alette f4tne Volume 46, Number 11. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, May 30, 1929 Subscription $2.00 a Year llepper IS. TAKES DEPARTURE Fletcher Walker Named Cup Winner; Address by Dr. Barker. Burt Brown Barker, vice presi dent of the University of Oregon, inspried the class of '29, Heppner high school, to aspire to a fuller and more complete Intellectual ex istence in a short address at the commencement exercises in the school auditorium-gymnasium Fri day evening. Dr. Barker's message was full of meat for one just leav ing the portals of an intermediate school, and made a fine impression on the large audience. Holding a place of particular prominence on the program, be cause of a, certain element of mys tery, was the presentation of the Norton Winnard Memorial cup to Fletcher Walker, a junior in the high school. The name of the win ner was not announced until the time of presentation, and the event was looked forward to with expec tancy. In a short presentation speech James M. Burgess, superin tendent, told of the qualifications necessary to attain the honor and expressed his satisfaction with the choice of the cup committee, be lieving the young Mr. Walker to be a worthy recipient of the trophy given In recognition of the high school junior displaying the most outstanding qualifications of not only scholarship, but leadership, manliness and general good char acter as well. The cup which stays In the school assembly room has the name of the winner each year engraved on It. This Is the third year of its existence, previous win ners being Gerald Slocum and Mar garet Notson. It was started by the class of '18 in memory of Nor ton Winnard, a member of that class, who died shortly after com pleting his medical course at Har vard. The award committee Is com posed of two members of the class of '18, the mayor of the city, county school superintendent and principal of the high school. Mr. Burgess also presented the class of '29, 17 in number, who were given their diplomas accompanied by a spicy and appropriate present ation speech by S. E. Notson, chair man of the board of directors. Those receiving their diplomas were Vir ginia Dix, Vivian (Cason) Prock. Dorothy Herren, Patricia Mahoney, Margaret Notson, Velton Owens, Gertrude Doherty, Terrel Bcnge, Clair Cox, Harlan Devin, Maurice. Edmondson, James Hager, Clarence Hayes, Paul Jones, Hadley Stewart, John Farley and Harry Wells. Musical numbers on the program Included a piano solo, "Witches' Dance," MacDowclI, by Jeanette Turner; "Sundown," Londonderry air. and "Waters of Mlnnetonka," Lleurence, High School chorus; cel lo solo, "Ave Maria," Schubert, Ruth Mlsslldlne, and piano solo, "Norma," Bellini, by Virginia Dix. Milton W. Bower, pastor of the Christian church, pronounced the Invocation. Many Eighth Grade Students Get Diplomas In the eighth grade final exam inations held in this county on May 16 and 17, 1929, the following stu dents were awarded common school diplomas: Dist. No. 1, Heppner: Roberta Thompson, James Farley, Gladys Cason, Mary Albee, Curtis Thom son, Annie Crump, Tommy Hott man, Winifred Case, Herman Green, Hazel Beymer, Edna M. Jones, Viv ian Stout, Carolyn Moyer, John Mc Namee, Beatrice Thomson, Charles Edward McMurdo. June Anderson. Dist. 17, Blackhorse: Edith A. Tucker. Dist. 10, Irrigon: Ruth Florine Brace, Maxwell Clifford Jones, Ken neth Allquist Dist. 6, Golden West school on Rhea creek: June Loretta Allstott Dist. 5, Morgan: Margaret Ely, Mary Alice Nash, Daniel Porter. Dist. 24, Lena: Katheiine Mc Laughlin. Dist. 27, Alpine: Dorothy Doherty, Alexander Lindsay. Dist. 37, Fariview: Leo J. Lleual len, Charles A. Carlson. Dist. 34, Willow Creek: Archie Hill. Dist. 2, Lexington: Volla Grace Burchell. Dist 25, Boardman: Warren Dil lon, Ada Wilbanks, Cecelia Partlow. Dist. 40, Hardman, Elvira Bleak man. Dist. 35. lone: Beulah E. Agee, Josephine Healy, Claude Charles O' Connor. Dist. 48, Pleasant Point: Merle Gray. Dist. 53, Social Ridge: Merrlt Swaggart CLUB MEETING TOSTPONED. Tho regular June meeting of the Woman's club has been postponed from Saturday, June 1, to Wednes day, June 5, at 2:30 p. m. at the ParlHh House. At that time plans will be made for assisting with the pioneers' reunion. Supt. and Mrs. Jas. M. Burgess "and Dorothy Dale Monroe went to Pendleton Monday evening for a short visit at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Melville Wire. They expected to leave Pendleton for Portland yesterday, returning to Heppner some time next week. Luncheon Club Backs Landing Field Move Heppner should have an emer gency landing field, and should take Immediate steps to obtain the same, is the sentiment expressed at the Monday meeting of the Heppner Luncheon club, Its last meeting un til fall unless a special meeting 1b called to go further into the matter of the landing field. It was brought out in the discussion that by pro viding a landing field filling the proper requirements the govern ment would install a 2.000,000 can dlepower beacon light to mark the field for night flyers. The local post American Legion has been working on the matter of a landing field for more than a year, and last year marked the Morrow heights for the purpose. However, it was learned that this field will not fulfill the requirements, and it was necessary to look around again for a proper field. James M. Bur gess, chairman ot the Legion com mittee for the purpose, reports the locating of a field that will un doubtedly fill the bill and that can be obtained. Mr. Burgess has made an exhaustive study of the require ments, having obtained a great deal of data from the United States de partment of commerce, and by re quest of Earl Halolck, president of the luncheon club, will appear be fore the next meeting of the city council to explain the situation and And out the possibility of the city giving support to the project Beatrice Thomson Wins Award from Auxiliary The presentation of the American Legion Auxiliary School Award medal is an important part of the Auxiliary's Americanism activities, and has become an annual event In Heppner, presentation being made at the commencement exercises. The medal is awarded to the eighth grade girl who receives the highest total percentage on the following points: honor, courage, service, Am ericanism, scholarship, and leader ship. In addition the girls are re quired to write a short essay on some phase of Americanism, the topic this year having been, "How I May be a Good Citizen." Those who competed were Wini fred Case, Beatrice Thomson, Edna Jones, Roberta Thompson and Nancy Jane Cox. The essays were universally good, and the judging committee found It truly difficult to determine just which girl was most worthy of the medal. It was de cided, however, that Beatrice Thom son is the winner for 1929, and her essay is as follows: HOW I MAY BE A GOOD CITIZEN American citizens of today often for--get the hardships and difficulties which our ancestors have had to go through in order to obtain the privileges and rights of Bflf-govermnent, which we now have. We have little thought of these things because we have so many rights, such as taking part in the gov ernment electing representatives and officers of the government, and enjoy ing the right guidance and protection which we receive through the various units of our government. In order to vote intelligently there Is much need for education. The Constitution grants to every person living In the United States religious freedom, freedom of speech, and assembly, ana of the press. These privileges, though given to us now, were fought for Dy early colon ists. It's a privilege to be a good citizen, therefore we should take advantage of this wonderful opportunity, because we are benefitted by a good government, so we should appreciate it enough to do our part. The first unit of government with which I come into contact is that of the home. There I learn to be obedient to my parents and to be considerate of the rights of the family. After learning to obey the laws of the household I am prepared to be obedient at school. I should learn to cooperate with others and be of the best help to the school mai i can. When in school I should study the lives of great men and heroes, such as Washington. Lincoln and others. This leads to reverence and respect for them, which is due these great men for hav ing served this country so well, and who died such good citizens. I should try my best to develop my bruin and make a good student of my self, bo as to train myself In doing my share in solving problems of the com munity, and prepare myself to be a good citizen in (lie future. I should study the lives of former good citizens and heroes that I may learn from their lives how I may also serve my country. I should join In the various sports and activities of the school and do my best to be sportsmanlike, honest and honorable. When organizations of the commun ity ask pupils to help them by being in a play or by writing essays. I should always be willing, as this helps me. as well as encourages the organization. I should end my support to chautuu quas and lyceums as they are educa tional and better the community. I Hhould go to Sunday school to learn the Bible and of the better things in life. Many grent men have said that the knowledge of the principles of the Bible have helped to make good govern ment and good citizenship. By belong ing to Camp Fire Girls or similar or ganizations, I learn more truly of the nag of the United States, so I feel a deeper respect and reverence for it. "The blue of the national flag repre sents justice like the eternal blue of the heavens; its white Is fro purity, cleanliness of purpose, of word or deed; Its red is the life blood of brave men and women ready to die or to worthily live for their country." Not only do these organizations teach the moaning of the (lag, but they teach helpfulness and patriotism, and train children for adult lodges which are an roganized help to the community. The United States with Its great nat ural resources, which as yet. have not been developed to their greatest extent, will never be compelled to be dependent UDon the products of other countries. as we have enough resources to provide ror ourselves. The people or mis coun try, realizing the great value of con servation, will never allow their re sources to become exhausted. When I go on picnics. I should insist that the tires be put out and In that way the forests are preserved. I should try my best to set an example for cithers by being obedient to laws con cerning the conservation of our natural resources. In this way I am being a good citizen, BEATRICE THOMSON Clnra Bow, hitting new high spots. Star Theater, Sunday-Monday. POLITICAL COMEDY "The Clean-Up" Coming to Chautauqua Chautauqua has become the thea tre in hundreds of American cities where formerly traveling road companies used to make an annual pilgrimage. During the past ten years the Chautauqua movement has been bringing better and bet ter plays and lias been especially Improving the quality of acting seen in all of the states, outside the Atlantic seaboard. "The Clean-l'p" which will be given on tho first night of Chau tauqua this year Is a comedy based on politics in any city of the Unit ed States. Moreover, ft shows women in politics. It's the story of the wife who runs for mayor against her husband's wishes. She lines up the supposedly crooked ward boss as her campaign man ager. He proves to be a good deal more conscientious than the city Merchants Institute Held in Heppner July 29-30 The Oregon State college cooper ating with the Oregon Retail Mer chants' association, conducted seven merchants Institutes throughout the state of Oregon during the year lHUS. These Institutes proved to be so popular that they have scheduled eighteen for this year. Heppner will hold their institute on July-29, 30 when Professors H. T. Vnnce and E. E. Bosworth, together with O. F. Tate, secretary of the Oregon Retail Merchants associa tion, will be here to conduct the meetings. The subjects which will be dis cussed will Include retail selling, advertising, buying, window trim ming, store lighting, office appli ances, credits and collections, turn over of accounts receivable, the sales dollar, cost of doing business, retail budgeting, income tax re turns, Oregon business, modern bus iness, and others. Definite programs will be arrang ed and in addition to these private conferences may be scheduled with any of the above-named men. A trophy for the largest attend ance In proportion to the merch ants population will be awarded. All business men and sales people are invited to attend the session. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to sincerely thank the American Legion and Auxiliary for their thoughtful and beautiful floral gift. It was appreciated very great ly. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ball. May 30th. MAKES GREAT HIT fill 0 .1 1 I : if kaJSk. 1 banker, society women and other supposedly good people. After many vicissitudes and plans she wins the election. The hus band Is genuinely proud, and every body lives happily thereafter. The cast presenting "The Clean Up" is a thoroughly good one. It is headed by Robert Pollard, and Cleone Pollard, who are so well known In many communities vis ited by the West Coast circuit. There are two plays on this year's Chautauqua. "The Clean Up" being given on the first night and "Smilln' Thia." which ha.s be come almost a classic in recent years with Its wonderful love story, the last night Local theatre goers are promised a real dramatic treat during Chau tauqua week. Grange at Lexington Starts With 39 Members An enthusiastic send-off was given the new Grange at Lexington Mon day evening, when a delegation of members from the Rhea Creek Grange assisted W. R. Gekeler, dis trict organizer from La Grande, in Its organization. Thorty-nlne char ter members signed the roll of the new lodge. S. D. Wright, master of the Rhea Creek Grange, presid ed at the meeting aau Mrs. O. C. Stephens, lecturer of the same Grange, gave an interesting talk. C. W. Smith, count agent also ad dressed the meeting. Officers of the new Grange in clude S. J. Devine, master; Harry Dinges, overseer; Emma Peck, lec turer; R. B. Wilcox, secretary; Otto Cutsforth, treasurer. The first reg ular meeting will be held June 7. REV. RASMUS TO SPEAK. Rev. Henry I. Rasmus, pioneer Methodist minister and one-time resident of Heppner, will preach at the Methodist church next Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. Mr. Rasmus is an uncle of Orville and Frank Ras mus of this city, and at one time engaged for a short time In the newspaper business In Heppner. Since leaving here he was pastor of the Spokane church, and more recently was located near Los An geles. Dr. and Mrs. Fred E. Farrior and son Freddie visited over the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Stone. Dr. Farrior reports his dental practice now well started In his new location nt Pendleton. E Free Chautauqua Starts June 8; Pioneers to Gather June 11. Morrow county's free Chautauqua starts in Heppner just one week from Saturday, when it is expected one of the largest crowds ever seen in the city will be here for the four days, June 8-9-10-11. Chautauqua starts Saturda evening with but the one program on that day, and two programs, afternoon and evening, on each of the succeeding three days. The pioneer's reunion will be a feature of Tuesday, the last day of Chautauqua, and plans have been laid by the committee in charge to make this an occasion really worth while and long to be remembered. A special pioneer program will be a feature in the morning, and all pioneers will be guests at the Chau tauqua programs in the afternoon and evening. A picnic dinner at noon will be one of the enjoyable features of the day. The full pro gram will be announced next week. Reserved seats for contributors to the Chautauqua have been avail able at Gordon's since last Saturday and have been rapidly taken since that time. The committee announ ces, however, that persons desiring reserved seats may still get the same by sending in their contribu tion, one seat for each 2.50, to Gay M. Anderson or leaving It at Hiatt & Dix, securing a receipt and presenting the same at Gordon's. This year's Chautauqua bids fair to be one of the very best ever pre sented. Two late and popular plays are headliners, one for the first pro gram and one for the last Both plays are of the chautauqua type clean, snappy and entertaining and well worth everyone's time to see. If you can possibly make It don't miss taking in at least a part of the chautauqua program. There will be absolutely no admission charge, the very largest tent used for chautauquas will assure a seat, and withal it will be a pleasant time that you can't afford to miss. MRS. HUDDLESTON PASSES. Mrs. Ray Huddleston, of Lone Rock, died at a hospital In The Dalles, Friday, May 17, burial ser vices being held at Lone Rock on Sunday following. Daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Huddleston at home for the funeral are Mrs. Albert Peterson, Ukiah, Mrs. Fred Parrish, of Condon, and Eleanor Huddles ton, of Lone Rock. Will and Ray mond Huddleston are on a trip to Alaska, having sailed prior to the time of their mother's death and were unable to be present Mr. Huddeston was also present at the funeral. Mrs. Huddleston was known in Heppner, having visited here many times. She was a sister- in-law of J. B. Huddleston and Miss Bess Huddleston, formerly of this city, and now residing at Lone Rock. N 0. W. ENTERTAIN. Maple Circle, Neighbors of Wood craft, was host Monday evening to a large number of guests from the Pendleton and Arlington lodges of the order. Initiatory ceremonies were a part of the evening's pro gram. Mrs. Olson, district repre sentative of Pendleton, was a guest of honor. Ice cream, cake and cof fee were served at a late hour, and a general social time enjoyed. By Albert T. Reid Vigorous Fight Made For Lower Grain Rates Farmers in the wheat belt of Ore gon are vigorously opposing the re port of Examiners Mackley and Hall, dealing with the freight rates on grain, according to James Hill, president of the Umatilla County Farm Bureau. Mr. Hill's organiza tion has been in the freight rate fight from the beginning and farm ers in Umatilla county have fully subscribed their quota of funds be ing used in presenting the growers' case to the Interstate Commerce commission. Arthur M. Geary, at torney for farm organizations of the northwest, is now in Washington, D. C, to appear before the Inter state Commerce commission in a final hearing on the subject of grain freight rates involving the Pacific northwest. The president of the Umatilla County Farm Bureau, who appeared in Portland before the commission as a witness for the grain growers, is authority for the statement that the fight for lower rates will be continued until the case is settled. "As a matter of fact," states Mr. Hill, "farmers throughout the grain belt of Oregon, Washington and Idaho are contributing toward the expense of this campaign for lower rates. Any impression that the case is not being vigorously prosecuted in behalf fo the grain growers is erroneous and farmers who have not already made their contribu tions to the quota asked from their respective counties are not doing their share in fighting their own battle." The chairman of the rate case committee in Morrow county is George N. Peck, of Lexington. Edwin Hughes, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hughes of Uma pine, was a member of this year's graduating class from McLaughlin high school of Milton-Freewater. Edwin was president of the stu dent body during the past year. He is now on a trip to Mexico with a party of students. Juanita, his sis ter, who was in a hospital in Walla Walla for some time following a serious operation, has full recover ed and is now visiting in Seattle in compan with Mrs. Nat Webb of in company with Mrs. Nat Webb of Walla Walla. Edwin was honored also by having his name placed on the Citizenship cup of McLaughlin high school, a token of excellence in scholarship. East lake Is the mecca for many Morrow county fishermen. A party leaving today will be composed by John Hiatt Ed Kelley, Earl War ner, Leonard and Earl Gilliam and A. W. Chapin, the latter visiting at the Gilliam home from Coquille. Leaving the first of the week were Gay Anderson and son Gay and Chas. Cox, and expected home yes terday were David Wilson, Marlin Gramse and Alva Jones. The "It" girl in a Glyn story, Star Theater, Sunday-Monday. Mrs. Jared C. Aiken departed Tu esday morning for Salt Lake City where she will join her husband who is special agent for the Hart ford Accident and Indemnity com pany with offices in that city. Mrs. Aiken has been spending some time at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Curran. D. O. Justus shipped a trainload of 30 cars of sheep to Baker Mon day morning where they will be placed on summer range. The ship ment Included 6400 head of ewes and lambs. Ralph Justus accom panied the shipment and will be in charge of the sheep during the sum mer. Percy Hughes and family and Mrs. Waldo Vincent of Umapine. arrived in Heppner yesterday for Decoration day. They were accom panied by Mrs. Catherine Hughes of Portland, mother of Mr. Hughes. Chas. Fuhrman, sheep shearer for seven years with the Frank Tur ner crew, left Tuesday for Montana to take part in a shearing contest. He has not been defeated here in seven years, according to report The Women's Missionary society of the Christian church will hold its regular meeting in the church parlors Tuesday afternoon, June 4, at 2:30. All members and friends urged to attend. The new house being constructed on the Harry Turner farm is report ed to be nearing completion. The house is two full stories with base ment and will have many modern conveniences. The Frank Turner family and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Cochran left Wed nesday for Monument for Decora tion day. Evelyn Swindig accom panied the Turners. Mr. and Mrs. Dean T. Goodman departed the first of the week for The Dalles to visit friends and relatives. Kathryn Bisbee will spend the summer at the farm home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Will Beymer. WHERE THEY PLAY Following is the Wheatland Baseball League schedule for the remainder of the Btmson: May 30 Heppner at Arlington, Wasco at lone, Fossli at Condon. June Heppner at lone, Condon at Wasco. Arlington at Fossil. Jung 9 lone at Heppner. Condon at Fossil. Wasco at Arlington. June 16 Heppner at Condon, Arling ton at lone. Fossil at Wasco. June 83 Wasco at Heppner, lone at Fossil, Condon at Arlington. Juns 30 Heppner at Wasco, Fossil at lone. Arlington at Condon. July 7 Arlington at Heppner, Ion at Condon, Wasco at Fossil. LOCAL HEWS ITEMS Visitors Get Off to Bad Start and Lose Hard Battle 11-3. LEAGUE BTAjronras Won Lost Pet. Wasco 8 0 1.000 Condon 6 .867 .600 Heppner 4 lone ; 3 .428 .166 .143 Fossil 1 Arlington 1 Lait Sunday's KeraJti At Heppner 11, Fossil 3; at Arlington t lone 2; at Condon 5, Wasco 10. Fossil showed up at Rodeo field Sunday minus Bramlett regular pitcher, and O'Rourke, succeeding him lasted just long enough to face three Heppner batsmen who loaded the bases. Kelsey was then switch ed from first base but three runs were made the full nine had come to bat before the initial rally was ended. Thorn and Erwin, who sing led, and Cason who made it first when O'Rourke fumbled his bunt did the scoring. Thorn walked home when Kelsey walked Drake, fourth up, and Erwin and Cason scored on Gentry's hit The fourth and sixth innings were much a repetition of the first at Heppner's times at bat, three more runs coming in the fourth and four in the sixth. The eleventh and final Heppner tally was made in. the eighth. However, things did not look so good for Heppner at the start On Fossil's first trip up Van Horn, lead-off, singled and went second when Don walked. Drake attempt ed to catch Van Horn playing off second, and Van Horn scored when DeVaney missed the throw. That's all the scoring Fossil did until the ninth, when with two away O' Rourke walked and stole second, Green singled and stole second and both runners scored on Kelsey's hit Tipley filed out to Sprouls to end the inning. A threatened Fossil attack waa squelched in the sixth. Van Horn, again first up, got on base on De Vaney's error, stole second sfhd went third on Don's hit Patterson sac rificed Don, himself stealing second. Then Hinkey laid down a grounder to Cason and Van Horn started home; Cason threw home and Van Horn beat It back to third, making it when Gentry overthrew the base. Thorn, in left, recovered the ball and threw it second, Patterson tak ing a big lead-off; Van Horn then attempted to go home again but Sprouls cut him off. O'Rourke fan ned to end the inning. It was a day of horseshoes for Carl Cason, thirdsacker, who made four tallies, getting on base each of his five times up on three hits an error and a walk. He fielded a 1000 percent on six chances and stole five bases. Cason was outhit by Gentry, however, who got four safe bingles on five trips to bat and batted in seven runs. "Bus," who is just breaking in behind the bat, caught a beautiful game. Today Heppner is playing at Ar lington, and Sunday the boys go to lone. They play at home again June 9 at the time the Morrow County Free Chautauqua Is in pro gress here. HEPPNER B R H O A E Thorn, 1 6 2 2 1 1 0 Erwin, 1 4 1 2 10 0 0 Cason, 3 4 4 3 0 8 0 Drake, p 2 2 0 0 11 0 Gentry, c ...... 5 1 4 11 1 0 Turner, m 3 0 0 0 0 0 Sprouls. 2 4 0 0 2 3 0 DeVaney, s 3 0 0 3 2 2 B. Bleakman, r. m. a 4 1 0 0 0 0 D. Bleakman, r, m 2 0 0 0 0 0 Robertson, r . 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 36 11 11 27 24 2 FOSSIL Van Horn. 8 4 112 11. Don, 3 3 0 1110 Patterson, c 4 0 0 9 1 0 Hinkey. r 4 0 0 0 0 0 O'Rourke. p. 1 3 1 0 9 0 2 Kelsey, 1, p 3 0 1 0 13 1 Green. 2 4 11110 Tipley. 1 4 0 0 1 0 0 Smith, m 3 0 0 1 0 0 Totals 32 3 4 24 17 4 Earned runs Heppner 6. Fossil 2; first base on balls off Drake 2, Kelsey 4: first base on errors Heppner 2, Fossil 1; two base hit Cason; struck out by Drake 10. Kelsey 9; hit by pitcher Drake, Kelsey. VISITORS ENTERTAINED. The Women's Auxiliary of Epis copal church entertained the ladies of the Pendleton Parish Aid at lun cheon and the regular missionary meeting this week. Those present from Pendleton were Mesdames Chas. Quinney, John Halley, Jr., Helen Robinson, H. D. Jones, Flor ence L. Berkeley, Lee Moorehouse, James Johns. Cora M. Phelps, N. D. Swearinger, Wilson E. Brock, Celes tine Schaefer, Alice B. Marsh; Vir ginia H. Tlfton, Dorohty W. Thompson, Helen Johns. Mable Ra vercomb, George Hartman, Kather ine H. Hinkle, Lucretia Overturf, C. K. Cranston, E. J. Murphy, Jane Temple, Walter A. Holt, H. J. Still man. Roy Raley, S. H. Forshaw, Gertrude Strand, and Ida M. Dut ton of Portland. The missionary program "The American Negro Re ligious Question" was discussed. Papers were read by Mrs. Alva Jones, Mrs. J. Arthur Craig and Mrs. W. C. Cox. Mrs. Mitchell Thorn sang two splendid vocal num bers which were enjoyed by all, and Mrs. P. M. Gemmell gRve a memorial reading. Rev. Stanley Moore gave a very interesting talk on religious training of the children In our homes. Contributed. John Wightman returned from Medford the first of the week, where he attended the I. O. O. F. grand lodge.