Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 06, 1929, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Local EnppM
Attorney Joa. J. Nys and family
ninveu nome jvionciay evening from
a trip to Portland nnrl winomon
valley points. They left Heppner
on Wednesday last and motored
through Portland to Salem, going
over me wesi siue nignway, and la
ter returning bv thn Paifl.
way on the east side. They report
me vaney as very beautiful at this
lime, ana the crop outlook is ex
cellent J. W. Hlatt, Earl Gilliam, Leon
ard Gilliam and son Louis, Earl
Warner, George Broadley and Ed
Kelley cmposed a Dartv nf flshor-
men returning from East Lake late
unday night. These boys were un
fortunate In meeting up with a
young blizzard while at the popular
lake fishing grounds and conse
quently report small catches. Thov
say they enjoyed the trip Just the
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Boyer and chil
dren and Mrs. Vernon Bartlett, sis
ter of Mr. Boyer, arrived at Hepp
ner from the Boyer home near Mon
ument early yesterday, being en
route to Eugene for a visit at Mrs.
Bartlett's home. Donald Boyer, who
is recovering from an attack of
spotted fever, will spend a few
weeks at the home of his aunt while
Dick Wells is mourning the loss
of a fine bird dog, which was the
victim of poison on Sunday. Mr.
Wells regrets the loss of the animal
very much, as he was getting him
Into good training, and had been
very particular about allowing the
dog to run about He thinks he
had been away from the house
about twenty minutes when he got
the poison.
Mrs. Stanley Heavls and Mrs.
Leonard Schwarz motored to Sun
nyslde, Wash., on Monday after
noon. Mrs. Reavls returned home
on Wednesday, accompanied by a
sister of Mr. Reavls who will visit
at Heppner for a short time, while
Mrs. Schwarz went on to Mabton
for a visit with the family of Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Shurte until Sunday.
Visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Hayes in this city on
Memorial day were Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Drlskell and wife of La
Grande, Mrs. Elsie Stevenson and
son Lawrence and Mrs. John
Freund and daughter Jean pt The
Dalles. Mr. Drlskell is a brother
and Mrs. Stevenson a sister of Mrs.
Rhea Luper, state engineer, ac
companied by Mr. and Mrs. Max
Rogers, passed through Heppner on
Monday on their way to Wallowa
county on business in connection
with Mr. Luper's oflice. They stop
ped over here long enough to have
words of greeting with a number
of old time friends.
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Parker of
Lexington were Monday visitors in
Heppner. Mr. Parker Is located on
the J. B. Carmlchael farm east of
Lexington and he makes favorable
report of the condition of wheat out
that way which will make a good
yield if visited by the expected June
Dr. A. H. Johnston, Gay M. An
derson and Gay, Jr., Ted McQuay
and Chaa. Cox returned Saturday
from East Lake where they enjoyed
some good fishing. Members of the
G. T. staff and families are indebt
ed to the gentlemen for some fine
Eastern Brook, that were delicious.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Jones returned
home on Tuesday evening from a
trip to Portland. They were ac
companied by their daughter, Mrs.
Ellis Henrlckson, her son Alvln and
Rena Wilson who will spend the
summer visiting with the relatives
Mrs. Geo. Thomson and daughter
returned home on Friday from a
stay of several weeks at Astoria,
where they went with Mr. Thomson.
George Is remaining at Astoria for
medical treatment and Is reported
to be getting along quite well.
Congratulations of their Morrow
county friends are being extended
to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rood on
their marriage recently In Portland.
Mrs. Rood was formerly Miss Mary
Ganger, late of Portland but for
merly of lone.
Stephen Irwin and family were
in Arlington over Memorial Day,
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Guy Cason, Mrs. Irwin being a sis
ter of Mr. Cason. They passed thru
Heppner Friday on their way home.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ferguson, who
spent a few days at Heppner during
the past week, while Mr. Ferguson
was closing up a business deal here,
returned to their home near Jack
sonville on Saturday.
District Attorney Notson depart
ed for La Grande on Tuesday to be
present at the dedication of the
new Eastern Oregon state normal
building, which ceremonies took
place on Wednesday.
J. E. Hams was a visitor here on
Saturday from the Dan Rice farm
near Hardman. Up that way grain
has grown rather slow owing to the
continued cold weather, but It Is
looking good.
This paper expresses appreciation
of a gift of some fine fish from the
baskets of D. A. Wilson, Marlln
Gramse and Alva Jones who return
ed on Saturday of last week from
East Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Borg spent
the week end at Heppner from
their home In Portland. They were
guests at the home of Mrs. Borg's
parents, ' Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Mc
carty. E. E. Dykstra- and wife of Dallas
and C. S. Dykstra of Oregon City,
arrrived at Heppner on Monday for
a visit at the home of their father,
Geo, W. Dykstra In Heppner.
Prof, and Mrs. Howard James of
Pilot Rock were week end vlHitors
In Heppner, visiting at the homes
of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Dix and Mr.
and Mrs. F. W. Turner, and greet
ing numerous old time friends. Mr.
James was at one time superinten
dent of Heppner schools and has
been located at Pilot Rock for the
past five years, as superintendent
of the schools there.
Henry Tamblyn, county engineer,
accompanied by his family, depart
ed for Boise, Idaho, on Sunday,
where the children will remain for
a time at the home of Mrs. Tam
blyn's brother. Before returning to
Heppner, Mr. and Mrs. Tamblyn
wjll visit at Vale, their former
Born At the home of Mr. and
Mrs. M. R. Fell in this city Sunday,
June 2, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. Her
bert Cole, a daughter weighing 6
pounds. Mrs. Cole was formerly
Miss Velma Fell.
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Swaggart, ac
companied by their son, Grover
Swaggart, spent several hours in
the city on Tuesday from the Swag
gart stock farm northeast of Lex
ington. Rev. and Mrs. F. R. Spaulding
returned home on Thursday last
from a visit of two weeks with a
son In Montana. Their visit and
Journey was a very pleasunt one.
Guy Huston and family were
Eight Mile folks In the city on Sat
urday. Mr. Huston reports the gen
eral crop outlook as good so far in
the Eight Mile farming section.
Dr. Tyler, eyesight specialist, will
be at Hotel Heppner Sunday and
Monday, June 16 and 17. Eyes ex
amined and glasses fitted. 12-13.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Beckner, resi
dents of the south lone section,
were visitors In this city for a short
while on Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Lewis Cason, who is an In
structor In the State Normal at
Ashland, has arrived home for the
summer vacation season.
Mrs. Frank Helms and children
were visitors here on Tuesday from
the Helms ranch on Big Butter
creek above Pine City.
Mr. and Mrs. Tyndall Robison
were Eight Mile people In the city
on Saturday for a few hours while
transacting business.
D. C. Wells and family were over
from Pendleton to spend Decoration
Day, and have a visit with their
Heppner relatives.
Harry French was in the city on
Saturday from his mountain ranch,
where he reports everything mov
ing along O. K.
J. N. Luper, who has land hold
ings on Heppner Flat, is spending
few days here from his home at
Hubbard, Ore.
Theo. Anderson, pioneer wheat-
raiser of Eight Mile, was looking
to matters of business in Heppner
on Saturday.
John Hayes was up from his
home at Portland, spending Mem
orial Day at Heppner.
Two Bank Failures Additional Chautauqua Argument, Saya
Florida Daily
Will not Shrink, Swell or Warp
French Doors
t-f m nn Minuortitiff cross rails.
Trench Doors are very apt to warp
from moisture but not LAMINEX
French Doors.
The LAMINEX process of building
doors is proof against every condition
that causes warping. In fact, there is
r A HATKJPY miaMiilun f.ilwl nn the
end of every genuine LAMINEX Door
insuring you against these common
door faults.
We are headquarters for these ex
ceptional doors in this section and shall
i A n mUnvt vmt the manv attrac-
tive designs we have in stock. Come in
and let us figure wim you on your
building requirements.
Umtrr tJtfl test,
have been J0iiJ(t'd
from 24 hour j to
three weeks without
icdrping or coming
A. It. BEID, Prop.
Fhones: Mill, BF2S; Yard, 1123
Stuart. Florida, was nnn nf tfca
towns hard hit by the Florida storm
in the fall of 1928. Then the banks
had become overloaded with boom
paper and finallv both of them
cloned, leBs than a week before
Chautauqua began In March of this
year. Here Is an editorial printed
in the Stuart Dallv News reparrilnir
the coromunisy'a financial condition
and the Chautauqua to come:
: "For three terrible days and
nights the writer, with his family
watched the red glare of burning
San Francisco, and was submerged
In the heavy pall of smoke and
gloom that enshrouded the entire
country as a result of the awful
earthquake, and the world's great
est conflagration.
Never has the world seen a dark
er picture of despair and hopeless
ness. Despondency? Gloom? Despair?
How glorious to lift up one's eyes
and behold the new San Francisco,
grander, more beautiful than ever
before, and why?
Because the Indomitable spirit of
those Westerners refused to be con
quered, or to He prone upon the
ground, though stunned by the se
verity of the fall.
That spirit Is the true American
spirit; the spirit that has put our
nation In the forefront of all the
But someone says, "Two bank
failures within a week!"
"Stuart without a bank!"
Yes, it is true. It Is bad, and no
mistake. It Is discouraging. But
listen: We are Americans.
"God's In His heaven; all's right
with the world.
We still have Florida. We still
have Stuart with Its permanently
beautiful environment, Its sunny
days, productive soils, bountiful
crops and most wonderful climate.
This country, this very locality, Is
destined to become famous in the
near coming days. We're pioneer
ing now. The future was never
brighter with promise. Today's dis
couragments are just a little wee
bit of a depression.
We all, right now, need a little
mental tonic, and now, possibly as
never before, we need more kindly
external force to grip us, and shake
us out of our pessimistic broodings
and behold that kindly force is at
our doors. Good, wholesome enter
tainment, masterful, enchanting
music, enlightening, edifying ad
dresses by wonderful orators, high
ly entertaining dramas being played
by best artists In our larger cities,
a great array of high class enter
tainment, ten of the best that the
renowned Redpath Chautauqua has
ever given, all for only $3.00, and
at this particular time no one who
feels depressed can afford to miss
this feast of good things.
. If you don't have the money, bor
row It from one who has, as the
series of entertainments will so re
store you to your own true selves
that you will be more efficient in
your work, more buoyant and happy
and more hopeful for the future.
The Good Book says, "A merry
heart doeth good like a medicine,
but a broken spirit drveth tha
bones. m. b. keli.y."
Egbert Young, of Eight Mile, who
was in the city over Sunday night,
reports that his crops are coming
along fine and he is expecting a
good yield at harvest time.
Walter Becket, wife and daugh
ter of Eight Mile were Saturday
visitors in Heppner. Mr. Becket is
not the least downhearted over the
crop outlook in his section.
1 IWaBasaHMnHnnHBBHi
After Chautauqua
Night Hawk's Music
Two soldiers, rough and ready, trained to fight at the drop of
the hat how they glared over the table at each other while the
Girl who was the cause of it all sat demurely between them and
wondered which one to choose.
If it's laughs you are looking for, you'll find them in this grand
and glorious film. It's a Riot!
. Also VISITORS WELCOME, two reel comedy.
JOAN CRAW FORD, with an all Btar cast, in
Now you can peer behind the scenes of America's fast set Lux
ury and beauty, jewels and clothes parade on the screen in a drama
of the scions of wealth. Fast! Rythmic! Exotic! Come and join
the revelry of flaming youth.
Also comedy, SERVED HOT, and NEWS REEL.
Children 20c Adults 40c
With Olive Husbrouck and Otis Iliirlun.
When a Ile-man tries to be an irresistible lover on a diet of
goata's milk romance Is apt to turn sour. Here's a double dose of
Denny fun.
Also third episode of TARZAN THE MIGHTY, and OSWALD.
Lon Chancy in WEST OF ZANZIBAR, Juno 13 ami 14.
Don Colmnn In .45 CALIBRE WAR, Jim 15.
GeorKe Sidney, Vara Gordon, Katet'rloo rind Mack Swain In THK
Laura LaPlanto in HOME JAMES, Juno 18 and 1!).
'-Notice is hereby given that by virtu,
of the laws of the State of Oregon, I
have taken up the hereinafter describ
ed animal found running at large on
my premises in Morrow County, State
of Oregon, and that 1 will on Friday,
the 21st day of June, 1929, at the hour
of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of Bald
day, at the ranch of George W. Dykstra,
10 milea southeast of Heppner, Oregon,
offer for sale and sell the Baid animal
to the highest bidder for cash in hand
unless the same shall have been re
deemed by the owrter thereof. Said
animal is described as follows:
One sorrel horse, 4 years old; bald
face, blotch brand on right shoulder;
weight 1100 pounds.
Heppner, Oregon.
For Sale Harris combine, model
22-33 H, 16-foot header. Run two
seasons. Edw. A. Lindeken, lone,
Ore. 12-13.
Combine for Sale, $75; mules to
trade for a cow. A. E. Miller, Lex
ington, Ore. 12-13p.
Strawberries can be picked in
patches at Irrigon at $1.50 per
crate. Inquire at Leicht store for
patch location. 12
and is ready to go. Price $400. One
twelve foot McCormlck header with
drapers. Price $50. Oscar Peterson,
lone, Ore. 10-13.
Heppner Soda Works for Sale
Mrs. Nettie Lieuallen. 10-13.
Holt Harvester repairs are now
In stock. Repair those harvesters
before the crop Is ready. Bert Ma
son, lone. 9-12.
MARKABLE 3V4c a roll, 5c a roll
and up. No delay; select it and take
it with you. Return unbroken rolls.
No loss in paper or time, but three
fold saving in time, money and pa
Orders for flowers direct from the
growers at figures less than you can
buy direct Case Furniture Com
pany, growers agent 6tf.
To Exchange Medford real es
tate for Heppner property. Write
R. V. Gibbs, Gen. Del., Medford,
Oregon. . 12-14
For Sale 15-27 J. I. Case tractor,
$450; 26-in. J. I. Case separator, $300.
Terms cash. H. O. Bauman, Hepp
ner, phone 3F11. ' 12-14.
Wanted Ambitious young man
to cover Heppner or Pendleton ter
ritory. Good business opportunity
and chance for advancement. Write
Box 7S5, Pendleton, Ore. ll-12p.
For Sale Ducks, duck eggs and
ducklings. Box 65, Heppner. Hp.
For Sale Cow; fresh in June.
Geo. Gross, Boardman, Ore. lOtf.
For Snl f)no Rhv KtkvMcI TTnlt
combine. Has Just been overhauled
I"1 ff"ITT""I
Ask For
Blue Ribbon
You'll Like It!
The best of pies, cakes, pastries
fresh from our ovens.
Sanitary Bakery
BlilillllllilM II Ill iWllilli
The Quality Idea
As the "Big Idea" Behind These
Money'Saving Values
Suit Cases
Of Sturdy Make
fH i
These cases are strongly made
of Black and Brown Fibre with
metal corners, brass lock, stout
Without With
Straps . Straps
98c to $3.98
Leave the Trunk at Home
This Roomy Suitcase Will Probably Serve Instead
' And h is so much easier to han
dle easier of access and easier to
move around. Sturdy, too, and yon
will be surprised how much yon
can pack in this extra-sized cue.
Brass plated steel trim
Take a "Penco" Case
on That Trip
Brown boar grain cowhide
ieather, brass catches and in
side lock, gusset pocket on
center partition. A handsome,
serviceable case. Comes in
black, too Real value at .
$8.90 to $11.90
For Your Motor Trip
We Suggest This Weil-Made, Lightweight
and Low-Priced Auto Trunk
Covered with olive colored sheet steel
Brassed corners,
fancy lining.
Draw bohs af
ford added pro
tection. Only,
Hat Box
Black or Brown
This attractive looking
quare-shape hat box has em
bossed shark grain covering,
With two brass plated clasps
and lock A useful, sturdy piece
f luggage at an extremely low
Oval Hat Bos
Black or Brown
A good looking hat box that
will fill a useful place In your
luggage equipment. Has em
bossed, (hark grain covering,
with brass plated fittings. Ex
cellent value, at
Oxford Bag
For Short Trips
Here la a serviceable Ox
ford Bag of embossed walrus
finish rubber cloth in Black and
"Penco" Bag
Brown or Black
Made of long grain cowhldo
with stitched on corners. Khaki
dack lined. Brass lock and
claw catches.
20 In.
$4.98 to $8.90