HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1929. PAGE FIVE Pi 4yTMf ILLUSTRATED EV FRANK B. PReW), 1 TWELFTH INSTALLMENT. WHAT HAPPENED SO FAB The Sheridan Dramatic Club, of which Tom Bllbeck, the narrator, Mary- eiia, me gin ne carea ior, ana Jim Cooper, his rival, are members, start a performance of Pygmalion and Galatea ... ftlrt Qllia TJ,, K... l terrupted by a Are. During the re hearsals Tom Bllbeck Is accused by the husband of one of the actors. Mr. Hem iiiEwav. of beliiK In love with his wife. Riding away -from the scene of the Ill-fated play In their costumes and overcoats, the group of players is held up by two escaped convicts, one of whom is captured by Bllbeck after struggle. The captured thief is tied to a chair at the Old Soldiers' Home. Unable to leave the home as the car refuses to budge, the players must stay there, and Mr. Hemmlngway, hearing this over the phone, says he is coming right to the home as he Is suspicious of hlB wife and Bllbeck, Meanwhile the Sheriff ar. rives. Hemmlngway arrives Just when Bll- DecK is assisting Mrs. Hemmlngway, who has fainted, and of course thinks the worst. Meanwhile a disturbance Is heard In the cellar, and all In the house rush down to It. The Sheriff's horse has broken loose. Meanwhile Hemmlngway susDects Bll beck more and more, and Jim Cooper mixes in 10 leu BiiDecK ne naa arranged that the Hemmlngways be divorced and that Bllbeck is to marry Mrs. Hem nilngwuy. To get back home, Hemmlngway must travel by foot, and Bllbeck offers to go with him. In violent disagreement, they nevertheless start out together on snowshoes and sklB and soon Bllbeck tumbles over Hemmlngway, the going being difficult. They lose their sense of direction. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY Just by way of diversion we now had an argument as to which way the nearest farm-house lay from where we were. We had determined to postpone trying to reach Fair Oaks until morning and wanted food and shelter for the night ' I thought that I had seen farm buildings on our right, about a mile back on the trail. Hemmlngway In sisted that they were on the left. "There is no use quarreling about it," I said finally. "There is nothing to prevent each of us going the way he thinks Is right. It's a cinch w will both find shelter if we keep go ing far enough." So we separated. We had grown Intensely tired of one another any way; especially since hunger had put an edge on our tempers. Hem mlngway Btarted southwest and I branched off toward the north. It grew dark very rapidly after the sun was gone, but the snow on the ground made It fairly easy to see and I was able to hit up quite a fast pace. But the farm-house I thought I had seen did not materialize. I could have sworn It was In that di rection, too. Rather than give up I pushed on further. I did not like the Idea of going back to Hemmlng way and admitting that I was wrong. Surely if I kept on in the same direction I had been going I would eventually reach some sort of shelter and food! It was a long time, though, be fore I saw a welcoming light I can't say just how long, but I would have guessed several hours. Any way I was so thoroughly fatigued that I could barely drag one ski after the other. , But when I saw the light I quick ened my pace and made for it. I was afraid that the people who liv ed there would go to bed before I could arrive. As I passed over the snow I had a curious sense of familiarity, a feeling as if I had been there before. It wasn't so much that I recognized nnything specific, but I just felt more or less at home. There was something In the air. All at once the moon came out, and as It did the building toward which I was heading loomed large against the sky. - I knew at once why the neighbor hood had seemed familiar. The building was the Old Soldiers' Home, and I had wulked all day to return at night to the very spot from which I had started! I had no very cheerful vision of a warm welcome upon my return to the Home, but It was a case of any port In a storm, so I continued on my way. Tho Home was still half a out. But I plugged on. I felt pretty sure that I could get in without waking any one up, which I decided would be much the better way be cause I could avoid explanations. As I drew nearer In the shadow of the woods that bordered the road I saw a figure dart suddenly from their protecting shade across the patch of intervening moonlight to the Old Soldiers' Home. That struck me as rather curious. Why should any one be in such a hurry and why so furtive ? I thought it over quite a while as I stood there waiting for something else to occur. Then a solution occurred to me. It was doubtless" the other escaped prisoner, the one who had held us up In the road when we had started for home the first time. The chances were that he wanted to get back into the sanitarium and release his partner, As soon as I arrived at that de duction I, too, hastened in the same direction that he had gone. By the time I got to the front of the build ing hp had disappeared. An open window, however, Indicated very plainly where he had gone, and re moving my skis I had no hesitation in following him. It was hard work for me to climb through, but I man aged it. There was enough moonlight com ing into the living-room where I found myself for me to see that there was no one there. I hardly expected that he would linger long He was doubtless searching for the room In which Bill, his partner was confined. There was nothing on the main floor except the living room and the service quarters. I glanced hastily in each room below and then went upstairs which was a more likely hunting ground. I paused at the head of the stairs scarce breathing. He was not there. While I waited, senses alert and nerves taut, a figure glided out through a door and went down the hall away from me. It disappeared in a moment through another door. I waited perhaps two minutes. It reappeared again and passed on to the next room. I was in a quandary what to do. If I raised an alarm the chances were about even that he would es cape. It seemed better to capture him single-handed. I Therefore, when he disappeared into the next room I followed down the hall. As I did I heard a door in back of me open, but was too intent on my quarry to pay much atten tion to the sound In the rear. I came to the door where I had seen my man disappear last. It stood open. I stepped in and closed it softly after me. Next I felt grop ingly for the electric-light switch on the wall. Before I could find it there was a woman s scream in the room some where ahead of me, and then at my back I heard a clicking sound in the door I had just closed. My hand found the switch. I turned It on. Sitting bolt upright in bed, with a revolver leveled at me, was itary-ella. There was no one else In sight. CHAPTER XII. Several Surprises "Throw up your hands," Maryella commanded, undecided how to treat burglar whom she knew by his first name, but choosing at length the conventional procedure. I will, I agreed, "If you 11 point that shoe horn in some other direction." She threw aside the weapon. "If you are a gentleman you will leave this room," she said firmly. "I don't know what you mean by this unwarrantable Intrusion." "A man came in here and I fol lowed him." "Nonsense! Where is he?" It did sound a trifle fishy, I'll admit There was no one in sight. I even looked under the bed. "Now go," she ordered as if she were addressing an Infant who had mile distant when the light went to be dealt with (irmly. "I don't New York Life Insurance Co. NOT A COMMODITY BUT A SERVICE W. V. Crawford, Agent Heppncr, Ore. John Day Valley Freight Line (Incorporated) Operating between ' Heppner and Portland and John Day Highway Points; DAILY SERVICE Prompt delivery, rates reasonable plus personal and courteous service. $10,000 cargo insurance. CITY GARAGE, Local Agent, Phone 172 know what Is the matter with you lately, Tom Bllbeck. You used to be a fairly sensible, dependable man; but now you act like a lunatic two-thirds of the time." "I'll go," I said mournfully; "but some day you 11 realize how unjustly you have treate'd me." I went to the door and turned the knob. It would not open. "What's the matter?" Maryella asked when I delayed. "I can't get out This door is locked on the outside." "Absurd!" Maryella got out of bed and slipped on her fur coat "How could it be locked?" She came over to the door. As she stood beside me I had a poignant spasm of heartache at the dainty desirability of her. It was no time for sentiment in a situation that bade fair to become serious, but I challenge any man to be so near the person of the woman he loves and not be conscious of rippling hair, especially If it flows over her shoulders, and the soft tenderness of the skin flushed with sleep. She tried the door. "It is locked," she admitted with Incredulous eyes that sought mine questioningly. "What does it mean?" I shook my head. "I don't know." Just to be doing something I rat tled the knob. "Be quiet In there, consarn you," said a voice outside. "You're arrest ed in the name of the law, and any thing you say will be used agin' you!" It was the sheriff. How had he become Involved In the midnight parade? What explanation could there be of an officer of the law be ing on the scene of a crime? It was contrary to precedent. I even told him so through the locked door. "Don't argue with him," pleaded Maryella in a whisper. A new look of concern had come into her eyes. "What is it? What are you afraid of?" I asked. 'Think how this is going to look when they find you and me here! Oh, Tom, how could you compro mise me so?" "I didn't Intend to. I wasn't even thinking of you." "Oh," she murmured as it hurt "Mrs. Hemmlngway occupies all your thoughts, I suppose." My heart leaped joyfully. Even in a moment of stress she had time to be jealous. Maybe it was all for the best. "I'm sorry," I said penitently. "That won't do any good. We ought to be able to do something definite to make this look all right" "I'll do anything you say," I of fered. "Shall I Jump out of the window ?" "You might break your neck." "It wouldn't matter," I said bit terly. She disregarded my martyr-like speech. "Suppose you were to hide," she suggested. "I'll say you jumped out of the window and then when they got out there after you, you could escape." "Clever plan," I congratulated ad miringly. "Where shall I hide?" "Under the bed," she suggested practically. I glanced doubtfully at the white enameled iron bed which was bolt ed to the floor. It looked to me as if it were underslung. However, I'm the most obliging man you ever met so I got down on the floor and started to crawl under. Unfortunately I stuck half-way. I could almost make it, and I struggled hard to condense that re fractory half inch of girth that was holding me back. It was no use. Then I tried to back out. To my dismay I found that I could not move the other way either. "Throw up your hands," said the sheriff outside. "I'm coming in, and if you move III shoot! How the deuce could I throw up my hands? I might have thrown up my feet, but I doubt if I was capa ble of a motion of any sort. As the key clicked in the lock I heard a scurrying of bare feet Maryella was retreating. The door opened. A hush of sur prise followed. "Come out," ordered the sheriff. "I see you, you durned ostrich." I renewed my struggle to extri cate myself. It was useless. I had used too much zeal in my effort to get under. "If you don't come out in ten sec onds I'll shoot The sheriff deliver ed this ultimatum and began count ing, "One, two, three " The thought of the target that I offered for even a very poor marks man drove me nearly frantic. I made a superhuman effort. The bed rose from the floor and fell apart I backed away from the debris. (Continued Next Week.) Young Essayist Brendon A. Finn, 12, winner of the National Traffic El say Contest. The boy, who attends the Prescott School at Somervilk, MassM will receive a trip to Washington and a gold watch in token of his victory. To Up-To-Date Owners Of Out-Of-Date Homes owners have added comfort at tractiveness and value to substantial but unmodern homes. We have hundreds of pictures, many sets of plans and almost innumerable suggestions to assist you in adding youth and charm to your home. Come in now. You will be under no obligation whatever. It will be a genuine pleasure for us to help you Modernize your home. Materially Your$ Tum-A-Lum Lumber COMPANY Commercial Fertilizers Being Tried on Wheat "A farmer becomes interested in commercial fertilizers only when their use will bring him profitable returns." said C. W. Smith, county agent, today. "As wheat is the crop that de mands a liberal supply of nitrate nitrogen both for good yields and high quality, the application of nt- trate nitrogen may prove profitable. The use of nitrate in top dressing on wheat is a comparatively new practice that may offer a means of increase In the farm income." Many local ranchers have been wondering about commercial fertilizers for some time. They say in effect that fertilizer will probably make the grain grow faster and yield a few more bushels. Will It pay? In order to And out these plots, each just one-tenth of an acre in size, one rod wide and 16 rods long, were carefully measured and stak ed out On one of the three plots, ten pounds of Chilean nitrate of soda were applied at the rate of ICO pounds an acre. On the other, 15 pounds were applied and on the third, 20 pounds. On the fourth plot was placed nothing so as to have a check on the yield. An effort was made to pick out a uniform piece of soil for this test In order to avoid error. The fertilizer test is located on the Heppner Hill road on the east side, 4 1-2 miles out of Heppner on the A. W. Gemmell farm and is something that grain growers may be interested in as the season advances. Another group of fertilized plots can be found on the Otto Ruhl farm north of Lexington on the east side of the market road. These plots are 4x4 rods and were measured out and staked before the fertilizers were applied. For Sate Cow; fresh In June. Geo. Gross, Boardman, Ore. lOtf. I SHKSEIB We protect every Seiberling passenger car tire for one full year against further expense due to acci dent from any cause. ERLIKf the PROTECTED tire COHN AUTO CO. P. M. GEMMELL Heppner -: Oregon "Tune in" on MacMarr Stores' 3-day Food "Program" by coming into any of our up-to-the-minute food "stations." Your "reception" will be cordial and you will be more than pleased with these real values! Ill DAYS 8 M LEMONS Fresh Dozen ...35C Fancy, Juicy Fruit PRINCE ALBERT '2-lb. Cans 45c Old Dutch Cleanser 3 Cans .. 19c SALAD OIL BULK Packed In Quart Fruit Jars. Quart .... Jar and all a real buy 43c OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL NINE O'CLOCK PEANUT BUTTER Fancy Bulk 2 Lbs 45c SWEET PICKLES '-Gal. Jars .... 85c THESE ARE OF FIXE QUALITY SPUDS We have just received a carload of FINE, CLEAN SOLID NETTED GEMS. We are offering these po tatoes at a real saving. BUY YOUR SPUDS FOR HARVEST NOW. SPERRY'S FLOUR White Down 49-lb. Sack $1.79 Per Barrel $7.09 A Hard Wheat PRUNES SUN KIST 4-lb. Package 43c BACON Medium Weight, Well Streaked, Mild Cured Lb. 29C SUPER SUDS LARGE SIZE Nearly 3 times OAr the 10c size. vt PUREX - Extra Large Bottle - 29c TOILET SOAP Made by Palm Olive People 12 Bar Cartons . 55c STONE'S COFFEE SPECIAL BLEND 1 Pound 39c 3 Pounds $1.10 SUPREME BLEND 1 Pound 19c 3 Pounds $1.45 CHEESE Brookfield Pound .... 25c A Swift Product Phone 1082 STONE'S DIVISION Hotel Heppner Bldg.