HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1929. PAGE FIVE Br Arthur Brubana He Sprays Hens. The New Farm Plan. Heads and Fists. First Aid for Hoover. Thousands" that would not read an Einstein pamphlet will read this. Walter Dorsey, colored, of Atlan ta, Ga., confessing to chicken steal ing on a wholesale basis tells the judge, "I Just sprays 'em with chlor oform. Then stand back and wait In about five minutes they flop off the roost and are ready for my sack." That's more Interesting to many of us than the distance of the farth est star. The "William and Mary" plan to subsidize exports of farm products is rejected by Mr. Hoover. The sen ate plans, nevertheless, to try It The plan Is to give farmers ex porting wheat, etc., a bonus of one half the American tariff on all the wheat or other farm products exported. After consulting the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce and the Treasury, Mr. Hoover says the plan would enrich the speculators and reduce world prices, since foreign markets would have to meet the competition of subsidizing products. Also, says the President, the plan would cost the country $200,000,000 a year, cause much bankruptcy and it would not solve the farm problem. Farmers will cease moaning when they realize that the bonus money would be paid not direct to them but to merchant exporting pro ducts. I,t needs "no ghost come from the grave" to tell farmers how little they would get of that bonus. Wheat gamblers and the middle-men would get It. The farmer in his taxes would have to pay part of It. human beings should want to squeeze the Joints of the hand and tug at the muscles in the arm of a Dusy man is not easily understood Handshaking should be nhnllahnH since it means nothing and spreads germs. ' Germany permits all survivors of the Emden to add "Emden" to the rest of their name. Thus Freder Ich Garbe is Friederich Garbe-Em-den. The Emden destroyed eighteen steamers and one cruiser before an Australian cruiser ended its career. On the same basis Colonel Lind bergh would call himself Colonel Lindbergh-Atlantic Ocean. I0NE. Mrs. Bert Mason entertained at bridge Thursday afternoon of last week In honor of her sister, Mrs. Chas. Pez ell, and her niece, Mrs. Orvllle Parish, of Spokane . Two tables of bridge were in play. Besides the honor guests and the hostess, there were present Mrs. Ed Dick. Mrs. Koy Lleuallen. Mrs. M. E. Cotter and Mrs. E. K. Lundell. On Sunday Mrs. Bert Mason accom panied by her sister. Mrs. Dezell. and her niece, Mrs. Parish, motored to Port land where they will visit with Mrs. Mason's mother, Mrs. Adelia Godfrey. Wesley McNabb who has been having a painful abscess on his foot is much better. W. E. Ahalt celebrated his 80th birth day Muy 9. He was the honor guest at a dinner given by his daughter. Mrs. Fred Buchanan, at her home on Willow creek. Besides the guest of honor and the Buchanan family, there were pre sent Mrs. Ray Barnett and children, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ahalt, and Mrs. Han nah Ahalt. Peterson brothers shipped a car of hroses to Portland Saturday night. Fred Buchanan was called to Walla Walla last week by the serious Illness of his half-brother, L. E. McBee. We are glad to note that F. A. Lun dell who was quite 111 last week, is now able to be around again. John Cochran returned from Portland the last of the week where he had gone to attend to the re-Interment of the body of his son, Archie Cochran. Archie Cochran was burled in Masonic ceme tery, Heppner, but now has been laid to rest by the side of his wife in the; beautiful Rose City Park cemetery. I. R. Robison was a business visitor in Portland last week. While there he visited Ralph Harris who is receiving treatment for stomach trouble. Mr. Hurris is rapidy improving. Wendell Balslger Is now working in the Balfour, Guthrie and company of fice in Pendleton. Next month he will be placed in one of the offices on the Wasco branch line. Last Saturday the high school stu dents harkened to the call of the great out-of-doors and Journeyed to the mountains for their annual picnic. They spent the day In the vicinity of the coal mine. They took with them good appe tites and plenty of "eats." All report Mr. Tunney, world heavyweight champion, retired, has been visiting George Bernard Shaw on a small, sunny isle In the Adriatic sea. Tunney is barely thirty. Shaw is seventy-three. And Shaw, who has NOT retired, has no Idea of retiring. The head lasts longer than the lists. Eight hundred delegates to the Red Cross convention called upon President and Mrs. Hoover, and contributed "First Aid" by refrain ing from the usual hand-shaking nonsense. Why eight hundred intelligent , jolly time. L.0 .onnie Ritchie has bought the home place on First street. This is part of me properly oi me L,yaia Kiicnie es tate. The Missionary society of the Swed ish Lutheran church held its regular monthly meeting last Sunday afternoon at the Henry Peterson home. Sixty were present. At the close of the pro- f:ram refreshments were served. Fol owing Is the program as given: song, "The Morning Light Is Breaking; Bible reading by Rev. W. W. Head followed by prayer: reading of minutes; roll call; solo by Ame Viken; business ses sion; sermon by Arne Viken; closing song. "Tell Me the Old, Old Story." Mrs. Charlie Alllnger has returned to her home after an absence of eight weeks, part of the time spent In Port land, and part of the time with her daughter in Heppner. Mrs. Alllnger has been very HI, and while much im proved is not yet able to do her home work. Miss Esther Tucker is one of a class of eleven to graduate from the Riverton high school Friday, May 17. Miss Tuck er was a pupil in the lone school for three years while her father. J. Clifton Central Market Fresh and Cured Meats. Fish on Fridays. Oysters, Clams, Shell Fish. ATTENTION Farmers and ranchmen, we want your stock hogs, fat hogs, chickens, turkeys or other poultry, veal or beef. Come and see us when you have anything in this line to dispose of ; we pay all the market af fords and can use your produce. Central Market HENRY SCHWARZ & SON PHELPS' New and Better Store OFFERS YOU THE LATEST AND BEST IN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. A complete stock of staple and fancy grocelres at PHELPS Grocery Co. THE HOME OF GOOD EATS Phone Main 53 We Deliver Tucker, was superintendent . Mr. Tuck er has been the head of the Riverton school for the pant four years. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rletmann are visiting in Portland this week. Mr. and Mrs. Blain Blackwell have moved into the house on Second street owned by Mrs. Robert Balcom. Arthur Pettys who was taken 111 at the home of his aunt, Mm. Charley Nord, and who was later taken to Wal la Walla by his mother, Mrs. Pieffer, is seriously ill in a Walla Walla hos pital, where last Saturday he under went a kidney operation. Mr. and Mrs. Arne Viken, fo Bloom ing Prairie, Minn., and Mr. and Mrs. Halvorsen, of Los Angeles, Cal., depart ed the first of the week on their east ward journey. While here they were the guests of Mi and Mrs. Nicholi Thompsen. Mr. Viken held services in the Congregational church on Wednes day, Thursday and Friday evenings of last week, and on Sunday evening of this week. He preached Sunday morn ing in the Congregational church at Lexington, and assisted in the Mission ary meeting held Sunday afternoon in the Henry Peterson home. All those who attended enjoyed his sermons, his voice, and the music which he and Mr. Halvorsen furninhed on the musical saw, the Swedish harp, and the Haw aiian guitar. These people have been engaged in religious work in Portland and are now on their way to Mr. Vik en's home In Minnesota. Mrs. Edmond Bristow and little daughter returned Saturday to her home in Walla Walla after a pleasant visit with home folks. She was accom panied by her brother, Gene Grabil, who will remain for a few weeks visit. NOTICE OF SALE OF ANIMALS. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of the laws of the State of Oregon I have taken up the following described animals found running at large on my premises in Morrow County, State of Oregon, and that I will on Saturday the first day of June, 1929, at the hour of 10:00 oclock In the forenoon of said day at my ranch six miles east of Lena postofflce in Morrow County, Ore gon, offer for sale and sell the said animals to the highest bidder for cash in hand, unless the same shall have been redeemed by the owner or owners thereof. Said animals re described as follows: One bay gelding, branded bar A (A) on right stifle. One bay gelding branded H-E con nected on left stifle, with saddle marks. PHIL HIRI,, Lena. Oregon. A W EFFECTIVE MAT XX TO SEPT. RETURN LIMIT OCT. 31, 194 Reduced fare all part of e&jt; liberal stop over. Fine trains; modern equipment; splendid service; scenic route. Short side trips enables you to visit ZION NATIONAL PARK ORAND CANTON NATIONAL PARK BRYCE CANYON NATIONAL PARK YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATL PARK Information and Booklets on request ROUND TRIP DENVER OMAHA KANSAS CITY... ST. LOUIS CHICAGO DETROIT CINCINNATI NEW ORLEANS.. CLEVELAND TORONTO .. ATLANTA PITTSBURGH WASHINGTON . PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON 157.78 to nra .. 67.20 IsaJ . 7S.S0 . 75. BO . 8S.60 O.tO I0U.M 110.40 112.16 112.86 11 110 171.65 , 124.06 146.86 149.22 151.70 CHESTER S&BBEB Agent Heppner, Oregon Birthday Celebration Whose? CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST. Where? AT HEPPNER CHURCH OF CHRIST. When? SUNDAY MORNING. How? A UNIQUE WORSHIP SERV ICE AT THE LORD'S TABLE. Sermon, "The Birthday of the Church." Who? EVERY MEMBER 0 F T H E CHURCH of CHRIST, and all oth ers who will. HIE .. ,-4jrWW X II II if Jf J : ' fjTff; t - -.4 v O 0 0 ELECTRIC RANGES FEATURING A FREE COOKING SCHOOL AND FACTORY DEMONSTRATION 0F- This Amazing Electric Range $129.50 and up Electric cooking on a Monarch will be a revelation to you! These ranges are absolutely clean and odorless Cool in the kitchen Quick acting extremely low in monthly cost. They have the Monarch's famous speed oven, broiler, three cooking elements and extra plug for percola tor or waffle iron. The oven temperature is automatically con trolled. You know the sturdy d ependable Monarch fuel ranges your mother used one probably. But she never dreamed that daughter would have anything like this Electric. See These Ranges Actually Demonstrated at the LILLIAN IRMA SAYLES opens our sale with a two-day cooking school and demonstration of Monarch Electric Ranges. Mrs. Sayles Is a nationally famous home economist and a most interesting speaker. This school and dem onstration will astonish you. Mrs. Sayles moves so graciously so much at ease that you wonder where the work of cooking has gone. You leurn how to cook a whole dinner In the oven with new recipes, new methods, and new lahor savers. This school Is for you! Absolutely FREE! Held at 2:30 Monday and Tuesday, May 26 and 27, at Case Fur niture Store, Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. IF YOU EVER COOKED FOR A HUNGRY MAN You'll appreciate these points that make Mon arch Electric Ranges truly royal. Did you ever expect a range to take so much responsi bility READ THIS!- TIIE HEAT CONTROL is automatic so it is no hotter or cooler than you decide. OVEN Has two heat units, one at the top for roast ing, broiling and toasting; one covered element at the bottom tor general baking, both units on at once gives you double speed, but one is ample. COOKING Have big, fast heating radiant type elements each separately fused and three-heat switch. PLATES Are fitted with a Paramount heat block under the element, forcing the heat upward to do full duty. EXTRA OUTLET Lets you plug in a Percolator or Wafflle Iron if you wish. A splendid idea. THE PRICE Is the amazing part. You can get a Monarch Electric Range, finished in enamel with the two free pre i miums for only $129.50 SALE BEGINS MONDAY, MAY 26 Cooking School Monday and Tuesday MONARCH COOKING SCHOOL MAY 26 AND 27 MONDAY and TUESDAY MAY 26 and 27 Each day at 2:30 COME EVERY DAY p. 151. J itl 26 Pc. Set of Silverware, (j 1 ftllji'il Aluminum Oven Set WSwf 5t3SSI VALUE $27.00 Wll-Wfelll You get both Premiums 1 you buy during this sale. W.-iu -T..V1 .1 L . 7.--". .. HIV CASE FURNITURE CO. -:- HEPPNER