HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1929. PAGE FTVE mm A large number of Heppner peo ple attended the water regatta above the McKay creek dam, on ( Sunday, and many report It an en joyable occasion. Among those go ing over were the D. A. Wilson fam ily, Spencer Crawford family, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Chaffee, Alva Jones family, Earl W. Gordon, Andrew Baldwin, Eva Hlatt, Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Sigsbee, Mrs. L.' Van Marter and LaVerne, Jr., Beryl Coxen fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Vaughn, Mr. and Mrs. Oamln Hager, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wells, Walter Moore, W. O. Bayless, Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Gem mell. James M. Burgess left Heppner Monday night for Portland where he took passage on the Admiral Peoples for San Francisco. He will engage in summer school work at Stanford university at Palo Alto for several weeks, expecting to return early in August to prepare for the coming school year. Mrs. Burgess is on a trip to the middle west where she will visit at Gothemburg, Neb., and Sioux City, Iowa. At the latter place she expected to attend the marriage of a niece, to take place shortly after her arrival. She will return to Heppner coincident with the arrival of Mr. Burgess. Bobbie Turner came home Sat urday from Walla Walla where he was a student at Whitman univer sity the past year. During the spring term he was actively engaged in baseball, playing on both the var Bity and his fraternity team. In some intramural games he pitched against Laurel Beach, of Lexington, who pitched the winning indepen dent team to victory. Bobbie accompanied J. O. Turner and Ralph Campbell, of Salem, who were returning to Heppner from a short business trip to Walla Walla In the interest of Mr. Turner's com bine harvester level. Chas. Notaon returned home Fri day from Kentucky where he at tended school the past year. On the westward journey he drove the Ford car of Mrs. Evangeline Cludas, of Scotts Mills, Ky., being accom panied by Mrs. Cludas and Miss Elizabeth Hadlcy, of Portland, the ladies coming west for a visit. Charles drove the ladies on to Port land Saturday, returning Monday in company with his sisters, Margaret and Mary, and V. M. Sackett The Misses Notson had visited at Port land and McMlnnvllle since Thurs day last P. J. Doherty, of lone, has suc ceeded Larry Kegley as Maytag salesman for Morrow county, Mr. Kegley having been transferred to Portland. Mr. Doherty was a Hepp ner viBitor Saturday. A TIP from Your Teacher Among "Northwestern" students of last summer were teachers who paid us many splendid compliments. Of many letters later received was one which read: -Am graduate of tlx Unlrenlty of Wuh Ingion and th. EUeniburg State Normal School, I am glad to Utt that your In- true ton are among tha bast I h a t a aver known." Information about tha forthcoming a onnir acaalon win ba gladly sent to yon on request ChaTS: Walker. Pr Oh-. F : Walker Irion QRTHWESTER-N OcHoofofLonunercelr 1 BaoanwiY and Salhoit Portland, Oaaooir 6y Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Finch were visiting friends at Heppner over the week-end from their home at Med ford, while Mr. Finch was also in- terested in locating an agent here for a furnace campany which he is representing during the summer vacation. .Mr. and Mrs. Finch are both former teachers In the Hepp ner public schools, and Mr. Finch taught last year in the Medford schools under E. H. Hedrlck, sup erintendent also of the Heppner schools at the time the Finches were here. Mr. and Mrs. French Burroughs were Heppner visitors Saturday from their home on Rhea creek. Good rains have been received In their neighborhood and the crop prospects are looking brighter. Mrs. Burroughs engages quite extensive ly in turkey raising, having a flock of more than 200 birds this year which are doing fine. Orrin BiBbee returned home Sun day from Palo Alto, Cal., where he was a student at Stanford univer sity the past year, and will be with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Bis bee, for the summer. Orrin made the trip from San Francisco to Portland on the Admiral Peoples, and reports enjoying the ocean jour ney. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McHargue of Spokane arrived at Heppner on Fri day evening from Portland, and spent a day or so visiting with rela tives at Heppner. They had been on an extended trip, visiting Seattle and then going as far south as Eu gene. Mrs. McHargue was formerly Miss Neva Hayes of this city. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Benge return en home Friday night from Eugene where they attended the graduation of their daughter, Miss Luola, from the University of Oregon. Miss Benge is on her way to New York to represent her chapter at the na tional convention of the sorority of which she is a member. What amounted to a near cloud burst caused the water to run In streams down Blackhorse and Sour dough canyons on Saturday, and considerable difficulty was encoun tered in navigating the roads in the vicinity. Chas. Allinger, pioneer lone res ident was a Heppner visitor Satur day. A big rain was the order of the day In that vicinity. Oh, Boy! They're Good! Have you tried our delicious ice cream so das, Sundaes, or milk shakes? Ice cold drinks of all kinds at all times at our fountain. AND A GOOD MEAL ANY TIME ELKHORN RESTAURANT ED CHINN, Prop. Results of Thinking Benefits from never wasting anything are clearly emphasized if we, a as scient ist would, think about the matter, consider our condition and possibilities of "arriv ing" if we are prudent. Just notice how people who save reg ularly do succeed. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Heppner BtUlk Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Thorn will depart Saturday for Seattle where Mr. Thorn will represent the Pacific Power and Light company in the finals of the Northwest utilities pub lic speaking contest They will be absent for two weeks and while away will enjoy a visit to British Columbia. Mont Bundy was In town Satur day and he was wearing a broad smile because of the big rain that fell over his part of the county Saturday. It was sufficient to guar antee a good yield of grain in the Lexington section. The rain was general all over the county. C. J. Anderson, who farms in the lone district, was a business visitor in Heppner Saturday. He was well pleased with the cool June weather in effect over the county. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Labusire de parted for Portland Saturday to at tend the Atwater-Kent dealers' con vention in session there. They were accompanied by Glen Young who went to the city for a visit J. B. Huddleston was in the city the first of the week from his home near Lone ock. He reports his sheep now on summer range in the mountains and grass in good condition. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ferguson, Kay and Mary Lou. went to La Grande Monday where Mr. Fergu son attended a meeting of Chevro let dealers. They returned Tuesday evening. Frank Swaggart was in the city on Saturday from his home near Lena. WANTS Large comfortable room for rent at George Thomson's. Lost Brown hand bag, Santa Fe emblems on sides, between Pilot Rock and Pendleton; reward. Leave at this office. ltp. For Sale Two toy fox terrior puppies. Mrs. Eph Eskelson. 13-14. Below: Special rack with pam for baking: Die, cakes, b.tcuiti, etc. It fit anutJy into Evar hot cooker. Cook your dinners easlly ecoimQmmficaMy You'll pay for your Everhot in no time at all for it takes very little electricity to get a whole meal on an Everhot. Put in your meat according to our recipe book. Later put in your vegetables. Cook them all with one heal ! And with the Everhot you may cook the new waterless way I Cook your meats and vegetables in their own juices; preserve all their miner als, salts, vitamins. Think how you'll enjoy the Ever hot on warm summer days. It will cook your entire dinner with clean, cool electrical heat. The Everhot browns and roasts Si monthly, mm cata. meats bakes cakes, biscuits; OHfforCkiritSan'tiai cooks cereals and soups. M 1 C DOWN PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY "Always at your service" STAR THEATER THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, JUNE 20 AND 21 : JACK HOLT and NANCY CARROLL in "THE WATER HOLE" By ZANE GREY Charming! You'll think so. The vivacious, the charming, the blue-eyed Nancy Carroll In natural colors. A curious mixture of gayety and menace. Also Fable, Novelty and News Reel. SATURDAY, JUNE 22 "CHAMPION," a great canine actor, in "THE SKY RIDER' Full of action, full of speed. A great cast including Garreth Hughes and Josephine Hill. Also "Howling Hollywood," comedy. SUNDAY AND MONDAY, JUNE 23 AND 24 BUSTER KEATON and MARCELINE DAY in "THE CAMERAMAN" Get next to this load of laughs! Keaton grinds the crank on more fun and excitement than Chaney has disguises. Bustter turns cameraman now he'll positively grind your blues away in this scramble of gals, gangs and guffaws. Children 25c Adults 60a Also comedy "Her Big Ben," and News Reel. TUESD A Y.WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25-26: Virginia Browne Faire and Bryant Washburn in THE CHORUS KID" What happens when a young chorine dodges the footlights for a boarding school, high society, thrills and love, Also 5th episode of "Tarzan the Mighty" and Oswald. COMING NEXT WEEK: Richard Dlx and Ruth Elder In "MORAN OF THE MARINES," Juno 27 and 28. Harry Caroy in "THE BORDER PATROL," June 29. Richard Dlx and an all star cast In "REDSKIN," June SO-July 1. Wallace Beery and Florence Vldpr in "CHINATOWN NIGHTS," July 2 and 8. For Sale My herd of purebred registered Red Poll cows. John Mi chelbook, lone, Ore. 13-14 For Sale 14-ft header. New spout drapers. $50. O. W. Cutsforth, Lexington. 13-14p. Weanling Pigg for Sate G. B. Griffith, lone. 13-15p. For Sale 8 head Jersey milk cows. One 3 inch John Deere wa gon, hardwood rack. Gorger Bros., Lexington. 13-15. For Sale 15-27 J. I. Case tractor, $450; 26-in. J. I. Case separator, $300. Terms cash. H. O. Bauman, Hepp ner, phone 3F11. 12-14. For Sale Cow;' fresh in June. Geo. Gross, Boardman, Ore. lOtf. WALL PAPER VALUES RE MARKABLE 3V4c a roll, 5c a roll and up. No delay; select it and take it with you. Return unbroken rolls. No Iobs in paper or time, but three fold saving in time, money and pa per. CASE FURNITURE CO. Orders for flowers direct from the growers at figures less than you can buy direct Case Furniture Com pany, growers agent 6tf. iinu MiiiipiEiiiiiiiiiijiM Ask For Blue Ribbon Bread You'll Like It! The best of pies, cakes, pastries fresh from our ovens. Sanitary Bakery GILMAN BLDG., HEPPNER, ORE. IlllllflllllllliiilllllillSlllililHl lllllillllllilMlllliP Heppner Gazette Times Only $2.00 Per Year J.C.PENNEYC0. HEPPNER, OREGON Low Prices Here Not Now and Then But Every Day We Welcome Your Inspection Smart Hats For Summer Wear Vlseas hair braids milans novelty straws . , . ever so many clever styles I $1.98 to $3.98 New! Smart! Slipon Sweaters You just must have a slip-over sweater . . . they're so smart, and so inexpensive, here I Gay stripes and patterns only $1.98 Dainty Frocks For Homewear A delightful ar ray of pretty frocks in gay pat terns and colors f fifM which will resist tabbing . . . only 79c mm Lovely Rayon Underthings A splendid quality rayon is used to make these undergarments. It looks almost like silk! Vests, 79c Bloomers, 98c Pure Silk Fufl-Fashioned Hose Economical silk ho siery is possible for every woman in this good looking number . , . full-fashioned . . . mer cerized top and sole. Smart colors, Only, pair 98c Summer Frocks For Wee Maids Pretty little frocks of cool cotton fabrics , . . with cunning panties to match 1 98c 1.98 $2.98 Clever Scarfs Flaunt Gay Colors A natter ' Ing scarf for a toocB of eolofc and roar outfit is complete I Many smart styles at 98c and 1.98 Sport Socks In Ankle Length Very short . . . land very smart . , . these fancy ankle socks of rayon and mer cerized 11 si a. Pair afW1 II t ' 25c 39c Bath Towels Soft and Absorbent Wovea ot terry . . . b all-whits of with coloncj border) o t cross-stripe, 15c and 25c "the Avenue" Young Men's Suits Young men who dress for style pre fer "the Avenue." Peak lapel coat with waist seam vest and pleated trousers. $24-75 Men's Shirts Woven Broadcloth They're I n Cstel tones and made of s splendid yarn filled, woven broadcloth. Collars attached, $1.98 Men's Sweaters In Fancy Patterns Site - over styte sweaters in a great selection of smart patterns, al so plain colors. Rr ctptlonai vataet at 1.98 to 3.98 Shirts & Shorts Men's Underwear light weight plain color rayon shirts with broadcloth shorts in plain colors or fancy patterns. Each garment 49c "Pay-Day" Overalls for Boys Union Made of heavy 2.20 blue denim. Cut full and strongly sewn. SUm J t 9 98c Sixm 10 to 17 $1.10