Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 04, 1929, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Stanley King will long have rea
son to remember his sixth birthday
which was Tuesday, June 25. On
that day his mother gave a fine
party for him. About 20 little folks
were present and after a merry
time with games they all partook
of ice cream and cake. Present were
Elvira, Asta and Errna Skobo, Or-
thun Hereim, Stanton Hadley, Hel
en and Gordon Gross, Harry Hum-
Dhrev. Elizabeth Kristensen, Mar-
dell Gorham, Catherine Mead, Echo
Coats, Billy Price, Norman Hango,
Maxine Cooney, Buddy Johnson
and the King children, Mesdames
Haneo. Gorham, Price, Humphrey,
L. G. Smith and Hereim enjoyed the
party as much as the little tots.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ackerman
came last week from California
where they have been the past sev
eral months. They are guests at the
Gorham home.
Ralph Say and daughter Ethel of
Vancouver were overnight guests
Monday at the Rands home. On
Tuesday Mrs. Marion Emmett and
daughter Doris stopped for a visit
on their way to Hood River from
their home in Salt Lake.
The Home Economics club gave
a party to all the children of the
project on Wednesday afternoon at
Tom's camp. This is a fine picnic
ground and the children had a fine
time. Ice cream and cake was serv
ed by the H. E. ladies. The club
will not meet during July or August
Mrs. Dan Ransier will entertain
at the next meeting of the H. E.
club. It was decided not to meet
during the summer months but lat
er decided to meet once a month.
Paul M. Smith and family came
Wednesday from Thorp, Wash., for
a few days visit with friends.
Miss Marie Messenger spent part
of her vacation with her parents
and part with her sister and broth
er at Athena. Miss Marie is in
training at The Dalles hospital and
will complete her work some time
during the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Worlett of
Butte, Mont, were visitors at the
G. A. Harju home Monday.
Howard Edmundson of Living
ston, Cal., a nephew of Ed Kunze,
was a visitor at the Kunze home
four days last week. Mr. Edmund-
son has been in the navy and will
reenter the service in the aviation
Mrs. Lee Mead and daughter Hel
en came home Thursday from The
Dalles where they attended the
wedding of Mrs. Mead's sister, Hel
ena Fleck, who was married to
Bruno Joseph Kroon of La Grande.
The bride has visited here a number
of times and her friends wish her
much happiness.
Mrs. Leo Root and son Vernon
who spent a week at Kiona and
Wapato, Wash., came home Friday
with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barlow. The
Barlows went back on Saturday.
Y. P. Rutherfords motored to Ar
lington on Monday.
Alva Jones and son Donald and
Lorena Wilson of Heppner were
visitors Friday at the Robert Wil
son home.
Sunday evening a group picnick
ed at the river celebrating Chas.
Wicklander's birthday. A big feed
was enjoyed, a large birthday cake
being served.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Crowder
were up Sunday from Arlington.
They visited Mrs. Dingmon who has
been seriously ill for months and is
gradually growing weaker.
Mr. and Mrs. Nethercott and fam
ily arrived Sunday from California
and are visiting the Nickersons.
They may remain for a time.
Mr. Tif WooSrow Savre of
Boston, Mass., daughter of the late
President Woodrow Wilion, who it 11
reported will soon be "launched" at a
candidate for United SUUI SnaW
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cramer, Earl
Cramer and son Basil came home
Saturday from a wonderful motor
trip to California, going to Los An
geles and visiting at points of in
terest all along the way. They vis
ited Mrs. Cramer's mother in Fres
no, Calif., stopped at Los Gatos
where they lived 30 years before
and visited friends and relatives al
ong the way. They spent a short
time with Jay Cox and family in
southern Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hadley and
son left Tuesday for Oregon City
to visit over the Fourth.
The light fingered gentry continue
their work in this section and this
week 50 young chix were taken
from the Y. P. Rutherford ranch
and four young pigs from the Z. J.
Gillespie ranch. Some persons think
it is local talent and others believe
it to be outsiders but it is certain
ly deplorable when a farmer loses
his live stock and poultry in a small
community like this. Such things
breed suspicion and distrust of
George Shane and family were
visitors from Arlington Saturday.
(Continued from Mrrt Page)
men proved to be quite efficient
dress-makers and the newspaper
edited during the evening showed
marked ability on the part of the
Ellis McLean of Portland was a
business visitor in lone last week.
John Eubanks is now under the
care of a physician in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mankin enter
tained at dinner Tuesday evening
of last week in honor of their eighth
wedding anniversary. The guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Misner,
Mrs. Holmes Gabbert, of Portland,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corley and
Robert Ellington.
Chas. Nord who has been quite
ill is improving.
Gus Liebl who has been in The
Dalles hospital for treatment has
returned to his ranch. He is much
improved in health.
There was a special meeting of
the Legion Auxiliary Tuesday after
noon of last week at the home of
Mrs. Grimes on Second street This
being a social meeting there were
several Invited guests who are eli
gible to membership. Those present
were Mesdames Grimes, Blackwell,
Haguewood, Ahalt, Cochran, How
ell, Cotter, Beckner, Corley, Ferris,
Farrens, Blake, Sperry, Louy and
Holland. Delicious refreshments
were served at the close of a pleas
ant afternoon. The next meeting
will be held at the home of Mrs.
Maude Ferris.
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Carr were busi
ness visitors at The Dalles on Tues
day of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Troge drove to
The Dalles the first of last week.
Mrs. Troge went to consult a physi
cian. She is suffering from sinus
Hank Filkens has returned to
lone after an absence of two
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bullard and
Mrs. Elmer Griffith were in attend
ance at the meeting of Ruth chap
ter, O. E. S., at Heppner Friday
Mr. and Mrs. John Cochran spent
the Fourth with their two daugh
ters in Yakima.
Frank Griffin has returned from
a pleasant fishing trip to Maupin.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morgan have
been hired to work on the James
Michelbook ranch during harvest.
Mr. Michelbook states that he has
turkey red wheat that Is ready to
harvest this week.
Cecil Sargent and family who are
residents of Eugene have moved to
lone for the harvest season. Mr.
Sargent owns a combine and has
contracted to cut 1700 acres oi
wheat in this vicinity. He owns a
filling station in Eugene and will
return to his work there as soon as
harvest is over. The Sargents are
former residents of lone.
Allan Learned, who for the past
two weeks has been a guest at the
home of his father-in-law, Mr. Paul
Balsiger, left by motor for Seattle
Thursday. Mr. Learned, who is a
member of the Naval Reserve Avia
tion unit at Sand Point, is to begin
active flight training at that air
base early in July. During this
Deriod of active duty, Mrs. Learned
will remain at the home of her par
Mr. and Mrs. Hamlet and Miss
Morgan of Dayton are the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Morgan. Mrs.
Hamlet is the sister of Mr. Morgan
and Miss Morgan is her niece. The
Hamlets are old residents of this
section, having owned the ranch
now farmed by Lee Beckner.
The last dance which will be giv
en by the baseball boys was given
Saturday night. The music was fur
nished by the Hood River Night
Hawks. The attendance was good
It is reported that other parties will
continue to give dances.
Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery
and Bob Montgomery and daugh
ter, Lucy, of Portland were week
end visitors in lone. Bob Montgom
erv remained to look after Mont
gomery brothers' interests during
lone and Fossil crossed bats on
the home field Sunday. The score
was 2-3, Fossil being the winning
On Friday, Clair Young who has
been in Portland for several weeks
receiving treatment for an Injured
eye, underwent an operation for
the removal of the eye ball.
The Past Grand club of the Re-
bekah lodge met last Friday after
noon at the home of Mrs. iutta urts-
tow. Those in attendance were Mrs.
Mary Shaver, Mrs. Oda Rankin,
Mrs. Luvisa Louy, Mrs." Nora Hol
land. Mrs. Arvilla Swanson, Mrs.
Mary Swanson, Mrs. Ruth Howell,
and the two hostesses, Mrs. veraa
Ritchie and Mrs. Etta Eristow. The
afternoon was spent working on a
quilt that the ladies are making for
the Odd Fellows' home. Delicious
strawberry shortcake was served as
Trixie, the large green shepherd
dog owned by Mrs. Werner Riet
mann, attracted her share of atten
tion Saturday when she followed
her mistress through the business
part of town carrying one of her
small puppies in a basket
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Linn and
Carl Linn of Vernonla arrived Mon
day to spend the Fourth with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Linn.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cochran of
rlington were week end visitors
Floyd Sargent, of Kinzua, came
Saturday and will remain until af
ter the Fourth with his family who
are guests in the home of Mrs. Sar
gent's mother, Mrs. Rosa Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Peterson en-
oyed a visit on Friday with friends
from Gaston Mr. and Mrs. Jay
Gibson and son, Jay, Jr.
The Weingarten family left Sun
day for their home in Seattle. They
have been visiting with Mrs. Wein-
garten's mother, Mrs. Jackson, dur
ing the time that Mr. Weingarten,
who is an income tax collector for
Washington, was on official business
in the southern part of the state.
Mr. Weingarten has been spending
his week ends here.
Walton Young recently under
went an operation for appendicitis
at The Dalles hospital.
H. L. Jackson of Portland was a
week end guest of E. J. Bristow.
Picked As the Prettiest of Co-eds CK)
t Ml XtMid
. . . . . r . 1 , in - f r-Uioiirr, TTnlvPfCltv whn W0fC
Helen ana ixhs uoaa, i, sraucms ui wisv
picked as the "prettiest of co-eds." Judges of the National Beauty Survey
meant to pick only one girl, but they couldn't decide which of these two
was prettier When they reached a decision it was found that the prettied
co-ed" was twins.
Heppner Cleaning
Pressing Service
Three-Day Service
All Work and Service Guaranteed.
Will call for and deliver garments.
creek is visiting his aunt and uncle,
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Bennett.
Mr. and Mrs. Crockett Duvall and
children Alvln and Helen were Echo
visitors on Saturday.
Irl Clary and children were busi
ness visitors in Heppner on Monday.
John Williams, who has been em
ployed at the B. P. Doherty ranch,
is now assisting with harvest on the
Omohundro ranch near Lexington.
Kenneth Geiger who is employed
on the Frank Saling ranch near
Lexington was a Sunday guest of
his father, Rudolph Geiger, who is
employed at West Camp ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smitners ana
the latter's brother called at the
home of Charles Melville on Sunday.
J. C. Thompson and C. Melville
were business visitors in Pendleton
on Monday.
Willard Hawley accompanied by
Farrel Haunschell of Myrtle creek
(Continued from Ftrrt M
from stomach trouble for the past
week. The trouble was caused by
over work and constant jarring
while working on the binder with
which he cut his rye.
C. Melville is the proud possessor
of a new Ford truck. He is on the
market for wheat hauling now.
Tom Boylen has purchased a new
truck and Clarence Neill will oper
ate it.
Nearly all the ranchers on Butter
creek are harvesting their first al
falfa crop for the season. Everyone
seems to have an exceptionally good
C. Melville was a business visitor
in Pendleton on Saturday.
G. L. Bennett accompanied by
Grover Sibley motored to Heppner
on Saturday.
Mike Sepanek was klcKea by one
of his farm horses. He was layed
up for a few days and is improving
Claud Hill and Alfred Sibley ac
companied by the Misses Bernice
and Bertha Sepanek attended the
dance at lone on Saturday nignt.
Miss Celatha Lambirth entertain
ed at a dancing party on Sautrday
evening. About thirty-five of the
neighbors were present and enjoyed
the dancing and card games. Re
freshments were served at a late
Farrrell Haunschell of Myrtle
also the Misses Celatha and Doris
Lambirth were Saturday afternoon
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Al Hlatt or
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Llndsey and
children were Sunday dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Finley.
A number of our young men have
been going to Butter creek on swim
ming parties these warm aays.
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Finley and
son were Echo visitors on Thursday.
Alec Lindsey who is employed on
Butter creek for the summer was
a week end guest of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Lindsey.
Pat Doherty of lone was in this
vicinity last week, giving Maytag
washing machine demonstrations.
The Misses Doris ana ceiaina
Lambirth and brother Lester were
in Hermiston on Thursday and
Monday picking cherries.
A large crowd attended cnurcn
services at Alpine on Sunday after
noon. Services next Sunday will be
held at Pine City. Milton W. Bower
of Heppner will have charge and
everybody Is welcome.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of the estate
of L. V. Gentrv, deceased, has (lied
with the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow County his final ac
count of the administration of the es
tate of said deceased, and the said
Court has set Monday, the 5th day of
August, 1929. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock
in the forenoon of said day in the
County Court room at the Court House
at Heppner, Oregon, as the time and
place for heurlng objections to said
final account and the settlement of said
estale, and all persons having objec
tions to said final account or the set
tlement of said estate are hereby re
quired to file the same In Bald Court on
or before the time set for said hearing.
Dated this 3rd day of July, 1929.
C. W. McNAMER Administrator,
or leave orders at
Phelps Grocery Co.
Home Phone 1102
different and the
Clothes Show It
Just think for a moment
how different each man is
from another. Our own
g ood judgment tells there
is a wide distinction.
There is no general aver
age for the human being.
And that's just the rea
son why we should have a
merchant tailor make our
clothes from quality fab
rics. We like nice homes
and neat surroundings.
And we want our clothes
to look the part. These
clothes should be tailor-
made. They fit better, last
longer, and are more com
Heppner Tailoring and
Pressing Shop
Call for
Pride of Oregon
Ice Cream
A home product made from pure pasteur
ized sweet cream.
"The Biggest Little Place in Town"
Our Better Milkshakes Are Pleasing
More Patrons Dailv. Have
You Tried One?
We are proud to serve
25c a Pint 50c a Quart.
In Bricks or Sanitary Containers.
Mr. Farmer : By demanding Heppner made
ice cream you strengthen your own market.
Assii!ina(e!ai(giil !
B. R. PATTERSON has taken charge of the Pat
terson & Son Drug Store and will conduct the
business in the future. Rumors to the effect that
the store will be sold, closed or moved are abso
lutely unfounded.
We are showing a few of the attractive bargains
of the nature to be found at Patterson's always.
Tube of Klenw Shaving Dr Wegtg Tooth pa8te 25c
Cr&im . . ... oOc
C a n o f Aft e r Shaving West'8 Tooth BrU8n - 600
I Package of GmuineGiU BOTH FOR 50c
lette Blade 60c Introductory offer to lntro
ALL FOR 79c duc new tooth paste.
, r rrr . k. LJLZ-JZt
, . x ;prr j. I
STATIONERY odd lot of ;
Odda and End .n Fine Sta- V!0Ur,an
tionery at ONE-HALF price. Powder PuflS
VAL 10c-3for25c
Only a Few Left while they last
1 i i - -'
I : - - - r-c-c r-j-rr-1 :.
The Latest Japanese Toy. F0B THE KIDDIES
Fine for the whole family. All Sizes
15c and 25c $2, $3 and up to $5
. . - ... - rr rr?'
PutfagirM is Ssa
Tho $cxaJL store
M. D. Clark : Hiatt & Dix
You Live Within the Red &
White Economy Circle
Share with your neighbors the Savings and the Services of these
Red & White Chain Stores No other stores offer you so much in
Quality and Service at prices so low Let us prove this!
Saturday and Monday (July 6 and 8) Red & White Super-Specials
ALPINE MILK, Tall (There's
' Cream in every 4
drop. Tin lUC
KLIPS. Package., lit
Red & White TUNA M i
FISH,l-2s. 2for....
sorted Flavors. AQ
3 for 4tl
dized or plain.
Each J.J.C
Serv-us COFFEE
1-Puond Package
Serv-us COFFEE
Mb. Tin
Thompson's Chocolate Flavor
Each HkUiZ
2 Bottles for
Kellogg RICE KRIS- 0"7
PIES. 2 for Alt