PAGE FOUR HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1929. SESSION FOR MAY Court met in regular session on Wednesday the 1st day of May, 1929, with all officers present when among others the following proceed ings were had: Court ordered the Engineer to survey the Rood canyon and Far rens roads. Court ordered the sum of $23. to be paid to Mabel Howell instead of to John Howell for the monthly up keep of J. W. Cradick. Court entered into cooperation with Forest Bureau to the extent of $1500 for the improvement of road in the Umatilla National Forest, the Forest Bureau to put up the same amount Bids were called for the furnish ing of 70 cords of heavy slab wood delivered at the Court House, and for the painting of the exterior and roof of the Court House, with the sanded paint first to be removed. The following bills were ordered paid and warrants drawn: Clyde Denny, Market $ B. Chapel, Market Emmet Ayers, Market "A. Lietz Co., Market 1st Nat Bank, Market F. & S. Bank, Market F. & S. Bank, Roads 1st Nat Bank, Roads A. R. Reid, Roads State, Roads Peoples Hdwe., Roads Howard-Cooper, Roads A. E. Anderson, 8 Mile Art Turner, 6 C. Darbee, Roads T .C. Troge, McNabb J. O. Hager, 8 Mile M. D. Clark, 8 Mile C. H. Latourell, Willow Cr. W. O. Bayleas, Willow Cr W. L. McCaleb, Gen. J. L. Latture, Gen. . Martin Reid, Gen. Feenaughty Co- Gen. I. A. Dempsey, 8 Mile Ed Breslin, 8 Mile K. L. Beach, Roads Union Oil Co., Roads Standard Oil Co., Roads Arlington Nat Bank, Roads John Bergstrom, 8 Mile Joe Barlow, 8 Mile J. P. Rhea Est, Jordan H. Northness, McNabb J. S. Baldwin, Willow Cr. Mike Healey, Jordan Ferguson Chev. Co., Roads. R. L. Benge, Roads Frank Shlvely, Roads Turn A Lum, Various Keuffel & Esser, Market Gilliam & Bisbee, Various- Pac. Tel. Co., Various Pac. Power Co., Various F. W. Turner, Ins., H. Howell, Janitor A. D. McMurdo, Various Rose Floreon, Pen. Emily Peck, Pen. Lula Ayers, Pen. Mary Markham, Pen. Vida Stickel, Pen. Lulu Bookman, Pen. Amy B. Collins, Pen. Ida Fletcher, Poor John Byland, Poor E. M. Matteson, Poor Nora Perlberg, Poor Lucy Rodgers, Supt C. J. Bauman, Sheriff Gazette Times, Various West Coast Prtg.. Assessor. State, Sheriff O. T. Ferguson, Clr. Ct Remington Rand, Treas. City of Heppner, Ct Hse. M. D. Clark, Poor M. L. Case, Poor Phelps Groc, Jail Thomson Bros., Various E. C. Miller, Tax Col Ed Nunn, Watermaster C. B. Orai, Sealer . L. P. Davidson, Co. Ct R. L. Benge, Co. Ct, G. A. Bleakman, Co. Ct -L. G. Herren, Poor 10.98 3.35 5.00 17.66 495.31 678.61 3,326.25 9,026.39 30530 274.87 8.72 487.52 50.00 63.66 131.07 3.00 25.50 35.00 3.60 27.84 9.10 43.37 20.00 38.50 925.40 65.95 102.45' 244.83 44.00 95.83 70.00 38.04 25.00 7.97 7.75 25.00 7.74 233.59 12.05 233.20 11.45 42.79 63.34 20.10 105.75 90.00 . 27.20 25.00 20.00 10.00 32.50 24.00 32.50 32.50 15.00 25.00 20.00 17.50 32.32 90.50 316.37 218.25 9.14 2.20 10.00 18.50 6.90 87.00 3.68 12.79 16.18 50.70 12.59 52.30 9.75 15.00 72.00 shredded plmientos, small stuffed olives, diced celery, diced Spanish onion and diced green pepper: cook until rice is fluffy and tender and arrange around chicken placed in center of platter. A Novel Salad Dressing Mix a cube of cream cheese with French dressing to bring it to a creamy consistency; add 1 tbl. chopped pickle and 1 tbl. of finely ground tongue. Serve over iced hearts of lettuce or a salad of hard cooked eggs on shredded lettuce. You'll Like Carrots This Way Cook 1 qt carrots and use 2 cups carrot puree to 1-4 cup bread crumbs, 2 eggs, 1-4 cup milk, 1 ts. chopped parsley and seasoning. Mix carrots, crumbs and seasoning with beaten eggs, add milk, blend and All buttered pudding cups with the mix ture. Set cups in pan of hot water and bake in moderate oven until firm. Unmold and serve with cream sauce. For Sunday Breakfast Sliced fresh pineapple Fried rice Creamed chipped beef Toast Plum butter Coffee The village hadn't even a cinema, and when a fifth-rate theatrical company came there it was an event. Tonight the were playing "The Madness of Mabel Mudguard," but the intervals were long and the audience Impatient To keep them quiet a versatile member of the cast who had been on the music-halls, undertook to do a knife-throwing turn. He threw knife after knife, slow ly but surely pinning his pretty as sistant between two rows of gleam ing blades. Sometimes the knives missed her by a hair's breadth. The audience watched the exhibition in stolid silence for some time. Then a disgusted voice at the back of the hall remarked, audibly: "Bill, let's clear out. The old fool's missed 'er again." TfiTMs or th (DtflflCB by Nancu ttart DID YOU KNOW that most luxurious slip covers for formal rooms are made from rayon dam asks and brocaded satins, both of which are washable and of a sturdy wearing quality that brings them within the first requirement for the purpose ? We all love the chintzes and fig ured linens. Yet there are certain rooms wherein jthey do not fit and times when a silky fabric is needed to give a touch of richness. When this be the requirement the brocaded covers add a great deal of importance to the setting and be ing washable can be used from season to season just as you would linen. Chicken Creole Cook chicken until tender as for frlcasse, remove liquor and keep hot over Bteam. Into the liquor put rice, PHONE or leave orders at Phelps Grocery Co. Home Phone 1102 HEPPNER TRANS FER COMPANY John Day Valley Freight Line (Incorporated) Operating between Heppner and Portland and John Day Highway Points. DAILY SERVICE Prompt delivery, rates reasonable plus personal and courteous service. $10,000 cargo insurance. CITY GARAGE, Local Agent, Phone 172 F. W. Turner & Co. GENERAL INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE WHEAT AND GRAIN Thomson Bros. Special Features Saturday-Monday, May 25-27 SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR This new style Octagon Extra Heavy Double Re tinned Cake Pan Regular Price 25c and 1 Pkg. of Swans down Cake Flour Regular 45c Total Value 70c Special .. 39c SOAP Fels Naptha 5 Bars 27c 25c PICKLES Kerr's, Fancy Whole Sweet, Pint AP Mason Jars .MJ SALMON ROSEDALE Medium Red Alaska, Glg l's tall, Can WESSON OIL "And an Egg make Mayonnaise" l Qf Quart can ...rMU CHOCOLATE PIMIENTOS Cortez, Regu lar size, can .... tf V CITRUS Washing Powder Large Size Package MARGARINE Highest Quality. A wonderful spread for bread and all baking purposes. AAA l-lb.Carton..itaUC RIPE OLIVES Lindsay's, "Just right for picnic lunches, l's tall. Picnic f Size. Can ....IOC 9c Ghirardelli's Ground, 1 lb. 33c MACARONI Spaghetti Noodles Highest .quality Sem olina, Regular Size Package. I4A PAPER PLATES I doz. plates to Package. Pkg. 3 Packages for 25c SHRIMP Otter Brand, Fancy large shrimp 4QA l's tall, Tin IOC 2 Cans for 35c 2 Packages FLAPJACK FLOUR Alber's large O A ar 212-lb. pkg. ..411 SNOWFLAKE Soda Biscuits Two-lb. Caddie Caddie 34c (towim 2vs?s wlffihmg and delivers your Hotpoint Si ?1 EGIN today enjoying the success that comes from XJ cooking with even temperatures. Becin todav. with the low heat of the Hotpoint cooking your vege tables in 13 less water, and preserving all the vitamins. And remember, the Hctpoint can get very hot can make steaks fairly sizzle. Eliminate hours spent clean- . ing kettles, walls and windows of soot and gummy deposits. For Hotpoint cooking is clean. You can take your kettles from your Hotpoint and place them on your snowy white table cloth, if you wish. Don't let the necessity of wiring keep you from enjoying a Hotpoint. Now, you can own a Hotpoint, and have it completely installed for $5 down! Put In electric water heater now! BtmMttful, full mflMitW mud wtkd atOammtk fom ttmk He4pat tkcfric rgi, qmppd vrith kitohi baHr-hi Isrg0 rmf fin tar, tftdpptd -with umttr wik pm both adts. Wili hmrm md r 17-inch vmd. Think of the comfort of having all the hot water you want without heating up your house or kitchen. An elec tric water heater is remarkably inexpensive to operate Jong with your Hotpoint range. Install a tank cover also and increase your hot water supply. $5 down delivers all three! $5 down for any Hotpoint ! A semi-porcelain, or full porcelain range, a three or four unit range, semi- or full-automatic choose what you will, but all you have to pay now is just $5! Allowance for your old stove Pacific Power & Light Company "Always at your service!" H-ft -$ffiA' -ft the air it's NERVE X ' y'. a cigarette its MILD tad yet THEY SATISFY T4STE TASTE above everything It is true, literally, that in making Chesterfields we put "taste above everything." v Tobaccos must be right, their aging thor ough, their blending and CROSS BLENDING accurate all for better taste. And evidently smokers are putting taste above everything too-for they certainly do stick to Chesterfields. esterf ield FINE TURKISH and DOMESTIC tobaccos, not only BLENDED but CROSS -BLENDED boom Mnu TotAoco Co.