs. Stanley Minor and Orrin Bisbee. The latter won by a large margin, and Mr. Humphreys is looking for a class to enter that is rated ahead of the beginners in faefche thinks it should be a class where those falling behind are placed under the supervision of a special tutor, he having fully qualified for this sta tion. On tie other hand, Mr. Dix feels that he has taken quite a fall from the pedestal of champion and will be glad to have a place in the primary department. However, future games may tell altogether a different story. C. F. Adams and son and A. L. Mills of Portland passed through Heppner Tuesday afternoon on their way to the old home of Mr. Adams at Colfax, Wash. Mr. Ad ams and Mr. Mills are connected with the First National bank of Portland, the latter being the son of the late A. L. Mills, for so many years president of the Portland bank, and also a business associate of Mr. Adams when the two gentle men started in the banking business ong years ago at Colfax, and later going to Portland. The gentlemen paid a fraternal call on the First National bank of Heppner while passing through. Orville Cutsforth of Lexington was the first farmer of that section to get grain of this season's crop into the warehouse at Jordan Sid ing. On his place he has working for him a nephew, Don Pointer, 16 years of age, and the lad Is operat ing both the caterpillar and com bine, getting along with the job like a veteran. Don is the son of Mrs. Chas. Pointer of Salem and is working on the home place north of Lexington. Edward Notson and family ar rived Tuesday afternoon from Thorpe, Wash., for an extended visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Notson. Edward has been super intendent of schools at Tonasket Wash., during the past two years, and will have charge of the school at Thorpe the coming year. He has been taking some special work at Ellensburg normal since the close of school. While on their way from San Francisco to Heppner, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rice visited for two weeks at the home of Mrs. Rice's daughter, Mrs. M. A. Wingo, at Sacramento. Mrs. Wingo was formerly Miss Al ice Cummings of this city, and she and her husband are quite prosper ous in the real estate business at Sacramento. Albert Adkins returned from Portland the end of the week, bringing with him his daughters Betty Marie and Alberta. Mrs. Ad kins is still in the hospital at Port land where she recently underwent a serious operation, but is rapidly recovering, so Mr. Adkins reports. Miss Stejla Penland of Portland is visiting her mother, Mrs. Shelley Baldwin, in this city. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin and Miss Penland motored to Pendleton where they spent the day. Ralph Moore spent Sunday eve ning with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Moore, in this city, while on his way to Canyon City from Portland. He is now with the Bu reau of Public Roads. Frank Shively, local dealer, re ports the sale this week of three Rumely combines, these going to Ed Duran of Blackhorse, W. P. Hill of Heppner and Griffith Bros, of Eight Mile. Wheat harvest was begun by Tur ner & Van Marter Wednesday on the big crop on the Dr. Higgs land in Cason canyon. No report in yet as to the yield, but it will no doubt be good. Mrs. A. E. Johnson, a guest at the home of her brother, Arthur Mc Atee, for some time, departed the first of the week for her home In Portland. THE VOICE OF THE CITY will keep you on the edge of your seat. See this fine picture at Star Theater Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Kilkenny are the proud parents of a daughter, born at Heppner hospital on Satur day, July 13. Frank Leicht of Irrigon, accom panied by his daughter, was a busi ness visitor at Heppner on Satur day. Used Fords for Sale We have some good bargains in used cars. Latourell Auto Co. tf. Wes Brannon was in town Satur day from his farm in the Eight Mile section. The screen's most vivid portrayal of the underworld THE VOICE OF THE CITY Star Theater, Sun day and Monday. David Miller Ends Life By Shooting with Rifle Funeral services under the direc tion of M. L. Case, undertaker, were held on Saturday afternoon at Hardman for David Miller, 57, who took his life by shooting at the home of John Hottman In Hepp ner on Thursday afternoon at 3:30. Burial was in I. O. O. F. cemetery at Hardman. Mr. Miller had evidently become despondent over the state of his health and his personal affairs, and decided to end it all, and used for his taking-off a 25-30 rifle that he had but recently brought to the house, and which his wife who was in the house with him at the time of the tragedy, did not know he possessed. It seems that Mr. Miller had been much affected of late in regard to his health, and he had a few days before asked Sheriff Bau man that he be taken to Pendleton and placed in the state hospital for treatment The sheriff stated to him that he would have to have an ex amination before a physician, and he called at the office of Dr. Mc Murdo where Dr. Fagan, who was in charge, failed to find anything to indicate that he was failing men tally. The statement of Mrs. Miller to officials and friends was to the ef fect that she and her husband were alone in the house. They had been talking about his condition, when he suddenly arose and bid her an affectionate good-by and went into the bed room, curtained off from the room where they were sitting. Being a little suspicious, she fol lowed and saw that he had a gun in his hand. Mrs. Miller wrestled with him and succeeded In getting the gun, and started for the outside to call for help. He overtook her on reaching the door and took the gun from her, immediately, placing the muzzle to his temple and firing. Mrs. Miller ran from the house and up Main street to summon help and when Coroner Case and City Police man Matteson arrived the man was still alive. Dr. Fagan was called from the hospital across the street, but found that the shot was fatal, the ball having passed entirely through the head and lodging in one of the walls of the room. He died without regaining conscious ness. Mr. and Mrs. Miller were making their home in the Briggs house with John Hottman, and had been liv ing in Heppner for some time, com ing here from Hardman. He is sur vived by his widow and two broth ers and two sisters. These are Jim and Francis Miller of . Hardman, Mrs. Walter Bennett of Burns and Mrs. Ira LaForge of Hardman. Mrs. Miller, who at different times had been confined at the state hos pital at Pendleton while being treat ed, was overcome by the tragic death of her husband, and has been returned to that institution for medical care. Chris Brown Brings First New Wheat to Heppner Chris Brown, lower Blackhorse farmer, was the first to bring wheat of the 1929 harvest to Heppner, de livering the first truckload of the new crop the last of the week. His wheat is being delivered at the Heppner Farmers' Elevator com pany, and the report is that the yield is around 25 bushels to the acre. The elevator company shipped out the first carload of new wheat Tuesday evening. Chas. Swindig, manager, reports that the old wheat has practically all been cleaned up, and that the company as agent has contracted some 200,000 bushels of new wheat He reports that the price took a jump of five cents yes terday, making the Heppner quota tion $1.20, a new high mark for the season, caused, believes Mr. Swin dig, by unfavorable crop reports from Canada. OFF FOR CONVENTION. Chief of Police Devin, accompan ied by District Attorney Notson and Judge Benge, departed early on Tu esday morning in the chiefs car, their destination being Missoula, Mont Sheriff Bauman also left on Tuesday in his car for the same point, and these officials go to at tend the convention of law enforce ment officers of the Northwestern states and Canadian provinces, at the Anti-Crime Conference held on July 18, 19 and 20, under the aus pices of the Northwest Association of Sheriffs and Police. Before re turning home Sheriff Bauman ex pects to visit property he owns in Canada. Mrs. Devin accompanied the par ty as far as Pendleton and from there went on to Kamela for a visit, of a week at the home of her daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Clauston. 28 CROP CLEANED UP. F. R. Brown, manager of Brown Warehouse company, reports all grain of the 1928 crop sold and near ly all shipped. He is expecting grain of the new crop to start coming in in a few days. To date Mr. Brown has contracted some 100,000 bushels of the new crop for the grain buy ers he represents. He was unsuc cessful In making up a pool of 25, 000 sacks at $1 25 yesterday, It ap pearing that with the market on the upward trend there is less tendency of farmers to sell. Bruce Spauldlng, a law student at Willnmette university, Salem, re turned to that city this week after spending several days at the home of his parents, Rev. and Mrs. F. R. Spauldlng. DATE SET SEPT. G-7 Club Work and Grange Booths to be Especially Featured at Irrigon. (Boardman Correspondent.) September 6 and 7 Is the date set for the North Morrow County fair to be held again this year at Irri gon. Premium lists will be issued soon. A meeting of the fair board was held Friday at the home of Mrs. W. C. Isom at Irrigon. C. W. Smith, county agent, was present and much was accomplished at this meeting. Mrs. J. F. Gorham has been selected as the new director from Boardman succeeding Mra. A. T. Hereim, and Frank Fredrick son will succeed Mrs. F. H. Reiks at Irrigon. Mrs. Isom was reelec ted president and Mrs. O. Coryell will act as secretary for another year. This is the first time the same officers have been held over but the fair is to be held again at Irrigon and officers are always el ected from the community where the fair is held. This statement ex cepts Lee Mead who held the posi tion of secretary for several years. County Agent Smith has done some excellent work in raising funds for prizes for the boys' and girls' club work and the youngsters will have a splendid incentive for the competition of their club pro jects for the grand prize winner in each group will receive a $15 schol arship to the summer school at Cor vallis next year. Some changes In the premium list were made. In the club work, a prize will be offer ed for the best bummer lamb for breeding purposes and best bummer lamb for market for the best ewe raised lamb for breeding purposes and best ewe raised lamb for mar ket The champion club lamb owner will receive the scholarship. There is much interest shown in the proposed Pomona Grange booths. The four Pomona Granges will each have a booth. A prize of $15 will probably be given for the best booth and it is said that Willows has already a large assort ment of articles laid aside for the coming fair. It is probable that a queen will be elected this year, each community boosting for her own particular girl and the night of the dance the deciding votes cast for the honor. Judges were selected at this meet ing and the secretary is getting in touch to see if all can serve. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Isom served a dainty lunch. "DOUBLE IT" SUNDAY. The aim for Sunday morning at' the Church of Christ is to have twice as many at Sunday school as we did a year ago. To do this we must have 88. We can do it. so let's. Also we are to have as our guest for the day Bro. A. R. Liverett of Indianapolis, Ind. He was former ly the pastor of the Christian church at Walla Walla. We have heard many fine things about him and he is an excellent speaker. We are asking for a large attendance that he may have the hearing he deserves. The schedule of services: 9:45, Sunday school "Double It" 10:50, morning worship with com munion service and sermon by Bro ther Liverett 8:00 p. m., service of song and sermon. Everyone is welcome to all these services. MILTON W. BOWER, Minister. LIBRARY TO OPEN. We are requested to announce to the public that the Heppner library will be open on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 3 to 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Mrs. Frank Turner, vice president of the library association, and Mrs. Arthur McAtee have vol unteered to act as librarians, and will assist all those Interested in the selection of reading matter. Dr. A. D. McMurdo, who spent the past week in Portland while attend ing the convention of the American Medical association, returned home the first of the week, having greatly enjoyed the medical meeting. TROPHY TO WASCO. Jeff Wilson, Wasco ball player who drives the delivery for Web bers' of The Dalles, was in Heppner over Tuesday night, and on leaving yesterday morning took with him the trophy cup fo the Wheatland baseball league, which goes to Was co, the 1929 champions. The cup must be won three times for per manent posssesion, and as this is the first year of its existence, Was co may get to keep it for only a year. The cup has been on display in Peterson's jewelry store window for the last two weeks. PRIME LAMBS SHIPPED. Klink & Taylor were shippers of 14 carloads of prime fat lambs from Heppner yesterday morning, with South Omaha as their destina tion. These lambs were purchased locally, a large number, It Is under stood, being from the herds of C. W. McNamer and R. A. Thompson. To Hold Joint Installation. San Soucl Lodge of Rebekahs and Willow Lodge I. O. O. F. will hold joint installation of newly elected officers on the evening of July 19. All Rebekahs taking part in the In stallation ceremonies are requested to wear white. 17-18.