PAGE FOUR HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1929. ner's juvenile population will . be sunburned beyond recognition awaiting the opening of the swim- ing tank. "Sun-suits" have been the chief wearing apparel of the kiddies for a week. THE HEPPNER GAZETTE, Established March 30, 1883; THE HEPPNER TIMES, Established November IS, 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15, 191&. Published every Thursday morning by VAWTEB sad SFENCEB CBAWTOBD and entered at the Post Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second-class matter. ADTCBT1SIBO SATES GIVEN ON APPLICATION. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Tear . ..... Six Months Three Months .. Single Copies , 12.00 1.00 .7 .06 Official Paper for Morrow County. ELIMINATE FIRE HAZARDS. A SHORT time ago the city fire chief published a notice in these columns warning all property-own ers of the approaching dry season and the consequent danger of fire, and asked that all cooperate In rid ding their premises and adjacent al leys, streets and vacant lots of dry grass and weeds. He reports that there has been slight compliance with hts request Now that the dry season has ar rived in earnest, these stand as a constant menace to nearby build ings. It is short-sightedness, in deed, for property-holders to allow their property to be jeopardized, when a small expenditure would re move the menace. It is not only a duty of civic loyalty, but the best business sense, for every citizen of the community to cooperate in rid ding the city of this fire hazard and general nuisance. A permit from the city is neces sary before these can be burned off. And while on the subject of fires, the fire chief also sees the need of an organizd fire-fighting company. At the present time no organization is present to meet a big fire emer gency. It seems this little city would be alive to such a problem in view of past experience. When a meeting is called for this purpose there should be a good response. A reawakening of interest in the lumber industry near Heppner is welcome news. Development of more reasources means more peo ple, more life and more business. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby given that the un fWAifrneri hr.a tiled his final account as administrator of the Estate of James M. Baker, deceased, witn tne cierK oi the Countv Court of the State of Ore gon for Morrow County, and that said Court has appointed Monday, the 5th day of August, 1929, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon as the time, and the County Court room in the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as the place for hearing and settlement of said final account. Objections to said final ac count must be tiled on or before said date. LESTER V. BAKER, Administrator of the Estate of James M. Bake, deceased. WW Heart NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned. Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of George C. Aiken, de ceased, has filed her final account with the county court of the State of Ore gon for Morrow County, and that said Court has set as the time and place for settlement of said account the Fifth day of August, 1929, at the hour of Eleven o'clock A. M. of said day in the Court room of said court in Heppner, Oregon. All persons having objections to said final account must file same on or be fore said date. I.ILLIE AIKEN, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of George. C. Aiken, Deceased. Faith of Our Fathers. We hear a great deal about the lllustrous framers of our Constitu tionall of it to their credit, by the way. They must have been good men. I cannot believe they were ignorant, tricky or designing; the destiny of a great nation depended on their integrity of purpose their wisdom of action. They lived at a time when, "an appeal to arms, and to the Lord of hosts," was all that was left for them. One of their permanent creations was metallic money a highly es sential medium in any sort of com mercial transaction. These men caused to be stamped deep into the precious metal, "In God We Trust" I do not doubt the absolute sincer ity of the declaration. I believe they were right, not wrong. We are supposed to be living to day in a stage of great enlighten mentin a day of supermen. We are drifting rapidly from the old ways. In this particular and highly-important declaration of our fore AT HEPPNER THE 3rd AND 4th. rrcS 4, 1929, is the nation's 153rd birthday. Is there any red-blooded American who does not know and honor the day? The lengthening span of time since that memorable day in 1776 when our forefathers, after a long, hard war, declared their separation from the mother country, brings each year a calmer, more mature conception and judgment of the true meaning of the occasion. The old Fourth of July celebration Is rapidly passing from the picture. Little need now remains for preach ing a "safe and sane" Fourth. In celebrating the Fourth this year, many will stop and consider what the day means to the nation. They are good citizens. They will not jeopardize life or property by reckless driving on their way tc and from celebrations, or by the thoughtless setting-off of fireworks. No plans have been made for staging a "celebration" at Hepp ner. There will be some ball games, dances, and swimming, however, that will afford entertainment for those who desire to come, and a cordial Invitation is extended to, and a warm welcome awaits, them. NOTICE TO CBEDITOBS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned have been duly appointed by the Couny Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, executor and exe cutrix of the estate of William Gorger, deceased and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby requirea to present me same with proper vouchers as required by law. to the undersigned at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Ore gon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 27th dav of June. 1929. LEON C. COONEY, Executor, GERTRUDE C. COONEY, Executrix. NOTICE OF SALE OF ANIMALS. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of the laws of the State of Oregon, the undersigned has taken up the follow ing described animals found running at large on his premises in Morrow Coun ty, State of Oregon, and that he will, on SAtnrdav the 29th dav of June. 1929. at th hour nf 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at his place 1 miles soutn- east or Heppner, Morrow county, ure. irnn offer for sale and sell the said ani mals to the highest bidder for cash in hand, unless the same shall have been redeemed by the owner or owners thereof. Said animals are described as follows: One sorrel horse, age about 13 years, weight 1100. branded circle P on left ahnnlHpr und curved H on right shoul der; one roan horse, coming 6 years old, weight lUOO pounds, not Dranaea. AD MOORE, Heppner, Ore. fathers, some of us rush into print with the assertion that It is a mere fabrication, based on superstition and ignorance! If this be true, then, why not do away with the rest of the historic document? To trust in a supreme being does not fit into the ideas of some of our people. They can't bear to admit their dependence on any higher power. Listen, now: They will, in time, come to a defiance of all law; if we can't trust In a just God, as our forefathers did, shall we put our trust in Man? Men who today "swear by the sacred Constitution who preach adherence to the sa cred document, peddle the propa ganda of the very people who seek to overthrow It! To proclaim a trust In God when we don't do anything of the kind is not hypocrisy, it's just plain lying. Fortunately for our beloved coun try, the people who live in the "Faith of Our Fathers," are in the majority. I can't help shuddering at the growth and publicity of the tribe who don't believe in anything but themselves! ceased, in and to the following describ ed real property, to-wii: The Northwest quarter of Section 10 in Township 3 South of Range Twenty five East of the Willamette Meridian in Morrow County, Oregon; Also the west nail (Ms) oi tne nortn Also the West half (to) of the North East quarter () and the North half (W) of the South East quarter (4) of Section ten (10) Township Three (3) South of Range Twenty-nve (25) East Willamette Meridian, Save and except 95 acres more or less heretofore deed to Glass, leaving in said above tracts 225 acres of land. That said sale will be held at the of fice of the Heppner Gazette Times in the City of Heppner, Morrow County. Oregon, on and after the 30th day of July, 1929, and that sealed bids will be receiveu oy tne unaersigneu up until 10 o'clock of said day. The above sale Is made subject to the dower Interest of the husband of said decedent Dated at Salem, Oregon, mis lain day of June, 1929. LUCINDA BERRILLA HALBERT, Executrix oi the last will and testa ment and estate of Sarah J. Ba sey, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice is herebv given that the un dersigned. Administrator of the Estate of John A. Patterson, deceased, has filed his final account with the County c.nnrt of the State of Oregon for Mor row County, and that said Court has set as the time and place tor settle ment of said account the Fifth day of August, 1929 at the hour of Ten o' clock A. M. in the Court room of said Court in Heppner, Oregon. All persons having objections to said final account must file same on or be fore said date. B. R. PATTERSON, Administrator of the Estate of John A. Patterson, deceased. them be forever barred and foreclosed of and from all right, title and interest in or to said real property and the whole thereof, save the statutory right of redemption, and For such other and further relief as to the Court may seem equitable. This summons is published by virtue, of an Order of the Hon. R. L. Benge, County Judge for Morrow county, state of Oregon, made and entered on the Seventeenth day of June, 1929. which order provides that this summons be published in the Heppner Gazette Times, a newspaper of general circula tion published 111 Heuuner. Morrow county, state of Oregon, once each week ior rour (41 weeKS. Uate of nrst publication of this sum mons is the Twentieth day of June, 1929. C. L. SWEEK, Attorney for the Plaintiff. Address: Heppner, Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed his final account as executor of the estate of Elmer E. Bea man deceased, and that the County Court of the State of Oregon for Mor row County has appointed Monday, the first day of July, 1929, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, as the time, and the County Court room in the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as the place of hearing and settlement of said final account. Objections to said final account must be filed on or before said date. JOS. J. NYS, Executor of the Estate of Elmer E. Beaman, deceased. Il l BEE Good rains followed by sunshine have made crop prospects brighter. Effects of farm relief legislation are already being felt and dollar wheat seems assured. A dollar seems mighty big, after the slump to 80 cents and below. If enough of them roll in the farmer may be tid ed over until some real relief comes. Heppner is now counted out of the running in the Wheatland League pennant race. They stayed in long enough to throw a scare in to the league leaders, and another year our boys may not be counted out so soon. They are coming up. The suspense is terrible. Hepp- NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned. Administrator of the Estate of Ella N. Florence, deceased,, has filed his final account with the county court nf the state of Oreeon for Morrow county, and that said Court has set as the time ana place ior settlement oi said account Monday the Fifth day of August 1929, at the hour of Ten thirty o'clock A M. of said day in the Court room of said Court in Heppner, Oregon. All persons having objections to said final account must file same on or be fore said date. N. G. FLORENCE, Administrator of the Estate of Ella N. Florence, deceased. NOTICE OF EXECUTRIX SALE OF SEAL PROPERTY Notice is herebv given that under and by virtue of an order of sale heretofore duly made and entered of record in the County Court of the State of Oregon for tne county oi Marion, in tne mat ter of the estate of Sarah J. Basey, deceased. I will, as executrix of the es tate of said decedent sell at private sale for cash in hand on the day of sale, all of the right, title and interest of the estate of the said Sarah J. Basey, de- iunimtj rhnul ICwHnn IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOK MUKKUW COUNTY. State of Oregon, a public corporation. fiainun, John B. Calmus and Martha Calmus, his wife; N. A. Clark; lmogene lsom; J. M. Metcalf and Waterhouse & Lester Co., a corporation, ueiendants. SUMMONS. To J. M. Metcalf and Waterhouse Les ter Co.. a corporation, uefendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are hereby notified to appear and answer the plaintiff's complaint filed in the above entitled suit on or before the Thirteenth day of July, 1929, and for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed Ior in It's complaint which is as follows, to-wit: For a judgment against the defend ants jonn k. uaimus anu manna cal mus, his wife, for Two thousand one hundred Twenty-one and 14-100 Dollars ($2121.14). witn interest at tne rate oi Four (4) per cent per annum from Aug ust Fourth, 1928; the further sum of Twenty-eight and 80-100 Dollars ($28.- 80), witn interest tnereon at me rate ui Eieht (8) per cent per annum from De cember Twentieth, 1928; the further sum of Three hundred and No-iuu uoi lars ($300.00) attorney's fee, and plain tiff's costs and disbursements incurred in this suit and For a decree of the uourt mat tne plaintiff's mortgage on the following described real property in Morrow County, state of Oregon: Commencing at tne nonnwesi cor ner of Lot numbered One (1) in Block numbered Sixteen (16) in Stansbury's Addition to the town of Heppner, Morrow County, Ore gon, and running thence East on the North line of said lot Forty (40) feet: thence South parallel to the West line of said lot One (1) and the West line of Lot numbered Two (2) in said Block Sixteen (16) aforesaid, one hundred thirty-one and eighty-eight hundredths (131. 88) feet to the South line of said lot numbered Two (2); thence West Forty (40) feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot numbered Two (2); thence North to the point of beginning, said property being the Westerly Forty (40) feet of Lots numbered One (1) and Two (2) in Block numbered Sixteen (16) in Stansbury's Addition to the town of Heppner, Morrow County, state of Oregon. Commencing at the Northwest cor ner of Block numbered Sixteen (16) in Stansbury's Addition to the town of Heppner. Oregon, running thence West Thirty (30) feet; running thence South One hundred Thirty two (132) feet; running thence East Thirty (30) feet; thence North to the point of beginning, the same being a portion of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter (NEViNE'i) of Section numbered Thirty-four (34) In Township Two (2) South, Range xwenty-six (2b) International Sunday School Lotion for June 30 REVIEW. READ PSALM 130 REV. SAMUEL D. PRICE, D. D. Few quarters' lessons cover more than the present one. Numerous outstanding characters appear. A great nation goes from prosperity into captivity. The general subject is "Prophets and Kings of Judah's Decline. The chronology covers 169 years, from the time of the death of Uzziah to the Fall of Jeru salem. Scripture portions include Kings, Chronicles, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Lamentations. Fourteen oppor tunities for character study are giv en: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ahaz, Heze kiah, Hllkiah, Jonah, Shaphan, Hul dah, Pashur, Zedekiah, Irijeh, Ebed Melech, the Rechabites and Nehe miha. While kings should have invaria bly been worthy leaders of their people such was the exception ra ther than the rule. Too often they were ready to accord with the loose morals of the day rather than to act as statesmen and lead the populace back to enduring social relation ships. In contrast with kings and other officials of high rank, the prophets stand out as examples in true pa triotism. Isaiah started out with the idea that he was God's specially ap , pointed ambassador and always ought to be faithful to such a trust When kings were false he withstood them to their face and tried to help them back to a worthy conception of their office. The vision by which Isaiah was inducted Into office con tinued as an abiding influence. Hezeklah revealed what a king could do In ways of righteousness. of the Lord was a helpful way In which to register an attitude to ward new obedience. When he sum moned the people to observe the Feast of Passover they came, even from the territory of the separated Northern Tribes. That religion thus followed is joyous was indicated when the people were eager for an added seven days of Passover ob servance. From any base past there could be a resurrection. Isaiah often told of a bright future, by the grace of God. This was to come through a Suffering Servant who would be their Redeemer. Therein there was a comfort in their present affliction Jewry has always been the people charged with the care of the Book. Even the Bible Is lost by disuse Hilkiah found the rolls amid the de bris of the Temple and there was much to learn and practise by all who would listen when the words were read in public. Jeremiah found the people en grossed In sin and in indifference to Jehovah. Regardless of consequen ces to himself he tried to dissuade from evil. Even when captivity was engulfing the nation he told how they could better the situation. filthy pit was his reward for real national heroism. Nebuchadnezzar was the Instru ment In completing the overthrow after Israel persisted In her Idola tries and related sins. King Zede kiah, like all otherB who break their parol, had to face the consequences. Judgment does not indicate lessen ed Interest Jeremiah expresses the continuing feeling of Jehovah to ward His Israel In the Golden Text "I have loved thee with an everlast ing love; therefore with loving-kind INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCKS A truck for every purpose. Sold on its reputation. Easy Terms. INTERNATIONAL Combined Harvesters Ask Your Neighbor INTERNATIONAL Binders and Twine Mowers and Rakes Weeders and Manure Spreaders Hardware, Metalware and Plumbing We have it, will get it, or it is not made. NOTICE OP ADMINISTATOB'S SALE OF REAL PROPEBTY. TO: Mary H. Hills, Twin Falls, Idaho; Helen Abbot Miler, Marshfleld, Wis consin; George Abbott, Theodore Ab bott and Lillian Abbott Wilmar, Min nesota; Carl Sawyer, Park Sawyer, Kendrick Sawyer, Escanaba, Michi gan; Frances Sawyer, Owatonna, Min nesota: Abbott Sawyer. Winona, Min nesota, and Asa Sawyer, State of California: heirs at law of Lillian L. Brown, deceased, and to all others unknown, if any such there be: Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, Strong & McNaughton Trust company, administrator of the estate of Lillian L. Brown, deceased, under and pursuant to an order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Multnomah, Probate Depart ment, duly made and entered of record May 28th. 1929, will, on and after the 10th day of July. 1929, at the front door of the Court House In the City of Heppner, county oi Morrow, uregon, sell at private sale tne loilowing de scribed real property, to-wit: East one-half Section 6, and all Sections 9, 17, 21, 29 and S3, Town ship 3 N., R. 23 E. W. M in Mor row Countv. Oreeon: the terms of said sale to be for a pur chase price of not less than $2250.00, layame tiuuu.uu in casn, tne Daiance in wo (2) annual payments of $400.00 each, and one (1) annual payment of $4U)00, each annual payment to be made on or before the 1st day of July each ensuing year, and to be secured oy a mortgage on tne property soiu, us above described, and bearing 8 per cent interest. Said sale shall be made sub ject to confirmation by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Multnomah, Probate Depart ment, and to re-sale, if said Court shall so direct. STRONG & McNAUGHTON TRUST COMPANY, Administrator. B. A. GREEN. 1003 Corbett Bldg., Portland, Oregon, Attorney for Administrator. Date of first publication May 30, 1929; Date of last publication June 27, 1929. first day of July, 1929, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, as the time, and the County Court room in the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as the place, of hearing and settlement of said final account. Objections to said final account must be niea on or neiure said date. T. U. TKUUBi, Administrator of the Estate of Lydla Ritchie, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Multnomah, Probate Department. In the matter of the Estate of John McCullough, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed administra trix of the Estate of John McCullough. deceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Multnomah County, and has qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as by law required, to the undersigned at 905 Buyers Building, Portland, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published 13th day of June, 1929. Dated and last published 11th day of JUly, 1929. HELEN GROSHENS McCULLOUGH, Administratrix. Frank A. McMenamin, Attorney for Administratrix. NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the un- derslgned has filed his final account as administrator of the estate of Lydla Ritchie, deceased, and that the County Court of the State of Oregon for Mor row County has appointed Monday, the OROMITE '(Mb m dkmtt East of the Willamette Meridian, in the county of Morrow and state of Oregon, be declared a valid first lien on all of said real property and that said mort gage be foreclosed and the real proper ty sold under mortgage foreclosure In the manner provided by law, and the proceeds received from such sale be ap plied First, to the payment of charges and expenses of such sale; Second, to payment of plaintiff's judgment in cluding costs and attorney's fee and Third, the overplus. If any, be paid to the defendant, John B. Calmus, and that the defendants and all persons claiming by, through or under them or any of mm m Yours for service and fair treatment. dDWtFADLES BOUND TUTP TO BNVEB... 67.20 I OMAHA 7.60 KANSAS CITY.... 7.W ST. LOUIS 85.80 CHICAGO fl.ll DETROIT lOS.irt CINCINNATI 110.40- NEW ORLEANS.. 1I2.M CLEVELAND 11Z.SS TORONTO 118.90 ATLANTA 121.85 PITTSBURGH ... 114.08 WASHINGTON 146.88 PHILADELPHIA 149.22 NEW YORK 151.711 BOSTON 157.70 Lid Mr EFFECTIVE MAT X TO SEPT. RETURN LIMIT OCT. I, 1939 Reduced fares all parts of east; liberal stop overs. Fine trains; modern equipment; splendid service; scenic route. Short side trip enable yon to visit ZION NATIONAL PARK OR AND CANYON NATIONAL PARK BRYCE CANYON NATIONAL PARK YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATL PARK Information and Booklets on request GDNDGDC3 COFLE CHESTER DABBEE Agsnt Heppner, Oregon OVER V MILLION USERS AND TUEY HAVEN'T SPENT A DOLLAR FOR SERVICE OR REPAIRSl DRINK MORE MILK Wise old Mother Nature made milk for children. Into It she put every thing needed for sustenance, and in the most easily assimilated form. So, Drink More Milk. Let the children have plenty. It Is the cheapest food you can buy, Alfalfa Lawn Dairy WIGHTMAN BR08., Props. Phon SOFS SDTECEQ. BUILT like a SAFE like a safe, it will serve you a life time! And how economically! For the all-steel cabinet will never de velop tiny cracks and crevices through which the warm air can creep into your refrigerator. With all the mechanism on top, hermetically sealed in, simplified to the nth degree, the General Electric requires only a tiny mo tor, which is run by very little electricity. Do yon realize what this entirely closed in mechanism means? It means there's not a single moving part exposed. There's not a thing to get out of order. It doesn't even need oiling. It will never interfere with your radio. Freezing control is at your fingertips. Put a General Electric in your home today. $10 down, $10 monthly, or $227 cash. Uncondi tional two year service guarantee. This offer is for a limited timtj only. Come in today. Pacific Power & Light Company . "Always at your SePTice" MATERNITY HOME I am prepared to take care of a limited number of maternity cases. Room and board reasonable. MRS. G. O. AIKEN Box 142 HEPPNER Phone (75 WM. BROOKHOUSER PATjrrara papebhanqxho INTEBIOB DECOBATXXa Leave orders at Peoples Hardware Company DR. ARTHUR CRAIG DENTIST Case Bulldlnff, Entraao Center St. Telephon Kiln 1012 Open Evenings ans Sundays by Appointment DR. A. H. JOHNSTON PHYSICIAN AND SUSOEON Graduate Nurse Assistant X. o. o. r. BUIX.DXNQ Phones: Offloe, Main 938; Res. 492. Heppner, Oregon DR. J. H. McCRADY DENTIST Z-Bay Diagnosis ' X. O. O. P. BUILDINa Heppner, Oregon Frank A. McMenamin LAWYER Phone BEsoon 4461 1014 Northwestern Bank Building, PORTLAND, O'RHGON Residence, GArfleld 1949 A. D. McMURDO, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND StTBGEON Trained Nors Assistant Office In Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon C L. SWEEK ATTOBNEY-AT-IiAW Offices in Pint National Bank BnllcUnff Heppner, Oregon MORROW GENERAL HOSPITAL Mrs. Elsie Mollihan, B. N., Snpt Wards and Private Rooms. Rates Reasonable. A. H. JOHNSTON, K. ., Pliysiclan-ln-Charge. Phone Main 322 Heppner, Ore. S. E. NOTSON ATTOBNBY-AT-LAW Office In Court House Heppner, Oregon AUCTIONEER Perm and Personal Property Sales a Specialty "The Han Who Talks to Beat ths Bud" ,0. If. BENNETT, Lexlngten, Oregon J. O. PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches - Clocks - Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon F. W. TURNER & CO. TIRE, AUTO AND LIFE XNSUBANGE Old Dine Cempsnlss. Besl Estate, Heppner, Oregon JOS. J. NYS ATTONEY.AT-LAW Boberts Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon J. Perry Conder, N. D. 90th year In praetloe In Heppner and Morrow Oonnty. HEPPNER HOTEL BUILDING Office Phone 02, Residence Phone 03. Heppner Sanitarium Hospital Jhyslclft'n'In charge J Oldest Practicing Phvslclan in Mor- 1 row County! with the least percent-1 as ui lmiuiiy ana greatest percent' age of benefit. ALEX GIBB PLUMBINO AND HEATING QENXBA& BBPAIB WOBK Ultimate! Pres. WHEN IN TROUBLE GALL 70S PEOPLES HABDWABB CO. He says that keeping the ordinances ness have l drawn thee, ai:A.