HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1929. PAGE FIVE Loo! 1 Mr. and Mrs. Vawter Crawford motored to Walla Wala early last Thursday morning and took In the 4th of July doings there, put on by the members of the American Le gion ptist, enjoying a picnic dinner in the foot hills beyond Dixie and then returning for the big fireworks display in the evening. Before re turning home on Sunday afternoon, they spent part of two days with relatives at Waitsburg, and enjoyed a trip among the wheat fields of that part of Walla Walla county, where they will reap an abundant harvest this season. Edw. Lindeken, lone wheatraiser, spent a short time in the city Wed nesday morning. He reports Tues day as being one of the worst days for dust that he has experienced since living in the county. It waa one day when apparently the north end of the county was trying to move south; at any rate the air was thoroughly saturated with dust and sand the greater part of the day. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Kariher, son Wilmer and daughter Dorothy ar rived at Heppner the end of the week from their home at Newcastle, Penn., for a visit with Mrs. Karl her's father, Andrew Baird, and other relatives in Heppner. They expect to remain here for some time though Miss Kariher will return east in time to enter the university in September. Bert Palmateer and family of Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beers and daughters of Estacada were visitors in Heppner on Friday afternoon. They spent the 4th at the coal mines where they enjoyed the cool shade and fine water. Mrs. Beers is a sister of Mrs. Palmateer. R. R. McHaley of John Day has been spending several days at Hepp ner this week. He was recently ap pointed trustee of the J. H. McHaley estate, succeeding Judge W. W. Wood of Ontario, resigned. Mr. Mc Haley is contemplating taking up his residence in this city. Dr. McMurdo is in Portland this week where he is attending the con vention of the American Medical as sociation. Dr. E. P. Fagan of Port land is looking after the practice of Dr. McMurdo during the latter's ab sence from the city. Theodore Anderson and son Har ley were Heppner visitors on Tues day morning looking after business in connection with making ready for harvest. Wheat on their places In Eight Mile will soon be ready for the combine. Vawter and John Parker who made a trip to Joseph the past week returned home on Saturday. They were accompanied by their young sister, Katherine, who visited for a couple of weeks with relatives at Jo seph. Dr. Clarke of Portland, EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST, in Heppner two days, Sunday and Monday, July 14 and 15, at Hotel Heppner. Con sultation free. 17-lt. Miss Bonita Aiken, daughter of Cyrus Aiken, arrived from Salt Lake the end of the week and will spend some two weeks visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. Lillie Aiken in this city. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Luttrell of Hermiston and Mrs. J. Templeton of the same city, were guests over the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Clark in this city. Herman Nielson was down from his Rood canyon home, remaining over Monday night. M. R. Morgan and his brother-in-law, J. M. Hamblet, were visitors here on Tuesday from lone. Mr. and Mrs. Hamblet have been guests at the Morgan home for the past two weeks from their home at Day ton, Ore. Many years ago Mr. Ham blet was engaged in wheat farming in this county, he and Mr. Morgan taking up their homesteads in the lone section in 1892 and Mr. Ham blet moving to the county with his family in 1884. Spencer Crawford and family mo tored over to Walla Walla Thurs day afternoon and took in the big pyrotechnic display at the fair grounds there in the evening. Un der the auspices of the American Legion post of that city, a repro duction of the Battle of the Marne was given in a very realistic man ner, and people came from far and near to witness the display, no less than 30,000 people being gathered In the bleachers and grandstand and about the grounds. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Turner and son Don, accompanied by Miss Annabel Turner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner of this city, who spent some two weeks or more In the Salem home of her uncle and aunt, arrived at Heppner the end of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Turner will spend several wekes In Hepp ner and vicinity, remaining here un til about the first of September. Born At the maternity home of Mrs. Lillie Aiken in this city, Fri day, July 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baker of lone, a daughter. Mrs. W. W. Smead Is visiting with the family of her son, John Glass cock, In Portland. She accompan ied Mr. Glasscock to the city the past week. Dr. Clarke, EYE SIGHT SPE CIALIST, in Heppner Sunday and Monday, July 14 and 15, at Hotel Heppner. See him about your eyes. Mrs. E. F. Campbell Is visiting this week with her daughter and family, Mrs. Willis McCarty, In The Dalle. 1 WANTS Hemstitching Mrs. Ed Hunt, now removed to Gordon residence, Gale street. 17-19. Red Frys, 3 lbs. each. Will deliver. Phone 1F22, Lexington. Cora E. Parker. 18-18p. For Sale Combine hitch 12 or 16-hitch; 2 12-horse plow hitches, 3-piece, latest; 12 sets chain harness, good collars and bridles; 10 hand made heavy halters; good lead bars; 2 good 3-inch wagons with wheat racks. Geo. White, Lexington. 17-19 For bullt-ln cabinets, cupboards, screens, houses, barns, crapenter and cement work, see N. D. Bailey, Heppner. 17-20. For Sale Refrigerator In good condition. Phone Mrs. Gay M. An derson. Utf. For Sale Large Ice refrigerator at a bargain. Mrs. Alva Jones, City. Universal Electric Washing Ma chine in A-l condition for sale cheap. Mrs. D. T. Goodman, city. Estray Found 1150 pound roan muley cow. No visible brand or ear mark. At my place on Rhea creek. E. L. Groshens. 16tf. For Sale Genuine Rhode Island Crescent ottfiun POWDER. ; nemer falkl Oh, Boy! They're Good! Have you tried our delicious ice cream so das, Sundaes, or milk shakes? Ice cold drinks of all kinds at all times at our fountain. AND A GOOD MEAL ANY TIME ELKHORN RESTAURANT Results of Thinking Benefits from never wasting anything are clearly emphasized if we, a as scient ist would, think about the matter, consider our condition and possibilities of "arriv ing" if we are prudent. Just notice how people who save reg ularly do succeed. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Heppner Bank 0reSn STAR THEATER THURSDAY, JULY 11: Talking pictures produced by motion picture com pany who are now playing Star Theater, will be shown tonight. Also movies taken at last Satur dy night's dance, and action shots taken at Sun day's ball game, Heppner vs. Arlington. The pictures taken on the Star stage of local ac tors will be shown on FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JULY 12 AND 13 SUNDAY AND MONDAY, JULY 14 AND 15: NORMAN KERRY in "THE BONDMAN" BY SIR HAL CAINE. A gallant tale of love and courage of sacrifice and the futility of hate. Actually produced In Sicily and the Isle of Man. Vivid! Charming! Real! Thrills! Suspense! Charm! Also Comedy and News Reel. 20c 40c TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY, JULY 16-17: Noah Beery and Mrs. Wallace Reid in "HELLSHIP BRONSON" Take a cruise on the high seas of romance with the most amaz-4 Ing ship on the Seven Seas. Meet "Hellshlp Bronson" you'll want to know him. Also OSWALD, and 8th episode of TARZAN THE MIGHTY. COMING NEXT WEEK: William Haines with Karl Dane, Lionel Barrymore and Leila Hy- ams In ALIAS JIMMY VALENTINE, July 18 and 19. John Gilbert, with Mary Nolan and Ernest Torrence, in DESERT NIGHTS, July 20. Robert Ames and Wlllard Mack in THE VOICE OF THE CITY, July 21 and 22. Ramon Navarro, with Ralph Graves and Anita Page, In THE FLY Orders for flowers direct from the growers at figures less than you can buy direct Case Furniture Com pany, growers agent. 6tf. G1LUAM BEE INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCKS A truck for every purpose. Sold on its reputation. Easy Terms. INTERNATIONAL Combined Harvesters Ask Your Neighbor INTERNATIONAL Binders and Twine Mowers and Rakes Weeders and Manure Spreaders Hardware, Metalware and Plumbing We have it, will get it, or it is not made. GILLIAM 8 M Yours for service and fair treatment. onion? Money where you know It is Safe ANY AMOUNT from $1 up starts you Act today. Open an account with the Western Savings and Loan Association. Increase Your Money's Earning Power! Save Faster! Over 12 million people in the United States have over 8 billion dollars in Saving and Loan Associations which paid them 375 million dollars in 1928. Mail the coupon Now Learn how thl$ state supervised, big and responsible Institution can help you get ahead Tasterand Safelyl CLIP AND MAIL Tell torn bow I can get 6 and receive semi-annual 1 dividend cneciu. ASSETS OVER $1300,000 Western Savings and Loan ASSOCIATION Y.M.C.A. Building, Sixth and Yamhill Portland, Oregon UNDER STATE SUPERVISION J.C.PENNEYCO HEPPNER, OREGON U-A-M-T-Y Is the Important Factor Back of Our EveryDay Values and Low Prices Army Last Work Shoe Odc of our most popular tyles in work shoes. Tan Elk leather sole) rubber heel. $398 Comfort Long Wear! I 3.98 Outstanding value 1 Chocolate roseite; leather sole, rubber bed Gun Metal Oxford for Men That Quality, Service and Appearance need not be high-priced it well dem onstrated in these gun metal oxfords which are excep tional values at only $3.98 Tan Calf Oxfords for Men Extremely good-looking, and certain to girt dependable serv ice I Semi-hard box toe, hall rubber heel injure real foot comfort) $4.98 Boys' Oxfords of sturdy, wear-resisting leather in tan or gun metal. Made with welt sole, half-rubber heel. Sizes iVi to3Vi.2.98 Sizes 12J4 to 2... 2.79 Collegiate . . . that's what these snappy tan calf oxfords for boys are! IVi to52 $3.49 12 Yz to 2 $2.98 High Heels For Dress Occasions Nothing adds to the smart ef fect of your costume more than graceful high - heeled shoes. These classic pumps for your choice in white cabretta, patent er black satin . $3.98 Black Kid And Patent Leather Could such a combination ba excelled for smartness? . . Not unless h were champagM kid with brown kid trim! Yott stay choose this in either I $498 Just Arrived A Charming Pump! A patent leather pump which will be admired wherever you wear it Clev erly perforated vamp and trimming of fancy grain leather. Modestly priced, tool $3.98 All-patent slippers of dainty style and comfort for small feet and only Sizes ty2 toStf.-fW Sizes 2 to 3 VU9 A Pump You Will Llkel This smart pump is of gleaming patent leathar with a fancy grain trim ming. The tongue and metal buckle give it a dis tinctly style appeal $3.98 Patent leather oofrjtraps wtth fancy grain trim. Sturdy and cosntortabl I Size 12 to 2 02.69 Sizes 8H to 11!4 02.19 Siits 3Vi to8....lJ9 ED CHINN, Prop. ING FLEET, July 23 and 24.