Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 04, 1929, Image 1

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    HWorica Society.
Volume 46, Number 16.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Sunday Evening Shut-Off
Ordered and Legion
There will be no more Irrigating
on Sunday evenings, according to
action of the city council Monday
evening, and the city officers will
have plenty of help to see that the
order is enforced. The entire mem
bership Of the local nn.lt AmoHfon
Legion was empowered with auth
ority to make arrests of any vio
lators round. This action was tak
en to provide water for the Legion
swimming pool, which must be re
filled and cleaned once a week hv
regulation of the state board of
neaitn. as the local post member
ship totals 65, there should be little
trouble in enforcing the order, ac
cording to an opinion expressed at
the meeting.
It Is believed by W. E. Pruyn,
water superintendent, that if the
people comply with the order of the
council, that enough water should
be available Sunday nights to fill
the tank without endangering the
reserve supply for domestic use and
fire purposes. The council believed
that little inconvenience to residents
will result from the order, and
knowing the sentiment favoring the
use of the pool, were certain that
everyone would willingly comply
with the request
The city fathers let it be known
that they were aware of some peo
ple abusing their irrigation privil
eges, and for this reason ordered
the publishing of the city ordinance
in regard to Irrigation, enforcement
of which will be more stringent in
the future. A majority of the coun
cil expressed themselves in favor
of metering the city water supply
as the only real solution to the prob
lem. Reading of the treasurer's semi
annual report showed the city fin
ances to be in a rather depleted con
dition at the present time, though
all indebtedness is being satisfac
torily cared for, with bond redemp
tion and Interest payments kept up.
In regard to an adequate Are
fighting organization for the city,
several councilmen at the request of
Mayor McCarty consented to do
what they could in the way of start
ing same, It being stated by Chief
of Police Devin that at the present
time there is not so much as a pen
cil scratch to show that any such
organization exists. From opinions
expressed It la probable that the
council would favor paying firemen
for their services.
Bert Mason and W. W. Head, rep
. resenting the lone city government,
were present at the meeting in the
Interest of securing uniform pro
hibition and traffic ordinances for
lone, Heppner and neighboring
towns. This matter was considered
and may be gone into further at a
later date.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Llndsey and
children motored to Pendleton on
Monday. Mrs. Llndsey is having
some dental work done.
On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Irl
Clary and children, Grover Sibley
and Mrs. George Lamblrth accom
panied Wlllard Hawley to Heppner.
Mrs. Mike Sepanek and daughter
Bertha were Hermiston visitors on
Wednesday morning.
Miss Gertrude Tichenor motored
to Hermiston on Wednesday after
noon and attended the Silver Tea
given by the ladies of Hermiston in
honor of Mrs. M. Norton, who left
Hermiston on Sunday following for
Missouri where she will visit for a
year at least with her two children.
Ruth Ann accompanied her and
will make her home with her moth
er in the future.
The Misses Bernice and Bertha
Sepanek and Ruth Bennett were
Heppner visitors Wednesday after
noon. Mrs. C. Melville and daughter
Margaret accompanied by Miss
Gertrude Tichenor were Heppner
visitors on Thursday afternoon.
The Misses Celatha and Doris
Lamblrth accompanied by their bro
ther Lester motored to Hermiston
Thursday morning.
Wlllard Hawley and Grover Sib
ley were Pendleton visitors Thurs
day morning.
Mrs. Sam Ritchie and son Olln
and daughter Hazel were Heppner
shoppers on Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. M. Norton of Hermiston re
turned to her home there on Mon
day following a few days visit with
relatives here before leaving for her
home in Missouri where she will
visit for a year.
Mrs. Shirley Straight and her two
nieces from Spokane also Elna
Pearson were guests Tuesday eve
ning at West Camp. They motored
out from Echo where they are vis
iting Mrs. Straight's sister and brother-in-law"
Mr, and Mrs. E. P.
C. Melville was a business visitor
In Heppner on Tuesday afternoon.
Harvest season In Sand Hollow
Is going pretty lively now. J. C.
Thompson has his rye all In. B. P.
Doherty is busy in his rye. Q. L.
Bennett has his rye all In. Nell
Melville is working In his, also.
Charles Melville has his all In and
is about ready to got hia barley
crop worked on.
J. C. Thompson has been suffering
(Continued on Page Eight.)
Fire Epidemic Keeps
lone Residents Busy
pondent lone has been having a series of
fires beginning at 5:30 Monday af
ternoon when Mrs. J. P. O'Meara
returned from her shopping to And
a small fire in her barn. It proved
to be a stubborn little blaze and she
and Mr. O'Meara had several bouts
with It before they were sure It was
extinguished and It was safe for
them to retire. At 11:30 Monday
night the fire bell rang calling the
fire fighters to a larger and more
disastrous fire. This was a building
in the south part of town on the
property owned by W. E. Ahalt It
was a good sized frame building
used by Mr. Ahalt to house his
pumping plant, vod, tools, etc., and
was a complete loss. It is reported
there was no insurance. Mr. Ahalt
estimates his loss at about $700. At
3:15 Tuesday morning the fire here
broke out afresh, but was extin
guished by those living near with
out putting in an alarm.
Shortly before four o clock the fire
bell again sounded. John Bryson's
barn was on fire and in a short time
was burned to the ground. The
building was not of much value,
having been built 31 years ago by
Mrs. Bryson's father, Mr. Wood. The
frame was of logs that Mr. Wood
had brought himself from the moun
tains. While this fire was burning
another fire started up in the
O'Meara barn, but was put out
without much trouble. At 8:30 the
alarm again sounded. This proved
to be a small fire at the barn on
Third street owned by M. R. Mor
gan. It is not known how the first
two fires got started, but the three
following (Ires were caused by flying
sparks from the Ahalt and Bryson
A. E. Feller and wife and Ed
Jackson and wife drove Into town
Tuesday morning just in time to
spread the alarm that Mr. Bryson's
barn was on fire. Mrs. Jackson was
returning from an extended visit
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Law-
son of Newberg. The rest of the
party drove down last Sunday. They
made the trip by truck and Mr.
Feller brought home a diminutive
Shetland pony for his little daugh
ter. Captain Hall and his two daugh
ters gave a pleasing program at
the Baptist church Monday evening.
They are working in the Interests of
Linfleld college at McMinnville.
The Christian Sunday school pic
nic held last Sunday at the Grant
Olden ranch on Rhea creek was
well attended. All report a very
enjoyable day.
Mrs. Nels Jepsen and son Paul,
of Portland, and Mrs. John Bush
and son Neil, of Vernonla, visited
recently with their sister, Mrs. Fred
Ritchie at her summer home in the
The Fred Ritchie family drove to
lone Saturday, returning Sunday to
their camp above Hardman, where
Mr. Ritchie has work in a mill.
Al Friewald, of Portland, trans
acted business here Friday.
W. L. Skipton and Chas. Todd, of
Sunnyside, Wash., spent Thursday -and
Friday of last weejc with Mr.
and Mrs. Dwlght Misner.
Fred Mankln has Joined the ranks
of the tractor farmers. He sold his
mules last week to Skipton and
Todd of Sunnyside, Wash. He plans
on getting a tractor before harvest
Arthur Turner received a pleasant
surprise last Friday evening when
he returned to his home from his
day's work. He found his brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. R.
H. Wright and their small son there
to greet him. The Wrights are from
Berkeley, Cal., and were en route to
Lind, Wash. Mr. Turner had not
seen his sister for twelve years.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Swanson and
Mrs. Millie Newton spent a pleasant
day on the John Day river Sunday,
June 23.
The missionary society of the
Congregational church will hold no
meeting during the month of July.
The August meeting will be held
on the first day of the month, at
which time Mrs. Ed Keller will be
Mrs. Young arrived Saturday for
a visit with her brother, Lee Beck
ner. Mrs. Young comes from Vir
ginia. John Mlchelbook who has been
farming for the past year and a
half north of lone, has sold his
leases and outfit to his brother,
James Mlchelbook. John and fam
ily have moved to Joesph where he
will use his two 60 h.p. caterpillar
tractors to move logs. The tractors
were driven to Boardman where
they were loaded on flat cars and
shipped to Joseph. The furniture
was taken by truck. Carlton Swan
son went with Mr. Mlchelbook and
will drive one of the tractors in the
W. E. Bullard and family left
Monday morning on an auto trip to
Mr. and Mrs. William Olson were
guests last week of George Ely. Mr.
and Mrs. Olson now live in Missou
la, Mont, but are former Morgan
Mrs. J, P. Louy recently enjoyed
a visit with her sister, Mrs. Nora
Holland, whose home Is in Seattle.
There was a regular communica
tion of Locust chapter Tuesday eve
ning of last week. This will be the
last regular meeting until Septem
ber. Besides the regular routine of
work there was the report from the
delegates in attendance at the grand
chapter In Portland. This was fol
lowed by a social hour and refresh
ments to which the Masonic broth
ers were Invited. Several of the
(Continued on Page Eight)
Life Lost in Attempting
Rescue; Double Funeral
Held Here Today.
Laurence Case, son fo Mr. and
Mrs. M. L. Case of this city, lost his
life in the Columbia river at Brew
ster, Wash., on Sunday while at
tempting to save the life of his
swimming companion, Nina Bowen.
Report of the drowning was con
veyed by message to the parents at
Heppner shortly after the accident
The young people went in swim
ming in the stream at Brewster,
and from reports reaching here,
they had swam over to the opposite
shore. After a short rest they at
tempted to return, when Miss Bow
en was evidently attacked by
cramps a short distance out from
shore and began to sink. Luarence,
who was near by, called to her
"keep your head kiddo, keep your
head," and she rallied for the mo
ment, but before Laurence could
reach her, she threw her head back
and sank, the boy diving to bring
her up. Just where they were at
this time was a heavy undertow in
the river and apparently both bod'
les were drawn under, as neither
appeared again. Laurence was in
the water for 45 minutes when his
body was recovered. Rescuers ar
rived immediately with a pulmeter
and worked hard to resuscitate him,
but to no effect. The body of the
girl was not recovered so soon and
remained In the river for an hour
and 10 minutes.
The drowning was witnessed from
the shore by Mrs. Bowen, mother
of Nina, who heard what was said
but was powerless to render any
help. The day before, Saturday,
Nina had fallen out of a cherry
tree in which she was picking fruit,
and hurt her back, but had not in
formed her mother of this, and it
is thought she was caught by
cramps and pain In her back when
she began to sink in the river, and
evidently her death was caused by
heart failure, as her lungs did not
fill with water.
Laurence left Heppner about six
weeks ago, going to Brewster,
where he secured work In an or
chard. Here he and Nina became
acquainted, and the acquaintance
had rapidly ripened into an affec
tion that caused them to become en
gaged. They had planned to be
married a little later and go to the
fruit farm of Laurence's father at
Hood River to live, but death brot
to an abrupt close all their happy
prospects for the future.
Upon receipt of the news here,
Mr. Case arranged with his son
Harold Case of Fossil to go to Brew
ster for the body of Laurence. Upon
getting there it was arranged to
bring both bodies to Heppner for
interment and they arrived here
this hiorning, being shipped by train
to Pendleton from where they were
brought to Heppner by hearse.
Funeral services were held at the
Methodist church at 9 o'clock, Rev.
F. R. Spaulding, the pastor, officia
ting and interment was in Masonic
cemetery. The services were largely
attended by the friends of the fam
ily, and deep expressions of sympa
thy were manifest on all sides, the
tragedy having come to the parents
and brothers and sisters of Laur
ence and to his schoolmates and
friends here as a severe shock.
The boy was coming 19 years of
age In September and Nina would
have been 16 In a short time. Laur
ence was a hard working young
man, a boy of very sensitive nature,
but ripening Into fine young man
hood. Miss Bowen is said to have
been a girl of fine Christian char
acter, and was an adopted daughter.
Frank E. Parker received word
Saturday evening of a car accident
that aftrenoon In Tacoma, Wash.,
In which Mrs. Parker and sister,
Mrs. Earl Hall, and their mother,
Mrs. J. R. Cypert, were Injured. The
report stated that neither Mrs. Par
ker or Mrs. Hall were seriously in
jured, but that Mrs. Cypert was in
a more critical condition. Mrs.
Parker had just accompanied Mr.
and Mrs. Hall to Tacoma on Friday,
the Halls returning home from a
visit here. From the report the
party had evidently arrived safely
on their journey over, and the acci
dent happened after they arrived.
Onez Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Parker, left Sunday morning In the
Parker car for a visit at Tacoma
and to be of what assistance he
might He had intended leaving on
Monday, but report of the accident
caused him to start a day earlier.
Mr. Parker was anxiously awaiting
further word when in town Tues
day. Mr. and Mrs. E. S, Clemens of
Pasco, Wash., are guests this week
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Chaffee in this city. Mrs. Chaffee
and Mrs. Clemens are cousins, and
the Pasco people are now enjoying
their summer vacation.
Gordon Ridings, of Eugene, star
athlete at the University of Oregon,
arrived in the city Monday and will
have charge of the American Leg
ion swimming tank during the sum
mer. County court convened at the
court house yestorday for the regu
lar July term, with all members
present, and facing the usual am
ount of mid-year business.
Mitchell Thorn Wins
Contest for P. P.&L.
Heppner and tha Pacific Power
and Light company both received
signal recognition on Thursday last
when the power company's local
manager, Mitchell Thorn, won the
championship in the northwest fin
als of the National Electric Light
association's public speaking con
test held in Seattle. Nine northwest
utilities were represented In the fin
als and Mr. Thorn emerged with a
clean lead from the field, bringing
victory to his cmopany, and more
recognition for the Heppner office
which has been his lot In every con
test the company has held since he
assumed the management of the
local office more than a year ago.
"How I Can Best Serve Our Cus
tomers," was the topic used thru
out the contest Mr. Thorn emerg
ed the winner from two preliminary
. 1 V 1 I
Mitchell Thorn
contests, at The Dalles and Walla
Walla to earn the right to represent
his company in the final contest He
is highly elated that he was able to
pull his company out in the lead at
Seattle. ' '
Besides earning the $75 cash prize
offered in the contest, Mr. Thorn,
and Mrs. Thorn who accompanied
him, were treated to a most enjoy
able trip to British Columbia, be
sides other entertainment features
that made the event one long to be
remembered. By winning at Seattle
Mr. Thorn has gone as far as It is
possible this year, though next year
It is planned to carry the contest
on to a national conclusion with the
finals to be held at Atlantic City,
and Mr. Thorn's many friends have
already advised him to get his hotel
reservations in early.
The nine public utilities repre
sented at the contest were Pacific
Power and Light company, North
western, Copco (California), Mon
tana Power and Light Washington
Water Power, Idaho Light and Pow
er, Portland Electric Power, Puget
Sound Power and Light and Moun
tain States Electric. As each of
these held preliminary contests to
choose their representative in the
inter-company meet Mr. Thorn ac
tually won over a field of several
hundred contestants.
Mr. Thorn participated in what
was known as the employee's divi
sion of the contest, and in connec
tion was held another for officials.
The P. P. & L. came out on top In
this contest also through its repre
sentative, Howard Cooper, of Lew-
lston, Ida., so that all told it was a
clean sweep.
Star Theater Will Afford
Chance to Get in Movies
The Scenograph Soundies com
pany is conducting a series of mo
tion picture screen tests, in search
of talent for short stories, comedies,
scenics and travelogue pictures of
the Northwest, and is giving the
people of Heppner a chance to try
out The tests will take place on
the stage at the Star theater Wed
nesday and Thursday, July 10 and
Only a few will be given a chance
to appear locally, states the man
agement, who declare:
If you can sing, dance, give char
acter reading, impersonate famous
people, put on a comedy skit, play
a musical instrument or do acro
batic stunts, we would like to hear
from you. There is no age limit,
and one or more people can take
part together. Please send in your
name, give your address, phone
number and what you can do. Or
you may see Mrs. Carde any time
during the day nt the Star theater."
The finished product will be
shown on Friday and Saturday, July
12 and 13, so those taking part will
have an opportunity to see how they
screen. The work will be under the
personal supervision of Mrs. Essie
Lee Carde. Many local views will
also be featured in Friday and Sat
urday's showings.
The regular communication of
Heppner Lodge No. 69, A. F. & A.
M., at Masonic hall on Saturday eve
ning, July 0. There will be work
In the E. A and F. C. degrees.
L. W. BRIGGS, Secretary.
if s0$
Locals Give Leaders Thrill
By Tying in Ninth, But
Lose Game 3 to 2. -
Won Lost Pet
Wasco 13
Condon 9
Heppner 8
Fossil 5
lone 4
Arlington 2
Last Sunday's game not reported.
Xrfut Bandar's Basalts
At Wasco 3, Heppner 2; At lone 2,
Fossil t; At Condon (not reported).
Next Sunday's Chunes
Arlington at Heppner; lone at Con
don; Wasco at Fossil.
With the defeat of Heppner Sun
day Wasco is assured the champion
ship of the Wheatland Baseball lea
gue, and will undoubtedly be the
proud possessors of the fine new
loving cup now on display in Peter
son's jewelry store window, for at
least the coming year. The cup
must be won three times for per
manent possession. Wasco has gone
through the season to date with but
one defeat while Condon, her near
est competitor, has dropped three.
Only one scheduled league game re
mains to be played.
Yes, Heppner was defeated, but
not until she had dragged the lea
gue leaders through the dust In one
of the best games of the season, and
it took Wasco's half of the ninth
inning to blot out the 2-2 tie, with
the deciding tally. In the fourth
Wasco got her first two on a double
sacker by Meyer followed by Weed-
man's home run. That was all the
scoring until the ninth, when Hepp
ner tied it up. Erwin, hit by a
pitched ball, was replaced by D.
Bleakman at first who took third
on Sprouls' single, Sprouls stealing
second and both runners scoring on
Drake s hit In the meantime Gen
try flied out to Pitcher Soden.
Drake stole second and started to
third on L. Turner's grounder,
where he was called out by umpire
Bill Furlong, when the ball was
sent to third after Turner was
counted out at first.
Wasco's deciding tally was gained
through Tucker's triple-sacker, fol
lowed by Meyer's hit
Soden had considerable the edge
In the pitching duel, breezing 10
Heppner batsmen, to Drake's four
strikeouts. But while Wasco was
finding Drake's offerings only five
of their blows went for hits, Hepp
ner at the same time taking four
off Soden. It was a nip and tuck
game with every run being earned,
and fast playing was the order of
the day.
In the last game of the league
season Sunday, the locals will cross
bats with Arlington at Rodeo field.
A good game is expected.
Erwin. 1 3 1 1 12 0 0
Sprouls. 2 4 112 2 1
Gentry, c 4 0 0 4 1 0
Drake, p 3 0 1 0 8 0
L. Turner, m 4 0 0 2 0 0
B. Turner, s 3 0 0 3 2 0
Hiatt. r 3 0 1 0 0 0
B. Bleakman, 3 2 0 0 0 3 0
D. Bleakman, 1 3 0 0 2 0 0
Totals .29 2 4 25 16 1
Wilson. 3 4 0300
Gerlach. 1 . 4 0 0 11 1 0
Tucker, s 4 110 10
Meyer, 1 4 1 2 0 0 0
Weedman, m 3 110 0 0
Osborne, 2 3 0 0 2 4 0
J. Soden, c 3 0 0 10 1 0
Bates, r 2 0 1 0 0 0
S. Soden, p 3 0 0 1 18 0
Totals 30 3 5 27 25 0
Earned runs. Heppner 2, Wasco 3:
three base hits. Bates. Tucker: first
base on balls off Drake 1. off Soden 2;
left on bases, Heppner 2, Wasco 3; first
base on errors, Wasco 1: two base hit,
Meyer; home run, Weedman; struck
out by Drake 4. by Soden 10; double
plays, Drake-Sprouls-Erwin. S. Soden-Gerlach-Wllson
; hit by pitcher, Erwin.
Fred Lucas was injured in one
leg, on Thursday morning last, and
his car neraly demolished when It
overturned on the highway near the
Art Parker ranch. Mr. Lucas was
on his way to Heppner when the
accident occurred. He was not trav
eling at a high rate of speed, but
when a car coming up behind him
sounded Its horn, he swung over to
the side of the road and In straight
ening it up again the car started to
swerve and turned completely over.
While Fred is using a cane in walk
ing, he feels fortunate that he was
not severely injured. Damage to
the car was a total loss as he had
no Insurance to cover such an acci
dent Rev. Van Marter, wife and grand
son, of Montesano, Wn., are guests
at the home of Mr. Van Marter's
son, La Verne and family of this
city. They arrived from the Grays
Harbor city on Monday.
Johan Troedson was here on Mon
day from his farm northeast of
lone. He reports harvest coming on
rapidly, and cutting will be in pro
gress within a few days.
The local Union Missionary soci
ety meets on Wednesday afternoon,
July 10, at the Methodist church,
and a full attendance of members
and friends Is desired.
Wlllard Herren and family this
week moved Into the property re
cently purchased by Mrs. Herren's
brother, Elbert Gibson, from Mrs.
Glenn Boyer.
Miss Edna Vaughn Is home from
Portland for a vacation of a couple
of weeks.
To City Water Users
To aid In keeping open the Am
erican Legion Swimming Pool,
considered by the Common Coun
cil of the City of Heppner to be a
great benefit to the public health
and comfort during the hot sum
mer days, the Council has deemed
It advisable to discontinue all Irri
gation on Sunday evenings from
6 to 8 o'clock, and has ordered
that Irrigation be discontinued at
these hours until further notice.
Irrigation on Sundays will be per
mitted only from 6 to 8 o'clock in
the morning. That this order may
be strictly enforced the Council
has further ordered that all mem
bers of Heppner Post American
Legion be deputized with author
ity to arrest anyone found violat
ing its provisions, violators to be
subject to the penalty or penalties
set forth in the ordinance to be
found in this issue of the Heppner
Gazette Times. A strict compli
ance of water users to the provi
sions of this order will be greatly
Dated this 4th day of July, 1929.
By order of the Common Coun
cil of the City of Heppner.
W. G. McCARTY, Mayor.
Fine Reception Is Given
New York Elks Car
A welcoming committee composed
of prominent members of the Elks
lodge in Heppner drove to Pendle
ton Saturday to greet one of the
four cars of the Elks Purple and
White fleet en route from New York
to Los Angeles on a nation wide
good will tour being made in ad
vance of the Elks Grand Lodge con
vention in California July 8-12. The
delegation, headed by Earl W. Gor
don, exalted ruler of the local Elks,
accompanied Mr. Alpers, the pilot
to Heppner and a fine reception
was staged, with a luncheon in his
honor Saturday noon at the temple.
ine tour was officially started in
New York May 13, when Mayor
"Jimmy" Walker sent the cars
away bearing greetings Ho be pre
sented to the Hon. Murray Hulbert
Grand Exalted Ruler of the Elks,
at the opening of the Los Angeles
The four pilots, each driving a
smart new Studabaker Presdient
Eight roadster finished in the pur
ple and white colors of the order,
separated on leaving New York,
each starting westward on one of
the four major transcontinental mo
tor routes. Car Number 2 and its
pilot, George Alpers, are heading
straight west most of the time fol
lowing the route of the Lincoln
highway. Of the three other cars,
one is following a course laid up
the Hudson river from New York
to Albany, west through the Lake
cities to Chicago, then northwest to
Seattle via Yellowstone park route.
Another is following a more sou
therly route leading through Cin-
cninati, St Louis and Kansas City
to Colorado Springs, Albuquerque
and Los Angeles. The fourth car is
swinging down through the Atlantic
Coast states before turning west
through New Orleans, whence it
will continue through the southwest
via Dallas, El Paso, Phoenix and
San Diego.
The tour is the most ambitious
demonstration of the regularity and
certainty to be attained in cross
country motoring ever attempted.
In collaboration with the American
Automobile association and the-Automobile
Club of Southern Califor
nia a detailed schedule was worked
out which will bring the four cars
together on the same day in Los
Angeles. The wide divergence of
their routes, the distances the cars
must cover, and the varying condi
tions they will encounter on their
way west mark the tour as an out
standing project which has aroused
wide Interest
W. E. Cummings, working at the
ranch of F. S. Parker near town,
who was recently injured when the
team ran away with him, is now
well on the road to complete recov
ery. He received a severe cut on
the leg as a result of the runaway.
Earl Chrisman who has been ill
recently with an attack of appendi
citis, has recovered and is now up
and around again.
Marin Bosch, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. H. W. Bosch of Willows, who
was operated on Monday for ton
silitis and adenoids, has returned
Nick Gentry underwnt a minor
operation Tuesday for removal of
a piece of glass which entered his
foot three years ago and recently
gave him trouble.
J. S. Young of Eight Mile under
went a minor operation Thursday
for nasal growth and obstruction
of the nose.
Ralph Marlatt underwent a min
or operation Tuesday for removal
of rock which hit his eye while he
was at work at the rock crusher.
Dr. J. L. Callaway, osteopathic
physician, formerly of Heppner, has
returned and has temporary offices
at the L. W. Briggs home. Perman
ent offices will be opened as soon as
rooms are available. 16p.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Crego, former
ly residents of Heppner, were visit
ing over the week end at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Moore. The
Cregos are now residents of Walla
Snator Robt Carsner was In the
city a short while yesterday from
his home near Spray. Mr. Carsner
reports grass and hay conditions
good in the Spray country.
Fourth of July Activities
Lively Here; Dance at
Pavilion Tonight.
With the arrival of Gordon Rid
ings, U. of O. athlete and Red Cross
swimming instructor, the Legion
pool was opened yesterday in his
charge, and many folks took ad
vantage of the occasion for a cool
dip. The tank will be open from
now on, and a large crowd was
expected to make use of it today.
Heppner and lone started their
two-day ball series yesterday, and
the battle this afternoon is expected
to be hot The teams are evenly
matched, both being composed of
young players who are showing
great form.
Last evening the dance at the
pavilion was largely attended and
Cole Madsen's dance band of Port
land made a big hit They will be
on hand again tonight and a much
larger crowd is expected.
Many more people are present for
the activities here than was expect
ed owing to larger and more pre
tentious celebrations at neighboring
towns. Arlington, Ukiah and Walla
Walla have proved especially at
tractive to local people, while oth
ers have sought mountain shade as
an ideal respite from the work-a-day
McMurdo Makes a Fine
Record at Virginia U.
The Park County News, publish
ed at Livingston, Montana, under
date of June 13th, has the following
to say regarding a nephew of Dr.
A. D. McMurdo of this city:
Chas. E. McMurdo, son of Mr.
and Mrs. A. K. McMurdo of Wilsall,
received his B.S. degree in electrical
engineering at the University of
Virginia, on June 11. He was pres
ident of the senior class.
'He graduated from the Wilsall
high school with the class of 1924,
and entered the University of Vir
ginia the following September. He
is a member of the Tau Beta Phi,
national honorary engineering fra
ternity, and is president of the Tri
gon engineering society. He was
also initiated into the "Raven So
ciety," which was instituted In
memory of Edgar Allen Poe, who
was an alumnus of the university
and is the highest honor the uni
versity can offer any student He
was awarded the Isabella Merrick
Sampson scholarship for the past
three years in the engineering de
partment and has been on the
dean's list of distinguished students
since it was started in 1927, with an
average above 90 in all his studies.
"He has held an instructorship in
physics at the University for the
past two years, and an instructor
ship in engineering drawing for the
past two quarters. Last October he
was sent to Atlanta, Ga., to repre
sent the university at the national
convention of the American Insti
tute of Electrical Engineers. He is
also chairman of the Virginia
branch of the same society.
"He has accepted a position with
the Westinghouse Electric company
at Pittsburgh, Pa., for the summer
and expects to return to the unver
sity next fall to take post graduate
work, and he also has the offer of
four instructorships.
"His mother went to Virginia to
be present at the commencement
exercises and to visit her old home."
Chas. Allinger and M. E. Cotter,
two of Ione's prominent citizens,
are suffering quite a lot of late
with Job's affliction. While Mr. Al
linger has had to receive treatment
for a boil on his neck, Mr. Cotter
seems a little more seriously afflict
ed, having a carbuncle to wrestle
with. The gentlemen have been
making visits to a Heppner physi
cian this week to have their trou
bles treated.
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Thorn re
turned home the first of the week
from Seattle, where Mr. Thorn car
ried off honors for the Pacific Pow
er and Light company in a public
speaking contest They were ac
companied by Mrs. Thorn's mother,
Mrs. Pearl Wooley, of Gerrard,
Kans., who will visit for some time
at the Thorn home.
Mrs. J. L. Callaway and two sons,
Chas. and Everett Henry arrived
the end of the week from Mountain
Home, Idaho, to join her husband.
Dr. J. L. Callaway, here. These peo
ple have become permanent resi
dents of Heppner. They were ac
companied by George Ladd, a chum
of the Henry boys who will assist
in an orchestra they are starting
Mrs. Mary Bartholomew reports
that while she was down town on
Monday shopping, her residence was
entered by some party or parties,
who took from the room of Mr.
Amspoker some small change, and
from her rooms some trinkets of
minor value. It would seem to be
the work of youngsters.
Frank Roberts of Portland came
in from Pendleton on Tuesday's
stage and will be here for a short
time while looking after his busi
ness interests. Mr. Roberts has been
at Relth, near Pendleton for some
time, where he has been at work.